Is the city of Kuban. Large cities of Kuban. The city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Agriculture, population and history of the city

Surprisingly, this melodious and warm word names not only the majestic and rather long river Kuban, originating from the melting glaciers of Elbrus (5642 meters above sea level) with its numerous tributaries and flowing non-stop to the lands of Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol and Krasnodar (662 kilometers) territories and Adygea and flowing into the second warm sea of ​​Mother Russia - the Azov Sea legendary Taman Peninsula, forming a fertile delta of 4300 square kilometers and having a total drainage of 11.0 cubic kilometers. Rivers in the Kostroma and Kemerovo regions have names of the same name and more than tens rural and settlement areas in Karachay-Cherkessia, Kursk and Oryol regions, by the way, there are even two in the last one.

Residents are also proud of their favorite football club “Kuban”, closely following the team’s performances both outside their patrimony and especially when it plays, as they say, within its own walls. And every fan has his own idol, who excites his heart and soul with his brilliant play.

Area of ​​Kuban

But before moving on to it, we still note that the word “Kuban” has almost three hundred interpretations or even simpler translations. Snow-white cap of Mount Elbrus administrative division belongs to Karachay-Cherkessia. And the glaciers of Elbrus, from which Kuban begins its journey to Taman, belong to her. In her dialect, Kuban is pronounced “koban”, literally meaning “stream”, “flooding river”. Sometimes the word was transformed - from koban to koban, kuban, guban, kuban. But the Greeks called it Hypanis, comparing it with a horse flying like an arrow and tributary manes. They also called her strong, big river. Among the Nogais it was simply Koban - a river-stream. The Polovtsians have Kuman. Today most often and officially main river Krasnodar region name is Kuban. This is how it is called in Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, and the Stavropol Territory, through whose territory it rolls its unrestrained waters, either warm in summer or cold in winter.
Geographers call the Kuban the area (region) covered by this river - our favorite and nurse, which gives us water in our homes, nourishes fields and pastures with its life-giving moisture, in addition, patient fishermen love to sit on its banks with a fishing rod or spinning rod and, if they are lucky, , then they will catch pike or catfish, not to mention small fish - crucian carp, rudd and the like. The Kuban area makes up most of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, almost the entire territory of the Republic of Adygea, most of Karachay-Cherkessia and a not too large area of ​​the south of the Rostov region. The population of the Krasnodar Territory quite often simply call their patrimony with the short word Kuban, and this does not evoke negative emotions in anyone, on the contrary, only positive ones.
If we take the past that is far removed from us, then Kuban is a historical region in the North Caucasus, adjacent to the Kuban River, as well as its tributaries, which since the Middle Ages belonged to the Nogai tribes, the Circassian, and then the Crimean khanates. In 1782, the Crimean Khanate was liquidated and annexed to Russia. As for Taman, on its lands there existed the Tmutarakan principality, which was considered the patrimony of the Chernigov princes. Transnistria and the Dniester region have been inhabited by Cossacks from time immemorial. But settlers from Europe also came to Kuban; there were many, and there are still, Greek settlements. The Polovtsians and Khazars, who appeared from nowhere, disappeared into oblivion, and the conquerors of the Golden Horde and the Ottoman Empire were repulsed.
In 1792, Catherine the Great donated the Kuban lands to the Zaporozhye Cossacks, and from then on their intensive development began. A year later, Ekaterinodar was founded. And since 1860 it became the administrative center of Kuban. Revolution, civil war, formation of the USSR, war again, but with a fascist war, Victory, destruction of a great power. Today Krasnodar region(Kuban) - one of 85 subjects Russian Federation with its capital in the city of Krasnodar. One of the highly developed regions of our state. It has the second largest grain production. It produces half of all sunflowers, provides itself and the country with rice, and successfully grows the northernmost tea on the planet. Having on its territory two warm seas- Chernoe and Azovskoe has become one of the leading centers of tourism, reaching more than eleven million Russians and foreign guests themselves who relax at our resorts and are treated.

Krasnodar city - administrative center of the region. It is located in Western Ciscaucasia, on the right, elevated bank of the Kuban River. Geographical coordinates historical center: 45º 2" north latitude and 39º east longitude. The city was founded by the Black Sea Cossacks in a bend of the Kuban as a military fortress in 1793.

Currently it occupies an area of ​​840 sq. km. Population - 767.7 thousand people. The city is advantageously located at the intersection of important transport routes. Major highways, important railway lines and an international airport contribute to the economic and cultural development of the city.

The city territory is divided into four administrative districts: Western, Central, Kubansky, Karasunsky.

Krasnodar is a city of dozens of industrial enterprises. The food, light, fuel, mechanical engineering, forestry, woodworking, chemical and building materials industries are represented. Agriculture specializes in growing grains (wheat, corn, rice, barley), beets, oilseeds (sunflower), cattle breeding, pig farming, poultry farming. Krasnodar is a major scientific and cultural center. There are more than 100 general education institutions, about 30 higher educational institutions, a wide network of secondary specialized educational institutions, museums, theaters, stadiums, and libraries.

Anapa resort city - history, population and monuments of Anapa

G Anapa city is located 160 km southwest of Krasnodar , on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in a convenient and beautiful bay. Known as the All-Russian children's health resort. The history of Anapa goes back more than 25 centuries. This territory was developed by the ancient Greeks, the Genoese, and the Ottoman Turks. Since 1898 the city has been known as a resort. Population - 65.6 thousand inhabitants, area - 982 sq. km (including the district). Among the resources that determine the modern functions of the city, the most significant are recreational: the sea, sandy beaches, wonderful climate, mineral waters, healing mud, historical monuments.

Agriculture The region is represented by viticulture, vegetable growing, dairy cattle breeding and poultry farming. Industry - food. Among historical monuments the most famous are the following: historical and archaeological museum-reserve under open air Gorgippia, remains of an 18th century Turkish fortress. (the so-called Russian Gate), a lighthouse monument on Cape Bolshoi Utrish, Semibratsky settlement. Among natural monuments- Waterfall gap near the village. Big Utrish.

Resort city of Gelendzhik - history, population and sanatoriums of the city of Gelendzhik

The city of Gelendzhik is located at the foot of the Markotkhsky ridge and is famous for its bay. They perform far out to sea two capes - Thick and Thin, spaced 1 nautical mile (1,852 km) apart. Gelendzhik became one of the first military fortifications in Russia on the Black Sea coast of Kuban. In 1864 it was transformed into the village of G Elendzhik In August 1915, Gelendzhik received city status.

The first sanatoriums appeared here at the beginning of the 20th century, and since 1962 Gelendzhik was transformed into resort area, covering a 100-kilometer strip of the Black Sea coast from Kabardinka to Arkhipo-Osipovka. Population - 87.2 thousand people, (urban - 69 thousand people). Currently, Gelendzhik is a climatic resort, aimed largely at the use of local recreational resources that provide rest and restoration of human health.

Industry plays a secondary role, and its structure only complements the main functions of the city, providing its residents and guests with the most necessary things. Small industrial enterprises specialize in the production of building materials and food products. Agricultural lands are occupied by orchards, vineyards, vegetables, potatoes and barley are common crops.

City Hot key- population, resorts and history of Goryachy Klyuch

The city of Goryachiy Klyuch is located 55 km south of Krasnodar , in the foothills Greater Caucasus, on the right bank of the river. Psekups (tributary of the Kuban), 5 km from the Goryachiy Klyuch railway station. Founded 1864 How balneological resort. Received city status in 1965. Population - 52.2 thousand people. (urban - 29.8 thousand people).

Goryachy Klyuch Resort known far beyond the borders, offers several types mineral waters, used to treat the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, and digestive organs. The city has a mineral water bottling plant, as well as a furniture factory and timber industry enterprises. Scenic Spots foothills of the Greater Caucasus, where the city is located, allow the use of the territory for sports and tourism events and the development of a recreational complex.

City of Yeysk - history, population and enterprises of the city of Yeysk

The city of Yeysk is located 250 km from Krasnodar , on the shore Sea of ​​Azov, near the mouth of the Eya River, at the base Yeisk Spit, separating the waters of the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary. A seaport was founded here in 1848, the settlement under him received the status of a city, which in the 1850s - 60s played a significant role in the export of agricultural products. Yeisk port is developing intensively in our time; since 1993 it has been awarded international status. Specializes in grain export. City population- 94.8 thousand people.

IN late XIX- mid-20th century Yeysk is the center of the fishing region. Since the 1930s, enterprises in the food (fish, dairy, meat), light, and engineering industries have been created in the city. In the Yeisk region, mainly grains and legumes are grown, pigs and cattle are raised for meat and dairy production.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, Yeysk has been a resort. In mud baths, using the silt mud of Khan Lake, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and cardiovascular systems, skin diseases and others are treated. There is a theater in the city local history museum, cultural and recreation parks, educational institutions. Famous sights of Yeysk are architectural complex"Gostiny Dvor" (built in 1852 - 1854), a house-museum and park named after the world champion in classical wrestling Ivan Poddubny.

Hero City Novorossiysk. Agriculture, population, history of the city of Novorossiysk

The city of Novorossiysk is located 145 km southwest of Krasnodar . Population - 247.4 thousand people. It is a large Black Sea port on the shores of Tsemes (Novorossiysk) Bay. Novorossiysk was founded in 1838. as a fortification on the site of the Turkish fortress Sujuk-Kale destroyed in 1812. The rapid growth of the city is associated with construction cement factories, seaport and railway lines. Since 1896, Novorossiysk has been the center of the Black Sea province. And since the beginning of the 20th century it has become the most important port in Russia. The Novorossiysk port has a powerful transport complex. Export cargo flows are dominated by oil, petroleum products, building materials, cement, coal, timber, grain, machinery and equipment. Imports include ores, raw sugar, grain, machinery, equipment.

Oil and gas pipelines approach the city. Novorossiysk - major center cement industry. In 1936, at the World Exhibition, Novorossiysk cement for its high quality was awarded a gold medal. The city has enterprises of light, food (dairy, butter) industries, machine-building plants, ship and car repair plants.

Agriculture specializes in viticulture, vegetable growing, dairy farming, and poultry farming.

Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions prepare qualified personnel for various industries farms.

Hero City Novorossiysk has a nice military history. Known far beyond the borders memorial Complex Malaya Zemlya, erected in honor of the defenders of Novorossiysk, who held this territory for 225 days during fierce fighting during the Great Patriotic War.

The city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Agriculture, population and history of the city

Slavyansk-on-Kuban is located 130 km northwest of Krasnodar , on the Protoka River (Kuban branch). Stanitsa Slavyanskaya was founded in 1865. It received city status in 1958. Population - 127 thousand people. (urban - 63 thousand people). The city has a developed food industry, production of building materials, and there are packaging and brick factories. Agriculture specializes in growing grain crops and vegetables. Decorative floriculture and fruit horticulture are developed. Rice is grown in the area and cattle, pigs and poultry are raised.

Cultural institutions are represented by museums: local history and ecology of the Eastern Azov region. The Azov Republican Reserve for waterfowl is of scientific and educational interest. There are secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Sochi city. Description of the resort city of Sochi, districts of Sochi

The resort city of Sochi is located in the central part Black Sea coast Caucasus, 300 km from Krasnodar . The length of the territory is 146 km (from the Shepsi River to the Psou River). The city of Sochi began to develop at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Population - 420 thousand people. Administratively divided into 4 districts: Lazarevsky, Central, Khostinsky and Adlersky. Being one of the largest balneological and climatic seaside resorts, the city specializes in services for those who come to relax and improve their health. There are many health resorts, boarding houses, sanatoriums, and holiday homes. Among the industries developed are the food, tea, and building materials industries. Agricultural enterprises are focused on growing vegetables, tea, and subtropical crops. There are many natural monuments in the city: Sochi Arboretum, Khosta Yew Box Grove, Adler Park “Southern Cultures”. IN last years The network of higher educational institutions is expanding. One of the universities trains resort management specialists.

Tuapse city - history and population of the resort city of Tuapse

G The resort town of Tuapse is located 180 km south ofcities of Krasnodar , on mountain slopes, in the river valley of the same name. In 1832, the Velyaminovsky fort was built on this site, and in 1897 it was renamed Tuapse. City population - 65.9 thousand people.

Tuapse is a port city adapted for the export of petroleum products. There are oil refineries, machine-building plants (for the production of tower cranes) and ship repair plants, as well as enterprises in the light and food industries.

Tuapse district occupies a leading place in terms of saturation recreational facilities (health complex"Yamal" with the country's largest water park, All-Russian child Center"Eaglet", etc.). Attractions: small waterfalls, Kiseleva rock (height 43 m).

The Krasnodar region is often called simply Kuban, named after the river that originates in the Elbrus mountains and flows through Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol, Adygea and the Krasnodar region.

Which city in the region is best for living and which for vacation? Choose from a variety of offers, both among villages and villages, and cities, carefully studying articles and photos of the cities of Kuban.

There are 26 in total in Kuban settlements, having the status of a city, the capital is the eponymous Krasnodar. In this material we will consider short description 5 largest cities Kuban and a list of all other small towns located in the Krasnodar region of Russia.


In total, 5 million 571 thousand people live in Kuban. And in the capital of the region, Krasnodar, there are 882 thousand inhabitants. But these are official data, and according to unofficial estimates, this largest city in the south of the Russian Federation has more than 1 million inhabitants.

Why is the city so attractive to Russians? First of all, of course, it is a magnificent climate with mild winters and hot summers. All those who are tired of freezing in the north have flocked to live in Krasnodar in recent years. It is thanks to the moving northerners that the city has grown so much in recent years.

Another important reason for such rapid population growth is economic. Krasnodar is located at the intersection of important transport routes. These include highways, railways, and an international airport.

There are also several small industries in the city, which also makes Krasnodar an economically advantageous place to live.


The second largest city in Kuban is Sochi. About 412 thousand people permanently live here. About 4.5 million tourists vacation at this resort every year. These are not only amateurs beach holiday, but also skiing, because in this city of the Kuban region there are the largest ski resorts Russia.

For everyone involved in hotel business, Sochi - the best place for life. For everyone else, finding work here is problematic.


About 271 thousand people permanently live in Novorossiysk. This city of Kuban is the second largest port in the south of Russia, after the port of Caucasus.

The city's infrastructure is well developed, there are jobs for people of different professions thanks to the same port. In the summer, due to the proximity of the sea, there is an influx of tourists, which also has a beneficial effect on the economy of Novorossiysk. The only disadvantage of living in this place is the winter “bora” wind that comes from the mountains. In windy weather, life in the city comes to a standstill in order to wait out the destructive force of the elements without loss.


191 thousand people. This is a small cozy town with a continental climate. There are many industrial enterprises in Armavir, thanks to which the rest of the infrastructure is well developed. There are also enough jobs here.

If you want to live in quiet town, with reasonable housing prices, with the opportunity to choose a job to your liking, Armavir is your option.


Yeysk - resort town. This leaves an impact on both infrastructure and jobs in the city. But since the city has its own port, the situation on the labor market here is not bad.

The local population of Yeysk is only 84 thousand inhabitants. But in the summer there are, of course, more people.

Other cities of the Krasnodar region

In total, there are 26 cities in the region with the following population (people):

  1. Krasnodar - 881 476.
  2. Sochi - 411 524.
  3. Novorossiysk - 270,774.
  4. Armavir - 190,871.
  5. Yeisk - 84,259.
  6. Kropotkin - 79,152.
  7. Anapa - 75,375.
  8. Gelendzhik - 74,887.
  9. Slavyansk-on-Kuban - 66,014.
  10. Tuapse - 62,841.
  11. Labinsk - 60,889.
  12. Tikhoretsk - 58,982.
  13. Krymsk - 57,254.
  14. Timashevsk - 52,527.
  15. Belorechensk - 52,264.
  16. Kurganinsk - 48,964.
  17. Korenovsk - 41,823.
  18. Ust-Labinsk - 41,348.
  19. Apsheronsk - 40,239.
  20. Temryuk - 40 108.
  21. Abinsk - 37,749.
  22. Hot Key - 36,807.
  23. Novokubansk - 35,437.
  24. Gulkevichi - 34,360.
  25. Primorsko-Akhtarsk - 31,925.
  26. Khadyzhensk - 22,706.

Slavyansk-on-Kuban is the only city where the name of the Kuban River appears, despite the fact that the region itself is often called simply Kuban.


If there is a paradise in the world, this is the Krasnodar region! This is the famous slogan of Kuban tour operators. And this is true, because where, if not in the villages, villages and cities of Kuban, there are not only excellent living conditions, but also a warm climate, and most importantly, accessibility to the sea coast, where you can go on vacation at least every weekend.

Krasnodar region of Russia - perfect place, both for relaxation and for life. Choose a place to your taste, take into account the cost of housing and available work and enjoy the Krasnodar region!


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