Train 035 is double-decker. Branded train “Northern Palmyra. Advantages of traveling on "Northern Palmyra"

About a month ago, I spoke in detail about the state of affairs at the construction site of the bypass of Ukraine. However, the actual train on which I made this voyage remained behind the scenes. It was train No. 36 "Northern Palmyra" on the Adler - St. Petersburg route; but not an ordinary one, but a two-story one. At that time, he was making only the second regular flight in his passenger career (the first time was on the route on May 31), and that’s when I tested it.

In principle, I have already tested “two-story buildings” before long distance: in 2014 - (upper floor) and in 2015 - (lower floor), so this time I quite deliberately chose the lower floor, as it was noticeably more comfortable. What’s new is that I came across the train’s Internet portal for the first time. This is a new feature of FPK, which is now being tested for mass implementation. Therefore, in this review we will talk about it in more detail than about the rest. As for considering the pros and cons of riding on both floors of the car, I refer them to the above-mentioned previous reviews, where everything was explained in detail.

2. We leave Sochi at 17:17, late in the evening. The train schedule is quite comfortable: evening, two nights, the next day and morning arrival in St. Petersburg, the journey takes 38 hours. He leaves Adler half an hour earlier. In principle, the train goes almost empty to Sochi, and here and then in Tuapse it fills up by about 40-45% (let me remind you that this happens on June 3 - the very beginning of the season, and everyone goes the other way to the resort, and not from it). I was the only one in the compartment (there were 2 and 3 people in the neighboring compartments, respectively).

Train arrival (video)

3. The cars are completely new, it is immediately clear that another batch has been released for the new route. I immediately note that here (as in other double-decker trains that I have used), no one hands out a magnetic key card to passengers, although in general it is required. Why this is so is unclear. The first floor is noticeably higher and more comfortable in size than the second, and in general, the ride quality is very close to that of a “regular” coupe. I discussed all this in the corresponding review, I will not repeat it.

4. Train schedule.

5. For the first hour and a half, the train travels along the Black Sea. Beautiful. Beaches, boat piers, sanatorium villages. Sochi remains in the distance to the south.

6. Loo station.

7. On Lazarevskaya (this is still part of Greater Sochi) - the first large parking lot, 11 minutes. I go out and take a walk - it’s humid and hot. South.

8. Pointer in Russian Railways style.

9. Closer to the sea - nakhalstroy and all sorts of rented rooms for holidaymakers. It's so common here.

10. I didn’t go to the station, and apparently in vain. Oh well.

They came here from the dining car.
- Are you entitled to meals on your ticket, when will you pick them up?
- When is it possible?
-Tonight or tomorrow evening?
- Can I only do it once?
- Yes, there is only one reception on the ticket.
- Then tomorrow.
- Chicken, fish, pork?
- Let's have some chicken.
(went further)

11. The sea again. In the distance there is a ship's roadstead, we are approaching the port of Tuapse.

12. Goodbye, Black Sea. Now the train will sharply turn inland and begin to climb into the mountains. That's literally in a minute.

13. And oops, a surprise - the resort-impressive views are replaced by harsh industrial landscapes. Oil tanks, and then the plant. Tuapse, that's what it is :)

14. I will make a separate post about Tuapse station, but here is only one picture. We stood here for 18 minutes, missing an oncoming Lastochka and another train. The station has also been turned into a fenced fortress, like all large stations in the North Caucasus region. So if you leave, you cannot return to the territory without inspection.

15. Behind the station is an oil refinery (?) plant. It was already getting dark.

16. As the train climbed higher, it was already getting dark, and I decided to finish reading the biography of Archpriest Avvakum, and took out the reader from my backpack. But then my gaze accidentally fell on the volume control above the window, where “Wi-Fi connect” was clearly written. So, is there Wi-Fi here, or what??? We need to check. He pulled out the tablet and started it up. And definitely - there is! And not just a network, but a train portal. I had never encountered this before, and I remembered that they really talked about such plans.

I went to the conductor for tea and at the same time asked her about the Internet.
- Is this paid for?
- Yes, for a fee.
- How much?
- I don’t know yet, everything is just being tested.
- Hm... ( ok, I'll try it as is)

18. The “Route” service turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Slowly, the area where we were traveling became clear. The train's speed and coordinates, as well as signal strength, were written in small letters. The cursor moved slowly. The area could be zoomed in and out, but after every minute the entire map was automatically centered with the cursor in the middle. However, I breathed a sigh of relief - the fact is that in Sochi Megafon blocked me (I wrote about this) and I was without a normal Internet connection. This means that if the portal works, tomorrow I will accurately calculate the Ukrainian territory and the end points of the bypass being built.

19. Menu tab "About the train". It immediately shows the current speed (regardless of the GPS in the device).

20. Films divided by genres and subgenres. Uploaded to the train portal, not online. Access is fast. I looked through the menu and counted about 500-600 films.

21. Each film on the way will be paid. I clicked on the names and asked for an average of 80-140 rubles per film. Access with multiple viewing is valid for 1 day. It is not yet clear how payment will be made; the system is only being tested.

22. In the southern night we arrived at Hot Key, where the locomotive was changed. Parking time 33 minutes.

23. I walked to the station and went back to the carriage.

24. During the night, no one sat down in the compartment, neither in Krasnodar, nor in Rostov - so I was traveling alone. This morning I woke up from bright sun. Until 10 am we drove quickly and zealously, but then we stopped somewhere at a small station. We stand for 5 minutes, 10, 15... it’s not on the schedule.

I went to the conductor.
- What's happened? And the air conditioner doesn't work. The power in the sockets is gone, there is no charging!
- The locomotive broke down. We are waiting for a replacement...
About 30 minutes later, the shunter actually came and dragged us to Millerovo - it was very close. An electric locomotive was picked up there and everything was restored. Charging began again and there was a pleasant chill throughout the carriage.

26. Millerovo. The Ukrainian belt is coming soon, we need to be on guard. I look at the tablet to see when the desired station is approaching. The “Route” tab is still very convenient! Helped me out specifically when the Megaphone was turned off.

27. Took some tea. What they give here is not disgusting paper bags, but mesh pyramids. Well done. They are much nicer, more aromatic and the tea leaves are made from sheets rather than garbage. It seems like a small thing, but it’s not a small thing at all!

(the passage of the Ukrainian belt was covered in detail in a separate post, so I’m skipping it)

28. In Rossoshi, at a shortened parking lot, I managed to grab a travel kit from my auntie - I was eager to eat, and the evening was far away.

29.200 rub. - tomato, warm potato, 2 cutlets. Was covered with film. I had lunch, basically.

30. We are moving to Don.

31. The Liskies are approaching.

32. The hallmark of the entire line is the huge elevators at the stations. Mostly working, and in some places abandoned.

33. Closer to Voronezh it began to rain.

34. I follow the route using the train portal. No, it's really convenient. If only they didn’t center the position every minute, that would be great!

35. "Palmyra" has a call at Voronezh, unlike many other trains. That is, it goes to the left of the main straight line (see photo), enters the city at the main station, then changes direction and exits back through the connection. It’s strange why a normal station on the main line hasn’t been built there yet! This solution simply suggests itself. There are bridges, there are roads. There is no station with infrastructure.

36. We go to Voronezh along the side branch. The speed is low, 40 kilometers.

37. Voronezh-1 station. This is my first time here, and therefore, despite the pouring rain, I go out onto the platform to have a look.

38. The station here is also a fortress, fenced on all sides.

39. Therefore, the locomotive-monument is outside the perimeter and cannot be approached.

41. The train changes direction, and the EP1M is picked up on the other side. Now we're going back :)

Here, finally, the second passenger sat in the compartment - a grandfather, probably over 80. He walks slowly, rather poorly. But cheerful. A healthy man, a son or nephew, put him on the train. We started talking gradually - he turned out to be a military sailor, a retired capraz. He served for a long time on Novaya Zemlya, providing a nuclear weapons testing site. He loves to talk about politics, and, as it turned out a little later, also conspiracy theories - so I immediately gave him freedom of expression, without particularly interfering with my opinions :)

42. In Voronezh, the train was about 70% full, then it passed Gryazi and a lot of people sat down here (this is the advance station of the regional Lipetsk). Finally, it was time for dinner. I went into the train system and looked at the prices. My ticket included a hot dinner.

43. Well then. Around 6 pm, an aunty comes from the dining car and brings me this eggplant with rice and some chicken on top. A roll as bread.

Is that all? - I involuntarily burst out? - What is this, a “hot dinner”?
- Yes! - Seeing my bewilderment, - Everything is according to the standard!
(Hmmm... This is what “meals on a ticket” eventually degenerated into, I thought. - Aren’t these “tenants” insolent?)

43a. For comparison, this is what a real hot dinner on a ticket looked like 5 years ago (Baikal train No. 9, 2011). Soup on the right, potatoes and schnitzel on the left.

44. In the evening we drove through Ryazan-2, this is the final major stop before St. Petersburg. Here, too, people got into the carriage.

45. A Novorossiysk train arrived nearby under EP20. And they unhooked our EP1M...

46. ​​...and attached the EP2K. He will already lead us to St. Petersburg.

47. Late in the evening we began to approach Moscow, where a technical stop was planned at midnight without boarding passengers.

48. Very interesting: the train made its way through the very center of Moscow in the silence of the night, the carriage was sleeping soundly, and one could see different views of the capital:) However, there was little light, I didn’t take pictures - I just followed the movement along the train portal. Then the train stopped at the station. Nikolaevka for about 10 minutes. The station was also familiar to me, I had been there to inspect the two-story sedentary building.

49. After which we walked quite quickly all night along the main route of the October Mainline and at 7:46 arrived in Northern Palmyra.

That's it, the trip is over.

1. It’s quite normal to travel on the first floor of a 2-story building for a day and a half.
2. The train’s Internet portal is a smart undertaking (plans). If you finish it meaningfully, you will get a very popular service.
3. The route schedule is convenient.
4. The tenants (dining car) became insolent and made a mocking joke out of the ticketed food service.
5. The delay due to a breakdown of the electric locomotive in front of Millerovo was caught up in about 7 hours.
6. Magnetic lock cards are never issued to passengers. Why is a mystery...

Tickets for the train "Northern Palmyra":

  • Train tickets go on sale 45 days before the train departs. We strongly recommend purchasing tickets for the North Palmyra train in advance as it is very popular during the summer season due to holidays.
  • You also have the opportunity to use the electronic train check-in service.
  • All discounts and seasonal coefficients of Russian Railways apply to tickets.
  • If you are traveling alone, you can select a separate “male” or “female” compartment when purchasing tickets.
  • From March 1, 2011, the “branded” category for tickets in compartments for disabled people on branded trains has been removed, which means that you can buy a ticket cheaper!

Interesting facts:
"Northern Palmyra" is the name given to St. Petersburg in Russian literature in the 18th century St. Petersburg in honor of the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria.

Why you should choose the North Palmyra train:

  • Already when boarding the train you will feel that you are going to the sea! The entire environment was created to convey a seaside resort atmosphere. The textile design is presented in white and blue colors, the same colors and the shape of the conductors.
  • Traveling on branded trains is much more comfortable than on regular trains, because the noise and vibration levels are somewhat lower, which is especially important on night trains. In addition, the windows have double-glazed windows, which not only maintain the internal climate, but also prevent unnecessary noise.
  • On the train you will find professional conductors who have extensive experience working on branded trains. Their main qualities are high professionalism, politeness and courtesy. They are ready to create such a cozy atmosphere for you so that you feel at home throughout your trip.
  • The carriages are equipped with the latest computer climate control systems. The mild air conditioning works smoothly all the way.
  • All carriages have new toilets that are no longer closed off to sanitary areas. It's always clean and there's plenty toilet paper, soap.
  • At the end of each carriage there is an electronic display on which travel information is broadcast around the clock.
  • The sleeping cars of the Northern Palmyra train are very cozy, and wood is used in the decoration. The compartments of the SV carriage have TVs and an audio system.
  • Each carriage of the Northern Palmyra train has a separate shelf with sockets for recharging mobile phones.


  • The cars are equipped with fire sensors and a fire extinguishing system. Fire-resistant materials are used in the finishing of the cars.
  • The train is accompanied by transport police officers.
  • There is 24-hour video surveillance in the carriage corridors.
  • New magnetic locks are installed on the compartment and SV doors, which can be opened with individual key cards. Therefore, it is simply impossible for unauthorized passengers to enter the compartment. Cards are issued to passengers upon boarding the train.

Services in carriages:

  • serving tea or coffee at any time of the day;
  • cold boiled water in any quantity;
  • set of bed linen (for passengers of SV, compartment and luxury);
  • a set of essentials: soap, handkerchiefs, toothbrush in individual packaging, sachet with toothpaste, toothpick with floss, shoe horn and napkin, wet and paper wipes, comb, cosmetic bag;
  • making and cleaning beds;
  • providing seat belts for those traveling in overhead bunks;
  • use of a household compartment;
  • board games and newspapers (for SV passengers)

Dining car:
The dining car is decorated in modern fashion, in high-tech style, and all the space is used and serves the comfort of passengers. Here you can have dinner and just have a good time with a cup of coffee and casual conversations.
During Lent there is a separate Lenten menu. Well, upon special request, the train’s chefs will prepare vegetarian or children’s dishes for you.
Passengers of SV and business class carriages have the opportunity to order dinner in the compartment.

For passengers with reduced mobility:

  • A lift will help wheelchairs get into the carriage.
  • The staff car has a spacious compartment with two seats.
  • Special belts in the compartment help you change seats without assistance.
  • Transformable shelves can be installed in any inclined position.
  • To serve passengers with disabilities, special tables are allocated in the dining car.
  • All switches and sockets are located low and labeled with raised text for finger reading. You can also listen to the necessary information by pressing a button.
  • A passenger-conductor connection is established in the compartment.

We wish you pleasant travels!

Train 35A/36A (St. Petersburg - Adler) called “Northern Palmyra” is one of the most comfortable facilities travel around our country. Passengers of Russian Railways are provided with high-quality services, where they will travel in modern carriages along the way.

Branded express two-story train will reach final destination appointments in approximately one day and sixteen hours. Thus, the “Northern Palmyra” train will help you get to resort town residents of St. Petersburg. Traveling almost 2,500 kilometers has never been so convenient, since the carriages were recently built and designed in accordance with all modern requirements.

Northern Palmyra in literary works was often called Peter (in honor of the ancient trading city Palmyra, located on the territory of modern Syria).

Description and characteristics of a double-decker train

Double-decker cars first appeared on this route in 2014; before that, regular single-decker trains operated. Such trains still remain a rarity for Russian railways. Their undoubted advantage is their large capacity and carrying capacity, while the quality of service does not suffer. The usual entrance doors here are slightly below standard. Thus, landing on a low platform will also be very comfortable. The cars produced by the Tver Carriage Works are equipped with plastic windows and dry closets.

Train "Northern Palmyra"

A special feature of the train is its lower ceilings, and passengers also have less space for luggage. The client receives a place to lie down, a table, a mirror, a shelf and a lamp for personal use. Anyone can use two sockets located in convenient location. It is possible to get into SV using magnetic key cards. On the train, stewards will bring breakfast, lunch and dinner directly to your compartment. In all other cases, the passenger must take care of his own meals and visit the dining car (it is not open at night, starting from 23:00).

There are 3 toilets in one carriage (on 2 floors). Passengers from SV can enter one of them only with their individual card.

Dining car

Train route, schedule, stops

The Palmira train runs daily. It departs from the St. Petersburg-Glavny station at 20:25 Moscow time. The train moving along the Oktyabrskaya, Moskovskaya, North Caucasus and South-Eastern railways stops at the following major stations:

  • "Bologoe-Moskovskoe";
  • "Moscow-Tovarnaya";
  • "Ryazan II";
  • "Voronezh-1";
  • "Rostov-Glavny";
  • "Krasnodar 1";
  • "Tuapse-Passenger";
  • "Sochi".

In total, “Northern Palmyra” makes a little less than 40 stops. Travel time is about 39 hours. From the Adler station the train to reverse direction departs at 17:32 and arrives in St. Petersburg at 07:45. The length of the route is approximately 2400.

Pay attention! Daily schedule may vary depending on the season. In winter, flights may be reduced.

Car layouts and seat locations

The train consists exclusively of compartments designed for four and a compartment for two. There is no reserved seat. In the staff car, the first floor contains seats number 1-32, and the second floor contains seats 81-112. SV passengers will travel on the lower level if they purchase seats 1-14; numbers 81-96 are located above.

Dinner is included in the fare. The train is also equipped with air conditioning. There are 64 seats available in the compartment, and only 30 in the SV. Find out more about the layout and location free seats actually through the official website of Russian Railways in the “Branded trains” tab.

The passenger will be provided with a diagram and description of a specific carriage. The corridors in the Kupa and SV in the branded train are the same. Between the floors there is a cooler with hot and cold water. The passenger must ask the conductor for a mug; it is provided free of charge. Inside the coupe, the upper shelves are filled by default, bottom place you will have to prepare it yourself.

Passengers traveling to SV can call the conductor using a special button. There are also two TVs available for men and women. Each traveler is given a special hygiene kit, it consists of the following components:

  • slippers;
  • brushes for cleaning teeth;
  • pastes;
  • soap;
  • combs;
  • sponges;
  • a couple of napkins.

A more modest set is provided in the compartment; only napkins, a brush and toothpaste are available. Travelers are provided with packed lunches and dinner free of charge (it will be served at any convenient time).

Advantages of Northern Palmyra in comparison with other trains

The undoubted advantages of high-speed trains are the pleasant design and special interior of the cars, which will look beautiful and sophisticated. All trains operating on this route are modern and have only recently entered service. The electric train strictly follows the schedule and timetable; the journey between St. Petersburg and Adler will take minimal (by railway standards) time.

The carriage numbers are marked in a modern way. The usual cardboard signs have been replaced with electronic inscriptions in special windows. SV passengers are provided with key cards. On a special electronic scoreboard information about the current station and air temperature is displayed. Many travelers note the spacious compartments, the presence of sockets and small lamps above the shelf.

Disadvantages of traveling in “Northern Palmyra”

The high-speed train called “Northern Palmyra” is a two-story train. This fact sometimes causes inconvenience, since climbing to the second floor is not always comfortable with large luggage. Also, the space between the shelves will be slightly smaller than usual.

Travel conditions for children and disabled people

The Northern Palmyra train is not an ordinary train. People with disabilities will find it convenient to travel on the first floor. It is easy to enter the carriage with a wheelchair because it is located at a comfortable level. The travel rules for passengers with disabilities on the Northern Palmyra train do not differ from the standard ones for Russian Railways. The assistance of a guide is guaranteed not only during boarding, but throughout the entire journey. There are special cars equipped with a lift. There are handrails in the toilet rooms and all items are at an accessible height.

Children under five years old can travel for free if they sleep in the same bunk as their parent. In luxury class carriages it is allowed to take children under 10 years of age without buying separate ticket. Parents are required to prepare a birth certificate for the child.

How to buy a train ticket online and at the railway station ticket office

Buy travel document actually in several ways at once.

Purchase at the ticket office at the station

You can purchase a ticket at the original price at the station. The passenger will have to go to the railway station to go to the ticket office. The Russian Railways client must tell the cashier the name of the train, the date of the planned trip and the final destination.

At specialized ticket offices in the city

Train tickets are sold at specialized points located in big cities. The disadvantage of this method is the commission, consisting of several hundred rubles for one travel document.

Mobile application

This method is ideal if a traveler constantly checks the availability of tickets for a specific train. Also within the application you can read the description of stations on a specific route.

The ticket price will vary slightly, not for the better.

On the Russian Railways website

The passenger will be able to independently choose the travel date and route. Main task- visit the official website of Russian Railways and select the desired train. There are no commissions or hidden fees.

Which purchasing method to choose depends solely on the wishes of the traveler. Thus, it is realistic to buy a ticket for high speed train, which will cover more than 2000 kilometers in just 1.5 days. The trip will be comfortable and convenient, since the entire composition is new.

Branded train"Northern Palmyra" (No. 035/036) has been operating on the route St. Petersburg - Adler since 2002.

The distance between St. Petersburg and Adler by rail is 2,434 km. The train covers this route in 1 day and 16 hours. On the way he makes 25 stops. The longest stop at Likhaya station is 35 minutes.

Palmyra is an ancient and rich city in Syria, famous for its magnificent architecture. In his honor, from the 18th century, St. Petersburg began to be called Northern Palmyra, and after that, the train that departs from Northern capital Russia.


The North Palmyra train runs on even numbers.

The schedule of the Northern Palmyra train is very convenient - in St. Petersburg you board at 20:00, and arrive in Adler every other day, at 10:40.

The train leaves Adler at 15:47 and arrives in St. Petersburg at 7:40.

The train does not stop in Moscow.

On you can see the detailed schedule of the Northern Palmira train, buy tickets and arrange electronic registration.

There are 3 more trains with the same number (105/106): “Nightingale” (Moscow - Kursk), “Chernomorets” (Odessa - Kyiv) and “Druzhba” (Chisinau - Bucharest).

Train composition

The train includes compartment, reserved seat and sleeping cars (SV), and a restaurant.

Unlike other branded trains of Oktyabrskaya railway, the North Palmyra train has the longest route.

Between the stations of Tver and Ryazan the longest distance the train goes without stopping is 372 km. And the smallest one between the stations of Khosta and Adler is 8 km.

Ticket prices

Ticket price to reserved seat carriage for the Northern Palmyra train will be about 2,800 rubles, for a compartment car - 5,383 rubles. The most high prices for tickets to sleeping cars - 9,842 rubles.

Ticket sales begin 90 days before departure.

The staff car has a compartment for disabled people. They are equipped with special handrails and belts, which allows you to change seats independently. Sockets and switches are low.

The Northern Palmyra train has a compartment for children, where they can have fun during the trip.

You can buy tickets and register electronically today on

Many residents of St. Petersburg, which has a humid climate, consider resorts located on the Black Sea coast an ideal holiday destination. Very popular among vacationers from the city on the Neva thanks to clean sea, beautiful landscapes and developed tourism infrastructure Adler uses it. Get to it in as soon as possible While staying in an atmosphere full of comfort, you can take the train, which has its own name “Northern Palmyra”. In this article we will talk about the features of traveling on this comfortable vehicle.

Origin of the name

The train "Northern Palmyra", whose route is the longest among the branded trains of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, received its name, distinguished by its sonority, from the poetic "name" of St. Petersburg. The city, founded by Peter I, began to be called so in honor ancient center trade located on Syrian territory.

Everything began to be called Northern in the 19th century, during the heyday of the era of classicism. The city, striking in its beauty, has also been compared to Northern Venice. Tourists from Europe who visited it admired the splendor of the beautiful facades, a large number columns, majestic architectural structures cities on the Neva. He looks like a famous one ancient city called Palmyra for its elegant and rich architecture.

The history of the train

The train "Northern Palmyra" (035a), which has two floors, has been running between St. Petersburg and Adler since 2013. It consists of a dining car, luxury compartment and sleeping cars.

Until this year, this train, which appeared in the late nineties, had a single-story train. Over time, it lost the required level of service and maintenance, lost the right to be called a brand name and was cut down by the decision of the railway management.

G. Komarov, who became the helm of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, decided to revive the “Northern Palmyra”, and in the summer of 2002, the updated single-decker train again began to run along its route.

Branded train route

Usually delivers passengers to their destination within 38 hours. It stops less along the route than other trains, passing major cities with short stops. stops in the city of Bologoe, located in the Tver region, then stands for a minute in Tver itself.

Then the "Northern Palmyra" train travels non-stop for 372 kilometers to Ryazan. It also stops at and before arriving at its destination in Goryachiy Klyuch, Tuapse, Lazarevsky, Loo, Sochi and Khosta. The train runs for an hour and a half along the Black Sea, passing by beaches, boat piers, and sanatoriums. Passengers have the opportunity to admire the incredible beautiful scenery. Then “Northern Palmyra” turns into the mountains and “climbs” higher and higher.

The appearance of this vehicle is modern and stylish. This can be called its distinctive feature. The speed of the train can reach 250 kilometers per hour.

Advantages of traveling on "Northern Palmyra"

The North Palmyra train (passenger reviews indicate this) has advantageous differences from other trains. Its comfortable carriages are equipped with:

  • bio-toilets operating during stops;
  • air conditioning and heating systems;
  • compartment for passengers with disabilities;
  • stairs with handrails;
  • video surveillance system;
  • electronic boards with information for passengers.

Train tickets include breakfast and bed linen good quality. Passengers of the Northern Palmyra train receive from the conductors a certain set of products to have a snack on the way. They can also order food from the dining car without leaving their compartment.

You can use the Internet on the train; there are special compartments for children where they can spend their leisure time. To connect to the network, you just need to ask the conductor for the access code and enter it.

Disadvantages of traveling on this train

Trip to double decker train"Northern Palmyra" (passenger reviews confirm this fact) still includes some inconveniences.

This train has less space allocated for hand luggage, it does not have a luggage rack on top, and all luggage has to be placed at the bottom.

On the upper shelves of the second floor, due to the slope of the roof, large people may experience discomfort.

It can be inconvenient to climb the stairs to the top floor with luggage.

In some cases, passengers are not satisfied with the quality of food, the appearance of bed linen, or the operation of the air conditioner.

The schedule of the Northern Palmyra train directly depends on the time of year. In autumn and winter period the number of trains is decreasing. At the end of spring and summer months, there are significantly more trains running, as the number of residents of St. Petersburg wanting to relax in warmer climes increases significantly.


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