Has the plane landed? How to find out if a plane has arrived. An additional way to get up-to-date flight information

Meeting relatives or business partners who have arrived by plane is not only troublesome, but sometimes requires a significant investment of time. Even today, in the days of advanced information technology, modern aircraft and a superbly developed communication network, a delay or rescheduling of a flight, or a change in schedule is quite commonplace.

How to find out at which airport the desired plane will land

If the guest is to be met in Moscow, first of all you need to find out which of the three capital airports the airliner will land at. In most other large Russian cities (Novosibirsk, Kazan) there is only one airport accepting civil flights.

To meet a passenger whose flight lands at Domodedovo International Airport, you should first of all check whether there have been any changes in the arrival time and only then get ready to go to the meeting. This question is especially relevant when a passenger arrives by charter flight, since it is this category of air travel that is most often adjusted regardless of the will of the passenger.

However, regular direct flights may be postponed or the landing of airliners on these flights may be moved to another airport. There are many reasons for this, starting with a banal thunderstorm front and ending with the threat of a terrorist attack. There have been cases where, due to the weather conditions of the flight itself, the plane was forced to make an unplanned landing at an intermediate airport and because of this, the time of arrival at Domodedovo Airport was postponed.

Ways to find out flight information

Usually exact time The plane's arrival at the airport of arrival is indicated on the air ticket, in the same line as the departure time, immediately after it. Moreover, the time on the ticket corresponds to the time zone in which the arrival airport is located. For example, in an air ticket "" the departure time will correspond to Moscow time, and the arrival time will correspond to the time zone of Knevichi Airport - the Vladivostok air gate. However, the reasons why flights may be postponed, delayed or rescheduled were indicated above, therefore, in order to clarify the information, you can use one of the following methods:

IN airport information desk By calling the dispatcher on a multi-channel telephone, always two to three hours before the official arrival time indicated on the ticket, you can clarify the exact time of arrival of the aircraft;

On the Internet, on the Internet information portal of Domodedovo Airport, find out the exact time of arrival, which is adjusted online;

If the greeter is at the airport, then the easiest way is to look at the arrival schedule board or check the arrival time at the information desk.

The last method is the most reliable and accurate. Even if the flight is rescheduled, this information is displayed on the information board. In addition, at Domodedovo airport, announcements about the time of arrival or its transfer are always made over loudspeaker broadcasting. That is, the information board at Domodedovo (and any other international airport in Russia) airport is the most accurate informant about the date of arrival.

The information board at Domodedovo Airport displays and Additional Information about the take-off of an aircraft at the departure airport, about the aircraft being in the air and about an unplanned landing or change of arrival airport. However, this method requires the presence of a person and the question of saving or wasting time is removed.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is inappropriate to arrive for a meeting in the last minutes before the arrival of the flight. Passengers can exit from different passages and in large areas modern airports It's easy to get lost. Therefore, when scheduling a meeting with an arriving person, it is better to arrive 30.0 ... 40.0 minutes before the expected time of arrival, clarify information about the arrival, and just get your bearings.

Many people encounter this problem quite often. They need to meet a plane, but they don’t know how to find out the exact time of arrival of the ship. It often happens that a flight is delayed, and you don’t want to spend extra time at the airport. How do you know if a plane has landed? Getting through by phone can be problematic, looking on the Internet is also not an option, there is unreliable information there. So some people have to sit at the airport for three hours, waiting for their relatives or friends.

Website flightradar24.com

A method that gives a guarantee

You can find out the arrival of the plane by flight number on the Internet. There is a resource http://www.flightradar24.com, which gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee, so you can add it to bookmarks in your browser if you often meet friends at the airport. This is a service that provides real-time flight tracking service.

The main page of the site shows a map of our planet, and the site tracks your location, and when you open the resource, you will most likely see your country. The map shows planes that this moment are in the sky. The information is reliable and comes from aircraft from all over the world. There are, of course, aircraft that do not have such equipment installed, but most are equipped with it. This equipment monitors changes in the movement of aircraft and transmits them to the service. It also receives information from other sites.

If you are interested in how to find out the arrival time of an aircraft by flight number, then please note that there is a search field under the logo itself.

Enter the plane's flight number and the city to which it flies. A table will be displayed in which you will find your flight, the flight path, departure and arrival times will be visible. You will also find the remaining flight time. Here you can check your flight departure time.

When you fly on an airplane, your parents may worry about how the flight is going, where the plane in which you are flying is currently located. So, the last column of the table displays the flight status. You can see that the plane has landed and what time or is expected to land.

It happens that the plane is not displayed on this resource. To understand why, you need to understand how this system works.

How it works

The flightradar24 web resource uses ADS-B (Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) technology for its work.

The airliner finds out its location using GPS navigation technology. On aircraft a transponder is installed that transmits a signal about the location of the liner and other important information, for example, speed, altitude, heading. The signal is sent to a receiver connected to the flightradar24 resource, and information about the aircraft is displayed on the website.

ADS-B technology

ADS-B is relative new technology and not all aircraft have transponders, but approximately 70% of commercial ships are equipped with them. For example, in Europe 80%, in the USA 60% of all aircraft are equipped with transponders.

This is not a large percentage of the total number of aircraft in the world, but the number of ships equipped with ADS-B transceivers is constantly growing and by 2020 it is planned to make them mandatory on every aircraft. There are more than 10 thousand ADS-B receivers installed around the world, which transmit information to flightradar24 servers.

Thanks to air travel, modern world became significantly smaller. In just a few hours you can overcome the vast distances that separate loved ones. Very often, it is extremely important for us to know whether the plane has landed - for example, in order to meet a loved one, call a taxi for a business partner, or simply, while at home, to know that everything is in order.

In an Aeroport

The easiest way to find out when a plane has landed is at the airport where it arrives. To do this, you need to find the flight board and see the current status of the required flight. If the plane has landed, it will have the corresponding status. Since in the vast majority of airports in the world the information on the board is indicated on English language, then the landed aircraft will have the status “Arrived” or “Landed at”. After these inscriptions the time of arrival is indicated.

However, flight statuses may be different:

  • Bags arriving - baggage is being issued;
  • On time - the flight will arrive on schedule;
  • Expected at 15:25 - arrival is expected at 15:25;
  • Canceled - cancelled.

Through the Internet

Flight statuses can be found anywhere in the world. All you need is internet access. There are several ways to find out the necessary information via the Internet.

The first method is the most reliable, and it consists of checking the current status on the airport website. To do this using search engine you need to find the airport website, and then find a board with flight statuses on the website. As a rule, it is located on the main page.

The second way is to use special resources that aggregate information from the pages of various airports and provide it to the user. This method is slightly less reliable than the previous one, since information may be updated with a slight delay. However, flight information is usually up to date.

A good example of such a service is Yandex Schedule. To use it, just go to the Yandex website (ya.ru) and enter the word “scoreboard” in the search bar, and immediately after it, separated by a space, the name of the airport. And immediately receive the necessary information. If the flight you need is not shown, you can go to view all flights at the airport by clicking on the “all flights” link.

If you own a smartphone, then the third option is suitable for you - installing an application for tracking air transport. Among the applications there are both simple ones that serve as a scoreboard, as well as more complex and interesting ones. In the latter, in addition to tracking the status of flights, you can also observe the movement of the aircraft on the map in real time.

Phone call

If for some reason the methods described above do not suit you, and you have a telephone, then you can call the airport information desk the old fashioned way and find out information about the flight. Airports usually have several helpline numbers. Free ones are difficult to reach, and paid ones are more responsive.

How do you know if a plane has landed? Many of you have probably often encountered this problem: you need to meet someone at the airport, but we don’t know the exact landing time. Looking on the Internet or calling can sometimes be quite problematic.

In an Aeroport

How do you know if a plane has landed at the airport? If you are at the airport and want to know if any plane has landed, then you can do this in the following ways:

  1. Help Desk at the airport - this is the first way. The airport service should help you find out whether the plane you need has arrived, and should also make sure that there is a possibility of being late. Its staff can provide you with information about their opening hours and all of their services completely free of charge.
  2. Electronic schedule(scoreboard). Such screens with the schedule of all flights hang in visible places for everyone waiting and contain information about departures and arrivals, as well as possible delays in landing of some aircraft. Electronic scoreboard displays data in tabular form. Often it shows: flight number, departure time, aircraft status and expected arrival time.
  3. And the third way to find out whether the plane has landed is through the representative office of the airline, the tour operator. Offices of well-known tour operators and major world airlines must be located in large international airports. This is convenient, because managers are always in the know, they are notified where their vehicles are, and can easily check if there are any changes. To do this, just call there.

Through the Internet

How to find out if a plane has landed via the Internet? There are several ways. First way. You can check the airport schedule on the Internet. You need to find out the international one according to the IATA classification and use it to find a website. You should simply enter the name of the air harbor into the search bar of your browser; the official website will be among the first suggested options. An electronic display with data on arriving aircraft is usually located on the main page of the resource.

The second way is to use an online service. The most popular application is Yandex. Schedule". After entering the request, it displays information on an online display, where it shows the arrival and departure of aircraft from the desired airport.

Also, don’t forget about modern technologies!

You can download a special application to your phone or tablet that will help you find out whether a particular plane has taken off and the exact time of its landing. To do this, you will need to enter data such as your number and destination into your device.

There are also more advanced and improved programs that have more useful information, for example, a service with prices for air tickets, a map with pilot routes, the ability to compare the cost of air tickets and see an image of the flight of the air transport you need.

Pros of services

After you have entered your information air transport, a table is formed, similar to the online boards that hang at airports, where information about the plane is displayed, for example, whether the plane landed or is still flying, its landing location, landing time, date, flight status.

The resources are connected to a receiver, to which a signal is sent with data about the speed, location, altitude and heading of the vessel.

Such services provide prompt, up-to-date and accurate information about almost everyone. aircraft that only exist on the planet. All changes will certainly be known almost immediately.

Many people now love to travel. Many fly across oceans and other continents to visit their loved ones. And you always need to make sure that their transport lands successfully.

Meeting business partners or relatives who have arrived by plane is not a troublesome task, but sometimes it requires a significant investment of time. Even now, in a period of well-developed advanced information technologies and communication networks, modern aircraft, schedule changes, flight rescheduling or delays are quite commonplace.

How to find out if a plane has arrived

If a flight passenger is expected to meet in Moscow, then first of all you need to find out at which airport the plane landed. In most other megacities (St. Petersburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk) there is only one airport that accepts civil flights.

If a passenger is scheduled to meet at Domodedovo Airport, then first of all it is important to find out whether there has been a change during arrival, and then get ready to go to the meeting. This method is relevant if the passenger arrives on a charter flight, since this category of air travel is adjusted most often.

But regular direct flights are often delayed or postponed, or the plane may be scheduled to land at another airport. There could be a lot of reasons: from banal bad weather to the threat of a terrorist attack. It also happened that due to flight weather conditions, the aircraft was forced to make an unplanned landing at some intermediate airport, thereby delaying the time of arrival at the airport.

Several ways to find out if a plane has arrived

As a rule, the exact time of arrival is indicated on the air ticket itself. In this case, the specified time fully corresponds to the time zone in which the arrival airport is located. For example, on a ticket “Moscow – Vladivostok” the departure will correspond to Moscow time, and the arrival, accordingly, will correspond to the time zone of Knevichi airport. But above were the reasons why flights may be delayed, rescheduled or postponed, so to clarify the information, use one of the following methods:

    call the dispatcher - at the airport information desk it is always possible to find out the exact time of arrival 2-3 hours before the official arrival time;

    on the Internet on the official website of the airport to find out the exact time of arrival;

    if the greeter is located at the airport, then the easiest way is to look at the schedule board or contact the information desk.

As you guessed, the last method is the most accurate and reliable. Even if the flight was suddenly postponed, this will definitely be displayed on the information board. In addition, at airports, announcements about the postponement of arrivals are often made over loudspeaker broadcasts. It turns out that the most accurate informant is the airport information board. It can also display additional information about take-off, an unexpected landing, whether the aircraft is in the air or a change of arrival airport. But this method requires the personal presence of a person, which means that the issue of wasting time and saving is completely removed.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that arriving for a meeting a few minutes before the plane arrives will not be advisable. Passengers can exit in huge areas of airports from various passages, where they can easily get confused. Therefore, if you are planning a meeting at the airport, it is better to arrive there 30-40 minutes before the expected time of arrival, clarify all the necessary information and calmly get your bearings.


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