In what mode does the plane land? Statistics of emergency landings on water. Technique and procedure for performing an emergency landing on water and the use of life-saving equipment

There are special brands of aircraft designed to land on water. But history knows many examples when pilots of conventional aircraft had to land not at an airfield, but on a water surface. The Neva, Volga, Hudson and even the Pacific Ocean acted as a landing strip.

Unfortunately, emergency situations occur in aviation when equipment fails for one reason or another. Today we will talk about unique cases when ordinary passenger aircraft, and not seaplanes, were able to land safely on the water. Most of them were doomed to death due to engine failure or other reasons. But thanks to the courage and professionalism of the pilots, they managed to land on water and, in many cases, avoid casualties.

Landing of Il-12 on the Volga

This story of a plane splashing down with 23 passengers on board occurred on April 30, 1953. The passenger plane was operating a Moscow-Novosibirsk flight with a landing at Kazan airport. Just before approaching the intermediate landing, both engines of the plane failed. As it turned out later, this emergency situation arose due to a meeting with a flock of ducks that got into the engine. The plane began to quickly lose altitude, and in the difficult conditions the crew decided to land the plane on the water. An emergency landing was made in the Kazansky area river port. Since this happened quite far from the coast (the depth of the landing site was about 18 meters), the plane began to fill with water and slowly sink. The rescue operation was complicated by the fact that the landing took place at 21.37 local time and it was already dark. All passengers and crew members managed to escape from the sinking plane. Locals All the victims were brought to shore by boat, except for one passenger, who, unfortunately, drowned, becoming the only victim of this plane crash.

Boeing 377 landing in the Pacific Ocean

The second successful landing of an aircraft on water occurred on October 15, 1956. There were 24 passengers and 7 crew members on board the ship, which was traveling from Honolulu to San Francisco. After two out of four engines failed, the commander decided to land the plane on the water. As a result of the successful landing, none of the passengers were injured, and they were picked up by Coast Guard rescuers.

Tu-124 landing on the Neva

This incident occurred on August 21, 1963 in the sky over Leningrad. The aircraft was flying on the route Tallinn - Moscow. There were 52 people on board: 45 passengers and 7 crew members. Some time after takeoff from Tallinn airport, the crew discovered that the landing gear had jammed. After negotiations with dispatchers, it was decided to land the plane at the nearest airport, which turned out to be Pulkovo in Leningrad. Due to problems with the landing gear, it became immediately clear that the landing would be an emergency and in order to avoid fire and explosion, it was necessary to run out of fuel. After an hour of circling over Leningrad, when there was little fuel left, problems arose with the engine. One after another, both engines failed, and the only chance to save the crew and the plane was to land on the water surface of the Neva. If the crew had not included co-pilot Vasily Grigorievich Chechenev, who had landing experience aircraft on the water, it is unknown how it would have ended. In a matter of seconds, the captain handed over control of the plane to Chechenev, who, thanks to his experience in naval aviation, managed to balance the position of the plane for landing on the water. The plane splashed down safely on the Neva opposite the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where rescuers and evacuation services were already waiting for it. All passengers and crew survived.

Landing of a Japanese airliner in the Pacific Ocean

This emergency landing occurred on November 22, 1968 near San Francisco. The Japan Airlines DC-8, carrying 96 passengers and 11 crew members, was flying from Tokyo to San Francisco. This time, the cause of the emergency landing was dense fog that shrouded the landing area. Due to poor visibility and instrument errors, which the ship's captain relied on, the crew landed on the water instead of the runway. Moreover, until the very end, the pilots thought that they were landing at the airport. Perhaps the lack of panic ensured the success of the entire operation. None of the passengers were injured.

Tu-134 landing on the Moscow Canal

This incident occurred on July 17, 1972, when the aircraft was being tested and making an experimental flight. As a result of the emergency, the aircraft's engines stopped. There were 5 crew members on board at the time. Thanks to the professionalism of the pilots, it was possible to land the aircraft on the Ikshinskoye Reservoir, one of the reservoirs of the Moscow canal system. No one was injured as a result of the incident.

Landing A 320-214 on the Hudson

The last landing of a large passenger airliner occurred not so long ago - on January 15, 2009. The aircraft with 150 passengers and 5 crew members on board was flying from New York to Seattle. Just 1.5 minutes after takeoff, the plane collided with a flock of birds, resulting in both engines stopping. By this point, the plane had already reached an altitude of 975 meters, so the pilots had time to plan. The crew managed to turn the plane around and make a successful landing on the water surface of the Hudson River opposite 48th Street in Manhattan. All passengers made it to the surface safely and were rescued. And although some of them were injured, the landing on the Hudson River can be called simply a miracle, since all 155 passengers survived.

In all the described cases, it was possible to avoid numerous casualties thanks to the skill of the crew. Unfortunately, all the planes never returned to the sky after such landings. As experts note, a favorable outcome of an emergency landing on water depends on several factors. The most important factors are the condition of the water surface (presence of waves or obstacles), the type of aircraft itself (large airliners are easier to land on water) and the skill of the crew. It is the last factor that is decisive.

The speed during landing and takeoff of an aircraft are parameters calculated individually for each airliner. There is no standard value that all pilots must adhere to, because aircraft have different weights, dimensions, and aerodynamic characteristics. However, the value of speed at is important, and failure to comply with the speed limit can result in tragedy for the crew and passengers.

How is takeoff carried out?

The aerodynamics of any airliner are determined by the configuration of the wing or wings. This configuration is the same for almost all aircraft except for small details. The lower part of the wing is always flat, the upper part is convex. Moreover, it does not depend on this.

The air that passes under the wing when gaining speed does not change its properties. However, the air that passes through the top of the wing at the same time becomes narrower. Consequently, less air flows through the top. This results in a pressure difference under and above the aircraft's wings. As a result, the pressure above the wing decreases, and below the wing it increases. And it is precisely thanks to the pressure difference that a lifting force is generated, which pushes the wing upward, and along with the wing, the aircraft itself. At the moment when the lifting force exceeds the weight of the airliner, the plane lifts off the ground. This happens with an increase in the speed of the liner (as the speed increases, the lift force also increases). The pilot also has the ability to control the flaps on the wing. If you lower the flaps, the lift force under the wing changes vector, and the plane sharply gains altitude.

It is interesting that the smooth horizontal flight of the airliner will be ensured if the lifting force is equal to the weight of the aircraft.

So, lift determines at what speed the plane will leave the ground and begin flight. The weight of the airliner, its aerodynamic characteristics, and the thrust force of the engines also play a role.

during takeoff and landing

In order for a passenger plane to take off, the pilot needs to reach a speed that will provide the required lift. The higher the acceleration speed, the higher the lift will be. Consequently, with a high acceleration speed, the plane will take off faster than if it were moving at a low speed. However, the specific speed value is calculated for each aircraft individually, taking into account its actual weight, degree of loading, weather conditions, length runway etc.

To broadly generalize, the famous Boeing 737 passenger airliner takes off from the ground when its speed increases to 220 km/h. Another famous and huge Boeing 747 with a lot of weight takes off from the ground at a speed of 270 kilometers per hour. But the smaller Yak-40 airliner is capable of taking off at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour due to its low weight.

Types of takeoff

There are various factors that determine the speed at which an airliner takes off:

  1. Weather conditions (wind speed and direction, rain, snow).
  2. Runway length.
  3. Strip coating.

Depending on the conditions, takeoff can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Classic speed dial.
  2. Off the brakes.
  3. Takeoff using special means.
  4. Vertical climb.

The first method (classic) is used most often. When the airfoil is of sufficient length, the aircraft can confidently gain the required speed necessary to provide high lifting force. However, in the case where the length of the runway is limited, the aircraft may not have enough distance to reach the required speed. Therefore, he stands on the brakes for some time, and the engines gradually gain traction. When the thrust becomes high, the brakes are released, and the plane takes off sharply, quickly picking up speed. In this way, it is possible to shorten the take-off distance of the aircraft.

There is no need to talk about vertical takeoff. It is possible if special engines are available. And takeoff using special means is practiced on military aircraft carriers.

What is the speed of the plane when landing?

The airliner lands on runway not right away. First of all, the speed of the airliner decreases and the altitude decreases. First, the plane touches the runway with its landing gear wheels, then moves at high speed on the ground, and only then slows down. The moment of contact with the GDP is almost always accompanied by shaking in the cabin, which can cause anxiety among passengers. But there's nothing wrong with that.

The speed when landing an aircraft is practically only slightly lower than when taking off. A large Boeing 747 approaches the runway at an average speed of 260 kilometers per hour. This is the speed the airliner should have in the air. But, again, the specific speed value is calculated individually for all aircraft, taking into account their weight, load, and weather conditions. If the plane is very large and heavy, then the landing speed should be higher, because during landing it is also necessary to “maintain” the required lift force. Already after contact with the airfoil and when moving on the ground, the pilot can brake using the landing gear and flaps on the wings of the aircraft.

Flight speed

The speed at which an airplane lands and takes off is very different from the speed at which an airplane moves at an altitude of 10 km. Most often, airplanes fly at 80% of their maximum speed. Thus, the maximum speed of the popular Airbus A380 is 1020 km/h. In fact, flight at cruising speed is 850-900 km/h. The popular Boeing 747 can fly at a speed of 988 km/h, but in fact its speed is also 850-900 km/h. As you can see, the flight speed is radically different from the speed when the plane lands.

Note that today the Boeing company is developing an airliner that will be able to reach flight speeds at high altitudes of up to 5,000 kilometers per hour.


Of course, the speed when landing an aircraft is an extremely important parameter, which is calculated strictly for each airliner. But it is impossible to name a specific value at which all planes take off. Even identical models (for example, Boeing 747) will take off and land at different speeds due to various circumstances: workload, amount of fuel loaded, length of the runway, runway coverage, presence or absence of wind, etc.

Now you know what the speed of the plane is when landing and when it takes off. Everyone knows the averages.

For the average passenger, successfully landing the plane at the airport is the end of the journey. But few people think that preparation for this begins long before the chassis touches the runway. landings fluctuate around 200 km/h. The plane goes through several stages, touches the runway (at this moment, as a rule, a cloud of dust takes off behind the plane), then reduces speed according to a special algorithm and stops.

Successful completion of a flight requires the coordinated work of both pilots (captain and co-pilot) and several air traffic controllers. If a failure occurs in one of the links, the result is most often the same. According to statistics, the takeoff and landing of an airplane are the two most dangerous moments of any flight.

Turn off your mobile phones

You may not hear this phrase in ultra-modern airliners, but in most aircraft this requirement must be strictly fulfilled. The flight safety regulations, which you agree to upon boarding, require compliance with this point in order to avoid interference with the operation of instruments, which in modern times passenger liner more than a hundred. Of course, with widespread computerization, the number of instruments seems to have decreased; everything is monitored by one on-board computer, but, for example, this computer receives altitude data from an altimeter located on the panel in front of the crew member sitting on the left. If we talk about other flight parameters, then the number of sensors with which the computer is checked has not decreased, rather, on the contrary.

This is what the cockpit of a Boeing 777 looks like. Screens (each pilot has his own) and controls are located on a horizontal panel between the pilots. The screens are independent - each pilot can view and configure the desired this moment information. The landing of the aircraft is carried out using instruments that have separate screens in front of the control wheel, but at new airports the computer on board is capable of interacting with the runway equipment.

Return the curtains to their original position (open)

The request to raise the curtains is based on the design features of a modern airliner. Pilots, sitting in the cockpit, can assess the in-flight situation based on computer readings, but the computer or sensor will not immediately show any emergency situation. But neither they nor the computer are able to see what is happening to the wings. The devices will detect a fuel leak, but the device is not able to tell where exactly it occurs. And if the plane lands unexpectedly, the flight attendants, having a picture overboard, will be able to warn the pilot, and through him, the ground services.

What companies won't tell you

There are several rules that the company won’t tell you about, but it’s worth knowing them. Each company belongs to some group, and sometimes using aircraft of one group (or just a company) will help you save on tickets - all air carriers value the loyalty program. When you take a flight, it's worth checking out reviews of the company and how it runs the program.

It is always recommended to have suckable candies with you. Taking off and landing an airplane involves rapid gain or loss of altitude, and although systems now exist to compensate for changes in pressure overboard, passengers may experience ear congestion and other not very pleasant sensations. If you are traveling with a small child, it is recommended to bring him a coloring book.

If you are flying for the first time, you should think about the toilet. It can be used while parked or in flight. But when the plane begins to land, the flight attendant is obliged to close it.

It’s also worth asking in advance how you will get from the airport to your place of residence. Company employees know this, but in 9 out of 10 cases they will tell you the most “expensive” method. If you are flying to tourist trip, ask your agent this question. Delivery to your place of residence is often included in the price of the trip.

Emergency situations

On every flight, situations may arise that require emergency landing plane at the nearest airfield. In most cases, no special action is required from the passenger.

The plane landed on its belly as a result of problems with the landing gear. In such cases it is recommended:

  • quickly leave the plane;
  • do not move too far from the plane so that rescue teams can find you;
  • clear the table, and, as directed by the flight attendants, take the position for an emergency landing.

This situation may never happen to you, but the saying “forewarned = forearmed” has never been canceled.


The final stage of the flight is the landing of the aircraft. And if the average passenger sits until the plane comes to a complete stop at the end of the runway, then for those accompanying the flight and service personnel on the ground, an emergency time comes. The plane needs to be refueled, cleaned and sent on a new flight as soon as possible.

The successful implementation of a forced landing on water depends mainly on the following factors:

on sea conditions and wind strength; depending on the type of aircraft; from the skill of the commander. The behavior of the aircraft at the time of landing may vary depending on the sea state. Landing an airplane parallel to the line of the swell crest, i.e., perpendicular to the direction of its movement, is sometimes almost no different from landing an airplane on a smooth water surface. When landing an aircraft perpendicular to the crest line of a swell or when landing in rough seas, large overloads are applied to the aircraft. By choice the right course approach, in accordance with the state of the sea, the commander can to a certain extent reduce the danger associated with landing the aircraft in rough sea conditions.

The second factor influencing the successful implementation of an emergency landing on water is the type of aircraft. The commander cannot directly influence this factor, however, knowing the characteristics of his aircraft and its data, as well as its expected behavior when landing on water, he can take certain measures in order to weaken the effect of its negative qualities and make the most of its positive properties. You can always find out in advance information about the behavior of a particular type of aircraft when landing on water.

Below are general data that apply to all types passenger aircraft.

The heavier the aircraft, the better suited it is for landing on water. Modern passenger aircraft, as a rule, have satisfactory characteristics in terms of their suitability for landing on water. In passenger aircraft, the lower part of the fuselage, which is most often damaged when landing on water, has greater strength.

Protruding parts of the aircraft differently affect the damage to the aircraft when landing on water. The landing gear must always be retracted, otherwise the aircraft will be subjected to sudden throws and overloads, which can cause wing failure.

When landing on rough water against the direction of the swell, significant G-forces should be expected. The length of the run in this case depends on whether the plane will bounce off the water when it hits a wave or not.

The safest landing of an aircraft in rough sea conditions is to land in a direction parallel to the line of the swell wave, or, in other words, in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the swell movement. The landing conditions in this case are most similar to the conditions of landing on a smooth water surface.

Of the three factors influencing the successful execution of a forced landing of a multi-seat passenger plane on the water, namely the state of the sea, the type of aircraft and

the art of Piloting, the last factor being the most decisive. The ability of the commander and co-pilot to land the plane safely on the water will largely depend further fate crew and passengers.

On most modern aircraft, it is necessary to land on water at the lowest possible airspeed, provided, however, that this does not entail excessive lifting of the nose of the aircraft.

After the first impact of the plane on the water, the commander in most cases is almost unable to control the plane, since he ceases to obey the rudders.

Landing on a smooth sea surface, including in the presence of swell, must be done with great care, since in these conditions it is very difficult to determine the height above the water, as a result of which the pilot can very easily make a mistake. Therefore, if possible, the pilot must first pass the low altitude above the intended landing site, dropping some small objects into the sea, by which he can determine the altitude and land on the second approach.

A scale for determining wind speed based on the state of the sea surface during wind waves.


The most convenient places for a forced landing on water are closed water basins, such as lakes, rivers, harbors, bays, or water areas surrounded by several islands.

If conditions permit, it is necessary to fly over the intended landing site to ensure that there are no obstacles on the surface of the water:

  • pitfalls; boats, rafts;
  • buoys, pilings or any other objects that could damage the aircraft.

Once the pilot is satisfied that there are no obstacles on the surface of the water for landing, he must select an approach course based on the actual conditions of the water surface and wind direction.

The body of water selected for planting must be at least 1.5 km long and 90 m wide.

The approach direction should be chosen taking into account the wind direction, the direction of the river flow and its depth. If the river current is not very strong and the wind direction does not coincide with the most favorable approach direction, then the landing should be made against the wind. If the direction of the river flow and the direction of the wind coincide, then planting should be done against the wind and against the current.

If the direction of the current and the direction of the wind are opposite, then the landing should be made against the wind. -

The general rule when landing on the surface of a river is the following: if the wind is strong enough, you should neglect the weak current of the river and land against the wind. The landing should be calculated so that at the end of the run through the water you end up close to the shore, at the pier or aground.

In order to determine from the air the magnitude and direction of movement of the main, largest swell at sea, it is necessary to fly at an altitude of approximately 600 m (from a low altitude the main swell is not always visible). The direction of movement of weaker systems of swell and wind waves is determined from the level of low-level flight. ^

The vast majority of ocean waves are 3-4 m high, and waves 7-8 m high are a rare occurrence. Due to interference, or superposition of waves, waves following each other can differ dramatically in height. This can be clearly seen by watching the waves crashing on the shore. Three or four large waves are usually followed by a series of relatively small waves, after which they come again big waves etc. Thus, even in the case of a very rough sea, there are always relatively calmer places on its surface, which is very important for the commander and co-pilot to know in case of an emergency landing.

If it is necessary to land at sea in difficult waves, that is, in the presence of several different swell systems, then for When landing, a heading should be chosen so that the aircraft does not move directly into any of the swell systems and that maximum use is made of the headwind.

When choosing a landing course, you must also take into account the location of the entrance doors and escape hatches on the aircraft. When placing doors on one side of the fuselage of an aircraft (Tu-104, Tu-124, Il-18, etc.), landing parallel to the swell crest should be done in such a way that the swell wave (or wind wave) runs onto the starboard side.

In this case, the port side entrance doors and escape hatches can be used to evacuate passengers and crew onto inflatable life rafts.

For aircraft Tu-114, Il-62, Tu-154, Tu-134, etc., which have exits on both sides of the fuselage, when landing on water parallel to the swell crest, it does not particularly matter from which side of the fuselage the swell wave comes or wind wave, but after landing on the water, the pilot must evaluate the position of the aircraft on the water and the possibility of opening doors and hatches so that water cannot penetrate inside the aircraft.


A forced landing of a passenger land aircraft on a rough sea surface must be carried out so that the nose of the aircraft is raised at the moment it touches the water. To do this, you need to make a normal landing approach with the flaps and landing gear retracted. Engines should run at low speeds. At a height of approximately 1.5-2 m above the water, level the plane and, keeping its nose slightly raised, continue to fly to the intended landing site on the water at a speed exceeding the critical speed by 15-20 km/h.

Having reached the chosen landing site, you should slightly reduce the throttle and lift the nose of the plane so as not to completely lose speed. Although at the moment of landing the nose of the aircraft must be kept raised

position, during the run it should be lowered, since with the nose down the plane will stop faster, because the surface of the plane in contact with water will increase; the plane will break away from the wave at a lower angle of attack, as a result of which it will gain less altitude. To keep the nose of the aircraft in the desired position during the run, the pilot must quickly respond to any change in the aircraft's attitude by operating the elevator.

The length of an aircraft's run during landing is directly dependent on the weight of the aircraft and its speed, or, in other words, on its reserve of kinetic energy at the moment of landing.

When landing on water at night at an altitude of 100-150 m, it is necessary to turn on the headlights and focus all your attention on determining the height at which the aircraft begins to level off before splashdown, preventing it from hitting the water or losing speed. It is not recommended to turn on headlights in fog and clouds.

On a moonlit night, you should sit in the direction of the moon. It has been established that estimates of the state of the sea made by observations during the full moon are approximately correct. However, under these conditions, the sea is clearly visible only in one specific direction, and the sea seems calmer than it actually is. Nevertheless, it is almost always possible to determine the main swell system, as well as the direction of the wind, if its strength is strong enough and there are winds at sea stripes.

Launching inflatable life rafts and boarding people on them

As soon as the aircraft finally stops on the water after landing, the ship's commander is obliged to:

  • assess the position of the aircraft on the water and the possibility of opening the side doors and emergency hatches so that water cannot penetrate inside the aircraft;
  • give the command to open doors and escape hatches;
  • give the command to launch the rafts;
  • do not allow passengers to gather in one place in order to avoid dangerous trims to the nose or tail of the aircraft;
  • organize quick disembarkation of passengers with life jackets previously put on;
  • be the last to leave the plane, be placed on a rescue pilot with an emergency radio and lead the rescue of passengers;
  • give instructions to move the rafts away from the aircraft 50-100 m.

On most modern passenger aircraft, the rafts inside the aircraft are secured manually and the rafts are brought to those doors and hatches that lie above the seawater level and which are most appropriate to open in a particular situation and then lower the rafts into the water without flooding the aircraft with seawater.

Notes 1. The water level behind the aircraft class must be determined at those doors and hatches, without opening them, that have porthole windows, and select doors and hatches whose lower edge lies above the level of the outboard wall or the upper crest of the wave.

Notes 2. In case of strong waves and storms, it is necessary to open preferentially the emergency hatches above the wing from the safer leeward side. In a storm with a large wave, emergency hatches in the upper part of the aircraft fuselage can be used to escape (on those aircraft that have such hatches). In this case, it is necessary to take into account the great difficulty of exiting and boarding the rafts through these hatches.

Having received the command to launch the rafts into the water, crew members and flight attendants, provided for in a pre-established schedule, or plan, for emergency evacuation on water, open the appropriate doors and hatches based on the situation and, Having previously attached the end of the launch painter (rope) placed in a special pocket of the raft packaging to a special bracket near the door or hatch, the raft is dropped into the water.

Notes 1. Rafts that are not attached to the plane by painters and dropped into the water can be carried hundreds of meters away from the plane by the wind and current, and people will not be able to swim to the rafts and use them for rescue on the water.

Notes 2. If the raft (for any reason) is not secured by a bracket at the door or hatch, the end of the launch painter must be firmly held in the hands of the crew member (flight attendant) in charge of boarding the rafts at the gate, or a physically strong passenger who is attracted by the crew to assist with evacuation.

After the package with the raft is dropped onto the water and floats, all that remains is to open the package and inflate the raft. For this purpose, a launch painter is used, connected to the packing traction rope and the launch device of the gas cylinder attached to the raft.

The length of the raft's launch painter is always several times greater than the height of the lower edge of the door (hatch) from the water level, and therefore it is necessary to first select the slack of the painter. When the slack is taken out and the painter is pulled tight, you need to sharply pull the painter several times. After several jerks, opening the package and triggering the trigger, carbon dioxide from the cylinder begins to flow into the inflatable chambers of the raft and the raft is inflated in a few tens of seconds. As soon as the inflatable arches (or central pillar) supporting the awning are raised, the raft is ready to receive rescuers.

The painter is firmly connected to the raft and will hold it to the plane until the rescuers land and cut the painter. The tensile strength of the painter (40-4-60 kG) is calculated in such a way that if people do not have time to cut the painter and the sinking plane begins to drag the raft along with it, the painter will break. A raft with a full number of people will remain afloat. However, it is better to avoid this situation and try to move away from the plane before it floods, so as not to fall into the funnel that forms when the plane is immersed in water.

Note: In the event of an emergency landing of an aircraft on land in a desert, taiga, arctic, sparsely populated area at any time of the year, inflatable rafts can be used on land to protect people from rain, sun, wind and cold before approach rescue teams. In this case, the emergency supply of food and equipment intended for inflatable rafts must be used in relation to the specific situation.

The inflatable raft, which is afloat and held by a painter at the exit or hatch above the wing, can be accessed directly from the aircraft through an open door or hatch, as well as from the wing, which people access through the side emergency hatches in the passenger cabin. If this “dry” method cannot be applied in the current situation, you should jump into the water feet down with an inflated vest, swim to the raft and climb into it along an inflatable or soft ribbon ladder through one of the two entrance holes in the raft’s canopy. It should be taken into account that people in dry clothing have greater resilience when staying on inflatable life rafts. Therefore, if possible, you should avoid getting your clothes wet when boarding the rafts for passengers and crew.

In some cases (when there is little time) you will have to inflate the rafts by jumping into the water. When deploying and inflating life rafts, special care must be taken to ensure that the rafts and escaping persons do not come into contact with sharp edges of the fuselage or other parts of the aircraft.

When helping the wounded leave the plane, you should always take their survival equipment (vest) from the plane.

When landing on rafts from the wing of an airplane, you must remember that it is extremely difficult to stay on the wing in rough seas (it can be washed away by the wave). Therefore, it is necessary to use a lifeline attached to the hatch above the wing to keep people on the wing until the inflatable raft is deployed at the edge of the wing.

When the first and subsequent rafts are filled with passengers, if the rafts are lowered from one exit (hatch) one after another, the painter of the first raft is detached from the aircraft and attached to the second raft.

Then the first raft is pushed away from the exit (hatch) of the aircraft, so as not to interfere with the landing of people in the second, third, etc. rafts.

Upon completion of landing, all rafts, sequentially fastened together with painters 8-10 m long, are moved away from the aircraft by 50-100 At, so as not to fall into the crater of a sinking aircraft. To do this, the people on the last raft, which is attached to the exit (hatch) by a mooring painter, after the crew commander sits on the raft and has checked that all people have left the plane, release the mooring painter and the rafts move away from the plane under the influence of wind, waves, and current.

The commander takes upon himself the general management of the rafts, making sure that all the people are picked up from the water, all the rafts are connected to each other by painters 8-10 m long, and all the necessary equipment is on the rafts. I

If possible, the crew commander should move to the raft where the radio operator with the emergency radio station is located.

If the plane continues to float on the surface of the water, then the rafts should remain near the plane at a distance of 50-100 m so that rescue ships, planes and helicopters can quickly detect them.

The management of a life raft filled with passengers is carried out by the senior crew member located on the raft. If there is not a single crew member (flight attendant) on the raft, then the passengers choose a senior one from among themselves.

In order to approach another life raft, you need to throw the raft's sea anchor the entire length of the painter (rope) towards the other raft and then pull your raft by the painter in the direction of the thrown sea anchor. If the distance between the rafts is significant, the sea anchor will have to be thrown more than once. If the raft has two anchors, it is better to use both drogues (from one entrance) to bring the rafts closer together. After approaching, it is necessary to connect the rafts with painters (ropes) laid on the bottom of the raft.

The distance between the connected rafts should be at least 8-10 m, and if the sea is rough - 10-12 m. After connecting the rafts, all floating anchors should be released into the water so that the rafts are not blown away by the wind from the landing site of the aircraft, since there will be search and rescue aircraft, ships, etc. are approaching.

To eliminate gas leakage from a damaged raft buoyancy chamber, a metal plug should be used in case of a large rupture, and a rubber plug should be used in case of a small puncture. Using a plug, insert the bottom plate of the plug through the gap in the raft chamber, cover it with the top plate, tighten the wing nut and break the wire securing the nut to the plates.

Using a rubber plug, you need to screw it into the hole (puncture, small tear), after which, as quickly as possible, prepare a patch from the package with raft repair equipment to replace the plugs and plugs.

It is necessary to close the entrance curtains of the raft when all rescued people are located on the raft. Raft curtains should be kept closed in cold or wet weather. Brief instructions with explanatory drawings are placed on the inner surface of the raft canopy. The text is approximately as follows:

Immediate action in cold weather.

  • a) untie the curtains (ties) that tighten the entrance curtains into bundles;
  • b) raise the entrance curtains by pulling the cords down. After this, fasten the curtains with loops on the brakes (oblong buttons);
  • c) from time to time, in order to avoid poisoning with carbon dioxide exhaled by people, ventilate the space under the tent by slightly opening the entrance curtains;
  • d) inflate the bottom of the raft. The pump or bellows for inflating the bottom is stored in the package with the equipment for repairing the raft. In order to inflate the bottom with a pump, you need to attach a hose to the pump hole farthest from the handle.”

November 22, 1968 passenger aircraft DC-8 of Japan Airlines, registration number JA8032, call sign Shiga, PIC - Kohei Aso, taking off from Tokyo to San Francisco, made an emergency landing in low cloudy conditions, splashing down half a kilometer from the American coast. None of the 96 passengers and 11 crew members were injured during the accident.

July 17, 1972 Tu-134 aircraft, board USSR-65607 of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, performed a test flight. PIC – Vyacheslav Kuzmenko. During the flight in the holding area they turned off fuel pumps both engines. The engines stopped. Relatively low altitude and the exhausted battery charge did not allow them to be launched in flight. The plane splashed down on the waters of the Ikshinsky reservoir, near the village of Bolshaya Chernaya. As a result of the splashdown, the plane did not collapse and none of the 5 crew members were seriously injured.

June 2, 1976, in the afternoon, in normal weather conditions, when landing at Zhulyany airport, a Yak-40 aircraft, tail number USSR-87541 of the Lithuanian department, made an emergency landing outside the airfield civil aviation, performing a flight Kaunas - Kyiv. PIC – Shtilyus V.S. At an altitude of 700 meters, having received instructions from the dispatcher to take the altitude to 400 meters, the ship's commander gave the command to flight mechanic Sinkevičius to set the engines to low throttle and began to descend. At this time, three engines stopped simultaneously. The crew's attempt to start the engines in flight was unsuccessful. The crew decided to land on the water of the Dnieper. But the plane did not reach the river. The aircraft commander made an emergency landing with the landing gear retracted in marshy shallow water in the area of ​​Osokorki, which is now a residential area of ​​Kyiv, but then was a wasteland. The plane received minor damage. The crew and passengers were not injured.

August 8, 1988 An-12 military transport aircraft (535th OSAP, Rostov-on-Don) carried out the task of transporting personnel from the Bataysk airfield to the Yeisk airfield after a party meeting in Bataysk. During the flight, the flight mechanic switched the fuel supply from the floor tanks, which had been filled for a long time and had not been used. The kerosene in them settled and contained water. On the pre-landing straight, 3-4 kilometers from the runway, all four engines stopped one by one. The crew tried to make an emergency landing in the estuary Sea of ​​Azov in shallow water. The plane touched the water with its extended landing gear and nosed down. Upon impact with the water and the bottom, the fuselage split and was partially submerged in water. The cargo compartment, where most of the passengers were, was filled with water mixed with kerosene. It was a laboratory aircraft, not suitable for transporting people. There was equipment inside the cabin that was torn off upon impact, which was the main cause of death. 24 people died in this plane crash.

November 23, 1996 The Boeing 767, owned by the Ethiopian airline Ethiopian Airlines and operating flight number 961, took off from Addis Ababa to Abidjan, with stops in Nairobi, Brazzaville and Lagos. Soon after entering air space In Kenya, three terrorists hijacked a plane and demanded it head for Australia. On approach to the Comoros Islands, the plane ran out of fuel, and the crew tried to land on the water in a shallow, quiet coastline 500 meters from Le Galava beach. The plane caught the water with its left wing, flipped over and collapsed right in the water. Of the 175 people on board, 125 were killed, including the terrorists.

January 15, 2009 US Airways Airbus A320, flight No. 1549 from New York to Seattle with an intermediate stop in Charlotte (North Carolina), PIC Chesley Sullenberger, with 150 passengers on board, made an emergency landing on the water of the Hudson River in New York. Both engines failed during takeoff. Everyone on board survived. Five people received serious injuries (the flight attendant suffered the most) and seventy-eight suffered minor injuries.


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