Aviation navigation. General rules of air navigation. Classification of technical navigation aids

Along a given space-time trajectory.

Air navigation tasks

    • coordinates (geographical-->latitude, longitude; polar-->azimuth, range)
    • height (absolute, relative, true)
    • altitude above the Earth's surface (true flight altitude)
    • well
    • track angle (conditional, true, magnetic, orthodromic)
    • indicated, true, ground speed
    • speed, direction (meteorological, navigation) and wind angle
    • specified path line (LPL)
    • linear lateral deviation (LBU)
    • additional correction (AC) (when flying to a radio station)
    • lateral deviation (SB) (when flying from a radio station)
    • reverse, forward bearing (OP, PP) (when flying to/from a direction finder)
  • Control and correction of the path: (With access to the LZP or to the PPM (turning point of the route), depending on the LBU and ShVT)
    • by range
    • towards
  • Laying and dead reckoning:
    • Straight
    • Reverse
    • Calm
  • Construction optimal routes to reach the destination
    • reaching the point in the minimum time
    • exit to point from minimal costs fuel
    • reaching a point at a given time
  • Prompt route correction during flight
    • when the flight mission changes, including in the event of malfunctions in the aircraft
    • in the event of adverse meteorological phenomena along the route
    • to avoid collision with another aircraft
    • to approach another aircraft

Determination of aircraft navigation elements

Various technical means are used to determine navigation elements:

  • Geotechnical- allow you to determine the absolute and relative altitude of the flight, the course of the aircraft, its location, and so on).
    • air and ground speed meters,
    • magnetic and gyromagnetic compasses, gyro-semi-compasses,
    • optical sights,
    • inertial navigation systems and so on.
  • Radio engineering- allow you to determine the true altitude, ground speed, location of the aircraft by measuring various parameters of the electromagnetic field using radio signals.
    • radio navigation systems and so on.
  • Astronomical- allow you to determine the course and location of the aircraft
    • astronomical compasses
    • astro orientators and so on
  • Lighting- provide landing of the aircraft in difficult weather conditions and at night and to facilitate orientation.
    • light beacons.
  • Integrated navigation systems- autopilot - can provide automatic flight along the entire route and landing approach in the absence of visibility of the earth's surface.


  • Cherny M. A., Korablin V. I. Aircraft navigation, Transport, 1973, 368 p. broken link

Wikimedia Foundation.

  • 2010.
  • Space navigation

Inertial navigation

    See what “Air navigation” is in other dictionaries: Air navigation - a set of crew actions aimed at achieving the greatest accuracy, reliability and safety of driving an aircraft and groups of aircraft along a given trajectory, as well as for the purpose of bringing them to specified objects (targets) in place and time...

    Official terminology Air navigation

    - Air navigation, air navigation is the science of methods and means of driving an aircraft along a program trajectory. Air navigation tasks Determination of navigation elements of an aircraft latitude, longitude altitude LUM height above the surface ... ... Wikipedia NAVIGATION - (Latin navigatio from navigo sailing on a ship), 1) the science of ways to choose a route and methods of driving ships, aircraft (air navigation, air navigation) and spacecraft (space navigation). Navigation tasks: finding... ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary navigation - And; and. [lat. navigatio from navigo sailing on a ship] 1. Shipping, seafaring. Due to the shallowing of the river N. impossible. 2. This time of year when, according to local climatic conditions shipping is possible. Opening navigation. The ships in the port were waiting for the start... ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Navigation

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary - Wiktionary has an article “navigation” Navigation (lat. navigatio, from lat. navigo sailing on a ship): Navigation, navigation The period of time in the year when, due to local climatic conditions, it is possible to sail ... Wikipedia

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary Encyclopedia "Aviation" - Wiktionary has an article “navigation” Navigation (lat. navigatio, from lat. navigo sailing on a ship): Navigation, navigation The period of time in the year when, due to local climatic conditions, it is possible to sail ... Wikipedia

    - Air navigation, air navigation is the science of methods and means of driving an aircraft along a program trajectory. Air navigation tasks Determination of navigation elements of an aircraft latitude, longitude altitude LUM height above the surface ... ... Wikipedia- Rice. 1. Determining the location of the aircraft using position lines. navigation of aircraft, air navigation (from Greek aēr air and Latin navigatio navigation), the science of methods and means of driving aircraft from ... ... - (Latin navigatio, from navis ship) 1) navigation. 2) the science of steering a ship. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. NAVIGATION 1) the art of steering a ship in open air. sea; 2) time of year, in... ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language- Navigation (lat. navigatio, from navigo - sailing on a ship), 1) navigation, shipping. 2) The time period of the year when navigation is possible due to local climatic conditions. 3) The main section of navigation, in which theoretical ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - Air navigation, air navigation is the science of methods and means of driving an aircraft along a program trajectory. Air navigation tasks Determination of navigation elements of an aircraft latitude, longitude altitude LUM height above the surface ... ... Wikipedia- NAVIGATION, and, women. 1. The science of driving ships and aircraft. School of navigation. Air n. Interplanetary (space) n. 2. The time during which shipping is possible, as well as shipping itself. Start, end of navigation. N. is open. |… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Knowledge of some principles easily compensates for ignorance of some facts.

K. Helvetius

What is Air Navigation?


The modern term “air navigation”, considered in a narrow sense, has two interrelated meanings:

  • a certain process or activity of people occurring in reality to achieve a certain goal;
    • Air navigation – control of the aircraft trajectory carried out by the crew in flight. The air navigation process includes the solution of three main tasks:
      • formation (selection) of a given trajectory;
      • determining the location of the aircraft in space and the parameters of its movement;
      • formation of a navigation solution (control actions to guide the aircraft onto a given trajectory);
  • the science or academic discipline that studies this activity.
    • Air navigation as a science and academic discipline. Air navigation is the applied science of precise, reliable and safe driving of aircraft from one point to another, and methods of using technical navigation aids.

What books on air navigation are best to read first?


What devices provide air navigation processes on an airplane?

  • The composition of the instruments may vary, depending on the type of aircraft and the era of its use. The set of such devices is called a flight navigation system (FNS). Air navigation technical aids are divided into the following groups:
  • Geotechnical means. These are means whose operating principle is based on the use of the physical fields of the Earth (magnetic, gravitational, atmospheric pressure fields), or the use of general physical laws and properties (for example, the properties of inertia). This largest and oldest group includes barometric altimeters, magnetic and gyroscopic compasses, mechanical watches, inertial navigation systems (INS), etc.
  • Radio equipment. Currently, they represent the largest and most important group of means that are fundamental in modern air navigation for determining both the coordinates of the aircraft and the direction of its movement. They are based on the emission and reception of radio waves by on-board and ground-based radio devices, measuring the parameters of the radio signal, which carries navigation information. These tools include radio compasses, RSBN, VOR, DME, DISS systems and others.
  • Astronomical means. Methods for determining the location and course of a ship using the celestial bodies (Sun, Moon and stars) were used by Columbus and Magellan. With the advent of aviation, they were transferred to air navigation practice, of course, using technical means specially designed for this - astrocompasses, sextants and orientators. However, the accuracy of astronomical aids was low, and the time required to determine navigation parameters with their help was quite large, therefore, with the advent of more accurate and convenient radio engineering aids, astronomical aids were beyond the scope of the standard equipment of civil aircraft, remaining only on aircraft flying in polar regions. areas.
  • Lighting equipment. Once upon a time, at the dawn of aviation, light beacons, like sea lighthouses, were installed at airfields so that at night a pilot from afar could see it and go to the airfield. As flights increasingly began to be carried out using instruments and in adverse weather conditions, this practice began to decline. Currently, lighting equipment is used mainly during landing approaches. Various systems of lighting equipment allow the crew at the final stage of approach to detect the runway (runway) and determine the position of the aircraft relative to it.

How to deal with altitude, pressure, QNE, QFE, QNH and more?

  • Reading the article by Sergei Sumarokov "Altimeter 2992"

Where can I get the route to create a flight plan?


The routes are laid along the most optimal routes, while trying to provide the shortest routes between airports, and at the same time taking into account the need to bypass restricted areas (test airfields, Air Force flight zones, training grounds, etc.). At the same time, the routes laid along sections of these routes are, if possible, closer to orthodromic ones. Routes are listed in special collections, for example List of air routes of the Russian Federation. In collections, the route is indicated by a list of sequentially listed waypoints. Radio beacons (VOR, NDB) or simply named points with fixed coordinates are used as waypoints. In a graphical representation, the routes are plotted on radio navigation maps (RNA).

A very convenient and visual website for planning routes skyvector.com

  • If you want realism, you need to use ready-made routes. For example,
  • Routes for the CIS on infogate.matfmc.ru
    • there is a similar, but slightly outdated database -
  • You can compile it yourself using RNA or Lists of air routes
  • Skyvector.com - a very convenient interface for creating your own route or analyzing existing routes
  • There are specialized sites for generating virtual routes, for example:
  • Also check out these sites:

In general, the route looks like this: UUEE SID AR CORR2 BG R805 TU G723 RATIN UN869 VTB UL999 KURPI STAR UMMS

We remove the codes of departure and arrival airports (Sheremetyevo, Minsk), the words SID and STAR indicating exit and arrival patterns. It should also be taken into account that if there is no route between two points and this section runs directly (which is very common), it is indicated by the DCT sign.

AR CORR2 BG R805 TU G723 RATIN UN869 VTB UL999 KURPI, where AR, BG, TU, RATIN, VTB and KURPI are PPM. The routes used are marked between them.

What are approach patterns, Jeppessen, SID, STAR and how to use them?


If you are going to take a certain level to the point of completion of the descent, then the vertical speed ( Vvert) is determined through three variables:

  • ground speed ( W);
  • height to be “lost” ( N);
  • the distance at which the descent will be performed.

How to learn to use RSBN and NAS-1


Problems with RSBN An-24RV Samdim


Possible problems with the RSBN for this aircraft are collected in the An-24 FAQ

Basic navigation parameters in English terminology

  • True North- North Pole, the vertical axis of sectional charts, meridians
  • Magnetic North- Magnetic Pole, earth's magnetic lines of force affecting the compass.
  • Variation- angular difference between true north and magnetic north. The angle may be to the east or west side of north. Eastern variation is subtracted from true north (Everywhere west of Chicago) and western variation (Everywhere east of Chicago) is added to obtain magnetic course. East is least and West is best: memory aid for whether to add or subtract variation. West of Chicago it is always subtracted.
  • Isogonic lines- Magenta dashed lines on sectional showing variation. VOR roses have variation applied so that variation can be determined by measuring the angle of the North arrow on the rose from a vertical line.
  • Deviation- Compass error. A compass card in the airplane tells the amount of error to be applied to magnetic course to obtain compass course. Make a copy to keep at home for planning purposes.
  • True Course- The line drawn on the map. Draw multiple lines with spaces //// from airport center to airport center. Multiple lines permit features chart to be read.
  • Magnetic Course- True Course (TC) +/- variation = Magnetic Course. Put Magnetic Course on sectional for use while flying. This course determines hemispheric direction for correct altitude over 3000" AGL.
  • Compass Course- Magnetic Course minus deviation gives Compass Course. The difference is usually only a few degrees.
  • Course- A route which has no wind correction applied
  • Heading- a route on which wind correction has been applied to a course.
  • True Heading- angular difference from true course, the line on the chart, caused by the calculated wind correction angle ( W.C.A.).
  • Magnetic Heading- angular difference from magnetic course caused by wind correction angle; also, obtained by applying variation to true heading.
  • Compass Heading- angular difference from compass course caused by wind correction angle; also, obtained by applying deviation to magnetic heading. If wind is AS computed, this is the direction you fly.
  • True airspeed- Indicated airspeed corrected for pressure, temperature, and instrument error. This is found in the aircraft manual. Cessna is overly optimistic in its figures.
  • Ground speed- actual speed over the ground. This is the speed on which you base your ETA"s
  • Wind Correction angle- angular correction in aircraft heading required to compensate for drift caused by wind. Correctly computed it will allow the aircraft to track the line drawn on the chart.
  • Indicated altitude- Altimeter reading with Kollsman window set for local pressure and corrected for instrument error.
  • Pressure altitude- altimeter reading with Kollsman window set for 29.92. Used for density altitude and true airspeed computations.) Temperature is not used in determining pressure altitude.
  • True Altitude- distance above datum plane of sea level
  • Density Altitude- Pressure altitude corrected for temperature. This is the altitude that determines aircraft performance.

The simulator displays incorrectly... (day, night, time, Moon, stars, road lighting)

  • the change of night and day
    • to discuss the correct change of day, night, time...
    • And if you want realism, never install any FS RealTime, TzFiles, etc. The simulator displays the movement of luminaries and illumination according to real astronomical laws. For example,
  • time
    • Realistic onboard clock. In particular, they do not spontaneously switch between time zones.
  • change of moon phases
    • RealMoon HD Realistic Moon textures (FS2004, FSX)
    • to the website
  • starry sky
    • Reading the article "Navigation luminaries". At the end there are links to help you make a realistic view of the starry sky in FS2004. This is done by replacing the stars.dat file.

Intensity = 230 NumStars = 400 Constellations = 0

  • roads glow at night

We find files in this path: Your drive:\Your Sim folder\Scenery\World\texture\

See what “Air navigation” is in other dictionaries:

Lecture No. 2. Information about the shape and size of the Earth……………………………7

Lecture No. 3. Determination of relative coordinates of the aircraft……………………...16

Lecture No. 4. Navigator preparation for flight………………………………..22

Lecture No. 5. General rules air navigation……………………………25

Lecture No. 6. Ensuring flight safety in terms of navigation. Requirements for the content of navigation support


Lecture No. 7. Application of exchange rate systems…………………………………….37

Lecture No. 8. Visual orientation……………………………………………………41

Lecture No. 9. Application of a Doppler ground speed and drift angle meter. Navigation characteristics of DISS, principle of measuring ground speed, drift angle using DISS. Heading-Doppler measurement of aircraft coordinates, heading-Doppler navigation complex……………………………………………………47

Lecture No. 10. Non-autonomous navigation systems……………………………51

Lecture No. 11. Rangefinding radio navigation systems…………………..59

Lecture No. 12. Application of angular-rangefinder navigation systems65

Lecture No. 13. Application radar station in flight……………..69

Lecture No. 14. Satellite radio navigation systems………………………….75

List of references………………………………………………………..79

Lecture No. 1.

Basic navigation concepts and definitions

“Air navigation” is the science of driving aircraft along a programmed trajectory.

Flight is the complex movement of an aircraft in the air. It can be decomposed into translational motion of the center of mass and angular motion around the center of mass. A series of points and lines are used to describe the position of an aircraft as it moves forward. They serve as a basis for introducing navigational concepts directly related to the movement of the aircraft's center of mass. These include: spatial location of the aircraft(PMS), airplane seat(MS), flight path(TP), path line(LP).

Spatial location of the aircraft- a point in space at which this moment is the center of mass of the aircraft.

Airplane seat– a point on the earth’s surface at which the aircraft’s center of mass is currently projected. The spatial location of the aircraft and the location of the aircraft can be specified or actual.

Flight path- a spatial line described by the center of mass of the aircraft during movement. It can be given, required and actual. Under spatio-temporal trajectory flights understand the flight path specified not only in space, but also in time. The given space-time trajectory is called program.

Path line is a projection of the aircraft's flight path onto the Earth's surface. The projection of the programmed flight path onto the Earth's surface is called the target path line (DLP). The line along which the aircraft must fly is called the flight path.

Flight profile- called the projection of the program trajectory onto vertical plane, drawn through the deployed flight route in a straight line. The projection onto the earth's surface of the actual flight path of the aircraft is called the actual path line (LFP). Along the routes, VT and MVP are installed, which are corridors limited in height and width in airspace.

VT- a corridor in the airspace, limited in height and width, intended for flight operations aircraft of all departments, provided with route airfields and equipped with radio navigation, control and air traffic control equipment.

Profit center- a corridor in the airspace, limited in height and width and intended for flights by aircraft during local air communications.

When solving a number of navigation problems, several coordinate systems can be used. In general, their choice and application depend on the nature of the technical means of navigation and the capabilities of computing devices. The position of the MPS and MS in any system is determined by coordinates, which are determined by linear or angular quantities. In navigation, the most commonly used geocentric systems include: geographical(astronomical and geodetic), normal spherical, orthodromic And equatorial.

The main geographical systems used are: rectangular right systems coordinates (normal earth and starting), bipolar(flat and spherical), hyperbolic And horizontal.

When projecting the physical surface of the Earth onto the surface of the geoid, an astronomical coordinate system is used. The coordinates of the aircraft in this system are:

Geographic coordinate system:

  • geographic latitude g - dihedral angle between the equatorial plane and the normal (plumb line) to the surface of the ellipsoid (geoid) at a given point M (measured from the equator to the poles from 0 o to 90 o);

  • geographic longitude  g – dihedral angle enclosed between the planes of the prime (Greenwich) meridian and the meridian of a given point M. It is measured from 0 o to 180 o to the east and west (when solving some problems from 0 o to 360 o to the east).
Normal coordinate system:

  • normal spherical latitude  - the angle between the equatorial plane and the direction from the center globe to a point that is an image of the corresponding point of the ellipsoid. It is measured by the central angle or meridian arc within the same limits. Same as geographic latitude;

  • normal spherical longitude  - dihedral angle between the plane of the initial (Greenwich meridian) and the plane of the meridian of a given point. It is measured either by the central angle in the equatorial plane or by the arc of the equator from the prime meridian to the meridian of a given point within the same limits as geographic longitude.
Physical state air environment, as well as the direction of its movement relative to the earth’s surface, have a significant impact on the trajectory of the aircraft in any coordinate system. To assess the movement of an aircraft along a trajectory, geometric and mechanical quantities are used that characterize the spatial position of the aircraft, the speed and direction of its movement at a certain point in time. They are usually called flight navigation elements and are divided into navigation elements and movements.

Flight altitude- this is the vertical distance from a certain level, taken from the origin, to the aircraft.

The elements of the second group are: ground speed, track angle, drift angle, airspeed, heading and vertical speed.

Flight speed the aircraft is determined both relative to the air environment surrounding the aircraft and relative to the earth's surface.

Airplane headingγ – called the angle in the horizontal plane m
between the direction taken as the origin 1 at the location of the aircraft, and the projection of its longitudinal axis onto this plane 2 (Fig. 1.7).

Ground speed flight is the speed of movement along the earth's surface of the MS, directed tangentially to the track line 2 .

Track angle the angle between the direction taken as the origin and the track line (ground speed vector W) is called. It, like the course, reports from the beginning of the countdown clockwise from 0 o to 360 o.

Drift angle - of an aircraft is the angle between the airspeed vector and the ground speed vector in the horizontal plane. It is considered positive if the ground speed vector is located to the right of the airspeed vector, negative if it is to the left.

Vertical speed W in is called the vertical component of the vector of the total speed of translational movement of the aircraft relative to the Earth W (Fig. 1.7).

The flight navigation elements discussed above can be specified, actual and required. For example, the actual track lines are the actual track angle, the target track lines are the target track angle, and the required track lines are the required track angle.

The formulation of the navigation problem is based on determining the program, actual and required values ​​of navigation and flight parameters relative to the air environment and the earth's surface, characterizing the corresponding flight trajectories.

A flight of any purpose is preceded by the calculation of a program trajectory and the compilation (development) of a given navigation flight program; the calculated program trajectory, which ensures the safest and most economical flight, can be specified analytically or graphically in various coordinate systems. Analytically, it is expressed by the finite equations of motion of the aircraft’s center of mass, which in the widely used orthodromic rectangular coordinate system have the form:


where Z z, S z, H z are the specified (software) orthodromic rectangular coordinates of the PMS at a given time T.

To indicate the program flight path, the crew is given the flight route, the flight time of its control points, as well as the flight profile. A navigation program, developed on the basis of a program trajectory, depending on the capabilities of technical means of navigation and piloting, can be entered into the storage devices of navigation computers and presented on navigation situation indicators, automatic map tablets, flight maps, logbooks and flight plans. Flight along the programmed trajectory according to the navigation program must be carried out in accordance with the flight manual. They regulate the rules, conditions and restrictions for flight operation and piloting of an aircraft of this type.

The nature of the trajectory is determined by the flight modes of the aircraft. The latter, in turn, are characterized by different navigational and flight parameters, which are understood as mechanical and geometric quantities and their derivatives used in aircraft navigation.

Navigation and flight parameters may coincide with flight navigation elements or be associated with them by simple relationships. Navigation parameters include: coordinates of the spatial location of the aircraft, ground speed, track angle, drift angle, vertical speed, derivatives of these parameters and others.

TO aerobatic include: airspeed, aircraft heading, vertical speed relative to the air, angular speed, yaw, roll, pitch angles, etc. According to this division of parameters used in the airborne safety system, navigation and aerobatic flight modes are distinguished.

Control questions

  1. What is the subject of air navigation?

  2. What is the flight path?

  3. What geodetic coordinate systems are most used in navigation?

  4. What determines the nature of the flight trajectory?


Subject: air navigation, PMS, MS, TP, LP, flight profile, VT, MVL, astronomical coordinate system, geodetic coordinate system

geographic coordinate system, normal coordinate system, flight altitude, aircraft heading, ground speed, track angle, drift angle.

It would seem that the fastest and most convenient way is to fly in a straight line between two airports. However, in reality, only birds fly along the shortest path, and airplanes fly along airways. Airways consist of segments between waypoints, and the waypoints themselves are conventional geographical coordinates, which, as a rule, have a specific, easy-to-remember name of five letters, similar to a word (usually in Latin, but in Russian speakers transliteration is used). Usually this “word” does not mean anything, for example, NOLLA or LUNOK, but sometimes the name of a nearby settlement or some geographical feature, for example, the OLOBA point is located near the city of Olonets, and NURMA is the vicinity of the village of Nurma.

Airways map

The route is built from segments between points to streamline air traffic: if everyone flew randomly, this would greatly complicate the work of dispatchers, since it would be very difficult to predict where and when each of the flying aircraft would be. And then they all fly away one after another. Comfortable! Dispatchers make sure that planes fly no more than 5 kilometers apart from each other, and if someone is catching up with someone else, they may be asked to fly a little slower (or the other one - a little faster).

What is the secret of the arc?

Why then do they fly in an arc? This is actually an illusion. The route, even along the highways, is quite close to a straight line, and you only see the arc on a flat map, because the Earth is round. The easiest way to verify this is to take a globe and stretch a thread right across its surface between two cities. Remember where it lies, and now try to repeat its route on a flat map.

The flight route from Moscow to Los Angeles only seems to be an arc

There is, however, one more nuance regarding transcontinental flights. Four-engine aircraft (Boieng-747, Airbus A340, A380) can fly in a straight line. But more economical twin engines (Boeing 767, 777, Airbus A330, etc.) have to make a detour due to ETOPS (Extended range twin engine operational performance standards) certifications. They must stay no further than a certain flight time to the nearest alternate airfield (usually 180 minutes, but sometimes more - 240 or even 350), and in the event of one engine failure, immediately go there for repair. emergency landing. It really turns out to be an arc flight.

To increase the “throughput” of the route, separation is used, that is, aircraft are separated in altitude. A specific flight altitude is called echelon, or, in English, Flight Level. The echelons themselves are called - FL330, FL260, etc., the number indicates the altitude in hundreds of feet. That is, FL330 is an altitude of 10058 meters. In Russia, until recently, they used the metric system, so pilots still habitually say: “Our flight will take place at an altitude of ten thousand meters,” but now they have also switched to the international feet.

Navigation display

How do they gain altitude?

“Even” flight levels (300, 320, 340, etc.) are used when flying from east to west, odd flight levels - from west to east. In some countries, trains are divided between the four cardinal directions. The idea is simple: thanks to this, there will always be at least 1000 feet of altitude between planes flying towards each other, that is, more than 300 meters.

But the difference in flight time from east to west and from west to east has nothing to do with flight levels. And to the rotation of the Earth too, because the atmosphere rotates with the planet. It's simple: in the Northern Hemisphere, winds blow more often from west to east, so in one case the wind speed is added to the speed of the aircraft relative to the air (it is conditionally constant), and in the other it is subtracted from it, so the speed relative to the ground is different. And at the flight level the wind can blow at a speed of 100, 150, or even 200 km/h.

Direction of movement of aircraft at flight levels

How does navigation work?

Until recently, pilots were able to navigate, among other things, by the Sun, Moon and stars, and on old planes there were even windows in the upper part of the cockpit for this purpose. The process was quite complicated, so the crews also included a navigator.

In air navigation, ground-based radio beacons are used - radio stations that send a signal on the air at a known frequency from a known point. Frequencies and points are indicated on the maps. By tuning the onboard receiver with a special “circular” antenna to the desired frequency, you can understand in which direction the radio beacon is located from you.

If the beacon is the simplest, non-directional beacon (NDB, non-directional beacon), then nothing more can be learned, but by changing the direction to this beacon at a known speed, you can calculate your coordinates. A more advanced azimuth beacon (VOR, VHF Omni-directional Radio Range) also has circular antennas and therefore can be used to determine the magnetic bearing, that is, to understand what course you are moving relative to this beacon. A rangefinder beacon (DME, Distance Measuring Equipment, not to be confused with Domodedovo Airport), working on the principle of a radar, allows you to determine the distance to it. As a rule, azimuth and ranging beacons (VOR/DME) are installed in pairs.

This is what London and its surroundings look like in the Flight Radar 24 app

Lecture No. 1. Basic navigation concepts and definitions……………….2

Lecture No. 2. Information about the shape and size of the Earth……………………………7

Lecture No. 3. Determination of relative coordinates of the aircraft……………………...16

Lecture No. 4. Navigator preparation for flight………………………………..22

Lecture No. 5. General rules of air navigation……………………………25

Lecture No. 6. Ensuring flight safety in terms of navigation. Requirements for the content of navigation support


Lecture No. 7. Application of exchange rate systems…………………………………….37

Lecture No. 8. Visual orientation……………………………………………………41

Lecture No. 9. Application of a Doppler ground speed and drift angle meter. Navigation characteristics of DISS, principle of measuring ground speed, drift angle using DISS. Heading-Doppler measurement of aircraft coordinates, heading-Doppler navigation complex……………………………………………………47

Lecture No. 10. Non-autonomous navigation systems……………………………51

Lecture No. 11. Rangefinding radio navigation systems…………………..59

Lecture No. 12. Application of angular-rangefinder navigation systems65

Lecture No. 13. Use of a radar station in flight……………..69

Lecture No. 14. Satellite radio navigation systems………………………….75

List of references………………………………………………………..79

Lecture No. 1. Basic navigation concepts and definitions

“Air navigation” is the science of driving aircraft along a programmed trajectory.

Flight is the complex movement of an aircraft in the air. It can be decomposed into translational motion of the center of mass and angular motion around the center of mass. A series of points and lines are used to describe the position of an aircraft as it moves forward. They serve as a basis for introducing navigational concepts directly related to the movement of the aircraft's center of mass. These include: spatial location of the aircraft(PMS), airplane seat(MS), flight path(TP), path line(LP).

Spatial location of the aircraft- the point in space at which the aircraft’s center of mass is currently located.

Airplane seat– a point on the earth’s surface at which the aircraft’s center of mass is currently projected. The spatial location of the aircraft and the location of the aircraft can be specified or actual.

Flight path- a spatial line described by the center of mass of the aircraft during movement. It can be given, required and actual. Under spatio-temporal trajectory flights understand the flight path specified not only in space, but also in time. The given space-time trajectory is called program.

Path line is a projection of the aircraft's flight path onto the Earth's surface. The projection of the programmed flight path onto the Earth's surface is called the target path line (DLP). The line along which the aircraft must fly is called the flight path.

Flight profile- called the projection of the program trajectory onto a vertical plane drawn through the unfolded flight route in a straight line. The projection onto the earth's surface of the actual flight path of the aircraft is called the actual path line (LFP). Along the routes, VT and MVP are installed, which are corridors limited in height and width in the airspace.

VT- a corridor in the airspace, limited in height and width, intended for flights by aircraft of all departments, provided with route airfields and equipped with radio navigation, control and air traffic control equipment.

Profit center- a corridor in the airspace, limited in height and width and intended for flights by aircraft during local air communications.

When solving a number of navigation problems, several coordinate systems can be used. In general, their choice and application depend on the nature of the technical means of navigation and the capabilities of computing devices. The position of the MPS and MS in any system is determined by coordinates, which are determined by linear or angular quantities. In navigation, the most commonly used geocentric systems include: geographical(astronomical and geodetic), normal spherical,orthodromic And equatorial.

The main geographical systems used are: rectangular right systems coordinates (normal earth and starting), bipolar(flat and spherical), hyperbolic And horizontal.

When projecting the physical surface of the Earth onto the surface of the geoid, an astronomical coordinate system is used. The coordinates of the aircraft in this system are:

    astronomical latitude  a - the angle between the equatorial plane and the direction of the line openings at a given point, measured in the equatorial plane towards the poles from 0 o to90 o;

    astronomical longitude  a - a dihedral angle between the plane of the Greenwich meridian and a plane passing through a plumb line at a given point parallel to the Earth’s axis of rotation (the plane of the astronomical meridian) measured from 0 o to180 o east and west.

The coordinates in the geodetic system (Fig. 1.2) are:

    geodetic latitude B – the angle between the equatorial plane 1 and normal 4 to the reference ellipsoid at a given point M (measured from the equatorial plane to the poles from 0 o to90 o);

    geodetic longitude L – dihedral angle between the Greenwich and geodetic planes 5 meridians of a given point M (measured from 0 o to180 o east and west, in some cases from 0 o to 360 o east).

Geographic coordinate system:

    geographic latitude  r - dihedral angle between the equatorial plane and the normal (plumb line) to the surface of the ellipsoid (geoid) at a given point M (measured from the equator to the poles from 0 o to90 o);

    geographic longitude  g – dihedral angle enclosed between the planes of the prime (Greenwich) meridian and the meridian of a given point M. It is measured from 0 o to180 o to the east and west (when solving some problems from 0 o to 360 o to the east).

Normal coordinate system:

    normal spherical latitude  - the angle between the equatorial plane and the direction from the center of the globe to a point that is an image of the corresponding point of the ellipsoid. It is measured by the central angle or meridian arc within the same limits. Same as geographic latitude;

    normal spherical longitude  - dihedral angle between the plane of the initial (Greenwich meridian) and the plane of the meridian of a given point. It is measured either by the central angle in the equatorial plane or by the arc of the equator from the prime meridian to the meridian of a given point within the same limits as geographic longitude.

The physical state of the air, as well as the direction of its movement relative to the earth's surface, have a significant impact on the trajectory of the aircraft in any coordinate system. To assess the movement of an aircraft along a trajectory, geometric and mechanical quantities are used that characterize the spatial position of the aircraft, the speed and direction of its movement at a certain point in time. They are usually called flight navigation elements and are divided into navigation elements and movements.

Flight altitude- this is the vertical distance from a certain level, taken from the origin, to the aircraft.

The elements of the second group are: ground speed, track angle, drift angle, airspeed, heading and vertical speed.

Flight speed the aircraft is determined both relative to the air environment surrounding the aircraft and relative to the earth's surface.

Airplane headingγ – called the angle in the horizontal plane m
between the direction taken as the origin 1 at the location of the aircraft, and the projection of its longitudinal axis onto this plane 2 (Fig. 1.7).

Ground speedflight is the speed of movement along the earth's surface of the MS, directed tangentially to the track line 2 .

Track angle is the angle between the direction taken as the origin and the track line (ground speed vector W). It, like the course, reports from the beginning of the countdown clockwise from 0 o to 360 o.

Drift angle- of an aircraft is the angle between the airspeed vector and the ground speed vector in the horizontal plane. It is considered positive if the ground speed vector is located to the right of the airspeed vector, negative if it is to the left.

Vertical speed W in is called the vertical component of the vector of the total speed of translational movement of the aircraft relative to the Earth W (Fig. 1.7).

The flight navigation elements discussed above can be specified, actual and required. For example, the actual track lines are the actual track angle, the target track lines are the target track angle, and the required track lines are the required track angle.

The formulation of the navigation problem is based on determining the program, actual and required values ​​of navigation and flight parameters relative to the air environment and the earth's surface, characterizing the corresponding flight trajectories.

A flight of any purpose is preceded by the calculation of a program trajectory and the compilation (development) of a given navigation flight program; the calculated program trajectory, which ensures the safest and most economical flight, can be specified analytically or graphically in various coordinate systems. Analytically, it is expressed by the finite equations of motion of the aircraft’s center of mass, which in the widely used orthodromic rectangular coordinate system have the form:


where Z z, S z, H z are the specified (software) orthodromic rectangular coordinates of the PMS at a given time T.

To indicate the program flight path, the crew is given the flight route, the flight time of its control points, as well as the flight profile. A navigation program developed on the basis of a program trajectory, depending on the capabilities of technical means of navigation and piloting, can be entered into the storage devices of navigation computers and presented on navigation situation indicators, automatic map tablets, flight maps, logbooks and flight plans. Flight along the programmed trajectory according to the navigation program must be carried out in accordance with the flight manual. They regulate the rules, conditions and restrictions for flight operation and piloting of an aircraft of this type.

The nature of the trajectory is determined by the flight modes of the aircraft. The latter, in turn, are characterized by different navigational and flight parameters, which are understood as mechanical and geometric quantities and their derivatives used in aircraft navigation.

Navigation and flight parameters may coincide with flight navigation elements or be associated with them by simple relationships. Navigation parameters include: coordinates of the spatial location of the aircraft, ground speed, track angle, drift angle, vertical speed, derivatives of these parameters and others.

TO aerobatic include: airspeed, aircraft heading, vertical speed relative to the air, angular speed, yaw, roll, pitch angles, etc. According to this division of parameters used in the airborne safety system, navigation and aerobatic flight modes are distinguished.


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