World heritage list of different countries. UNESCO World Heritage

Russia - unique country. It ranks first in the world in terms of territorial area and ninth in terms of population. As of 2012, there are 25 specially protected sites in Russia. Fifteen of them have the status of a cultural attraction, the remaining ten are of a natural nature. Six of the fifteen UNESCO cultural sites in Russia are marked “i”, that is, they belong to the masterpieces of human civilization. Four out of ten natural objects have the highest aesthetic criterion “vii”.

The nature of the country is distinguished by a variety of plant and animal forms: northern mosses and lichens coexist with southern palm trees and magnolias, coniferous forests of the taiga form a striking contrast with the steppe crops of wheat and sunflowers.

Climatic, natural and cultural diversity has led to interest in it both from our own and foreign citizens. Natural and man-made attractions, river cruises and rail travel, beach and wellness, sports and extreme tourism make the country attractive to all categories of vacationers.

The main attractions of Russia are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Anyone who wants to discover great country, can begin by becoming familiar with twenty-five natural and man-made sites that have a cultural, historical or environmental degree of global significance. and is compiled in order to preserve and show modern people the full depth of our common civilizational heritage.

UNESCO sites in Russia - PHOTO

The northern capital of Russia was included in the UNESCO List of 36 monuments located not only in St. Petersburg itself, but also in its neighbors - Pushkin and Shlisselburg. The palace and park ensembles of the villages of Gatchina and Strelna, the Koltuvskaya and Yukkovskaya uplands, the Lindulovskaya Grove and the Komarovskoye village cemetery - all this makes up one huge cultural nature education, geographically and historically associated with northern capital Russia. It is itself represented on the UNESCO List as a historical center and old part city, Pulkovo Observatory and palace and park ensembles Peterhof, Shuvalovsky Park and the Vyazemsky estate, local fairways and numerous city highways.

Built in XVIII-XIX centuries in Kizhi, two wooden churches and a bell tower were included in the UNESCO List in 1990. The cultural heritage of Karelia is known throughout the world for the Church of the Transfiguration, built, according to legend, without a single nail. Since the mid-20th century, the Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum has been operating on the basis of the Kizhi Pogost. Along with the ancient original buildings, it includes objects of wooden religious architecture that were brought and erected in the immediate vicinity - for example, the eight-winged windmill, built in 1928. The wooden fence of the Kizhi churchyard ensemble was reconstructed in 1959 in accordance with the principles of organizing traditional churchyard fences.

Symbols of an entire country and era - the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square - are among the most significant cultural attractions of Russia and the whole world. It seems that there is not a person on Earth who does not know what they look like. When visiting Russia, most foreigners first go to Red Square. The Moscow Kremlin is one of the oldest architectural monuments in Russia. Its majestic walls and numerous towers, its Orthodox cathedrals and palace buildings, its squares and gardens, the Armory Chamber and the Kremlin Palace of Congresses reflect the centuries-old history of the country. Adjacent to the north-eastern wall of the Kremlin, Red Square is famous not only for the Mausoleum and the Eternal Flame, but also for the numerous events organized there recently. Victory parades, concerts dedicated to Russian Independence Day, New Year's skating rinks - all this can be afforded by one of the largest pedestrian areas in Moscow.

Veliky Novgorod and its surrounding areas are included in the UNESCO list with more than ten cultural sites that are predominantly of a religious nature. Znamensky, Zverin, Antoniev and, the Church of the Nativity on the Red Field, the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, St. John the Merciful and the Annunciation on Myachina and many other Orthodox buildings date back to ancient periods Russian history and are unique architectural complexes. The Novgorod Detinets (that is, the Kremlin) and the part of the city related to it are interesting from the point of view of historical and architectural heritage.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery was built in the 20-30s of the 15th century. It spreads over four islands Solovetsky archipelago. The cultural and historical ensemble "Solovetsky Islands" includes the main monastery, the Ascension and Savvatievsky skete, St. Isaac's, Makarievskaya and Filippovskaya hermitages on Bolshoi Solovetsky Island, Sergievsky monastery on the island of Bolshaya Muksalma, Trinity and Golgotha-Ruspyatsky monastery and Eleazar's hermitage on Anzer and Andreevskaya deserts and stone labyrinths on Bolshoi Zayatsky Island. IN Soviet time The largest special-purpose forced labor camp in the USSR, Solovetsky, operated on the monastery territory. Monastic life became possible here only at the end of 1990.

Eight architectural monuments of ancient Russian architecture, mostly of a white stone nature, were included in the UNESCO list in 1992. All of them are located on the territory of the Vladimir region and belong to the Orthodox culture of Russia. In Vladimir there are three UNESCO-protected sites: built in the 12th century and Dmitrievsky Cathedral, as well as the Golden Gate. In Suzdal there is a 12th-century Kremlin with the Nativity Cathedral and the Spaso-Efimievsky Monastery, built in the 16th-17th centuries. The village of Bogolyubovo is known to Orthodox pilgrims for the Palace of Andrei Bogolyubsky and the magnificent. The Church of Boris and Gleb in the village of Kideksha is the first white stone building in northeastern Rus'.

Built in the 16th century, the Church of the Ascension of the Lord is the first stone Orthodox church to use a tent instead of a classic dome. According to legend, it was erected on the occasion of the birth of Ivan the Terrible. The place for the temple was chosen on the right bank of the Moscow River, famous for its miraculous spring. The Church of the Ascension of the Lord has the appearance of a centric temple-tower, rising above the ground to a height of 62 meters. The architectural design of the church shows features of the early Renaissance. The temple is surrounded in a circle by a two-tiered gallery-promenade.

The Holy Trinity Lavra of Sergius was founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh in 1337. Currently it is the largest Orthodox monastery in Russia. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is located in the center of Sergiev Posad, a city in the Moscow region. The designation “Laurel” indicates the crowded, large population of the monastery. The architectural ensemble of the monastery consists of fifty buildings of various functional purposes. Among them there are Orthodox cathedrals, numerous bell towers, and royal palaces. Boris Godunov and members of his family found their final refuge in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The virgin forests of Komi are known as the largest intact forests growing in Europe. They cover an area of ​​32,600 square kilometers in the north Ural mountains, within the Pechero-Ilychsky reserve and national park"Yugyd Va". In terms of their composition, Komi forests belong to the taiga ecosystem. They are dominated by coniferous trees. The western part of the forests is in the foothills area, the eastern part is in the mountains themselves. The Komi forest is distinguished by the diversity of not only flora, but also fauna. More than two hundred live here bird species, there are rare species of fish. Many forest plants are protected.

For the whole world, Baikal is a lake, for the residents of Russia, who are in love with the unique natural object, Baikal is the sea! Located in Eastern Siberia, it is the most deep lake planet and, at the same time, the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. The shape of Baikal looks like a crescent. The maximum depth of the lake is 1642 meters with an average depth of 744. Baikal contains 19 percent of all fresh water on the planet. The lake is fed by more than three hundred rivers and streams. Baikal water has a high oxygen content. Its temperature rarely exceeds plus 8-9 degrees Celsius even in summer in the surface area. The water of the lake is so clean and transparent that it allows you to see at a depth of up to forty meters.

The volcanoes of Kamchatka are part of the Pacific volcanic ring of fire - a large chain of the main active volcanoes of the planet. Unique natural sites were included in the UNESCO List in 1996, along with adjacent areas characterized by picturesque views and biological diversity. The exact number of volcanoes on the peninsula is unknown. Scientists talk about several hundred and even thousands of objects. About thirty of them are classified as active. Most famous Kamchatka volcano is Klyuchevskaya Sopka - the most high volcano Eurasia and the most active on the peninsula. The volcanoes of Kamchatka have different volcanic origins and are divided into two belts superimposed on each other - the Middle and East Kamchatka.

A large biosphere reserve in the Primorsky Territory was originally created to preserve the sable population. Currently it represents the most comfortable spot observing the life of the Amur tiger. Grows on the territory of the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve great amount plants. More than a thousand higher species, more than a hundred mosses, about four hundred lichens, more than six hundred species of algae and more than five hundred fungi. Local fauna represented big amount birds, marine invertebrates and insects. Many plants, birds, animals and insects are protected species. Schisandra chinensis and edelweiss Palibina, spotted deer and Himalayan bear, black kite and Japanese starling, Sakhalin sturgeon and swallowtail butterfly - they all found shelter in the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve.

The three most significant areas of the Altai Mountains - the Altai and Katunsky reserves and the Ukok plateau - were included in the UNESCO list in 1998 under the name “Golden Mountains of Altai”. Among the protected geographical objects Mount Belukha and Lake Teletskoye were also hit. The Altai Mountains received the natural criterion “x” for the most fully presented picture of alpine vegetation. In this area, five belts follow one after another: steppe, forest-steppe, mixed, subalpine and alpine. The territory of the golden mountains of Altai is home to rare species of animals - snow leopard, Siberian mountain goat and others.

The basin of Lake Uvs-Nur, located in the Republic of Tyva, belongs to both Russia and Mongolia. On the part of the Russian Federation, it is represented by the Ubsunur Basin biosphere nature reserve, which includes both the waters of the lake itself and the land areas adjacent to it. The latter is home to a unique and, in many ways, diverse ecosystem of the region - here you can find both glaciers and the northernmost deserts in Eurasia. On the territory of the Ubsunur depression there are taiga zones, forest and classical steppes, alpine tundra and meadows. The area of ​​the reserve is replete with several tens of thousands of unexcavated burial mounds of ancient nomadic tribes.

Located in the Western Caucasus, the natural biosphere reserve belongs to the category of state ones. It is a large natural formation belonging to two climatic zones– temperate and subtropical. More than 900 species of vascular plants and 700 species of fungi grow on the territory of the reserve. Initially, the Caucasian Reserve was called the bison reserve. Nowadays, it was decided to abandon this definition, since, in addition to bison, there are a large number of other mammals in the Western Caucasus, each of which requires state protection. Today, on the territory of the reserve you can find wild boars and roe deer, Western Caucasian tur and brown bear, Caucasian mink and bison.

Not only the Moscow and Novgorod Kremlin are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Kazan Kremlin is also among the culturally significant objects of world significance. Its historical and architectural complex, consisting of a white-stone Kremlin, temples and other buildings, is a monument of three historical periods: XII-XIII, XIV-XV and XV-XVI centuries. The Kremlin territory of Kazan has the shape of an irregular polygon, coinciding in outline with the hill on which the ancient settlement is located. Initially, the Kazan Kremlin was a Bulgarian fortress. Then it came under the rule of the Kazan Khanate. After the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, the first Orthodox churches appeared on Kremlin territory. In 2005, in honor of the millennium of Kazan, the main mosque of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kul Sharif, was built within the Kazan Kremlin.

Currently, the Ferapontov Monastery is one of the inactive monasteries. The Ferapontovsky branch of the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve and the unique Museum of Dionysius' Frescoes located there became a stumbling block between the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2000, the Ferapontov Monastery was included in the UNESCO List, which finally gave it the status of not so much a religious, but a cultural heritage of humanity. The architectural ensemble of the monastery is represented by the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, painted by the famous Moscow icon painter of the 15th-16th centuries - Dionysius, the monumental Church of the Annunciation, the treasury chamber and service buildings.

The Curonian Spit is a long, narrow strip of sandy land that separates the Curonian Lagoon from Baltic Sea. According to its geographical status, this natural object is sometimes classified as a peninsula. The length of the Curonian Spit is 98 kilometers, the width is from 400 to 4 kilometers. The saber-shaped strip of land belongs half to Russia, half to Lithuania. On Russian territory The Curonian Spit contains the eponymous national park. The original peninsula was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its biological diversity. Numerous landscapes, from deserts to tundra, a large amount of flora and fauna, as well as the ancient migration route of birds make the Curonian Spit a unique natural complex that needs protection.

Most Southern City Russia, located in the Republic of Dagestan, Derbent, is one of the oldest cities in the world. The first settlements on its territory arose at the end of the 4th millennium BC. The city acquired its modern appearance in 438. In those distant times, Derbent was a Persian fortress, consisting of the Naryn-Kala citadel and double walls descending to the Caspian Sea. Ancient fortress, Old city and fortifications of Derbent were included in the UNESCO List in 2003. Naryn-Kala has survived to this day in the form of ruins, an ancient fire-worshipping temple, a mosque, bathhouses and water reservoirs located on its territory.

Wrangel Island, located in the Arctic Ocean, was discovered in 1849. In 1926, the first polar station was created on it, in 1948 the island was inhabited by domesticated reindeer, and in 1975 by musk oxen. The latest event led to the fact that the authorities of the Magadan region decided to establish a nature reserve on Wrangel Island, which also included neighboring island Herald. At the end of the 20th century, the adjacent water areas also became part of the Wrangel Island nature reserve. The island's flora consists mainly of ancient plant species. The fauna of the area is poorly developed: most often, birds and walruses are found here, which have established their main Russian rookery on Wrangel Island.

The Novodevichy Mother of God-Smolensk Monastery was founded in 1524 in honor of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria”. The location of the Orthodox women's monastery is the Maiden's Field in Moscow. In the center of the monastery is the five-domed Smolensk Cathedral, from which the creation of the entire architectural ensemble of the religious monument of the Russian capital began. In the 17th century, the Church of the Assumption was built around it Holy Mother of God, Church of the Transfiguration, Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, bell tower, refectory, Lopukhinsky, Mariinsky and Funeral Chambers.

The historical center of Yaroslavl, consisting of Rublennoye Gorod (the local Kremlin) and Zemlyanoy city, was noted by UNESCO in 2005 as an outstanding architectural example of urban planning reform carried out under Catherine II. Construction from the time of classicism took place near the parish church of Elijah the Prophet, in front of which there was a semicircular square. Streets-beams were drawn to it, each of which ended with an architectural monument that was earlier in construction - the Assumption Cathedral on Strelka, the Znamenskaya and Uglichskaya towers, the Church of Simeon the Stylite.

A network of 265 geodetic reference points, created in the first half of the 19th century to study earth parameters, is currently found in many European cities. On Russian territory it is represented by two points - “Point Mäkipällus” and “Point Z”, located on the island of Gogland. Of more than two hundred objects of the Struve arc, only 34 points have survived to this day, which served as the basis for including a unique scientific monument of humanity in the List of especially valuable cultural objects of our time.

Like many natural sites in Russia included in the UNESCO List, the Putarana Plateau was included in it due to the unique combination of different ecological systems. Located within an isolated mountain range The Putorana State Nature Reserve combines within its territory the subarctic and arctic zones, taiga, forest-tundra and arctic desert. The Putorana subspecies of the snow leopard, listed in the Red Book of Russia, lives on the territory of the reserve. The world's largest population of wild reindeer also winters on the plateau.

The Lena Pillars, located on the territory of the Sakha Republic, are the most recent Russian site included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2012. The geological formation, located on the banks of the Lena, is a multi-kilometer complex of vertically elongated rocks. At the heart of the unique natural monument lies Cambrian limestone. Scientists attribute the beginning of the formation of the Lena Pillars to the Early Cambrian, a time 560 million years distant from ours. The relief form of the Lena Pillars was formed much later - only 400 thousand years ago. Near the Lena Pillars there is a natural park of the same name. On its territory there are blowing sands and the site of an ancient man. Fossilized remains of mammoths are also found here.

How and who creates the UNESCO Heritage List? Once a year, the 192 participating countries submit applications for a maximum of two national sites that have historical, natural or cultural value. Over the course of a year and a half, UNESCO staff study the applications, vote and make a decision at the final session. The most worthy objects are included in the World Heritage List, but there are also those who are left on the so-called waiting list. The Organization will still work with these applicants.

There are 27 UNESCO heritage sites in Russia. In addition to specific locations, UNESCO also supports cultural values ​​- folklore and life of different peoples. For example, currently on the waiting list among Russian candidates are the Old Believers of Transbaikalia and the Yakut heroic epic.

Virgin forests of Komi, Komi Republic

This is the first natural site in Russia that came under the protection of UNESCO. Komi has some of the last untouched forests in Europe. They are also called the “treasury of the taiga.” Here time seems to have stopped. Crystal-clear river riffles talk to cedars and spruces that reach toward the quiet clouds. Occasionally the cries of a golden eagle can be heard. The main owners of these places are animals and birds listed in the Red Book - white-tailed eagle, osprey, peregrine falcon. Yes, the Sapsan train, which runs between Moscow and St. Petersburg, was named after the rare bird. She can fly at speeds of over 300 kilometers per hour! Any cheetah would be jealous here.

Protected Komi forests are located on the territory of two reserves: Pechoro-Ilychsky and Yugyd Va. There are different routes: you can raft the river for a week or walk along the river for three days. hiking trail. Rent a room from locals or stay at a recreation center. Among the few camps, there are those the road to which is already an adventure. For example, although the Ozernaya base is located in the center of the park, it can only be reached by helicopter. In the reserves you will see the first silicon mines, traces of ancient cave lions or mammoths, and prayer houses of the Old Believers. The main thing is to notify the administration of the reserves about your trip in advance. They will help with organizing the trip and getting passes. Pour hot tea into a thermos, take notes in a notebook and get ready to meet the spirits of the taiga jungle.

How to get there:

  • Pechoro-Ilychinsky Nature Reserve: flight S7 Airlines to Syktyvkar. Then from the Syktyvkar station by train to Troitsko-Pechorsk, from there by bus to the village of Yaksha, the villages of Ust-Ilych or Priuralsk. Then local residents will help you get to the reserve - by boat in summer, by snowmobile in winter. You can also order a transfer from the train station in Troitsko-Pechorsk at the administration of the reserve.
  • Yugyd Va Nature Reserve: flight S7 Airlines to Syktyvkar. Then from Syktyvkar station by train to Pechora. You can get from the town of Pechora to the village of Aranets by bus, and from there it’s about 50 km along the hiking trail to the border of the national park.

Italy holds the record for sites protected by UNESCO. If in Russia there are 27 of them, then in Italy there are 51. For example, entire cities are included in the heritage list - Venice and Verona.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, Solovetsky Islands

Be alone with yourself, without the Internet and plans. Solovki are six large and more than a hundred small islands surrounded by a lead-blue sea. Here you will be met by seals and white whales - beluga whales. Just 150 kilometers - and you are beyond the Arctic Circle. Explore the islands - you will find parking lots primitive man and you will see the Solovetsky Kremlin, surrounded by powerful stone walls with eight towers.

In this place you don’t want to disturb the silence: you just breathe the salty sea air and feel the history. Knock on the door of local residents, they always welcome guests. They will pour you a compote of wild berries, treat you to a sweet flatbread, and slowly tell you about the monastic life of Solovki. During lunch or dinner, ask to cook White Sea fish - it’s very tasty.

How to get there: take an S7 Airlines flight to Arkhangelsk, then transfer to a Solovetsky flight, and in 50 minutes you are there.

Architectural and historical complex "Bulgar", Tatarstan

Once upon a time it was one of the largest cities of the Golden Horde and a place of pilgrimage for the “small hajj”. It was destroyed and restored more than once. Today it is a historical complex on the high bank of the Volga. Start the route with South Gate to the middle of the complex: the minaret and Cathedral Mosque. It is also called the Tatar Taj Mahal. Take a leisurely stroll through the snow-white expanses and feel like a real khan. Then - to the Black Chamber, the most mysterious building of the settlement. Historians and archaeologists still cannot figure out why it was built.

According to legend, during the invasion of Tamerlane, the khan’s family hid in the Black Chamber. The building was set on fire, and when the fire died down, a white figure of the khan’s daughter appeared above the chamber. Tamerlane was so delighted that he offered marriage in exchange for the lives of her brothers. By sacrificing herself, the girl saved her family, but the building remained black from the fire. The complex stretches along the entire Volga coast. If you're cold, go to the Bread House to warm up. Here they will feed you and tell you how to bake fragrant bread.

How to get there: take an S7 Airlines flight to Kazan, then take a meteor from river port"Kazan", or take .

Natural complex of the Wrangel Island reserve, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Wrangel Island is divided by the 180th meridian - in one trip you will visit two hemispheres at once. This is the northernmost protected site in Russia - 500 kilometers beyond the Arctic Circle. A chilling wind, the mountains give way to swampy plains, and fork-tailed gulls circle along the coast. Harsh climate and all shades of the Nordic palette. Here are the noisiest bird colonies, home to kittiwake gulls, thick-billed guillemots and guillemots. And on the island there is the largest “maternity hospital” for polar bears.

Choose one of nine excursion routes and sign up in advance to see everything with your own eyes. You can move around the island on foot, by all-terrain vehicle or quad bike. You can get there by cruise ship from Anadyr. In just a few days you will see the northernmost wonders of Russia - Cape Dezhnev, whale alley and Eskimo villages. All routes are built so that the land remains untouched in its northern, unique beauty.

Lucia Berezyuk

Deputy Director for Environmental Education of the Wrangel Island Nature Reserve

Tourists came to us from Japan, New Zealand, England, the USA, and Australia. This year there were only six cruises, each of which was accompanied by rangers and reserve staff. One of the most interesting sites on the island is the Paleo-Eskimo site in Devil's Ravine. This is the excavation site of a seasonal camp of ancient hunters with a history of 3200 years. At the beginning of summer, walruses, seals and polar bears rest here on the ice floes. On calm days, fountains of gray whales appear in the bay - sometimes up to eight at a time!

How to get there: take an S7 Airlines flight to Magadan, then transfer to a flight to Anadyr, then by ship to Wrangel Island.

Old town of Derbent, Dagestan

Derbent is an ancient Persian city on the Silk Road. These are not just colorful labyrinths of streets where silk carpets and exotic fruits were once sold. This is a “blockpost” between Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The gigantic walls of the Naryn-Kala Citadel rise in front of you, giving Derbent a stern and majestic appearance.

Climb up and walk around the perimeter - you will see a beautiful panorama of the old city. Inside, look at the ruins of oriental palaces and medieval baths, fountains and mosques. Enter through the East Gate and you will be surrounded by pointed arches, carved pillars and round towers. Plunge into oriental fairy tale among the green mountains.

How to get there: take an S7 Airlines flight to Makhachkala, then from Southern bus station by minibus.

UNESCO evaluates sites according to ten criteria. The first is a masterpiece of human creative genius. There are 17 such masterpieces in China. Among them is the Great Wall of China.

Ancient city in Chersonesus, Sevastopol, Crimea

The only one ancient city in the Northern Black Sea region, where streets, housing and cultural buildings have been preserved. Go there in the morning, when the rays of the sun are just beginning to awaken the ancient columns and walls of the fortress. Sit on the steps of the ancient Greek theater and imagine how Homer's tragedies were watched here two millennia ago. Today people come here for modern productions.

The streets of the ancient city are a real museum under open air. If you're lucky, you'll find real excavations. Among the ancient ruins stands the Vladimir Cathedral, the symbol of all sailors of Sevastopol. And nearby there is a fog bell cast from captured Turkish cannons. After walking around the ancient city, go down to pebble beach. Have a picnic on the beach to the sound of the surf.

How to get there: take an S7 Airlines flight to Simferopol. Buses run directly from the airport to Sevastopol. In Sevastopol, from the city center, by bus No. 22. Address: st. Ancient, 1.

Northern islands and monasteries. Ancient palaces and cities. All this is not just numbers on the UNESCO heritage list. These are real places of power where you want to feel every moment. And even though officially there are 27 of these routes in our country. But you know that in reality unique places There are many more that are worth seeing.

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World Heritage- These are natural or man-made objects that need to be preserved for future generations because of their special cultural, historical or environmental significance. As of 2012, there are 962 points on this list, 754 of them are cultural monuments, 188 are natural and 29 are mixed.

UNESCO was established in 1945 and its purpose is to protect and preserve places of special value or physical significance for all mankind. In 1954, during the construction of the Aswan Dam, Abu Simbel, a man-made temple carved into the rock, was flooded. Responsible organization allocated money to have the building dismantled and moved to a higher place. This unprecedented action took four years, and for its implementation in short term Highly qualified specialists from 54 countries were attracted.

Today on the pages of Forum-Grad we will discuss a rather interesting topic - the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Aldabra Atoll

The atoll consists entirely of corals and is a group of four islands separated by narrow straits. It is located north of Madagascar in Indian Ocean. Belongs to the state of Seychelles.

Aldabra is considered the second largest in the world after Christmas Island (Kiritimati) in the Kiribati archipelago. Its dimensions are: 34 km long and 14.5 km long, height above sea level up to 8 m. The area of ​​the internal lagoon is 224 sq. m. km.

Since the 17th century it was used by the French to hunt giant sea ​​turtles, since their meat was considered an exquisite delicacy. For a long time, pirates also ruled these places, because the atoll is located far from populated areas.

In 1982 this paradise was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a unique natural monument. This is one of the few islands on our planet that has not been touched by civilization. Currently, it is home to a huge population of giant sea turtles (more than 152 thousand) and two completely unique species of bats. Entry into this nature reserve is strictly controlled, and all approaches by sea are guarded.

Giant statue in China

The huge Maitreya Buddha is carved into a rock at the confluence of three rivers - Minjiang, Qingyijiang and Daduhe near the city of Leshan in China. According to ancient legend A famous monk named Haithong of the Tang Dynasty, concerned about the frequent shipwrecks and deaths of people in the whirlpool just opposite this rock, vowed to carve a stone statue of a seated Buddha. He raised funds and began construction, and his followers completed the work. The largest monument in the world was built over 90 years - from 713 to 803.

For the convenience of visitors, a special path “Nine Turns” was built here, consisting of 250 steps. Next to the path there is a pavilion where tourists can relax and admire the face of the giant up close.

Almost until the middle of the 13th century, a huge seven-story wooden structure protected the statue from the weather, but over time it collapsed, and the structure remained defenseless against the natural elements. Garbage left by tourists began to accumulate at the foot, and the waters of three rivers washed away the base in the shape of a lotus.

The local department hired 40 workers to restore the unique statue to its former glory. About $700,000 was invested in the project and another $730,000 was invested in improving security systems.

Every year, more than 2 million travelers from all over the world come to see the seated Buddha and add about $84 million to the budget of the Leshan City Tourism Department.

Hatra, or El-Khadr

This is an ancient destroyed city as part of the Parthian kingdom, the ruins of which are still located in Northern Iraq in the province of Nineveh, northwest of the country's capital, Baghdad. It was founded in the 3rd century, and its heyday occurred in the 2nd-1st centuries BC.

The total area was about 320 hectares; it was shaped like an oval, surrounded by a double line of high stone walls with four gates oriented to the cardinal points. The most powerful defensive wall, two meters high, was made of stone, behind which there was a deep ditch up to 500 meters wide. There were 163 defensive towers at a distance of 35 meters from each other.

The city belonged to the Arab princes, who regularly paid tribute to the warlike Persians, and was located at the crossroads of the main trade routes of that time. In the center there was a palace and temple complex with an area of ​​about 12,000 square meters. meters. Due to its transit location, El-Khadr included religious buildings different directions, it was even called the “House of God.”

Thanks to good defensive structures and vigilant round-the-clock security, the ancient city withstood even the attacks of the legionnaires of the Roman Empire in 116 and 198 AD, but in 241 Hatra fell under siege by the Persian ruler Shapur and was soon destroyed and consigned to oblivion.

House Schröder by Gerrit Thomas Rietveld

This house was specially built in 1924 for the 35-year-old widow Truus Schröder-Schrader and her three children in the small Dutch town of Utrecht. The building is distinguished by innovative solutions in the original and unusual for those times exterior design, as well as the appearance of spacious balconies and huge windows.

The project and the entire internal layout were developed by the novice architect Gerrit Thomas Rietveld. The widow proposed a number of unusual innovations, which it was also decided to implement. So, an elevator was built in the kitchen on the ground floor, in which ready-made dishes were served upstairs directly to the set table. All the interiors of the first level are quite traditional for that time. The walls are made of antique bricks.

But on the second floor, according to the owner of the house, the entire space remained completely open, and it can be divided into several rooms at any time using sliding walls. All wardrobes and beds are transformable, assembled during the day and unfolded at night. Instead of the usual curtains, like all the neighbors, multi-colored plywood panels were used.

Currently, the unique house belongs to the Central Museum of Utrecht and there are guided tours that take about an hour.

This building is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List because it had a significant influence on further architectural trends, and also became the first open-plan house in the world history of architecture.

Krak des Chevaliers

Krak des Chevaliers (or Krak de l'Hospital) is a unique crusader structure located in the state of Syria on the top of a cliff 650 meters high. The nearest city of Homs is 65 km east of the castle.

This is one of the well-preserved fortresses of the Order of Hospitallers in the world. In the 10th century, this castle became his headquarters, where during the crusade a garrison of 2,000 soldiers and 60 knights could be accommodated.

In addition to the powerful walls, many buildings in the Gothic style were reconstructed and restored. These included a large conference hall, water storage tanks, a chapel, an internal aqueduct, storage areas and two stables that could house up to 1,000 horses. In the rock mass under the building there were underground storage facilities for food and water supplies, which could have been enough during a long siege for 5 years.

At the end of the 12th century, during the next crusade, King Edward I of England saw the impregnable fortress, and soon his castles appeared in Wales and England, very similar in structure to Krak.

Monastery of Alcobaça

The Cistercian monastery “de Santa Maria de Alcobaça”, located in the Portuguese city of Alcobaça, was founded by King Afonso Henriques in 1153 and for two centuries served as a tomb for the rulers of Portugal. The cathedral is the first building in the Gothic style built on the territory of the ancient state.

Architecture is historically valuable. The two wings of the main facade are made in the Baroque style, and between them there is a church, the facade of which seems to connect these two directions. At the top there is a balcony supported by four statues - they symbolize the main virtues: justice, fortitude, prudence and sobriety.

In 1755, the whole country was shaken by the great Lisbon Earthquake, which was very destructive, but the temple survived - only the sacristy and part of the service buildings were damaged. However, the original appearance historical place could not be restored. Near the entrance to the church is the Hall of the Kings, where there are statues of all the monarchs of Portugal, and the history of this place is written on the walls using blue and white azulejos tiles from the 18th century.

After viewing this masterpiece of early Gothic architecture, other interiors of famous cathedrals in Europe seem gloomy and not so aesthetic. These buildings demonstrate the perfect skills and dedication of medieval craftsmen. And the entire ensemble of “de Santa Maria de Alcobaça” is one of the most beautiful monuments of Portuguese art.

Monte Alban

According to prominent world-famous scientists, this is quite large settlement ancient people in southeastern Mexico, Oaxaca. Just 9 km from the state capital, on a low ridge of a mountain range passing through the valley, lies a man-made plateau. It contained the very first in all historical region a city that played a significant role as the socio-political and economic center of the Zapotec civilization.

In the early 30s, the ruins of this ancient settlement were discovered by the Mexican archaeologist Alfonso Caso. Many pundits equate this discovery to the sensational discovery of the true location of the legendary Troy.

“Mexican Troy” turned out to be a city of high culture; local craftsmen could already process rock crystal and make unique gold jewelry back in 200 BC.

During the excavations, 150 four-chamber crypts, palaces and pyramids very similar to those built by the Mayans, an ancient observatory, a giant amphitheater with 120 rows for spectators, powerful stone stairs 40 meters wide, a structure resembling a stadium and much more were discovered.

The walls of the buildings are decorated with frescoes, relief images of human figures and stone mosaics. Original funeral ceramic urns in the form of gods and various animals were discovered.

The impressive ruins of the center of the ancient civilization of Monte Alban are located in such a way that they are visible from anywhere in the central Oaxaca Valley


It is a small town in northern Ethiopia, located in the Ahmara region at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level. It is a center of pilgrimage for the entire population of the country, because almost all the residents of the town are Christians of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Lalibela was built as the New Jerusalem in response to the Muslim takeover of the Christian holy site in the State of Israel, so many historical buildings have names and architecture similar to the ancient buildings of Jerusalem.

According to 2005 data, the city's population was 15 thousand people, most of whom (about 8,000) were women. This one is medieval religious center known for its monolithic, three-nave churches carved into volcanic tuff, built at the turn of the 11th – 13th centuries. The bas-reliefs and wall paintings of these ancient structures mix Christian and pagan symbols and motifs.

Thirteen temples seem to grow out of the ground. “Bete Mariam” is considered the oldest, and “Bete Medhane Aleyem” is the largest church in the world, carved into the rock. According to legend, the ashes of King Lalibela rest in the last of the rock-cut churches, Bete Golgotha.

These unique works of architecture by ancient craftsmen are also monuments of the engineering thought of medieval Ethiopia - near many of them there are wells that are filled with water using a complex system based on the use of artesian wells.

Eight hundred years ago people could supply water to a height of 2500 meters!


It is a simple village in the state of Maharashtra, India, near the city of Aurangabad. It is famous for the fact that there are carved in the rocks nearby cave temples different religions, the creation of which dates back to the 6th – 9th centuries of the new era. Of the 34 caves in Ellora, 12 in the south are Buddhist, 17 in the center are dedicated to Hindu gods, and 5 to the north are Jain.

Most of the ancient shrines have their own names, the most famous is “Kailas”. This beautiful, perfectly preserved example of ancient architecture is considered one of the most precious monuments in India. In the granite canopy above the entrance to this place, sacred to all Hindus, colossal statues of Shiva, Vishnu and other gods revered in the country are carved.

Next comes the huge goddess Lakshmi - she reclines on lotus flowers, and majestic elephants stand around. On all sides the temple is surrounded by monumental lions and vultures, they are frozen in different poses, and guard the peace of the heavenly kings.

One of the legends says that this piece of paradise was built by one Rajah - Edu of Elichpur - in gratitude for healing with water from a spring located on the territory of the temple.

Vishvakarma has a multi-storey entrance and Big hall, in which there is a sculpture of Buddha reading a sermon.

"Indra Sabha" is a two-level monolithic Jain temple.

"Kailasanatha" is central place the entire sacred complex, and during the construction of this miracle in the town of Ellora, more than 200,000 tons of rock were removed.

Ancient construction complex in Wudang Mountains

The Wudang Mountains in China are famous for their ancient monasteries and temples. Once upon a time, a university was founded here to study medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, meditation and martial arts.

Back during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the first religious center was opened in this area - the Temple of the Five Dragons. Major construction on the mountain began in the 15th century, when the Yongle Emperor summoned 300 thousand soldiers and built complexes. At that time, 9 monasteries, 36 hermitages and 72 shrines, many gazebos, bridges and multi-tiered pagodas were built, forming 33 architectural ensemble. Construction lasted 12 years, and the complex of structures covered main peak and 72 small peaks - the length was 80 km.

The “Golden Hall” is one of the most famous; its production required 20 thousand tons of copper and about 300 kg of gold. According to scientists, it was forged in the capital of China, Beijing, and then transported piece by piece to the Wudang Mountains.

The Purple Cloud Temple consists of several halls – “Dragon and Tiger Hall”, “Purple Sky Hall”, “East”, “West” and “Parent”. The shrines of Wu Zhen have been kept here since its founding.

During the troubled times of the Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976), many places of worship were destroyed, but later restored, and now the complex is visited by tourists from all over the world.

Architecture ancient complex Wudang Mountains combines the best achievements of Chinese traditions over the past one and a half thousand years.

"Valley of the Whale" in Egypt

40 million years ago, “Wadi Al-Hitan” was the bottom of the World Ocean, which is why hundreds of skeletons of ancient mammals were preserved here. This unique valley is located 150 km southwest of the capital of Egypt - Cairo. Many whale remains belong to the extinct suborder Archaeoceti, representing one of the most important stages of evolution: the degeneration of terrestrial multi-ton monsters into marine mammals.

Fossil skeletons clearly show the appearance and lifestyle of these giants during their transitional period. In addition, they are all located in an area convenient for study and, importantly, vigilantly guarded.

In addition, there are remains of sea cows "Sirenia" and elephant seals "Moeritherium", as well as prehistoric crocodiles, sea snakes and turtles. Some specimens are so well preserved that the contents of their large stomachs can be studied.

All together helps scientists unravel the still existing mystery of the evolution of these largest mammals on the planet.

Pristine exotic tropical forests

Kerchin-Seblat National Park is the largest nature reserve on the island of Sumatra, its area is about 13.7 thousand square meters. km. Here you can see more than 4,000 species of plants, including the world's largest flower - Rafflesia Arnolda, its diameter is 60-100 cm, and its weight reaches up to 8 kg. In addition, this area is home to about 370 species of birds and rare animals (Sumatran tigers, elephants and rhinoceroses, Malayan tapir). There are also hot springs, the highest caldera lake and the highest peak on the island. And recently a muntjac deer was seen here, a species that was considered extinct back in the 30s of the last century.

The second largest is Gunung Löser, with an area of ​​7927 square meters. km. Located in the Aceh region and around the town of Bukit Lawang. This small town is considered the best starting point for exploring an exotic place. Tours are only permitted with a trained guide and special permission.

The most interesting thing in this reserve is the large population of great apes - orangutans. Translated from Malay, it means “forest man”.

The third largest is Bukit Barisan Selatan with an area of ​​3,568 square meters. km, covering the provinces of Lampung, Bengkulu and South Sumatra. Here you can find very rare animals - the Sumatran elephant and the striped rabbit.

Tourists value Sumatra for rainforests with nature preserved in its original form, for outlandish plants and amazing representatives of exotic fauna. In addition, there are many beautiful and still active volcanoes.

"The Sistine Chapel of Primitive Painting"

“Lascaux” is located in France, 40 km from the city of Périgueux and is considered one of the most important Paleolithic monuments in terms of the quantity, quality and preservation of ancient cave paintings. The cave was discovered by chance in 1940 by four teenagers who noticed a narrow hole in the rock caused by a falling tree. After examination, scientists determined that the age of the rock paintings is more than 17,300 years.

Cave pretty small size, the totality of all its galleries is about 250 meters, and the average height is 30 meters. Visitors were allowed in from 1948 to 1955, but then it was closed because the ventilation systems could not cope with the carbon dioxide that accumulated inside from the breath of numerous tourists, and the rock paintings could be damaged.

Air conditioning systems were changed several times in the last century, but they were all ineffective, and the historical heritage was periodically closed for maintenance work. And only in the 21st century were powerful units installed that successfully coped with the task.

To preserve the wall paintings, they decided to copy all the images and made a concrete copy, where almost all the rock paintings are presented in the same sequence as the original. The cave was called “Lascaux II”; it is located only 200 meters from the present one and was first opened to travelers in 1983.

Takht-e Jamshid

Takht-e Jamshid in Greek “Persepoles” is the ruins of the capital of the Achaemenid Empire. This place is considered one of the most beautiful monuments history of the state of Iran. It is located on the Marvdasht plain at the foot of Mount Ramhat and was founded by the Great Persian King Darius I in 515 BC.

Area of ​​this stone structure is 135 thousand sq. meters, it includes the “Gateway of All Nations”, “Apadana Palace”, “Throne Room”, the tomb of the “King of Kings”, an unfinished palace and a treasury. Construction lasted about 45 years and was completed during the reign of Xerxes the Great, the eldest son of Darius.

In Persepolis, mainly the remains of the palace complex and religious buildings have been preserved. The most famous of them is "Apadana" with a ceremonial hall and 72 columns. Five kilometers away is the royal tomb of Naqshe-Rustam and the rock reliefs of Naqshe-Rustam and Naqshe-Rajab.

Here in those distant times there already existed water supply and sewerage, and slave labor was not used during construction. The walls of this unique complex were more than five meters thick and up to 150 centimeters high. One could ascend to the city via the grand staircase, consisting of two flights of 111 steps each made of white limestone. Then it was necessary to pass the “Gate of All Nations”.

But the powerful walls did not help, and in 330 the great conqueror Alexander the Great stormed the fortified complex and, during a feast in honor of the victory, burned the capital of the Persian kingdom to the ground, perhaps in retaliation for the Acropolis destroyed by the Persians in Athens.

Cradle of Humanity

The historical monument is located 50 km northwest of Johannesburg in the Gauteng province of South Africa in the south of the African continent. Its area is 474 square meters. km, the complex includes limestone caves, including a group called Sterkfontein, where in 1947 Robert Bloom and John Robinson discovered the fossil remains of an ancient man - "Australopithecus africanus" aged 2.3 million years.

"Taung Rock Fossil Site" - it was here that the famous Taung skull was discovered in 1924, belonging to to the oldest man. The Macapan Valley is known for the abundance of archaeological traces found in the local caves, confirming the existence of people about 3.3 million years ago.

Fossils discovered here have helped scientists identify ancient hominid specimens dating back to between 4.5 and 2.5 million years ago. These same finds fully confirm the theory that our distant ancestors began to use fire about a million years ago.

Perhaps some of the readers will think that our topic contains a lot of numbers, but this is the story, and not of any individual person, but of our entire civilization.

Before we present you with a list of countries with the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, let's figure out what they are.

  • Is a masterpiece of human creative genius;
  • Proves the significant mutual influence of universal human values ​​in a certain historical period or cultural space;
  • Is a unique or exceptional object for a culture and/or civilization, existing or disappeared;
  • Is an outstanding example of architectural landscape design illustrating an important period of human history;
  • Is an outstanding example of traditional human settlement or human interaction with the environment;
  • The object is directly related to historical events, or cultural traditions, religious beliefs artistic or literary works and is of great worldwide importance.

World Heritage sites are divided into three categories:

  • cultural, i.e. created by man – these are mainly architectural monuments.
  • created by nature - such as rock formations or caves, lakes, rivers and waterfalls
  • mixed, i.e. created jointly by nature and man - for the most part these are various parks and gardens.

Natural objects have their own selection criteria - for example, a natural phenomenon of exceptional beauty and aesthetic value.

There are Native American cultural heritage sites in the United States, such as Taos Pueblo, an ancient Indian settlement. These are also structures created in the 19th and 20th centuries, for example, the Statue of Liberty.

In addition, the United States has several World Heritage Sites created by nature. These include Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. In total, there are 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the United States.

Russia made it into this top thanks to its rich, varied history and colossal territory. Among the cultural heritage sites of Russia are the Moscow, Novgorod and Kazan Kremlins, the historical centers of St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl.

There are also as many as 10 objects in Russia natural heritage, among which famous lake Baikal and the Golden Altai Mountains.

The United Kingdom has many cultural heritage sites dating in particular from the period of the Roman Imperial Occupation. Many of them are related to events affecting the global history of Europe. The most famous of them are the Fortified Frontier of the Roman Empire and the Tower of London.

India is the birthplace of the oldest civilizations on earth, which has seen the rise and fall of many empires and royal dynasties, as well as several world religions - Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism. India has several world heritage sites created by nature - caves and national parks.

The most famous cultural heritage sites in India are: royal palace Taj Mahal and cave temples located on Elephanta Island.

Mexico was home to two of the oldest civilizations that lived in the New World before the Great Ages. Geographical Discoveries- Aztecs and Maya. It was also the site of the earliest settlements of European colonists in the New World.

Mexico's World Heritage Sites include the historic city center of Puebla, and the ancient pre-Spanish cities of Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza and El Tajin.

Over the course of its long history, Germany has been both part of the Holy Roman Empire and the center of the German Empire. Hence the large number of cultural heritage sites. The most famous of them are Wartburg Castle and Cologne Cathedral.

As with Germany, the history of France is closely linked to the Roman Empire. At one time, Frankish tribes lived as part of the Empire. Later, however, France itself became a powerful monarchy.

So it is not surprising that many sites in France are classified as World Heritage Sites. First of all, these are Notre Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles.

Of the 45 sites, 3 are located outside of Europe - for example, the Garajonay National Park, located on the island of La Gomera. This is due to the fact that Spain still retained some of the lands acquired during the colonial era.

In Spain itself the most famous objects are the Roman city walls of Lugo and Burgos Cathedral

China is home to the world's oldest civilizations and many living and extinct cultures. China has many different cultural heritage sites, including the Great Wall of China.

But there are also a dozen natural heritage sites in China. One such place is Karst deposits in South China.

Finally, the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites are located in Italy - the birthplace of the Holy Roman Empire, the Christian Empire and most of the Renaissance figures. Among the cultural heritage sites of Italy are the historical centers of Rome, Naples, Florence, Castel del Monte and Villa Del Casale.

Advantages and disadvantages of owning UNESCO World Heritage Sites

World Heritage sites make a significant contribution to the tourism industry, and therefore the economy, of the countries that own them. They tend to be the most attractive for tourists visiting these countries.

This means more tourists, which means more money attracted by this industry. However, owning World Heritage properties also comes with significant costs. The government of the country that owns the World Heritage Site has to spend a lot of money on repairs, protection and maintenance of these attractions.

This can create big problems for a given country, especially during difficult economic periods.

Beautiful shots from all corners of our Motherland, depicting UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia.

Ten natural sites of the Russian Federation are on the UNESCO World Heritage List (4 of them are recognized as natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance), and this is not counting another 15 sites that are cultural objects of protection. This is not at all surprising, because Russia is a truly vast country, with a vast territory, incredibly beautiful and diverse nature, and a rich cultural heritage.

If you want to see virgin nature Russia in its original form, then the Russians (and foreign tourists too) it will not be difficult to go to one of the nature reserves or national parks countries on whose territory these ten objects are located that require constant protection at the international level...

1. Forests of the Komi Republic

The area of ​​these forests is more than 3 million hectares, on which a national park and a state biosphere reserve are located. This facility opened a new page for Russia in environmental protection at the global level.

The virgin forests of Komi are known as the largest intact forests growing in Europe. They occupy an area of ​​32,600 square kilometers in the north of the Ural Mountains, within the Pechero-Ilychsky Nature Reserve and the Yugyd Va National Park. In terms of their composition, Komi forests belong to the taiga ecosystem. They are dominated by coniferous trees. The western part of the forests is in the foothills area, the eastern part is in the mountains themselves. The Komi forest is distinguished by the diversity of not only flora, but also fauna. More than two hundred species of birds live here, There are 40 species of rare mammals, and the reservoirs are home to 16 species of fish, which are considered valuable for fishing, preserved from the Ice Age. For example, such fish species include Siberian grayling and palia char. Many inhabitants of the virgin forests of Komi are listed in the Red Book of the Planet. This natural site of the Russian Federation was included in the UNESCO list in 1995 - the very first on the list.

2. Lake Baikal

For the whole world, Baikal is a lake, for the residents of Russia, who are in love with a unique natural object, Baikal is a sea! Located in Eastern Siberia, it is the deepest lake on the planet and, at the same time, the largest natural reservoir of fresh water by volume. The shape of Baikal looks like a crescent. The maximum depth of the lake is 1642 meters with an average depth of 744. Baikal contains 19 percent of all fresh water on the planet. The lake is fed by more than three hundred rivers and streams. Baikal water has a high oxygen content. Its temperature rarely exceeds plus 8-9 degrees Celsius even in summer in the surface area. The water of the lake is so clean and transparent that it allows you to see at a depth of up to forty meters.

Lake Baikal, the oldest and deepest (approximately 1,700 meters) on Earth, covers an area of ​​over three million hectares. The reservoir, which appeared about 25 million years ago, was in almost complete isolation, thanks to which an amazing ecosystem was formed in its fresh waters, the study of which allows us to obtain information about the evolutionary processes taking place on the planet.

Unique even on a global scale, the lake contains about 20% of all available reserves of essential fresh water on Earth, as well as a delightful spectacle, inspiring with beauty and captivating with the luxury of amazing landscapes.

Lake Baikal was named a beautiful pearl by UNESCO in 1996 and included in the list of priceless heritages of the planet.

3. Kamchatka volcanoes .

This site was also included in the World Heritage List in 1996. Five years later (in 2001), the territory of the object subject to international protection expanded due to the movement of lithospheric plates of the Pacific volcanic ring. Today, the territory of the state biosphere reserve is about 4 million hectares. This area is called the “natural museum of volcanology.” Both long-extinct and extinct objects can serve as exhibits. active volcanoes Kamchatka Peninsula. Moreover, each of the “exhibits” is an individual object, for which a lifetime would not be enough to study.

In total, there are currently about 300 extinct volcanoes and 30 active ones, but the number of the latter changes every year. The most interesting attraction for tourists in this region is the Valley of Geysers in the Konotsky Biosphere Reserve. Mountain rivers Kamchatka abounds with huge numbers of salmon fish, and the coastal waters are home to many species of whales and dolphins.

4. Altai Mountains

These mountains are called “Golden”, since every species of animal, bird and fish here is unique. Altai cedar forests and mammals with the most valuable commercial fur, which can be equated in value with gold, have been preserved here. The site covers an area of ​​more than 1.5 million hectares and was included in the UNESCO list in 1998. The "golden" ones are located Altai mountains at intersection mountain system Siberia and Central Asia.

The vegetation of this region is unique; there is an abundance of alpine meadows, steppes, semi-deserts and tundra. Absolutely everything is unique here, from snow leopards to shapes mountainous reliefs. Pearl Altai Territory called Lake Teletskoye, which is also called “Small Baikal”.

5. Natural Park"Lena Pillars"

The fabulously beautiful landscapes of the park are formed by hundred-meter rock formations that pacify the waters of the beautiful Lena River. The Lena Pillars are located in the very heart of Sakha (Republic of Yakutia).

Such an amazing natural phenomenon owes its appearance to the continental climate, temperature fluctuations within which reach about one hundred degrees (+40 degrees in summer and -60 degrees in winter). The pillars are separated by deep ravines with steep slopes. Their formation occurred under the influence of water, which contributed to soil freezing and weathering. Such processes led to the fact that the ravines deepened and widened. In this case, water plays the role of a destroyer, posing a danger to the pillars.

The Lena Pillars, included in the list of world heritage in 2012, are of interest not only from the point of view of an aesthetic spectacle; it is also a unique archaeological zone, on the territory of which the remains of ancient animals of the Cambrian period were discovered.

This natural site has an area of ​​1.27 million hectares. If we take into account the geological structure of the soil in the park, then this land can “tell” a lot about the history of the development of the planet, about living organisms and vegetation.

In the Lena Pillars, many remains of mammoths, bison, woolly rhinoceroses, Lena horses, reindeer and other remains of ancient mammals were discovered. Today the complex is home to 12 representatives of animals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Planet. It is believed that the Lena Pillars have a huge “aesthetic influence” on people due to their unique beauty of landscapes, bizarre terrain with huge caves, fabulous-looking stone sculptures, rocky spiers, niches and “towers”.

6. Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve

This territory, included in the UNESCO list in 2001, covers an area of ​​about 0.4 million hectares. The object is valuable because unique broad-leaved forests and ancient coniferous forests have been preserved on its territory. There is also an incredible mixture here different types flora and fauna, including many rare species.

A large biosphere reserve in the Primorsky Territory was originally created to preserve the sable population. Currently, it represents the most convenient place for observing the life of the Amur tiger. A huge number of plants grow on the territory of the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve. More than a thousand higher species, more than a hundred - mosses, about four hundred - lichens, more than six hundred species of algae and more than five hundred - fungi.

The local fauna is represented by a large number of birds, marine invertebrates and insects. Many plants, birds, animals and insects are protected species. Schisandra chinensis,ginseng,rhododendron Fori and edelweiss Palibina, spotted deer and Himalayan bear, black crane and stork, Japanese starling, Sakhalin sturgeon, fish owl and swallowtail butterfly - they all found shelter in the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve.

7. Natural complex Wrangel Island Nature Reserve

The protected area, which was added to the list of UNESCO treasures in 2004, is located beyond the Arctic Circle. It includes the relief landscapes of Wrangel Island, whose area is over 7 thousand square meters. kilometers, and Herald Island, whose area is 11 thousand square meters. kilometers, as well as the coastal waters of the East Siberian Sea and the waters of the Chukchi Sea.

This region managed to avoid glaciation, thanks to which the area is characterized by amazing biological diversity. The harsh climate of the protected area attracted walruses, who formed the largest rookery in the Arctic here. Polar bears have also taken a liking to the picturesque land; the density of their dens in this region is considered to be the highest on the planet.

Over fifty species of birds nest here, some of which are endemic and endangered. Gray whales rush here, choosing this place for feeding. Surprisingly, over four hundred species of vascular plants are found on the island, among which there are also endemics.

Here tourists can see the largest bird colonies in the eastern Arctic. Relics of the Pleistocene predominate among plant forms. The landscape of the island is unusual, as is its water area. Many travelers dream of visiting here.

8. Ubsunur Basin

The area of ​​this unique biosphere reserve is 0.8 million hectares. The object was included in the UNESCO list in 2003. Located salt Lake with a large scale area on the border of Mongolia and the Russian Republic of Tyva. By the way, on the territory of Russia there are only seven sections of the intermountain basin with a shallow lake (up to 15 meters), the remaining five parts of the Transboundary Site are located in Mongolia. Each of the seven sections of the basin on our territory is individual in appearance and the plants that grow there depending on the landscape.

Inhabitant of the Ubsunur Basin

ZHere you can see foothills with eternal areas of snow-capped peaks, there are also areas of mountain taiga, alpine meadows, wetlands, mountain tundra and even sandy deserts. The remnant mountains with bright vegetation and contrasting landscapes make the Ubsunur basin especially picturesque. Endangered species of animals are found here - mountain sheep - argali, snow leopard, as well as many rare species of birds - geese, herons, terns, gulls, waders, etc. During excavations of ancient mounds on the territory of the basin, unique rock paintings, burials and stone sculptures were discovered .

9. Putorana Plateau

Included in the World Heritage List in 2010, this natural site of the Russian Federation is total area more than 1.8 million hectares. This virgin basalt plateau in the north of Eastern Siberia, almost at the Arctic Circle, is invaluable for study by geologists and geomorphologists. The mountainous terrain has a stepped landscape, flat-topped massifs intersect deep canyons. The plateau was formed at the boundary of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic as a result volcanic activity. Forty-layer deposits make it possible to study the structure of the planet.

Deep cracks in the plateau were formed by glaciers, which were subsequently filled with water, forming lakes with a unique appearance and a depth of up to 400 meters. There are many plateaus on the territory beautiful waterfalls, one of which (in the valley of the Kanda River) has a height of 108 meters. In total, on the territory of the Putorana plateau there are 25 thousand small and large lakes with a huge supply of fresh water. There are more than 30 species of mammals in this northern reserve and all of them are rare or relict.

The vegetation is represented by 400 species - mainly open forest, mountain tundra and larch taiga. The plateau serves as a resting place for thousands of species of migratory birds.

The picturesque landscapes of the beautiful plateau coincide with the boundaries of the reserve of the same name located beyond the Arctic Circle, which adorns the territory of Central Siberia. The changing zones give a special charm to the area: virgin taiga, rich forest-tundra, colorful landscapes of the tundra and the fabulous beauty of the icy Arctic deserts. A real decoration of the plateau: curly ribbons of rivers and a crystal lake saucer filled with pure cold water. A road along which deer migrate runs through the inhospitable lands of the plateau. This is an incredible spectacle, which can be observed less and less in nature.

10. Territories of the Western Caucasus

The natural reserve with an area of ​​0.3 million hectares has been included in the UNESCO list since 1999. These areas are almost untouched human civilization. Today they are under the protection not only of UNESCO, but also of other all-Russian and international organizations - Greenpeace, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, NABU, Dresden Technical University, working group " North Caucasus"and others. The territory of the reserve covers areas that stretch from the upper reaches of the Kuban River to the Belaya and Malaya Laba rivers..

Caucasus. Blooming rhododendron in the Upper Mzymta valley

The vegetation in this protected region is represented by coniferous and broad-leaved forests, crooked forests, mountain meadows, and the nival belt. Every third plant here is considered relict. Rare species of birds of prey nest here - ospreys, bearded vultures, golden eagles, griffon vultures, etc. Among the large animals in the reserve you can see Western Caucasian tigers, brown bears, wolves, Caucasian red deer, bison, etc. Tourists will be interested in seeing beautiful karst formations in this natural area with deep gorges, waterfalls, underground rivers, tarns, moraines, cirques and valleys formed by mountain glaciers.

11. Curonian Spit

The Curonian Spit is a sand spit located on the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. The Curonian Spit is a narrow and long saber-shaped strip of land separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea and extending from the city of Zelenogradsk Kaliningrad region to the city of Klaipeda (Smiltyne) (Lithuania).

The length is 98 kilometers, the width ranges from 400 meters (in the area of ​​​​the village of Lesnoy) to 3.8 kilometers (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bCape Bulviko, just north of Nida).

The Curonian Spit is a unique natural-anthropogenic landscape and a territory of exceptional aesthetic value: the Curonian Spit is the largest sand body included in the Baltic complex of sand spits, which has no analogues in the world. High level biological diversity, caused by a combination of different landscapes - from desert (dunes) to tundra (raised bog) - provides insight into important and long-term ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, river, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals. The location of the spit and its relief are unique.

The most significant element of the spit's relief is a continuous strip of white sand dunes 0.3-1.0 km wide, some of them approaching the highest in the world (up to 68 m).

The Curonian Spit contains natural habitats that are the most representative and important for the conservation of biological diversity, including those where endangered species are preserved that are of outstanding global importance from the point of view of science and nature conservation: due to their geographical location and orientation from northeast to southwest, it serves as a corridor for migratory birds of many species flying from the northwestern regions of Russia, Finland and the Baltic countries to the countries of the Middle and Southern Europe. Every year in spring and autumn, from 10 to 20 million birds fly over the spit, a significant part of which stop here to rest and feed.

In the last entry I did not include all the architectural objects of Russia, noted by UNESCO for their uniqueness and historical value. Today I will add to this list...

12. Citadel, old town and fortifications of Derbent .

The citadel, old town and fortifications of Derbent is the collective name under which UNESCO in 2003 included the medieval architectural heritage of the city of Derbent on the list of World Heritage Sites.

The history of ancient Derbent, located off the coast of the Caspian Sea, on the territory of modern Dagestan, dates back, according to archaeologists, five thousand years. This one of the oldest cities in Russia was initially a small settlement founded at the foot of the spurs Caucasus Mountains, which subsequently acquired city fortifications of impressive size.

However, the first documentary evidence of this place is precisely how large city, date back to the 5th century. At this time, the Persian king Yazdegerd II ruled here, who appreciated its strategic location. This, by the way, is reflected in the name, because Derbent translated from Iranian means “mountain outpost” or “mountain pass”. About 100 years later, another king, on the remains of previous defensive structures, erected a fortified city, which is called Old, with impregnable fortress and powerful fortifications. Between these fortifications, stretching more than 40 kilometers deep into the Caucasus Mountains, a city emerged that still retains its medieval character.

Citadel of Nara-kala

It continued to be a strategically important place until the 19th century. Derbent has experienced many dramatic events throughout the history of its existence: wars, assaults, periods of decline and prosperity, times of independence and subjugation to other nations. But still, this place has preserved many monuments from all these turbulent periods.

This: the citadel of Naryn-kala, with thick and high walls, the ruins of the palace of the Derbent Khan, baths and a guardhouse;

13. Struve geodetic arc

The Struve Arc is a network of 265 triangulation points, which were stone cubes embedded in the ground with an edge length of 2 meters, with a length of more than 2820 kilometers. It was created to determine the parameters of the Earth, its shape and size. Named after its creator, the Russian astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve (Vasily Yakovlevich Struve).

The Struve geodetic arc was measured by Struve and the staff of the Dorpat (Tartu) and Pulkovo observatories (of which Struve was the director) over 40 years, from 1816 to 1855, over a distance of 2820 km from Fuglenes near the North Cape in Norway (latitude 70° 40′11″N latitude) to the village of Staraya Nekrasovka, Odessa region, near the Danube (latitude 45° 20′03″N latitude), which formed a meridian arc with an amplitude of 25° 20′08″.

Geodetic arc Struve, “Point Z”, o. Gogland, Leningrad region

Currently, arc points can be found in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia (on the island of Gogland), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova (the village of Rud) and Ukraine. On January 28, 2004, these countries approached the UNESCO World Heritage Committee with a proposal to approve the surviving 34 points of the Struve Arc as a World Heritage Monument. In 2005, this proposal was accepted.

Story about others architectural monuments Russia, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, Around the world

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