How many active volcanoes are there in Indonesia? Volcanic activity in Indonesia. Reference. Transport in Indonesia

Volcanoes are creations of Mother Nature, which attract with their beauty and at the same time pose a huge danger to humanity and all life on our planet. Some people only see them in pictures, while others practically live next to them. One of the states in which it is located great amount volcanoes - Indonesia.

Getting to know the country

Many Russians who actively use tourism services have traveled to Indonesia. If you ask people who have once been here about what this country is like, many will start talking about Bali. It is with this island that travelers associate Indonesia. In fact, the named state is not only the island of Bali. This is more than 17 thousand small islands.

It so happens that Bali is the most popular island in Indonesia in terms of tourism. It attracts travelers interesting story and temples preserved from ancient times, their amazing landscapes, tropical forests, endless beaches. The island is also famous for its impressive volcanoes. By the way, Indonesia is famous for these natural attractions. Currently, the country is the leader in the number active volcanoes(78), according to the number of eruptions that led to human casualties (114).


Some Indonesian volcanoes deserve special consideration. One of them is Kelimutu. It is located on the island of Flores. Its last activity was recorded in 1968, which means that last eruption happened half a century ago. Now Kelimutu is a popular tourist attraction, a real miracle of nature.

What is striking about the volcano on the island of Flores? Its amazing attractions are 3 lakes. Nature has transformed the volcano in 50 years. Lakes about 1650 m deep formed in its collapsed peaks. One lake has a dazzling turquoise hue, while the rest are emerald green and brownish red, sometimes black.

Legends associated with Kelimutu

The inhabitants of the island of Flores have developed mystical beliefs in relation to the volcano. People believe that the lakes are the other world, and each of them was formed for certain dead people. The turquoise lake is intended for young and innocent souls, the emerald green one is for people who died at an old age and lived their lives with dignity, and the brownish red one is for sinners who did bad deeds, killed people, living beings.

The lakes of Kelimutu volcano are separated by thin barriers. Residents who believe in an otherworldly life are sure that the walls were formed for a reason. They point out to people that there is a very thin and fragile line between good and evil. A person who destroys it during life through his atrocities or wrong actions ultimately dooms his soul after death to exist in darkness among evildoers.


One of the famous volcanoes in Indonesia is located in the northern part of the island of Sumatra. Its name is Sinabung. This is an active volcano, which has recently periodically awakened and instilled horror and panic in the inhabitants of the island. Its first sudden eruption began in August 2010. Until this moment, the volcano had been dormant for more than 4 centuries.

Subsequent eruptions were recorded every year. The victims were reported in the media in February 2014. During the next eruption, a local television journalist and members of the Indonesian Christian student movement GMKI died. Wrote in media mass media and about 4 children. The students came with their school teacher to see the eruption up close. Unfortunately, their educational trip to the Sinabung volcano in Indonesia ended tragically.

Volcanoes of Java

Perhaps the second most visited place after Bali is the Indonesian island of Java. Tourists either choose it as main goal their trip, or visit after excursions in Bali. The island of Java attracts with its natural attractions. Among them we can highlight National Park Bromo-Tengger-Semeru. It attracts travelers with its dangerous romance, because it is home to volcanoes such as Semeru, Kursi, Bromo, Batok.

From listed volcanoes Bromo is attractive to tourists because it is the most photogenic. It is an active volcano in Indonesia. Periodically erupting clouds of smoke and sulfur create an amazing spectacle that travelers want to capture on camera.


When considering the island of Java, one cannot fail to mention the Ijen volcano. It is located in the National Park of the same name. The volcano is interesting because a lake of an apple-greenish hue has formed in its caldera. This place is sometimes called hellish. There are several reasons. Firstly, the lake is hot. On its surface the temperature is about 60 degrees. At depth it is higher. There the temperature exceeds 200 degrees.

The shores of the lake, which belongs to the Ijen volcano in Indonesia, make it especially unusual. Sulphurous rollers are cast on them in gold. Local residents here are engaged in sulfur mining. They work in inhumane conditions, because the air contains harmful gases and vapors. People work in masks, and without it, acute coughing attacks occur.


Among the Indonesian volcanoes, Tambora entered history. It is located on the island of Sumbawa. This creation of nature is associated with the most powerful eruption that humanity has seen in its lifetime. A tragic event occurred in 1815. Until this moment, the volcano had not erupted for several centuries. In 1815, the total volume of lava and ash was 150-180 km 3.

At the moment of the eruption, a powerful explosion occurred. It was even heard by residents of the island of Sumatra, located 2 thousand km away. The entire area, located at a distance of 600 km, was plunged into darkness after a volcanic eruption in Indonesia. According to approximate estimates, terrible a natural phenomenon killed 12 thousand people. About 60 thousand people subsequently died from hunger and disease as a result of the powerful eruption.

Tambora today

After 1815, several small eruptions were recorded, but they were not so large-scale or tragic. Currently, the volcano continues to be considered active. He is being carefully monitored, because such a colossal number of victims cannot be allowed anymore.

Now, according to experts, this powerful volcano in Indonesia does not pose a threat to local residents. But, despite this, a special plan for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations has been developed. According to it, the nearby territory was divided into 2 zones. One of them is considered dangerous. During an eruption in this area, everything will be destroyed by lava and ash. People are now prohibited from living in the danger zone. Another part of the nearby territory is an area of ​​increased attention. It may be indirectly affected by an eruption in the future. Local residents are allowed to live in this area. Now it houses several settlements.

Each volcano in Indonesia is interesting in its own way. Travelers going to this country for vivid impressions and unusual memories should visit at least one of them. Some volcanoes, as mentioned above, attract with their dangerous romance, while others attract mystical legends, and still others are of interest in connection with large eruptions that occurred in the distant past.

Indonesia - Merapi, which on October 26, 201o entered the stage of explosive eruption and produced a series of powerful emissions of volcanic ash.

Indonesia is one of the regions with the highest seismic and volcanic activity in the world. The planet's largest archipelago is part of the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire" - a horseshoe-shaped strip of volcanoes and tectonic faults 40 thousand kilometers long. It encircles the Pacific Ocean, running along the coast of the South and North America to southern Alaska, then turns to Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia and ends in the island area New Guinea, New Zealand and southwestern Oceania. It is in the “Ring of Fire” that almost 90% of the approximately one and a half thousand known volcanoes on the planet are located. 90% of all earthquakes on the planet occur there.

In the Indonesian region, the plates that form the floor of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans, go under the Asian plate. Advancing on the latter, denser oceanic tectonic plates descend to the mantle under colossal pressure globe and at a depth of about one hundred kilometers below the surface they begin to melt, which leads to emissions of the resulting hot lava. Therefore, along the entire length of the Indonesian part of the “Ring of Fire” (3 thousand 218 kilometers) there are volcanoes.

The world's largest archipelago has 129 active "fire mountains" alone, with a total of up to 600 - more than any other country in the world.

Indonesia's volcanoes have a huge number of active ones. This is due to the fact that the territory of this state is located directly on the Pacific Ring of Fire. This conditional line stretching for thousands of kilometers where the Indo-Australian and Eurasian lithospheric plates collide. It is to this complex geological process that every volcano in Indonesia owes its appearance. Of the huge number of volcanoes, in this article we will talk about the most interesting of them.

Volcano Bromo (height 2329 m.)

Located in the east of the island of Java and is one of the most popular and visited in Indonesia. This is due to its majestic beauty and its location on the Tengger caldera (rim), which is surrounded by sand dunes.
The menacing volcano, the unusual alien landscape and the clouds of smoke that Bromo constantly releases make its visit unforgettable. The volcano itself is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Tourists from all over the world come to watch the sunrise with views of the mighty volcano and the valley in which it is located. We also offer this one.

Volcano Ijen

Or as the locals call it, Kawa Ijen, also a fairly famous volcano in Indonesia. It is located on the island of Java and comes after Bromo in the popularity ranking. Many tourists after visiting Bromo volcano. The reason for its popularity among tourists is the presence of a turquoise sulfur lake inside the crater, which emits blue flames at night and smoky white during the daytime. Also here you can meet many sulfur collectors who mine it on the shore of a sulfur lake in incredibly harmful conditions, inhaling sulfur vapors. The Ijen volcano is unique in that it is in its crater that the largest acid lake in the world is located.

Semeru Volcano (3676 m.)

Located in the east of the island of Java, it is its highest fiery mountain. Local residents who have lived near the volcano for centuries call it Mahameru, which means “ big mountain” and comes from the Hindu gods Meru and Semeru.

Climbing to the top of the mountain takes two days and will not pose any special problems for experienced tourists. Although it is still worth putting in a little effort on the last slope before the summit. It is also worth remembering that this is an active volcano, as clearly indicated by the emission of clouds of smoke.

Stratovolcano Merbabu (3145 m.)

This giant is located in the central part of Java. Its name can be translated as “mountain of ashes.” This is the only dormant volcano in this ranking. Although it last erupted in 1797, nevertheless, it should not be forgotten. In 2004, this volcano and surrounding areas were declared a National Nature Reserve.

Volcano Anak Krakatoa (813 m.)

This volcano does not require any special introduction, as it is one of the most famous in the whole world. When mentioning it, they usually add the word “most”. The most destructive, the loudest, etc. Before the catastrophic eruption (about which many films were shot and more than one book was written), it was a volcanic island and a volcano at the same time. Located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. In May 1883, the most powerful eruption recorded by mankind began. Let us cite only the following facts:

A column of ash and gas rose to a height of 70 km

The pyroclastic flow reached a height of 900 meters

Rocks were scattered over a distance of 500 km

The volume of ejected material was 18 cubic km

The tsunami generated as a result of the eruption reached a height of more than 30 m

The power of the explosion was equivalent to 10,000 (!!!) explosions in Hiroshima

In Jakarta, located 150 km from the volcano, doors were torn off their hinges and roofs were blown away (it is quite possible that the residents were also terrified)

The shock wave circled the planet 7 times

According to unconfirmed reports, 120,000 people died

In the place of Krakatau, his “son” Anak Krakatau is now growing and constantly active (literally - 6.8 m per year). In February of this year, there was an increase in its activity and as a result, the Indonesian authorities prohibited approaching it within 1.5 km. No wonder it is considered one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia.

Mount Kerinci (3800 m.)

It is the highest active volcano in Indonesia and the highest point on the island of Sumatra. It is located in Kerinci National Park in the west of the central part of the island, which is last refuge endangered species - the Sumatran tiger and the Sumatran rhinoceros. This volcano is notable for the fact that its crater contains the highest volcanic lake in Southeast Asia.

Volcano Batur (1700 m.)

This volcano is deservedly one of.

This is an active volcano located in the caldera of what was once a protovolcano with a diameter of 13 km. It last erupted in November 2018. Nowadays, a large number of tourists who come to relax in Bali climb the volcano in order to meet the amazingly beautiful sunrise at its top. In addition to tourists, local residents also pay special attention to the volcano, since according to local beliefs, the tops of the mountains are the abode of the gods. That is why, before climbing to the top of the volcano, Balinese guides pray to the gods and make offerings.

Volcano Agung (3142 m.) The most on the island of Bali. It has a sacred meaning among the Balinese. It is on the slopes of this mountain that the “Mother of all temples” is located - the Besakih Temple. According to Hindu legend, the mountain was created by the god Pasupati during the division of the spiritual axis of the universe - Mount Meru. mountains will take 6-7 hours. Some of our tourists, after overcoming this path, shared their impressions and said that the path to the top is also a spiritual test.

Rijani Volcano (3726 m.)

Located on the island of Lombok and is the second highest volcano in Indonesia. He is also one of the most active. There is a volcanic lake in the crater of the volcano. Every year, pilgrims from among the local residents come here and make offerings in order to appease the gods. Since Lombok is a developing island tourist destination in Indonesia, the number of tourists who climb to the top is growing from year to year. The journey to the top takes about 2 days. And this path is worth it to see the beauty from the top of the mountain.

Kelimutu Volcano (1639 m.)

It is located on the island of Flores and is popular among tourists due to its unique three volcanic lakes of different colors - green, blue and red. The reason for the different colors of water is the different chemical composition and the presence of substances that give shades. It is worth noting that the shades of the lakes change depending on the season and time of day (the angle of incidence of the sun's rays changes). The territory of the mountain and the surrounding area belongs to National Park Kelimutu.

Mount Puncak Jaya or Korstens Pyramid (4884 m.)

Rising on the western part of Papua is the only peak with a glacier in Indonesia. The name can be translated from Indonesian as “peak of victory.” The mountain received its second name thanks to the Dutch explorer Jan Corstens. He was the first European to notice the peak's glaciers on the horizon in 1623. At that time, no one believed him that this was possible in the tropics at the equator. This mountain is included in the list of the Seven Summits of the World.

The peak was first conquered in 1962 by Austrian climbers.

It is worth noting that the volcano in Indonesia has a special mystical meaning among the local population. Even despite the different religions and traditions of the islands. They cause terrible destruction, loss of life, change day to night, but at the same time they are an act of creation. A huge number of islands owe their appearance to this formidable force of nature. Including Bali.

On December 20-21 in Indonesia, in the northern part of Siau Island, the Karangetang stratovolcano erupted (1784 m). Fortunately, there were no casualties.

On the evening of Saturday, December 22, an increase in activity was recorded at the Anak Krakatoa volcano (813 meters), which is located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. The active phase of the eruption began in the dead of night. According to Observation Center for volcanic ash in Darwin, a column of gas and ash rose to a height of 16 km from the top of the volcano. The pyroclastic cloud trailed southwest into the waters Indian Ocean. The volcano has been assigned a red level. A significant part of the cone was destroyed as a result of the explosion. A huge amount of cubic meters of ash and sulfur dioxide was released into the atmosphere. The activity continued throughout the day.

According to data as of December 28 from the Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation, Anak Krakatau lost between 150 and 180 million cubic meters of volume as a result of the eruption. Now its volume is 40-70 million cubic meters. The maximum height of the crater decreased from 338 meters in September this year to 110 meters as of December 28. Since access to the volcano is difficult due to ongoing seismic activity and rough seas, scientists made their conclusions based on the analysis satellite images volcano

Tsunami series

On the same day, landslides from the slopes of the volcano triggered a series of tsunamis. The first wave was rather weak and did not cause significant destruction. But the second wave hit at 4:30 local time on West Coast Banten province, Java island, as well as the southern regions of Lampung province, located on the island of Sumatra, caused significant damage. Pandeglang district in Banten province on the island of Java was hit the hardest.

As a result, 429 people were killed, another 1,485 residents were injured, of which 845 were injured. 154 people are listed as missing. More than 16 thousand residents were forced to leave dangerous area. More than a thousand buildings were destroyed. The wave easily absorbed vehicles. 434 ships were also damaged.

Residents were not informed in a timely manner about the coming disasters. The tsunami may have been caused by an underwater landslide, and Indonesia does not yet have an early warning system for tsunamis caused by underwater volcanoes or landslides at sea. The local population noted that on the eve of the events there was no particular activity of the Anak Krakatoa volcano.

On December 23, the active phase of the volcanic eruption continues. In this regard, experts do not exclude the possibility of another tsunami. Residents of Serang, Pandeglang and South Lampung districts are advised to stay away from the coast.

In the Jembrana district, located on the Indonesian island of Bali, mudflows occurred on December 22.

“After all, what is the meaning of life, have you ever wondered? The highest meaning of the life of each individual is in knowing his soul. The rest is all temporary, passing, just dust and illusion. The only way to know your soul is only through inner Love, through the moral purification of one’s thoughts and through absolutely firm confidence in achieving this goal, that is, through inner faith... As long as life glows in you, it’s never too late to know yourself, to find your beginning, your sacred , the life-giving spring of the soul... Understand yourself, and you will understand who you really are.”

The Sinabung volcano has awakened on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The island declared the highest level of danger and began an emergency evacuation of tourists and residents.

Associated Press reports.

Thousands of residents and tourists have become hostages in Indonesian resorts due to a new eruption of Mount Sinabung.

Photos and videos that appeared online show how a column of volcanic ash rose from the crater to a height of more than 5 thousand meters. Experts have already reported that this eruption will significantly complicate aviation flights. The cloud is expected to move southwards in the future. The Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency, in turn, reported that clouds of hot ash spread 4.9 thousand meters to the south.

According to rescuers, there were no casualties or injuries as a result of the eruption. During the emergency evacuation, almost 3 thousand residents left their homes.

Volcanic eruption in Indonesia

A 5-kilometer column of smoke and dust rose into the sky on the island of Sumatra

Emergency evacuations are being carried out on the island of Sumatra

Volcano awakens in Indonesia, rescuers begin emergency evacuation

The Australian agency responsible for monitoring volcanic ash in the region, for its part, announced a “red level” of danger for airlines.

What is happening now on the island of Sumatra, watch the video.

Note that Sinabung is just one of more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia. For several centuries it was considered dead, but became active again in 2010. In early 2014, the Sinabung eruption resulted in the deaths of at least 16 people.


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