Ml in hand luggage. How much liquid can you carry in hand luggage? How much water can you take in hand luggage?

- a question that interests passengers of many airlines. People do not always understand what belongs to this category of luggage, what items can be taken into the cabin, and what is better to leave at home or check in with regular cargo.

What is the essence?

First, let's look at what is considered hand luggage on an airplane. This is a special type of baggage that is allowed to be taken into the cabin of an airliner. It has its own rules and regulations for transportation, depending on the rules of the airline. For example, economy class passengers receive one seat, and business class and 1st class passengers receive twice as many.

It is believed that the equivalent of one place is a bag or backpack containing personal items. This is wrong. The main criterion is weight hand luggage and its dimensions. It is these parameters that the carrier is based on. Such baggage is subject to a number of restrictions, which may vary.

General prohibitions

Before checking in for a flight, it is important to be clear about what you cannot take on the plane. Generally speaking, the category of prohibited cargo includes weapons, liquefied gases, as well as dangerous substances (radioactive, toxic, caustic). The category of prohibited items also includes explosives, liquefied gases, sharp objects, including household appliances such as wire cutters, a corkscrew, scissors, a folding knife and others.

Below we will consider in detail what you can take in hand luggage on a plane, and what items are prohibited in relation to food, cosmetics, medicines, digital equipment and other cargo.


First, let's look at what you are allowed to carry. from food. As a rule, airlines restrict passengers in this matter by prohibiting the carriage of jelly-like and liquid foods. But you can take with you:

  • Nuts.
  • Fruits.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cookie.
  • Chips and other products.

If you are flying with a child, you are allowed to take baby food. If jellies, juices or yoghurts are found before departure, they will most likely be prohibited from being carried. This also applies to food that is packaged in cans. Those products that are allowed to be brought on board are recommended to be packed in transparent bags, which speeds up the inspection procedure.

Before departure, pay attention to the carrier's requirements, as they may vary. Pay special attention to goods from DutyFree stores. They are allowed to be taken on the plane, but only if they are packaged in a bag and have a receipt in hand.

Cosmetical tools

Women often ask what they can take with them. from cosmetics. As a rule, carriers allow you to bring into the cabin:

  • Blush.
  • Eyeliner.
  • Shadows.
  • Powder and other means.

As for jelly-like compositions, as well as liquids that are packaged in containers larger than 0.1 liters, it is prohibited to take them with you. The only option is to transfer your items to checked luggage. In addition, it is not permitted to bring pressurized cans into the cabin. In this case, the total volume of liquids carried should not exceed 1000 ml. This nuance should be taken into account before departure.

Medical supplies

An equally important issue is medications. The following medications are allowed as hand luggage:

  • Pills.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Materials for dressing.
  • Various drops.

All products should be sealed and carried with instructions for use. Otherwise, customs officers may have questions for the passenger, up to and including the need to conduct a detailed inspection. If there is an injury, hand luggage can be supplemented with special means for movement, for example, crutches. Regarding the upper limit of liquids, the same rules apply here as mentioned above.

Digital equipment

According to airline rules, you can take digital equipment on board the plane - a laptop, player, tablet, camera, charger and even a hairdryer. But there is a limitation regarding mobile phones. It can be brought into the cabin, but must be turned off. This is due to safety concerns, as radiation from mobile devices can interfere with the operation of aircraft electronics.

If you plan to carry large equipment with you that exceeds the permissible dimensions, it is better to check it as regular luggage.

What to do with documents and jewelry?

According to airline rules, you are allowed to take valuables, jewelry, wallets and important documents. You also need to take your passport with you so as not to accidentally end up in a foreign country without documents. There are situations when luggage does not fit on one plane and then it can be sent on the next flight.

Clothing and personal care items

If we consider personal hygiene items, you can take them on board the plane toothbrush and paste, a comb (without a handle), wet wipes and even nail polish remover. At the same time, it is prohibited to take cutting or piercing things into the salon. This rule also applies to nail scissors.

From clothes you can take with you a coat, a jacket (sweater), an umbrella, a blanket and a shawl. Generally speaking, it is allowed to take almost all clothing if it does not contradict the airline’s rules and does not exceed the permissible standards (dimensions, weight).

What are the weight and size restrictions?

Separate question - How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?. Here, each airline has its own rules, which depend on the destination, ticket price, flight class and other factors. There are only two main criteria, namely size and weight:

  • Dimensions. They should not exceed 56 cm in length, 46 cm in height, and 25 cm in width.
  • Weight. Here the requirements differ, and various airlines limits may range between 3 and 15 kg.


Despite some similarity in the requirements of air carriers regarding hand luggage, some rules are strictly individual. For example, low-cost airlines that provide budget flights are stricter about hand luggage and allow you to take a minimum of things into the cabin. There is a maximum of one seat per person. More established companies will have fewer restrictions. In any case, it is important to clarify these points in advance, even before purchasing a ticket and checking in for the flight.

When planning a trip, a tourist must know exactly how much liquid can be carried on the plane, so as not to violate the requirements of the air carrier. Each company sets its own rules, which must be studied before flying. This will help you not to spoil your mood and not lose the necessary things during the inspection.

What belongs to the category "liquid"

Restrictions on the transportation of liquids are related to ensuring aviation security

Liquids on airplanes are not only water or juice. This category includes:

  • baby food;
  • dairy products - yogurt, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • cosmetic products - mascara, creams, toothpaste, suntan oil;
  • cleansing gel, perfume, Eau de Toilette, deodorants (aerosols);
  • packaged soft cheese - feta, mozzarella, camembert;
  • honey, jams, preserves;
  • red or black caviar;
  • homemade preparations, canned foods with 25–30% syrup or juice.

A passenger cannot always accurately determine whether a particular substance is classified as a liquid from the airline’s point of view. Jar baby food with puree or porridge will definitely be interpreted as liquid. Canned meat or fish are also considered liquid products.

How much liquid can you carry on a plane?

It is better to find out in advance the allowed number of milliliters or liters to avoid unpleasant situations at the airport

The total volume of liquids carried is set by the airline's rules, but these rules vary depending on whether the passenger takes the containers with him on the plane or leaves them in a suitcase with checked baggage.

In hand luggage

Restrictions on the carriage of liquids on an airplane are mainly imposed on transporting them as part of hand luggage.

The container containing the liquid contents should not exceed 100 ml in volume. The maximum number of such packages in a bag with personal belongings is 10 pieces, with a total volume of one liter. This rule applies most often to Russian airlines.

It should be remembered that the 100 ml limit does not refer to the amount of contents of the tube, but to its denomination. So, if a passenger tries to bring an almost empty 200-250 ml jar on board the plane, it will not be allowed on board.

All bottles and tubes with liquid must be closed and packed in a sealed bag, the size of which cannot exceed 20 x 20 cm. The use of an opaque and unclosed bag is not allowed. In addition, there is only one plastic bag per passenger.

According to the rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage, the following substances are allowed on the plane:

  • baby food in the form of purees or diluted mixtures - when traveling with babies under two years of age;
  • medical diabetic medications required by the passenger - subject to an appropriate certificate from a doctor;
  • expressed breast milk.

All liquids that are excluded from general rule, must be searched by airport security. You need to be prepared for the fact that if the slightest doubt arises, an employee may offer the passenger to try the contents of a bottle of baby food.

The medications that a tourist intends to take with him on the plane must be included in the list of approved medications in the country where the traveler is going. For example, Corvalol cannot be transported to the USA, and in many European countries You will need to fill out a special form in accordance with Article 75 of the Schengen Convention.

First aid for wounds: brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and other antiseptics, according to the rules for transportation in hand luggage on an airplane, should not exceed a volume of more than 1 liter per person

Potent prescription drugs can be transported with a stamped certificate from a doctor. In most cases, the security service will require a medical certificate translated into an international language and notarized.

Before you travel by plane, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with current rules transportation of liquids as part of hand luggage when connecting flights- V different countries There may be various restrictions.

In luggage

It is important to transport liquids in luggage in plastic containers, as glass bottles can break during loading

There is no limit on the volume of liquid carried in packed baggage. You can put any containers in a suitcase, the main thing is not to exceed permissible weight filled container:

  • economy class - 20 kg;
  • business and first class - 30 kg;
  • for children under two years old - 10 kg.

Each kilogram of cargo in excess of the established limit must be paid at the air carrier's tariffs. The suitcase should not be damaged; for reliability, it is advisable to wrap it with a special film.

Baby food, perfumes and cosmetics can be safely placed in a suitcase, focusing only on the total weight of the luggage. And regarding alcoholic beverages or medications, you should familiarize yourself with customs regulations on the import and export of certain categories of cargo.

Good alcohol costs a lot, so knowledge customs rules and airline restrictions will save you from unnecessary expenses and delays when passing control

Alcohol is only allowed to be carried by passengers who have reached the age of majority. Before your flight, you need to clarify how much alcoholic beverages can be transported duty-free.

Different quantities of alcoholic beverages are allowed to be transported in airplane luggage, varying in strength:

  • up to 24% alcohol - unlimited;
  • 24%-70% – 5 liters per person;
  • over 70% cannot be transported.

At international flights There are differences between the standards for transported alcohol. All alcohol must be packaged in store containers and have factory labels.

From Duty Free

Alcohol and other liquids purchased at Duty Free can be carried in hand luggage if they are properly packaged

Most people traveling abroad take the opportunity to stock up on alcohol or perfume at the airport's duty free shops. Here you can buy a bottle of alcohol in containers larger than the permitted 100 ml and take it with you on board the plane.

In air travel, there is a rule according to which the total weight of hand luggage should not be more than 10 kilograms per passenger. This restriction does not apply to Duty Free products provided that the original packaging remains intact and each purchase is accompanied by a sales receipt.

It is not recommended to consume alcohol purchased at Duty Free; this may lead to confiscation of the alcohol and a fine for the passenger.

Limits for transporting liquids for different airlines

Many air carrier requirements are indicated on their official websites.

Each air carrier has the right to establish its own rules for the transportation of hand luggage and baggage. the main objective requirements - safety.


Each passenger of this airline has the right to carry up to 15 kg of hand luggage on board the aircraft. This includes a briefcase or handbag(5 kg) and a main piece weighing 10 kg with a sum of parameters of 115 cm. The dimensions of hand luggage are strictly controlled - 55 cm in length, 40 cm in width and 20 cm in height.

Goods purchased in Duty Free must be transported in a sealed bag, the sum of the lengths of the sides is no more than 115 cm. All purchases made in the free trade zone should be placed here.

The requirements for transporting liquids are standard - no more than 10 containers of 100 ml each.

"S7 Airlines"

The general rules for transporting liquids on this airline comply with Aeroflot requirements. A distinctive feature is that diet food and medications are not included in the total weight of hand luggage and can be carried additionally.

A significant disadvantage for S7 Airlines passengers are recommendations for transporting goods from Duty Free. Each person can take on board the aircraft only one package weighing 3 kg and with a total dimensions of 75 cm.


In company " North wind»A passenger is allowed to take no more than 1 piece of hand luggage weighing 5 kg on the plane. In this case, it is allowed to transport 1 liter of liquid in 10 separate containers. All bottles and jars must be in a separate closed bag.

During international flights, you can check in checked baggage up to 2 liters of strong alcohol, toiletries and perfumes in the form of sprays or aerosols - up to 0.5 liters per passenger, alcohol-based or varnish-based liquids - up to 0.2 liters. This also includes acetic acid, the permitted amount of which is up to 0.5 liters per person.

When planning a flight, you should not overload your hand luggage with unnecessary items. Passengers always have the opportunity to purchase special sets of toiletries packaged in a transparent bag at the airport. In addition, all air carriers provide passengers with drinking water and drinks during the flight, so it is not necessary to carry liquids with you on the plane.

Those who decide to travel by airline are required to know the rules for transporting liquids in checked luggage and hand luggage. It is worth saying that the standards for all air carriers in the world are identical; there may be some differences in the rules. Also, when making domestic flights, there are some additions and permissions for prohibitions. Next, we will tell you in more detail how much liquid you can take on a plane in your hand luggage.

There are certain conditions regarding liquids in hand luggage on an airplane. If you transport liquid in the cabin, it should not exceed 1 liter. Containers cannot be larger than 100 ml. Remember that even if you decide to transport a 200 g tube of cream, and the contents are less than 100 grams, you will not be allowed to take it into the salon.

If you take liquid into the cabin, it should not be more than 1 liter in total, but it should also be transported in a transparent bag with a zipper. Such bags can be easily purchased at office supply stores; their dimensions are often 200x200 mm.

A package with contents is often shown when passing through the Security Service, whose representatives may have different views on what is being transported. Some may glance at the package, others may force you to not only open the package, but also the tubes to make sure that you are not carrying anything prohibited. So this should be remembered.

Important! If you want to complete the SB without delays, we advise you not to store the liquid substance in a container with the specified volume. In this case, the representatives will not have any questions for you.

You can also get out of the situation if you purchase the so-called “summer set” with plastic transparent containers with markings that should not raise any questions for the customs service.

As for baby food, it is not necessary to pack it in cellophane, since this applies to food, that is, the child must be fed on board during the flight.

Let's talk about liquids

If you think that the concepts of liquids include only juices, waters and alcohol, then this is not so. Air carriers define the following as liquids:

  • yoghurts;
  • alcohol;
  • food for children;
  • soft cheeses, such as mozzarella, feta and so on;
  • seaming, compotes;
  • jam;
  • canned food;
  • gels, shampoos;
  • aerosols, deodorants, antiperspirants, creams.

The above options can be taken from the interior of the liner. However, carrying liquids on an airplane is subject to the 100 ml limit rule.

Most travelers make the mistake of carrying it in their hand luggage. canned food, and they are then thrown away or put into luggage. Moreover, even if canned food contains 99% solid products, in any case they subject to the concept of liquids. Well, since the standard volume of canned food is 250 ml, this already violates the rules.

To transport “liquids,” you can purchase plastic containers that will simplify their transportation without raising customs questions.

If you take food for a child under 2 years old to the salon, it may be more than 100 ml. But the supply should be enough to feed the child during the flight.

Concerning alcoholic drinks, then they are also a controversial product for transportation in hand luggage. Some air carriers had prohibition laws prohibiting the transport of alcohol on board. Even drunk passengers are not allowed into the cabin. Well, if you suddenly start drinking alcohol on board, you may be fined. Therefore, you need to keep an eye on this as well.

Medicines on the plane

Medicines are an important topic of discussion when transported on board. by law transportation of medicines is not prohibited However, there are also restrictions on them. Bubbles for transportation in baggage in the cabin of an airliner must be 100 ml each and no more than 1 liter. If they contain a substance classified as a narcotic, you must have a certificate from a doctor with a stamp stating that you need this medicine.

Some airlines allow you to transport if necessary. You should also have a prescription with you, which will allow you to transport liquid medicines in bottles no larger than 100 ml in hand luggage, but only in original packaging. Do not try to pour medications into separate containers. If this does happen, pack the drug in a transparent bag and you must report this when going through security.

Important! When crossing the country, you will have to translate the recipe into English language professional translator.

Moreover, Some countries have introduced a ban on drugs that are approved in our country. For example, this could be Nurofen, Corvalol, Valocordin, various cough syrups. Therefore, before flying, you should study the legislation of the host country. It is also prohibited to transport panthenol and similar aerosol medicines. If there is a need for you to have medicine on board, you must take an extract and a certificate from a doctor.

Remember, if you fly without a prescription, and the receiving party finds drugs prohibited for import on you when passing through customs, a criminal case will be opened against you.

Duty Free and liquid

Transporting liquids on an airplane from Duty Free stores. If you purchase any liquids from duty-free shops, they The “100 ml” rule does not apply. Therefore, you can freely buy perfumes or alcohol there, but remember that your hand luggage does not exceed the allotted weight limits. Also, during the flight, do not unpack the goods before boarding; let them be sealed.

Important! If you are flying with transfers, you should not unpack products from Duty Free, as they will immediately fall under the rules and regulations for the carriage of hand luggage. Some EU countries have vetoed the import of goods purchased in a free trade zone outside the EU.

Transportation of caviar

No matter how strange it may sound, but caviar also refers to liquids. It, like other liquids, is subject to the “100 ml” rule. That's why it's important to take this into account. Also caviar should be transported in factory sealed packages. When flying domestically, you can safely carry caviar even in plastic containers and even above a certain limit, but it should be carried in the luggage compartment and not in the cabin of the airliner.

You should also know that all countries have restrictions on the import of caviar. For example, more than 250 g of black caviar and up to 5 kg of red caviar cannot be transported into the territory of the Russian Federation. But import into European countries is no more than 125 g of black caviar.

Rules for transporting liquids in baggage

If you are wondering how much liquid you can carry on an airplane in luggage, having studied all the standards and limits for transporting liquid contents in the cabin of an airliner, then airlines have not introduced restrictions on them. - do not allow overweight free luggage. The main thing is to ensure that the liquids you carry are securely packaged to prevent leaks and damage to the luggage of other passengers.

Concerning alcoholic drinks, then customs officers of different countries set restrictions on their import, this is especially important if there is an international flight. Therefore, if you are flying to a certain country, carefully study its rules on the amount of import/export of alcohol, because they are different for all countries.

After the terrorist attacks in Great Britain, a clear program to combat extremists was developed and very strict restrictions on the transport of liquids on planes were introduced in 2007.

General requirements - in hand luggage in the cabin passenger can take if desired no more than one liter of liquid, packaged in at least 10 bottles or containers, packaged in one transparent zip-lock bag or large transparent cosmetic bag. We clarify that each bottle or container can be full or half-empty, but the volume must be no more than 100ml, less please. These requirements must be met on domestic or outbound flights to the US, EU, Russia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Cyprus, Asia and the Middle East.

So, let’s remember what liquids include:
- cosmetics (shampoos, foams, gels, lotions, suntan oil, nourishing masks...);
- perfumes (perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, deodorants, mascara, lipstick...)
- food and drinks (alcohol, juices, soups, honey and jam, purees and everything else that is not free-flowing like sugar or cereal);

At the airport there are large special boxes where, after inspection, they throw in everything that is selected - something that resembles a liquid and exceeds the requirements and norms. Favorite haute couture perfumes and shampoos suffer the same fate - the destruction of cosmetics. You cannot violate the rules for transporting liquids on an airplane; you will not be allowed on the flight if you make a fuss. Therefore, on the road it is very convenient to take your favorite cosmetics and perfumes in disposable packaging, or use empty bottles of vitamins or medicines, the volume is already indicated - no need to bother. Pack the rest in large containers in your luggage. Difficulties await only those who fly without luggage; here you will have to buy either on the spot or in Duty Free boutiques. Keep this in mind when packing your bag for the trip.

Limits on liquid volume in hand luggage do not apply to baby or diet food, medicines and dietary supplements, liquids for lenses required during the flight. Additional baby food in bottles or vacuum jars, water, milkshakes, and juices for travel are allowed only for children under 3 years of age. During security screening at the airport, you may be asked to taste a questionable liquid..

The need for medications for personal use, dietary supplements (if they are classified as medications), and dietary nutrition must be confirmed by a doctor’s report and a prescription. When flying to Schengen countries, a form under Article 75 must be filled out.

If you are flying with a child and want to insure yourself against any force majeure situations (flight delays, etc.), then you can take two bags with your usual juices and drinks on the trip - take one with you that meets all flight safety rules into the aircraft cabin, and you will use the second smaller one in the waiting area. Any juices and drinking water can be additionally purchased in the duty-free zone; prices are almost always affordable.

Always remember that you can board the plane take purchases from Dutyk only in branded sealed packaging and a receipt, and open only during the flight. Only allowed on low-cost airlines one hand luggage, so purchase packages need to be placed in a bag hand luggage. According to reviews from frequent frequent flyers, the most low prices at Duty Free in London, Rome, Frankfurt and Munich.

Aquarists suffered greatly from the introduction of standards for the transportation of liquids: - previously, fish could be freely transported in the cabin of an airplane, but now fig. You can only fry or small ones - 50 ml of liquid is poured into a sealed individual bag, the fry is released - the rest is pumped with oxygen, or air for labyrinth fish. Traveler fish survive freely for two days. When they fly in the cabin, there are no problems, but in the luggage compartment they will be frozen or crushed during loading.

When traveling, you can take a travel water filter with you - it’s very convenient, especially since during the flight you need to drink a lot of liquid so that your blood does not thicken.
Often, instead of baby food on a flight, it is better to take dry formula, a sippy cup, a sippy cup, a device for heating food, and the flight attendant will always bring hot water, and put a cooler bag for food in your luggage.

The amount of liquid allowed for export or import into a country in luggage is indicated in the customs code of a particular country.
For example, when flying within the European Union, you can import duty-free:
- 110 liters of beer or
- 90 liters of wine or,
- 60 liters of sparkling wine or,
- 10 liters of alcohol with an alcohol strength of more than 22% or;

and when importing alcohol from non-EU countries into Spain, completely different rules apply:
beer - 16 liters or wine - 4 liters
or strong alcohol only 1 liter.

And from Moldova you can export no more than 2 liters of wine and 5 liters of beer for personal drinking. When transporting alcohol, you need to clarify the export rate from the country of departure and the rate of import of alcohol in the country of arrival. They must either match, or your transported alcohol must meet the minimum standard, otherwise there may be trouble. A purely everyday story - one tourist took with her 5 liters of original fragrant wine as a souvenir of her beloved country, specifying the export norm - everything was within the limits of the law. She flew to her home country, was checked with a scanner and stopped for smuggling, since according to the rules of her home country, only 2 liters can be imported duty-free, for the rest there is a fine, confiscation and a criminal offense.

In addition, some airlines have special requirements for the transportation of liquids in luggage, for example, “AEGEAN AIRLINES” transports liquids in the luggage compartment only if they are packed in wooden skins.

Only adult passengers can carry alcohol.

In 2014, special equipment will be installed at airports in EU countries that will detect explosives. This will remove restrictions on the transport of liquids and alcohol. Finally, instead of a stopar, you will be able to freely take half a liter of real homemade drinks and have a blast in flight, and in general, all restrictions on the transportation of high-quality and natural drinks are introduced so that people forget that they exist.

Modern rules for transporting liquids on flights are almost the same in most countries of the world. Knowing them will allow you to easily transport the liquids you need from one point of travel to another.

Carriage of liquids in hand luggage

The main restrictions imposed on the transportation of liquids on an airplane relate specifically to their transportation as part of hand luggage. This is due to the potential danger of their use by a passenger in the aircraft cabin directly during the flight.

Current rules stipulate that all transported liquids must be packaged in bottles or other containers whose volume does not exceed 100 milliliters. Moreover, if the container in which the liquid was packaged was initially larger, for example, 200 milliliters, but less than half of the substance remains in it, such packaging will still not be allowed onto the plane. All transported vials must be additionally packaged in a transparent bag, which you will have to present for inspection at the airport upon request. At the same time, the total volume of liquids transported in such a package by one passenger should not exceed 1 liter.

An exception is made for medicines and infant formula: their transportation as part of hand luggage is allowed in containers exceeding 100 milliliters, and their quantity is not regulated by a strict figure, but must meet reasonable needs. Please remember that airport staff may ask you to present documents confirming the need to bring medications into the aircraft cabin.

Transportation of liquids from duty free

Liquids purchased in duty free, such as perfumes or alcoholic beverages, are not subject to the general restrictions that apply to the carriage of liquids in the aircraft cabin. However, it is worth keeping in mind that you have the right to bring them on and off the plane only in their original form, that is, in sealed packaging, which, in turn, is in a sealed bag issued by duty-free employees.

Carrying liquids in luggage

As a rule, there are no specific standards for the carriage of liquids in airline baggage; their volume is limited only by the total weight of the free baggage allowance. At the same time, it is worth making sure that all liquids transported in luggage are securely packaged to avoid leakage during the trip. Additionally, if you are carrying alcoholic beverages in your luggage, please remember that Customs most often they limit the amount of alcohol that one person can bring into the country: these restrictions become important when flying internationally. At the same time, the rules for importing alcohol differ in each country, so you should familiarize yourself with the current rules in advance.


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