The latest volcano in Indonesia. The eruption of Mount Sinabung in Sumatra - how we got into the thick of it... Sinabung eruption timeline

The most large cluster volcanoes are located in the Earth's "belt of fire" - the Pacific volcanic ring. It is here that 90% of all earthquakes in the world occurred. The so-called fire belt stretches along the entire perimeter Pacific Ocean. In the west along the coast from and to New Zealand and Antarctica, and in the east, passing through the Andes and Cordillera, it reaches Aleutian Islands State of Alaska.

One of the currently active sources of the “belt of fire” is located in the north in Indonesia - the Sinabung volcano. This one of the 130 volcanoes in Sumatra is notable for the fact that over the past seven years it has been constantly active and has attracted the attention of both scientists and the media.

Chronicle of Sinabung

The first eruption of the Indonesian volcano Sinabung after four centuries of sleep began in 2010. On the weekend of August 28 and 29, underground rumbles and booms were heard. Many residents, about 10,000 people, fled away from the awakened volcano.

On Sunday night, the Sinabung volcano finally woke up: the eruption began with a powerful emission of a column of ash and smoke more than 1.5 km upward. The explosion on Sunday was followed by a more powerful one on Monday, August 30, 2010. The eruption claimed the lives of two people. In total, about 30,000 surrounding residents were forced to leave their homes and fields covered with volcanic ash with lost crops. In the photo below, residents are running away from a cloud of ash.

The second eruption of Mount Sinabung began on November 6, 2013 and then continued for several more days. The volcano ejected columns of ash to a height of up to 3 km, the plume from which spread for tens of kilometers. More than 5,000 people from 7 surrounding villages were evacuated. The Sumatra government has urged people not to approach Mount Sinabung more than 3 km.

In February 2014, a disaster occurred. After the cessation of volcanic activity (in early January), evacuated residents of villages located more than 5 km from the volcano were allowed to return home. But immediately after this, on February 1, a powerful lava eruption and pyroclastic flow killed 16 people.

And to this day, the Sinabung volcano does not calm down: a column of ash and smoke is visible for many kilometers, eruptions of varying strength and duration do not stop and take the lives of brave souls who risked returning to the volcano exclusion zone with a radius of 7 km, which was organized by the Sumatra government after the 2014 disaster.

It is noteworthy that in the exclusion zone you can find entire cities and ghost villages, collapsing, empty, as if the apocalypse had already overtaken the Earth. But there are also brave farmers who continue to live at the foot of Mount Sinabung. What is it that attracts them so much?

Why do people settle near the base of volcanoes?

The soil on the slopes of volcanoes is extremely fertile due to the minerals that enter it with volcanic ash. In warm climates, you can grow more than one crop per year. Therefore, farmers in Sumatra, despite the dangerous proximity of the Sinabung volcano, do not leave their houses and arable land at its foot.

In addition to agriculture, they mine gold, diamonds, ore, and other minerals.

Why is a volcanic eruption dangerous?

A common cliché among people who do not live in geologically active areas is that a volcanic eruption is solely due to the flow of lava that rushes down the side of a mountain. And if a person is lucky enough to find himself or settle and sow crops on the opposite side of it, then the danger has passed. Otherwise, you just need to climb higher on the rock or float on a stone fragment among the lava, like on an ice floe on water, the main thing is not to fall. It’s better to run to the right side of the mountain in time and wait an hour or two.

Lava is definitely deadly. Just like the earthquake that accompanies a volcanic eruption. But the flow moves rather slowly, and a physically fit person is able to escape it. An earthquake also does not always have a large magnitude.

In fact, pyroclastic flows and volcanic ash.

Pyroclastic flows

The hot gas that escapes from the depths of the volcano picks up stones and ash and sweeps away everything in its path, rushing down. Such flows reach speeds of 700 km/h. For example, you can imagine the Sapsan train at full speed. Its speed is about three times less, but despite this, the picture is quite impressive. The temperature of the gases in the rushing mass reaches 1000 degrees; it can burn all living things along the way in a matter of minutes.

One of the deadliest known in history, immediately killed 28,000 people (according to some sources, up to 40,000 people) in the port of Saint-Pierre on May 8, 1902, in the morning, the Mont Pele volcano, at the foot of which the port was located, after a series of monstrous explosions, threw out a cloud of hot gas and ashes, which in a matter of minutes reached settlement. The pyroclastic flow swept through the city at breakneck speed, and there was no salvation even in the water, which instantly boiled and killed everyone who fell into it from the overturned ships in the harbor. Only one ship managed to get out of the bay.

In February 2014, 14 people were killed in such a flow during the eruption of the Indonesian volcano Sinabung.

Volcanic ash

At the time of the eruption, ash and fairly large stones thrown out by the volcano can burn or cause injury. If we talk about the ash that covers everything around after an eruption, then its consequences are more long-lasting. It is even beautiful in its own way - the post-apocalyptic landscape from the island of Sumatra in the photo below is proof of this.

But ashes are harmful to the health of people and pets. Walking through such a place for a long time without a respirator is deadly. The ash is also very heavy and, especially when mixed with rainwater, can break the roof of a house, causing it to fall on those inside.

In addition, in large quantities it is also destructive for agriculture.

Cars, planes, water treatment plants, even communication systems - everything breaks down under a layer of ash, which also indirectly poses a danger to people's lives.

Extreme tourism

Not only the farmer, whose reasons are very clear, can be found near the recent epicenter of the eruption. Extreme tourism along the slopes active volcanoes generates income for the local population. The photo shows an extreme tourist exploring an abandoned city at the foot of Mount Sinabung in the exclusion zone. Behind him, a column of smoke smoking above the volcano is clearly visible.

Man and nature continue to fight an unequal battle with each other!

The Earth's Pacific volcanic ring of fire is located along the entire perimeter of the Pacific Ocean and covers all the islands of Indonesia. The island of Sumatra, the westernmost, is no exception. large island countries. There are 130 (!!!) active volcanoes on its territory. One of them (and one of the most active on the island) is the Sinabung volcano. It is located in the northern part of the island, 40 kilometers north of Lake Toba.

Sinabung Volcano on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (3.168627, 98.391425)
  • The distance from the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is about 1400 km in a straight line
  • The nearest airport is Kualanamu International Airport, located 75 kilometers to the northeast in the suburbs of Medan.

Volcano Sinabung is an active, very active and extremely dangerous stratovolcano. Its mouth is located at an altitude of 2460 meters above sea level. There are 12 villages scattered around the volcano. Local residents mainly engage in agriculture, as the soil here is extremely fertile due to the presence of volcanic minerals and a very warm climate. Here you can harvest several harvests a year. But lately, life on the slopes of a volcano has become like surviving in a powder keg.

Eruptions of Mount Sinabung

Until recently, it was believed that the volcano was dormant, since its last eruption was recorded in 1600. But after a little more than 400 years, he woke up, so much so that everyone shuddered.

At the end of August 2010, the volcano spewed ash and smoke to a height of one and a half kilometers, forcing about 12,000 residents of nearby villages within a radius of several kilometers to flee their homes. For several days, emissions of volcanic gases continued. Already on September 3, the ash column reached a height of 3 kilometers above the vent. And on September 7, a column of smoke erupted to a height of 5 kilometers. This activity was accompanied by earthquakes, which were recorded at a distance of up to 25 kilometers from the epicenter. Indonesia's chief volcanologist said at the time: "It was the largest eruption ever and the sound could be heard from 8 kilometers away." The rains mixed with volcanic ash to form a heavy, dirty, centimeter-thick coating on buildings and trees. This time there were no casualties.
But that was only the beginning.

In mid-September 2013, the Sinabung volcano again enchantingly reminded itself of itself with a column of ash and powerful tremors. Again, columns of smoke, gases and ash rushed up several kilometers.
This time the volcano did not calm down and continued its ash and fire show. In November and December 2013, eruptions occurred again with smoke, dust and evacuations. local residents. And again there were no casualties. By December 28, 2013, a lava dome had formed on the summit.

On January 4, 2014, the volcano erupted again. More than a hundred tremors were recorded between January 4 and 5. The height of the ash column was about 4 kilometers. Unfortunately, the victims were crops and some animals poisoned by pyroclastic flows.

A small digression. So that you understand, the worst thing about a volcanic eruption is not the ashes, which you can escape from by wearing a respirator, or the lava, which spreads at low speed. The most dangerous and deadly thing about an eruption is the pyroclastic flows. This deadly mixture of volcanic gases of very high temperatures (up to 800°C) mixed with stones and ash erupts from the crater of the volcano and rushes at speeds of up to 700 km/h along the slopes, sweeping away everything in its path. Scientists believe that it was pyroclastic flows that destroyed the population of the city of Pompeii during the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

In January and February 2014, Sinabung went on a rampage again. About 20,000 people fled their homes. A column of ash was thrown to a height of 4 kilometers, and lava flowed 5 kilometers along the southern slope. At the beginning of February, 14 people died. Of these, one is a journalist, a teacher and four students. They decided to take a closer look at the eruption.

Never do this. If you find yourself near a volcano and an eruption begins, run as far as possible.

Consequences of a volcanic eruption
In October 2014, the volcano erupted again. Eruptions were also observed in June 2015.
On May 22, 2016, Sinabung erupted and killed at least seven people.
There was another eruption in November 2016.
In early August 2017, Sinabung erupted again.

Vulcan today

In the vicinity of Sinabung there are extinct settlements that closely resemble ghost towns. Their post-apocalyptic landscapes evoke a sense of unease. But, despite such life-threatening conditions, people still live near the volcano. In addition to fertile soil and rich harvests, local residents mine some minerals here.

Fans of extreme experiences are frequent guests at Sinabung. Many travelers dream of being on this powder keg.

Volcano Sinabung photo

Ash cloud

The eruption of Mount Agung in northeast Bali began last weekend. As a result, nearby resorts and villages were covered in a thin layer of ash. Dark gray clouds above the volcano's summit were visible from the island's capital, Denpasar, and even from the neighboring island of Lombok.

Lava flow emissions

As night fell, a bright glow from the crater illuminated a cloud of ash that rose 6,000 meters above the summit of Mount Agung. It began showing signs of activity back in September, prompting local authorities to upgrade the volcano's danger status to emergency and evacuate 140,000 people living nearby. However, later, on October 29, the danger level was lowered.

Eruption of Mount Agung on the island of Bali

Highest point in Bali

Volcano Agung with a height of 3142 meters is the most high point islands. As a result of gas and ash emissions, the work of two airports was stopped at once - on the island of Bali and on neighboring island Lombok.

Eruption of Mount Agung on the island of Bali

Paradise under the ashes

Bali Island is the main one tourist centre Indonesia. Beautiful ocean beaches, temples and lush forests attract about 5 million tourists a year. But according to Made Sugiri, a spokesman local hotel Mahagiri Panoramic, in recent months the number of visitors has decreased: “We have left the danger zone, but, as in other resorts in the region, of course, eruptions cause an outflow of tourists.”

Eruption of Mount Agung on the island of Bali

"Still safe"

Indonesia's disaster management agency says Bali is "still safe" for tourists. Agung's emergency status remained at level 3 (one point below the highest alert) over the weekend, the agency said in a statement. Moreover, despite a number of eruptions, volcanic activity remains relatively stable.

Eruption of Mount Agung on the island of Bali

Airports are closed

Things were different with the status of air travel over the island - on Sunday, November 26, the danger level here reached its highest level - red. Although many flights continued to operate, hundreds of people were stranded. As a result, the airport on the island of Lombok was closed first, and then the main international Airport Ngurah Rai in Bali.

Eruption of Mount Agung on the island of Bali

Exclusion zone around the volcano

The latest lava eruptions have displaced about 25,000 people. Authorities called on everyone inside the exclusion zone within a 7.5-kilometer radius of the volcano's crater to evacuate immediately. Mount Agung is one of more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia. Its last major eruption, which occurred in 1963, killed more than a thousand people.

Eruption of Mount Agung on the island of Bali

Magma and ash

Volcanologists described the renewed activity of Mount Agung on November 25 as a phreatic explosion, that is, an eruption with evaporation of smoke caused by heating and expansion of groundwater. On November 26, authorities announced that, judging by the settling of ash, a magmatic eruption had already begun.

Eruption of Mount Agung on the island of Bali

Precautions in Bali

"Mount Agung is still spewing ash, but we need to keep a close eye and be prepared for a more powerful, explosive eruption," warns Indonesian volcanologist Gede Suantika. Soldiers and police are distributing protective masks to people in nearby villages and resorts.

Traveling independently in Indonesia, I came to the small town of Berastagi from the lake to look at volcanoes, which I had never seen alive before in my life, never come close, and, moreover, never climbed to the top.
I went to one of them, very interesting and accessible, on the second day (read this story, as well as information about the volcano), but I wanted to climb the Sinabung Sinabung volcano too. This was at the beginning of February 2013. But only now in October 2016 I am writing about this

Volcano Sinabung - information

The Sinabung volcano, 2460 m high, is located in the north of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, 25 km from the city of Berastagi and 90 km from large city Medan, where most tourists fly to also get to the volcano, lake, and others interesting places in Sumatra.

For 400 years the volcano slept, and in August 2010 the first eruption after hibernation occurred. Awoke. The next time Mount Sinabung erupted was in November 2013 and then rapidly increased its activity, erupting twice in early 2014 and then more and more often in 2015, with particularly strong eruptions and multiple eruptions observed in 2016, when a lava dome collapsed and died there again People. Now, after all the eruptions, there is almost no forest on it...

But let’s return to my journey on February 5, 2013... Then I didn’t know anything about it, I was driven by curiosity, the desire to see something unusual and get more impressions.

You only had to go to Sinabung with a guide, and it cost a decent amount of money: 300-350 thousand Indonesian rupees, which is expensive for an unemployed woman traveling on her own, spending her hard-earned savings every day (at that time it was 35 dollars at the exchange rate). There was no one to join, there was no one willing to climb this volcano, so I, looking with apprehension at the list of male tourists hanging in the Tourist Information Center in the city of Berastagi who had lost their way back and died, or were found a couple of years later, decided to leave this idea .
However, after visiting the volcano, my curiosity arose and the next day I finally decided to look at the Sinabung Sinabung volcano.
Since absolutely everyone I asked told me the same thing, namely, absolutely not to walk alone without a guide, I decided to at least look at it, stand next to it, see what it is and why you can’t go. As a person endowed with a great imagination, I thought that I would just come up, walk around, see what it looked like, and come back - that’s how I simply imagined it.

The hostess of the guest house gave me a very simple map - a diagram, explained how to get there, but warned me several times not to climb up and that the last bus (like a tuk-tuk) back to the city leaves at 16:00. I bought 2 plastic glasses on the way with water, in a small backpack there was a started pack of cookies and with all this I went to the bus stop. I started on February 5, 2013 at about 9 am and after an hour of shaking in an old bemo (something similar to a minibus), I was in the right place. Travel from the city of Berastagi to Lake Kawar Lake Kawar or Danau Kawar cost 7,000 rupees. In the second half of the journey, one could already see this very mountain from the window. Only the top is hidden behind the clouds.
At the final stop there was some kind of building where two men were sitting, I checked the direction, they once again warned me not to go up the mountain and saying that I would just take a walk around, I left, glad that they didn’t charge me entrance fee 4000 rupees(then it’s only 13 rubles).

Lake Kavar

Located almost at the foot of the Sinabung volcano, Lake Kawar, like a mysterious mirror, hides in the silence of these places. That's how it was on that sunny morning.
We stood by the lake tourist tents on a platform under a canopy, from which several people had just climbed out. Well, why didn’t I approach them? Firstly, I somehow didn’t dare, logically reasoning that if I go to the volcano, then I have to go right now, otherwise everything will be covered in clouds and you won’t see anything, and the company is apparently large and they are just waking up, which means it will take a lot time. Secondly, they have enough people without me, or they are such brave guys, they have probably already been to the top, and anyway, they told me not to climb the mountain and I was just going to get to the bottom and that’s it.
Passed by and admired the view beautiful lake, a little more along a good road, and then along the vegetable gardens, from where a view of the mountain and its peak, barely visible in the clouds, opened up.

I saw the sign “Sinabung-5km” and decided to just come closer. It was already clear that it would be impossible to go around the volcano. The mountain was completely covered with forest, and its top was hidden in the clouds, so that only the lower half was visible. To be honest, I wanted to get up, but I was terribly afraid and this made me nervous, like before an exam, because... Apparently my subconscious knew that if anything happened, I’d climb up – be quick!
Two peasants who were digging in a cabbage field pointed out to me the continuation of the path and I went towards the forest.

How I climbed Mount Sinabung

It must be said that no distances were written on the diagram, so having quickly walked to this very sign, I, as a person who thinks big, did not attach any importance to the fact that I had already walked a short section and began to climb, fearing and hoping that I was still overcoming the first part ( I didn’t notice that this is exactly it on the diagram), and then there will be a road, which is drawn on the diagram, and maybe people. That's how I imagined it. I went into the forest and started to rise, telling myself that I was allowed just a little bit and then immediately back.

“I’ll go 100 meters, at least look at the jungle, I’ve never been in the jungle, I’ll feel it and come back right away,” I thought, entering the forest. Then there were another 100 meters and another 50 and then another 30 and 20... To say that I was scared is to say nothing - I was insanely afraid! But it was also very interesting, although I was wary of meeting any animals, snakes or any other dangers that my imagination could instantly draw and even attract. Therefore, at first I walked easily and quickly, like a torpedo, like a ram, and I thought - well, now I’ll quickly walk a little and back. So, I’ll run up the mountain a little and come back. 🙂
The path was at first about 1 m wide, then narrowed to half a meter. The soil was very wet and the roots of the trees, which served as natural steps, were slippery. Not surprisingly, the beginning of February, more precisely February 5, 2013, is the wet season, it rains every day. And even in the mountains, there are more clouds there.

Sometimes I had to put my foot quite high and grab branches or tree roots located above, and sometimes, on the contrary, crawl under large fallen trees, but this is not a problem for me - the stretch allows me to lift my leg, and with my short height it is not difficult to crawl under a tree. At times the path split into two, as it turned out, going around huge thickets of pandanus. I sometimes turned around and took photos so as not to lose my way back. (It’s a pity that they are rare and that they turned out to be of poor quality).
The list of lost people that I saw in the city was constantly spinning in my head and I also remembered the well-known character - “Father Fyodor” from the film “The Twelve Chairs”. Only a helicopter won’t come for me, I had the most antediluvian small phone (not a smartphone) and there were no local SIM cards in sight - I don’t usually buy this, and there’s not enough money on the phone to call from roaming either... the third one was on. month of my second independent travel in Asia and only the second week of traveling in Indonesia.

It soon became clear that there was no longer any road worth waiting for, and that I was really following the path to the top, the same one that I was warned “Don’t climb” about! DO NOT climb!

I sat down to rest on the first flat spot - about 1.3 km from the start. Despite the palpitations and slight dizziness, emotions did not allow me to feel tired to the fullest. At the same time, there was already some satisfaction from what had been done and accomplished. This feeling only allowed me to relax a little. After emptying a plastic glass of water and hanging it on a tree stick as a guide, I decided that I would walk for another half an hour and climbed further up.
I must say that what happened next was steeper, more difficult and much more difficult. And my heart beat faster and faster. Along the way I came across a lot of lost men's shoes - sneakers, sneakers, even flip-flops - all one piece at a time. I was in a hurry again because I had to get back before the rain.
My imagination painted the following picture - if a heavy downpour begins, this path may turn into a mountain forest river (like a waterfall in Thailand) and I will walk knee-deep or even waist-deep, if I can, in cold water, not knowing where to step, along an already difficult path full of mud, snags, roots and stones. My sneakers were damp and no longer white (I didn’t have any others). And on the route already covered there were two most difficult places to descend, especially in the rain.

But the desire to overcome, to win, to have passion, or to have youthful maximalism still preserved despite my age, to prove something to someone invisible or to myself, or to truly discover myself... I don’t know, it led me further and further. I walked through the jungle completely alone. I climbed up a volcano along a forest path in the wilds of the island of Sumatra in the distant country of Indonesia. This audacity was impressive, but at the same time it bordered on stupidity, danger, like the blade of a knife. I told myself: “Well, another 10 minutes, well, another hundred meters, well, to this turn, and then to that tree.” I even remembered a fragment of a film about pilots, which I watched about 20 years ago, there was such a concept - a point of return, i.e. a point from which, if necessary, the plane can return back to the airport from which it took off. Where is my point of return? And the further up, the scarier and more dangerous it became, not to mention how I felt - I suddenly remembered that I was not 20 years old, or 30, or even 40 - I should take myself more seriously. If only I could meet tourists, then it would be easier, like yesterday when I went to the , but alas. There was no one here except me. I understood why people don’t flock here in droves, and why the guides charge such a sum.

Unexpectedly, my mental reflections were interrupted by a very strange sound, a crunching sound that was heard very close, about 8 meters from me, from the depths of the jungle. I still don’t know what it was or who it was. Most likely, it was some kind of animal, and I sprinted further, driven by a new wave of fear.

Meanwhile, the path was winding and becoming narrower and narrower, sometimes branches branched off from it in one direction or the other, and then my vigilance, attention and control increased, and the seriousness of what was happening became more aware.

Finally, a very small area of ​​flat space appeared, open on one side, where you can calmly stand and even sit down to catch your breath and admire the stunning view of Lake Kavar, the fields and everything that was below.

All this time I walked through the jungle and there was never an open space to understand where you were. Wow, how high I climbed! The lake looked so small. Clouds and clouds, driven by the wind, floated both below and above me, it seemed that I could touch them with my hands. It looked very beautiful and unusual, especially being in such conditions. I stood tired, on this tiny patch of flat surface and experienced absolutely amazing feelings, alone with myself and the huge world that opened up to me as if in a jungle window wide open.

Usually at such moments I have an amazing feeling of flight and happiness, which simply bursts, relieves stress and gives additional strength. But my heart was still beating with all its might, my head was already aching, and a lot of energy had already been spent, so I just calmly enjoyed the view and relaxed, realizing that it was not enough to climb up, I also had to be able to return safe and sound.
I took photographs, unfortunately, not of the best quality due to the lack of sun and constantly passing clouds. I took a little rest. There was a pleasant feeling from what I had accomplished, but the thought of continuing the journey still bothered me. It was an insidious thought.
“What if we walk another twenty or thirty meters, up, closer to the top,” I kept thinking in my head. I wanted to see what would happen next. Here the vegetation is slightly different, and the path is even steeper than in previous sections. I understood how much I had gone through and this, on the one hand, suggested that something should already change and, perhaps, I would at least go out into space from where I could see the top. But at the same time, I felt and was afraid that it was dangerous and I wasn’t sure that I would get away with it, or rather, that I would be accepted by this mountain and God, or I don’t know, someone else, would allow me and want to save me in if anything happens.
Having persuaded myself to say “just a little more,” I again plunged into the thickets. However, after only 10 meters, I understood in time and made the absolutely firm and most correct decision of my entire life - to turn back! I was careful, because the slope became much steeper with each step, and the path that ran upward turned very difficultly, now in one direction, now in the other, going around overgrown plants, and was generally narrow and sometimes barely perceptible to the eye, at least for me, a newbie, afraid of everything. Even after 5-7 meters it is not at all clear where this path will go later, and what is there. Remembering the list of lost guys that was spinning in my head, I was not confident that I would easily find my way back. In addition, my heart was jumping wildly in my chest, my head was spinning and aching, fatigue and fear of not being in time before the rain were sufficient reasons to end it there. And in my arsenal there were photos and conquering a decent distance! (more than 4.2 km, according to the sign below)
Convincing myself that this was also a very great achievement for me - and this really is so, and in order not to create an impossible task for my guardian angel, I rested a little more on this spot, looked at the lake again, thanked those around me, then finished off the second and last plastic 200 gram glass of water, and with a feeling of fulfilled “duty”, her own approval and even satisfaction, she quickly began to go down, afraid of losing the path or not seeing the right turn.
...Naturally, what you are afraid of happens. So I came to a place where the narrow path diverged into two, skirting a huge overgrown tropical plant, forming another giant pandanus bush. That second part also had some incomprehensible branch.
“Ah-ah, what to do, which way to go!?”, I mentally became hysterical and went along the right, of course doubting and fearing. Thank God that after walking about five meters, lost in thought, in my haste I tripped over some snag, immediately decided: “Aha, this is a sign,” I turned back, and then went down again, but along the correct left side of the path. It seemed like my guardian angel or the Lord God or my... I don’t know something divine, everyone at once supported my correct and firm decision to refuse to go to the top and now breathed a sigh of relief.
So I “scratched” down at full speed... and the further I went, the safer and more confident I felt. A wave of weight was lifted from me, I was no longer worried so much. I just thought that one difficult obstacle for the descent was already behind me, which made it feel easier.
About 2/3 of the way back, which is about 2.6 km, people’s voices and laughter began to be heard, then I felt completely calm and I stopped being afraid, but continued to move at the same fast speed. The voices were getting closer and louder, and after another 15 minutes I saw a group of guys and girls below. They were sitting on fallen trees, on the same relatively flat place where I rested for the first time.

They did not expect

You can imagine the reaction and faces of people who simply sat down to rest while climbing the volcano, and suddenly saw a miniature, fragile girl in a white jacket - me, descending from above and cutting through the exotic jungle of Sumatra with her confident, fast gait.

- “Where are you from?” Where did you come from?! Are you lonely?! You are alone? What are you doing here? What are you doing here?!" Are you creazy?” - these and other questions were addressed to me with undisguised surprise and concern from the lips of an active Indonesian girl named Nettie, who fortunately spoke English.

-"Yes. I am alone. I'm coming from above. I'm from Russia." — I answered, barely catching my breath.

I told them my whole story. She showed me a diagram that I read incorrectly. How I walked, and how I thought that I would reach the road (which I missed before reaching the forest). They listened attentively, seeming somewhat stunned by my madness. And then she showed me the pictures of the lake I had taken on my camera.

- “So you’re almost there!!! There was just a little bit left!” - Nettie exclaimed. She translated everything to her Indonesian friends, and the older one looked at my diagram and said that it was better not to use it.

Then she asked where I lived.

“To Berastagi,” I said, answering questions as usual. His heart was still pounding, but his breathing was gradually calming down. They treated me to water from a special rubber container that they carry on their back in a backpack. We still talked a little and then...

“We’re going to the top, come with us,” Nettie suggested, and everyone also responsively agreed. - “We have water, some snacks for a snack, we will share with you, and then, when we get down, we will take you back to the city on a motorcycle”... Then I remembered that the last bus to the city leaves at 16 o’clock.

To be honest, I was shocked by such an unexpected proposal and even thought a little. There was only a little over a kilometer left until the end of the descent! I was pretty tired, despite this halt, if you can call it that. The path already traveled appeared before my eyes again. I hesitated, but at the same time, I said mentally: “Such a miracle can only happen once in a lifetime and only to me. This is an opportunity you shouldn’t refuse.”

And I went again!

Oh God, how I love you, for all the surprises and magic! These turned out to be the same people who were in the tents by the lake, whom I passed in the morning. There were about eight of them, mostly young guys and girls - students. They signed up on the Internet, specially got together and came to this place from different cities Indonesia to go together to the top. Among them was a girl from the Czech Republic and an older local guide who knew how to go to the volcano.
Naturally, I did not expect such a development of events, besides, I was very tired, my head was still dizzy, despite the rest and the additional amount of water I drank. But I made a choice - to reach the top!
The second time along the same path, but with different powers, or rather, almost without them - it’s not so entertaining and cool. And this path seemed to me so insanely long, long and tiring that when for the second time I found myself in that very place with a beautiful view of the lake, it seemed to me that an eternity had passed. It was really far away. And again resting in an already familiar place, how could I have thought that I would return on the same day. But I was already so tired that even this beautiful view on the lake did not produce that much needed and useful emotional effect on me now.

And again on the road, here it is - the place from where I decided to turn back a few hours ago. I felt as if I was walking through the imprint of a piece of my life, my past. Because this section was really difficult, and the path was almost invisible, it was hidden among overgrown bushes and trees, running steeper and steeper into the high unknown. I tried to stay strong, but it took a lot of effort.

A bit of emotion still increased when we reached the open, bald part of the path. I sighed with some relief, but this was only the beginning of a new area with wet red earth interspersed with potholes and stones. Of course, I no longer had speed and had to stop to rest more and more often. My strength is no longer the same, even though I tried my best. Thank you, one of the guys was always next to me because the chain stretched for about 50 meters. Of course, they are young and with fresh strength, but I had already spent a lot of it. Well, okay, we drank some water and moved on.

But then it was very difficult. This is the last and steepest section. The slope of the surface was 60-70 degrees or more. We climbed up smooth large and medium-sized stones, 50-80 cm in size, protruding to the surface, which, mixed with soil, were quite slippery and wet. That was something! I still remember how my heart was jumping out of my chest, and my head was spinning madly and hurting. I just prayed to God that my heart wouldn’t stop, and apparently my innate endurance, desire and desire, as well as a ten-day course of Vipassana meditation I took a couple of weeks ago in Malaysia, helped me cope with everything else. I climbed and didn’t turn around, so as not to lose concentration, not to distract or relax my mind. I thought that probably beautiful views behind my back, but immediately pushed that thought away. For the first time in my life, I had no time for this, I chose the main thing - focusing on myself and my task of safety, on which my life and the good mood of my new acquaintances depended, who suggested going to the top and having this unforgettable experience.

Meanwhile, there were happy exclamations from the girls who reached the very top. Everything was in the clouds, in this dense fog it was not even visible that the peak was so close. But I still had to climb further. At some point, I even suggested to the guy who was walking next to me that he should go alone, and I would come later; I didn’t want to burden him too much and slow him down, because I needed to stop every ten meters and I felt a little awkward. But he said that there were only a few meters left and we had arrived. Let's continue. Indeed, these were the last five steepest and most difficult meters, which I, like an exhausted Olympic champion, crawled under the encouraging cries of the guys and girls who were already standing on a flat, horizontal surface in the fog of the cloud. I must say this helped a lot and I finally crawled to the top of the Sinabung volcano, to cheers and applause.

At the top of Mount Sinabung

The top of the volcano was a horizontal surface with a diameter of ten meters, with a stone in the center, and paths running off on different sides. We must not forget which direction we came from. It's cold here and the wind is terrible, just knocking you down.

I was so tired that at first I didn’t even have the strength to smile.

Well, then she walked away and even climbed onto a rock, from which the wind almost blew me away.

They say that from here, from the top of Mount Sinabung, in good weather visible, but, unfortunately, we didn’t see anything, because we were right in the center of a dense cloud, so even the sun seemed just a bright point. That’s why locals advise to climb in the morning.

Only for a few seconds, the clouds parted and showed us the crater, but by the time everyone came to their senses, ran up and offered cameras, everything disappeared again.

So, thanks to these wonderful people, I stood at the top and shared everyone’s happiness. Everything on this day was for the first time in my life.

Well, it's time to go back. I already felt much better, one might even say good - I had moved away)) and was ready to leave this coldly windy peak.

Descent from the mountain

Going down seems easier, but this is not always the case. This can be more dangerous than climbing. And again new experience. Due to the high steepness of the slope, we descended with our backs to the surface and our faces to the clouds, behind which beautiful views were hidden. Well, it’s a very unusual task to crawl with your back and butt down the stones. It probably looks funny, like an attraction. I don’t have any photos of this entertaining spectacle. Then the slope became a little flatter. This is how it was further down.

It was already much easier for me and, in principle, we covered this distance relatively quickly, and most importantly, without heavy rain, only an occasional light drizzle.

I’ve probably already sufficiently described the difficulties of the ascent; the descent was, although faster, but I already felt pain in all my muscles, and my knees reminded me of themselves after my unusual double route. And now the wonderful Lake Kavar is visible again, for the fourth time this day for me.

The guys had fun and were happy. I was also very happy, but I didn’t have the strength to show emotions.

There was just over four kilometers of descent left, along a path along wet tree roots all the way down. You can now sit down after 2.5 kilometers. By that time, I was really very tired, my head was spinning, and these last hundred meters, after the break, I just stupidly, like a robot on stilts, rearranged my legs, trying just not to fall. It was starting to get dark and I was in a hurry. Thank you very much to the guys who walked alongside, although I still held on well, and was not even the last one to leave the forest. With wet feet, terribly dirty sneakers, and without proper food, I finished my climb to the Sinabung volcano. We left the forest at about seven o'clock in the evening. Right next to the gardens we sat down to rest and wait for two more. I was thirsty. The guy handed me a plastic bottle and I started drinking, and then it dawned on me.

- “Where did you get a bottle of water, it seems like everyone ran out of water a long time ago?” - “From the jungle From the jungle,” he answered.

-"Fine!" “I thought, “I’m drinking water from the jungle,” I remembered that on the way up I saw a small stream. Well, okay, it’s already late, I drank a lot, and the water was delicious, and I finished it all. Let the energy of nature replenish my strength. The girls left earlier and went to the tents. Well, it was almost dark and we also went to the tents that stood right by the lake. Then I realized that I had definitely planted my knees in the field of such a hike. Of course, in total, I think so, I walked 15.5 kilometers along this mountain, and it could have been less if I had approached these guys in the morning.

As soon as we got there, it started to rain, I began to think about how to leave for the city, but Nettie said:

- “Don’t worry, now we’ll wait for someone and then you’ll go with the guys, they also need to go to Berastagi.” We talked while sitting near the tents, and about half an hour later two guys on motorcycles arrived. Nettie said that you would go now and gave me a completely new raincoat in the package - film.

I said goodbye to the company of these wonderful guys, came out from under the canopy and got on a wet motorcycle. We drove to the city in the dark and in the pouring rain, which on the way got even stronger and lashed like a bucket like a solid wall into all the holes, and the raincoat rode up from the wind, tore a little and could no longer save us. Fortunately, an hour later, when we entered Berastagi, the rain subsided, I thanked the guys and went to my guesthouse.

It was about half past ten in the evening when I, wildly tired, wet, but with a feeling of a winner or a discoverer, returned to my guest house - a small private hotel. Everyone who was below, including the hostess, immediately understood everything. I asked her to prepare food for me and the keys to the shower. And after dinner and chatting, I also had to wash everything, because my sneakers were black instead of white, and the next day I was going to leave for another place. So the day ended with a big wash. I don’t know where my strength came from.

I am incredibly grateful to fate, these guys, the volcano and the jungle for everything I experienced that day. This is my own experience, the experience of traveling and learning about myself. The route map hangs in a frame on the wall at my house as a keepsake. And this ascent is mentioned in a newspaper article, for 2013, see tab

Continuing my independent travel around Indonesia, I went on a small bemo to Medan to go from there to. (click on the title and read the next article)

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Sinabung - the highest active volcano North Sumatra province, 2450 meters above sea level. The first time he woke up from more than 400 years of sleep was on August 29, 2010, when the height of ash emissions reached one and a half kilometers and several thousand residents of surrounding villages were evacuated. Then the volcano calmed down and showed only slight fumarole-solfator activity, southern slope, so in the summer of 2013 I was impressed by the beauty that opened up to me.

The next eruption of Sinabung began in September 2013 and reached its peak in January-February, when 14 people died (or 16 according to other sources). The 2013-14 eruption was accompanied not only by pellet emissions, but also by powerful pyroclastic flows. Much has been written about these eruptions on the Internet; I will not repeat myself or retell what is already known. Just google it... Now a tongue of frozen lava is clearly visible on the southern slope of the volcano. Here he is in all his glory. It's not bad, huh?

In February, Russian guys already climbed the volcano, so it’s not surprising that thoughts of climbing Sinabung took root in my head...

The implementation of these thoughts began with a trip to Lake Lau Kawar in order to reconnoiter the situation and look at the consequences of the eruption.

As of May 2014, local residents within a 5 km radius of the volcano were still officially evacuated, but in fact many returned to their homes in order to gradually restore them to order. The local residents, the Karo people, have more than enough work to do: they need to clear volcanic ash from the roofs, collect it in bags (this is an excellent fertilizer), clear away the rubble, patch the roofs... The villages closest to Sinabung look rather sad. The roofs of almost all buildings were broken.

Volcanic ash in white bags.

Evacuation direction indicator.

Lake Lau Kawar previously had tourism infrastructure: cafes, coffee shops, shops. There was even a guesthouse. Now everything has been abandoned - people are afraid to return so close to Sinabung. It is from the lake that the trek to the summit begins, which is only 5 kilometers away. There used to be a cafe here, right next to the water.

Only a couple of houses near the lake are inhabited. I went into one of these: everything inside is more than modest. There isn't even a bed.

I checked the trail to the volcano. It turned out to be completely fine, only at the very beginning it was a little overgrown. Well, all that remains is to wait for good weather and hit the road – to the top of Sinabung!

A few days later I met in Berastagi with famous traveler Mikhail Pavlyuk. He had just returned from a 9-day solo trip to Gunung Leuser and was ready to join me in the Sinabung campaign. It was very interesting for us to look at the craters up close and climb on the lava tongue. Photo of the volcano the day before the ascent.

We set out the next day after the meeting, after lunch, with the expectation of spending the night somewhere on the volcano and climbing to the top in the morning. The weather didn't work out... But don't retreat once you've gathered!

At the beginning of the trail, the forest still retained its green color.

But the higher you go, it’s grayer - the leaves were burned by hot ash...

We climbed low, set up a tent and spent the night at an altitude of 1800-1900 meters, since gases from large solfators on the slope were deposited higher up.

The next morning we set out for the summit. In some places the trail is littered with fallen trees, but you can always go around or get through. Pyroclastic flows poured out from the other side, so the track was not badly damaged by the eruption and walking along it was no more difficult than before.

Above 2000 meters everything is black and white, like in an old movie...

At first the weather was still fine. Atmospheric views of the lake opened up.

But gradually the sky became covered with thick clouds. And the eruption of Sinabung against the background of clouds no longer looked so impressive.

Sometimes the smell of sulfur hit us, but not too much, since the wind was blowing in the opposite direction. After 1.5 hours we reached the pre-summit plateau. It looks very futuristic - as if we were on another planet. And fog and clouds only add to the atomosphere...

In such unusual place You definitely have to leave your mark.

Storm flows washed away the ashes - they are all riddled with deep cracks.

The trail goes to the very top, where a triangulation post is installed. Alas, because of the clouds we can’t see a damn thing, and Misha and I ourselves are like hedgehogs in the fog...

We decided to hang around at the top and wait for good weather. There’s not much to do on the 6x6 patch, so we studied the transit entomofauna - insects passing through the volcano to the other side. The flight is good, but the species diversity is not great: small beetles, longhorned beetles, ground beetles and a large number of beetles. You can only go down along the path, because... The ash is dry only on the outside, but at a depth of 5-7 centimeters it is very wet and slippery: there is a 100% chance of slipping. Therefore, the hike to the newly formed crater right in front of us was canceled for safety reasons. The top of Sinabunga has changed its geology - now there are not 2 craters, as before, but 4. An hour later, the clouds cleared a little and we did not fail to take advantage of this opportunity for photography. Straight ahead below in this photo is a young crater, and on the left is smoke from the main one.

The “fingers” never fully opened...

I wonder if they survived? This is what they looked like in 2013.

It was on this plateau in front of the main crater that tents used to stand.

And now the smoke is pouring out so much that we didn’t dare to go down.

We stood at the top for another hour, but the weather only got worse, so we decided to return. On the way back I took a photo of Misha in the thicket. It turned out brutal.

We went down to the tent, had lunch, got ready and, driven by the beginning rain, rushed down the descent. The rain soon turned into downpour and, in the best equatorial traditions, we got soaked through. Then we stood on the veranda of an abandoned guest house, drying out. As usual, after the rain the flight of large beetles began. At this time, they are hit en masse by cars on the roads.

After the rain, the clouds went away and Sinabung opened...

Fir-trees, yes it erupted when we were at the top! It’s good that the wind blew in the other direction and didn’t hit us... So, in bad weather you can climb a volcano and not notice that it smokes a lot and throws out ash... So be careful, friends! Hiking an erupting volcano is no joke! According to the stories of the locals that night, when we spent the night on the volcano, the height of the ash emissions reached 500 meters, and during the day it subsided to 300.

At such moments you feel that life is good after all. And this gift must be appreciated. So we thanked the wind, which, at a minimum, saved us from trouble that night, and at most, saved our lives. We caught a minibus and headed to the base, in. Misha left for the same day, and I stayed one more night at the Talitha guesthouse.

The maximum plan was not fulfilled, so we need to climb Sinabung for the third time - it will be very interesting to look at new craters, climb the lava tongue, see what plants and animals will be the first settlers after the volcano’s activity fades away (if it doesn’t go crazy again). I'm planning to arrive in Sumatra in October 2014 and immediately climb Sinabung, so stay tuned!

You can read about my other climbs in Indonesia

How to get to Mount Sinabung

In Berastagi we go to the central bazaar, from where white minibuses depart for Kuta Raya as they fill (we tell the driver that we are going to Lau Kawar). The ride takes 40-50 minutes, the fare is 7,000 rupees. From Kuta Raya to Lake Lau Kawar you still need to walk along a narrow asphalt road for 2 km. Well, the best ways to travel around Indonesia.


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