Pros and cons of vacation. Native spaces. The main pros and cons of holidays in Russia. Minus. Only one, but very significant

In each organization, in the month of December, the personnel department makes up. Then employees are puzzled by the questions: “When is the best time to relax? Should I take a vacation in parts or go all at once?” To answer these questions, it’s worth understanding the pros and cons of each season.

Winter. The advantage of vacation during this period is that you can really relax without being distracted by gardening chores. This is a great opportunity to go skiing through the winter forest, read books that have long been collecting dust on a shelf waiting for the owner, and watch your favorite films for which in normal times you don’t have enough time. The downside is the cold weather and snowy roads. At such a time, you can’t go with your family to nature - on a picnic, you can’t swim in the river, you can’t soak up the gentle rays of the sun. Tours to sunny countries in winter, as a rule, it is more expensive. Therefore, you won’t be able to save money on your trip. The negative side is that after the New Year you can rest for a week and a half without a vacation. As you know, resting for a long time is also harmful - you easily get unsettled and become lazy.

Spring. When your strength is running low (vitaminosis affects you), a vacation at this time of year will help you get it back. A spring day feeds the year, the proverb says. Therefore, vacation can be given to gardening activities: sowing, planting, and implementing other important plans. For example, take up the task of exterminating insects and preventing their appearance in order to reap a rich harvest from the site in the fall. There are practically no downsides to vacationing at this time of year.

Summer. Traditionally considered a vacation time. Pros of holidays in summer time a lot of. This includes warm weather, cheap tours, and a good opportunity to relax with the whole family while the children are on vacation and the spouses are on vacation. Going out into nature is very popular. True, then you cannot do without a reliable mosquito repellent The downside of summer is that the vacation seems very fleeting. Before you have time to start resting, the leaves begin to fall and...

Autumn. An excellent time for a vacation if your child has started attending kindergarten or going to school. You can safely harvest the remaining harvest, put your gardening tools in the shed and prepare to face winter. When Indian summer comes, it’s best to go mushroom picking, not only to provide your family with pickled produce, but also to breathe in the clean forest air.

Any time of year is suitable for a vacation. Only according to statistics, the majority of Russians prefer summer. You can take your vacation in parts, so that one year you can try to relax in the spring, and another time in parts. After this, it will be possible to decide which vacation the household prefers.

Compatriots who prefer to vacation abroad explain their choice by saying that “it’s more prestigious and profitable.” Indeed, going to Turkey is sometimes half as expensive as going to Sochi. However budget vacation can be carried out in Russia, the main thing is to choose the right place and close your eyes to the service. In addition to low prices, holidays at home have other advantages, for example, the opportunity to move around the country without a passport, however, holidays at home also have weak sides. An correspondent tried to figure out the pros and cons of holidaying in Russia.

Pros of holidays in Russia

1. Without "bureaucracy"

Of course, the main argument for vacationing at home is the absence of the need to obtain a foreign passport, and subsequently obtain a visa. These manipulations not only take a lot of time, but also cost money - you have to pay fees for your passport and visa documents. To travel around Russia, no visas are required, so in case of an unexpected vacation, you can safely pack your things and go wherever your eyes take you.

2. Language barrier

In order to have a normal holiday abroad, you should know a little bit of a foreign language, otherwise you risk being misunderstood not only in force majeure situations (suddenly you get lost), but also in completely everyday ones, for example, ordering a dish you like in a restaurant, which in in the end it will not be what you wanted at all.

3. Acclimatization

It’s still better to vacation with children Russian resorts, because here kids experience acclimatization faster than abroad. It is easier for adults to get used to the climate in their homeland.

4.Health care

If you are poisoned or accidentally break your arm, it will be much easier to seek help from domestic medical institutions than from foreign ones. The main thing here is not to forget to take with you the Mandatory Policy health insurance(OMS). By the way, even knowing perfectly English language If you have an appointment with a foreign doctor, you may encounter misunderstandings and, as a result, receive an incorrect diagnosis and treatment.

5. Natural diversity

Russia is interesting country from the point of view of tourism, on the territory of our state there are many recreational areas, reservoirs, mountains, forests and various attractions. Lovers beach holiday can go to Black Sea resorts, fans mountain tourism- to Altai, and extreme sports - to the Caucasus or Kamchatka. Don't forget about the rivers along which you can take a cruise trip.

Disadvantages of holidays in Russia

1. Lame service

Service in domestic hotels is several times inferior to service in foreign hotels. It is because of this that many Russians go on vacation abroad, where tourists are truly welcome. Here you can encounter banal unprofessionalism and even rudeness.

Reading reviews from compatriots about holidays in Russian hotels, you may repeatedly come across messages about “rotten beds” or the reluctance of hotel staff to resolve certain issues. Most often the problems are related to room cleaning. In Greece or Tunisia, order is restored at least once every two days; in Russia, tourists have to “persuad” the cleaners to come into their room. However, the service is not poor in all hotels; however, compared to establishments with inappropriate service, the number of hotels with a high level of service seems insignificant, and, as a rule, trips to such hotels are quite expensive.

2. Nutrition

If tourists abroad are usually pampered with generous portions, the variety of food in domestic hotels leaves much to be desired. Tourists who vacationed at Russian resorts say that they were fed the same food for a week. “We decided to support domestic tourism, we went to Gelendzhik, where every day we had pasta or scrambled eggs for breakfast, and borscht for lunch, and so on for the entire vacation. “We couldn’t look at these dishes afterwards,” traveler Polina shared with an correspondent, noting that she and her family “never set foot in domestic resorts again.”

Do not forget that in most Russian hotels and resort restaurants it is customary to “tear three skins” for lunch and dinner, while the owners of foreign establishments offer guests large portions of dishes at affordable prices and even give small gifts - sweets, fruits, wine. Thus, lavish cafes are popular with tourists, and the profits of their owners are at the same level as those who set prices according to ceilings.

3. Beaches

Russians also choose foreign resorts for the cleanliness of their beaches - in Spain, Greece, Croatia and even Turkey, the coastal zone is cleaner than in their homeland. This is confirmed by at least the number of “ Blue flags UNESCO" awarded to these resorts. In the Russian Federation, a culture of behavior on the beaches has not yet been formed - tourists are in no hurry to pick up bottles of lemonade (or something hotter), cigarette butts, packaging for snacks from their vacation spot, and the service staff simply does not have time to remove the garbage, which subsequently ends up in the sea.

In addition, during the peak season there are too many people at popular Russian resorts, which creates certain difficulties for those who want to relax in a calm atmosphere.

4. Animation

Another disadvantage of Russian hotels is the almost complete absence of animator service, which is why many parents prefer to go not to Gelendzhik or Anapa, but to Turkey or Egypt, where, by the way, entertainment program It is often Russian youth who engage in this activity.

Separately about prices

Speaking about the cost of a vacation in Russia, one cannot call it an advantage or disadvantage of a vacation here. On the one hand, you can rent a room for pennies in private hotel in the Krasnodar village, on the other hand, a week-long trip to Sochi will cost more (from 40 thousand rubles) than a similar tour to Turkey or Greece (27 thousand and 23 thousand rubles, respectively).

In Russia you can have an inexpensive holiday, but the service at low costs will be almost zero. If you want to spend your holiday in a luxury hotel with good service, clean beach and a varied diet, then in this case you will have to fork out money or go abroad.

Vacation without saving wages is synonymous with the concept of “administrative” leave or “leave at one’s own expense.” Such leave is regulated by Art. 128 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The law stipulates only a few cases when vacation at one’s own expense is granted for a certain number of days. This article also indicates reasons that are valid a priori.
Such leave is given to an employee upon his written application and for a valid reason. In addition to these 3 reasons, the issue of the “degree of respect” will be decided by the employer himself.

There are also categories of employees who are granted unpaid leave regardless of their reasons for it. Upon written application of such employees, the employer is obliged to provide them with leave for a certain number of days.

Vacation at your own expense has its pros and cons. This needs to be taken into account. The positive aspects of such a vacation include:

  • The employee has free time for his own affairs;
  • Opportunity to earn extra money;
  • Opportunity to relax and indulge in your hobbies;
  • During such leave, the place of work is retained;
  • The employee’s average earnings, which are necessary for calculating various benefits and payments, are not reduced, since this period is excluded from the calculation of average earnings;
  • This period is included when calculating maternity benefits;
  • The employee does not lose the right to use tax deductions.

But vacation at your own expense has more negative sides. This:

  • Lack of income;
  • If an employee exceeds 14 calendar days per year with such leave, then the start date of his calendar year will “shift” by the number of days exceeded. This is stated in Art. 121 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • If an employee falls ill during such leave, he will not be paid sick leave;
  • The time spent on such leave is not included in the insurance period, which is necessary for calculating pensions. Since no wages are paid during this period, no contributions are made to the Pension Fund. Consequently, the pension “does not grow.”

Maximum term

The law does not specify the maximum period of unpaid leave. Its duration is limited by the employer’s ability to release the employee for a particular period and find a replacement for him during this time.
But we should not forget that in addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there are other federal laws that regulate the labor of certain categories of workers.
So, for example, in Part 15 of Art. 46 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service Russian Federation"and part 6 of Art. 21 of the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” states that a civil or municipal employee can take leave at his own expense for a period of no more than 1 year.

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the following categories of employees have the right to administrative leave without explanation:

  • Participants and veterans of the Second World War - up to 35 days in use;
  • Old-age pensioners who continue to work - up to 14 days a year;
  • Disabled people who work - up to 60 days a year;
  • Other employees who are provided for by the Federal Law and local regulations.

In a collective agreement or in a local act for an enterprise, the employer can select additional employees to whom it will be obliged to provide such leave without giving reasons. For example, women with children under 14 years of age.
Also in Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies 3 reasons that are valid, and in the presence of which the employer must provide the employee with 5 days of leave without pay. This:

  • Death of a close relative;
  • Own marriage registration;
  • Birth of a child.

Administrative leave, like main leave, in 2018 is measured in calendar days.

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that “leave at one’s own expense” is granted to an employee upon his written application. That is, the employer provides leave without pay at the initiative of the employee, and its duration is achieved by agreement of the parties.
The agreement of the parties must be written, that is, it is enough to indicate the duration of the vacation in the application. For example, “I ask you to grant me leave without pay for a period of 7 calendar days for the reason....”

Therefore, by agreement of the parties, the employee may be granted unpaid leave for more than 14 calendar days. But in Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that if the total leave without pay of an employee during a working year exceeds 14 calendar days, then the start date of his working year is shifted by the number of such days. And the start date of the working year is necessary to provide annual leave and calculate vacation pay.

Leave without pay at the initiative of the employer

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that vacation “at one’s own expense” is possible only at the initiative of the employee and upon his written application. Such leave is not possible at the initiative of the employer. An employer does not have the right to place its employee on administrative leave. This is a violation of labor laws.

However, in practice everything is somewhat different. An employer can persuade an employee to write an application for such leave, citing the fact that “the company has such a difficult financial situation, but we are not firing you!” This is called forced leave.
Very often, unscrupulous employers hide behind such “vacation” as downtime. In Art. 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that downtime due to the fault of the employer is paid in the amount of 2/3 of the average salary of the employee. Administrative leave is not paid. That is, the employer saves his money.

If an employer insists and sends his employee on unpaid leave at the employer’s initiative, his actions may be regarded as a violation of labor laws.
Responsibility for such violations is provided for in Art. 5. 27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. To bring the employer to such liability, it is necessary to write an application to the labor inspectorate at the employer’s location, to the prosecutor’s office or to the court. However, the employee is required to provide evidence of forced leave at the initiative of the employer.

As practice shows, it is almost impossible to hold an employer liable on such grounds. An employer can only be involved if there is evidence that downtime at the enterprise is the fault of management. That is, management cannot provide its employees with work and sends them on “forced” leave.
The employer's fault may include:

  • Lack of funding;
  • Changes in market conditions;
  • Price changes;
  • Failure of counterparties to fulfill their obligations;
  • Other business risks for which the employer is responsible.

These grounds are listed in Art. 401 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If there is no evidence that the employer has taken all measures to prevent downtime, it will be almost impossible to find him guilty. Measures include, for example, sending letters to the counterparty asking them to pay bills.

Order for leave without pay

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that administrative leave is granted upon a written application from an employee. It is written in the name of the employer. It should contain the following information:

  • In the upper right corner you must indicate information about the employer and the applicant:
    • The position of the employer's representative who has the right to sign such statements, and his full name. For example: " to CEO LLC "AKBARS" to I.I. Vasnetsov;
    • Position and full name of the applicant. For example: “From accountant P.P. Petrova”;
  • Next, in the center you need to write the word “Statement”;
  • Then the “body” of the statement. Here you need to indicate the main text, that is, the request to provide “leave without pay.” You must specify the number of calendar days. For example, “for 17 calendar days from 10/15/2018 to 11/02/2018. You must indicate the reason. For example, “in connection with your own marriage.” If the employee has the right to such leave without explanation, then there is no need to write this.
  • Then the date of submission of the application and the signature of the employee himself.

The application must be endorsed by the head of the structural unit where such an employee works. His signature says so. That he agrees with the period of absence of this employee, and there is someone to replace him.
The application is then signed by the employer himself. After this, the application is sent to the personnel department, where the order is prepared. If the enterprises are large and the document flow is also large, then the application must be written in 2 copies and submitted to the secretary. The application is registered properly, and one copy, which remains with the employee, is marked with the number of the incoming document and the date of registration of the application.

The order is prepared on the employer's official letterhead. If there is no such form, then you must provide all information about the employer:

  • Its full name in accordance with the constituent documents, indicating the organizational and legal form;
  • Legal address and location address, if they are different;
  • Contact details.

Then comes the “body” of the order, in which you must indicate:

  • Full name and position of the applicant;
  • Vacation period;
  • Reason for such leave.

The employee must put his signature on the order. This indicates that he is familiar with the order. I am familiar with it, but I do not agree. If the employee does not agree, then he must put his signature and mark “disagree.”

For orders for any vacation, there is a unified form No. T-6 and T-6a. Every employer must adhere to this form.

Who is entitled to mandatory vacation?

The current legislative norms have established a list special categories citizens who must be granted administrative leave without fail, regardless of the desire and opinion of the employer. These categories include the following persons:

  1. Participants of the Great Patriotic War. These persons are entitled to annual administrative leave, the maximum duration of which can be 35 calendar days.
  2. Employees who have already reached the retirement age established in the country, but still continue their professional activities - up to 14 days of rest annually.
  3. Workers who are close relatives of military personnel who died during the performance of their duty or died from their wounds - 4 administrative days every year.
  4. Employees who have one or another disability group - up to 60 days of rest annually.
  5. Employees whose lives have encountered special circumstances listed in the official list. Such circumstances include the wedding of a subordinate, the birth of a child, as well as the death of a close relative - up to 5 days of rest for each of the above events. It should be noted that the existence of such a circumstance must be proven by the employee in an official manner. To do this, he will need to provide his employer with relevant documentary evidence.
  6. Employees who are simultaneously studying at the full-time faculty of an accredited educational institution. The exact duration of the administrative rest will depend on the immediate basis. For example, to prepare for final exams, an employee may be given up to 160 days of rest, to pass intermediate exams - up to 15 days, etc.

It should be noted that the above list of special categories of employees is not exhaustive. Additional privileges for individuals can be established by the employer independently. For example, at a plant, for a special department of employees who constantly deal with dangerous or harmful working conditions, local regulations may establish additional days of administrative rest. Often such information is enshrined in documents such as a collective agreement, certain provisions and other local acts.

It also happens that while relaxing with your loved one, you want to drown yourself! After all, you thought that this is love - not to part, neither in sorrow nor in joy, and even more so on vacation. But…

Disadvantages of shared holidays

Disadvantage No. 1. About entertainment. As it turned out, when going to one place, you had completely opposite plans! Your concept of “romance” includes wild dancing in a nightclub, but for him it includes diving from a pier in the dead of night. In your dreams, go on excursions to all the palaces of the country, and in his - try local cuisine. As a result, both of you are dissatisfied with the time spent...

Disadvantage No. 2. Your habits. You didn’t notice your lover’s wild laziness at all when he ordered food at home. But here, for fresh vegetables and fruits, you have to go on a hike to the nearest market, about two kilometers away. And he refuses to the last! And in the morning you can’t shake him at all; he wakes up only at lunchtime.

Disadvantage No. 3. Budget! He, of course, thinks that you spend too much on various souvenirs. But you, on the contrary, are sure that you can save money on another glass of beer. The result is your constant fears that the money will run out and his grumbling about your stinginess.

What to do?

The most important thing is to try to negotiate. And, despite your great love, you are both independent individuals who have your own interests and hobbies. Therefore, there is nothing terrible if you separate for a while. For example, you are both fans of cycling, but for you a great walk is about ten kilometers, and for him - at least forty. Try joining two different groups! And then you can exchange new experiences. And another plus - you will miss each other and give an ocean of passion to each other!

Vacation Guide:

  1. Discuss in advance what exactly you expect from your vacation. At least approximately, to avoid unpleasant surprises and sudden loneliness.
  2. Try to conclude a comic agreement, where the unbreakable rules will be: do not wake up your lover when it’s time to watch the sunset, do not order more than half a kilo of ice cream for dinner, etc...
  3. The golden rule is if you want to get more pleasure from your vacation together, reduce the time. A week together is one thing, but a month is something completely different.
  4. Try to rationally resolve sudden quarrels - put a taboo on clarifying relationships and problems. This is a vacation, and rest is sacred. It also happens that conflicts still occur during the long-awaited owls.


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