What are the best seats to take in a compartment carriage? Travel tips: what are the best seats on the train? Which places are the safest?

Traveling on a reserved seat train is one of the most common types of travel among Russians. Note that a reserved seat train is a feature of Russian railways. And unlike the same compartments, reserved seats are good and not so good. Experienced travelers know quite a lot about reserved seat trains and choose seats based on personal experience. However, for those who don't know what places are the best in reserved seat carriage this article was written.

Layout of a reserved seat carriage - diagram of seats in a reserved seat carriage

The best places according to this scheme are places 1, 2, 3, 4 (marked in light green). They are the best for the following reasons:

Seats 53 and 54 are almost always unavailable for sale - apparently, this is some kind of reserve. At least, they are not where the blanket warehouse is most often located. This means that those who travel in the first section do not have side neighbors - almost a coupe. In addition, the conductor’s compartment is located very close by, which not only indicates convenience, but also means that the nearby toilet will be clean or at least odorless. In addition, there is a boiler with hot water nearby, which is especially useful when preparing tea and food, as there is less risk of spilling something. There is also a window next to the boiler, through which you can look and stretch your legs. In the end, you can leave the first section earlier and carry things closest. In general, places 1, 2, 3 and 4 are best places in a reserved seat carriage. That is why they are quite often busy, because they are bought first of all experienced travelers on reserved seat trains.

Second place goes to places: from 5 to 32 inclusive. These are all non-side seats, except for the first and last sections. These are just good reserved seats. They are marked in yellow on the diagram.

Third place is shared by non-side seats near the toilet (33, 34, 35, 36) and “side seats” not near the toilet (from 39 to 52 inclusive). It’s a matter of choice, because the “side panels” have their drawbacks, and the places in the last section have their own.

What's wrong with the side places:

  • The sleeping place and the eating place are one and the same place, since the lower berth is transformed into a table. This is inconvenient, especially if strangers are riding on the top and bottom bunks.
  • Passers-by constantly touch the side of the passenger, which does not allow you to sleep comfortably. If there are children on the train, they also often touch, preventing you from relaxing.
  • If passengers are resting on the side, their feet will definitely be close to the face of the person sitting on the side, which may not allow them to sleep or simply relax.
  • Limited length sleeping place does not allow tall people to stretch out and sleep peacefully

Non-side seats near the toilet (33, 34, 35, 36) also have their disadvantages, which are primarily related to the presence of a toilet:

  • the door to the toilet constantly opens and closes, this does not allow you not only to rest, but often just to fall asleep
  • the smell coming from the toilet makes it difficult to eat

Which option is worse is everyone’s personal choice.

Definitely the worst option is the side seats near the toilet (seats 37 and 38). They combine the disadvantages of both side seats and toilet seats. Such places are the last to be purchased.

It’s worth talking separately about the top and bottom places. There is no clear opinion here. Let's list the pros and cons of the top and bottom places.

  • The upper seats allow you to relax and sleep without being distracted by your neighbors' lunch breaks. Those who ride in the lower seats must give way to those who want to eat from the upper shelves.
  • You can stow luggage under the lower seats without fear for its safety. Not everyone can reach the third shelf and it’s really hard to put heavy things there. However, it happens that the bottom shelf fits the belongings of both passengers.
  • It is safer for children to sleep in the lower places, as they will not fall from there. There are special barriers in the upper places in the cars to prevent falls.
  • Climbing onto the top shelf can be quite difficult, especially for older people and women. But children prefer to sleep on top.

Most of all, the upper places are preferred by men who want to sleep or just relax, since climbing onto the top bunk is not difficult for men, and neighbors do not bother them when they want to eat.

The coming months are a great time to travel by train in Russia. Beautiful autumn landscapes are combined with minimal seasonal price coefficients. Here is a selection of tips to help make your trips more profitable, comfortable and fun.

1. How to buy a place next to an outlet?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee that the sockets will work, but the probability is high. In compartment cars they are located between the third (seats 9,11,10,12) and fourth (13,14,15,16) compartments, as well as between the seventh (25,26,27,28) and eighth (29,30, 31,32).

In the reserved seat there are sockets near seats 5,7,8,9,29,30,31,32,41,42,59,60, and also at the end of the car next to the toilet and trash can.

On the one hand, it’s cool to drive near an outlet, as it’s convenient to charge your smartphone. But at the same time, this threatens other passengers running around the clock to your seat.

If possible, it is worth taking a tee with you on a trip so that several people can use one socket at the same time. Pilot will also help protect equipment from power surges. But it’s better to plug in the sockets in the cars and carry a Power Bank with you.

2. Which carriage is better to choose?

It is optimal to take tickets to the central carriages. There are three main reasons for this:

1. They shake less than in the head car.

2. At stops of more than 10 minutes it is convenient to run to the store.

3. There is a restaurant car nearby where you can come and buy a bottle mineral water and enjoy the cool air, a small number of people, the presence of an outlet and, if you're lucky, Wi-Fi.

3. How to buy a ticket directly to the dining car?

So far, this opportunity is only available on Sapsan trains that run on the Moscow-St. Petersburg route. This is a pretty good deal if you don't take into account the "bring a protein bar with you" option.

For example, a ticket for an economy class carriage "Sapsan" Moscow-St. Petersburg costs 1,428 rubles, and a ticket for a bistro carriage (No. 5, 2E) 3,945 (the exact price depends on the date and time of departure). But passengers in the last carriage can order food for 2,000 rubles. Price examples:

– Greek salad 220 rub.
– pork with new potatoes 500 rub.
– cold borscht 250 rub.
– porridge with nuts 200 rub.

Not all passengers like the quality of food in dining cars. It's better to spend this money on a normal cafe in St. Petersburg.

4. How to buy two upper or two lower seats in a compartment?

According to paragraph 15 of section II of the “Rules passenger transportation» when selling travel documents (tickets) for carriages with numbered seats (rigid with lying down seats, with 4-seater compartments and with 2-seater compartments (SV)) to passengers who purchase two travel documents(ticket) or more, as a rule, an equal number of upper and lower seats are provided

In practice, this means that if you buy two tickets through the Russian Railways website or the terminal at the station, it is impossible to purchase two lower or two upper seats. It's very strange, but it's true.

The OneTwoTrip service comes to the rescue in such situations. When purchasing tickets, you can use it to select any combination of seats.

OneTwoTrip has two more advantages over the Russian Railways website. Firstly, for purchasing train tickets points are awarded, which can be spent on hotels and air tickets. Secondly, the interface of their application and website is many times more convenient for selecting and purchasing tickets than the Russian Railways website.

5. How to buy a ticket in a minute?

When purchasing a ticket online on the Russian Railways website, you need to enter a lot of information about passengers on the keyboard: first names, surnames, dates of birth, passport numbers, and when paying, indicate your details bank card. And so before each trip. This is one of the many reasons to hate the Russian Railways website

Users of the OneTwoTrip service only need to do this once. All information about yourself and your family members can be saved in a notebook and it will be automatically copied from there when purchasing tickets.

6. On what date is it more profitable to buy a ticket?

When planning your trip, you should pay attention to the seasonal coefficients of Russian Railways. The ticket price for different dates may vary significantly. Therefore, before purchasing, you should check the table of annual price changes. The above data is for compartment and SV cars.

For example, you can buy a ticket for August 31 for 1200 rubles (06/09 – 08/31 seasonal coefficient +20%). Or you can postpone the trip for a day and buy a ticket for September 1 for 1100 rubles (-10%). After September 18, the ticket will cost 900 rubles (-10%).

7. How many days before the train departure is it better to buy a ticket?

Russian Railways has a dynamic pricing system. The basic principle of its operation is simple: “What more demand and the fewer seats in the carriage, the higher the ticket price.” If you plan your trip 60 days in advance, you can save up to 50%.

September 1 - 2585 rubles;
September 11 - 2385 rubles;
October 9 - 1986 rubles;
October 26 - 1298 rubles.

8. What can you ask the conductor?

Here are the items that guide for free is obliged to provide the passenger with:

  • board games (checkers, chess, dominoes);
  • socket for charging a mobile phone;
  • cold and hot boiled water;
  • seat belts for overhead bunks;
  • cutlery.

If you want to leave feedback about the conductor’s work, then call 8-800-775-00-00 .

In 2016, 778 thousand Russians worked for Russian Railways. This number more population Montenegro.

9. How to shower on the train?

In many passenger trains There is a shower, which is located in the headquarters car. This applies to all branded and most regular formulations. To use it, you must agree with the conductor or the head of the train.

The official cost of such a service is 150 rubles. Additionally, you can buy a set of towels for 100 rubles, hygiene products for 100 rubles and disposable slippers for 50 rubles.

It is very convenient to book train and plane tickets in one application. In addition, anyone who has purchased a train ticket on OneTwoTrip can book a hotel at a special price.

11. How to monitor Russian Railways shares?

Messages about discounts appear on OneTwoTrip social media pages and as push notifications in the OneTwoTrip application. For example, now when purchasing tickets for Sapsan on the day of departure there is a 50% discount.

12. How to make money on train delays?

For every hour of delay you can receive 3% of the ticket price. To do this, you must submit an application to the Department railway, who was in charge of your train, attach to it a ticket and a certificate confirming the delay or delay.

Just remember that Russian Railways may refuse compensation if the delay was caused by “force majeure circumstances.” Which ones exactly are not mentioned.

13. How can I get a discount on utilities using train tickets?

If in your apartment no counters and the entire family was absent for more than 5 days, then within a month after returning from the trip you can submit an application for recalculation utilities to the company that provides them to you. It must be accompanied by round-trip tickets (they can be replaced with a travel certificate, a certificate from a sanatorium, or hotel receipts).

Yes, it works, including with electronic tickets. Discount on utility bills while traveling is real, our editor-in-chief did this twice last year.

From January 1, 2017, such an application must be accompanied by an “Inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices.”

14. How to lose the minimum amount of money if you return your ticket?

The amount that is returned when returning tickets is time-based:

A.) 8 hours before train departure: the full cost of the ticket plus the full cost of a reserved seat minus a fixed return fee (192 rubles 70 kopecks).

b.) Less than 8 hours and more than 2 hours before train departure: the full cost of the ticket plus 50% of the cost of the reserved seat minus a fixed return fee (192 rubles 70 kopecks)

V.) If there are less than 2 hours left before departure, you will be refunded 100% of the ticket price, but the entire cost of the reserved seat will be retained (plus fees).

How much of the ticket price goes to the reserved seat can be found in the file with information about the order, which is sent to the post office after purchasing the ticket.

If you are late, it is better to return your ticket no more than three hours after the train departs. If you meet the deadline from 3 to 12 hours, then in order to get a refund you will need to write a statement of claim.

To return tickets within 12 hours to 5 days after the train departs, you will need to attach a doctor’s certificate or other evidence that the delay was not your fault.

Cars on Russian Railways trains are divided into several types, depending on the number of seats and level of comfort. For most types of cars, Tutu.ru has a seat map.

Seat carriage

The seating carriage has free-standing soft chairs with armrests. It resembles the interior of an airplane or intercity bus, but there is much more space. It is better to take a ticket for a seated carriage when the trip lasts several hours. This way you won't have time to get tired. These are, for example, daytime express trains between Moscow and St. Petersburg or Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov.

Seated carriages vary greatly in location and number of seats, as well as in classes of service. Therefore, there is no single scheme for them. The figure shows, as an example, a diagram of the carriage of train No. 102Ya Moscow - Yaroslavl.

On Tutu.ru in the “Trains” section there are seat maps for many seated trains, including popular and. When purchasing a train ticket (on the seat selection page), the direction of travel is indicated for some trains. This allows you to select comfortable places so as not to drive backwards.

High-speed train "Strizh", 1st class carriage

Econom-class train

This is the most popular type of carriage due to the low ticket price. The carriage has 54 seats - 9 compartments with 6 beds each. Two top, two bottom and two side. There are no doors between the compartments; they are all connected by a common corridor. All the lower places are odd-numbered, and the upper ones are even-numbered.

Seats 37 to 54 are “side rooms”, they are shorter than the seats in a block of 4. Seats 33 to 38 are located near the toilet. The slamming of the door leading to the corridor and unpleasant odors may interfere here.

The windows in the third (seats 9-12) and sixth (seats 21-24) compartments do not open. This is true for older trains without air conditioning. In new trains the ventilation works fine.

Usually there are two toilets in the carriage, and there is titanium with boiling water for making tea. Each compartment is equipped with tables; on the sides there is a table and two seats if you fold out the bottom bunk. The reserved seat has a lot of space for luggage - there are compartments under the lower seats and third shelves.

In a fully occupied reserved seat it can be stuffy and cramped (especially in the side seats). Second-class carriages in branded trains are cleaner and more comfortable: there is air conditioning and a dry closet, and more sockets.

A reserved seat car in a branded train of JSC Russian Railways

General carriage

Typically this is a reserved seat carriage with three seats on each bottom bunk, including the lower side ones. This car has several serious disadvantages.

Firstly, reserved seat shelves are not suitable for long-term sitting - due to the lack of a soft back and headrest. Secondly, it creates a feeling of closeness - there are no armrests separating people from each other. Finally, in most cases, in a general carriage, all tickets are sold without a seat - whoever got there first took the best seats.

This is the least comfortable type of carriage, but it also has the cheapest ticket.

Compartment carriage

A compartment carriage usually has 32 or 36 seats, divided into compartments of four seats each. There are carriages with 38 seats, where seats 37-38 are double compartments. The bottom places are odd, and the top places are even. The compartments are isolated from each other and locked. There are folding chairs in the common corridor.

The compartment has a mirror, a table, hangers and hooks for clothes, as well as a night lamp for each passenger. Unlike the reserved seat, the compartment does not have a third shelf - it is replaced by a niche for luggage under the ceiling. Therefore, you can sit freely on the top bunk in the compartment.

Coupes are one of the most popular types of carriages due to the combination of price and comfort. There are fewer people in the carriage, extraneous conversations do not interfere, and personal belongings are safe. The compartment car, similar to the reserved seat car, has two toilets and titanium. But in a compartment there are fewer queues for the toilet compared to a reserved seat, since significantly fewer passengers travel in such a carriage.

Often, during promotions, the upper bunks in a compartment can be purchased at the price of a reserved seat. In some carriages, when purchasing a ticket, you can choose the type of compartment. Both men and women can travel in a mixed compartment, but only women can travel in a women's compartment. The type of compartment is determined by the passenger who first bought the ticket.

A compartment in a carriage of the private carrier TKS JSC

Luxury car (SV)

SV is a sleeping car. It has from 8 to 10 compartments with 2 berths, both located below. But there are suites (SV) with an upper and lower seat, but in such a compartment there are also only 2 seats. The standard suite has 18 seats. Luxury (SV) is more comfortable than a compartment car, since it does not have upper shelves. The lower shelves have a soft backrest for sitting.

In terms of the level of service, the SV is better than a compartment car - the suite usually has a button to call the conductor, air conditioning, and some trains also have a TV. Depending on the carrier company, passengers are provided with a different range of services (food, drinks, amenity kit, newspapers, linen). For example, the carrier TKS JSC has high-quality carriages and a high level of service.

Suite (SV) is suitable for a family or romantic trip when you can buy all the compartments. The main disadvantage of SV is the price of travel. It is usually 3-4 times higher than in a reserved seat and 1.5-2 times higher than in a compartment. A trip to NE will cost more expensive than an airplane to a similar distance.

Luxury carriage (SV) of the private carrier TKS JSC

Soft carriage

A soft carriage can have 4, 5 or 6 compartments. The layout of the compartment itself and its furnishings also vary greatly. Each compartment has 1 or 2 beds. If there are two seats, then the bottom one is a sofa that converts into a 120 cm wide bed. The compartments themselves are similar to a luxury suite, but have a larger area.

The soft carriage is equipped at the level of a 3-4-star hotel: each compartment has a dry closet, washbasin, shower, air conditioning, TV, soft sofa and armchair. Here you will be provided with a hot breakfast, a shower kit, a bathrobe and terry towel, and the latest newspapers. Soft carriages are equipped with a bar.

Of the minuses - high price, significantly exceeding the cost of a plane ticket.

Interior of a soft carriage branded train"Grand Express"

International carriage with 4-seater compartments

In terms of comfort level, four-seater coupes international routes similar to ordinary compartment cars on the territory of the Russian Federation. But, as a rule, new cars travel abroad, so they have many pleasant little things (for example, a display with a ticker in the corridor).

Another compartment in such a carriage can turn into a luxury if you raise the upper shelves. Depending on the route, the carriage may have a shared shower, the compartment may have air conditioning, individual lighting for each seat and sockets.

Four-seater compartment on the Moscow-Nice train. Photo taken from the website of JSC Russian Railways

International carriage with 3-seater compartments

Some international trains have three-berth compartments. There are a total of 33 seats in this carriage. In the compartment, all three berths are located below each other on one side. Such coupes can be used as two-seaters - the middle shelf remains in the raised position.

They are smaller in size than 4-seater coupes and can feel cramped. When there are three passengers in it, they are all forced to sit or lie down together, since it is impossible to sit with the middle bunk lowered. Therefore, carriages with 3-seater compartments are now used very rarely.

It’s only pleasant to drive in such a coupe if you buy all three seats together and raise the middle shelf. Among the amenities, they may have (but not all compartments have) an armchair, a table, a washbasin and a wardrobe.

When traveling by train, passengers can independently choose the desired seats in the carriage. The most convenient way to do this is to have a diagram of the carriage before your eyes.

When purchasing a ticket on the Tutu.ru website, passengers select seats either on the train car diagram, or by indicating only a range of seats. When choosing, you can see in advance which seats are already occupied and which are free. The numbering of seats in the carriage begins from the conductor's compartment.

The most popular way to travel by train is in a reserved seat. It has 54 seats, of which 18 are side. Traditionally, even places are at the top, and odd places are at the bottom. Seats 37 and 38 are much disliked by passengers. Not only are these “side seats” of dubious comfort, but they are also located near the toilet. However, if the destination is popular or the journey is short, these places are actively sold out along with others.

The compartment car has 36 seats, distributed over 9 “compartments”. One compartment has 4 shelves: two lower and two upper. The arrangement of seats in the carriage here is organized according to the same principle as in a reserved seat: even numbers are at the top, odd numbers are at the bottom. Upper berths in compartments are often sold at a discount and are sometimes even compared in price to travel in a reserved seat. There are sockets in the carriage not only near the toilets, but also in the corridor, so you can recharge your mobile phone without any problems.

Traveling in SV or luxury can be called one of the most comfortable. 18 people can travel in one sleeping car at a time, two in each compartment. The arrangement of seats here is simple - there are no upper shelves.

On international trains you can find double, triple and quadruple compartments. Such trains run to the Baltic countries and the European Union. The numbering principle here is the same as on other trains. However, in three-seater coupes it is different: the middle seats will be those ending in “3” and “4” - for example, 13 and 14.

The high-speed trains “Sapsan”, “Lastochka” and “Strizh” are equipped with seated carriages of different classes. When choosing a seat, the passenger is primarily interested in how he will sit - against or in the direction of the train. Most often, you can pre-select the location of interest in the car, but sometimes the cars can “turn over” when forming a train. In a seated carriage, when choosing a seat, you need to be especially careful so as not to be crushed under your neighbor’s knees the whole way. Most often, it will not be possible to indicate the required seats on the train on the map, so you need to know the “comfort range” in advance. As a rule, this is the middle.

A diagram of the carriage with seats usually hangs near the ticket office at the station. This does not mean that you will now have to go there - when buying a ticket on Tutu.ru, you can choose a comfortable arrangement of seats on the train on an interactive diagram, where you can see the free shelves, their tier, and also list the services that a passenger of a particular type of car receives .

When planning to travel by train, you should think about which car is better to choose on the train: reserved seat, compartment type, SV or seated. Reserved seat is the most common type passenger cars in Russia, however, as in all CIS countries, it consists of 9 compartments with 6 seats in each, for a total of 54 in 1 carriage. There are folding tables in each compartment and in the side seats. There is a passage between the 4 compartment seats and the 2 side ones. The carriage has 2 toilets, titanium for heating water, 2 vestibules, and a compartment for conductors.

Why is the reserved seat carriage so popular? The point is that this a budget option long-distance trips, during which you can relax and sleep. A reserved seat car is also called an open-type sleeping car. The socket is located opposite the toilet, in the second and eighth compartments (numbers 39-40 and 51-52). Usually there are more people who want to charge their gadgets (during long trips) than there are sockets themselves.

Places 1-4

Comfort while traveling plays a big role. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously which seats in the reserved seat are best to take.

Seats 1 to 4 are located near the conductors' compartment and the toilet. They are classified as "bad". The trip will be accompanied by passengers constantly going to the toilet, to the car conductor, to the exit at intermediate stations, and this will happen around the clock.

Reserved seat scheme

The advantages include the proximity to the exit of the carriage, which is important for travelers with heavy luggage.

Important! Charging laptops and using tees and extension cords is prohibited.

Seats 5-32

From 5 to 32 are the best seats in a reserved seat carriage. These are the shelves in the middle of the compartment section of the carriage.

Note! The windows in the third and sixth compartments do not open. And if such a coupe does not yet have air conditioning, then the trip will be a big test, especially in the summer.

Compartment part

About the side places

The side seats are in the range from 37 to 54. They also have their own characteristics, knowing which you can confidently decide whether to buy them. Sometimes a ticket for the 54th upper side seat is not sold, then it is used for business purposes.

The disadvantages of “side panels” include:

  • The smaller width of the shelf, which brings noticeable discomfort to most people and does not provide the opportunity to fully relax, lying straight up.
  • The disadvantage of the lower side seats is their design, since the table unfolds from the middle part of the seat. In order to eat at the table, the passenger above will have to disturb the neighbor below if he is resting. This often leads to disputes and discontent on both sides.
  • The side seats are considered “pass-through”. It is almost impossible to place your legs comfortably, because your neighbor’s legs are probably already under the table, and people walking back and forth prevent you from turning towards the aisle.

Among the advantages of side rails, one can note their availability: they often remain on sale in almost any direction the train travels. And people who are not tall can easily sit on the “second floor” without worrying that their legs will touch people passing by.


Riding on the sides should not bring discomfort if the trip does not last long.

If two people you know well are traveling, it is ideal to purchase tickets for the upper and lower side reserved seats.

Seats near the restroom (from 33 to 36)

Tickets with numbers 33-36 can be safely classified as “inconvenient”. Their disadvantage is that they are located near the toilet, which can be accompanied by very unpleasant odors, constant slamming of the door and drafts. Passengers are very reluctant to buy these seats, just like the side ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of upper and lower shelves

Another important point in order to choose the most comfortable seats in a reserved seat carriage is to know the features of the upper and lower shelves.

The advantages of the upper shelves are that they are unlikely to be disturbed by anyone; at any time of the day you can sit comfortably and read a book, sleep or watch your favorite movie.

The disadvantage is that it is inconvenient for elderly people, those with children, or those who are overweight. Climbing to the top is not an easy task for them. The category of people who avoid high seats also includes passengers who are afraid of falling while sleeping. In addition, in order to eat at a table, you often have to disturb the neighbor on the bottom shelf.

Upper shelves

It can be quite stuffy in the upper seats, especially if the ventilation of the carriage is not good enough, when it is a hot summer. To take your luggage, if it is in a specially designated compartment under the bottom bunk, you will have to disturb people.

The advantage of the bottom shelf is that you don’t have to climb onto it. This is the main advantage. The bottom is comfortable both to sit and lie down. You can look out the window, this will pleasantly relieve the situation on the way. To eat, you don’t need to ask anyone to vacate the seat at the table.

There are few disadvantages, but they do exist. It is almost impossible to sleep during the daytime. The upstairs neighbor will often come downstairs, for example, to go to the toilet, sit, or eat. Since the passenger in the upper bunk has every right to occupy a seat below during the daytime, this will not allow the passenger seated below to be alone in his own thoughts. From time to time you will have to watch the legs of the neighbor above, who is crawling “groaning” into his two-story apartment.

Note! You need to choose the tickets that suit you in advance, since the “good” ones are sold out first.

Features of travel for a specific category of passengers

Before deciding which seats are best for a reserved seat on a train, you need to select a passenger category:

  • pregnant women;
  • aged people;
  • suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, vestibular system;
  • children.

Due to their physiological characteristics, such people need to buy comfortable seats in advance, preferably lower ones. A pregnant woman or an elderly person is unlikely to be able to climb onto the top seat without assistance, much less get off it. A child may simply fall from the top shelf. Passengers with children warn their children that we are traveling in a reserved seat and remind them of the rules of safety and behavior on trains.

With various diseases accompanied by impaired movement and coordination, a trip on the second floor can become quite traumatic. In such cases, it is better to choose seats on the lower shelves and not far from the toilet, or to take the Russian Railways Lastochka train with seated carriages.

Traveling in a reserved seat can be pleasant and comfortable if you take care of it in advance and buy the most convenient seats for yourself, based on some of the above features.


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