The ten most forbidden places on the planet. The ten most forbidden places on the planet the 10 most dangerous places forbidden to visit

In our modern world Traveling is becoming easier and more accessible; some cities can easily be reached in just one day or even less. To scorching endless deserts, refreshing beautiful beaches, evergreen impenetrable forests, the most beautiful and incredible places on Earth you can get there by plane, train or just by car. However, there are certain areas where people’s access is limited or simply prohibited. Whether it's a beautiful cave or Mysterious Island, inhabited by huge deadly snakes, some places are best left alone and forgotten about the possibility of visiting them. Here are ten of the most mysterious forbidden places in the world that you won't be able to visit.

Lascaux Cave, France

This cave is said to be 17,000 years old. In it you can see images of people, animals, handprints and geometric shapes. This is a must see, it's quite strange art that will simply take your breath away. However, due to a series of strange fungal infections and other problems, Lascaux Cave has been strictly off-limits to the public since 1963. You can see all the beauty only in a special documentary film, as this is not a place for excursions.

Surtsey Island, Iceland

Some of the most inaccessible places in the world are found on islands, but Surtsey Island is a no-go zone. This so-called unsullied place is only a few decades old, it was formed in the 1960s, immediately after volcanic eruptions. And the only people who were allowed to visit this island at least occasionally were scientists who lived in a tiny hut. And now they are watching and studying how birds, seals and slugs colonize new places.

Snake Island, Brazil

This small island off the coast of Brazil does not meet safety requirements. The island of Queimada Grande (that's another name) is home to more than 4,000 of the world's deadliest snakes, including the golden viper and lizards. The fact that there is one snake per square meter living there is already very frightening, and the snake’s venom can literally melt human flesh, so only scientists are allowed to set foot on this piece of the planet.

North Sentinel Island, India

Similar to the place described above, Northwatch is also very dangerous island, located in the ocean, and it is very unsafe for people to be on it. This small area in the Bay of Bengal is home to one poorly studied tribe, numbering between 50 and 400 people. They drive away visitors with weapons and stones. Thus, the Indian government has issued a decree that tourists and residents of India are strictly prohibited from entering this island.

"Area 51", USA

This top secret military base with an airfield located in the Nevada desert, near Las Vegas. There are various mystical theories regarding the purpose of this place. However, it is worth saying that this military base is taking part in the development of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. And until 2013, the government was reluctant to acknowledge the site's official existence, so it's no surprise that Area 51 is not a place for visitors.

Moscow metro-2, Russia

This minor set of underground tunnels runs parallel to the public subway, but lies underneath existing lines. It was built to connect large buildings during Stalin's reign. It is believed that it has 4 lines that connect important places for the country. There are rumors that genetic testing is carried out there, giant rats live there, and even Stalin's frozen body is hidden.

Mount Weather Base, USA

In 1959, the United States government established Mount Weather Base between Loudoun and Clark counties in Virginia as a high-tech emergency bunker for government officials. This is an incredibly safe facility. The territory of the base is 564 hectares, on which offices, dormitories, and canteens are located. The Mount Weather Emergency Center is closed to the public for obvious reasons.

Vatican Secret Archives

The Vatican Secret Archive is the private property of the Pope and its total length is 85 km. The most important papers are stored there, which for centuries have been hidden from outsiders. Only people who have the appropriate accreditations can gain access, and it is important to consider the fact that not all researchers will be able to get there. Entry is limited, only 2-3 people per day can enter. Some sources are incorrectly sorted and are not included in the catalog. You can view any document that is less than 75 years old, but before that you need to submit a request so that when you get there, they can provide it to you.

Ark of the Covenant, Ethiopia

The building itself stands in Ethiopia to store the stone Tablets with the Ten Commandments. At the same time, the Ark itself has mystical power, so for the protection of the building and safety, only one monk is allowed inside. No one is allowed inside the Chapel itself, although on one occasion, in 2011, several men were allowed into the chapel, but only so that they could repair the roof.

Mormon Repository, USA

The Mormon Church began collecting genealogical data on microfilm in the 1930s, but soon needed a more secure storage location important documents. A safe bunker was built in Granite Mountain, Utah. Since then, the repository has only grown, containing about 3 billion pages of various information and 100,000 rolls of microfilm, but entry for tourists is strictly prohibited.

With all modern technological development, it is difficult to imagine a place on Earth where it would be impossible to fly, arrive or sail. However, there are still places on our planet where tourists cannot go, and there are very different reasons for this.

Secret military bases, "closed" islands, fragile natural objects and even attractions associated with supernatural activity are just some of the places where you could face fines, criminal penalties or death if you enter. Find out as many as 25 unique and forbidden places right now!

25. Vatican Secret Archives

These repositories contain important government documents, letters, accounts and many other valuables that the Catholic Church collected and stored over many millennia. The Vatican Secret Archives are considered one of the most inaccessible objects in the world, although this was not always the case. In 1881, Pope Leo XIII nevertheless allowed several researchers to familiarize themselves with the documents of the repository for scientific purposes. In those days, only a highly qualified scholar could qualify to visit this Catholic institution. Even the most select visitors were required to adhere to strict rules governing what exactly visitors could study in the Vatican archives.

24. North Sentinel Island, India

Photo: Dr. K. Vedhagiri

North Sentinel Island belongs to the group Andaman Islands(Andaman Islands) and is part of India. The island is known for its picturesque pristine beaches and stunning nature. However, the local tribes are very hostile and extremely aggressive towards any outside visitors to this area. little paradise on the ground. Not only do they refuse to make contact with outsiders, but they have even killed several uninvited guests. It is not surprising that access to North Sentinel Island is closed to tourists. For their own safety.

23. Lascaux Cave, France

Photo: Prof saxx

The Lascaux Cave is located in southeastern France and houses 900 examples of prehistoric art, incredibly well preserved to this day thanks to the unique conditions of air circulation in this underground system. Today the object is considered one of the most important Paleolithic historical monuments and is called the “Sistine Chapel of primitive painting.” Since 1963, public access to these caves has been prohibited because tourists have introduced a fungus that harms the unique ecosystem of Lascaux. In addition, the excess carbon dioxide exhaled by crowds of visitors also began to have a detrimental effect on the integrity of the rock paintings; colonies of algae, calcite deposits and mold appeared in the cave. Any human intervention is considered potentially detrimental to the cave and its contents, so now it is literally under lock and key, and every 2 weeks a special team in protective suits arrives here and manually cleans the walls of the annoying fungus.

22. Area 51, Nevada, USA

Photo: Tim1337

Hidden in the middle barren desert Nevada, Area 51 is a classified US military base, the purpose of which has never been known to the general public. Speculation about what is happening on its territory has long troubled the minds of inquisitive American citizens and adherents of theories about a government conspiracy and the presence of aliens on Earth. However, the base most likely serves for the development and testing of experimental aircraft and high-tech weapons systems. Only one thing can be said for sure - access to the territory of Area 51 is strictly limited, and what happens behind its fences is not intended for the eyes of ordinary citizens.

21. Surtsey, Iceland

Photo: CanonS2

This small volcanic islet is part of the Vestmannaeyjar Archipelago and is located in the area south coast Iceland. Surtsey is one of the youngest islands on our planet, because it appeared quite recently - during volcanic activity, which lasted from 1963 to 1967. Access to the island is strictly prohibited except for a small group of selected scientists. The restriction was introduced to provide this place with all the necessary conditions for the natural formation of its own ecosystem without outside interference.

20. Room 39, North Korea

Photo: Mark Scott Johnson/Sydney, Australia

Room 39 is a secret organization associated with a dynasty of dictators North Korea, by the Kim family. The Secret Department allegedly finances the ruling family and the most senior government officials through both legal and illegal financial transactions. Rumor has it that the structure is involved in smuggling, drug trafficking and money laundering through secret accounts in Switzerland. The main office of Room 39 is most likely located in the North Korean ruling Workers' Party building in Pyongyang.

19. Svalbard Global Seed Bank, Norway

Photo: Bjoertvedt

Hidden inside a mountain on a remote island in the Svalbard archipelago halfway between the Norwegian mainland and North Pole The Global Seed Bank is a secure repository designed to preserve the diversity of plant seeds in the event of a regional or global food crisis. The facility is designed to store 4.5 million seed samples, and now about a million have already been brought here.

18. Woomera Proving Ground, Australia

Photo: Kr.afol / English language Wikipedia

The former spaceport and now Woomera test site, also known as the Woomera exclusion zone, is the world's largest complex designed for testing military technologies. Its area is over 122 thousand square kilometers. The spaceport is located in the south of Australia, 450 kilometers northeast of Adelaide (Adelaide, The largest city in District). The landfill was recognized as a restricted area in 1947, however, there are still facilities on the territory of Woomera that ordinary citizens are also allowed into. For example, the local museum and several other accessible attractions.

17. Metro-2, Russia

Photo: Anakin

Also known by the code name D-6, Metro-2 is a secret underground transport system running parallel to the Moscow public metro. The secret bunkers were created during Stalin's time and are believed to connect several of the capital's most important government and administrative institutions, including the Kremlin, the main building of the Moscow FSB directorate, Vnukovo-2 airport, the Security Council and the CIS anti-terrorism center.

16. Coca-Cola Recipe Repository, Georgia, USA

Photo: wikimedia commons

The legendary secret formula of the world-famous drink Coca-Cola is one of the greatest trade secrets on the planet. The recipe for the drink is in a special safe in Atlanta on the territory of the World of Coca-Cola Museum. The facility is heavily guarded, and only senior management of the corporation has access to this vault. The drink's formula is the result of 125 years of Coca-Cola history, and it is inextricably linked not only with the iconic taste of the world-loved fizzy drink, but also with special memories.

15. Snake Island, Brazil

Photo: wikimedia commons

The official name of this place is Ilha de Queimada Grande, but most often it is called Snake Island. It is located in the coastal area of ​​Sao Paulo, and is known for the fact that many snakes live here. In the whole world it lives only here most dangerous species snakes - island bothrops. The venom of this reptile is so toxic that it literally melts human skin and flesh. Unsurprisingly, for security reasons, Brazilian authorities have banned visits to Queimada Grande.

14. Aristocratic club “White's Gentleman Club”, London, UK


Located on St. James Street in central London, White's Gentleman Club is the most exclusive gentlemen's club in the UK's capital, or perhaps even the world. The extremely closed institution was founded in 1693 and still maintains a rule that only men are allowed in. Frequent visitors to this prestigious club include such eminent persons as Prince Charles, Prince William and Tom Stacey. Membership in a respectable club cannot be bought or begged, and invitations to White's Gentleman Club are granted to only the most select gentlemen on the planet by special vote.

13. North Brother Island, New York, USA

Photo: reivax/Washington, DC, USA

North Brother Island is located in the East River and belongs to the territory of New York. It is a modest piece of land and one of the most famous abandoned and more uninhabited places in the American metropolis. This island has a very dark story. Since 1885, there was a quarantine hospital here, and it was on North Brother that the famous Typhoid Mary lived (an American who became the first carrier of typhoid fever in US history). In the 1950s, the hospital became a rehabilitation center for drug-addicted youth. Now this place is abandoned, and only birds and small animals live here. Human access to the island is strictly prohibited.

12. Spy Museum, China

Photo: wikimedia commons

The National Security Education Museum in Nanjing in western China is a museum dedicated to espionage and is known for being open only to Chinese citizens. Foreign visitors are not allowed here. As the museum manager said, the exhibits (collections of tiny pistols, miniature cameras, secret hiding places and much more) are not intended for overly impressionable foreigners. In addition, museum visitors are strictly prohibited from taking photographs of anything inside the institution.

11. Bank of England Gold Vault

Photo: Diliff

The Central Bank of the United Kingdom is located on Threadneedle Street in London, and its vault contains about 20% of the gold reserves of all countries in the world. The Bank of England stores a whopping 5,134 tons of gold, an amount of this precious metal that is equivalent to approximately $248 billion! The vault is unlocked with traditional metal keys and is equipped electronic system protection so that only authorized employees have access here.

10. Secret base Dulce, New Mexico, USA

Photo: pixabay

Not far from the Colorado border in northern New Mexico is the small town of Dulce, home to only 2,600 people (mostly Navajo Indians). There is a theory that under this place there is an entire underground US military base, where incredible experiments are carried out and developed Newest technologies. Conspiracy theorists say that hybrids of humans and animals, humans and aliens live in this underground complex, and that it is here that the most advanced devices on the planet can be seen. The authorities, naturally, deny everything.

9. Mezhgorye, Russia

Photo: Pesotsky

Mezhgorye – lost in the mountains Southern Urals a closed Russian town where nuclear ballistic missiles are rumored to be hidden. The city is guarded by 2 military battalions, making sure that uninvited guests do not scurry around in its vicinity. Official authorities do not comment in any way on rumors about the presence of nuclear weapons in this closed facility, but in the West they believe that it is at the local base that there are missiles that can be activated remotely and at any time.

8. Pyramid of Chichen Itza, Mexico

Photo: Fcb981

Chichen Itza is one of the most famous and well-preserved cities great civilization in Mexico. This archaeological site is very popular among tourists from all over the world, who come to the Yucatan Peninsula for beach views and on intensive excursions. Approximately 1.5 million people visit Chichen Itza every year. However, the most iconic site of the Mayan city, the Pyramid of Kukulkan, is no longer open to the public and entry is strictly prohibited. The pyramid was closed in 2006 after the fatal fall of a tourist who rolled down the slope of the attraction while descending.

7. Mount Weather, Virginia, USA

Photo: wikimedia commons

Just 74 kilometers from Washington, deep in the bowels of the earth, there is a secret underground US military base, Mount Weather. The headquarters was created as an emergency control center and as a refuge for high-ranking military and civilian elites in the event of a national disaster. The base is equipped with everything necessary for an autonomous life, from canteens, hospitals and recreational areas to power plants, a crematorium and a mass transit system. The Mount Weather bunker is guarded by armed soldiers, electric fences, barbed wire, and warning signs at the entrances.

6. Heard Island, Australia

Photo: wikimedia commons

This is one of the most remote places on the planet from civilization. Heard Island is located between Madagascar and Antarctica, and is politically part of Australia. There are two in the archipelago active volcano, and its landmass is represented mainly by limestone rock and volcanic debris (clastic material). In 1996, the Australian government listed Heard as a national treasure and developed a plan to strictly prohibit access to the island without special permission. In this way, the authorities want to protect the unique and very fragile nature of the island.

5. Pravcicka Gate, Czech Republic

Photo: Pudelek

Pravcicka Gate (Pravcicka Brana) is one of the most famous natural attractions of the Czech Republic, and it represents the largest sandstone gate (rock arch) in Europe. Since 1982, tourists have been prohibited from climbing this rock arch to reduce stress on the eroded rock. However, the destruction of the arch is still ongoing, and geologists suggest that it will soon collapse, which has already happened with the Azure Window (Azure Window, an iconic Maltese landmark, a limestone arch that literally collapsed in 2017).

4. Poveglia Island, Italy

Photo: Chris 73/Wikimedia Commons

This small island is located in northern Italy between Venice and Lido. Poveglia is a forbidden place with a dark and even crazy past. There was once a quarantine hospital for plague patients here. They say that almost 160,000 infected people lived on a small piece of land at the same time, many of whom spent their lives here last days and hours of painful existence. It is estimated that 50% of the soil on Poveglia Island now consists of human remains. After the closure of the quarantine center, a psychiatric hospital appeared here, where, according to rumors, many patients were tortured and killed. This institution was also closed, and since then the island has been completely deserted. Today, visiting the island is strictly prohibited.

3. Tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, China


The tomb of China's first emperor and founder of the Qin dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, is hidden deep within a hill in Central China. The burial complex consists of a complex network underground caves, filled with all sorts of items that might be useful to the emperor in his afterlife, including an army of clay figurines known as the Terracotta Army. The tomb itself with the ruler’s body has not yet been excavated. Perhaps, as a tribute to their ancestors, the Chinese government will never allow archaeological research on this site to continue.

2. Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory

Photo: wikimedia commons

This island is located south of the equator in the central part Indian Ocean and is an atoll that looks almost like the perfect tropical resort with white sandy beaches and turquoise water. However, after the British forcibly expelled local residents, a large military base has appeared here, and access to the island is now limited to authorized fort personnel.

1. Bhangarh Fort, India

Photo: Navjot Singh

Bhangarh Fort is located in the Indian state of Rajasthan and is a 17th century ruin. Hindus are afraid of this place, because it is believed that in old fortress haunted. The country's authorities officially declared the destroyed city a haunt of ghosts and introduced strict rules governing visits to these ruins. Tourists are prohibited from appearing in the fort at night (from dusk to dawn), and residents of the surrounding settlements say that not a single daredevil who violated this rule has ever returned from here.

The day before, a rating of the ten most mysterious and closed to the general public places on the planet was presented.

1. In first place is Moscow Metro-2.
The Moscow Metro-2 system was allegedly built during Stalin's times and was listed by the KGB under the code name D-6. The administration of the Moscow Metro and the FSB of the Russian Federation do not confirm information about the existence of Metro-2, but do not deny it either. According to some rumors, Metro-2 is even longer than public metro. Line connects underground city, FSB headquarters, the Kremlin, Vnukovo-2 airport and a number of other places of national importance.

2. Area 51.
Area 51 is the code for a military base located in the western United States, in the south of Nevada, 1,133 kilometers from Las Vegas. The base is used for testing weapons systems and experimental aircraft. The special secrecy of the base, which the US government refuses to acknowledge, has led to speculation that Area 51 is a central base for UFO research. It is worth noting that the base is mined on all sides and hung with threatening signs: “do not approach” and “shoot to kill.”

3. Emergency Operations Center.
This place is not only closed to the public, but is also unlikely to be accessible during a worldwide catastrophe. A closed and strictly classified facility is the center for coordinating government actions in case of an emergency. It is part of the US nuclear forces control system.
The facility is located approximately 2,000 feet underground in the mountains. It is served by about 200 employees, mostly military personnel.

4. Mezhgorye.
Mezhgorye is a closed secret city in Russia, located in the Yamantau mountains and founded in 1970. Yamantau is the highest mountain in the south of the Urals - 1640 meters. There are two garrisons here - Beloretsk-16 and Beloretsk-15, built on top of the facility.
According to rumors, a bunker has been built in the city for the top officials of the state in the event of a nuclear war, a food storage area for gay sex video, and a storage facility for Russian treasures.

5. Club naked celebrities 33.
Disneyland has secret place, which... sells alcoholic beverages. Code name - Club 33. The private club is located in the central part of Disneyland. It is located at 33 Royal Street next to the Blue Bayoun restaurant. Entrance to the club is with a club member card. According to some sources, the entrance fee for membership in the club ranges from 10 thousand to 30 thousand US dollars. To gain access to the club, you need to wait another 14 years after payment.

6. RAF celebrity porn Menwith Hill.
In sixth place in our ranking is the British military base RAF Menwith Hill, which has close ties to the global spy network Echelon. The military base is equipped with a large satellite ground station, interception communications and a missile warning system. RAF Menwith Hill is considered the most electronic monitoring station on the planet.
This military base was created specifically 3d hentai porn to control the diplomatic and military activities of the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union with its allies at the height of the Cold Wave in the 60s, but cold war passed, and the base continues to operate, conducting diplomatic and political intelligence. The base network filters radio communications and all telephone calls in many countries.

7. Secret archives of the Vatican.
At the Vatican, access to documents that are under 75 years old is prohibited to the general public. Any other document is issued upon request.
About 35 thousand secret volumes are stored in the Vatican shelves, the total length of which is 84 kilometers.

8. White's.
White's is one of the most exclusive clubs for English gentlemen, founded by Italian Francesco Bianco in 1693.
The club is known for its "betting book". In it, club members record very strange disputes. Thus, one of the strangest bets worth noting is a £3,000 bet on which raindrop will be the first to run across the glass of a window. Women are not accepted as members of this club.
You can join the club only by invitation of another club member who has the support of animated porn from at least two other club members. If you do not belong to royal blood or are not a very influential person, then you are unlikely to be able to get into the club.

9. Great Temple Ise.
On Lesbian Porn, the largest and most revered shrine in Japan is considered to be the Ise Grand Shrine.
The temple is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. Every 20 years, the temple is destroyed and reborn according to the Shinto concept of death and rebirth. The next restoration of the temple is expected in 2013. Only a priest or priests and at the same time a member of the Japanese imperial family can enter the temple.

10. Bureau gay cocks 39.
The Thirty-Ninth Bureau or Room 39 is one of the most secret and closed organizations in North Korea, looking for ways to obtain foreign currency for Kim Jong Il.
Bureau 39 was created in the late 70s. It is alleged that the organization has about 30 bank accounts in Switzerland and China for money laundering, counterfeiting, etc.
The organization is rumored to employ 39 people who are involved in the illegal sale of weapons and drug smuggling. It is also known that the organization has 120 foreign trade companies at its disposal. The organization is led directly by Kim Jong Il.

Secrets are one of the main parts of our culture. There must be secrets, because there is always the danger of deception, betrayal, war, etc. Secrets help us ensure our freedom and security. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most important secret is a “state secret.”

15. Area 51

This is one of the most protected places on Earth. There are no photographs of the buildings, but we know that there are some buildings there. The zone is located in the middle of the desert, and no one lives around it. However, if you get too close to the site, the military will magically appear and take the footage, detain you, or politely ask you to leave the area. It is also impossible to take a photo from the air, because any object above the zone will be immediately shot down. Satellite images this place cannot be found either, and no one knows anything about it. You can hear suggestions that aliens are hidden there, but most likely this is just a cover. In fact, the most modern weapons are tested in this zone.

14. Fort Knox

Fort Knox is where the US stores all the gold it has. It is located in Kentucky and is one of the largest gold storage facilities in the world. Not even a fly can fly here!

13. Secret vaults of the Mormon Church

This storage facility is located 180 m underground and is located in Utah. It's called Little Cottonwood Canyon and is equipped with motion sensors and heat sensors. It's strange that there are so many secret and guarded places in the USA. Why does the Church have a secret vault? Why is it needed?

12. Federal Reserve Bank of New York

More than 25% of the world's gold is located here. These huge vaults are located 2.5 meters underground and are guarded 24/7 by a sniper from cover. It is almost impossible to commit a robbery here.

11. Bold Lane Parking

Yes, you heard right. This is a parking lot that is one of the six most secure places in the world. It is intended for the most expensive cars owned by the richest people in the world. The parking lot is located in Derbyshire, England.

10. And, of course, the Star Gate - Cheyenne Mountain

The US government says there is nothing inside Cheyenne Mountain. Therefore, this object is very interesting for us. The North American Aerospace Defense Command used this base as its headquarters, and it is the safest place to be if nuclear war ever happened. To be clear, we are not sure that there is nothing in this bunker.

9. Menith Hill, United Kingdom

This is one of the most without dangerous places in Europe and, moreover, this is the most strange place in Europe due to giant golf ball-like objects scattered throughout Menwith Hill. This is the largest electronic monitoring station on the planet.

8. Bohemian Grove

This secret place is the millionaires' club. The complex covers an area of ​​11 square meters. km and is located in Monte Rio, California. Its members are the world's elite, and they gather there to discuss who knows what. Even world domination is possible! By the way, this club is closed to women.

7. Snake Island

This is one of the deadliest and most closed places on our planet. The island is located off the coast of Brazil and is home to at least 4,000 species of the world's most dangerous snakes. Their venom is believed to be so toxic that it can burn your skin. Only scientists can get to this island.

6. Coca Cola Storage

The recipe for the popular drink Coca-Cola is stored here. This is one of the best kept secrets in the world.

5. Seed storage in Svalbard (Spitsbergen)

This special storage facility is designed to store seeds in the event of global environmental disaster. It is located in Spitsbergen, Norway.

4. Vatican Archives

This is one of the world's largest libraries. It contains several secret documents collected by the Church (Mayan codices, Galileo Galilei's trial, etc.)

3. Lascaux Caves, France

These caves are located in France and several prehistoric cave paintings have been discovered in them. The caves were open to the public until 1963. However, human presence has negatively affected the condition of the ancient paintings on the walls, so the caves are now closed to the public.

2. Room 39, North Korea

Room 39 is a secret organization created to find and obtain foreign currency through various means for North Korean President Kim Jong-un. The organization was created in 1970 and some say it has 20 bank accounts in China and Switzerland that they use to launder money.

1. Mezhgorye, Russia

This secret nuclear missile complex in Russia is guarded by two Russian battalions. It is an automatic ballistic missile base that can be activated in the event of a nuclear strike or seismic activity.

+ bonus
Google Data Center

This is Area 51 of high tech! Data from all over the world is stored here, and you can rest easy because this place is even more secure than the real Area 51. Your Facebook password is safe.


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