Lake Heviz thermal resort in Hungary. Lake Heviz. Rest and treatment on Lake Heviz in Hungary: indications, visit

Hungary is a country simply created for relaxation and treatment. Great amount mineral and thermal springs makes it attractive to people who want to improve and improve their health.

Many sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels with clinical centers attract visitors from all over the world. The range of diseases for which you can get help is quite large.

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Resort on Lake Heviz

One of the most popular thermal resorts in Hungary is Lake Heviz. The main advantage of this place is the thermal lake, for the sake of swimming in which people from different countries flock here.

What is Lake Heviz? This lake, with an area of ​​just over 4.5 hectares, no more than 2 meters deep, is fed from underground sources. The water in it always remains clean because it is completely renewed within 28 hours. The silt of this lake contains a natural antibiotic, so pathogenic bacteria do not multiply in Heviz. Heviz, unlike Balaton, where swimming is periodically prohibited, is always open for medical procedures.

The water temperature in Heviz in summer is 33-34⁰C, and in winter not lower than 26⁰C. Since in the winter months the temperature difference between the water in the lake and the air is large, steam rises above the water. “The lake is smoking,” the locals say about it.

Healing factors

The healing factors of Lake Heviz are:

  • Water. Mineral water suitable for drinking treatment and thermal water containing many minerals, stimulating the production of hormones;
  • Mud. Therapeutic muds of rich mineral composition are odorless;
  • Climate. Healing microclimate provided by the environment of a protected forest.

However, treatment in the lake must be strictly dosed. You cannot stay in the water for more than 2 hours a day, and not all at once, but in short intervals of 15 minutes. People with rheumatism can do only two moves at a time for 15 minutes.


Indications for treatment on Lake Heviz:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout),
  • Rheumatism,
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Gynecological diseases (infertility, inflammatory processes, menopause, adhesions),
  • Skin diseases (allergic dermatitis, psoriasis),
  • Endocrine disorders with decreased hormonal levels,
  • Rehabilitation after injuries and operations.


Treatment on the lake can increase hormonal levels, increase the load on the heart, and provoke some unpleasant processes in the body. For this reason, you must strictly adhere to the existing contraindications for visiting Lake Heviz in Hungary, and if they exist, you should under no circumstances go to this particular place. We need to find another resort.

Contraindications are:

  • Infectious diseases,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Heart failure,
  • Open wounds
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland with increased production of hormones,
  • Bronchial asthma.

Popular and effective procedures in Heviz:

  • water treatment, or balneotherapy - visiting pools and baths with medicinal water;
  • hydrotherapy – jet massage healing water, taking baths with weights;
  • mechanotherapy – therapeutic exercises and beneficial massage;
  • electrotherapy – ultrasound treatment, galvanic treatment, diadynamics;
  • hydroelectric treatment – ​​taking electric baths for the whole body.

Treatment in Heviz in winter

In Hungary, the water in the lake remains warm in winter, so you can undergo treatment at this resort even in the cold season. The steam rising above the lake has an additional effect on the body through the respiratory system. For some diseases, it is even better to be treated in Heviz during the winter months. Thus, for people with neurovascular diseases, treatment is preferable outside the summer months due to the fact that a large amount of summer sun can provoke a vascular crisis.

Leading specialists from clinics abroad

Lake location

Look at the location of Lake Heviz on a map of Hungary:

As can be seen on the map, Lake Heviz is located in the southwestern part at approximately the same distance from Vienna and Budapest. It is convenient to get to the resort from these airports:

  • Vienna Airport. The distance to Heviz from Vienna is 190 km. The best option for getting from Vienna Airport to your holiday destination is by train to Keszthely. This city is located 6 km from the lake itself, so what further public transport will take you to the desired hotel.
  • Budapest Airport. How to get to Heviz from Budapest? The same 190 km is the distance between Heviz and Budapest. From Budapest also by rail you can get to Keszthely, but you will have to change at Balatonszentgyorgy station. You can also get from Budapest to Heviz via Keszthely by buses that depart several times a day from 6.30 am to 7.00 pm.
  • Balaton-Sarmellek Airport. Very close to Heviz there is another airport, Balaton Sarmellek. It is only 10 km from the city of Heviz, and getting here is not at all a problem, since a whole line of local taxi drivers awaits clients immediately after arrival. A ticket from Moscow to this airport costs about 300 euros. However, the number of flights is limited, so they do not always fall at a convenient time.

If you are traveling in a group of three or four people, then it is most convenient to order a car directly from the airport to Heviz. It won't be much more expensive than public transport.

Hotels with treatment

Many treatment hotels on Lake Heviz offer various services to their clients.

The best hotel in the resort of Heviz is Lotus Terme.

The only five-star hotel in the Hungarian resort of Heviz is Lotus Terme, located 600 meters from the lake.

Four-star hotels:

  • Hotel Danubius in the heart of Heviz resort,
  • Hotel Palace 200 meters from the lake,
  • Hotel Majerik 100 meters from the lake.

Three star hotels:

  • Hotel Helios Anna 500 meters from the lake,
  • Hotel Panorama 150 meters from the lake,
  • Park hotel in the center of Heviz,
  • Hotel Aquamarine has its own mineral water spring.

Of course, this is only a small part of the hotels offering various medical treatments. The most popular hotels with treatment on Lake Heviz in Hungary are Carbona and Europa Fit.

The four-star medical and health hotel Europe Fit is located 400 meters from Lake Heviz. Here they offer the most different procedures. The hotel infrastructure is designed in such a way that people of all ages can relax here. Suitable for Europe Fit family vacation with kids.

The four-star Hotel Carbona is located 500 meters from the lake. This is a whole health complex, where you can undergo many health and therapeutic procedures: mud applications, hydrotherapy, various types of massage, therapeutic exercises and much more. An interesting package of thermal-ice treatments at the Carbona Hotel is based on a combination of warm Heviz water and lower temperatures.

Resort infrastructure and attractions:

  • Housing: hotels, boarding houses and apartments;
  • Shopping: shops, souvenir shops;
  • Food: restaurants, wine cellars and bars;
  • Health: swimming pool, medical center, active species Sports, National Hospital;
  • Rest: palace of the counts Festetics, confectionery museum, museums of winemaking, Africa and plant growing, ancient monuments: fortresses Rez and Tatika, National Park Balaton, knightly tournaments.

Prices at the thermal resort

Accommodation prices

Prices in Hungarian hotels in Lake Heviz start from 200 euros per week per person. Some medical procedures are included in the stay program, others must be paid separately. The cost of hotels in the resort of Heviz depends on its comfort, location and services included in the package.

Not expensive hotels Aquamarine and Majeric. A week in Majerika will cost from 229 euros, in Aquamarine - from 399 euros. The most expensive hotels offer a week of treatment and accommodation for about 1000 euros per person.

Cost of treatment

Prices for treatment at the Carbona Hotel in Heviz depend on the needs of the individual patient. On average, it is 600-800 euros for a 9-day package, including accommodation, meals, doctor’s consultations, some procedures and unlimited use of the hotel’s infrastructure.

To visit Heviz and have the opportunity to swim in it, you need to pay a certain amount. It depends on how much time you want to spend. So, a ticket to visit the lake for the whole day costs a little more than 12 euros..html. Prices for tours, best hotels and photos of the resort.

Treatment in an Israeli clinic

Oncogynecology in Israel

Tours to Heviz

The most convenient way to buy ready-made tour to Lake Heviz with treatment in Hungary. Then, upon arrival, you won’t have to decide what procedures are needed. The tour involves organizing a flight and transfer from the airport to the hotel, providing a certain package of treatment procedures, and, of course, accommodation and meals.

Tour to the Heviz resort in Hungary from Moscow for only 20,000 rubles!

Tours from Moscow

Tours from Moscow to Heviz cost from 20,000 rubles. Such tours require departure from Moscow airport. To choose the best tour for yourself, you need to decide on the amount you are willing to spend and the treatment you need to receive. Buying a tour is also convenient because travel agencies organize charter flights Moscow - Heviz (Balaton-Sarmellek airport), and you don’t have to adjust to the schedule of planes, trains or buses. You can take advantage of good discounts when purchasing last-minute travel packages or purchasing several tours at once if you are traveling with a group of several people.

Manshina N.V.
Tourist business. Special issue: Heviz – the source of life, 2008
Archive: publications

“In water lies the hope of the future world, and the beneficial properties of water are no less varied than the taste,” said Seneca two thousand years ago, when Lake Heviz was already famous for its medicinal properties Roman legionaries. The largest thermal lake on the planet - Lake Heviz - is not only a huge swimming pool, but also a drinking pump room, as well as an inhalation room for open air. In a huge funnel at a depth of 38 m, the mysterious Genius aquaticus mixes streams of warm and cold waters in exactly such quantities that these waters remain pleasant to the taste and at the same time are a cure for many diseases. Temperatures up to 33-35 °C in summer and 23 °C in winter and low mineralization of the water make swimming in the lake very comfortable.

Lake bathing, balneotherapy, drinking cure in the resort of Heviz


  • uncompensated thyroid diseases, hypothyroidism,
  • subcompensated diabetes mellitus,
  • unstable arterial hypertension,
  • not a beach holiday!

    When swimming in Heviz, be sure to move. Movement in warm water promotes relaxation of cramped muscles, dilation of skin capillaries, active breathing and, therefore, a more intense flow of beneficial substances from Hévíz water through the skin and respiratory tract.

    Even if you are a good swimmer, periodically swim in Lake Heviz with a circle, hanging on it. This kind of vertical traction is useful for diseases of the spine and joints.

    Don't try to swim fast in the lake. Despite the slight mineralization, the waters of Lake Heviz have a “heavy” feel, and the procedure is quite stressful, especially in the hot season.

    The active components of Heviz waters give additional stress to the body. It should be borne in mind that the duration of therapeutic bathing without additional recommendations from the attending physician should not exceed 1 hour a day, and for people with diseases of the circulatory system - 30 minutes.

    Patients with neurovascular diseases should be careful when summer period, since hyperinsolation and hyperthermia can provoke the development of a vascular crisis in them.

    For patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction in the past, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and other risk groups - best seasons for recovery - autumn and spring.

Lake Heviz, which is now located in western Hungary, was known back in the era of the Roman Empire. Even then, two thousand years ago, people understood without any chemical analysis that this natural source was a unique artifact.

Therapeutic factors of the resort

Lake Heviz is one of the few thermal lakes on earth whose chemical activity does not harm the human body. The lake is thermal due to the influx of hot water flowing from the heated bowels of the earth. As a rule, such waters are mixed with gases and chemical elements formed during reactions inside the earth, and are poisonous to humans. Lake Heviz, on the contrary, has just such a concentration and precisely those chemical elements that together have a healing effect on humans.

The water in the lake is saturated with hydrocarbonate groups. It also contains sulfates and chlorides, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide and metasilicic acid in significant concentrations. Bromides, iodides, fluorides, ammonium, iron and metaboric acid are dissolved in water in small quantities.

Useful properties of water in Lake Heviz:

  • The water in the lake has a healing effect, first of all, on the musculoskeletal system, helps normalize metabolic processes in the joints and improve the condition of cartilage cells.
  • The chemical composition of the lake water stimulates the production of estrogen. Therefore, the lake helps in curing gynecological diseases.
  • Swimming in the lake water normalizes blood circulation and vascular tone.
  • Procedures using bottom biologically active mud improves the condition of the skin, making it elastic and silky.

Heviz is also a radon lake: radon is present in the water in low concentrations.

It is known that radon baths have always been an important component of quality spa treatment. They stimulate the immune system and the regenerative function of cells. Here, guests have access to not only a bathroom, but a whole warm radon lake, the temperature in which in summer reaches +38 degrees, and in severe frosts it does not fall below +22 degrees. The direct release of hot water from the ground occurs at a speed of 410 l/s at a depth of 38 meters: its temperature exceeds +70 degrees.

Indications for stay in Hungarian thermal lake are diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Degenerative changes in the joints and spine.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Injuries and fractures.
  • Post-traumatic and post-operative rehabilitation.
  • Rheumatic diseases.

As well as some chronic gynecological diseases:

  • Infertility.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Low hormonal levels.

Contraindications for staying on Lake Heviz

There are a number of contraindications to water procedures on Lake Heviz due to the fact that chemically and biologically active hot water can provoke an exacerbation of certain diseases. The contraindications are as follows:

  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and blood, including varicose veins, thrombosis and hypertension.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy.

Underwater gymnastics

Combines the effect of physical exercise and the effects of thermal biologically active water.

Bicycle, walking tours and Nordic walking

These are additional activities that are popular in the area around Lake Heviz.

These procedures are effective not only in the treatment of diseases, but in rehabilitation after operations and injuries.

How to get there

Lake Heviz is located in the very center of Europe near the border of Hungary and Austria. There is no direct train connection with the city. You can get there by personal or public transport.

From Austrian Vienna you should take the A1 highway, then turn onto the A3 highway, along which you will go to the border town of Sopron. Further from the border point along highway No. 84 to the intersection with highway No. 71, which leads through Keszthely directly to Heviz.

From Hungarian Budapest you should take the M7 highway to Balatonszentgyorgy, near which you need to turn in the direction of Keszthely, then drive straight for about 20 minutes to Heviz.

In addition, several hundred daily buses run from Budapest and all major Hungarian cities to Heviz. public buses. Buses also run from the two nearest railway stations – Balaton Szentgyorgy and Keszthely.

You can fly from Moscow to Heviz by plane.

Resort infrastructure

Heviz today is not only a lake. This is a city that has everything you need to live. Moreover, this tourist town, which has everything necessary for guests. Presented here:

  • Large hotels that have spa and wellness centers at their disposal.
  • Small guesthouses.
  • Separate beauty and health centers.
  • Shops, restaurants, bars.
  • Medical centers, including the famous rheumatology clinic named after. St. Andrasak.
  • Travel agencies organizing health tours on foot, by bike and even hot air balloon flights.

In a word, Heviz is a long-established place where there is something to do in your free time from medical procedures.


The cost of accommodation in Heviz hotels is affordable and, without treatment, starts from 30 euros per day. With medical procedures – from 40 euros per day (from 560 euros for 14 days), including:

  • Half board.
  • Use of indoor thermal pools, sauna.
  • Medical checkup.
  • 10 treatment procedures as prescribed.
  • Entrance ticket to the thermal lake.

Any additional procedures beyond those prescribed are paid separately.

Accommodation prices and package tours in Heviz hotels are subject to seasonal fluctuations and increase by 20-30% in the summer and during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

You can book a hotel room online or by phone.

Tours from Moscow

The cost of a tour to Lake Heviz with accommodation in one of the city hotels, organized through Moscow travel companies, for 14 days will average 1,500 euros per person, including flights, transfers, half board and one treatment procedure per day.

On one's own organized trip to Lake Heviz will cost much less. A round trip flight costs 200 euros, a visa costs 75 euros.

The Hungarian thermal lake Heviz attracts tourists not only because of its healing power and indescribable beauty. Many independent travelers choose it because of the opportunity to relax very economically, while receiving a range of medical procedures. Another positive point is that flight options and methods of moving from the airport to Heviz itself are easily accessible to the average resident.

Lake Heviz – a world-famous health resort

The lake with an area of ​​4.7 hectares is located in the center big park. The source, which releases about 85 million liters of hot water daily, ensures that the water ball is completely renewed within 28 hours. The maximum depth is about 36 m. Summer water temperature is 34-36 degrees, winter – not lower than 23-25 ​​degrees.

There are recreation centers and sanatoriums on the lake and around it. They operate all year round, so tourists planning a vacation on their own do not need to worry about choosing the optimal time to travel.

Features of healing Heviz water

The history of the hydrogen sulfide lake as a mineral spring dates back to 1975. Then its owner was Count Dyorgy Fashtetic. He was the first to use his entrepreneurial skills and open Heviz as a resort and health complex. The lake also has a significant history - after swimming in it, the daughter of a count from the castle of Tatika, paralyzed on both legs, recovered.

Multiple medical studies and repeated cases of recovery do not question the effectiveness of water. Welcome to the most economical and truly therapeutic Hungarian resort!

How to get there

The main point: to Hungary you need a valid Schengen visa (you can get it at the Hungarian consulates in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg). The service fee is 35 euros. See the website ​​for all the information you need.

Via Vienna (180 km)

Airline " Austrian Airlines"provides direct flights to Vienna from Domodedovo (by the way, they have flights from St. Petersburg), Aeroflot sends from Sheremetyevo, and Transaero is also successfully engaged in transportation. The minimum price of a two-way ticket is approximately 7 thousand rubles. If you book a ticket through the airline’s website, you will have to pay about 500 rubles more.

In order to “tailor” the hotel reservation to the departure of the plane and thus not overpay for the hotel if the time is slightly different, we do this: when issuing an air ticket, indicate cash payment, the system will issue an automatic plane reservation for 72 hours (so that you have time to pay in cash). Next, we search for a hotel and book it specifically for the time of arrival. After booking the hotel, we call the airport operators and ask them to change the form of payment to electronic. We pay for the ticket. Comes by email e-ticket. The registration itself takes place one day before departure.

There is a regular bus from Vienna to Heviz. Another cheap way: airport-metro-train station-Keszthely or Balatonszentgyorgy-bus to Heviz. In total, both methods cost 25-40 euros.

Transfers. The pricing policy of travel agencies on average is 100-120 euros for 2-3 people one way (taxi - over 120 euros). For example, you can use the services of

Via Budapest (200 km)

The best option is to use Wizz Air airlines (you can book on the company’s website). The plane lands in Sarmallek (Hévíz-Balaton airport). The price of a two-way ticket is from 70 euros. The distance to Heviz is 13 km, there are buses (for example, a tourist bus costs 25 euros/person in two directions; one of the transfer companies is Schedule of regular buses on the website

You can fly to Budapest Ferenc Liszt Airport (ticket prices from Moscow, St. Petersburg from 60-70 euros), from there order a transfer or get to Heviz by regular bus. By the way, popular travel companies that can take you to Heviz are Robinson Tours, 1000 Roads, Vedi Tour Group Hungary, etc.

Accommodation and meals

We all understand that if a town is a resort town and world famous, then there are plenty of options for living in it. You can choose a hotel for yourself on many websites, for example, Among the most popular and positive hotels in Heviz are “Carbona”, “Evropa Fit”, “Danubius”, “Lotus Therme Rogner”, “ Palace Hotel Hévíz”, etc. Prices are indicated on hotel websites or from tour operators. Nutrition and procedures are an individual choice. At the hotel, the average price for breakfast is 10 euros, dinner – 20 euros. When making a reservation, pay attention to bank commissions and who is charged this commission. There are cases when, due to the presence of intermediary banks that do not advertise themselves during the transaction, the total commission amount was equal to 30%!

Another accommodation option is renting apartments. The cheapest ones cost from 10 euros/day for 2 people. For a complete therapeutic holiday, you can go to any hotel and purchase a package of procedures without staying on site. The package amount is on average 150 euros/6 procedures. A huge plus is that for this money you get access to swimming pools and a thermal complex. If we consider the price range of each individual procedure, it is 10-20 euros (for example, a general massage is about 16 euros/50 minutes).

Meals in the apartments. Many shops, catering establishments, cafes, restaurants and a functioning market 3 times a week will not let you die of hunger. By the way, vacationers prefer to buy cheeses, local sausages, smoked meats, domestic chickens, berries and fruits, honey, nuts, and various preserves at the market (the signature thing is “smiling” jars). Prices in stores and on the market are approximately equal to Russian prices, and in some cases food is even cheaper than at home. For example, you can treat yourself to a sweet cake for about 70 rubles or three scoops of ice cream in a bowl for 35 rubles.

Special mention should be made of Heviz wines. Dry wines in Hungarian are “szaráz”, sweet wines are “edes”, semi-sweet wines are “feledes”. Not far from the lake there is a “Wine Hill” - the choice is incredibly chic. Here you can try homemade wines by the glass - 500 forints/liter. Vintage wine "Heviz" costs 2200 forints/bottle - it has a very special and memorable taste. average price for wine – 2000-2500 forints.

Features of relaxation on the lake

To get to the lake itself, you need to buy a subscription. For example, a 20-hour subscription costs 40-50 euros. For a deposit of 3 euros, you will be given a special bracelet, which is an electronic key to all services in the bathhouse. When entering, this bracelet must be applied to the turnstile. Your personal locker will be displayed at a special display using a bracelet. When leaving the bath, you must put on a bracelet to stop time.

Apartment owners often offer discount coupons to their tourists. Do I need to take anything to the lake? It is advisable to take bathrobes, dry towels, beach slippers, swimming circles (in stores their price ranges on average from 3.8-4.5 euros, but you can ask for a circle in the pool, then it will cost free).

The Heviz pass includes mud in the open part of the lake and a salt cave. If you have any questions, please contact the staff; among them there is always at least one Russian speaker (by the way, the badges indicate the flags of the countries whose language the employee speaks). In addition, there are a lot of Russians on the lake - it’s incredibly easy to find a soul mate!

  • Many vacationers recommend buying a ten-hour pass. In total it is much cheaper than all the others.
  • There are Sberbank ATMs in Heviz, which is very beneficial for saving money while traveling. There are also ATMs with a choice of Russian menus. Try to use cards when paying for services, food, rent, etc. Terminals are available at most service locations. Think about how much you can save in euros without cashing them out unnecessarily (of course, you should always have the cash you need to enter the country with you, but smart tourists take it home later).
  • (especially for those staying in apartments). It is best to make an appointment with your chosen doctor by email! The hotel will most likely tell you that there are no places available or will offer you a date in a week or a week and a half.

What to see in the area

All life in this place is centered around the lake, but, nevertheless, if you want to see the surrounding area, soak in the history and see colorful Hungary, pay attention to the excursions advertised everywhere. The price of these is 40-80 euros for a variety of directions.

While relaxing on Lake Heviz at your leisure you can see:

  • Festetics Castle in Keszthely;
  • Balaton coast;
  • Badacsonytomaj distillery and Peter Varga distillery;
  • Sümeg fortress (knight tournaments);
  • surroundings of Tihany, Zalakaros, Tapolca, Kehida, etc.

Useful information: renting a car in Heviz costs about 40 euros/day. The longer the car is rented, the cheaper the cost. For example, from 15 days it turns out to be 25 euros/day. Speed ​​limits are 40-90 km/h. Paid parking – 1-2 euros/hour.

The small Hungarian town of Heviz is known throughout the world as a bathing town. Tourists from many countries around the world come here both in winter and summer. They come to plunge into the waters of the world’s largest thermal reservoir, Lake Heviz, known for its healing properties since the mid-17th century.

Lake Heviz is located 200 kilometers from Budapest. This lake is considered a natural mud bath of volcanic origin. It has the shape of a funnel. The climate at the resort is moderate: warm summers, long autumns, early springs, and wet winters.

The thermal water at the resort is slightly radioactive and contains sulfur, radon, bicarbonate, calcium salts, thorium and carbon dioxide. The bacterial flora of the sludge produces a weak antibiotic, which is why pathogenic bacteria are not found in the lake. The water in the lake has the strongest healing properties in Europe, and is considered more aggressive than in other resorts in Hungary. This water treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system and has a beneficial effect on the body after injury. Water improves the condition of the skin of people suffering from psoriasis, and rinsing the mouth treats periodontal disease. Also mineral springs Heviz are suitable for drinking: they treat chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The healing mud of plant origin, which lies in a meter-thick layer at the bottom of the lake, contains many minerals, hormonal substances (estrogens) and iodine.

The area of ​​the lake is 4.5 hectares, the largest deep point 38 meters, but you can safely swim near the shore. Three springs feeding the lake are located in a cave below the lake. Mixing, they deliver water at a temperature of 39.5˚C; in the summer months, the water temperature is 33˚C-38˚C, and in the coldest months it does not drop lower than 26˚C. The water in the lake completely changes every 28 hours. Due to the high temperature, there is practically no animal world. In the upper layers of the water there are fish 2 centimeters in size. In winter, when the temperature drops, steam rises above the lake. Locals They say: “The lake is smoking.”

Lake Heviz is unique both in its size and in the chemical composition of its water. In Europe it is the only one, but on the planet it is the second.

The springs feeding the lake are located in a sub-lake cave with a diameter of 18 m. From here come two thermal springs with water temperatures of +42°C and +38°C, and one mineral spring, with a water temperature of +17°C, and here they mix.

The lake has the shape of a funnel, the depth of which reaches 2 m. In the summer months, the water temperature is +33 +34°C, and in the coldest winter months it does not drop below +26°C. In winter, when the air temperature drops, steam rises above the lake.

The water in the lake is completely renewed within 28 hours and always remains clean.

The hot water coming from the source, breaking up on the surface into radial jets, slowly rotates clockwise. Due to this constant mixing, the water temperature is the same at all points of the lake. Cooled water from the surface circulates downwards, and hot water from the depths rises up. Counter currents and clouds of steam are formed in the lake, enveloping Heviz, due to which the water temperature in it is approximately uniform throughout the entire space.

Lake Heviz is surrounded by a protected forest with an area of ​​50 hectares, which provides the resort with a special, unique healing microclimate.

The silt that lies in a multi-meter layer at the bottom of the thermal lake has extraordinary healing properties. The bacterial flora of sludge produces a weak antibiotic, so there are no pathogenic bacteria in the water.

Biological studies have shown that the mud covering the bottom of Heviz with a meter-thick layer contains hormonal substances estrogens. But these studies were carried out much later. It turned out that sulfur, carbon dioxide, radon, which are contained in water, play a big role in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Water treatments and mud applications are also useful for rheumatic and gynecological diseases, venous circulation disorders, and inflammation of the nerves.

Water lilies of unusual shape and color, reminiscent of exotic countries. A botanist brought these plants from India. He decided to plant them in a warm lake, and the experiment was a success. Over time, water lilies became unique business card Heviz and were even depicted on the city's coat of arms.
Heviz owes much of its fame to the Hungarian aristocrat Festetics, who was seriously involved in the development of local infrastructure - he built baths and bathhouses. And, importantly, he disseminated information about the healing lake among his fellow citizens.

When treating at the Lake Heviz resort, physiological, natural healing factors for the body are used: a unique microclimate, healing thermal water and peat mud.

In addition to therapeutic bathing, Hévíz thermal water is recommended for drinking in case of insufficient stomach acidity and chronic gastritis.

A pump room has been opened on the territory of the State Clinic, where everyone can get mineral water(water type hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride calcium-magnesium)

Please note that at the Europe Fit 4* superior hotel in the resort of Heviz it is possible to take a drinking treatment course based on such famous Hungarian medicinal waters as Mira, Hunyadi Janos, Ferenc József, Paradis ", "Salvus", which have a beneficial effect on the treatment of many diseases of the digestive system.

Consultations on drinking medicinal waters are provided by the hotel's therapists. This service is included in already compiled treatment packages.

Indications for balneological baths

  • all types of degenerative curvature of joints
  • osteochondrosis
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • prolapse of intervertebral discs after surgery
  • pathological curvature of the spine
  • pre- and post-operative periods for joint surgeries
  • muscle diseases
  • treatment in the post-traumatic period
  • treatment of motor joints
  • gout

The main groups of gynecological diseases for which mud therapy is indicated:

  • chronic inflammatory processes (chronic adnexitis adnexitis chron. with the possibility of cure)
  • chronic parametritis
  • adhesive process
  • certain anatomical incurable changes to facilitate the process
  • consequences of abscessus cavi Douglasi and purulent appendicitis with persistent consequences
  • postoperative inflammatory processes.
  • hormonal hypofunctional conditions of girls and young women, obesity
  • infertility
  • oligomenorroe (G.Langendörfer, R.Peter).


  • open wounds
  • active period of any tuberculosis
  • malignant tumors
  • circulatory disorders due to heart failure
  • thrombosis and phlebitis until symptoms disappear completely
  • anemia, anemia
  • leukemia
  • hemophilia
  • condition characterized by comatose crisis
  • pregnancy
  • asthmatic diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • increased thyroid function
  • heart failure

Therapeutic mud of Lake Heviz

One of the highly effective therapeutic factors Heviz resort are highly saturated with minerals mud that covers the bottom of the lake with more than a meter layer.

Their composition includes organic substances products of humification of plant residues, mineral compounds, the elements of which come from traso-dolomites and Pannonian limestone, the chemical composition largely repeats the composition of lake water, hormone- and vitamin-like substances. The microflora of the mud produces antibiotics in small quantities, due to which pathogenic bacteria and blue-green algae are not found in the lake. Another distinctive feature of Heviz mud is the absence of an unpleasant odor, which makes it especially suitable for therapeutic wraps and compresses.

Swimming in Lake Heviz

The healing water of Lake Heviz allows healthy people to swim for no more than 1.5 hours, and for rheumatic people - no more than half an hour.

Note: thermal waters They are not suitable for beach swimming due to their pronounced biological effects. A long stay in the water of Lake Heviz causes increased stress on the heart and circulatory system.

The effect of the water of Heviz in Hungary is achieved by a combination: the temperature of the water and the healing mud and gas it contains. The bottom of Heviz is 80% composed of inorganic substances covering the bottom of the lake: sodium and calcium. Millions of gas bubbles and particles of dirt in the water, nicknamed “Heviz dandruff”, create the effect of a micro massage of the skin. The bubble gas covering the skin on the body penetrates the body and has a healing effect.


  • balneotherapy Based on the healing water of Lake Heviz, it occupies an important place among therapeutic procedures.
  • underwater pull-out bathtub used for various diseases of the spine.
  • hydromassage- a modern form of underwater massage: improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles; simultaneous use of aromatherapy relieves nervous tension.
  • various types of massage: therapeutic, sports, relaxation massage
  • mud applications: The therapeutic mud of Lake Heviz, due to its high content of microelements and heat-preserving ability, is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and chronic gynecological diseases (exclusively as prescribed by a doctor).
  • contrast baths for hands and feet improve blood circulation, a galvanic bath has a beneficial effect in case of paralysis of nerve endings, and also has an analgesic and muscle-relaxing effect.
  • cryotherapy(cooling therapy) is used for inflammation of the joints, as well as for injuries.
  • medicinal compresses indicated for wear and tear of joints, they provide a good analgesic effect.
  • physiotherapy- one of the main procedures not only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also in case of disorders of the respiratory system and blood circulation.
  • magnetotherapy It is mainly recommended against insomnia, as well as headaches.
  • mineral bath recommended for improving blood circulation, as well as for high blood pressure.
  • electrotherapy: diadynamics, interference, infrared lamp, inhalation, iontophoresis, combined ultrasound-electrical influence, oxygen therapy TENS, ultrasound, electrotherapy has an analgesic, muscle relaxing, muscle strengthening effect, and also improves blood circulation.


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