Detailed map of the Black Sea coast of Georgia with resorts. Photos of Georgian sights. Map of Georgia with attractions

Where is Georgia located on the world map. Detailed map Georgia in Russian online. Satellite map of Georgia with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Georgia on the world map is a country located in the southern part of the Caucasus on the Black Sea coast. The capital of the country is Tbilisi. Official language– Georgian, but almost all residents of Georgia understand and speak Russian.

Map of Georgia with cities and towns in Russian:

Georgia - Wikipedia:

Population of Georgia- 3,729,600 people. (2018)
Capital of Georgia- Tbilisi
Largest cities Georgia- Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Poti, Gori, Zugdidi, Rustavi
Georgia telephone code - 995
Language used in Georgia- Georgian language

Georgia- a country of mountains and forests. The largest mountain range in the country is Mt. Greater Caucasus, the highest point of which is Mount Shkhara with a height of about 5000 meters. Forests in Georgia also occupy a vast area - about 40% of the entire territory. Nature of Georgia delights with its diversity: in the mountainous regions there are glaciers, in the lowlands and plains there are blooming meadows that turn into deciduous and coniferous forests.

Climate in Georgia transitional - from subtropical to temperate. The average winter temperature in the country is +3...+8 C. In the mountains it is much colder - up to -20C. Summer in Georgia is hot and dry: average temperature– from +22 C to +27 C.

Georgia– a country with a rich history and culture. On the territory of a relatively small state there are more than 10,000 architectural, historical and cultural monuments. Most of the ancient monuments and structures in Georgia are unique and have no analogues anywhere else. The capital Tbilisi is one of the capitals with the most big amount attractions.

Thanks to access to the Black Sea, the summer season is beach time holidays in Georgia. Every year new resorts are opened, new hotels and holiday homes are built, so Black Sea resorts Georgia is not inferior to Western Europe. In Georgia there are many mud and mineral springs, which promotes medical and health tourism. There are more and more balneological and mud places for recreation in the country.

What to see in Georgia:

Svetitskhoveli Temple, Stalin Museum, Jvari Monastery, Museum of the Revolution in Batumi, Kashveti (Church of St. George), Cross Pass, Children's Amusement Park, Shatili Fortress, Bagrati Temple, Tsminda Sameba (Holy Trinity Cathedral), Gelati Monastery, Dolphinarium, Zoo, Ice Palace, Pantheon of Writers and Public Figures of Georgia, Alaverdi Temple, Archaeological Museum, Sataplia Karst Caves, Metekhi Temple, Motsameta Monastery, Sioni (Assumption Cathedral), Central Park, Shota Rustaveli Academic Theater, Anchiskhati (Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary), State Museum, Georgian National Museum, Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater, Children's Railway, Narikala Fortress, Telavi Fortress, Lighthouse, Military Glory Memorial, Ikalto Monastery, Bridge of Peace, Borjomi History Museum, Lake Paleostomi, Freedom Square, Rustaveli Avenue, Church of St. Andrew, Church of St. Nicholas.

(Republic of Georgia)

General information

Geographical position. Georgia is a state in the Transcaucasian region. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. In the north it borders with Russia, in the south with Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey. Georgia includes two autonomous republics: Adjara and Abkhazia and the autonomous region of South Ossetia.

Square. The territory of Georgia occupies 69,700 square meters. km.

Main cities Administrative division. The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi. The largest cities: Tbilisi (1,353 thousand people), Kutaisi (236 thousand people), Batumi (137 thousand people), Sukhumi (120 thousand people). Georgia includes 65 districts, as well as the autonomous republics of Abkhazia and Adjara, and the autonomous region of South Ossetia.

Political system

Georgia is a republic. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is parliament.

Relief. Most of Georgia's territory is covered with mountains, about a third is occupied by dense forests. Main Ridge Caucasus Mountains forms the northern border of the country, there are also highest points Georgia, the main of which is Mount Shkhara (5,068 m). Small Caucasus ridge takes southern part Georgia, but here the height of the mountains rarely exceeds 3,000 m.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains rich reserves of manganese, iron and copper ores, and minor reserves of coal and oil.

Climate. The climate of Georgia depends on the region: subtropical in the Colchis Valley and on the Black Sea coast and continental in the mountainous regions.

Inland waters. The main rivers are Kura, Rioni; lakes - Paleostomi, Ritsa, Aletkel.

Soils and vegetation. The soils are red soils, yellow soils, chernozems, etc. About 40% of the territory is occupied by forests. There are 15 nature reserves in Georgia, the main ones of which are: Lagodekhi - with broad-leaved forests, subalpine and alpine meadows.

Animal world. In Georgia there are aurochs, mountain goats, bears, deer, roe deer, lynx, many birds, and there are snakes.

Population and language

The country's population is about 5.109 million people. The ethnic composition is very diverse - almost 100 different ethnic groups, in particular Georgians -

70.1%, Armenians - 8.1%, Russians - 6.3%, Azerbaijanis - 5.7%, Ossetians - 3.0%, Abkhazians -1.8%, Kurds, Adjars, Greeks. Languages: Georgian (state), Russian.


Georgian Orthodox Church - 65%, Russian Orthodox Church -10%, Islam - 11%, Armenian Orthodox Church - 8%.

Brief historical sketch

From the 6th century BC e. Georgia was a Greek colony: its western region was called Colchis, the eastern region was Iberia.

BIV century BC e. Georgia was united into a single kingdom. BIV century n. e. Christianity came to the country.

In the 7th century Georgia was conquered by the Arabs, and in the 11th century by the Seljuk Turks. King David II of Georgia in the 12th century. expelled the Turks and restored independence.

However, in the 13th century. Georgia was conquered by the Mongols and later came under the rule of Iran and the Ottoman Empire.

In the middle of the 18th century. The Georgian kingdom was proclaimed, which in 1801 became part of the Russian Empire.

In 1918, Georgia regained independence; in 1922, Georgia, together with Armenia and Azerbaijan, became part of the Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, and in 1936 it became a union republic within the USSR.

In April 1991, Georgia declared independence.

Brief Economic Sketch

Leading industries: food (including tea, fruit canning, wine-making sub-sectors; production of tung, fragrant essential oils, bottling mineral waters), light industry, mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining, ferrous metallurgy. Extraction of manganese ores, coal, non-ferrous metal ores, barite. The Black Sea regions of Georgia specialize in the production of tea, citrus fruits, and bay leaves; In the eastern part of Georgia, the leading role belongs to viticulture, and fruit growing is developed. Cereal crops (wheat, corn, barley). The main branches of livestock farming are meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep farming, pig farming, and poultry farming. Gas pipelines from North Caucasus and Azerbaijan.

The monetary unit is lari.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Tbilisi. Sioni Cathedral (5th century); monastery of St. David 6th century; Anchiskhat Basilica (VI-VII centuries). Kutaisi. Temple of Bagrat (X-XI centuries). Mtskheta. Patriarchal Cathedral of Svetitskhoveli (X-XI centuries). Gelati. Gelati Monastery (early 12th century), Academy building (12th century).

Literature. Shota Rustaveli (12th century) is the author of the poem “The Knight in the Tiger’s Skin,” which is included in the treasury of world literature; anticipated the humanistic ideas of the Early Renaissance, became the founder of the new Georgian literary language; Alexander Chavchavadze (1786-1846) is the founder of romanticism in Georgian poetry (“Lake Gokcha”, “Caucasus”).

For us, Georgia itself turned out to be full of pleasant surprises and an incredible amount interesting places. But visiting all the most exciting attractions in one trip is quite difficult. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists who are in love with this country and culture decide to divide their travels and see something new every time. Many of our friends have already visited, and still, like us, every year they dream of returning here again on vacation. This country is a comfortable and cozy place for any tourist to stay: there is something to see here for both state employees and wealthier people who are accustomed to not denying themselves anything.

Adjara (including Batumi)

The capital of the Adjarian region is modern, “stuffed” a huge amount, interesting for both young travelers and their parents.

Kids and their parents will be curious to visit a small zoo corner located not far from central beach Batumi. In the near future it will be moved to the village of Chakvi.

Believers will be especially pleased to visit and explore, located on the corner of Tavdadebuli and Zubalashvili streets in Batumi. The temple is very unusual not only externally, but also internally, because it was originally built as a Catholic church, and now it successfully functions as an Orthodox church. We recommend paying attention to the beautiful window paintings in the cathedral. read in a separate article.

Once inside the Batumi Opera House, you don’t immediately realize where exactly you are thanks to the rich design, exquisite lighting and gurgling fountain.

Another highlight of Batumi is the Center for Music and Art or, in simple terms, Opera theatre . This miracle of construction thought is located on Odyssey Dimitriadi Street, 1, almost on the outskirts of the city. The theater is truly impressive inside and out. In fact, it was previously an inconspicuous House of Culture, but after the grandiose transformation, it is impossible to enter it without amazement. The Center often hosts performances, concerts and all kinds of performances in Russian. We advise you not to be greedy for a ticket and be sure to visit this place, because it is not for nothing that it is included in the top five most unusual buildings of modern theaters in the world.

You can read more about the Center for Music and Art in the article: Amazing Opera House in Batumi.

In the evening Batumi comes alive. Tourists and locals fill the streets and slowly move towards the embankment, where the most unusual ones are located. For example, amazingly beautiful on Lake Ardagan (next to the Ministry of Justice). It takes place every day, from approximately 21:00 until midnight. Huge jets of water dance merrily and shimmer beautifully to various music. Sometimes (not every day) against this background they turn on exciting Laser show. There are restaurants and cafes near the lake, and there are benches along it to make it convenient to watch the performance.

ABOUT singing fountains We have a separate useful article that we recommend reading to anyone who is interested:

In the evening, the Piazza is especially crowded with tourists. This is facilitated by live music and figures leaving the tower every 3 hours.

We recommend taking a walk in the evening to the embankment in the area of ​​the sea station, where the Wonderland Park and the special one are located. It “works” during the day, but after sunset, when the backlight is turned on, it looks more romantic and bewitching. Vacationers like to gather around it; people invite you to take a boat ride nearby. There are other entertainments here as well.

Piazza Square is another exotic, typically “Italian” attraction of Batumi, which is best visited in the evening when the lights turn on. It was located on Tsar Parnavaz Street, 25, in a very convenient place, where tourists often go. Visiting it is absolutely free. The area is surrounded by hotels, restaurants, cafes, and souvenir shops. Inside the square there is high tower, in its center there is a window. Every three hours it opens and dolls appear from it to the music. Live music creates additional romance. Separately about Piazza there is an article: An Italian corner in the heart of Batumi - Piazza.

Neighborhoods of Batumi

Not far from Batumi there is also something to see and be truly surprised by. If you wish, you can go on your own, by minibus or as part of an excursion to the most ancient and preserved one on the territory of Georgia. Admission for an adult costs only 3 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
3 lari = 0.99 euro;
3 lari = 1.14 dollars;
3 lari = 75.66 rubles;
3 lari = 31.92 hryvnia;

. The inside is now, although a little empty (too few buildings have survived), but quite interesting. You can climb the centuries-old walls, examine the dilapidated remains of the first pipeline and sewer system, see the supposed burial place of the Apostle Matthew, enjoy the aromas of flowers, or watch the excavations.

Near the museum of the Gonio Fortress there is the alleged burial of the Apostle Matthew, as well as the foundations of ancient buildings.

An equally exciting trip awaits you to and, located literally across the road from each other, on the way from Batumi to the village of Keda. These attractions are among the most visited in the Adjarian region. Minibuses go to them and excursions are organized. Near the Queen Tamara Bridge there is an excellent cafe with incredibly tasty kebab and others.

And for 29 euros per person you can take a group excursion to less touristic places in Adjara: Mirveti and Chukhuneti waterfalls, suspension and arched bridges, the confluence of two rivers, a bunker and a mill.

The next recommended place is guaranteed to leave no one indifferent. The easiest way to get to it is by minibus No. 31 or by car. Entrance to the garden will cost 15 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
15 lari = 4.97 euros;
15 lari = 5.7 dollars;
15 lari = 378.3 rubles;
15 lari = 159.6 hryvnia;

Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. from an adult. In addition to the huge variety of trees, bushes and flowers from 21 zones, the park also contains some representatives of the animal world: lizards, fish, turtles, frogs, etc. Straight from botanical garden you can go down to, and then freely return to further inspect the flora. By the way, the sea off the coast of the park seemed to us the cleanest and warmest in all of Adjara. Therefore, do not forget to bring your swimwear with you.

To explore the following attractions: Prometheus caves And Sataplia from Batumi, you will need to either take a car with a Russian-speaking driver, or book excursions (the named places are included in different excursions). They can also be reached by public transport with several transfers, but since the road is long (it takes about 2.5 hours to get to the canyon alone) and tiring, we do not recommend this option. IN Martvili Canyon(input is 15 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
15 lari = 4.97 euros;
15 lari = 5.7 dollars;
15 lari = 378.3 rubles;
15 lari = 159.6 hryvnia;
15 lari = 12.75 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. per adult) You can not only enjoy several cascading waterfalls located on the territory, but also take a boat ride through a fabulous gorge for an additional 13 GEL GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
13 lari = 4.3 euros;
13 lari = 4.94 dollars;
13 lari = 327.86 rubles;
13 lari = 138.32 hryvnia;
13 lari = 11.05 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. per person (it's worth it).

It’s worth getting into Prometheus’ Cave even just to wander among the bizarre play of shadows against the backdrop of constantly changing illumination.

No less interesting will be a trip to the Prometheus Cave, the monasteries of Gelati and Motsameta. The territories of the monastery complexes are large and spacious: the first is more touristy, the second is cozy and quiet. The trip takes place in a large car. The guide talks about the Shrines of each place, visiting monasteries with tourists. For a rather intense 9-hour program, we paid 175 euros. Get to the specified attractions from Batumi by public transport difficult. It is much more convenient and practical to book a similar excursion, as we did. Detailed description for trips, read the article: The most interesting sights in the vicinity of Kutaisi.

If ordinary excursions with typical sights no longer impress you, we advise you to take a closer look at Machakhela. It contains new locations that are not always known even local residents. During the excursion, tourists will see waterfalls and bridges, conquer the fortress and explore the bunker, enjoy the beauty of Batumi from a bird's eye view and have a good rest at the table in a Georgian family with national songs and dances. There is a group option for a similar trip. Visit all key route points by public transport impossible. About our individual excursion By amazing places Machakhela, read the article: The most soulful corner of the Adjarian region.

For each of the listed attractions there is individual articles. To get acquainted with them, you just need to follow the active link (highlighted in blue in the text).

Tbilisi and surroundings

Separate article about the Peace Bridge will tell you more details and interesting information, including how and how you can get to this attraction:

About the rest interesting temples Tbilisi You can also read the corresponding publication:

The sulfur baths are located in semi-basements, and only their domed roofs protrude from above.

A significant number of tourists confidently mark the quarter with Abanotubani as one of the main attractions of Tbilisi - a truly beautiful place and magnificent in its own way. Whether to go wash in it or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but it’s definitely worth seeing it from the outside. By the way, the cost of bathing in sulfur springs varies depending on the choice of halls: in general, washing will cost approximately 3 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
3 lari = 0.99 euro;
3 lari = 1.14 dollars;
3 lari = 75.66 rubles;
3 lari = 31.92 hryvnia;
3 lari = 2.55 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate., in a private room - from 30 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
30 lari = 9.93 euros;
30 lari = 11.4 dollars;
30 lari = 756.6 rubles;
30 lari = 319.2 hryvnia;
30 lari = 25.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.. Near the baths there is a Fig gorge, with a small river flowing through it, recently liberated from the ground.

If you want to learn more about Tbilisi, we recommend taking a guide. It was during walking tour in the capital of Georgia with the charming Dina this time we opened up and fell in love not only tourist places, but also the most amazing corners of the city. You can order a similar walk accompanied by an experienced guide on the local website or on the international one.

Neighborhoods of Tbilisi

In the vicinity of Tbilisi there are almost more attractions than in the city itself. Many of them are accessible by public transport, and some are best visited by car with a driver and guide ().

Drive by Georgian Military Road- sheer pleasure. You just want to constantly stop and absorb the beauty of these places.

Next, we advise you to go along a route that is well-known far beyond the borders of the country. If, like us, you use the services of a guide with a car, then along the way, in addition to beautiful views to the mountains, you will find stops and photo breaks near amazing bodies of water, acquaintance with and, as well as lunch in a very colorful place. Bright emotions, sincere smiles, lots of drive and positivity during the trip are guaranteed. It’s worth saying separately that this excursion was surprisingly eventful - it also included a walk through the ancient churches of Mtskheta.

Wine region Kakheti will be able to please not only connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages, but also those tourists who are interested in ancient temples, castles and fortresses. It is best to go here by car with a guide. At the same time, we advise you to explore the city of love, Sighnaghi, located along the route. Our excursion to Kakheti can be found in a separate article: Romance and wine are two key features of a trip to Kakheti. A good choice excursions at affordable prices are offered on the website.

If you wish and have free time (such an excursion will take the whole day), it is possible to travel from Tbilisi to the Rabat fortress. It is located in a small Georgian town, literally on the border with Turkey. The fortress is known for the fact that it was recently practically rebuilt. The inside is very interesting and beautiful, there is where to walk and what to see. The entrance to the paid part is 6 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
6 lari = 1.99 euros;
6 lari = 2.28 dollars;
6 lari = 151.32 rubles;
6 lari = 63.84 hryvnia;
6 lari = 5.1 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. from an adult.

The caves of Vardzia still amaze the imagination. But they say that this fortified city used to be three times larger.

Not far from Akhaltsikhe there is a cave monastery city. This extraordinary place has been attracting tourists from all over the world for a very long time. different countries peace. Almost all the caves of Vardzia can be visited, and from some particularly successful observation platforms, you can enjoy fantastic panoramic views. Getting to this attraction is also most convenient by car or during an individual excursion, taking in at the same time the fortresses of Rabat and Khertvisi, the monasteries of Sapara and Foka, and, of course, the famous Borjomi Park (the journey from Tbilisi is long and slightly tiring).

Lots of useful and up-to-date information about Vardzia You will find in the article:

A good alternative to the caves of Vardzia will be the cave city of Uplistsikhe, no less interesting and fascinating place. Individual and group excursions are organized from Tbilisi to Uplistsikhe. If you don’t want to go with a guide, you can order a car with a Russian-speaking driver on the service. Read our impressions of the trip to Uplistsikhe in the article: Excursion to the Uplistsikhe caves with a stop in Gori.

During our several visits to Georgia, we managed to get quite familiar with its sights and attractions, as well as learn the intricacies of transfers to cities and interesting places in the country in a variety of ways.

To feel like a tourist on vacation, we recommend not to chase dubious savings in the form of traveling long distances on public transport. You may save money, but you will lose time: you will be tired, overwhelmed and nervous, because you never know for sure whether a suitable minibus will come back.

The best way to travel around Georgia convenient ways:, book a tour on a local or website, or rent a car with a Russian-speaking guide. Such a vacation will definitely be remembered for a long time, and the country will remain your favorite for many years.

Photos of Georgian sights

We tried to capture as much of the sights as we could with our cameras. We will be happy to show you the most beautiful and interesting photographs:

Cathedral Holy Mother of God in Batumi is a very beautiful and unusual building. During its construction, a special stone was used that slightly changes its color depending on the weather.

Map of Georgia with attractions

Georgia on the world map

Detailed map of Georgia

Map of Georgia

Georgia is located on the world map in several regions: the Middle East, Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Geographically, the country is located in the central and western part of Transcaucasia. Administrative map Georgia will show that the state borders Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey.

Thanks to its access to the Black Sea, the country is an attractive tourist power. A detailed map of Georgia will show many resorts and unique protected areas. In total, there are eight national parks and fourteen nature reserves. The map of Georgia with attractions contains a large number of ancient monasteries, cathedrals, as well as entire cities considered cultural and architectural monuments.

In the capital of the country, Tbilisi, you can visit museums, entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants. The map of Georgia will help you decide on excursions. To visit more interesting places, it is worth renting a car.

A map of Georgia in Russian from Arrivo will help you navigate the country freely.

Map of Georgia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Georgia online in real time. Detailed map of Georgia created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Georgia allows you to study the streets in detail, separate houses and sights of Georgia. The map of Georgia from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Georgia is a country in the Transcaucasus, located between countries such as Russia, Türkiye, Azerbaijan and Armenia. This unique country by its geographical location, since it simultaneously belongs to both Asia and Europe. And yet, most of the country’s territory is located in the European part of the mainland.

Tbilisi- the capital of the state, standing on the banks of the Kura River. It's very beautiful and ancient city, whose history has lasted for more than 15 centuries. However, lovers of historical sights will be interested not only in Tbilisi. Monuments of history, culture and architecture from different centuries and eras are scattered throughout the country, and the oldest of them are more than 2000 years old. In total, there are about 10 thousand monuments in Georgia. The most worthy and oldest sights in the country are the acropolis in Mtskheta, which was once the royal residence; the fortified city of Ujarma, built in the 5th century; ancient settlements with fortresses preserved in them, etc.

Don’t forget about natural monuments Georgia, because this Mountain country with many landscapes and natural areas. One of the main natural attractions is located near Batumi. This is an amazingly beautiful botanical garden with rare plants, flowers and shrubs. Tourists also loved the huge cave complex in the Athos region, numerous lakes and the Dinosaur Plateau.

IN Georgia tourists are attracted not only rich story And beautiful nature, but also opportunities for excellent, varied recreation. Today there are more than 100 resorts in Georgia, both coastal and high-mountain. In summer, tourists come to Batumi and Kobuleti to spend a pleasant time on the Black Sea coast, and in winter they go to the mountains for a dose of adrenaline - ski resorts Shovi, Bakhmaro and others.


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