A series of six work boats with ice reinforcement of the ST23WI-M project. Construction of a boat. Project of a displacement motor boat for self-build Small work boat

In September 1962, the first small ship-based work boat made of fiberglass, Project 338P, passed state tests. The contract for the construction of such a boat was concluded with the shipyard named after. N.I. Nosenko back in 1960 and the boat was already planned at that time to supply anti-submarine cruisers of Project 1123.

On development stage technical project anti-submarine cruiser from TsKB-17 in April 1961, the task was received: “...to carry out the development of a small work boat made of plastic with a water-jet installation for order 1123...

When designing a small work boat with a water jet installation, in terms of purpose, load capacity, speed and lifting device, focus on the small work boat made of plastic of Project 338P.

The dimensions and lifting weight of a boat with a water jet installation should, if possible, be equal to the dimensions and weight of a Project 338P boat. The main engine of the boat must be a diesel engine.

Seaworthiness and maneuverability... it is desirable to obtain higher ones than those of... project 338P..."

Thus began work on a small naval work boat of Project 1391 for anti-submarine cruisers.

If such issues as the purpose, carrying capacity, lifting device and dimensions of the boat were solvable, then the issues of obtaining higher seaworthiness and speed were in doubt. The industry had diesel in stock

Project 7397 boat (#.5m, 4.6t. 40HP, Ya knot)

Engine 23 hp. With. (4 ChSP 8.5/11), which was installed on all work boats. To increase the speed of the new boat, a more powerful engine was needed, and this increased the weight of the boat and, along with the increase in speed, such qualities as carrying capacity, seaworthiness, and passenger capacity deteriorated. In addition, in order to maintain the lifting weight of the boat, it would be necessary to sacrifice some components of the boat's mass.

Since 1957, the industry began to produce diesel engine 6 ChSP 9.5/11 with a power of 55 hp. s., which was 150 kg heavier than the engine 4 ChSP 8.5/11, but the service life was more than two times less, which was unacceptable for a work boat.

During the development process, the designer settled on a D37M tractor diesel engine with a power of 40 hp. pp., as the one most suitable in terms of size and weight. The customer was satisfied with the results of the work - an increase in lifting weight by approximately 500 kg and a decrease in cruising range by 50 miles. In January 1965, between the branch of TsKB-5 and TsKB-17, in accordance with the decisions of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry and the Navy of September 1964, an agreement was concluded for the construction of a Project 1391 boat with delivery in the second quarter of 1965.

Then there were delays in the supply of components, including the tractor engine. In a word, the boat was laid down only in April 1966, completed construction in May 1967 and presented for testing in June 1967.

The Project 1391 boat with water-jet propulsion received customer approval, but its place on Project 1123 has already been taken by the Project 338P small ship-based work boat, as it is more reliable and more maneuverable. The Project 338P boat was good enough for the customer, and there was no point in changing it to Project 1391, which was more difficult to operate. For these reasons, the Project 1391 boat did not go into production, but it was the first boat in the domestic boat industry to be powered by an air-cooled tractor engine.

And the Project 338P boat was subjected to comprehensive inspections during testing. It was thrown into the water from a height of two meters, then the bow struck a granite wall at a speed of 3 knots. As a result of these tests, the boat did not receive any visible or hidden damage. After that, he stood for 16 hours on two supports, while the load was 25% more than his lifting weight. By measuring residual deformations, which the boat did not have, the commission was convinced of its absolute strength.

In the acceptance certificate, the commission noted the advantages of the new boat compared to boats of projects 386K and 338 in that it has higher strength. The introduction of pigment into the resin eliminates the need for annual painting of the boat; it is not subject to drying out and corrosion and is more suitable for decontamination treatment.

After checking to perform operations as intended, namely: delivery of people and cargo to the shore and neighboring ships, placing the ship on a barrel and anchor, landing troops and lifting casualties from the water, the boat was accepted into service by the Navy.

The documentation was transferred to Feodosia in March 1963 for testing in relation to the serial construction of boats.

The development of technical and technological documentation was to be carried out by the Feodosia Design and Technology Bureau with the transfer of documentation to the Feodosia Shipbuilding Plant for the construction of the first two production boats in the first quarter of 1964 in order to develop the technological process and train production personnel. These first boats were intended for the Project 58 missile cruisers under construction.

As a result of the work carried out by the Feodosians to improve manufacturability, the design of the boat was replaced with a three-layer one with a polyurethane foam core, while all the tactical and technical elements of the boat were completely preserved. This version of the boat received project number 338Pk; there was also a diving modification of the boat, project 338PkV.

In 1973, guided by the “Navy Boat Armament System,” the Feodosians modernized the 338Pk project. The reason for the modernization was moral and technological obsolescence; the boat no longer met a number of modern operational, design and technological requirements. But the most important thing was that it did not meet the indicators of certified products for the quality category; there was such a requirement in the second half of the 20th century.

In order for the boat to be completely interchangeable with previously built Project 338Pk boats, the main dimensions and the distance between the suspension points were preserved. Theoretical drawing basically remained the same, but the slope of the stem was slightly changed, flat local sections of the contours were eliminated, and to reduce the overall draft in the stern, minimal semi-tunnel formations were made in the propeller area. To protect people and cargo from splashing and low temperatures, a deck with a transition to the hood and a heated wheelhouse using engine heat were installed above the boat's hold. The entrance to the pilothouse is from the stern of the small cockpit. To ensure loading and unloading operations, a large hinged lid was installed over the hold, as well as improved protection for the steering screw complex, an improved hoisting and hoisting device, and a structurally strengthened hull.

Today, the small ship-based work boat of Project 338M is the most common in units and on ships of the Navy. It replaced and gradually replaced its predecessor - the Project 338Pk boat.

Engineering has learned to deal with the negative factors affecting a craft on the water. This is how the issues of strength, seaworthiness, stability, unsinkability and others were resolved. But with wind splashing there was only one way to combat it available to the designers - this was physical shelter for the crew, passengers and cargo.

This question became relevant when work boats had to travel long distances between the shore and the ship in rough seas or spend the whole day at the gangway of a ship anchored in the roadstead.

Tactical specifications Project 337, like boats of other projects serving the fleet, by the second half of the 20th century began to lag behind operational requirements due to the advent of qualitatively new ships. Requirements for speed and cargo capacity have increased; due to frequent contact with an unequipped shore, it became necessary to protect the rudder-propeller complex; sailing in high latitudes required protecting the crew and passengers from exposure to low temperatures and splashes in fresh weather.

Protection issues were solved architecturally, and issues of speed and cargo capacity required increasing the power of the power plant by creating more powerful and lighter marine diesel engines for small boats, which this moment there were none, and without which further progress in boat building was doubtful.

In the early sixties, the “Armament System for ships, coastal units and naval bases with command, crew and work boats” was developed. This system was developed taking into account the recommendations of the command and rank and file of the Northern, Black Sea and Baltic Fleets and was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

Based on this system and materials received from the fleets in 1964, a preliminary design of the large ship's work boat "Baklan" was developed. In 1966, based on the preliminary design, the Main Directorate of Shipbuilding issued a tactical and technical assignment for the design of a large naval work boat "Bekas" of Project 1402.

At one time, when the “System...” was being developed, representatives of the enterprise had a meeting with the personnel of the fleets operating Project 337 boats.

From conversations with the operators, it became obvious that the work boat must have a wheelhouse, although this requirement was not in the design specifications; the remaining requirements fully took into account the wishes of the personnel.

While keeping the carrying capacity and passenger capacity of the serial boats of projects 387 and 337 unchanged, the task ahead was to solve the issue of speed and maintaining lifting weight due to the mass of the main engine and the material of the boat hull.

To begin with, it was decided to design a new boat in the hull of the hydrographic boat of Project 1403A "Kaira", the serial construction of which was carried out by the Pella plant. The unification of these two projects made it possible to use

Most of the structural components and proven technological solutions obtained during the design of the hydrographic bot and its construction. The scope of application of the new boat also expanded not only for ships of the first rank, but also for floating bases and large special-purpose vessels, as well as for ships navy and fisheries as onboard boats. The use of this boat as a worker for the national economy was not excluded.

Taking into account that the boat was designed as an onboard boat, and had to be placed on specific ships and vessels, the designers of those ships and vessels that could be potential carriers of this boat were involved in the selection of the main dimensions. By mutual agreement of the chief designers of support vessels, floating bases and aircraft-carrying cruisers, the dimensions of this boat were established: length no more than 11.25 m, width no more than 3.3 m and overall height no more than 3.3 m, lifting weight no more than 6, 5 t.

The boat hull and various items of ship equipment were made of plastic. The hull was designed to ensure maximum convenience when disembarking and embarking people and carrying out cargo operations. Removable cans were provided in the bow and stern holds, which made it possible to rationally place the cargo in the absence of people; the holds were covered from bad weather with removable awnings. The closed pilothouse was located above the engine compartment between the holds; the entrance to the pilothouse was from the aft hold. Manage everyone technical means was from the pilothouse; in addition, in stormy conditions, safe access to the engine compartment was provided when the engine was stopped.

As always, the most problematic issue was the issue with the main engine. Fulfillment of all architectural requirements of the technical specifications and without taking into account the engine increased the displacement of the boat.

The ZD6 engine, widely used in boat building, according to calculations, did not provide the speed of 10 knots required by the technical specifications, and this is if we do not take into account its weight and dimensions. The ZD6N-235 engine, which was used on Project 1403A, was suitable in power and provided the required speed, but it had a mass of 1500 kg and a length of almost 2.5 m. Placing such an engine on a boat could only be done by reducing cargo and passenger capacity . The question of installing two engines, as required by the technical specifications, disappeared in itself.

The most suitable engine could be the ZD20 diesel with 235 hp. pp., produced by the Barnaul Transmash plant. With acceptable weight and dimensions (weight about 1000 kg, length about 1.8 m), the engine had a service life 2.5 times less than the ZD6N engine.

When the designer presented the customer with designs for installing the ZD6 and ZD20 engines, the customer agreed to install one ZD20 engine, which made it possible to make a rational layout of the boat as a whole. And in order to increase engine life, the customer agreed to reduce engine power to 150-200 hp. With. Accordingly, the deadline for delivery of the boat was set depending on the completion of work on fine-tuning and delivery of the engine.

Accommodation of passengers in the bow and stern holds of the work boat of project 74021

A,"a/per project 7402B

TOC o "1-5" h z Total displacement, t approx. 11.0

Maximum length, m 11.25

Maximum width, m 3.30

Side height at midship, m 1.67

Average draft, m no more than 0.86

Speed, knots not less than 10

Crew, people 2

Number of passengers, people 50

Seaworthiness, points up to 5

Load capacity, t 4

Main engine ZD20B

Engine power, l. With. 180

Speed, rpm 1500

Body material fiberglass

TOC o "1-5" h z Displacement total. (empty), t 11.0 (8.0) Maximum length, m 11.25

Width, m 3.3

Side height, m ​​1.67

Full draft (empty), m 0.88 (0.72)

Speed ​​full (operational), knot 10 (5)

Cruising range, miles 200

Crew, people 3

Special personnel, people (25)

Autonomy, days. 1

Seaworthiness, score 5

Thrust on hook, kgf 1200

Main engine ZD20B-Sr 2.2

Engine power, l. With. 180

New operational requirements to increase speed, thrust on the hook and engine life made it necessary to create a new marine engine for boats. To the greatest extent, these conditions were satisfied by the ZD20 engine after its development and conversion. In 1971, the technical assignment for the creation of a marine engine with a reversible clutch and gearbox based on the ZD20 engine was issued to the Bogorodsky Mechanical Plant. And such an engine was created.

As for the Project 1402 boat, the service life of the ZD20 engine was brought to a level close to that of the ZD6 engines by reducing the power to 200 hp. With.

Such an engine was branded ZD20B, and a boat with such an engine became 1402B.

The working design of the boat 1402B met the requirements of the technical specifications in terms of its main tactical and technical characteristics, but there were also deviations.

The lifting weight of the boat turned out to be 1.5 tons more, but it did not exceed the contractual lifting weight of 6.5 tons and did not cause a protest from PKB Progress, the designer of the ship's launching device.

The total displacement of the boat exceeded the specified one by 1.1 tons, the customer agreed with this.

Instead of two engines, one was installed, but of greater power, and the propeller was in a rotary nozzle. According to the technical specifications, a water-jet propulsion system was required to protect the propeller, but then the maneuverability of the boat deteriorated, and the work boat had to have good maneuverability.

For this purpose, the customer agreed to first abandon the water-jet propulsion system, and then the propeller in the rotary nozzle; moreover, the rotary nozzle had the ability to capture debris and ice slush, which was difficult to free itself from. In the end, to protect the propeller, instead of a nozzle, a forged under-keel strip was installed on the boat, supported on the propeller shaft bracket.

The lead boats of Project 1402B were built in 1973 and sent for installation on an anti-submarine cruiser with aircraft weapons of Project 1143, and the documentation for the boat was transferred to the Pella plant, where serial construction of Project 1402B boats continued until 1994. The last hull of the production boat of Project 1402B was not in demand by the customer and was subsequently taken by the Redan Central Design Bureau in exchange for documentation of a free-fall lifeboat.

A modification of the boat was built in this hull - project 14022, for the Federal border service. This boat was installed on board the Project 15010 supply tanker; the boat’s task was to deliver fuel to border outposts located in the unequipped coastal zone.

The Project 14022 boat was delivered to the customer in 2003.

Hello guys,

Looking at you showing such beautiful models here, I thought that it’s been a long time since I showed anything. The A-model I'm currently making still needs a lot of work and won't be ready to show anytime soon. And I also wanted to show something. Therefore, I decided to take a short break from my “main work” and do something small so that I could quickly assemble it and display it on Karopka.
I recently purchased the well-known “Modern” destroyer kit from Trumpeter in 1:200 scale. The lifeboat equipment of Project 956, as well as the Ka-27 helicopter, are independent models, so I decided to make one of them. The choice fell on what, as it turned out a little later, was called “Small work boat of project 338M”.
Cute little boat, I loved it!
When I first looked at the source code, I decided that it looked good, but when I started comparing it with photographs and the drawings I came across, I realized that the correspondence between what Trumpeter put in the set and reality was approaching zero to the right (there is such a definition in mathematics). The only thing that is true is the length of the model - 44 mm, which almost exactly corresponds to the actual length - 8700 mm. By the way, at the end of the work, certain doubts also arose about this.
In the kit, the boat is proposed to be made from only four parts - the hull, the deck and two plastic pieces, which presumably represent the boat lifting units on board the ship (why the Chinese decided that of all the deck equipment these units are the most important - will forever remain big secret, but the East is a delicate matter). Since I don’t like such stinginess, the hull and deck were completely redone:
- Hull - the contours were corrected, the stem, keel, shoulders, propeller from the propeller hub, rudder were made from scratch (the rudder is working, but the axes of rotation and the “camp unit” are so small and fragile that during installation they were broken even after re-manufacturing for reasons of strength were glued), brackets for fastening to the deck of the ship.
- Deck – the geometry was corrected, all the equipment was made from scratch - bow railing, handrails, hatch cover with handle and attachment points, bollards, bale strips, cargo hatch doors including attachment points, flagpole, units for lifting the boat on board the ship, running lights, cleats , Matrosov's anchor, anchor rope.
- The deckhouse was completely redone, the geometry was corrected, the entrance opening and cockpit were made. Inside there is an instrument panel with a steering wheel, a gas control handle, a fire extinguisher, a rack with life jackets, a skipper's chair, an engine cover, and a tool box. Glass installed including external frames, windshield wiper. A searchlight, a mast with signal lights, handrails, and a hatch cover with a handle were made from scratch.
There are no claims to full compliance with the prototype. Drawings (or more precisely, diagrams) that were successful
identify small ones and many things are difficult to see there. The body contours were completely made from photographs, which, as is clear, is not the best The best way and led to repeated and lengthy sawing. Some photographs were found too late, when it was no longer possible to correct the inconsistencies (I decided that I still needed to finish the model). I had to determine some dimensions by calculating relative to others in the photographs. In addition, not everything that is visible becomes clear. Eg:
- what is that thing that is visible from above, on the right side of the wheelhouse cover, lilac?
- brackets behind the hatch covers - what are they for? Lid tilt limiters?
It is also unclear that the wheelhouse has no door, but this is confirmed by all the photographs that were taken
find. One of the photographs shows something like a linen blanket, but since it is not entirely clear, I did not do this.
Everything was painted with an airbrush using water-soluble gray Life Color paint. There has been little to no wear and tear as the boats appear to be in good condition in all photos.
Search and examination in drawings and photographs, a large amount of modifications, as well as numerous (more than 300) small new parts that had to be made by myself (many were redone several times until the intended result was achieved, as well as due to the reason for the breakdown and because of annoying rubbed) led to the fact that the model took more than four months to complete, so it didn’t work out very well in terms of speed.
Latest photos show:
- how it all started. I think that when looking at them, you will agree that THIS cannot be installed on the deck of models of one of the most beautiful and powerful warships of the Navy of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation - missile destroyers of Project 956 of the “Sarych” type;
- and also - what was the goal
And what happened in the end is up to you.

A series of work boats with ice reinforcement of the ST23WI-M project will be built at Onega Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Plant LLC in Petropavlovsk by order of FSUE Rosmorport.

The use of boats is expected in the southern ports of Russia.

The seaworthiness of the new vessel will allow it to operate in difficult weather conditions and perform functions on the open sea in waves with wave heights of up to 3.5 meters.

The first work boat "Bata" of the ST23WI-M project (MMSI: 273397680). On this day, the plant resumed its work. The boat is intended for further use in the Azovo-Chernomorsky basin branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosmorport". August 17, 2016 on the water. On the same day the baptism ceremony took place. The godmother was Elizaveta Maimistova (design engineer at OSSZ LLC), who broke a bottle of champagne on the bow of the ship, marking the beginning of its “new life.” It received its name in honor of the ancient name of the city of Novorossiysk in the 5th century BC. According to a message dated November 16, after successful state tests, it moved under its own power to its point of registration and operation - Novorossiysk. According to the message dated December 5, in accordance with the order of the FSUE "Rosmorport" dated November 29, 2016 No. 587 to the Azovo-Chernomorsky basin branch of the FSUE "Rosmorport".

Main technical characteristics: Dock weight 68 tons. Hull length 22 meters, hull width 4.8 meters, draft 2.0 meters. Speed ​​in clear water is 12 knots. Vessel class: KM Ice2.

On January 24, 2017, on the territory of the Aleksino Port Marina ship repair complex (Novorossiysk city) it was carried out for warranty repairs. All complex work will be carried out using the Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant subcontracting system. January 27 dock descent.

The auto-ferry "Boris Shtokolov" (shipowner NovoInterTrans LLC) with two tugboats at 00:55 Moscow time on March 20, 2017, when moored to berth No. 8 of the port of Kavkaz on a pilot boat standing at the iron pier. As a result of the pile-up, the boat was damaged: the left side rails were crushed, the pilot bridge was damaged, and the life raft was dislodged. There is no water leakage or environmental pollution. The ferry has no damage.

The second work boat “Spolokhi” of project ST23WI-M on August 26, 2015. November 09, 2016 on the water. According to a message dated January 11, 2017, commissioning work and mooring tests of the boat were completed. According to a message dated May 16, sea trials and handed over to the customer. June 02 to the FSUE "Rosmorport" fleet. Will work as a pilot boat in the port of Arkhangelsk. The boat corresponds to the class: RMRS KM Ice2 R3-RSN

Main characteristics: Hull length 22.76 meters, overall beam (including fender) 6.72 meters, overall draft 1.8 meters. Main engine power 2 x 412 kW. Travel speed at MDM 85% is 12 knots. Cruising range 500 miles. Autonomy 5 days. Crew 2 people. Special personnel 5 people.

July 05, 2017 in an exercise on the topic: “Search and rescue of people in distress at sea in the search and rescue area of ​​the MSPC Arkhangelsk.” According to a message dated July 21, in accordance with the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosmorport" dated June 8, 2017 No. 220 to the Arkhangelsk branch.

The third work boat “Evgeniy Vasilyev” of project ST23WI-M took to the water on February 21, 2017. The godmother was Irina Shabalina, Deputy Head of the Industry Department of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, who broke a bottle of champagne on the bow of the ship. According to a message dated May 16, sea trials and handed over to the customer. The operation of the boat is planned at the Astrakhan branch of the FSUE Rosmorport. On June 08, after successfully passing sea trials, the Astrakhan branch of the FSUE "Rosmorport" was delivered. According to the message dated July 24, the fleet of the Astrakhan branch in accordance with the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosmorport" dated June 20, 2017 No. 223.

Main characteristics: Hull length (without fender) 22.08 meters, overall beam (including fender) 6.69 meters, overall draft about 1.8 meters. Main engine power 2 x 412 kW. Speed ​​at MDM 85%, not less than 12 knots. Cruising range 500 miles. Autonomy (in terms of fresh water reserves) 5 days. Crew 2 people. Special personnel 5 people.

The ship is named after Evgeniy Olegovich Vasiliev, who headed the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company from 1970 to 1987. For conscientious work, Evgeny Vasiliev was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor”, the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the medal “Veteran of Labor”, the honorary titles “Honorary Worker of the River Fleet” and “Honored Worker” transport of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic."

The boat will be used by the Astrakhan branch on the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Canal and in seaport Olya for the delivery and removal of branch pilots to ships calling at the seaport.

The fourth work boat "Bospor": According to a message dated May 16, 2017, sea trials. June 03 to the FSUE “Rosmorport” fleet. The boat corresponds to the class: RMRS KM Ice2 R3-RSN. The ship got its name in honor of the ancient Greek name Kerch Strait. According to a message dated August 10, the fleet of the Azov-Black Sea Basin Branch. It will be used by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch in the seaport of Novorossiysk for the delivery and removal of the branch's pilots to vessels calling at the seaport.

Main characteristics: Gross tonnage 81 tons. Length 22.81 meters, width 6.0 meters, side height 2.91 meters, draft 1.5 meters. Main engine power 2 x 412 kW. Travel speed at MDM 85% is 12 knots. Cruising range 500 miles. Autonomy 5 days. Crew 2 people. Special personnel 5 people.

On May 25, 2018, at the Aleksino Port Marina shipyard, it was carried out to inspect the underwater part of the ship’s hull for the application of an antifouling coating of the AKRUS® trademark, produced by Russian company AKZ Coatings LLC.

The fifth work boat “Captain Cheremnykh”: June 9, 2017 on the water. The boat will be operated at river mouths, coastal areas open and inland seas, straits, port waters at a distance of no more than 20 miles from the place of refuge.

Main characteristics: Hull length (without fender) 22.08 meters, overall beam (including fender) 6.69 meters, overall draft about 1.8 meters. Main engine power 2 x 412 kW. Speed ​​at MDM 85%, not less than 12 knots. Cruising range 500 seats. Autonomy (in terms of fresh water reserves) 5 days. Crew 2 people. Special personnel 5 people.

The sixth work boat "Adis": September 6, 2017 on the water. “Adis” is the ancient name of the city of Temryuk in Krasnodar region. At the end of the 16th century, the Kabardian prince Temryuk Idarovich, in alliance with Russian troops, built on the site modern city Temryuk fortress, which in 1570 was renamed Adis. On October 14, 2017, technical acceptance of the boat took place in the city of Petrozavodsk. According to a message dated November 13 to the Azovo-Chernomorsky basin branch of the FSUE "Rosmorport" with its home port of Novorossiysk.

Main characteristics: Hull length (without fender) 22.08 meters, overall beam (including fender) 6.69 meters, overall draft about 1.8 meters. Main engine power 2 x 412 kW. Speed ​​at MDM 85%, not less than 12 knots. Cruising range 500 miles. The boat's autonomy (based on fresh water reserves) is 5 days. Crew 2 people. Special personnel 5 people.

Large crew boat(Fig. 12.5) - a seaworthy, decked steel boat with a single-shaft diesel unit of the ZD6S brand, with a cockpit, a raised wheelhouse, a saloon and an open cockpit for passengers. It has proven itself well in operation on large surface ships.

Rice. 12.5. Large crew boat

A large crew boat made of fiberglass has been developed, approved and put into production (Fig. 12.6). It is distinguished by a more powerful ZD6N engine, higher speed, hull shape and a different arrangement of premises: a salon with good review located in front of the wheelhouse; engine compartment - between the cockpit and the transom. Its unsinkability is ensured when any compartment is filled with water.

Rice. 12.6. Large crew boat with water jet

Large work boat(Table 12.2) and the motor launches will be replaced by a new large fiberglass workboat (Figure 12.7). Unlike previous designs, the boat has water-jet propulsors in the bow and stern, powered by D37E diesel engines. The water-jet propulsion will allow the boat to have high maneuverability, even moving with a lag.

Table 12.2. Notes: 1. The maximum heel angle at which the minimum buoyancy reserve of boats is ensured corresponds to the position - the gunwale shoulder near the midsection touches the sea surface.
2. The circulation diameter in the hull lengths of boats is 3-4.

Rice. 12.7. Large work boat with water jet

Small traveling command boat(Fig. 12.8) entered service with new Navy ships instead of small crew boats (Table 12.2). It is a seaworthy boat - a light alloy limousine, with a single-shaft diesel engine, with a cabin and an open cockpit for passengers. The boat's hull is designed with a large deadrise and sharp chines at the stern. The boat has a bow compartment - forepeak (0-3 sp.). a cabin for passengers with two sofas (4-8 beds), a cockpit with a hard sofa (8-12 beds) and an engine compartment (12-16 beds).

Rice. 12.8. Small traveling command boat:
1 - bow canard; 2 - rail; 3-bale strip; 4, 15 - lifting eyes; 5 - sound signal; 6 - masthead light; 7 - distinctive light; 8 - storm handrails; 9 - Gall chain; 10 - engine control panel; 11 - steering wheel; 12 - reverse gear handle; 13 - box for spare parts; 14 - cockpit; 16 - engine; 17 - flagpole; 18 - tail light; 19 - oil seal; 20 - steering wheel; 21 - screw; 22 - bracket; 23 - propeller shaft; 24 - cardan shaft; 25 - reverse gearbox; 26 - roller drive; 27 - battery; 28 - oars; 29 - cabin; 30 - life jackets

The transverse frame system is made of light alloy AMG-5V. Spacing 450 mm. Sheathing of the outer sides, bottom and transom 4 mm thick; the deck, bulkheads, wheelhouse, cockpit bulwark and 3 mm thick floorplates are made of sheets of the same alloy. The windows and entrance door of the cabin are made of organic glass. Impenetrable bulkheads on frames 3, 8 (to the bottom edge of the door) and 12 and side air compartments formed by longitudinal partitions (from 5 to the transom) ensure the boat is unsinkable when any compartment is filled with water.

Fuel tanks are located in the side enclosures of the engine compartment.

The 6ChSP 9.5/11-2 engine is a four-stroke non-reversible diesel engine with electric starter and angular reverse gearbox. It is provided with spare parts and tools located in the box. To reduce noise when the engine is running, sound insulation is used.

Shaft line - propeller shaft, propeller shaft coming out of the hull through a stern tube with an oil seal, a bracket with a rubber bearing and a three-bladed left-hand rotation propeller with a fairing.

The engine remote control panel is located at the front cockpit bulkhead on the port side. The reverse gear handle, the steering wheel and the horn contactor are located here. The remote control has magnetic compass KI-12 and electrical distribution panel that supplies power to the masthead, distinctive and tail lights, cabin light, retractable aircraft headlight (located in the right cockpit cabinet) and portable light. Sources of electricity are a 27.5 V generator mounted on the engine and two batteries.

The steering device is a semi-balanced steering wheel, the stock of which comes out of the bottom through a helm pipe with an oil seal. The steering wheel is connected to the tiller by a roller drive. The steering wheel axis and the shaft are connected by a Gall chain.

Anchor device - an anchor weighing 10 kg and a nylon cable with a circumference of 50 mm and a length of 30 m (stored under the cockpit floorboards). A bow cleat is used for anchoring.

Mooring structure - bow cleat, two bow cleats and two stern cleats. When mooring, bow and stern mooring nylon cables (falini) with a circumference of 50 mm and a length of 1C m are used, as well as two soft fenders and two release hooks 1.5 m long.

Towing device - bow cleat and stern lifting device lock. An anchor cable is used as a tug.

Lifting device - two eyes located in the center plane, behind which the brackets of lifting slings or hooks of boat hoists (suspensions) are placed.

Railing structure - two bow rails stretched from the bow post to the sides of the cabin, and two storm rails installed on the roof of the cabin.

LIFE EQUIPMENT - eight life jackets and a life ring with line (stored in the right cockpit cabinet).

In case of an emergency, there is a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (hanging from the control panel), a hand pump, a canvas bucket, an emergency tiller, a battery light (stored under the cockpit floorboards), two oars and a box for smoke signals and flares (located under the sofa in the cabin). For visual communication there are semaphore flags and a signal light. The naval flag flies on a metal flagpole. The mechanical part is provided with the necessary tools, spare parts and electrical equipment.

Small work boat made of fiberglass (Fig. 12.9) - a seaworthy (partially decked) boat with a single-shaft diesel unit. The contours of the boat are round-chine, the transom is straight and inclined. The boat has a decked bow compartment - forepeak (0-2 sp.), cargo hold (2-12 sp.), aft compartment - afterpeak (12-13 sp.) with a platform and bench. The cargo hold is partially decked in the area where the engine is installed (7-9 slats), has side folding cans, a removable transverse can and floors.

Rice. 12.9. Small work boat:
1 - awning; 2 - cover for the boat; 3 - engine; 4 - lifebuoy; 5 - sound signal; 6 - instrument panel; 7 - steering wheel; 5 - flags and response pennant; 9 - rocket launcher; 10 - boat signal book; 11 - bag with documents; 12 - reverse gear handle; 13 - propeller shaft; 14 - flagpole; 15 - tail light; 16 - portable lamp; 17 - emergency tiller; 18 - screw; 19 - steering wheel; 20 - mooring lines; 21, 54 - fenders; 22 - banquette; 23, 42 - puttens; 24, 40 - ducks; 25 - box with lanterns; 26 - fuel tank; 27 - canvas bucket and watering can; 28 - oiler; 29 - funnel for oil; 30 - compass; 31 - reverse gearbox; 32 - fire extinguisher; 33 - battery; 34 - oil can; 35 - rescue bibs; 36 - checkmate; 37 beams and boards; 38 - side bank: 39 - transverse bank; 41 - box with rescue equipment; 43 - distinctive fire; 44 - masthead light; 45 - engine cover; 46 - stern bollard; 47 - awning for cargo; 48 - drainage pump; 49 - anchor; 50 - headlight; 51 - release hook; 52 - box with spare parts; 53 - payolas; 55 - anchor with cable; 56 - ladder; 57 - bow bollard; 58 - foot rail; 59 - bale bar

The boat's hull is three-layer. The material of the outer casing with a thickness of 4 mm and the inner casing with a thickness of 2 mm is fiberglass based on PN-3 polyester resin. ASTT (b) - 02-0 fiberglass fabric was used as a filler. The space between the housings is filled with polyurethane foam. The keel, stringers for the engine foundation, beams, frames and floras are made of fiberglass filled with PVC-1 foam. The dialing system is transverse. Spacing 600 mm.

Two transverse bulkheads 4 mm thick: bow with 2 sp. and a stern with 12 sp., which turns into a platform - together with a triple light hull, ensure the unsinkability of the boat when filling the cargo hold. The engine foundation is made in the form of beams made of light alloy AMG-5V. Reinforcements made of steel and light alloy are installed under bollards, cleats, and bale strips.

M echanical installation - non-reversible marine diesel engine grade 4 Ch S P 8.5/11 with electric starter and reverse gearbox. The propeller shaft and three-bladed right-handed propeller make 700 rpm at 1500 rpm of the crankshaft. Two fuel tanks, water cooling and fuel system pipelines are made of light alloy.

The boat control is equipped with a panel with engine control instruments and a KI-12 magnetic compass. The steering wheel with the steering gear, which turns the semi-balanced steering tiller through the steering cable wiring, the reverse gear handle and the sound signal contactor, are located here. The electrical distribution panel (8-9 sp.) supplies power to the masthead, side distinctive, taillight running lights, headlight, portable lamp and lamp of the dashboard with engine control instruments. The sources of electricity are a 6 V generator mounted on the engine and a battery.

Device. Mooring and buoyancy - bow cross bollard, two stern bollards, four cleats, two bale strips; lifting - four puttens; l e r n o e - two foot rails; awning - two arcs and an awning.

Boat supply. Anchor weighing 10 kg with a hemp rope with a circumference of 75 mm and a length of 30 m, an emergency tiller, two hemp mooring lines with a circumference of 75 mm and a length of 20 m - bow and 10 m - stern, four soft fenders, two release hooks 2.5 mm long, gangway , three stuffed mats. A box with rescue equipment (wooden plaster with soft sides, metal plaster with P6-1 clamping bolts, oak wedges, pine plugs, sheet rubber, tow, carpenter's axe, hacksaw, asbestos mittens, nails). Pine timber and board, two OMP and OU-3 fire extinguishers, a manual drainage pump, a canvas bucket and watering can, a box with battery and three-color flashlights. Rescue bibs, lifebuoy, anchor. A rocket pistol with rockets in a holster, semaphore flags and a counter pennant with a rod in a canvas case. Boat signal book in a case, a bag for documents, a stern flag on a flagpole. Oil can, oil funnel, oil dish. Engine cover, cargo cover, boat cover, tool box and spare parts for the engine.

Similar boats were equipped in the 19th century capital ships, the main task The boats were used for transporting cargo and crew members from board to shore and other ship needs. The characteristic sharp contours provided the boats good move. Boats were divided into work boats (10-18 oars) and light boats (10-14 oars). Typically, large boats had smooth sides, while light boats were made with clinker lining.

A model of such a 10-row boat in 72nd scale offers you to make a new one Russian company Falconet. The boat model is manufactured using a well-proven technology for manufacturing frames and skins on a removable frame. The plating, frames and canopies of the boat are made of pearwood. The set contains oars and blanks for the spar (mast and yards) and a drawing for the rigging. And since the boat comes with a stand, a nameplate and figurine of Admiral Nakhimov, then this project can be safely attributed to a small, but still solid model.

The general impression that the company's models made on us Falconet– very delicate, almost jewelry work. Perhaps, this is the best we've seen from boat models, because The latest developments are used. Unfortunately, precisely because of the miniaturization and the many small and fragile parts, we do not recommend taking this model as your first experience in model making. It’s better to pay attention to full-fledged models of sailboats, and this boat will go as an addition to them.

The length of the boat model is 110 mm.

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  • With more than 15 years of experience, we only offer best products on the market, weeding out obvious failed products;
  • We deliver goods to our customers all over the world accurately and quickly.

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We are happy to answer any relevant questions that you have or may have. Please contact us and we will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible.
Our field of activity: prefabricated wooden models of sailing ships and other ships, models for assembling steam locomotives, trams and carriages, 3D models made of metal, prefabricated mechanical watches made of wood, construction models of buildings, castles and churches made of wood, metal and ceramics, hand and power tools for modeling, consumables (blades, nozzles, sanding accessories), glues, varnishes, oils, wood stains. Sheet metal and plastic, tubes, metal and plastic profiles for independent modeling and making mock-ups, books and magazines on woodworking and sailing, ship drawings. Thousands of items for self-built models, hundreds of types and sizes of slats, sheets and dies of valuable wood species.

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  2. Fast processing of received orders;
  3. The photographs presented on our website were taken by us or provided by the manufacturers. But in some cases, the manufacturer may change the packaging of the product. In this case, the photographs presented will be for reference only;
  4. Delivery times indicated are provided by carriers and do not include weekends and holidays. At peak times (before the New Year), delivery times may be increased.
  5. If you have not received your paid order within 30 days (60 days for international orders) from dispatch, please contact us. We will track the order and contact you as soon as possible. Our goal is customer satisfaction!

Our advantages

  1. All goods are in our warehouse in adequate quantities;
  2. We have the most experience in the country in the field of wooden sailboat models and therefore can always objectively assess your capabilities and advise what to choose to suit your needs;
  3. We offer you various delivery methods: courier, regular and EMS mail, SDEK, Boxberry and Business Lines. These carriers can completely cover your needs in terms of delivery time, cost and geography.

We firmly believe that we will become your best partner!


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