Swift train to Berlin. On the wings of a swift. What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

High-speed trains Strizh, which replaced the Sapsan in the direction of Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod, cause very controversial opinions. Those who have seen Swift from the outside invariably note its “toy” appearance. Indeed, the train carriages are so miniature that they would rather be part of a children's railway train. However, after getting to know the train better, I realized that it really is a worthy replacement for the Sapsan, although it looks less respectable in appearance. To find out, I took a special ride on the Strizh train along the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow. Here you will see my personal impressions, many photographs, and a review of the train.

High-speed train Strizh. Tickets and seats

Of course, tickets for the Strizh train, like for any other trains, must be purchased as early as possible. You probably already know that Russian Railways has a progressive fare tariff system. The closer to the departure day, the more expensive train tickets become. Therefore, here, as they say, whoever got up first paid cheaper.

For example, I bought tickets for the Strizh train two and a half weeks before departure. A ticket from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow cost me 1,115 rubles, and for some reason the return ticket for the same date was more expensive - 1,249 rubles.

As they explained to me, the cost of tickets depends on the number of seats remaining. That is, the fewer tickets left for a given trip, the more expensive they become.

So be as prudent as possible and buy Swift tickets at right time. You can save a little.

In addition, you probably already know that the Strizh train has carriages of different classes. I took tickets to the “lowest” class. They cost much less, but for solving my specific task - writing a review about the train - this class was quite enough.

There are first class seats, double compartments with lie-flat seats. Their cost is correspondingly more expensive than in a simple seated second class.

The most interesting thing is that a passenger who wants to travel in a compartment buys it in full, even if he is traveling alone. That is, if you want to go completely alone, pay about 6,000 rubles and you will be the absolute owner of a two-seater coupe. If you want to travel alone with your wife, pay the same amount and you will get the same two-seater coupe. In principle, based on one passenger with double accommodation, it is not so expensive.

Thus, you cannot have random companions in a two-seater compartment. In principle, this is reasonable and convenient.

image taken from Russian Railways website

True, the compartments on the Strizh train are, of course, a bit cramped, as in all other trains. If there are two going there ordinary person average build, then it will still be possible to live. But if some respectable passenger travels, accompanied by an equally respectable fellow traveler, then only a short trip will save them from extreme discomfort.

Important point about tickets and seats

Everyone who travels to Moscow on the Strizh train must know one subtlety. It will help you choose places more wisely.

For example, I, considering myself experienced traveler, I took a ticket to a second class seated carriage for seat number 9. I liked it because it was located by the window, and precisely by the window, and not by the wall between the windows. In addition, in my opinion, the sun should not interfere with me at this place if the weather turned out to be clear.

image taken from Russian Railways website

I took everything into account except one thing: when train Swift coming from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, then you will have to drive backwards. The seats in the carriages are facing towards Nizhny Novgorod. So in my ninth place I was riding backwards on the sunny side. That is, the worst thing that could happen happened. Thank God there were others free seats and managed to move to the shade.

Therefore, when you buy tickets for the morning Strizh train, keep in mind that you need to buy tickets for seats not in the right, but in the left row.

If you are driving an evening Swift from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod, then the right lane will be preferable.

If you are categorically against traveling backwards, you should buy tickets for seats at the very beginning of carriage No. 33-36. True, at the same time you will be looking at the passengers sitting opposite you all the way. Decide for yourself what is more important to you.

On the platform before the departure of the Strizh train

photo from the Internet

When I arrived at the platform 40 minutes before the train departed, there were almost no passengers there. This was part of my plan: I wanted to photograph the train at the platform before it was surrounded by departing people and mourners.

But my plans were not destined to come true. On the platform, strict women in uniform paraded at a walking pace. All my exhortations and requests were countered by the indisputable: “Go to the station master, if he allows it, then you can take as many photographs as you want.”

In my naivety, I even went to the boss, but the time was still very early - only 7:10 in the morning. At this time, no self-respecting station manager burdens himself with official duties, so after “kissing” the locked door, I went to the station duty officer.

Neither the badge nor the title of editor-in-chief of an independent media could induce him to violate his official duty. I was never allowed to film on the platform. Therefore, I will have to “treat” you with photographs taken from the Internet, accompanying them with my comments.

photo from the Internet

What I liked most on the platform was standing by the dining car. And not at all because delicious food was prepared there.

It’s just that the dining car is located right between the seated and compartment cars. Externally, the carriages themselves look exactly the same. Without looking out the window, it is hardly possible to distinguish them by appearance.

A striking difference was observed on the platform opposite these and other cars.

A crowd of passengers was swaying where the first and second class carriages were located. There were all sorts of people, some with backpacks, others with business briefcases. There were several families with children in strollers. But overall there were quite a lot of people.

If you look in the other direction, you could see just a dozen or two passengers walking sedately and importantly along the compartment cars. It seemed to me that these were mainly business trips. And not ordinary engineers or employees of planning departments, but people at the level of directors or deputies.

One look at their respectable calm, sedateness and leisurely gestures indicated that they do not count money and prefer to spend three and a half hours of the journey in a comfortable compartment than to be jostled in a common seating carriage.

This is the contrast that appeared to my eyes at the moment when the train doors opened and passengers were asked inside.

Boarding the Strizh train

Despite the fact that the train had been standing at the platform for a long time and the conductors were constantly entering and exiting the cars, passengers were invited to board 20 minutes before departure.

The landing took place without haste, since there was enough time. In addition, the fact that approximately 20 people were traveling in each carriage (in fact, the carriages can accommodate more than 30, but not all seats were occupied) also played an important role.

Therefore, there were no huge queues at the doors, rush, and nervousness that usually accompany boarding, for example, with the same Sapsan or, especially Lastochka. Passengers calmly, almost solemnly entered the carriage and took their seats.

The impeccability of the landing procedure, however, was somewhat spoiled by this. The point is that Strizh train carriages noticeably narrower (in the sense of not wider) than the carriages of ordinary trains. As a result, a gap about half a meter wide appeared between the car and the platform. It can be easily seen in the previous photo. Moreover, the train stood at the low first platform. Those who were at the Nizhny Novgorod station and saw the first platform will not let you lie. This platform is only slightly higher than the level of the rails.

photo from the Internet

Of course, the carriages of the Strizh high-speed train have a folding step, but its height will still create difficulties for elderly passengers. In my presence, one grandmother could not lift her leg onto a step, and the conductor helped her.

It is also not very convenient to drag strollers and large bags into the carriage. The carriage doors are still quite narrow. So, if you are traveling on the Strizh train with a child, ask one of your fellow travelers to help you with the stroller in advance, or wait until all the passengers have entered the carriage and carry the stroller in without haste with the help of the conductor.

Cars of the high-speed train Strizh

Therefore, this part of the article will be of interest mainly to those of you who do not mind traveling by boat. train Strizh in first and second class seated carriages.

As I already wrote, the first thing that slightly “stung” was the relatively narrow doors of the carriage. Compared to Sapsan, they are really narrower. Therefore, some passengers at the entrance had problems lifting large, heavy bags on board.

The second unpleasant surprise awaited these same passengers when they saw what the space for large luggage looked like. Unfortunately, there are not so many bags you can put there, as for example in Sapsan. True, there are not so many passengers in the Swift carriage, but if most of them go on vacation with large suitcases, then there will not be enough space in the luggage compartment for everyone. Some passengers even had to place their large travel suitcases in the aisle between the seats. This, of course, did not create any big problems, but it did make walking around the carriage a little difficult.

The situation is somewhat saved by luggage racks above the seats. They are quite roomy and can accommodate even small suitcases. The best part is that these luggage racks are quite deep. So deep that they allow you to place a small travel suitcase not “along”, but “across” - as if deep into it.

That is, in theory there should be enough space for everyone’s bags.

True, it is not entirely clear what weight these shelves are designed for, so we can only hope that the designers Talgo trains(aka Swift) provided for the luggage racks to be fully loaded with heavy suitcases of Russian tourists.

Seat car seats

I would like to write about this in more detail, since the carriage seat is the very place where you will spend most of the trip. Based on experience of traveling on high-speed trains Sapsan And Martin I can say that a comfortable seat is perhaps the most important thing for a passenger.

I remember how on the Swallow train I wanted to get up and walk around half an hour after departure. The seats on the Strizh train are much more comfortable.

Firstly, they are more ergonomic - that is, they more accurately follow the curve of the back.

Secondly, the seat itself is made in such a way that it is comfortable to sit. It's just convenient and that's all. Two hours have already passed since departure (and I’m writing this text while sitting on the train), and I still don’t feel the desire to get up and warm up.

Thirdly, the distance between the seats is quite large. I could be wrong, but it is the same, or even more, than in Sapsan. Even I, not the shortest person in the world (186 cm), can freely cross my legs while sitting in a chair without resorting to balancing act.

It is important that the seats are quite spacious. For example, during the entire trip my travel companion and I never touched each other’s elbows.

In addition, it is worth noting such pleasant little things as a folding footrest and a small folding table in the back of the chair in front. It also has a mesh pocket. It contains a brochure about the Strizh high-speed train, disposable headphones, and posters with instructions in case of evacuation.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use the folding table to work with a computer: the back of the seat is in the way—the screen of a large laptop won’t open:

Each pair of chairs has individual lighting.

After carefully reviewing the information for passengers, I found out that the seats turn out to be reclining. Of course, not so much that you can lie down to sleep, but it’s quite possible to tilt the back slightly. The most valuable thing is that the passenger sitting in the back does not suffer. The seat of the chair simply moves forward and the backrest tilts. It's convenient.

On the car windows there are fabric curtains that fold like an accordion and, when folded, do not take up so much space as to interfere with looking out the window.

There are hooks for clothes in the spaces between the windows on the wall. In summer they are practically not used, but if in winter you hang padded jackets on them, then the passenger sitting by the window may experience some inconvenience.

Still, in Sapsan this issue is resolved much more intelligently than in Lastochka and Swift: there is a wardrobe in the middle of the car where passengers can hang their outerwear.

The armrests of the chairs are simple. They can be removed if they are in the way, or lowered if you need to put your hands somewhere. The only armrest that cannot be removed is located right next to the window. For many passengers this is a very insignificant fact. But it really bothered me personally when I was writing this text on the computer.

It’s good that there were free seats in the carriage and I moved to another free pair of seats.

Each seat has a headphone jack. You can listen to the radio or the soundtrack to films shown on overhead TVs.

Disposable wipes are glued to the seat headrests. On the one hand, this seems to have been done from a hygiene point of view, but by and large, most likely so that passengers do not dirty the headrests with their greasy bald heads :)

The carriage is air conditioned and from time to time they carry airplane food carts. However, remembering the cost of similar pleasures on other high-speed trains, I refrained from ordering.

And one more thing: if you decide to travel in a first-class seated carriage, keep in mind that the seating arrangement is 1 + 2. That is, there is one seat on the left side, and two on the right.

Of course, the first impulse will be to buy a ticket for a single seat. But in this case, people will constantly walk past you, carry carts with food, and you will certainly be touched...

Therefore, for myself personally, I would buy a ticket for a double seat by the window. The chairs are wide enough, you and your neighbor will not interfere with each other, and the flow of the staggering public will pass far from you and will not bother you.

Impressions from a trip on the Swift

The mourners were asked to leave the train ten minutes before departure. Two minutes before departure the doors closed. So those who like to be late for the train and arrive “right on time” may be in for a “pleasant” surprise.

It's always interesting how the movement starts. For example, in Sapsan this is such an elusive moment that if you don’t look out the window, you can easily miss the moment the train departs.

High-speed train Strizh moves off with a noticeable jerk. Even somehow strange. I double-checked myself once again when the train pulled out from the Dzerzhinsk and Vladimir stations. Yes, the locomotive really pulls the train.

In fact, this is of course “not a running gear”. You will not fall when starting to move, even if you stand in the aisle without holding the handrails. In the worst case, you will take a couple of steps on the floor :)

It’s just very unexpected for a train that can reach speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour while moving.

Speaking of speed. It seems we never reached the 180 kilometers per hour that the driver promised us. The maximum I noticed on the scoreboard was 171 km/h. True, I didn't look there all the time. Maybe I missed the “fastest moment”.

The smooth running of a train is a very ambiguous thing and depends on the condition of the railway track. In some sections we were indeed driving very fast, but somehow it didn’t feel like it. On others, the speed was lower, and the fingers could barely hit the keys due to shaking.

It seems to me that the Sapsan train is running more smoothly and steadily. I can’t say anything about Swallow – I don’t remember. I rode it only once (and never again!).

The sound of wheels clattering was very unusual. The fact is that the trailers Strizh trains very small, so each carriage has only two wheels. That is, one wheel pair is located between two cars. In the heavier carriages of the Sapsan and Lastochka trains there are usually two pairs of wheels, on each side of each carriage.

Therefore, when we travel on a regular train, the sound of wheels on the joints of the rails sounds like “knock-knock - pause - knock-knock - pause, etc.

The Swift high-speed train has a very unusual sound of wheels - I have never heard this before. The swift knocks according to the pattern “knock - pause - knock - pause, etc.).

This is especially felt closer to the ends of the cars. I had just such a place, so the whole time I was traveling I heard this damned knock-knock-knock-knock... On some stretches, where the rails were assembled from short pieces, this constant knock, to be honest, was already starting to get boring.

Just try to say it after that. That this text was written by a person who has never ridden a Swift! You can't guess such a nuance. It can only be noticed while traveling.

The carriages are separated from each other by vestibules with glass doors that open on their own as soon as you approach. It's worth mentioning here that the aisle between the seats is wide enough to walk past a grocery cart. For example, this cannot be done on an airplane. And in Swift, it’s true that you walk sideways, but you still walk quite freely. True, the width of the passage between the cars is quite small. The person, of course, will pass, but the bag will have to be carried in front or behind him.

Toilets in the high-speed train Strizh

I decided to highlight this topic especially. Those who have ever ridden will easily understand my action. The fact is that there are very few toilets in Swallow. As in Vysotsky’s song – “there is only one restroom for forty-eight rooms”

So in Lastochka there are only two of these restrooms for the entire train. At least that’s how it was about a year ago, when I carelessly decided to take it for a ride. Perhaps something has changed now.

There is complete order with this on the Swift train. There is a toilet in every carriage. True, there is only one, but the trailers are quite small. There are about 30 passengers in total. So I didn’t find any queues to the toilets on the Strizh train. But in Lastochka...

The room itself is very small. In principle, there is enough space, but for obese passengers and those with physical disabilities, visiting such a toilet may cause negative emotions.

In principle, there is everything you need, even liquid soap and paper hand towels, not to mention toilet paper.

By the way, while we were standing at the station and waiting for the train to depart, the smell of the toilet was felt quite clearly in the carriage. When we drove and the air conditioning started, the smell disappeared.

Free WiFi Internet on the Strizh train (only a month after launch)

Unlike other high-speed trains - Sapsan and Lastochka - in the Strizh train had free WiFi internet. And not only in first class carriages, but also in second class ones. Unfortunately, I have to write about it in the past tense, because after a month this service became paid - 59 rubles per hour. In principle - not that expensive.

In addition to the Internet itself, the train's internal network allows you to watch some movies for free. The list is quite extensive, but... it’s a miracle, I never found a film that I wanted to watch :) Maybe I’m being picky?

It is possible to see exactly where the train is currently located on the map and find out how much time is left before arrival.

What do they feed on the Strizh train?

You need to start with the fact that you can have a snack right in your place. Every now and then they carry carts around the carriage and offer some simple snacks: tea, coffee, juice, nuts, sandwiches, etc.

The prices are quite steep. For example, a glass of regular coffee costs 50 rubles. I didn’t even know about the rest.

If the assortment of carts does not satisfy you, you can go to the buffet car or restaurant car. By leaving from 500 to... rubles there, you can have a fairly hearty and tasty snack. In a word, you won’t die of hunger :)

General conclusion

Having experience of traveling on other high-speed trains, not to mention regular ones, I can safely say that a trip on high-speed train Strizh left a fairly positive impression. Now there are only about 20 minutes left before arriving in Moscow, it’s time to finish my story.

I'll say it briefly. When I found out that instead Sapsanov will walk Swifts, at first I was very upset. I once thought that such a “toy”-sized train would hardly be able to provide a similar level of comfort. Now, having ridden the new train, I also feel sorry for Sapsan, but this is most likely just nostalgia. The Strizh high-speed train really seemed like a good, worthy replacement to me.

PS: I now boarded the Strizh train again to go back. Now everything is in order: the same 12th carriage, the same 9th place, but now we will go facing forward and the sun will not blind our eyes.

You may be interested in:

The high-speed train Strizh was launched on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod on June 1, 2015. "Strizh" runs daily and makes up to 5 flights a day. Train travel time is from 3 hours 35 minutes.

The number of cars in the Strizh train is 18 passenger and 2 technical.

Train composition

What carriages are there on the Strizh train:

  • 1st class carriages with seats - carriage No. 8, No. 9 (No. 10, No. 11)*
  • 2nd class carriages with seats - carriages No. 10-No. 18 (No. 12-No. 17)*
  • Coupe car with sleeping berths - car No. 18*
  • SV carriages with berths - carriages No. 1-No. 5
  • carriage - restaurant
  • buffet car
*The second version of the Strizh train

Comfort on the go

What equipment is in the carriages of the Strizh train Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod:

Air conditioning and heating system
- environmentally friendly toilet complexes

Entertainment and relaxation on the go

The Russian Railways company offers the following entertainment for relaxation while traveling on the Strizh train Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod:
- video monitors
- Wi-Fi along the entire route (paid service)
- individual audio systems

Meals on the go

Restaurant car on the Strizh train Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod

The Strizh train has a buffet car. At your service wide choice hot dishes, snacks, salads, desserts, hot and cold drinks.

Drinking water is provided along the route. At your service in each carriage: coffee, tea and confectionery products, printed publications, souvenirs and other goods (for a fee).

Characteristics of cars

Here are the characteristics of the carriages of the Strizh train Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod

Number of compartments: 5; number of seats: 10.

Each compartment consists of a rest room and a sanitary and hygienic room.

In each compartment:
- 2 sleeping places, lower sleeping place transforms into 2 seats;
- safe, folding table;
- individual bathroom with shower and dry closet;
- TV with movie selection;
- 220V sockets;
- key cards for access to the compartment.

- nutrition;
- a set of bed linen and towels;

1st class carriage

Passenger seats have:

- audio system;
- 220V socket;
- adjustable headrest;
- adjustable footrest;

- nutrition;
- plaid;
- sanitary and hygienic set.

2nd class carriage

Number of seats: 20.

Passenger seats have:
- individual lighting system;
- audio system;
- 220V socket;
- adjustable backrest tilt;
- individual folding table.

- food and drinks (can be ordered from the conductor for a fee).


How the Strizh train works from a safety point of view:

Security on the train by security personnel or transport police. The operation of the carriage equipment is monitored using a satellite security and communication monitoring system. All carriages are equipped with fire alarms.

Transportation of animals

Carriage of small animals is free. Large dogs are not allowed.

To transport small animals, the entire compartment must be purchased. Carriage of small animals is free. To transport a large dog, you need to purchase the entire compartment. You can only bring one large dog. Large dogs are free of charge.

To transport small animals, you do not need to purchase additional seats. There is a fee for transporting animals. Large dogs are not allowed.

Other information

Attention! We ask passengers of the Strizh train to arrive at the station in advance due to the need to undergo inspection procedures.

* Train numbers used on German railways are indicated in brackets.

Connections are available with the following stations: Berlin, Frankfurt an der Oder, Erfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Karlsruhe.

You can find out the timetable, fare and availability in the "" section. To do this, indicate the departure and destination stations, as well as the date of travel.

Information for passengers

Discounts for individual passengers

  • 5% on the top shelves at points of sale of JSC Russian Railways (not applicable in “Single” category compartments);
  • 10% on all seats, subject to reservation of seats from 60 to 45 days before train departure.

The specified discounts do not apply when issuing travel documents at group fares and the special Voyage fare.

Travel for children

A child under 4 years of age travels with an adult passenger without a separate seat - free of charge. If desired, you can apply for a paid children's ticket with a place.

A passenger who has booked travel in a Luxury (business) class carriage at the Adult-Single fare has the right to carry with him free of charge no more than two children under 12 years of age (until the day they reach this age, in train carriages No. 13/14 Moscow - Berlin "Swift" - no more than one child under 12 years of age), on which Russian Federation non-cash travel documents are issued. Outside the Russian Federation, issuing non-cash travel documents for transporting children is not required.

In the Double category compartment, travel in a Luxury (business) class carriage is carried out at a special “Adult “Family” fare for two adults traveling together who have the right to carry with them free of charge no more than two children under 4 years of age or one child under 12 years (until the day they reach this age, in the carriages of train No. 13/14 Moscow - Berlin "Strizh" - no more than two children under the age of 4 years)). For each child carried free of charge, a non-cash travel document must be issued in the Russian Federation. Outside the Russian Federation, issuing non-cash travel documents for transporting children is not required.

Transportation of pets and hand luggage

Transportation of dogs, other small pets and birds is permitted in any class, subject to payment for all seats in the compartment. Small (indoor) pets and birds are transported in cages, baskets, etc. It is allowed to transport no more than one dog or no more than one cage per compartment.

There is no additional charge for transporting dogs, small (pet) pets and birds.

A passenger may carry easily portable items (carry-on luggage) with him free of charge, if this does not contradict customs or administrative rules. The total size of one piece of hand luggage in the sum of three dimensions must not exceed 200 cm, while one side must not exceed 55 cm.

Passengers are allowed to carry with them free of charge:

  • in first class sleeping cars, including luxury (business) class cars, in Single category compartments - no more than 100 kg of hand luggage per compartment (in carriages of train No. 13/14 Moscow - Berlin "Strizh" - no more than 50 kg of hand luggage baggage per passenger);
  • in first class sleeping cars, including luxury (business) class cars, in Double category compartments - no more than 50 kg for each travel document with a seat (in carriages of train No. 13/14 Moscow - Berlin "Strizh" - no more than 50 kg hand luggage per passenger);
  • in second class sleeping cars and carriages with seats for an adult passenger no more than 36 kg and for a child under 12 years of age (until the day they reach this age) - no more than 15 kg for each travel document with a seat (in train carriages No. 13/14 Moscow - Berlin "Swift" - per passenger).

Buying tickets

Travel documents are issued on one form. Tickets can be purchased at international railway ticket offices along the train route (Russia (Russian Railways), Poland (PKP SA), Czech Republic (CD), Austria (ÖBB), Germany (DB), France (SNCF)).

You can purchase electronic tickets on the Passengers website.

There is an electronic check-in service on trains.

To board the train along the entire route, the passenger must present the car to the conductor electronic ticket(boarding pass), printed on paper (A4 format), or its image on the screen of a mobile device, as well as the passenger’s identification document indicated on the electronic ticket.

Electronic registration is carried out:

  • during the procedure for ordering electronic tickets after the “Payment” step simultaneously for all passengers specified in the order;
  • again at any other time in the “Personal Account”;
  • both simultaneously for all passengers specified in the order, and for individual electronic tickets in the order.

Cancellation of the electronic registration service (refusal) is carried out no later than 1 hour before the train departs from the initial station of the route:

  • on the website in “Personal Account”;
  • by obtaining a boarding pass (travel document) in ticket office or a self-service terminal on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Rules for refunding the cost of travel documents

Tickets are returned at the place of purchase.

At individual rates:

  • more than 6 hours before the train departure, 100% of the fare is reimbursed; less than 6 hours before the train departure, no refund is made.

For group rates:

  • from 60 to 15 days before the train departure, 100% of the fare is reimbursed, from 14 to 8 days before the train departure, 50% of the fare is reimbursed, less than 8 days before the train departure, no refund is made.

In the Russian Federation for a refund unused ticket There is a fee of 10 euros.

The Strizh train is high speed train Talgo Intercity, acquired by Russian Railways and adapted for Russian and European railways. Talgo Intercity trains are actively used by European railway companies. Meets all modern requirements for trains, has high speed, comfortable cars.

On November 17, the Strizh train was launched in the Moscow-Berlin direction. The train has 20 cars, of which 18 are passenger cars. Track gauge in the Russian Federation and European countries differs, therefore, during the border crossing in Brest, the train undergoes an automated shift to the European gauge. The total procedure is only 30

Train route. Travel time.

The train departs from Moscow-Kurskaya station twice a week. Travel time is 20 hours 14 minutes. In the future, it is planned to reduce the travel time to 16 hours. "Strizh" passes Smolensk, Minsk, Brest and Warsaw, the final station is Berlin East Station. The length of the route is 1896 km.

Despite the speed of air travel from Moscow to Berlin, many people prefer to travel by train. This comes with many advantages. Faster by train customs control, which happens right along the way. Passengers have the opportunity to relax in comfortable compartments, sleep en route, and dine in the dining car. Another important plus is the ability to transport hand luggage.

Strizh train schedule

"Strizh" departs from Moscow Kurskaya station on Saturdays and Sundays at 13:05. The train arrives in Berlin at 7:19 on Sunday and Monday respectively.

In Berlin, departures are at 18:50 on Sunday and Monday. Arrival at Moscow Kurskaya station occurs at 17:25 on Monday and Tuesday. The train route goes like this: does not cross the borders of Ukraine.

The train passes through the stations of Smolensk, Orsha, Minsk, Brest, Terespol, Warsaw, Poznan, Rzepin, Frankfurt on the Oder. Customs and border control carried out in Brest and Terespol.

Car layout

The Moscow-Berlin Strizh train has 18 passenger carriages, which can accommodate 216 people. This:

  • buffet;
  • restaurant;
  • five 2nd class carriages equipped with sleeping berths;
  • two 1st class carriages, seats;
  • four 1st class SVs equipped with berths;
  • two luxury class carriages with sleeping places, toilet, shower;
  • three luxury class carriages equipped with compartments for the passage of people with disabilities.

All carriages have environmentally friendly bathrooms, video monitors and audio systems. For an additional fee, you can access the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Numbering when traveling from Moscow is from the head of the train. From Berlin - from the tail.

Luxury carriage

In each compartment:

  • 2 sleeping places;
  • table;
  • sockets;
  • safe.

Luxury carriage with seats for disabled people

Hot food, a set of towels, bed sheets, a blanket and a hygiene kit are included in the price.

In each compartment:

  • 2 sleeping places;
  • personal bathroom with shower, washbasin and toilet;
  • TV with a choice of films;
  • table;
  • sockets;
  • safe.

SV carriage, 1st class

Consists of 6 double compartments. Hot food, a set of towels, bed sheets, a blanket and a hygiene kit are included in the price.

In each compartment:

  • 2 sleeping places;
  • TV with a choice of films;
  • table;
  • sockets;
  • safe.

1st class carriage with seats

Hot meals, blankets, hygiene kits are provided free of charge

Each place is equipped with:

  • adjustable headrest, backrest and footrest;
  • folding table;
  • lighting system;
  • audio system;
  • socket.

2nd class carriage with sleeping berths

Consists of 4 four-seater compartments and one two-seater. Food, drinks, printed publications are provided for a fee.

Each compartment contains:

  • lighting systems (general and personal);
  • table;
  • audio system;
  • sockets;
  • air conditioning system.

Additionally, the train includes a restaurant car with 30 seats and a buffet car. Passengers can order hot dishes, salads, snacks, desserts and drinks.

Buy a ticket to Russian Railways.

The cost of train travel depends on the chosen location and time of travel. The cost is estimated in Euros, converted into rubles at the current exchange rate when purchasing a ticket.

The price of a standard adult ticket without discounts and special offers is (in euros):

  • 323.50 for a seat in a Suite;
  • 227.92 for a place in the NE;
  • 155.04 per seat in 1st class;
  • 177 for a seat in a 2nd class carriage.

The cost of a ticket for a child in each case is half that of an adult.

Compartments in Luxury 1st class carriages can be purchased in full with a small extra charge:

  • 353.50 for Lux;
  • 266.50 for a 1st class compartment.

Discounts on the Strizh train

It is possible to purchase a ticket for the Swift train at a good discount using one of the current offers. Discounts are provided in the following cases:

  • 30% when purchasing a compartment by 2 passengers;
  • 30% for persons over 60 and from 12 to 25 years old;
  • 40% when purchasing tickets for 6 passengers;
  • 50-40% when purchasing tickets for children in a group;
  • 20% for groups of 2-5 people;
  • 35% discount on birthday +/-7 days;
  • 35% discount within a month after the wedding;
  • 5% on all top shelves;
  • 10% when purchasing a ticket 60-45 days in advance.

Discounts on tickets are not cumulative and are applied sequentially.

Boarding and traveling on the train

Passengers are advised to arrive at the station in advance to board the Swift. The passenger must present the conductor with a foreign passport and ticket. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with customs rules and rules for transporting animals in advance in order to avoid problems.

Rules for traveling with children

All passengers have the opportunity to carry out free transportation 1 child under 4 years old, without extra bed. It is advisable to buy a coupe for a trip with a small child, for greater comfort. Children are not allowed to travel unless accompanied by an adult. Animals must have an electronic ID.

Rules for traveling with animals

Carriage of small domestic animals and birds is allowed in the amount of no more than 2 per place. The passenger must have an international passport for the animal being transported. Passengers are required to comply with all necessary sanitation and hygiene rules when traveling with pets.

Disabled spaces

The train has special carriages with compartments for disabled people and their accompanying persons. The disabled compartment is different a large number space, enlarged bathroom.

How to buy a ticket for the Strizh train?

Purchasing tickets for the Moscow-Berlin Strizh train is available a maximum of 60 days before boarding. You can purchase a travel document directly through the Russian Railways website or through any other convenient service. You can also buy a ticket directly at the box office. Electronic ticket sales stop one hour before the departure of the train.

Electronic registration is carried out along the entire route and is available no more than 1 hour after departure from the first station of the route.

Crossing the border.Customs and passport control

Due to border crossing, all passengers undergo mandatory customs and passport control. Passengers are required to present a passport and a valid visa. The inspection takes place while the train is moving.

To cross the border of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens are required to fill out a customs declaration and a migration card.

Baggage on the train

Passengers have the right to carry hand luggage. Hand luggage must not contain prohibited products or goods in excess of permitted customs standards.

Goods worth 1,500 Euros and weighing over 50 kg, jewelry, securities, weapons, over 3 liters of alcohol, narcotic substances, etc. are required to be declared.

If you need to issue a VAT refund for goods purchased in EU countries, you must prepare them for inspection. You must also attach the sales receipt, and Tax Free form.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How to purchase a ticket?

To do this, follow these steps on our website:

  • set a route, select a suitable date in the section;
  • find the corresponding train and carriage;
  • choose a place;
  • enter your data;
  • check the entered information, pay by credit card;
  • receive a ticket by email, print it or save it on your mobile device;
  • When boarding, present your ticket along with your foreign passport.

Is it possible to purchase a ticket for the Swift Moscow-Berlin with a Russian passport?

It is forbidden. Passengers cross state borders, so purchasing tickets is only possible with a foreign passport or other document permitting travel outside the country.

What documents are needed?

The main document is a passport. All passengers are also required to fill out a migration form indicating their full name, citizenship and purpose of travel.

Do you need a visa?

Do Russians need a visa, definitely yes. This is a mandatory condition for crossing the Russian state border. Here's to buy international ticket a visa is not required, your passport data is enough, however, when traveling to cross the border with another state, a visa is required.

How to register electronically for Swift?

If, when issuing a ticket for the Strizh train, the passenger did not uncheck the “pass electronic registration” box, it will be done automatically. If such registration is not required, you can uncheck the box. When checking in automatically, the passenger only needs to present a ticket and an international passport.

How to return a train ticket?

All purchased electronic tickets for the Swift train can be easily returned online by clicking on the link that was sent by mail or via SMS message.

Paid fees are not refundable, Russian Railways additionally charges a commission, fee and penalty for the return. The amount of fees, commissions and fines depends on the remaining time before departure.

A LiveJournal user took a test ride on the new international train Russian Railways "Strizh", running on the route Moscow - Berlin. The following is a first-person account.
On December 17, Russian Railways launches a new train to Berlin. It will go about 4 hours faster than normal. For those who often travel to Nizhny Novgorod, the name of the train will seem familiar - it is “Strizh”, manufactured by Talgo in Spain and driven by the Russian EP20 locomotive. However, the composition for trips to Europe is completely different; it differs in both interior and technical features. I took the Swift for a test run and will tell you all about the pros and cons of this train.

First of all, let me remind you that to travel to Europe, Russian trains have to lose a lot of time in Brest, where the bogies change from our gauge (1520 mm) to the European one (1435 mm).

Therefore, back in 2011, when the grass was greener, the euro exchange rate did not exceed 43 rubles, and Russia was hosting the Olympics and life on the planet was calmer, Russian Railways purchased trains with an automatic gauge change system, which made it possible to reduce the time for this procedure from two hours to 20 minutes.

This “Strizh” differs from the trains running to Nizhny Novgorod with a five-class layout that meets European requirements for safety, convenience and comfort. Although, the last two points relate more to the mentality - some things on the train were very strange.

On November 15, I went on a test run on a new train to Brest station (Republic of Belarus) - this is where the procedure for “re-shoeing” the train to the European gauge takes place.

Operate it like most trains long distance, there will be a subsidiary of Russian Railways - the Federal Passenger Company.

The train has a completely atypical layout and interior design. I would call it “an over-the-top victory for minimalism in suitcase interiors.” Although all the elements are functional and in their place, everything is unusual.

Coupe key. Inside, so as not to lose it, it is inserted into a special pocket on the door.

I had a two-seater coupe. As standard, two beds (it’s hard to call it shelves) are moved to the wall and below we get two armchairs. It’s unusual that the chair is far from the window and it’s difficult to drive while looking out the window - there’s nowhere to lean your elbows. Yes, yes, there is no such familiar table as in a large compartment. That place where the advertising brochures are on the left is not a table at all. But there is a table, you just need to find it first.

The shelves are laid out like this. With my height (176 cm), it was already uncomfortable for me to sit in the chair below. And if two shelves were laid out, then I couldn’t fit there in a sitting position. On the wall we see a “U”-shaped bracket to prevent our body from falling down and a shelf for small items. This recess is convenient for placing a water bottle, newspapers or magazines, but there is nowhere to put your phone. It either falls out or gets scratched. In general, a shelf with metal sides is not very suitable for storing gadgets. So everything is under the pillow.

Luggage rack above the front door. So, what do we have here? Yes, these are tables! At the same time, the volume of the shelf itself is quite large and all standard suitcases will fit there. Plus there is legroom.

And that table turned out to be a sink lid. This is a purely European problem - they are used to having a washbasin in every compartment! You can argue for a long time whether this is convenient or not. It's just unusual for us. I think most Russian travelers will fill it with things and use the washbasins in the toilets. The socket, as you can see, is also present. The train promises free Wi-Fi throughout the route. We, of course, checked it before Brest.

There was also a ladder to the second shelf. I think you have already guessed how it will be used?

Stop valve, glass breaker, speaker and air conditioner control. By the way, I would like to note the excellent air conditioning system. I was traveling back on an ordinary compartment train - there was nothing to breathe there. There is a constant change of air here. Once you install ventilation and a CO2 monitoring system at home, you begin to pay attention to this everywhere.

Compared to the usual compartments, there is a bed here, not a shelf. Very comfortable and wide. It's quite possible for two people to sit together.

And here the Spanish craftsmen have simply carried out a sleeping revolution - they suggest sleeping with your head towards the aisle, and not towards the window! I would also like to note the cold light of the night lamp. Was it really that difficult to install a warmer light bulb? Who rode Talgo in Spain - there too?

The train will run twice a week, departing from Moscow's Kursky Station on Saturdays and Sundays at 13:05 and arriving at Berlin Ostbahnhof station at 07:19 the next day (local time). From Berlin (Berlin Ostbahnhof station) the train will depart on Sundays and Mondays at 18:50 (local time) and arrive at Moscow's Kursky Station at 17:25. Customs and border control will begin at Brest station and will take place for 30 minutes during the journey to the border, simultaneously with the change in gauge. Reverse control, respectively, in the interval between the border and Brest station.

And outside the window is the decay of the Russian hinterland...

And already the rarest round-faced electric trains.

Each train has 20 cars (in addition to the technical cars located at the head and tail, which ensure the functioning of the train’s life support systems):

  • 5 second class sleeping cars (4 four-seater compartments and 1 two-seater compartment - 18 seats per carriage);
  • 4 first class carriages (6 double compartments - 12 seats);
  • 3 1st class carriages (2 double VIP compartments equipped with shower and toilet and a second class compartment for passengers with disabilities and accompanying persons - 6 seats per carriage);
  • 2 VIP class carriages (5 double VIP compartments, equipped with shower and toilet - 10 beds);
  • 2 carriages with first class seats (20 seats in each carriage);
  • buffet car;
  • dining car.
Buffet car. On the way, we were fed the food that would be offered to the passengers. No complaints.

Bar. It’s empty for now, but for a 20-hour journey, its presence is very good.

This is a 4-seater second class compartment. The interior is close to ours compartment carriages, only the table is indecently small.

Yes, because there is a sink! You washed the fruits and vegetables, cut up the appetizer, took out the vodka and off you go.

This is a bathroom from a double VIP compartment.

The entrance hall of the carriage with a compartment for passengers with disabilities and accompanying persons.

In the compartment itself, everything is provided for their safe and comfortable passage.

The compartment bathroom for disabled people is very large, with a bunch of devices for maximum ease of use.

And this is what first class carriages with seats look like. They know each other from trips to Nizhny. There is no sedentary economy seat.

Very comfortable seats. Each passenger gets his own socket!

You may ask - why do we need seats on a 20-hour route? It's simple - they are intended primarily for Europeans - those who will travel between Belarus, Warsaw and Berlin over distances covered in 3-6 hours. That is, this is a way to enter the intra-European transportation market.

By the way, interesting fact: traditionally, on Russian Railways trains that run to Europe, during the season, expensive compartments, VIP and first class are almost always purchased in advance. A sitter and a few SVs usually remain. These are the features.

Service compartment for customs and border service. MFP, scales, and on the table there will be a machine for reading passports.

The train is certified for 200 km per hour, but on this route it most often travels 140-160. The train will cover the distance from Moscow to Berlin in 20 hours 14 minutes. (currently - 24 hours 49 minutes), and from Berlin to Moscow - 20 hours 35 minutes. (currently -25 hours 56 minutes). In the future, by modernizing the infrastructure and optimizing locomotive interchanges, it will be possible to gain a couple more hours. Things didn't work out very well for the locomotives on the European side. Due to, say, political games, the stubbornness of the Poles and their lack of normal locomotives, they have to hook up a Polish locomotive in Brest, which takes them to Warsaw. There they change it to a Siemens one, which is already taking it to Berlin. You can't change locomotives at Warsaw Central, but you can't NOT stop there. And at Warsaw-East you MUST stop to change the locomotive. Warsaw-West also requires a stop - there is the greatest passenger traffic. Because of this we have three stops in Warsaw. I hope that we can optimize this and reduce the time.

And now, the most interesting thing, the heart of the train is the technical carriage. Here are all the systems that ensure the vital functions, safety, communications of this train, etc. Due to the low size of the carriage, it is impossible to squeeze all this equipment under the floor of the carriages, so the Spaniards made two technical carriages. This is for the better, in my opinion. Diesel generator straight. At the bottom left is an air compressor, at the top are air purifiers and dehumidifiers.

Generator. Both of them work normally, but in the event of a breakdown, one can easily supply the entire train with electricity. The diesel fuel supply is enough for 15 hours of operation in winter and 30 in summer. The time depends on the outside temperature.

Water tanks and fire extinguishing system cylinders.

The flight mechanic's workplace is management and control of all train systems. Also, all telemetry is transmitted in real time to Talgo.

Telephones for the train crew.

Two satellite phones are the consequences of meeting the requirements of all the railways on which the train travels.

Domestic monitoring system. I think the interface needs some more work.

Video surveillance system. We chose a carriage with two cameras.

And they drew ordinary carriages, compartment ones.

From the rear cabin you can look... back.

Along the route, the train will make stops at the stations of Smolensk, Orsha, Minsk, Brest, Terespol, Warsaw, Poznan, Rzepin, Frankfurt (Oder).

Talgo trains have been in operation for several years in Kazakhstan, where winter conditions are more severe than in our middle zone. Each cart is blown with warm air (about 38 degrees) to prevent the formation of ice in the transfer devices. The bogies are also equipped with a rail-magnetic brake, which operates at speeds above 160 kilometers per hour. This was a requirement of the German railways.

The design concept of Talgo trains is largely due to the difficult operating conditions that depend on the topographical features of the Iberian Peninsula. Because of them, Spanish railways are characterized by a large number of steep gradients and small radius curves, which makes it difficult for trains of great length and weight to handle.

Talgo proprietary technologies are based on the following principles: short car bodies of lightweight construction, made mainly of aluminum alloys; articulation of non-coupling cars in trains; supporting adjacent cars on common single-axle bogies located under the articulation units; independent rotation of wheels on axles or on their own axle shafts; the presence of devices that ensure the optimal position of wheel pairs in the rail track, and, finally, low height bodies to lower the center of gravity. Due to all this, improved running properties of the cars and their optimal cross-country ability are achieved. All these innovations ensure low impact on the track and the possibility of increasing train speeds.

The main feature of the bogies of this rolling stock lies in two points. Firstly, the wheels on it rotate independently of each other. And the trolley itself is fixed in the upper part of the body, which allows the latter, like a cradle, to tilt in curves. All this provides greater speed through difficult sections. Secondly, this is a track change system. But we will talk about it below.

Let me remind you that the Russian electric locomotive EP20 is a two-system locomotive. Therefore, the train does not need to change the locomotive in Vyazma, where the junction of two current systems in the contact network is located: from the west, from Smolensk, the main track is electrified with a voltage of 25 kV, alternating current; from the east, from Moscow - 3 kV, direct current.

On the test trip, of course, we did not have a full complement of flight attendants. Now Russian Railways and FPC are preparing employees to work on this train.

Smolensk station.

Welcome to the Republic of Belarus!

Belarusian Chygunka.

Swift, of course, looks like an alien train. Very unusual shapes for us.

But I found such a use for the stairs to the second floor. On this “table” you can also place a drink (lower floor) and a snack (upper floor). But remember, drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as smoking, is prohibited during FPC trips!

Welcome to Brest!

We arrived on the Warsaw side. Then the train left for the depot, and we, having checked into a hotel, went to watch the traditional change of trolleys.

And it’s time for us to watch the work of the new transfer device for changing the gauge at the Brest Central station.

Actually, here it is. I'm on the 1520 side. Behind the device is 1435.

Everything works mechanically. All areas are divided by color: yellow is the hanging of carts for transferring wheel blocks. Red - unlocking and locking locks. Green - movement of wheel blocks.

Plain water is supplied to all contacting surfaces. For lubrication.

The train can pass the transfer device at a speed of no more than 15 km/h.

Under the axle box there is a “U”-shaped profile of the wheel block lock (a spring also fits it). So it is pulled out with a “T”-shaped profile mounted on a red guide.

Here's another angle.

Under the cart, transferred to 1435. By the way, the brakes are disc, but the pads are pressed on the sides (i.e. outside and inside the wheel). In the photo, the internal pads are visible just outside the frame of the electromagnetic brake.

The trolley is equipped with all kinds of position and condition monitoring sensors. But the main defense is the kondo mechanics, which are essentially indestructible. After googling and talking with various specialists, I never found any examples of cases of destruction or translation of a unit on the move.

Monitoring station for the test period.

Sliding of the trolley along the guides.

Actually, that's all.

The security system, in addition to sensors on the trolley, is represented by sensors on the device itself. These limit switches will operate if the mechanical locks are left open.

And if the wheelset does not move, it will destroy this sensor, causing the circuit to break and trigger an alarm.

Many thanks to Russian Railways, FPK and Talgo specialists for interesting trip and a story about this system.

Let's summarize briefly. Pros

  • This is the most fast train to Europe, and it costs not much more than a regular RIC.
  • Comfortable and wide beds.
  • There are sockets everywhere.
  • Excellent air conditioning system.
  • All conditions for persons with disabilities.
  • An ingenious mechanism for changing the shoes of trolleys.
  • Many different discounts. For example, for a birthday you can go 35% cheaper. Youth and people over 60 - 30% discount. Almost certainly, if you are not traveling alone, you can get one of the dozen discounts.
  • Controversial, overly utilitarian interior design. True, FPK promises to design different cars in the style different cities along the route, but for now we have what we have.
  • “Cold” individual lighting in the NE.
  • The tables are very unusual.
  • You can't lean against the window.
  • Expensive relative to an airplane. There are unlikely to be problems with capacity (the first flights have already been cancelled), but this is not the most cheap way get to Berlin. A round-trip trip without discounts in a compartment will cost no less than 18 thousand rubles (the price is tied to the current euro exchange rate and changes every day).
In short, there are some flaws, but the train is good. If only they had launched it at an exchange rate of 43 rubles, it would have been great.


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