Duty free Sharm El Sheikh. International airports in Egypt. Visas, customs control rules - what you need to know

The “Land of Three Cities”, the dwarf Principality of Monaco, is a “gambling paradise” and the most fashionable tourist destination Europe, stretching 4 km along the French Riviera, is located just an hour's drive from Nice. Read our article on the Tour Calendar, in which we explain why the best time to visit this high-society mini-state is April-June, September and October.

Tourist season in Monaco

Monaco is a real lair of millionaires, scenes from films about luxurious life come to life. Only the rich don’t cry here, but joyfully indulge in deluxe entertainment, spending enormous sums of money, and have affairs with the most beautiful girls planets. Monaco is a vanity fair for oligarchs, politicians, and wealthy businessmen. In general, people of “blue blood”. Here, a helicopter is more common as a taxi than a car, and excursion transport is not a bus, but a limousine. The most expensive street in the world is located in Monaco, and the most expensive car accidents in the world also occur here. The entertainment season lasts all year round, during which time Monaco is visited by about 5 million people. We can say that tourists coming to this prosperous state are divided into those who relax here to the fullest, and those who want to see it.

High season in Monaco

The high season in Monaco is the period from May to the end of October, when beach holidays are in favor, and the cultural life of the state is enriched by daily holidays and important events. It starts in late May, coinciding with the dates of the most glamorous Formula 1 race, the Monaco Grand Prix. At this time, absolutely all hotels and villas are filled to capacity, and there are no more than twenty of them here. The cost of daily accommodation in high season in Monaco is astronomical, so many people rent rooms next door - on Cote d'Azur. If you believe the statistics, the average length of stay of tourists in Monaco is 1 night, and the share of those who stay in hotels for 2-3 days accounts for only 0.5%. Also, during the high season, there is a “tightness” with restaurants - tables are booked at least 2-3 months in advance. There are eternal traffic jams on the roads from Porsches, Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Bentleys, and parking on narrow streets is always a problem. The elite cohort is mainly represented by Italians, French, British and Americans. There are very few Russians, only 3% of the total tourist flow. It is noteworthy that the “minority” still spends the most money - the Japanese, Indians, Arabs and Taiwanese.

Low season in Monaco

Low season is a nominal concept, since Monaco is attractive for tourists not only in summer, but also in winter. From November to April is a relative off-season (the only exception is Christmas Eve and New Year's holidays). The number of “moneybags” during this period of time is significantly reduced, and at the same time you can count on a decrease in prices in hotels. But it’s worth saying right away that there is no need to hope for big dumping. average cost double room at this time it ranges from 400 to 1500 euros. They are in great demand among “ordinary” tourists. Bus tours around Europe with visits to Italian, French resorts and cities. Often their itineraries include a one-day trip to Monte Carlo. Such tours are offered not only in summer, but also in autumn season. By the way, at lower prices.

Best time for excursions

“This is where Abramovich’s yacht is moored, this is Rinat Akhmetov’s villa, and here at this gambling table a certain rich official lost $500,000 yesterday” - this is roughly how most of the most popular excursions in Monaco go. However, not everything in this tiny state revolves around money. Oceanographic Museum with the world's largest collection sea ​​fish, Princely Palace with the ceremonial changing of the guard, “Exotic Gardens”, in which about a thousand species of cacti grow, Cathedral with the grave of Princess Grace - this and much more is of great interest to tourists. But in the heat, to be honest, I don’t want to move around much. Best time for sightseeing in Monaco - April, early May, second half of September and October.

Beach season in Monaco

Swimming on the beaches of Monaco begins no earlier than June, when the water temperature in the Ligurian Sea reaches +19 °C. However, the beaches are filled with holidaymakers already in mid-May. By this time the weather is very warm. Closer to July it becomes really hot, as a result of which the coastal waters warm up to “pleasant” levels - +22 °C..+23 °C. I must say that in the middle of summer the most ideal conditions for beach holiday, if you do not take into account the large number of tourists. Sunbathing under the hot rays of the sun is quite comfortable, as the constantly blowing light breeze brings significant relief. In addition, sea water is not “fresh milk” yet, so it has a refreshing effect. However, in August the sea is already so warm that you can swim and dive for hours - approximately +24 °C..+26 °C. During the swimming season, guests of Monaco are offered great amount water activities, private lessons in diving, yachting or sailing. It's quite fashionable to play beach games. As you can see, passive “sealing” holidays in Monaco are not very popular.

Velvet season in Monaco

The velvet season is the most comfortable time for relaxation. It lasts throughout September and the first week of October. Beach discos are no longer so noisy, and in order to take a ride on a yacht, you don’t need to spend several hours in agonizing wait. As they say, “there is enough room for everyone.” The first month of autumn is the gentle velvet of the passing summer, caressing rays of the sun and a welcoming warm sea. The water temperature off the coast ranges from +22 °C to +23 °C. The weather is fine for the most part, rarely when a “flying cloud” sheds a little rain. However, it gets cold in the evenings, so beach hours are strictly morning and afternoon. In October average temperature the air drops to +20 °C..+21 °C, the amount of precipitation increases noticeably, which can interfere with swimming, although the sea is still quite warm (about +20 °C).

Sailing regattas season

Winter in Monaco - "hot time" for sailing

The Monegasques, the native inhabitants of Monaco, have mastered the art of living by the sea. It is impossible to imagine this tiny state without snow-white yachts and motor boats. Having a luxury yacht here is much cooler than having a luxury car. The sailing competition season opens in the country in January. This month the Monaco Optimist Team Racing takes place here, attracting teams from 8 European countries. The Primo Cup-Trophée Credit Suisse, one of the most popular regattas in Europe, is held in the first two weeks of February by the Royal Yacht Club of Monaco. 1000 yachtsmen from 15 countries take part in it.

Gambling season in Monaco

For a long time, Monaco was the only gambling center in the world. After the appearance of the legendary Casino in Monte Carlo in the second half of the 19th century, the wealthiest people on the planet began to flock here. This trend continues to this day, even after Las Vegas was awarded the title of gambling capital of the world. It was in Monte Carlo, and not in the USA, that a considerable amount of footage from the James Bond films was filmed. The gambling season lasts all year round; the largest number of gambling tourists arrive here in the summer. During the day they lie on the beaches, drinking cocktails, and at night they spin the roulette, testing Lady Fortune. The most generous casino visitors are residents Saudi Arabia. During the gambling season, many interesting events take place in the gambling world. In November, Monte Carlo hosts the Monte Carlo Millions poker tournament, and in April the resort hosts the finals of the European Poker Tour.

Wellness season

Since the 19th century, the “Sea Bathing Society” has been operating in Monaco, which owns the best entertainment establishments in the principality. According to its “wing” in Monte Carlo there is major center thalassotherapy "Thermes Marins", very popular among the world's elite. This four-story building with an area of ​​6600 m² is a real temple of health. The center’s specialists have chosen the path of preventive medicine: the procedures provided are aimed at overall strengthening of the body, rejuvenation and stress relief. The most suitable time to relax at hydropathic baths is spring and autumn.

It's time for holidays and festivals

The Formula 1 "Grand Prix de Monaco" race, held in the principality in late May, is sporting event global scale

The cultural life of Monaco is always rich and interesting. These are music concerts, exhibitions, festivals and sports championships. In March, a charity Rose Ball is held in honor of the memory of Princess Grace, who died in a plane crash. March, April - traditional time"Spring Arts Festival" in Monte Carlo. Another event in April is the international men's tennis tournament “Monte Carlo Rolex Masters”. At the end of June, the Prince of Monaco organizes the “Summer Ball” in the “Star Hall”, marking the opening of the season. From June 23 to 25, Monegasques honor the memory of Saint Jean, the pagan god of fertility and love, and a colorful carnival procession takes place through the old city. August is marked by a grandiose International festival fireworks." The 15th of this month is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. In September, the most anticipated event of autumn takes place in Monaco - the Monaco Yacht Show. The most influential and wealthy people on the planet flock to the exhibition of yachts presented by 500 shipbuilding companies: potential buyers, happy owners of snow-white “beauties” and kings of the yachting industry. On November 19, a mass is celebrated in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas on the occasion of National Day of Monaco, which is attended by members of the princely families. A ceremonial parade is also held on this day. In addition, in November Monte Carlo becomes the venue for the Jazz Festival. December 25 - Catholic Christmas“le jour de Noel”, and December 31 - New Year"le jour de l'An".

Climate in Monaco

The weather conditions of Monaco are predetermined by the influence of a subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type. Summer is quite hot, practically devoid of precipitation. And the winter is mild and snowless. There is sunshine about 300 days a year bright sun. Thanks to the excellent climate, even in winter there is a lot of greenery in Monaco - boxwood groves, juniper forests, dwarf palms, orange orchards.

Monaco in spring

The first month of spring in Monaco cannot boast of colossal warmth, but the thermometer still begins to rise, freezing at around +15 °C. It rains periodically, but it is very insignificant. By evening the air cools down significantly, but due to the winds the weather feels cooler. April brings quite high temperatures for this time of year - +17 °C..+18 °C, and the sun wins back more and more sunny days. The amount of precipitation is noticeably decreasing, and it seems that summer is just around the corner. Although the nights are still chilly. In May comes the height tourist season. The air is steadily becoming warmer; at midday the sun can become quite hot. The weather is more or less stable, rains are already rare, so before the start of the Formula 1 races, amazing sandy beaches- a favorite location for tourists. True, it’s still too early to swim, but it’s time to sunbathe.

Temperature and weather in Monaco in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+12 +14 +17
Temperature during the day+14 +16 +19
Temperature at night+10 +12 +15
Water temperature+13 +14 +17
Rain6 days4 days4 days
Humidity74% 75% 77%

Monaco in summer

In the summer, Monaco experiences typical Mediterranean weather. Quite hot and dry. At the same time, there are no extremely high temperatures. In addition, the sea breeze has a refreshing effect, slightly cooling the air and increasing the level of relative humidity. In June, the air warms up to a maximum of only +24 °C, and the water temperature fluctuates between +19 °C..+20 °C. In July, the driest month of the year, the sun is at its peak, so going outside without protective equipment is prohibited. The daytime temperature extreme is from +26 °C to +28 °C, in the evening - not lower than +19 °C. The sea warms up to comfortable temperatures, so children can safely be released into the water. August is slightly hotter than the previous month. Sometimes the sky is covered with rain clouds, but after a couple of hours it clears up.

Temperature and weather in Monaco in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+21 +24 +24
Temperature during the day+23 +26 +26
Temperature at night+19 +22 +22
Water temperature+20 +23 +24
Rain3 days1 day2 days
Humidity77% 75% 74%

Monaco in autumn

According to all climatic parameters, September can be classified as the summer season, despite the fact that the daily thermometer readings in this month become slightly lower. The sea is in no hurry to give up its accumulated heat, so swimming season continues. Although it rains occasionally, most days are clear and sunny. In October, the dynamics of cooling are already more clearly visible, and due to the increase in precipitation, humidity begins to be felt. Although it also happened that several weeks turned out to be surprisingly dry. However, the sea has not yet completely cooled down - approximately +20 °C, and the average daily air temperature is very encouraging - about +21 °C. Some tourists even manage to swim in the rain at this time. In November, real autumn comes to Monaco, but it’s real only for Monegasques, not for Russians. It is quite rainy due to the fact that Mediterranean and Atlantic cyclones come here. However, the mercury in the thermometer does not fall below +16 °C during the day and +9 °C at night.


Sometimes it seems like Egypt is one big market, especially in tourist areas. Street sellers will invite you (thank you for not grabbing your hand) to try the tea, answer just one question, just smell it, just try it.

It seems that giving tourists tea with a mild narcotic effect has become a thing of the past, but you still shouldn’t lose your vigilance. If you don't need anything, don't be fooled by that "just one question", politely say "no", "maybe later" and move on. On one side of the scale is the “offense” of the seller, who will forget you in a minute, on the other is your time, money, space in your luggage and in your apartment;)

If you still decide to buy something home, then from Egypt it makes sense to bring teas, oils, sweets, hookahs and tobacco, and perhaps inexpensive summer clothes and shoes (the quality is questionable). Of course, all sorts of papyri, figurines, mugs and plates, if your relatives like such things.

Places for purchase can be divided into 4 groups. The first is street shops. The big minus is that there are no prices, you have to haggle because the initially set price is very high. The closer to the beach, the more expensive. Bargaining here is unpleasant, not like in Turkey, but perhaps I just don’t really like Egypt and its people.

The second option is “markets” and “factories”, to which tourists are required to be taken during excursions. No one forces you to buy, but you still have to spend the allotted 30-40 minutes even just to sit on the bus. The prices are even higher than those set by sellers on the beach and everything is designed for those tourists who are in Egypt for the first time or are very afraid of being deceived.

Thirdly, there are so-called fixed price stores (shops with a fixed price, that is, the ones we are used to, with a price tag and the impossibility of trading). Probably a little more expensive than the price on the street, but I definitely advocate for this option in Egypt.

They are usually grouped into shopping centers, have air conditioning, fitting rooms, polite and non-sticky salespeople who speak several languages.

The last option is duty-free stores. If in Hurghada in duty-free you can buy everything that is on the streets, and even cheaper, Sharm el-Sheikh airport is 100% disappointing.

There are very few shops in it - a couple of shops with souvenirs and one small department each with silver, Egyptian clothing, Egyptian food, and the standard perfumes, alcohol and cigarettes all over the world. Boredom and despondency.

Toys, T-shirts, mugs, magnets. Disgusting quality, more expensive than in the city.

Books about the inhabitants of the Red Sea. Perhaps the most beautiful thing you can bring from Egypt besides photographs. Let me remind you that shells and corals (even purchased ones!) cannot be exported.

Egyptian silver (the design is not to my taste - voluminous, loud), fake watch.

A small store with Egyptian clothes, I can’t give you a price guide.

Egyptian sweets also cannot be compared with Turkish ones, the choice is 2 orders of magnitude smaller, the taste is simpler, and Turkish delight is generally from Turkey)

There are perfumes and alcohol from world brands. Judging by the fact that there was a crowd of our compatriots behind them, the prices are definitely lower than in Russia.

There are few shops, so the queues at the checkout are long. In general, the advice is not to count on duty-free at Sharm el-Sheikh airport and buy everything in advance.

With a different infrastructure at the airport, more or less, there is even a British pub with one type of draft beer;)

There are several cafes, a pizzeria, Burger King.

You can finally drink some freshly squeezed juices.

Or eat Arabic sweets.

To the delight of smokers, there is even a smoking room. So even if you hang an ax from the smoke, it doesn’t stop anyone from smoking there again and again.

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Full report about the trip to Sharm el-Sheikh for the May holidays

2. What to bring from Egypt? Assortment of duty-free airport in Sharm el-Sheikh


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