Ob Bay Sabetta jobs and jobs. Sabetta Airport. Yamal district, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Accepted aircraft types

Recently, in Yamal, the world's first icebreaker tanker was loaded with liquefied natural gas. Russian President Vladimir Putin flew to this event. All Interesting Facts, you need to know about Sabetta and the Yamal LNG plant - in this material.

Where does the “Italian name” Sabetta come from in Yamal?

Sabetta is a rotational camp near the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea on east coast Yamal Peninsula. The village got its name from the local family of Samoyeds, Sabe, who lived in the area and were engaged in reindeer herding. The very name of the Yamal Peninsula is also of Samoyed origin and means “end of the earth” - Ya-mal.

This is what Sabetta looks like from a bird's eye view. Truly the end of the earth

It is interesting that initially, the name of the village had one letter T - Sabetha. But during the restart of the gas-rich region and the construction planned for seaport, of international importance, the name was Europeanized by adding a second T. Now the village sounds a little Italian, with a catchphrase - Sabetta. True, now there is a version, disseminated, including by Wikipedia, that the village received its name from the Sabetta-Yakha River, which flows into the Ob Bay at this point. In the Nenets language, sabetta means a woman's headdress.

Sabeta (with another T in the name) began to transform from a Nenets camp into the village in 1980, when geologists from the Tambey oil and gas exploration expedition, previously stationed in Labytnangi, landed here. But by 2002, only 19 residents remained in the village, and the village of Sabeta was abolished in 2006.

How do they even live and work there?

The Northern Lights brighten up the evenings of the Sabetians
Sergey Neverov

The Yamal Peninsula is a swampy plain. Construction can only be done in winter. And winter in Yamal lasts ten months a year, several of them during the polar night. Frosts of minus 50 degrees are commonplace for shift workers. Squally winds cause more problems. They work there exclusively on shifts. Three weeks. The dormitories are equipped to the highest standard. Unspoiled expensive resorts workers compare their rooms to three- and four-star hotels. Alcohol is strictly prohibited throughout the village. They do not give Holy Communion even in the local church. Those caught drunk pay decent fines with five zeros, and their employers - with six.

There is little entertainment in the village, but the Internet works, and in social networks there are several active groups. One of them is “Sabetta Super!” (Yamal LNG)" on the VKontakte network has almost 20 thousand subscribers.

The food is very decent, but to get into the canteens, sometimes you have to firmly defend your right. The contingent is overwhelmingly male, and shift workers sometimes relieve tension like men. Entertainment also includes watching northern lights and winter swimming. Making friends with the local fauna is strongly discouraged. Polar bear may taste it simply out of curiosity, and arctic foxes that walk around the village in search of handouts can infect them with rabies.

This light phenomenon is common in polar winter and artificial light.
Airat Basareev

Temple of Sabetta, where they do not take communion with wine
Andrey Starostin

You can swim in Sabetta directly with walruses Alexey Ivanov

Is it true that outsiders cannot fly to Sabetta?

An international airport was built and put into operation in Sabetta. Red Wings flies from Moscow, and AK Yamal flies to Moscow. There are also flights from Novy Urengoy and Salekhard. Officially, tickets are not sold for all these flights. But you can almost always join the watch by agreeing in advance with the inviting party or with the air carrier.

Baggage inspection at Sabetta airport is carried out for imported alcohol. Any quantity and quality of alcoholic beverages will be confiscated by security services. You can refuse to have your luggage searched by paying a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

international Airport Sabetta
Andrey Starostin

Why does Sabetta need a seaport, and an international one at that?

Construction of the international sea cargo port in Sabetta began in 2012, and already in 2013 it began to accept cargo ships. The seaport was finally ready this year - for the arrival of the world's first and so far only icebreaker-type gas tanker. The liquefied natural gas plant itself is being completed on the territory of the seaport so that liquid gas can be immediately pumped into tankers and sent along the Northern Sea Route. The first icebreaker tanker will go directly to China with LNG.

"Christophe De Margerie" passes through 2.1 meters of ice on its own
Dmitry Lobusov

Trial commercial voyage of icebreaker tanker Christophe de Margerie from Norway to South Korea traveled along the entire Northern Sea Route in 19 days. This is 30% faster than through the Suez Canal. This is the main advantage of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). And the NSR is the shortest between the European part of Russia and Far East- the distance from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok is a little more than 14 thousand km.

Tanks filled with natural gas Yamal LNG

Work for Far North it's not an easy matter. Have to work in difficult climatic conditions: extreme temperatures, constant winds, and mountains of snow. All this is familiar to the residents of the village of Sabetta, who are working on the construction of the Yamal LNG plant. We have shown large-scale construction more than once, but how is the life and leisure time of workers organized?

One of the work shifts has come to an end, and those who worked are rushing to the hostel as quickly as possible. It’s still frosty here, in the evening it’s down to minus twenty outside, and there’s a lot of snow. In this white desert, the orange and blue village looks like a bright spot. And here is the store, also decorated in these colors. It's crowded here in the evening. However, there are always enough visitors.

Although it is crowded here, the range of goods is pleasing to the eye. Products are delivered to the village in large quantities by water, and delivered to the store every other day. Treats and drinking water are what are most in demand among local customers.

“There are not enough sweets here. I've been here for a very long time - about 4 months, and I can say that it tastes delicious. Prices, of course, differ from those on the ground, but in terms of assortment, everything is excellent,” says Denis Kharchenko.

Seller Yulia has been working here on a rotational basis for two years. I came to Sabetta from Omsk. They work with their partners with virtually no rest. But they love their work. They recognize almost everyone by sight and remember the gastronomic preferences of their customers.

“Everyone wants something tasty, imagine - constantly eating in the canteen, you don’t want to. Some people cook it themselves. They buy a lot of chickens, and now we sell vegetables. They take a lot of vegetables - they constantly ask, and we order. The men take multicookers with them and cook,” shares seller Yulia Parakhuda.

Home-work, work-home. Life in a workers' settlement is not very diverse. But for hard workers, they tried to make everything as comfortable as possible. Comfortable dormitories, spacious dining rooms, and for leisure - a large gym. Those who still have strength left after work can go to Gym or kick the ball. Living conditions for people here are decent.

A village of 15 thousand inhabitants in the middle of a snowy desert is another proof that people in our country not only think big, but also do big things. Construction of the century - this is how the Yamal LNG plant can now be called. Well, all these people are just grains of sand in a large-scale project. It is impossible to build the Arctic, but it is possible to create it - with its permission.

And recently I was brought beyond the Arctic Circle, to the village of Sabetta, which is located on the eastern shore of the Yamal Peninsula near the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea. Just a couple of years ago there was practically nothing on this place, but now it has already been built modern airport, and having the official status of “International”, there is a year-round seaport, the necessary infrastructure has been created, and this is: housing, roads, etc. On this moment More than 15 thousand people work in Sabetta. And this is all thanks to the largest and unique project of our time, the YamalLNG liquefied natural gas plant. Well, let's see how everything works here?

2. The flight to Sabetta from Moscow takes about 4 hours

3. This is my first time flying. “Gazprom Avia”, and they are already greeted like a king, and that’s without any heat.

4. By the way, I would like to express my gratitude to Gazprom Avia Airlines and the entire crew of GZP 9643 for an excellent, comfortable flight and attention; 8 hours (round trip) with you passed unnoticed.

5. And this is Sabetta International Airport

6. Sabetta International Airport is one of the largest in the world northern airports. It is capable of receiving almost all types of aircraft. The airport complex includes an airfield that meets ICAO category I requirements, a runway measuring 2704x46 m, hangars for aircraft, a service and passenger building, including an international sector. The 100 percent owner of the airport is YamalLNG itself.

7. The first passenger aircraft Boeing 737 UTair airlines landed at the airport on December 4, 2014, but this was still the first test flight. Regular flights began to operate on February 2, 2015. The next important date in the history of the airport was July 29, 2015, on this day, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the airport was opened for international flights and a cargo-passenger checkpoint across the state border was established there. At the moment, constant passenger flights with cities are organized New Urengoy and Moscow, in the future route network should expand. Now the average passenger traffic is about 150 thousand people per year, but when the YamalLNG project requires more participation, the airport is ready to serve 300 thousand people.

9. We divide into groups and go to the village on rotations

10. The name of the village of Sabetta was given by geologists from the Tambey NGRE, who came here in the 80s of the last century. There are several versions why Sabetta. According to one of them, the name of the village comes from the name of the trading post that existed here, “Sovetskaya,” converted into Nenets. According to another version, it comes from the name of the local Samoyed clan who lived in the area - the Sabe clan. The third version is that Sabetta is the name of a woman’s headdress (in the Nenets language).

11. At first glance, taking into account the climatic and natural conditions the village looks very decent. All conditions have been created here for builders and future plant workers. Several canteens are already operating, there is a hotel, a first-aid post, a bathhouse, a sports complex, a laundry, a number of administrative buildings, there is its own boiler room, sewerage and water treatment facilities, food storage warehouses, a fire station, a warm parking lot, etc.

15. And here is the headquarters of the future plant, but I’ll tell you about it next time. To be continued...

Many thanks to the entire press service of NOVATEK OJSC and personally to Larisa Dukhanina for organizing my visit.

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The first Arctic hub in Russia is Sabetta International Airport. It is located near the settlement of the same name in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. is of strategic importance for the development of the oil and gas industry in the region.


The Sabetta rotational camp is located in close proximity to the airport. The air harbor is located on the eastern shore near the Ob Bay, which belongs to the Kara Sea.

Infrastructure of the Yamal region

The Yamal region is quite difficult for the development and development of mineral resources. This is due not only to the harsh climate, but also to the underdevelopment of infrastructure. One of the key objectives of the Yamal LNG project is to solve this problem.

The closest air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was previously It was opened at the end of 2012 and is fully owned by Gazprom. The nearest railway station “Karskaya” is located at the same distance from the village. Therefore, the problem of transport infrastructure seriously hampered the development of the South Tambeyskoye field.

Sabetta Airport (Yamal): construction

The construction of an air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was a large-scale Yamal LNG project. This project involves the construction of transport infrastructure for the South Tambeyskoye field, which is one of the largest natural gas reserves in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is also home to a liquefied natural gas plant. Work on the construction of transport infrastructure began in 2012, when the construction of Sabetta Airport began. In the same year, construction of the seaport began. The port is designed for navigation throughout the year. In the future, the Russian icebreaker fleet will be localized here.

The operator of the Arctic “air gate” is the limited liability company Sabetta International Airport, which, in turn, is owned by the Yamal LNG enterprise, which is implementing the project for the development of the South Tambeyskoye field. Among the shareholders of Yamal LNG:

  1. Independent Russian company Novatek (holds 60% of shares).
  2. French oil and gas company Total (20% shares).
  3. National oil and gas corporation from China CNPC (20% shares).

The total investment in the implementation of the Yamal CIS project, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to about $27 billion. During the year, natural gas production volumes reach 30 billion cubic meters. Gas is exported mainly in a liquefied state. The estimated volume of raw material reserves is about 492 billion cubic meters, and other liquid hydrocarbons - 14 million tons.

The construction of the Arctic hub involved the use latest technologies for the construction of structures on permafrost waterlogged soils. The project for the construction of a two-story airport terminal building was published at the end of 2013 on the Novatek Internet portal. At the beginning of 2014, the Yamal LNG enterprise reported that, according to preliminary estimates, the volume of investments in the construction of the air transport hub amounted to 150 million rubles.

The complex construction project involved two stages of work. The first included the construction of a service and passenger terminal located on an area of ​​36 × 42 m. The second included the construction of an international terminal on an area of ​​36 × 36.5 m and a building for the command and control tower. Thus, both terminals should be located on an area of ​​36 × 78.5 m. Initially, the opening of the first Arctic airport was planned for June 2015.

The airfield complex project included the construction of a runway and hangars for aircraft. Construction of the runway was completed by December 2014.

In July 2015, the airport management received a certificate of conformity for the operation of the airport. The air hub was also included in the state register. On October 5 of the same year, the Interstate Aviation Committee officially recognized the suitability of the airport for receiving and sending international flights. And on December 24, a checkpoint across the state border opened.

Sabetta Airport: opening

Despite the fact that the opening of the hub was planned for 2015, the first flight was accepted in 2014. On December 22, the first plane arrived in the village of Sabetta. It was a Boeing 737 from the domestic carrier UTair. The flight was primarily of a technical nature. Reception aircraft and service for passenger flights began on February 2, 2015. The airport opened for international air travel on July 29 of the same year. The reason for this was the order of the Russian government, as well as the installation of a cargo-passenger checkpoint across the state border. First international flight took place on the night of March 4, 2016, which was carried out along the route “Beijing - Sabetta - Moscow”. The aircraft arrived from Chinese capital and delivered four passengers to Sabetta (Yamal region), after which it went to Moscow.

Runway characteristics

Sabetta Airport has a runway made of reinforced concrete, which fully complies with the requirements of the first category of ICAO. The strip dimensions are 2704 m in length and 46 m in width.

Accepted aircraft types

The Arctic hub can receive and dispatch the following types of airliners:

  • "IL-76".
  • "Airbus A-320".
  • "Boeing 737-300".
  • "Boeing 767-200".

It is also capable of accepting lighter take-off weight aircraft and all types of helicopters.

Airlines, flights

Currently, Sabetta Airport handles regular rotational passenger flights operated by domestic companies UTair and Yamal.

UTair operates flights from Sabetta to Moscow (Vnukovo Airport), Novy Urengoy and Samara. The Yamal air carrier operates flights to Moscow (Domodedovo Airport) and Novy Urengoy.

Thus, the Sabetta Arctic Airport is of great strategic national importance. It was built as part of the Yamal LNG project, designed to improve transport infrastructure South Tambey natural gas field. Construction of the hub began practically from scratch in 2012 and was completed by the end of 2014. V.V. Putin notes that the project is financed from private and public funds. CEO UTair airline A. Martirosov believes that the opening of the airport will increase the level transport accessibility of the Yamal Peninsula and will become an impetus for the development of northwestern Siberia. The village of Sabetta has actually become the largest international air transport hub in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Against the backdrop of a very real general collapse of everything and everyone, something is still being done in the country. And in the most unexpected places (although, how can I say, maybe this is just what is expected).
In the Far North, practically on the shores of the Arctic Ocean (according to the independent Arctic), more precisely, on west coast In the Gulf of Ob, almost at the outlet to the ocean, 650 km north-west of Novy Urengoy, in the tundra and permafrost, literally in a year a new, ultra-modern airfield was built with the beautiful foreign name Sabetta (after the name of the shift workers’ village).
Of course, it was not the state that built it, but the “private” company Novatek (the largest gas producer after Gazprom, and its competitor). Ultra-modern materials and technologies, in Western fashion, modular structures of airport terminal buildings and airport services in bright, cheerful colors (orange-blue), a web of openwork shiny nickel-plated steel structures through which pipes and cables are laid. It looks less like an airport and more like a chemical plant.
The order is also in the Western style. The discipline is the strictest. Appearing on the airfield without a reflective vest is a fine of 30 thousand, smoking in the wrong place is 30 thousand. There are video cameras all around, you can’t hide. Because of this, I haven’t yet dared to take a photo of the airport terminal. What if it’s not allowed either, and they’ll spot it? There’s no extra money  I’ll take a closer look, get used to it, find out if it’s possible, and take a photo.
Moreover, Sabetta has been declared an “alcohol-free area.” And everything is done in an adult, real way. At the exit from the airport, your luggage is inspected at the checkpoint and all alcohol, if any, is confiscated. I didn’t ask if they would return it later on departure. One of our crews was slightly injured. The flight from N. Urengoy to Sabetta was supposed to take place on December 30 and then immediately to the base, home. We arrived in Sabetta on the afternoon of December 30, planning to quickly unload and go home. And the weather turned bad. In the North, the weather in winter is extremely unstable. It may be CAVOK (Ceiling & Visibility Ok) for days in a row (visibility more than 10 km, cloud cover above 1500, i.e. ideal weather, “good” in Russian meteorological terminology) with light winds. Or it could deteriorate for a week in a matter of minutes, or the wind could blow so hard (as often in Norilsk) that you can’t even think about flying. They ended up stuck in Sabetta for 4 days, until January 3rd. And this is just a tiny rotational camp; there are not even shops there, there is not even a normal connection, not to mention the Internet. Food is served according to a schedule in the canteen. Moreover, upon leaving, all alcohol was confiscated from them. So we met NG dry, in the middle of nowhere.
Employees proudly tell how the airfield was built. There is permafrost here, the soil is unstable - in winter it hardens like stone, in summer it melts and “floats”. It turns out that the entire area of ​​the airfield - the runway, taxiways, apron, parking areas, and even the road to the rotational camp (several kilometers around the airfield) were made using the same technology. The ground is leveled, solid slabs of foam-type material 10-15 cm thick are laid on the ground. A sand cushion of 2-3 meters is poured onto them, then concrete slabs are laid. Of course, the description is very rough and approximate (on the airfield the concrete surface is perfectly flat, the seams and joints of the slabs cannot be felt at all, even to the touch, as if it were a solid pour). Unlike the airfield, the road is not made so perfectly. Duc-duc-duc at the seams and the road is in waves. The driver said that one of the important roads was forced to be redone.
The shift camp is not wretched little girder trailers, as was previously shown in reports from the North. Here, too, everything is according to Western standards. It feels like you are in the scenery of a film about oil workers in Alaska or shift workers in Newfoundland. Even rows of brightly painted (in the signature orange and blue) three-story “barracks” - constructor buildings made from “trailers” - residential modules. Piles are driven into the permafrost, frames are mounted on them, and then cube modules are assembled. Like a children's construction set. There is amazing heat and sound insulation inside. No frost (sometimes it drops to -50) and wind (which is constant here) is not scary. Rooms for two. Eat shared kitchen to the floor. The room has a TV, running water, sewerage, central heating. Draconian fines for any violation. The standard fee is 30 thousand. For smoking in the wrong place (to be fair, the smoking room is allocated - an iron container without one wall on the street between houses). For a closed heating radiator tap. The entire village is entangled in pipes. The pipes are quite high above the ground, but you can’t walk under them - there’s a fine. There are cameras all around. It is necessary to cross them through staircases. To get from our “dormitory No...” (that’s what the houses are officially called) to the dining room (Food establishment No....), you need to go around and through 2 staircases, although in a straight line it’s less than 100 m. But everyone goes as expected. The dining room looks like a soldier's. Huge hall. The food is very cheap and tasty. All payments are made with special cards. But you can also do it in cash. Oddly enough, I saw a lot of women in work uniforms in the queue. Not cafeteria workers or cleaners, but real working class people. By the way, I didn’t see a single person in dirty or oily overalls or overalls. All workers are clean and neatly dressed. The Western standard has reached here too.
While driving to the village, the driver said something about the Americans. I became interested. It turned out that Americans are working here with all their might (some kind of Schluberger company, I quote it by ear). They are drilling for gas. Transferring modern technologies. What kind of sanctions are there... I was surprised - the airport is not yet fully open, but there is already a border post.
Despite the fact that the airfield is fully equipped with all the necessary radar and navigation aids, the most modern ones at that, it is not yet fully certified (the procedure is long and tedious. They even received the right to refuel only recently after lengthy tedious approvals and commissions). Therefore, the control tower at the airfield is called “Sabetta-information” (i.e., officially it does not have the right to control air traffic, give permission for takeoff or landing, it only “provides information services” - that is, it performs ordinary dispatch functions - reports weather at the airfield, informs about the approach and exit patterns after takeoff, reports pressure, “recommends” taking a certain altitude, but without issuing permits). An interesting nuance - on the final section, on the landing glide path, in response to the request “Ready for landing!” answers not as expected, “I am cleared to land,” but “The runway is clear!” The same thing on takeoff - “Ready for takeoff!” - “The lane is free!” Those. Guys, it’s entirely your responsibility - if you want, sit down, take off, but I have nothing to do with it. This is the procedure until the airfield is finally certified. Moreover, because of this, it is not yet even in the official collections of API (aeronautical information, the so-called Jeppesen, which collects data from all certified airfields in the world, including African unpaved airfields). We have to use semi-official schemes. Designed according to all the rules, but with large watermarks “Attention! Do not use in collections!” (i.e. not officially approved). But airport employees say that business is moving, and quite quickly (the money is very serious).
By the way, one more funny nuance. Barometric altitudes for maintaining the landing approach are set in Sabetta in meters, but according to QNH pressure (minimum pressure normalized to sea level), as is done all over the world, including original China. The funny thing is that Russia is the only one country in the world (not counting Belarus and Ukraine and the post-Soviet Asian republics) flies not according to QNH, but according to QFE pressure (altitude measured from the runway level). Legacy of the USSR. The difference is that QNH is a more convenient and accurate way to maintain safe flight altitudes (especially in mountainous areas). In order to calculate the actual airfield pressure (QFE), you need to subtract the elevation figure for that particular runway from the QNH value (measured in hectopascals) indicated by the controller (or in the ATIS automatic landing information service message). For example, given QNH 1004, the elevation of runway 04 in Sabetta is 14 meters, this is approximately 1 hectopascal (1 hPa = 11 m), which means QFE will be 1004-1 = 1003. In ordinary Russian airports This is exactly the value that would be set on the electronic barometric altimeter when switching from the standard (1013, corresponding to 760 mb) to the airfield pressure. And in Sabetta - as in the “civilized” world - 1004. And already being guided by it, a further descent and landing takes place. In addition, we multiply the resulting value of QFE(1003) by 0.75 and get 752 millibars. This is to install on old-style analog dial altimeters. They have long been used not for guidance, but for control.
Standard pressure (1013 or 760) is used when flying at flight level (level flight at altitude), and when descending to “transition level” (the altitude at which the altimeters need to be adjusted from standard to airfield pressure) - which depends on the airfield, but how As a rule, in Russia and lowland Europe it is FL40-50 (4000-5000 feet or 1200-1500 m), at mountain airfields it can be 2500 m. But the Chinese don’t bother - they have a single passage level throughout the country - 3600 m (they stubbornly do not change to feet, like the rest of the world), be it on the plain or in the mountains. And the transition altitude (when, on the contrary, when climbing, you need to rearrange the pressure value from the airfield to the standard one) is the same for everyone - 3000 m. In Russia, this is, as a rule, 800-1000 m. Runway elevation values ​​and flight level/transition altitude values ​​are indicated in the collections ANI. It is curious that in the system of measuring altitude, Russia has gone across the whole world. Both ours and yours. Below the transition height - meters, from the transition level and above - feet (according to the Belarusian model). It seems to be in the global trend, but not quite “bowed in to the Pindos”
The attitude towards workers in Sabetta (I'm talking about the airport) is twofold. On the one side- good conditions housing and work. Warm, spacious, bright rooms, equipped workplaces with the latest technology, a canteen inside the airport for workers (prices: portion of chicken - 42 rubles, schnitzel - 54, “German” soup (vegetable with sausage) - 25 rubles, side dish - pea puree - 6 (six) rubles, buckwheat - 11, compote - 11 rubles)
On the other hand, the salaries are clearly not Western (again, about the airport, I don’t know about the others). They work on a rotational basis - 28 days here, 28 days at home. Salary – about 100 thousand. Seems not bad. BUT. Payment is ONLY for the watch. There is no pay for staying at home (or so the workers say). There are 50 per circle. For the north it’s quite sparse. Most of the airport workers are from Samara (Sabetta’s general manager is the former director of Samara Airport). This is not bad for Samara, but you won’t get much money there either. Plus, the watch flies on one plane from Samara. Nonresidents (there are people from St. Petersburg, Tomsk, and other nearby places) get to Samara at their own expense.
There are no dissatisfied people. Everyone is glad that they were able to get settled. In Samara itself, its own airline died long ago; the airport is more alive than dead. With the cancellation of tourist charters to Egypt and Turkey, passenger traffic has fallen sharply, staff are being cut, and work is in trouble.
So those who find themselves working in Sabetta consider themselves lucky.
But even here there are rednecks.
The “anchor tenant” of Sabetta, the Yamal LNG company, is building a huge plant for the production of liquefied natural gas (even its symbolism is on the airport terminal building) in order to transport it by tankers all over the world (there are already 2 ports in Sabetta - river and sea). In the workers' canteen there is a notice: "Yamal LNG workers are served out of turn." Because of this, a half-curiosity, half-misunderstanding occurred. Some arrogant guy with a red beard and a disgustedly protruding lower lip, dressed in civilian clothes without identification marks (usually workers wear branded overalls), came up and simply pushed my colleague aside, took the tray and stood up to serve. We did not recognize him as a Yamal LNG worker, and we were outraged by his impudence and quietly began to push the man. By words and actions (push out). The man began to threaten - I will expel you, they will block your entry here! Then he took out his phone and allegedly started giving commands over the phone - point the cameras here, find out what kind of people they are and prepare for deportation! Like, a big boss (this despite the fact that communications, especially local ones, are so unstable that mostly only SMS passes through). Moreover, all the swearing took place in a low voice, with “sweet smiles.” Apparently, for locals, deportation is the most terrible punishment, and its slightest threat brings the most violent ones to their senses. Even though there are absolutely no grounds for deportation (as in our case). Apparently, the arbitrariness and lack of rights here are absolute.
But this “threat” did not cause us anything but a smile. Deport. If you have time. We fly out from here ourselves in 2-3 hours. Better yet, call the office and tell them not to send us here again. Let others fly into this hole. Otherwise, the flying time is scanty (it’s only an hour’s flight), and the hemorrhoids are through the roof. Either the cargo is not prepared, then there are no cars, then the loaders have been recalled, then their working day is over (!), or something else (usual situations for Russia), or suddenly the weather has deteriorated. And it turns out 2 hours of flying time in 2-3 days. Earn money and don’t deny yourself anything. Interestingly, the man was so discouraged by our reaction that he then came up to our table and asked, “Guys, are you kidding me?” He could not believe in our independence. Apparently, I’m used to the fact that people, on the contrary, rush here, and strangers like us are so rare. And the crews of arriving aircraft (regular passenger service with Moscow is quite intensive - several frequencies per day, plus rotational aircraft with gas workers and construction workers from different cities) do not stay overnight, but try to get out of here as quickly as possible. So he left in bewilderment.


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