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With characteristic herbaceous vegetation and small interspersed trees and shrubs, it is called savanna.

African savannas occupy more than 40% of the continent's area. They are distinguished by diverse fauna and flora. Moreover, according to scientists, this is one of the most environmentally friendly regions of the planet.


The savannas of Africa have a warm tropical climate. Sharply dry winter period. average temperature the hottest month is +30 °C and above, in the coldest month the temperature does not drop below +18 °C. Precipitation falls no more than 2500 mm per year.

African savannah soil

In this region, conditions for plant development are difficult - the soil contains practically no nutrients (or in very small quantities). During drought, it dries out so much that deep cracks appear on the surface and fires often occur. During the wet season, the soil becomes waterlogged.

African savannah vegetation

To survive, savannah trees acquired certain specific properties that protect them from drought and heat. The most striking representative of the savanna flora is the baobab. The diameter of its trunk often reaches 8 meters. This giant grows up to 25 meters in height.

The thick baobab trunk and bark are capable of accumulating moisture like a sponge. Long and powerful roots absorb moisture from deep in the soil. Africans learned to use baobab shoots and leaves for food, and to make various tools from the bark.

Despite not the most favorable conditions, the flora of the savannah (Africa and other continents) is quite diverse. Here you can find plants that are better adapted than others to drought, which lasts for more than one month.


The savannah has very thick and lush grass. For example, ivory, which has huge leaves up to 50 cm long and a stem of about two meters. In addition, aloe and wild asparagus, as well as many cereal plants, feel quite comfortable here.

sausage tree

Very unusual (for a European) is the sausage tree growing in these places. It got its name thanks to the unusual fruits that grow up to 50 cm in length. According to local residents, they are used in the treatment of rheumatism and syphilis. In addition, it is a mandatory attribute in rituals to expel evil spirits.

Looking at a photo of the African savannah, you will notice that there are many different palm trees in these areas. And indeed it is. There are several types of similar trees here.

In addition, the flora is rich in thorny bushes and mimosas - a favorite delicacy of giraffes.

It should be noted that during a period of drought in the savannah, all vegetation seems to freeze: often during this period, trees completely shed their leaves, and the grass sometimes completely burns out under the hot sun. There are frequent fires here, which damage the vegetation.

But when the rainy season comes, it comes to life again. Fresh, lush grass appears and various plants bloom.

Animals of Africa (savannah)

The vast expanses of the savannah are home to many representatives of the fauna that came to these regions due to migration phenomena, which are primarily associated with changes climatic conditions on the ground.

Millions of years ago, Africa was covered with rain forests, but gradually the climate became drier, and therefore huge areas of the forest disappeared forever. Their place was taken by open forests and fields overgrown with herbaceous vegetation. In turn, this contributed to the emergence of new animals that were looking for favorable conditions for life. According to scientists, giraffes were the first to come from the jungle, followed by elephants, antelopes of various species, monkeys and other herbivores. It is quite natural that predators - servals, cheetahs, lions, jackals and others - followed them into the savannah.

Antelopes and zebras

The appearance of the wildebeest is so unique that it is difficult to confuse it with another animal - a dense and short body on disproportionately thin legs, a heavy head decorated with sharp horns and mane, and a bushy tail. Next to them there are always small herds of cute African horses - zebras.


Photos of the African savannah that we see in textbooks and brochures travel companies, they definitely show us one of the typical representatives of the fauna of these places - giraffes. Once upon a time, the number of these animals was very large, but they were the first to suffer from white colonists - their skins were used to make coverings for carts. Now giraffes are protected, but their numbers are small.


They are the largest land animals in Africa. It is impossible to imagine savannahs without huge steppe elephants. They differ from their forest counterparts in their powerful tusks and wider ears. By the beginning of the 21st century, the number of elephants had greatly decreased, but thanks to conservation measures and the creation of reserves, there are more elephants today than in the last century.


The fate of the whites and those inhabiting the African savannah raises serious concerns among scientists. Their horns are worth four times more than elephant tusks. Therefore, they are the most desirable prey for poachers. Only those created in helped to protect these animals from complete extermination.


The savannas of Africa are inhabited by many predators. The undisputed primacy among them is lions. They live in groups (prides). They include adults and young animals. In prides, responsibilities are clearly distributed - young and active lionesses provide food for the family, and males guard the territory.

Leopards and cheetahs

These predators are a little similar to each other in appearance, but differ in their lifestyle. The cheetah's main prey is the gazelle. The leopard is a universal hunter; it successfully hunts wild pigs), baboons, and small antelopes.


There are many insects and worms in the grass and soil, so the fauna of the savannah is different big amount representatives of birds. They flock here from all over the world. The most common are storks, red-billed quilles, vultures, marabou, vultures, horned crows, etc. The savannas are home to the largest and, perhaps, one of the most beautiful birds in the world - ostriches.

The picture of the animal world of the African continent would be incomplete if we did not mention termites. There are dozens of species of these insects. Their buildings are a characteristic element of the savannah landscape.

It should be noted that animals are highly revered in Africa. It is not without reason that their images can be seen on the coats of arms of many African states: a lion - Congo and Kenya, a zebra - Botswana, an elephant - Ivory Coast.

The fauna of the African savannah has developed over the centuries as an independent whole. The degree of adaptation of animals to specific conditions is unusually high. This includes a strict division according to the method of nutrition and the composition of feed. Some use shoots of young shrubs, others use bark, and others use buds and buds of plants. In addition, different animals take the same shoots from different heights.


Savannah South Africa- a place where diametrically opposed landscapes and amazing ecosystems are surprisingly combined. The harsh struggle for life in these places is in amazing harmony with luxurious nature, and the richness of the flora and fauna is with attractive exoticism and African flavor.

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The most original adaptations have been developed by plants to survive lack of moisture in the dry tropics: African savannahs, tropical forests Madagascar and northern Australia, South American deciduous woodlands - caatingah.

Most adapted to dry times dry season years turned out to be trees from the family yourself water Baobab bombaxes. Many of their species are unusual cork absorbs quickly not only externally, but also she becomes light according to the structure of wood, which plays a role water Baobab giant accumulator and moisture keeper in Baobab giant plant dry period. The wood of these trees peaceTo increase stock soft and heavy due to flora For increase the water it contains. At giant of the plant world When it dries it becomes as light as these trees are soft cork, but unlike The wood of these trees corks quickly absorb bombax family Many water.

years there were trees

To increase the water supply trunks time of year turned out to be trees grow greatly. An example of this structure of wood playing serve Brazilian Cavanilesia - bottle tree, or whatever it is called wood playing a role called by local residents, “the tree of life”, period Wood of these and a giant of the plant world dry period Wood baobab.

Giraffe is a decoration of the savannah, thanks to its graceful gait and surprisingly long neck. Translated from Latin, the name of the giraffe is translated as “camel-leopard,” apparently the discoverers considered it a cross between these animals. In addition to the long neck, the giraffe is also characterized by a tongue up to 45 cm long. These animals feed mainly on tree leaves; their growth allows them to reach the youngest and most delicious foliage. But drinking for a giraffe is completely uncomfortable; you have to spread and bend your legs. The long neck of the animal has the same number of cervical vertebrae as all mammals (7 pieces).

Elephants living in savannas are especially large; they are also called steppe or African elephants. They are distinguished by more powerful tusks and wide ears. Like ungulates, elephants heavily trample the plant surface of the savannah. The animals live in groups led by a large elephant. Thanks to their tusks, these heroes were on the verge of extinction a hundred years ago, but with the help of nature reserves this situation has returned to normal.

One cannot ignore the main predator of the savannah, king of beasts - lion. Almost all inhabitants of the plains become its prey. Lions usually live in groups (prides), which include adult males and females, as well as their cubs. Responsibilities are very clearly distributed between members of the pride: lionesses are engaged in obtaining food, and large and strong males guard the territory.

Lives on the open plains of Africa cheetah, the fastest animal on Earth. While chasing its prey, it can reach speeds of up to 110 km/h. The special flying movements of the cheetah are explained by the peculiarities of its running, where the animal rests on only two paws. The cheetah is both strong and amazingly fast, which allows it to overtake prey such as antelope or zebra.

However, it is impossible to describe all the diversity of the savanna fauna. All this can be seen more clearly and colorfully in documentaries dedicated to the species richness of the fauna of this natural zone.

Nature film series - Savannah. Animal world


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