Economical holiday at the thermal lake Heviz in Hungary. Lake Heviz is a balneological resort in Hungary, welcoming visitors in summer and winter.

Manshina N.V.
Tourist business. Special issue: Heviz – the source of life, 2008
Archive: publications

“In water lies the hope of the future world, and the beneficial properties of water are no less varied than the taste,” said Seneca two thousand years ago, when Lake Heviz was already known for its healing properties to the Roman legionaries. The largest thermal lake on the planet - Lake Heviz - is not only a huge swimming pool, but also a drinking pump room, as well as an inhalation room for open air. In a huge funnel at a depth of 38 m, the mysterious Genius aquaticus mixes streams of warm and cold waters in exactly such quantities that these waters remain pleasant to the taste and at the same time are a cure for many diseases. Temperatures up to 33-35 °C in summer and 23 °C in winter and low mineralization of the water make swimming in the lake very comfortable.

Lake bathing, balneotherapy, drinking cure in the resort of Heviz


  • uncompensated thyroid diseases, hypothyroidism,
  • subcompensated diabetes mellitus,
  • unstable arterial hypertension,
  • not a beach holiday!

    When swimming in Heviz, be sure to move. Movement in warm water promotes relaxation of cramped muscles, dilation of skin capillaries, active breathing and, therefore, a more intense flow of beneficial substances from Hévíz water through the skin and respiratory tract.

    Even if you are a good swimmer, periodically swim in Lake Heviz with a circle, hanging on it. This kind of vertical traction is useful for diseases of the spine and joints.

    Don't try to swim fast in the lake. Despite the slight mineralization, the waters of Lake Heviz have a “heavy” feel, and the procedure is quite stressful, especially in the hot season.

    The active components of Heviz waters give additional stress to the body. It should be borne in mind that the duration of therapeutic bathing without additional recommendations from the attending physician should not exceed 1 hour a day, and for people with diseases of the circulatory system - 30 minutes.

    Patients with neurovascular diseases should be careful when summer period, since hyperinsolation and hyperthermia can provoke the development of a vascular crisis in them.

    For patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction in the past, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and other risk groups - best seasons for recovery - autumn and spring.

The Hungarian resort of Heviz is famous for its healing thermal lake, which does not freeze all year round. We learned the secret of successful treatment on Lake Heviz from a spa specialist. Rules for swimming in thermal lake, procedures, sanatoriums, how to get to Heviz from Budapest.

5 facts about Lake Heviz

  • Lake Heviz is the world's largest natural thermal healing lake
  • water temperature in summer +34-36°C, in winter +22-24°C
  • maximum depth 36.5 m
  • the bottom is covered with peat 7 m thick
  • Pink Indian lily grows in Lake Heviz

What is the secret of successful treatment on Lake Heviz?

Vladislav Burya resort specialist

The main treatment tool in the Heviz resort is the thermal lake. Thanks to your healing properties, the thermal water of Lake Heviz has a significant effect in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The results of treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, nonspecific back pain, chronic inflammation of the joints, rheumatic diseases, ankylosing spondylitis, peritendinitis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, discopathy, neuropathy, radiculitis, neuralgia are amazing.

Lake Heviz is unique in many ways. Its area is 4.5 hectares, the water is constantly enriched with sulfur and minerals from the crater of a thermal spring 38 meters deep. The source is so productive that the chemical composition of the water is completely renewed within 72 hours. IN winter period the water temperature does not drop below +24°C, which allows procedures to be carried out at any time of the year.

Thermal water rich in sulfur (the main element of joint cartilage), calcium (anti-inflammatory effect), magnesium (analgesic effect), sodium, potassium, iron, bicarbonates, sulfates, bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus (convert biologically passive sulfate into active sulfide) and radon (produces anti-inflammatory hormones) .

Mud therapy. The peat mud of Lake Heviz is enriched with thermal water and contains the same microelements, but their mechanism of action is slightly different, which perfectly complements the treatment course.

Underwater spinal traction. This procedure has been practiced in the resort of Heviz since 1953. In thermal water, the spine stretches and the vertebrae restore their normal position. Traction can be done under your own weight or by clinging to weights.

Treatment in Heviz also includes massage, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, ultrasound, and drinking therapy. Thanks to an integrated approach, maximum success in treatment is achieved. Highly professional doctors work in Heviz, some of them have more than 35 years of medical practice.

Rules for visiting the thermal lake Heviz

Firstly, being in the lake must be agreed upon with a doctor, who will prescribe the frequency and duration of swimming. It is recommended to visit the lake daily, but go into the water no more than twice a day for 20-25 minutes. For problems with the cardiovascular system, staying in water should vary between 10-15 minutes.

Secondly, thermal water has a very strong effect on the body, so the lake should not be visited by children under 14 years old - this can negatively affect the child’s immature hormonal system.

Third, in the lake, doctors recommend being in a more static position. Water helps relax muscles and the spine naturally stretches. You can swim a little - with active movements in thermal water, minerals are more actively absorbed into the pores of the skin.

Sanatoriums Heviz

According to the expert opinion of a spa doctor, the best sanatoriums in Heviz in terms of quality of treatment are: NaturMed Carbona and Europa Fit Superior. The world-famous rheumatologist Veronica Moll works at the Europe Fit Hotel. The Aquamarine sanatorium has a source of mineral water for therapeutic drinking courses.

Detailed information about all Heviz sanatoriums with reviews and videos is available on the sanatoriums website. Online booking sanatoriums Heviz with a discount and without prepayment:

How to get to Heviz from Budapest

Train + bus
There are no direct trains Budapest-Heviz. The train from Budapest arrives in Keszthely, from where it is 5 km by bus to Heviz. Train schedule Budapest-Kesshely on the Hungarian website railways. Departure from Delhi South Station (Déli pályaudvar). Travel time is from 3.5 hours. Bus Keszthely-Heviz 10 minutes.

Budapest-Heviz buses depart from Népliget bus station. Schedule on Volánbusz, travel time from 2.5 hours.

A taxi from Budapest to Heviz costs €144 per car. Order and pay online.
When booking a sanatorium in Heviz, it is possible to order a group or individual transfer from Budapest or Vienna airport. Instant confirmation, payment to the driver. Price from €44.

Remember that if you come to Heviz for treatment for a week, you will not get the desired result. The most effective course of treatment is a three-week course, the minimum is two weeks.

Hungary is a country rich in healing springs and has a beautiful historical and natural character. Here, 200 kilometers from Budapest and 180 kilometers from Vienna, a beautiful valley with a thermal lake lies among the forest. In this wonderful corner of nature, the harmony of soul and body is restored, vitality returns, a natural feeling of joy is restored, and the body is amazingly rejuvenated. Holidays in Heviz are one of the most popular in Hungary. The waters and mud of the lake and the microclimate of the valley heal and rejuvenate, giving hope in situations that seemed hopeless.

Lake Heviz - a huge swimming pool, drinking pump room and inhalation center in the middle natural park open air. This is the largest healing lake in Europe of volcanic origin with warm water and a peat bottom. Unique chemical composition and climatic natural factors allow for a variety of medical procedures for a wide range of diseases.

Most of the health resorts in Heviz have their own diagnostic and treatment facilities. Treatment procedures are prescribed individually based on the results of the examination within the framework of comprehensive or separate programs.

  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • Gynecology
  • Violation of potency
  • ENT organs
  • Digestive organs
  • Hormonal disorders, metabolism
  • Venous circulation disorders
  • Dermatitis
  • Periodontal disease
  • Rehabilitation after injuries and operations, alleviating pain, stimulating regeneration
  • Rejuvenation of the body

Treatment methods:

  • Climatotherapy
  • Drinking cure
  • Various inhalations, including natural ones with hydrogen sulfide and radium emanations
  • Therapeutic bathing in the lake, in pools with healing water, mineral, pearl, four-chamber baths, galvanized baths, underwater shower-massage, natural micro-massage with floating lake mud.
  • Mud applications, wraps
  • Carbon dioxide baths
  • Vertical underwater traction according to the method of K. Moll – business card resort, one of the most effective types of conservative treatment of spinal diseases
  • Mechanotherapy (massage, pools with therapeutic exercises, movement therapy).
  • Electrotherapy
  • Saunas, steam baths, Ayurveda, beauty treatments
  • Dentistry
  • Diet therapy


  • Red water lilies on the surface of the lake.
  • Festetics Palace with a unique library, ruins of the fortresses of Sumeg, Tatika and Szigliget.
  • Puppet Museum and wax figures in Keszthely, Balaton Museum, Georgikon Farm Museum, Marzipan Confectionery Museum, African Museum, gallery.
  • Park of Roman ruins with the altar stone of Jupiter, temple of the Arpad era, Church of the Holy Soul, Buddhist temple.
  • Mount Egred vineyards, buffalo reserve.
  • Mini train with sightseeing tour around town.
  • Festivals, theme nights.


Help for vacationers

  • There are contraindications for treatment in Heviz sanatoriums! It is necessary to undergo examination at the place of residence and in a sanatorium with treatment.
  • The lake is not suitable for beach holiday, the maximum bathing time is 1.5 hours for healthy people, 30 minutes for sick people.
  • Long-term use is not recommended water treatments children under 14 years of age.
  • For bathing, a vertical position is desirable - this is how gaseous substances settle on the skin.
  • Do not drink alcohol before swimming.
  • To obtain results, it is recommended to take an individual comprehensive course compiled by the sanatorium specialists.

Historical reference

Ten kilometers from Lake Heviz is the world's largest thermal lake, Balaton. It is believed that the local reservoirs appeared during the displacement of the earth's crust and the formation of basalt mountains 22 thousand years ago. Since then, their waters have been heated by the energy of the Earth. Lake Heviz is located in a crater-shaped depression and has the shape of a funnel with a depth of 37 meters and an area of ​​47 thousand square meters. meters.

Although the first mentions of these places are found in sources of the 13th century, archaeologists believe that in the Stone Ages people lived on the shores of the lake and knew about its medicinal properties.

In 1795, Count Festetics built the first wooden buildings for bathers on the lake shore and began to spread knowledge about healing waters among people. Gradually the resort expanded, a therapeutic base was created, and the number of visitors increased. In the 50s of the last century, the first sanatorium was built here, and by the 90s the resort acquired the status of a city. In 2003 the lake was included in the list World Heritage UNESCO, today major medical conferences and congresses are held here.

There is a legend about the origin of the healing lake. By the will of the Blessed Virgin, a healing spring burst out of the ground, the mud and warm waters of which cured the child’s weak body from illness. That child was a Roman emperor.

The water in the lake does not cool down in winter, and the sanatoriums of Heviz are open all year round. In autumn, winter and spring, wonderful misty milk gently flows over the lake. In spring and summer, the resort town blooms and is filled with charming aromas, the lake blooms with beautiful lotuses, and by the end of summer - with water lilies specially imported from India.

Landscape and climate

The climate in Heviz is temperate continental, with mild winters ( average temperature January – 1.7ºС) and warm summers (average July temperature + 22ºС). The summer water temperature of the lake is + 33-38ºС, winter water temperature is not lower than +25ºС. During the year it rains: precipitation - about 750 mm, sunlight - about 2000 hours.

The resort’s special healing microclimate is created by the evaporation of thermal water and forest protection.

Lake Heviz is fed by two thermal springs with water temperatures of +42 and +38ºС, and one mineral one with a temperature of + 17ºС. Their waters break up at the surface into slowly rotating radial jets. The water mixes and flows through canals into Lake Balaton. Thus, natural laws ensure an even distribution of nutrients in the lake and its complete renewal within 28 hours.

Treatment in the sanatoriums of Heviz is based on the healing power of water and mud of plant origin, mutually enriching each other. Silt lies at the bottom of the lake in a multi-meter layer.

Water and mud are saturated with valuable natural gases, trace elements and mineral salts. They include: calcium, sodium, magnesium, radon, sulfur, thorium, carbon dioxide, iodine, minerals, hormonal substances (estrogens). The bacterial flora of the mud produces a natural antibiotic that protects the water from pathogenic bacteria.

Heviz is a thermal lake and also an important center of medical tourism in the country. Exactly this big lake located on the territory of Europe, its water is warm, the bottom is peat, the lake itself is of natural volcanic origin. The lake is located in the middle big park. Charming pink water lilies float in the water; they were brought here from India. Water lilies are a symbol of the city; their image also appears on the coat of arms. In Heviz they joke like this: “Young people! You shouldn’t pester girls who come out of the bath. After all, they may turn out to be your grandmothers.” The lake is located three kilometers from the city of Kemthely, west of Lake Balaton.

Holiday homes, hotels, apartments and boarding houses in Heviz are open all year round. The city is especially beautiful in spring, it is shrouded in flowers. If you are one of the hiking enthusiasts, then here you have the opportunity to explore the slopes of the Balaton Upland and the Keszthely Mountains. Summer is the season for beach holidays, summer concerts and programs. And in winter and autumn, guests of the resort will be mesmerized by the unique microclimate. The lake is located on the territory of a park-reserve; powerful trees protect the lake from the winds.

The source that feeds the lake is located at a depth of approximately forty meters. From the depths, hot water rises up, and cooled water sinks down from the surface. Thanks to the counter flows of water and the steam cloud that envelops the lake, the water temperature is the same everywhere in it: in summer it is about +34-36 degrees Celsius, and in winter about +22 degrees Celsius. Within two days, the water in the lake is completely renewed, while it always remains clean. Elements such as thorium, radon, sulfur and carbon dioxide, which are contained in the water, ensure successful treatment of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system on the lake.

The lake was formed tens of thousands of years ago and its healing properties were discovered by the Romans at the beginning of our era. Today, the town has a large number of medical institutions and hotels that welcome guests all year round, regardless of the season. Thanks to its healing capabilities, unique gifts of nature and professional medical staff, which is also being improved regularly, the resort of Heviz has become one of the recognized first-class healing places in the world. The lake has healing water. At the same time, healthy people should not spend more than 15 minutes in it, and sick people should stay no more than thirty minutes. It is better to be in an upright position in water, because gaseous substances in the form of bubbles settle on the skin, and then penetrate through it into the body, and if a person swims, then these bubbles are not retained on the body, they roll off it.

As for anyone medical resort There are indications and contraindications. The indications are:

Chronic inflammatory process;

Arthrosis and diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis, spinal curvature, gout;

Inflammatory processes in the spine and joints, rheumatic diseases;

Gynecological diseases: menstrual cycle disorders, infertility, hormonal disorders in girls and young women, menopausal complications;

Injuries, fractures, rehabilitation after accidents, post-operative condition;

Psoriasis and some forms of skin diseases;

Disorders associated with the nervous system, as well as the circulatory system;

Periodontal disease;

Violation of potency;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are contraindications:

Acute, chronic infectious diseases;

Malignant tumors;

Poor circulation and heart disease;

Kidney stones, ulcers, renal failure;

Thyroid dysfunction;

Chronic alcoholism;

Leukemia, anemia, hemophilia;


It is very important that the Heviz bath is not suitable, or rather not recommended for children.

“Heviz dandruff” is the name given to the particles floating in the water; they provide a micro-massage to the skin. The layer consists of eighty percent inorganic substances: sodium, calcium and others. The lake has healing mud, among its beneficial properties it is possible to list that it favors and increases cellular metabolism, alleviates pain, revitalizes the functioning of the glands, stimulates regeneration and calms the nervous system. Silt is also useful; it also has medicinal properties. Silt lies at the bottom of the thermal lake in a multi-meter layer. At the same time, mineral springs Heviz are suitable for consumption, drinking, they treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the resort, a specific treatment method is the so-called load baths, which are underwater traction of the spine. Along with hydropathy (galvanic baths, mineral baths, underwater shower-massage, four-chamber baths, and others) and balneo-mud treatments, inhalations, physiotherapy, massage and physical therapy are used.

The main specialization of the Heviz resort is treatment diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The fact is that local natural factors - the thermal water of Lake Heviz and medicinal peat mud, due to their unique chemical composition, have a complex therapeutic effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for treatment of the musculoskeletal system:

  • conditions after injuries and operations of the musculoskeletal system
  • degenerative diseases of the spine and joints
  • nonspecific back pain
  • chronic joint inflammation
  • rheumatic diseases
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • peritendinitis
  • fibromyalgia
  • osteoporosis
  • discopathy
  • neuropathy
  • radiculitis
  • neuralgia

Evgeniy Korostelev Head of Help Desk

Customer Service Presentation

Elena Khorosheva Chief physician website

Presentation by doctor Elena Khorosheva

Tatiana Leonova 31.03.2019

We chose the Danubius Hotel for the second time and returned as if we were home three years later. Unforgettable sunrises over the lake, from the panoramic seventh floor, brought me back here again. As always, excellent cuisine and the work of already familiar waiters. Despite the cool early spring, it was very comfortable to spend time in the warm outdoor pool, which was open until 21:00. Wonderful holiday I recommend it, thank you!

Unfortunately, passes to visit the lake were handed over only on the third day of our stay. after contacting the sanatoriums. Unplanned expenses upset me.


How the musculoskeletal system is treated in Heviz

Treatment in Heviz is based on the combined effect on the body of several therapeutic methods:

The main procedure is daily swimming in the thermal lake Heviz. Staying in the thermal water of the lake relaxes muscles well, improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stabilizes blood pressure, improves joint mobility, normalizes tissue metabolism, and improves immunity. Radon contained in small quantities in Lake Heviz activates the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

How to properly undergo water procedures in Lake Heviz

  • in the thermal lake Heviz, water procedures can be performed at any time - its temperature does not fall below +24 degrees Celsius even in the winter months.
  • Swimming in the thermal lake Heviz should not be unsupervised; you must consult a doctor at the sanatorium. Thermal water has a very strong effect on the body. That is why they recommend mainly passive swimming, staying in the water for no more than 20 minutes. in one go (especially for people with heart disease). At the same time, movements in the water contribute to a more active entry into the body of beneficial microelements contained in Heviz water through the pores of the skin.
  • When taking water procedures in a thermal lake, you must periodically take a static vertical position in the water - this helps to stretch the spine.
  • The healing water of Lake Heviz stimulates the hormonal activity of the adrenal glands, so the body itself suppresses inflammatory processes and pain goes away quite quickly.
  • Swimming in the lake is not recommended for children under 14 years of age due to the influence of Heviz thermal water on the body's hormonal system.

The health resorts of Heviz have their own swimming pools with thermal water. mineral water. But in most of them, thermal water is renewed once a week, and therefore useful microelements evaporate from it. There is a natural circulation of thermal water in Lake Heviz (it is completely renewed within 48 hours), so swimming in the lake is much more effective than in a thermal pool.

In addition, swimming in a thermal lake is much more effective than in a thermal pool for the following reasons:

Firstly, in the thermal lake there is a constant movement of water and particles of therapeutic peat mud, as a result of which the lifting force of the lake water is higher than in the pool. Therefore, swimming in the lake requires less physical effort (which is especially important for people with joint mobility disorders).

Secondly, in the thermal lake there is an exchange of minerals between the water and the peat mud lying at the bottom. Mud is enriched with minerals, which it receives from water, and water with organic substances from mud. Thus, while swimming in the lake, a person experiences the effects of a unique complex of microelements that cannot be replicated in a thermal pool.

Thirdly, the thermal pool contains Thiobacillus bacteria, which, penetrating the body, affect metabolism and improve the condition of cartilage tissue.

Which is very effective for relieving joint pain and inflammatory processes. Mud procedures increase blood circulation, saturate cartilage tissue with useful microelements, and remove toxins from the body. Depending on the specific indications, general mud applications (for the whole body) and local mud applications (mainly for joint problems) are performed in Heviz.

It is important to remember that general mud applications are not recommended for patients with cardiac problems, as they put a strain on the heart. Depending on the indications of the cardiovascular system and general symptoms, the doctor prescribes hot or warm local mud applications.

In Heviz they also use unique humic applications. Derived from healing mud Heviz humic acid concentrate is used in wraps, which, unlike mud procedures, can be taken by patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Gumino concentrate contains the same beneficial elements as peat mud and is easily absorbed by human cells. This procedure promotes complete muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation, removes toxins from the body, eliminates inflammation and relieves pain.

The main physiotherapeutic procedure in the Heviz resort is underwater spinal traction - this procedure was invented and first used in Heviz. The patient is immersed in a pool of thermal mineral water and is supported in an upright position by a special device. Hot thermal mineral water(usually 38°C) relaxes the muscles well and under the influence of the natural weight of the body or additional weights (hanged on different parts of the body depending on the doctor’s prescription), the spine is stretched. Thus, the pinched nerve endings are released, excess tension in the spine is relieved, the spinal discs are put into place, and the curvature of the spinal column is corrected.

Some health resorts in Heviz also provide unique spinal correction procedures using the latest medical equipment.

Which is effective for eliminating inflammatory processes in problem areas of the musculoskeletal system, reducing pain syndromes, and stimulating restoration processes in damaged tissues.

As a complement to the classic Heviz treatment methods, doctors can prescribe a therapeutic drinking course of Heviz thermal mineral water. The minerals contained in it are well absorbed by the body and saturate it with essential microelements, which enhances the effect of water and mud procedures. But local thermal mineral water practically does not treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but mainly has a preventive effect on it. It is contraindicated in patients with stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis, as it increases acidity in the stomach.

The resort of Heviz is also a natural inhalation center. The fact is that the air at the resort is saturated with minerals that evaporate from Lake Heviz. Therefore, it is useful for people with chronic respiratory diseases to come to Heviz.


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