Coober pedy underground city.

Survival The 1,639-meter-high Kelimutu volcano, located on the Indonesian island of Flores, is known for its crater lakes that change color from time to time. Natural bodies of water, in which various minerals are dissolved, change color every few years, becoming turquoise, red-brown, green or black. At the same time, color transitions occur independently of each other, which strengthens the belief of local residents in the supernatural origin of the place. According to ancient myth

, in the lakes of Kelimutu the souls of the dead find their peace and shelter.

The source of the multi-colored shades and the reason for such a geological anomaly in the Kelimutu crater are the minerals that lie at the bottom of each of the lakes. They gradually dissolve in water, coloring it as a result of chemical reactions. The volcanic lakes have their own names: Tiwi Ata Mbupu (translated as “Lake of the Elders and Wise People”), Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Tai (“Lake of Young Souls”) and Tiwu Ata Polo (“Enchanted Lake of Evil Spirits”). Overnight in the village of Moni, closest to the Kelimutu crater locality , should be booked in advance, especially during peak dates (July and August). Guest houses , as a rule, organize transfers to the lakes for an additional fee. To see the sunrise on the volcano, you should leave Moni no later than four in the morning. This best time to visit the reserve not so much because of the picturesque landscapes drenched in the sun, but because weather conditions

: In the afternoon, lakes are often hidden by heavy fog. For the walk, you should choose warm clothing that protects from the wind, and also take a flashlight, water and snacks with you. However, early in the morning local residents prepare tea and coffee for tourists on the trail.

How to get there Lakes Kelimutu are located in the central part of the island of Flores, 60 kilometers northeast of the city of Ende and 105 kilometers southwest of the city of Maumere. They have small airports that receive flights from major cities

Travel time from Maumere, the largest of the two towns closest to Kelimut, to the volcano is three to four hours, depending on weather conditions. The road passes through mountainous terrain and is quite exhausting, so most tourists, before visiting the lakes, stop in the small village of Moni for an overnight stay or a little rest. In addition, this is a convenient transfer point if you are traveling by regular buses; they travel to the village from Maumere and Ende several times a day. From Moni, located 15 kilometers from Kelimutu, buses also run to the crater. They are very popular among the local population and are usually crowded, so the best option To get to the attraction, take a taxi, fortunately local residents willingly give rides to tourists.


The Kelimutu volcano is located in the territory of the national park of the same name, located on the island of Flores, part of the Lesser Sunda Islands group.

Indonesia is a country of beauty and exoticism. Even a person who has never been interested in this archipelago has probably heard about Komodo or Borobudur Park, which seem to have come down to people from the screen, from the Indiana Jones films. But this is what Indonesia can capture the imagination of even an experienced tourist - Mount Kelimutu + Lakes of Tears. Such a unique natural spectacle cannot be found anywhere else in the world. And what is most interesting is that this complex spontaneously changes over time.

Pride of Indonesia

On which Mount Kelimutu (Indonesia) is located, is part of the Eastern group. The mountain itself is a volcano and a link in the Volcanic Ring of Fire. In total, the island has 14 volcanoes, and some of them are in “working condition”, and therefore earthquakes are frequent here. Kelimutu is considered extinct, although last eruption happened in 1968, so it is premature to draw such conclusions. Especially high volcano you can’t name it: it falls one meter short of the 1640 m mark. At the same time, it is an object of active tourist interest. And all thanks to the Lakes of Tears.

Lakes of evil spirits: how they were formed

It was thanks to the latter that these three reservoirs appeared. When the lava flowed out, the top of the mountain sank, and depressions called calderas appeared. Since there is no drainage from them, sediment gradually accumulated in them, as a result of which this natural wonder was formed. The colors of these lakes are especially attractive to people: regardless of each other, they change their color. This is what Mount Kelimutu (Indonesia) is famous for (or evil spirits) - photos from different angles reflect the unforgettable spectacle that this dormant volcano. Note that the two lakes are located nearby, almost touching each other. The third one is located at a distance of almost one and a half kilometers.


Each of the lakes has its own name. Those adjacent are called Tivu Ata Mbupu and Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Tai. The first name translates as “Lake of Old Men” or “Lake of the Souls of Ancestors.” The second means “Lake of Boys and Girls.” The third, located in the distance, is called Tivu-Ata-Polo, translated as “Enchanted”, “Lake of Enchanted People” or “Lake of Sorcerers” - depending on how the interpreter tells you. According to the beliefs of local residents, the souls of the dead end their journey in multi-colored lakes. The spirits of sages and elders live in Tivu-Ata-Mbupu, the spirits of children and youth live in Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai, and the spirits of sinners and evil sorcerers live in Tivu-Ata-Polo. Legends say that if you disturb, anger or offend the spirits living in the reservoirs that crown Mount Kelimutu (Indonesia), the water in them will begin to change its color. Someone must have already touched the dead with something, since this phenomenon has happened more than once: now the lakes have deep black, turquoise and green shades, but just a few years ago the color scheme was different: burgundy - black - blue-green. Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai changed its shades a dozen times over a quarter of a century. Probably because it has become a haven for children, and they are very restless and fickle.

Scientific explanation

Although the Kelimutu volcano is considered extinct, some underground processes are still occurring in it. A solfatara emerges into one of the lakes - a crack through which hydrochloric acid and hydrogen sulfide enter it. The latter, upon contact with oxygen in the atmosphere, turns into sulfuric acid. Both compounds are very active, and since the lakes are very mineralized, chemical reactions occur in them, on which it depends. While one of the lakes had a red tint, this indicated the interaction of iron and hydrogen sulfide; Nowadays the color is almost close to black. All shades of green and blue are the result of different concentrations of the aforementioned acids and their reactions with various components of the lakes.

The path to a miracle

Mount Kelimutu (Indonesia) is part of a national park, which is relatively small, but located quite far from the benefits of civilization - the nearest city is 60 kilometers away. Therefore, the village of Moni, which is located directly at the foot of the volcanoes, is very popular among travelers. Here you can not only relax, but also hear various details (often very contradictory) of local legends.

To see colorful lakes, it is most convenient to land in Enda. From there there is a minibus to Moni; People who don't skimp on expenses can hire a taxi or rent a scooter.

Another option is to take a plane to Maumere; True, this city is further from Kelimutu, 105 kilometers, but for many tourists this route is more convenient for its own reasons. From there there are also buses to Moni; You will have to spend 3-4 hours on the way - depending on what the weather is like and whether there was a landslide after the earthquake.

There are minibuses from Moni to the mountain, and to the craters you will have to climb the stairs - a whole 13 kilometers.

The observation decks on Mount Kelimutu (Indonesia) are fenced for safety. It is strictly forbidden to climb over them - and this prohibition should not be ignored. The guide will gladly tell you about a young Dane who wanted to take a photo from an unexpected angle and fell into the Lake of Young Souls. His body, by the way, was never found.

The best view of the Lakes of Tears opens at dawn - later there is a high probability of fog, due to which it is often impossible to see anything.

It’s better to go down before dusk - mountains are dangerous in the dark, and it comes very quickly. Try to walk in a group: lakes have high dangerous fumes that can make people lose consciousness. There will be someone in the crowd to carry the fallen one out.

When traveling around Indonesia, do not miss the Kelimutu Volcano - the photos you take in these places will long remind you of visiting truly wonderful places. And they will prove to the incredulous that the lakes are really colorful.

The lakes of Kelimutu volcano are one of the most beautiful natural wonders. They attract many tourists to the island of Flores and National Park Kelimutu. The peculiarity of the reservoirs is that the water in neighboring lakes is different in color. Moreover, the waters of one lake change color over time. Travelers are ready to endure the difficult path to the top of the volcano in order to admire the beautiful mountain landscapes, lush vegetation on the mountain slopes and amazing lakes in the crater of a majestic volcano.

Kelimutu Volcano

Kelimutu Volcano is part of the fiery Pacific ring of volcanoes. Its height is 1639 m above sea level. Sometimes it is active, although this is not accompanied by severe destruction. The last eruption occurred in 1968 in the form of plumes of yellow smoke, ash and a small release of magma. The maximum height of the emissions was 48 m. Since then, the volcano has been calm and there are signs of seismic and volcanic activity not observed nearby.

The National Park located near Kelimutu amazes with its beautiful nature and big amount living creatures. The area of ​​the park exceeds 4.5 hectares, on which there are many flowering vines, pines, and red trees. There are also casuarinas and edelweiss. Among the mountains you can find the entrance to picturesque caves. Among the fauna of the park, 19 species of endemics were discovered - animals that live only here.

These places are good for walking and relaxing in nature. Although at times, getting through dense thickets requires good physical preparation. Due to high humidity and constantly warm weather, the slopes up to the very top are covered with greenery.

Description and legends

The upper part of Kelimutu consists of bare rocks formed by solidified lava with three small depressions. Water accumulated in the depressions and lakes formed. Two of them are very close and are separated by a narrow stone lintel. The third lake is 1.4 km away. Water gradually destroys rocky walls and washes minerals from their thickness. Some scientists are confident that there is a crack at the bottom through which volcanic gases penetrate to the surface.

Dying minerals vary in color and are found in the rock. Reaching the next mineral, the lake is colored again. That is, reservoirs not only differ in color from each other, periodically the color changes dramatically. The color is also affected by chemical reactions of substances with gases and acids that rise from the depths of the volcano. Iron, hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids can be detected in water samples.

The lakes are fed only during the rainy season, since they do not have underground sources. Moreover, their depth is very large; according to scientists, the crater goes down 1.5 km.

Locals They gave this inexplicable phenomenon mystical properties, and the process of changing color is associated with changes in their lives or in the mood of spirits. Each lake received its own name and legend. It's not just tourists who climb to the top. Here you can also meet local residents who come to communicate with deceased ancestors or ask the gods for advice.

Lake of the Oldest and Wise Souls (Tiwu Ata Mbupu) is a place where the spirits of people who die in old age move. They lived a long life and gained the wisdom that comes with age. Therefore, the waters are painted in a deep dark color. The lake was brown, black or dark green. The reservoir is located away from the rest and has almost round shape with high rocky shores.

Lake Tiwu Ata Mbupu

Lake of Young Souls (Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai) is a haven for the spirits of boys and girls who left this world prematurely. This is one of two paired lakes, which is located on the left. Its water is lighter, it acquired milky, light green, turquoise and pinkish shades. The waters in the lake are the most changeable and change every 1-3 years. Near each body of water there is a sign with the main characteristics and dates of color change. The lake is surrounded high cliffs, they go down almost vertically.

Lake Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai

Across a narrow rocky partition from Lake Nua Muri Kooh Fai is Tiwu Ata Polo - the enchanted or lake of evildoers. It serves as the last refuge of villains and sinners. The narrow border symbolizes the temptation for young people to take the wrong path. Tivu-Ata-Polo often takes on a bloody or brown color.

Lake Tiwu Ata Polo

Excursions to the lakes

To admire beautiful views lakes and surrounding areas, you should go on an excursion very early. The best time is 4 am. Then, before dawn, you will be able to get to the observation deck and see the landscape in all its glory, as well as admire an unforgettable sunrise. A few hours after dawn, a thick fog rises over the reservoirs and persists until noon. Of course, you can arrive at the mountain in the afternoon, but the heat and high humidity make the trek on foot very tiring. And if you don’t have time to return before sunset, you’ll have to spend the night right here.

You can get to Kelimutu National Park by car. Also big ones come here tourist buses. The roads are of good quality, but narrow and winding. From the nearest village of Moni to the entrance to the park you will have to drive 12 km.

At the entrance you need to buy tickets and a filming permit ($1-2 per person). The entire territory of the park is accessible, and not just Kelimutu with its lakes. Highway ends up in a small area with souvenir shops and a parking lot. The rest of the journey must be done on foot. Monkeys constantly scurry among the sparse forest, and flocks of brightly colored birds fly. In 15-20 minutes along a winding path you can reach observation deck. It offers a picturesque view of all three lakes.

For safety reasons, metal fences have been installed, which tourists are not recommended to go beyond. Cases have been recorded of people tripping and sliding into lakes, disappearing forever into the depths of the volcano. Another reason to keep your distance is the toxic fog. In the immediate vicinity of lakes, the air is saturated with acidic fumes, which can lead to loss of consciousness. However, some people decide to take an extreme trip over the rocks.

To see the third lake closer, you need to walk along a special path and a small staircase. The observation deck offers a wonderful view. Up close, the crater surrounded by forests is not so picturesque.

How to get there?

You can get to Flores by water or air. There are two small airports on the island serving domestic flights. One of them is on south coast(Ende), and the other in the north (Maumere).

Transit point between Kelimutu National Park and others major cities Flores is the village of Moli. It is located at the very foot of the mountain. The distance from Moli to Ende is 51 km, and to Maumere – 102 km. In 2-4 hours along a winding serpentine of narrow roads you can get to Moli and relax before the excursion.

Where to stay?

It’s better to come to Moli for a few days, because you can immediately overcome long way and it will be difficult to take a walk in the park. Fatigue occurs faster in hot weather and high humidity. The village has many small restaurants and hotels to comfortably spend a few days. One of the rooms can be rented from local residents. In July and August there is the greatest influx of tourists, so renting accommodation is more difficult.

Among the huge variety beautiful lakes There are some that have special beauty. The color of the water in these lakes is far from what we are used to - as if you are in another dimension, with beautiful landscapes of another planet. In this collection I will tell you about the 10 most beautiful colored lakes in the world

10. Lake Laguna Verde

Laguna Verde - salt Lake, located in the southwestern High Plains of Bolivia. For those who know Spanish, the name of the lake speaks for itself - in translation the lake is called the Green Lagoon. This name appeared for a reason; the water here is really green. The lake is located at the foot of the Licancabur volcano, and the beautiful green hue of the water is caused by many minerals and other substances, including copper. Colored Lake also famous for its hot springs

9. Lake Bande Amir in Afghanistan

This is a chain of 6 dark blue mountain lakes, located high in the Hindu Kush Mountains in central Afghanistan. In 2008 they became Afghanistan's first National Park. The lakes were formed by mineral-rich water that seeps through cracks in the rocks and rocks. The reason for this shade of water lies precisely in the mineral-rich water.

8. Lake Pukaki in New Zealand

The water of Lake Pukaki can be characterized by its own distinct color, calling it glacial blue. The colorful lake was formed by melting glaciers many years ago. The lake is replenished with melt water to this day. Well, the special color of the water is achieved due to the microparticles contained in this water. Pukaki is the second largest lake in the Mackenzie Basin

7. Laguna Colorada in Bolivia

Lake Laguna Colorada is located in Bolivia near the border with Chile. The reddish tint of the water depends on minerals, as well as algae blooming at certain times of the year. This place is also a nesting site for many species of flamingos, including rare ones

6. Colorful lakes of Kelimutu in Indonesia

Lake Kelimutu is one of the most beautiful colored lakes. Three lakes are located in the crater of the volcano, and each of them has its own color. The source of the unique color combinations lies in the earth's crust and is known as fumaroles. The Colored Lakes are one of the most popular attractions on the island of Flores, attracting many tourists and explorers every year.

5. Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon

Havasu Canyon - part Grand Canyon, the Havasupai tribe lives here. This is one of the most remote places in America, it is better to get here by helicopter or along the 13-kilometer horse trail. The most amazing place Havasupai - colorful waterfalls and pools. This varied color of the water is caused by minerals settling on the bottom

4. Glacial Moraine Lake in Canada

The amazing Moraine Lake was also formed as a result of melting glaciers. It is located in national park Banff, in the Valley of the Ten Peaks. The color of the water here is also caused by special particles contained in the melt water of glaciers. There are many routes around the lake tourist routes and trails, the only danger may be grizzly bears, which are found here quite often

3. Lake Nakuru in Kenya

Nakuru is one of the main attractions of Kenya, it is a very shallow lake in the East African Rift zone. The abundance of seaweed attracts the world's largest population of flamingos, numbering more than a million birds. Thanks to the birds, the shores of the lake appear bright pink from afar. Unfortunately, last years Bird numbers are declining due to environmental pollution

2. Lakes of the Jiuzhaigou Valley in China

The Jiuzhaigou Valley in China is rich in many beautiful colorful lakes. Local residents call these lakes Haiqi, which means “Son of the Sea”. These lakes are also of glacial origin, the water here is very clear and visitors to the park can easily see the bottom of these lakes

1. Plitvice Lakes in Croatia

Plitvice Lakes are one of the most famous attractions in Croatia. These are 16 lakes located near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, they are famous for their unique colors. Each of the lakes has its own color of water, depending on the amount of minerals and mineral content in it

This was an overview of the most beautiful colored lakes in the world, most of which you can read more about in a separate article by following the link. Read also about the largest lakes in the world in a separate selection


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