How to make a tourist route based on geography. We create hiking routes. Drawing up a hiking plan, planning. We plan the mileage, choose overnight stays. Determining daily mileage

Development of a tourist route

and drawing up a travel plan.

Issues covered in class.

    Methodology for developing a route for a recreational and health hike.

    Methodology for developing a route for a sports hike.

    Drawing up a trip plan.

As part of this lesson, we will talk about the methodological foundations for developing a route and plan for recreational, health and sports trips. A number of concepts and definitions necessary to present this topic have already been encountered in the lecture on the essence tourist trips. Thus, we are unlikely to be able to avoid some repetitions. Don’t let this scare you, as we know, repetition is the mother of learning.

      Methodology for developing a route for a recreational and health hike.

So let's ask ourselves a question. How do tourists develop their hiking routes? If the hiking route in the desired area is not described in the literature, if you are not led along roads known only to them by guides from tourist organizations or your “crazy” teacher, then there is only one thing left to do - develop and complete the route yourself. And you should start, of course, with choosing the area where you will travel.

By what criteria do tourists choose an area for a health trip?

The selection of a hiking area is carried out on the basis of an analysis of topographic maps, diagrams and other information documents containing information about excursion sites in the hiking area, natural monuments, tourist sites, etc. When choosing an area for any hike, you should first of all take into account the objectives set for it. goals and objectives. Accordingly, an area is selected for recreational and health hikes, which will allow you to best fulfill the objectives of health improvement and good rest of participants in the natural environment. Recreational tasks can be successfully combined with cognitive tasks– expanding the horizons of the participants, their knowledge of the geography and nature of their native land, the cultural and historical heritage of their ancestors, the traditional way of life of the local population, etc., i.e. everything we call “local history”.

From this point of view, the most optimal areas for a recreational hike are those with the greatest recreational potential. The tourist potential of any object (or territory) is the totality of natural and man-made bodies and phenomena associated with this object (territory), as well as conditions, opportunities and means suitable for the formation of a tourism product and the implementation of relevant tours, excursions, programs(Drozdov, 2005). Territories with pronounced recreational potential are territories that are not polluted by economic activity and contain large forest areas (light pine forests, broad-leaved forests); picturesque landscapes, with well-defined relief and vantage points; hydrographic objects (rivers and lakes suitable for swimming and recreation). This is the above a set of recreational resources and recreational and educational objects necessary for the formation of a tourism product. The very presence in such areas brings a huge charge of energy to a person and, if the hike is accompanied by an ecological, local history excursion, it gives tourists new knowledge about their region. Thus, we can formulate the first and most essential criterion for choosing a hiking area.

    Availability in the hiking area necessary recreational resources and interesting for tourists target recreational and educational objects visits.

A recreational and health trip includes mandatory, but limited and calculated taking into account the gender, age of the participants in the hike, their state of health, physical activity. The movement of participants along the route should not lead to excessive physical and mental fatigue. On the contrary, the end of the “walking” day should give them a feeling of slight pleasant fatigue and satisfaction from the physical work performed. Consequently, the area of ​​a recreational hike should be “convenient” for achieving recreational goals. There should be convenient routes for the arrival and departure of the tourist group (railway, road); it must contain choice convenient, not tiring for walking, cycling, forest or field roads and trails. This is one of the conditions necessary for the formation of a recreational tourism product, and we are ready to formulate the following criterion for choosing a hiking area.

    The hiking area must have convenient starting and ending points for the trip, enough a wide network of forest and field roads and clearings convenient for movement; trope(ways to reach potential key objects of the route and tourist stops).

It is advisable that the hiking area provides other possibilities For best holiday participants of the trip. From the point of view of environmental protection and maximum comfort For participants of a health hike, the advantage is the hiking area, which contains equipped places for tourists to spend the night and rest. Moreover, such tourist camps are usually set up in the most picturesque places suitable for recreational purposes with sources of clean water. Hence the next criterion for choosing a hiking area.

    Availability in the area of ​​specially equipped or suitable for equipment by the group places for overnight stay and rest for tourists and a sufficient number sources of clean water for catering.

Finally, when choosing an area for recreational travel, an important factor is the amount of free time that the participants have and their potential material (financial) costs. Health hikes are most often weekend hikes (an effective and inexpensive means of restoring strength after a working week). Therefore, they try to choose the area for such a trip closer to their place of residence, reducing time and material expenses for travel (this is another condition for successful preparation and implementation of a tourist trip). So - the last of the criteria we highlight for choosing a hiking area.

    Proximity area to the place of permanent residence of the participants, minimum financial investment to achieve it.

The criteria for choosing a hiking area are dictated, among other things, by the motives, wishes, and aspirations of tourists (subjective factors). Consequently, there may be much more of them than those mentioned above. We only hope that we have outlined the most significant of them and for better understanding we present a set of criteria for choosing a hiking area in Fig. 1. It should be said that the above criteria for choosing an area for recreational trips are best met by protected natural areas with the possibility of holding tourist events (national parks). It is there that the development of tourism activities is as important a task as the conservation of natural recreational resources. In the territories of national parks there are marked routes for recreational hikes, there are educational objects of interest with the possibility of conducting excursions by qualified specialists, equipped tourist bivouacs and lunch stops, etc.

After choosing a hiking area, based on available cartographic material and other information, tourists develop a specific hiking route (route thread).

What does the term “route thread” mean? The route line, developed based on a topographic map of the hiking area, represents the following sequence of landmarks: the starting point, reference points for the day's treks, tourist bivouac sites and the finishing point. In the case of marked routes (for example, marked routes of ecological hikes, excursion ecological trails), the thread of the route is not only plotted on the map, but in one way or another marked (marked) on the ground.

What creative work (in terms of content) should be performed when developing a route for a health hike? When developing a route, again the main factors that are taken into account are the goals of the trip (in this case, the goals of recovery, recreation, knowledge). The finished route should contribute to their most effective achievement, without unnecessary physical, organizational, and financial costs. When developing a route for a recreational hike, the following is done: creative work with a topographic map and other information materials.

    The required length of the route and duration of the hike are determined (taking into account the composition of the group and the intended goals of the hike).

    From all those present in the hiking area, specific target recreational and educational sites to visit are selected.

    Specific points of arrival (starting points of the route) and points of departure of the group from the route that are convenient for reaching the intended recreational and educational objects of visit are determined.

    Places for organizing bivouacs and large halts are determined, which should maximally satisfy the tasks of safety, recreation and health improvement of participants, as well as the implementation of excursion and educational tasks.

    The tactical route scheme is determined (linear, circular, with sections of radial movement).

    The ways to reach the planned main recreational and educational objects and points for organizing lunch stops and bivouacs (the group’s route) are determined.

    The route, as a result of the above actions, is divided into separate, feasible for the participants, day trips of a certain length.

    During daytime crossings, reference points are outlined for precise movement along the route (point, linear, area).

Let us briefly explain the above steps.

What do we mean by the concept of target recreational and educational objects along the hike route? In the hiking area, using a map and other sources of information, it is necessary to identify one or more target recreational and educational objects. These are the most important route objects interesting for tourists for visiting; satisfying their cognitive needs, contributing to their full recreation in natural conditions(“highlights” of the future route). Such objects may be: local areas of the region with picturesque landscapes, lakes or groups of lakes, marked ecological excursion trails, rural museums of folk art, crafts, etc. For example, typical target objects of routes in Belarus are Lake Naroch, Lake Svityaz, the territory of the Blue Lakes landscape reserve, Mir Castle, etc. At such a point on the route, you can plan a half-day, or a day with an excursion, and plenty of time to explore the planned attractions.

What is the optimal length of recreational walking and skiing routes (day hikes)? Along the route of the hike, the most convenient and suitable points for lunch stops and the organization of field camps for overnight stays (bivouacs) are outlined. Having identified bivouac points in the hiking area, you will automatically divide the route into a series of day trips. It must be taken into account that the length and duration of such transitions should be dictated by the specific composition of the participants in the hike (their age, state of health). We have already noted above that daytime treks should be feasible for the participants and not cause them excessive physical and mental fatigue. The volume and intensity of work done by participants along the route must comply with the standards of physical recreation. Day trips are planned taking into account the gradual increase in physical and emotional stress on the participants. The usual route length parameters for health hikes are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Quantitative parameters of recreational skiing and hiking trips.

How to determine places along the route for organizing bivouacs and large rest stops? Bivouacs and large lunch stops must be marked in places safe and with clean water suitable for preparing hot meals. In the conditions of Belarus, it is better to place halts and bivouacs in the forest zone, for cooking over a fire, and organizing evening relaxation around a fire. At the same time, we must try to choose bivouac sites that are not only suitable, but also potentially most suitable for a good rest. It could be a lake with the possibility of fishing and swimming in the summer; a picturesque high river bank, a place suitable for holding entertaining competitions, etc. It is convenient for places for lunch stops and bivouacs to be located next to the excursion or recreational sites planned for visiting. If the hike passes through the territory national park, or other well-known recreational areas, tourist recreation centers can be specially equipped and marked on tourist map(as well as historical and cultural monuments and excursion sites). When developing a ski trip route, you don’t have to “link” the bivouac sites to the water sources marked on the map (water is “under your feet” in any place). To organize tourist camps, in this case, forest areas should be found on the map. Here tourists are provided with protection from the wind and firewood for organizing an overnight stay in winter conditions (including for using a tourist collapsible stove). In Belarus, coniferous forests are the best for organizing a winter bivouac and recreation (look for forest areas on the map with the corresponding explanatory signs).

What types of tactical schemes are used when constructing a hiking route? Based on the location of target recreational facilities in the selected area and convenient starting and finishing points of the hike, tourists determine the optimal tactical route design: linear, circular, combined (including circular sections and radial sections). It is difficult to give any specific recommendations here. This is purely your creativity. The main thing is that the chosen tactical scheme best suits the solution of the assigned recreational tasks along the route. It is clear that a linear route (linear tactical scheme) does not imply drawing a straight line of movement on the map, and a circular route does not imply drawing a line of movement along a circle in their geometric sense. A linear route is not closed; it has different start and finish points, distant from each other.. In the case of a circular (closed) route, a single start and finish point is assumed. In recreational and educational hikes, a combined route scheme is often used with the inclusion of circular sections on a generally linear route or sections of radial movement. Radial exits are carried out from bivouac or rest areas to target objects with subsequent return to the starting point along the same path. The use of radial movement along the route allows tourists to effectively conduct sightseeing and more fully enjoy unique natural objects (they are not burdened with hiking cargo and are not limited by narrow time frames).

How to choose the optimal path (route) to the bivouac locations and target objects along the route? Based on the analysis of cartographic and other information, specific routes to excursion, recreational sites and bivouac sites are outlined. The map shows forest, field (but not highways, automobile!) roads going in the right directions, and other linear landmarks for movement (clearings, river banks, etc.). When hiking, preference should be given to those marked on topographic map, forest or field roads and paths convenient for tourists (if they are known to the leader or described in special materials). On the contrary, the length of crossings along clearings and off-roads should be limited. Overcoming obstacles is not the goal of a health journey. However, in this case we do not have “hard” recommendations: a lot depends on the composition of a particular group and the wishes of the participants. Thus, the map determines specific line of movement for each day's journey. It is important that this line runs through areas containing recreational resources of the area.

What are reference points for daytime marches? Within each day's transition, a number of reference points for movement should be outlined. These landmarks will be needed for the purpose of confident orientation and adherence to the intended route. If on the route you meet a number of famous, expected by you reference points, then, accordingly, you are sure that you have not strayed from the intended line of movement. Various terrain landmarks serve as reference points for the route: point landmarks (road intersections, individual buildings, bridges, etc.); linear (roads and clearings used for movement or crossed during movement, river banks, boundaries between forests and fields, etc.); area (settlements, lakes, small forests).

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  • A well-designed travel itinerary is the basis of any independent trip! How well you plan your route independent travel Your expenses, your comfort, and your impressions depend. It doesn’t matter where you are going - to one country or several at once... For a European vacation, for Asian exotica or from the capital to the village to visit your grandmother... The main thing is to know where to start and take everything into account important nuances. If you have good route trips- the trip will be successful!

    In this article we will not touch on autotrip (travel by car) - this is a big topic for a separate article with its own subtleties and nuances...

    So, where to start planning a travel itinerary?

    To begin with, do not get hung up and do not consider it a law that must be strictly followed. Nothing good will come of it if you plan your trip too carefully, scheduling every kilometer and every minute of the trip... Why?

    Firstly, you will never be able to follow an overly planned route. This is impossible!

    Travel is like marriage. The main misconception is to think that you have everything under control... John Steinbeck

    Your route will probably change several times during the process of drawing it up, and with a high degree of probability - during the journey. And this is good!

    Secondly, You will not enjoy such a planned trip. After all, you must admit, it’s not very exciting to have sex strictly on Tuesday at 23:00 and on Saturday exactly at 15:00... In travel, as in sex, there should be a share of spontaneity, fantasy and impromptu! Only then will you enjoy it.

    But you still have to plan the main stages and take into account important nuances...

    Good travel route. Stages of compilation

    Timelines, target dates and budget.

    Decide when and for how long you want to travel and how much are you willing to spend on it? And remember - you can travel for almost any money!

    Our experience: We spent absolutely identical amounts in ruble equivalent on two completely different trips (including air tickets, transport, hotels and food)... 10 days "honeymoon" in the Maldives(with one round trip) in 2008 and almost 3 months in Asia with two children via Hong Kong, Philippines (Manila and Mindoro), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi), Thailand (Ao Nang, Krabi) and Istanbul (6 flights, ferry, buses, etc.) in 2014. Both of these trips, made 6 years apart, cost us about 150 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the first trip cost 15,000 rubles per day for two, the second - almost 10 times cheaper for four!!!

    How longer trip, the cheaper it will cost per day.


    Decide where you want to go? What are you dreaming about? Travel all over Europe or visit all the sights of Paris? Explore all of Southeast Asia or spend a week in Tibet? Enjoy the beaches Caribbean Islands or the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia? Whatever your dream is, it is your dream and it is achievable!

    Open the World Map and the Internet. At this stage, you will already have a preliminary travel itinerary. You will decide on the country/countries and cities.

    Be sure to check the climate and weather in the region on the Internet for the selected dates, so as not to fall into the “rainy season” and not hide in the hotel building from a tropical downpour or hurricane.


    In the majority Asian countries You do not need to apply for a visa in advance - it is issued automatically upon arrival, on average, for a period of two weeks to a month. But in the majority European countries You will need a Schengen visa.

    In any case, before traveling, be sure to find out the current visa requirements of the countries you are interested in. The most reliable way to do this is on the websites of consulates and official visa centers.

    When traveling to Europe, choose the country of first entry or the long stay those countries for which it is easier to apply for and obtain a Schengen visa. For example: Finland, Czech Republic, Spain...

    How to get there?

    There are many ways to travel! By car or hitchhiking, by bus or train, and of course by plane... The plane is the most popular option. And, when searching for air tickets to a destination, the traveler will greatly benefit from Aviasales- a search aggregator site that will find you the cheapest air tickets around the World! Moreover, absolutely for free!

    Look for tickets in advance. When searching for air tickets, try changing the dates, cities and airports of departure and arrival. Use "Low Price Calendar" And "Low Price Card". Tickets purchased several months in advance, departing midweek and arriving at a nearby airport, may be much cheaper!

    You can read more about all the nuances of purchasing air tickets in a separate article: How to buy cheap air tickets?

    Sometimes, when visiting several countries, it makes sense to look directly at the websites of low-cost airlines in search of promotions... There are many inexpensive low-cost airlines in both Europe and Asia. And a plane ticket to a neighboring country can often be purchased for literally 10 euros!

    When moving around the country or to neighboring countries one region, we should not forget about other transport besides airplanes... In Europe, high-speed rail transport is very developed (for example, TGV trains). And in Asia you can get anywhere very cheaply on buses and ferries.

    We had a wonderful, quick and inexpensive journey from Amsterdam to Paris in Europe. And in Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines) they used ferries and buses more than once - to get from Manila to the island of Mindoro, to get from Bangkok to Pattaya or to the island of Koh Chang, to get from the island of Langkawi to Thailand to Krabi and Ao Nang. .. But initially, getting to your main destination is faster and more convenient by plane...

    At these stages, your travel route will most likely be adjusted. It will be affected by ticket prices, flight dates, and possibly visa requirements.

    Our experience: When we were going to Thailand(Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Chang island) and picked up tickets Emirates airlines with a connection in Dubai, we learned about an airline service called "Stop in Dubai" (Dubai Stopover). As part of this Emirates service, you can get a very good discount short-term visa UAE, hotel and transfer. Accordingly, we decided to use the Dubai Stopover service and on our way back from Thailand we spent one unforgettable day in Dubai .

    Our experience: When we were planning a trip to Amsterdam and Paris, we found out that it is very cheap to fly to Amsterdam from Helsinki, and it turned out to be much easier to obtain a Finnish visa than a French one... And air tickets from Paris to Moscow turned out to be much cheaper not directly, but through Berlin... As a result, we also visited Helsinki and Berlin.


    Where do you want to go, where to go and what to see? This is the most interesting and exciting stage of planning a travel itinerary. When planning, you will already learn a lot about the culture and history of the country, its cuisine, nature, beautiful places and sights... And anticipation, as you know, increases your appetite even more...

    At this stage, it is very important not only to choose places and attractions, but to find out how they work, how much it costs to visit and how to get to them! Yes, and don’t chase all the attractions or the most popular ones... Choose those attractions that are most interesting to you. And when drawing up a route for visiting them, try to mark the attractions on the map and move towards them sequentially, rather than rushing back and forth from one corner of the city or country to another.

    Our experience: We planned three days in Paris during our trip to Europe as follows: one day for one half of the city, the second day for the second half, and the third for Disneyland in the suburbs of Paris. As a result, of course, we wore out our heels, but without rushing anywhere we saw absolutely everything we wanted, missing only one single attraction from the planned ones.

    When planning your trip, be sure to find out holidays in the country you are visiting. An unexpected event can radically break all plans, even experienced traveler... A major Catholic, Muslim or Buddhist holiday can result in both interesting festive events and a completely “extinct” infrastructure with closed shopping centers, shops, banks, exchange offices, restaurants and even pharmacies!

    Our experience: Twice, completely unexpectedly for us, we found ourselves in such a situation in Warsaw - on the Catholic holiday of the Three Kings and on the eve of Easter... The other side of the coin was the shopping ruined in the bud due to closed shopping centers, the inability to have a meal in a restaurant and even exchange money...

    Choosing a hotel.

    You can, of course, stay in another country not only in a hotel... It can be free couchsurfing, an apartment on airbnb, or renting a house... But the cheapest, most reliable and convenient way, in our opinion, is booking a hotel on search engine sites Hotellook or RoomGuru . Just enter your request into the search form and get the best hotel deals...

    Public transport.

    How to get around the city/country/countries? Be sure to search the Internet for information in advance! Otherwise, already being in another country, you will not know anything: neither how to get there, nor where to buy tickets, nor how much they should cost, nor ways to save...

    Now your travel itinerary is becoming something whole and complete... It's time to move on to taking out insurance...


    Insurance is probably the least expensive, but the most significant component of any trip. Some 10 dollars spent on insurance can save you tens of thousands of dollars spent on medical care, save your nerves, time, health and even life!

    When searching for any information on the Internet, use only reliable sources. These are the official websites of the ministries of tourism and the websites of consulates different countries Mira. These are travel blogs of travelers with reports on real trips, Wikipedia, some forums (for example, Vinsky’s forum) or good travel portals. Beware of many forums and some even large portals (not to mention small sites), where the same unreliable and irrelevant copywriting information is often reprinted from authors who have never been anywhere...

    Check out our page with secret information for travelers. There you will find links to the best and useful services for travelers, discounts and great deals...

    You can also use our new section Sales, where you can find great deals on flights, hotels and insurance and put them together...

    Traveling with ready-made tour packages is an experience that can quickly become boring. After several trips, hotels, restaurants and beaches will seem the same. A self-developed product will give you much more impressions. a tourist route. Moreover, this is how you can discover the true beauty of your native land, as well as see real life in others interesting places of our planet.

    You will need:

    - cards;
    - route book.

    Decide on the direction of the route and the goals of the trip. You can cover the same path on foot or by different means of transport. When you start thinking about your route, take into account your financial and time resources, as well as the impressions you would like to receive in the end. Start by determining your starting point and ending point. Next, outline the main geographical points that you would like to capture. If you plan to travel by car or on foot, use detailed map, with which you can choose the optimal path.

    Turn to the Internet. The most interesting routes probably already described in detail travel companies or passed by other tourists. Read their impressions on specialized forums, ask questions about difficulties and negative aspects. This way you can adjust the stages of the upcoming path, as well as slightly modify its geography. It is advisable to post the developed route on the forums independent travelers, and then experienced tourists will comment on it and give useful advice.

    Try to find the best price offer for guest houses or recreation centers, hotels, flights, cafes, restaurants. Go to their websites and book directly. Due to this, you can save a lot if you develop the route yourself.

    Collect from various sources and prepare for yourself information about all the sights and interesting places in the area you are going to travel to. Find articles about the history and culture of indigenous peoples, legends and myths of the places you plan to visit. Check the specifics national cuisine. You can prepare printed material by making your own “guide” for the chosen route.

    All this will add a lot of unforgettable sensations and impressions to your vacation, and the process of preparing for the trip itself will be exciting.

    Don't forget to get permits if you want to visit border areas on your trip.

    If you're addicted active tourism and planning a trip to native land, it is advisable to coordinate your trip with the route qualification commission (RQC), the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This procedure is required if you are going on an extreme or very difficult trip. Provide to the MCC cartographic material, route book, as well as confirmation that there are experienced tourists in your group. This organization will assess your strengths, help with planning, and warn you about dangerous places, protected areas, safety precautions. The main advantage of such a step is that ICC representatives will monitor your route. In case of any accident, they will send emergency personnel to search or help your team.

    Traveling with ready-made tour packages is an experience that can quickly become boring. After several trips, hotels, restaurants and beaches will seem the same. A independently developed tourist route will give you much more impressions. Moreover, this is how you can discover the true beauty of your native land, as well as see real life in other interesting places on our planet.

    You will need:

    • Internet;
    • cards;
    • route book.

    Decide on the direction of the route and the goals of the trip. You can cover the same path on foot or various modes of transport. When you start thinking about your route, take into account your financial and time resources, as well as the impressions you would like to receive in the end.

    Start by determining your starting point and ending point. Next, outline the main geographical points that you would like to capture. If you plan to travel by car or on foot, use a detailed map to help you choose the best route.

    Turn to the Internet to find useful information

    The most interesting routes have probably already been described in detail by travel companies or taken by other tourists. Read their impressions on specialized forums, ask questions about difficulties and negative aspects. This way you can adjust the stages of the upcoming path, as well as slightly modify its geography.

    It is advisable to post the developed route on the forums of independent travelers, and then experienced tourists will comment on it and give useful advice.

    Try to find the best price offer for guest houses or recreation centers, hotels, flights, cafes, restaurants. Go to their websites and book directly. Due to this, you can save a lot if you develop the route yourself.

    Collect from various sources and prepare for yourself information about all the sights and interesting places in the area you are going to travel to. Find articles about the history and culture of indigenous peoples, legends and myths of the places you plan to visit. Specify features of national cuisine. You can prepare printed material by making your own “guide” for the chosen route.

    All this will add a lot of unforgettable sensations and impressions to your vacation, and the process of preparing for the trip itself will be exciting.

    Don't forget to get permits documentation, if you want to visit border areas on your trip.

    If you are interested in active tourism and are planning a trip to your native land, it is advisable to coordinate your trip with the Route Qualification Commission (RQC), the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This procedure is required if you are going on an extreme or very difficult trip. Provide the ICC with cartographic material, a route book, and confirmation that there are experienced tourists in your group.

    This organization will assess your strength, help with planning, warn about dangerous places, protected areas, and safety precautions. The main advantage of such a step is that ICC representatives will monitor your route. In case of any accident, they will send emergency personnel to search or help your team.


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