Lotuses in the Krasnodar region: Tbilisi region. Where is the Valley? Excursions to the Lotus Valley

Lotus blossoms begin around mid-July. The water in the Akhtanizovsky Estuary warms up to 25-30 degrees. The flowers reach a diameter of 15-20 cm, the lotus leaves are large, about 80 cm. The flowers bloom for no more than 10 days, after 10 days the lotus withers. In place of the bud there remains a small dark basket with seeds. They ripen and fall into the water. Lotus beautiful, but also dangerous. He is like a great ruler and loves to be alone. Where this flower grows, fish and other plants cannot live. He survives all the inhabitants of the reservoir. This could pose a threat to the inhabitants of the estuaries. The lotus grows very quickly. If, for example, one year there were a dozen flowers, the next year there will be more than a hundred. As they say, you have to pay for beauty. Let us hope that the flowers will not cause much harm to the surrounding inhabitants of the estuary.

Lotus Valley Krasnodar region

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The former Gorgippia lies on the border of the lowland of the Taman Peninsula and the western tip of the Watershed Range. That is, on the day when you get tired of relaxing in Anapa, the Lotus Valley in Taman will become a worthy continuation of the West Caucasus tour. Unique place called Akhtanizovsky Estuary is accessible from April to October, but its main pearl - blooming lotuses - is best seen in August or early September (when these “symbols of Buddha” bloom). Common reviews call this place “pink paradise”!

Where is the Lotus Valley in the Krasnodar region?

Usually one gets to the desired part of the specified lake through the Cossack Erik (a high-speed and “wet” trip along it is part of excursion tour). You can verify the actual location of the memo using both a map and a photo. “Lotus Valley in Anapa” is just a search query that does not at all indicate the extreme proximity of the specified attraction to the noisy resort town.

On the map Krasnodar region The Lotus Valley is located as follows:

Open map

History of appearance on the Taman Peninsula

Indian lotuses in the Western Caucasus?! Absolutely right. Once upon a time, their population was “introduced” to the lower reaches of the Volga - to the Astrakhan region. But almost 60 years ago, a group of botanists and enthusiasts recreational tourism successfully transplanted many bulbs of this elegant plant into the fertile silt of the largest body of water on the Taman Peninsula. This means “closed” over time, or rather, a chain of lakes that are hidden under this name. By the way, one of the Soviet scientists made the first – unsuccessful – transplant attempt back in 1938.

The location for this unique natural spot was not chosen by chance. It is here that the convenient Cossack Canal leads, starting from the equipped tourist tract “Oak Market”. It is a long hydraulic structure dug by the restless former inhabitants of the Zaporozhye Sich. Since 1792, tireless warriors and workers, almost without rest, defended and improved the borders of their new homeland, given to them by Catherine the Great.

Excursions to the Lotus Valley

The Akhtanizovsky estuary is a third of the entire area of ​​the Kuban-Azov lowland, known for its huge number of reservoirs. If it were not for the “islands” of reed thickets, where the insidious reed cat hides, then it would be a small sea, the opposite shores of which would not be visible.

If you don’t yet know what Northern Anapa has to offer, the Lotus Valley will be your first acquaintance with the “land of fabulous estuaries”, hundreds of eriks overgrown with greenery and artificial canals. The guide accompanying you on the tour will tell you a lot of interesting history along the way. For example, the origin of the Cossack Canal (the first water communication of the “Black Sea Cossacks”) and the Oak Market (one of the slave markets Ottoman Empire). On the territory of the latter you can buy sweets in a shop, go to the toilet or a small cafe. Here you can transfer to motor boats. The path to the “Kuban” lotuses will continue on them.

The name "Indian" does not link the "waterfowl" pink flowers to the Indus Valley. This type of flora was known back in Ancient Egypt. He decorated various eriks and borrowings of the “endless” Nile. And Queen Nefertiti even wore such a lotus on her head - hundreds of years before her birth, it already symbolized purity of thoughts and higher wisdom among the local (Hamitic) tribes. After this, other nations began to venerate the lotus.

The most interesting thing is that the seeds from the cups of the variety of lotus presented to you can be eaten. They taste like nuts. It’s really possible to take pictures with open buds in an embrace - the boatman guides his transport into the very thick of the bright plants. Children will more enjoy the “racing” boat ride itself - with extreme rocking in different directions and a “shower” formed from splashes of water (for this reason, participants in the excursion are given plastic raincoats).

How to get there from Anapa?

The bay lies 50 meters from the streets of the village of Akhtanizovskaya (Temryuk, Kuban). The most convenient way to get to the village is along the A-290 road. It starts from a junction north of the Anapa station. From the village you will have to cross the entire northern part water system - Lotus Valley is located near the Oak tract. And the inhabitant of Golubitskaya needs to travel only a kilometer (to the village of Strelka) to get to the beginning of the Cossack Erik, along which it is easiest to get to the desired goal.

You can get to the Lotus Valley on your own by car like this:

Open map

Prices, address and coordinates

  • Address: Taman, Temryuk, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 45.288701, 37.222316.
  • Prices for an excursion from Anapa: about 500 rubles.

Rest assured, the prices for the excursion presented here are quite affordable, and some of the tours even include an inexpensive lunch in a cafe (on the territory of the mentioned tract). You can buy it in the historical center or near the main beaches in Anapa. Lotus Valley is definitely worth a visit! In conclusion, we offer a short video about it, enjoy watching!

Coordinates: N45 17.712 E37 13.554.

The Lotus Valley (Krasnodar Territory) is located near the villages of Akhtanizovskaya, Golubitskaya, Peresyp, Starotitarovskaya, in the Akhtanizovsky estuary. The nearest large settlements are the cities of Anapa and Taman.

Lotus plantings in the Krasnodar region appeared in the 1980s.

According to one version, these amazing flowers were brought by a certain scientist. They tried to root planting material in all estuaries of the Krasnodar Territory, but salty water was not to the liking of freshwater flowers. As a result, the exotic plant took root in the Krasnodar region only in the Akhtanizovsky estuary, which was desalinated by the Cossacks more than 200 years ago, and in the estuaries near Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

Lotus Valley in the Krasnodar Territory

According to another version, lotus flowers were brought to Taman from the Astrakhan delta.

Indian flowers in the valley near Anapa reach 10-15 centimeters in diameter, and leaves - 80 cm, and they do not lie on the surface of the water, but stand on high legs. The active flowering period of lotuses in the Taman valley begins in mid-July and continues until the end of August.

You can get to the lotuses in the valley by boat or speedboat, since the shores of the Akhtanizovsky estuary are swampy and potentially dangerous.

The lotus valley (Anapa) is shallow - only half a meter, the water in the estuary is warm and fresh, which promotes the growth of exotic flowers, which have become one of the attractions of the Taman Peninsula.

Flowers in the Anapa valley of lotuses are listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory, so they cannot be picked. And if they are picked, they will live no more than 10 minutes.

The lotus was considered a sacred flower by many ancient civilizations. Surprisingly, the fruits of this plant - drupes - are edible and were consumed by ancient peoples North Africa for food.

There are many legends and beliefs about these amazing flowers. Thus, the ancients believed that those who inhale the aroma of this flower become wiser, and having whispered a cherished wish into an unopened bud, there is no doubt that it will come true.

Lotus Valley (Taman) is a unique attraction of the Krasnodar region, which is worth visiting early in the morning, at dawn, when all the flowers open towards the sun.

Photo: Nikolay Zimin, marina-novo, Tatyana Levi.

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Lotus Valley

Lotus Valley: where dreams live

“The main thing for a person is to believe in a dream, not to stop dreaming. After all, everything that exists in the world today was also once a dream,” Carl Sanberg, an American poet, once said.

Today our conversation will be about interesting places Krasnodar region. This region has been attracting tourists, travelers and people seeking new experiences for many decades. The region is extremely rich in nature and natural objects- here there is a warm sea, and endless beaches and mud volcanoes http://otdykhayka.rf/articles/intresting-articles/gryazevoy-vulkan-plevak/, slopes covered with vineyards and much more.

If you have a dream and want it to come true as soon as possible, you definitely need to visit one fabulous place in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar region. It is here that pink lotuses grow, which are called Indian or simply magical.

There is a belief that if you reach a lotus that is beginning to bloom and whisper your wish into it, it will certainly come true within a year.

It doesn’t take much effort to look at these flowers with your own eyes. The easiest way is to become a member of an organized excursion group, which are collected in Anapa. The second way is to get to the lotuses yourself. To do this, you need to leave the city on the highway and move in the direction Temryuk - Strelka. Then follow the signs to Cossack Erik, there are arrows along the way with the inscription “Lotuses”. Once you reach the hill called Oak Market, you can join groups for a shared boat ride with a driver and guided tours to the lotuses. It is possible to rent a boat. Travel time by water is about 40 minutes.

Lotuses appeared in this area in the eighties of the twentieth century. The seeds of the magic flower were specially brought from India. They did not take root right away: for many years, botanists and breeders tried to plant them in the local estuary.

The whole way along the river is also quite interesting excursion, from which you can find out that the hill bears this name because slave sales used to take place on it. Along the way, you will be shown an immature mud volcano and told about the trees and herbs that grow next to the estuary. However, you can see them with your own eyes: these are dwarf oaks, acacias, and willows. There are both viburnum and alder here. Many years ago, the Cossacks planted them with their own hands.

A variety of fish live in the waters of the estuary; if you look closely, you can see thick algae.

While listening to the excursion and exploring the local natural beauties, you don’t notice how you find yourself on a smooth surface, around which an incredible number of pink lotuses grow. The excursion boat makes one or two circles and carefully drives almost into the center of the lotus valley. Here you can enjoy the beauty up close!

In addition, pink lotuses emit a pleasant aroma, and their leaves are covered with a wax-like lubricant, which means that splashes of water that fall on the leaves are not absorbed or run off: they turn into large drops and sparkle in the sun like diamonds.

Lotuses bloom from mid-summer until the end. In particularly hot years, lotuses can bloom until the beginning of October, although not in the same quantity as in the summer.

In Ancient Egypt, places of worship were decorated with lotus wreaths; at feasts, lotus flowers were presented to the main guests as a sign of their respect. Surround yourself with lotus flowers in the Temryuk region, feel great at least for a short time!

Lotuses in the Krasnodar region: Tbilisi district

Lotus Valley


Lotus Valley

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Important: lotuses bloom from mid-July to mid-August. An opened lotus lives for about 10-12 days.

The Lotus Valley is located on the Akhtanizovsky estuary, which, in turn, is in close proximity to a number of key settlements Temryuk district: the villages of Peresyp, Golubitskaya, Starotitarovskaya, Akhtanizovskaya, as well as the administrative center - the city of Temryuk and the village of Taman. The Lotus Valley in Kuban was planted artificially at the beginning of 1980. However, the variety used for planting turned out to be extremely finicky, and therefore the flower plantation in the Temryuk region took root only on the territory of the estuary.

Flowers from the Lotus Valley on the Akhtanizovsky Estuary are Indian pink lotus. For its growth, very specific conditions must be met, similar to those that are relevant for its natural habitat. The lotus itself is a flower of incredible beauty, the branches of which reach 15 centimeters in diameter. Lotuses bloom actively from mid-July to mid-August. An opened lotus lives for about 10-12 days. After withering, a seed box remains in place of the flower, which in appearance resembles a baby rattle, emitting a gentle rattling sound when the wind gusts.

Lotuses are primarily associated with Asia, but they can also grow in China or India. Thus, this truly oriental exotic has been successfully grown for about 30 years in the Krasnodar region, in Taman Peninsula, in the Akhtanizovsky estuary. It was the local, fresh and warm water that allowed the plantation to first survive and then multiply. This is how the Valley of Lotuses appeared on the Akhtanizovsky Estuary - beautiful and mystical place, shrouded in mystery and superstition. The guides will be able to tell visitors many tales associated both with the Valley and with the pink lotuses themselves.

Excursions to the Lotus Valley

Excursions to the Lotus Valley on the Akhtanizovsky Estuary can be purchased at any travel agency in the city of Temryuk, or in one of the resort villages of Taman. You can get there on your own, by own car along the Temryuk-Strelka highway, as well as by minibus or private taxi.

You need to get to the Cossack Erik, and from there follow the “Lotus” signs to the boat parking lot. The shores of the Akhtanizovsky Estuary are swampy, so the Valley of Indian Lotuses can only be reached by boat. The canal leading to the Lotus Valley is man-made - it was created about 200 years ago. By boat the journey to the lotuses will take about 40 minutes, and by boat – 15 minutes.

Legends of Lotus Valley

The most romantic legend, which absolutely all tourists like, says that if you whisper the name of your lover or beloved into an open lotus, you will be together all your life. Visitors to the Lotus Valley enjoy participating in this mystical event.

Lotus Valley (Anapa, Taman, Krasnodar region)

From the outside it looks very mysterious: people with sparkling eyes bend over to a delicate bud and whisper something treasured, their own. They also say that if you are lucky enough to catch a blooming lotus, then you can tell it in a whisper your deepest desire, and it will certainly come true.

Cost and features of the excursion to the Lotus Valley

The price of the excursion may vary from year to year. Current information Please inquire regarding the cost during the flowering period!

A standard walk to the Lotus Valley on the Akhtanizovsky Estuary as part of a tourist group lasts on average about 6 hours. Steamships and boats are equipped with everything necessary for comfortable rest: chairs, awnings, awnings, etc. You can also buy drinks, fish soup or fresh kebab right on board.

The route to the Lotus Valley is interesting in itself. Firstly, the channel has an unusual and rich nature. Secondly, fishing lovers will quite possibly find it even more attractive than the flower plantation itself. The fact is that Erik is rich in perch, ram, bream, and pike. In the waters of the canal, a little upstream, where there are no excursion routes, annual fishing competitions are held. Attention: picking lotuses is strictly prohibited!

Lotus Valley on the map


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