How many people travel every year? Tourist trips are becoming shorter but more regular. Isn't it expensive to travel?

On the portal of the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS) of Russian citizens outside the country in 2017. The data in the system is provided by the FSB of the Russian Federation.

According to the FSB of the Russian Federation (its structure includes the Border Service, which monitors border crossings), . This is 24.13% more than at the end of 2016, when our compatriots traveled outside Russia 33,827,420 times.

Of the total number of trips abroad by Russians, 31.87% were “ Near Abroad» - CIS countries, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The leader here is Abkhazia with 4.358 million trips (+1.95% compared to 2016), however, it is obvious that this figure includes repeated movements of Abkhaz citizens with Russian passports, and it is extremely difficult to isolate the real tourist flow from it.

As for non-CIS destinations, it makes sense to focus again on the total number of trips, and not on the number of trips for the purpose of a “tourism” visit - the methodology for identifying such a purpose of a visit on mass visa-free destinations is so unclear.


In 2017, Russians made 28,604,030 trips to all foreign countries, which is 31.6% more than in 2016. The leaders of the TOP-20 (by the number of trips made in 2017 from Russia) were distributed as in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. TOP-20 outbound destinations by the number of trips by Russian citizens in 2017 (excluding CIS countries, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia)

Almost all countries from the TOP 20 showed an increase in the number of trips from Russia in 2018. The leader in the dynamics of growth in the number of trips was Türkiye - +553.2%. Its results are mainly explained by the closed season in 2016.

After it, the best dynamics from the TOP-20 were demonstrated by the United United Arab Emirates: +53.7% compared to 2016. In third place is Vietnam with 30.1% year-on-year growth, followed by the Czech Republic with an increase of 27.4% and Thailand and Italy (growth of 25.6% and 25.5%, respectively).

Almost all countries from the rest of the list showed double-digit growth rates in tourist flows, with the exception of Cyprus (+6.25%) and Greece (+8.90%).

Three countries from the TOP 20 outbound markets, according to the Russian FSB border service, showed negative dynamics in the number of trips in 2017 compared to the previous year: these are Lithuania (-6.85%), Bulgaria (-10.3%) and Tunisia (-16.9%).

Among the countries outside the TOP 20, the dynamics of several countries are interesting. The Dominican Republic has the best results (it also has second place in terms of arrival dynamics in the general list of mass destinations, right after Turkey) - here, according to the FSB, the number Russian tourists increased by 73.13% (to a figure of 239,862 in 2017).

In Cuba, the number of arrivals from Russia in 2017 increased by 60.1% (82,919), in Jordan - by 56%, in Austria - by 34.9% (264,082 trips), in France - by 22% (to 524 thousand), in South Korea- increased by 16% (279,133 trips), in India - by 29.1% (233,489 trips), in Malta - by 31% (14,240 trips).

It is interesting that despite all the visa difficulties, the outbound flow to the United States also increased (by 6.3%) (269,128 trips). The outbound flow to Saudi Arabia, reaching a figure of 7,745 people.

The completely unique “explosion” of the outbound flow from Russia to Tanzania is also curious: from 56 people in 2016 to 2345 in 2017 (an increase of 4187%). The explanation is simple: this year he opened direct routes to Tanzania (Zanzibar). charter flights.

The flow of tourists to Qatar also “increased” sharply in 2017 - by 33%, to 87.5 thousand trips. This is explained by the same thing as the very small, irrelevant figures of tourist flow * (see explanation at the end of the article) for some long-haul destinations, such as the Seychelles, Malaysia or Sri Lanka. Since the border service keeps records using boarding passes, statistics from Qatar (as well as partially from Singapore and, to a lesser extent, Korea) reflect an increase in flights to the country South-East Asia with connections at these points.

Of the TOP 30 countries, in terms of the dynamics of tourist flow, in addition to Lithuania, Tunisia and Bulgaria, Morocco (-39%, and this is the most serious decrease in tourist flow from the entire list of countries with relevant statistics), Singapore (-10%), Denmark ( -7.3%) and Slovakia (-4%). All other foreign destinations from the TOP-30, judging by the statistics of the Russian FSB border service, showed an increase in the number of Russian arrivals in 2017.


One more cross-section can be made - along the lines of classical tourism “for the purpose of recreation and excursions” (leisure). To do this, you will need to exclude from the statistics foreign countries with a prevailing share of cross-border movements for shopping or other non-tourist purposes (China, Poland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia).

The TOP 20 such countries in 2017 are presented below in Fig. 2.

Fig.2. TOP-20 outbound destinations in 2017 ("classic tourism" for recreational and cultural-educational purposes)

The number of trips (accurate to units) is indicated only for 2017 (purple row).


* Let us recall that in 2014, Rosstat (the coordinator of the EMISS), by order 510, introduced a new method for calculating the volume of tourist flows, one of the features of which is that when repeatedly crossing the border, a citizen of Russia or any other country will be counted as many times as he did. “Therefore, tourist flows are measured not by the number of tourists, but by the number of trips,” the Rosstat document emphasized.

Border service statistics are relevant for calculating the number of trips by Russians on mass outbound destinations in “far” abroad countries for the purpose of recreation. The number of repeat trips per year by Russian citizens here is not so large as to significantly distort the data on a number of foreign destinations in the far abroad in one direction or another. However, in several areas the discrepancy with foreign data on the number of Russian tourists in 2017 is significant, which is explained by different methods of recording trips).

It is also obvious that the data of the FSB border service, unfortunately, will not be relevant when calculating the number of tourists traveling to border countries such as Finland, the Baltic states or Poland, partially China, as well as to the CIS countries, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Obviously, here the share of multiple border crossings is much higher, since most of such crossings are made for the purposes of personal shopping or (as in the case of Ukraine and a number of other CIS countries) visiting relatives.

Also, such statistics are not suitable for accounting for trips of persons traveling with transfers on many long-haul routes, incl. visa-free directions (since here the main way to get into the country is air transport, and border guards only analyze boarding passes, which indicate not the final, but an intermediate destination). This is why, for example, the number of visits to the Seychelles, Mauritius, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, is so small in the statistics of the FSB of the Russian Federation, New Zealand etc., and so large - in such non-tourist states for Russia as Qatar, whose capital is a large transit air hub.

FULL STATISTICS of the departure of Russian citizens abroad from Border Service FSB of the Russian Federation for 2016-17. you can see .

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For as long as I can remember, after returning from another trip, my friends always interrogate me - how much do you earn, where do you work, do you have any other vacancies? The guys say that, at best, they manage to get away somewhere for 2-3 weeks once a year, and they don’t understand how I can travel so often. Where to get time and money?

I started traveling since 2005. First I traveled around Russia, the CIS countries and Crimea. After a couple of years, the number of trips per year was at least 5-7 and was constantly increasing. I traveled around cities and countries, sometimes with some friends, sometimes with others, even traveling alone several times.

My friends always joked that I must be working as the general director of Gazprom, since I can afford to travel so often. For example, they saw that in the winter I went to St. Petersburg, in the spring to Egypt, Kyiv and Rostov, and in the summer I had already visited Sevastopol 2 times. Then we met Katya, I told her my “secrets” and we began to travel even more actively. Next summer we visited Mexico, in the fall the Emirates and Cyprus, New Year celebrated in Egypt, went to India and Vietnam in the spring...

We saw 6 countries in 1 year, not counting trips around Russia. At the same time, we both worked in the office and received 30 thousand rubles each.

Where does the money come from? How much do you earn?? Is it possible to get a similar position at your company??? — I’ve been hearing questions like these for years now. And when Katya and I left for, my friends immediately realized that I was the owner of an oil well

Isn't it expensive to travel?

You won’t believe it, but most people still think that traveling is very expensive. Only wealthy people can afford to go on holiday abroad or to Crimea several times a year. They simply don’t believe you when you say that you work at a very ordinary job, and not in the State Duma, and they pay you an average salary there, no more than others. Also, no one believes that a trip to Egypt can be bought for $500; they don’t believe that in a month in Thailand or Sri Lanka we spend less than an ordinary tourist spends in a week. Where do such prejudices come from?

Egypt, Luxor

For example, remember which travel agency you asked about a trip to Egypt, when they charged you $700 for a 3-star hotel without meals? You probably went to a shopping center and asked the office of some well-known large travel agency. I don’t know why these companies so blatantly increase prices by 3 times, but a ticket to such a hotel costs a maximum of 200 bucks.

One of my friends told me how she had a wonderful holiday in Turkey in a five-star all-inclusive hotel and paid $1,200 per person for everything... I always want to ask these people, where do you find such high prices?? Do you specifically go to travel agencies and buy the tour that is the most expensive? I don’t understand how it was possible to shell out a few bucks for Turkey. A trip to any 5-star hotel in Turkey costs a maximum of $500-700.

When we set our sights on Mexico, I walked into one of the offices of a well-known travel agency. I remember that they calculated me $4,500 per person. At the same time, they said that this is still low price as it goes early booking half a year ahead. They also added that Mexico is a wonderful country and you definitely need to save money for it. I could hardly contain my laughter. The next day we bought tickets from another travel agency for $1,300 per person and a week later we were already in Cancun.

Mexico, Cancun

Why did I write these examples? In all cases, it is clear that people do not know the real cost of vouchers and have no idea where to buy them. More on this a little later, but now let’s talk about the most important thing, money.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
We ordered a taxi online and paid by card. We were met at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You've already talked about your experience In this article

Where to get money for travel

"Wow! You've been to Mexico! Lucky guys! I’ll never save up for this country!” - said one of my friends and took out his latest model iPhone to show pictures of the new car...

Try to give up mindless consumption first

Now we all live in an era of consumption of material goods. As soon as you turn on the radio or TV, a barrage of advertising immediately hits you.


Buy a new seven-core tablet! Unprecedented discounts on smartphones until the end of summer! Just now buy an iPhone with a discount of 199 rubles! New laptop for the new school year! Widescreen curved TV for only 99 thousand rubles! Hurry up! Hurry! Buy all this high-tech junk!…

Consider that every new gadget is minus one trip. You think, okay, now I’ll buy myself a new smartphone and on my next vacation I’ll definitely have a rest. And by the next vacation something new will appear. The new Lenovo Yoga tablet is half an inch wider than yours and for only 19,990! We must take it, the journey can wait...

Think about why you actually need a new smartphone? You bought yours half a year ago. All the same, you will not use anything except the phone function, SMS, music, selfie camera and a couple of applications, such as VKontakte and Instagram...

Coffee shops and sushi bars

Now all kinds of sushi bars, coffee shops, restaurants are in fashion - how often do you visit such establishments? About 5 times a month, right? Each visit costs at least 1000 rubles. Don’t go to such cafes for just a month and you’ll already free up 5 thousand rubles. Multiply by the number of warm months in a year. It turns out that if at least in spring and summer you meet friends in nature, and not in bars, you can save the cost of the entire trip!

When you travel, you go to restaurants every day just to eat.

I personally do not experience any aesthetic pleasure from going to restaurants. I go to these establishments only for their intended purpose - when I’m hungry and need to eat. Also in the cold season we meet with friends in bars. Another thing that makes me feel uncomfortable in a cafe is the realization that their kitchen is a mess, unsanitary and expired food. By the way, this year there was one program on TV that confirmed my guesses.

Unnecessary clothes

How much unwanted clothing do you have and where did you buy it? Don't answer, probably in some way mall. But that’s normal; you shouldn’t buy it on the market. The question is rather how much have you already bought? extra clothes, which has never been worn or only worn a couple of times in all time. Why were these clothes bought? Most of the things were bought “out of nothing to do”, because “I wanted some new things.”

“Shopping is the best cure for stress,” as they assure us from the TV screen, although this statement is completely baseless, it is simply very beneficial for some people. Conquer your shopaholism and you’ll free up even more money for travel!

I believe that I do not suffer from shopaholism. I have been wearing almost all of my things for several years now and have not yet felt the desire to replace them. And why, if the thing still retains its properties, is not torn, has not faded. For example, I have shorts that I bought in Thailand in 2011 for 300 baht. Our regular readers have probably noticed that I’m wearing the same shorts in all the photos.

Furniture, renovation and cottage

Repairs and dachas are two gaps through which your money has been leaking for years. Tell me, do you often visit a famous Swedish furniture store? Have you ever wondered if you really need those thick scented candles or that blanket with an unpronounceable name? Do you really believe that you really need this unpainted rack for 4990 at your dacha?

Part 2 Coming soon to the blog!

I've given you a few things to think about where you can get money for travel if you consciously approach your expenses and lifestyle. Because, as usually happens, we earn something from our jobs, but there is never any money, there is nothing to save. Re-read these options and think about what you can reduce or eliminate. If you are thinking about taking out a loan for a new TV, give up this idea. Finally stop investing in a car and a summer house.

In the second part of the article, I will talk about practical examples of how to find time to travel if you work in an office as a hired worker 5 days a week, where to buy trips and not overpay, what you can save on while traveling so that you have more money left for excursions and there are many more useful things.

In order not to miss the second part of the article - subscribe to blog updates

That's all for today. Thank you for your attention! I hope I was able to convey my message to you and help you learn something new. Although, I didn’t say anything particularly new; many people already know all this. If you have anything to add, something is not clear, or you disagree with some statements, write your questions in the comments.

The Yandex.Travel service studied how the preferences of Russians have changed and where they traveled most often in 2018.

This year, the popularity of Hungary and Georgia among domestic tourists has increased the most: the share of these countries in requests has increased by 5–6%. Among resort destinations, only the UAE rose in the list. More countries worsened their position in the ranking. For example, Turkey, the second most popular travel destination after Uzbekistan, had a quarter fewer requests.

The most popular cities For flights, along with Moscow and St. Petersburg, Sochi and Simferopol became. At the same time, the tourist preferences of residents of the regions differ: for example, in Novosibirsk they often look for tickets to Bangkok, in Yekaterinburg - to Prague, and in Chelyabinsk they choose Antalya.

Muscovites most often fly to Sochi, Simferopol, St. Petersburg, Yerevan, Krasnodar, Mineral water, Anapa, Chisinau, Osh and Tashkent.

The most popular date for traveling by plane was September 5: tickets for this day were searched for 930 thousand times. The fewest requests - 154 thousand - were for flights on January 28. Users are most interested in traveling from May to September.

Most cheap ticket in the past year it cost 499 rubles (flight Moscow - Kaluga), and the most expensive - 65 thousand rubles for a flight from Moscow to Vladivostok.

As for traveling by train, residents of cities with a population of over a million most travel to Moscow and St. Petersburg or to cities nearby. Russians rarely travel abroad by train: they prefer to travel from Moscow to Minsk, and from St. Petersburg to Helsinki.

The top 10 most popular destinations for traveling by train look like this: St. Petersburg, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Anapa, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Voronezh, Vladimir, Minsk, Bryansk.

The cheapest ride in 2018 was by train from Obninskoye station to Maloyaroslavets - 44 rubles. The most expensive ticket was found in a sleeping car from Surgut to Moscow - 62,376 rubles.

Having analyzed hotel search queries, experts recognized hotels as the most popular Krasnodar region. There is also high demand for housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, the remaining places are distributed between southern cities Russia and Turkey. They also looked for hotels abroad in Thailand, the UAE, Greece, Spain, Tunisia, Belarus, the Czech Republic and Cyprus.

According to Rosstat, in 2016 the number of tourist trips abroad by Russians amounted to 31.7 million. This is almost 8% less than in 2015. And according to the Border Service, in 2016 the number of departures from Russia specifically for the purpose of tourism decreased significantly more, than Rosstat data shows.

Read also the article with complete, updated and final information about

Compared to 2015, departures fell by 18.5% and amounted to 9 million 873 thousand trips. This is 2 million 234.1 thousand less than in 2015.

Below the article there is a comparative table on the number of tourist trips abroad in 2014–2016.

Let us recall that since 2014, Rosstat has been publishing statistics in accordance with the recommendations of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which considers tourists not only those who declare tourism as the purpose of their trip, but also those traveling by private invitation, on business, for treatment, neighboring country for groceries or other goods, etc.

And according to Rosstat statistics, the top ten vacation destinations for Russians are as follows: Abkhazia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, China, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Thailand, Cyprus. Which, according to the travel industry, is only partly true.

A slightly different picture is painted by the data of the Border Service, which divides the outbound flow by purpose of travel. This includes trips for the purpose of tourism, and it is this indicator that we have been analyzing for many years, comparing the dynamics with previous years.

Figures received from the Border Service of the Russian Federation helped to understand that of the notorious 31.7 million tourist trips abroad, according to Rosstat, more than 21 million are so-called private trips. And if departures for the purpose of tourism decreased by 18.5%, then private ones - by only 2.4%. Apparently, this is the reason for the relatively small decrease in the number of “tourist trips” according to Rosstat.

In general, private trips make up the largest share of the total outbound flow from Russia. In 2016 - 38%. In second place are trips for tourism purposes - 29%. Further service personnel, crews Vehicle- 6%. Then business, then military personnel, then permanent residence.

Tourist departures from Russia have been declining since 2014. The hardest year was 2015, when tourist flows fell by 31%, which was the largest drop since 1998. 2016 turned out to be better, although it was not easy either.

Turkey was closed almost until the end of July last year, and Egypt has been closed since November 2015 and is still closed. Other destinations took away pieces of the Turkish and Egyptian pie, and in this situation, for the first time in many years, the top ten most popular destinations among Russians changed significantly. Now the top 10 looks like this: Thailand, China, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Tunisia, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey.

Thailand came out on top for the first time. This direction has been in the top 10 since 2007, and last years stayed in 5th–6th place, and in 2016 immediately jumped from sixth to first.

And Tunisia and Bulgaria “for the first time in their lives” entered the top ten leaders in the Russian market.

Turkey, which has consistently occupied the first line of the ranking since 2002, thanks to its return to the top ten at the end of July, although it dropped to 10th place.

The largest increase in the top ten, and indeed in the entire list at the end of the year, was shown by Tunisia, it grew by 1327%. This is compared to 2015, when due to terrorist attacks practically lost the incoming tourist flow; about 41 thousand tourists visited there from Russia. But compared to the prosperous 2014, Tunisia increased by 140%.

In second place in the top ten in terms of growth dynamics is China (60%), which has been steadily declining since 2011, and with Turkey closed, it suddenly grew - most likely thanks to charters from various Russian cities to the beach island of Hainan.

In third place is Cyprus (55.5%), which has also been falling since 2014. Thailand and Bulgaria grew by 38% and 37% respectively. Greece grew by 23.5%.

In general, according to the list, many European Germany, France, Switzerland lost part of the Russian tourist flow. Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Belgium.

They grew up mainly beach destinations- UAE, Vietnam, Montenegro, Israel, India, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Cuba, Morocco.

It seems that the closure of Egypt and Turkey was a kind of triumph for these areas. Everything and everyone is compared to them, and everyone understands that in a difficult economic situation, only in the absence of these two countries were other beach destinations able to grow. This also applies to domestic tourism.

The total departure of Russians abroad in 2016 amounted to 33.8 million trips - 8% less than in 2015.

Traveling abroad for tourism in 2016

according to the Border Service

(thousand trips)

Preliminary results of outbound tourism for 9 months of 2017.

countries visited by Russian tourists in 2017, according to statistics of outbound trips from Russia for 9 months from January 1 to September 30, 2017.

outbound tourism 2017 shows that field trips from Russia abroad grew by almost a third. In 2017, outbound tourism grew by 20%-30% according to the most popular destinations Europe and Southeast Asia.

The number of outbound tourist trips from Russia for 9 months of 2017 increased by 27% to 30.972 million from 24.314 million for 9 months of 2016, according to Federal service state statistics (Rosstat), which is almost equal to the number of outbound tourist trips from Russia abroad in 2016 at 31.7 million.

The top 10 foreign countries popular among Russian tourists in 2017 in terms of the number of outbound tourist trips from Russia based on the results of 9 months were Turkey (3.944 thousand trips), Abkhazia (3.493 thousand), Finland (2.481 thousand), Kazakhstan (2.326 thousand .), Ukraine (1,706 thousand), China (1,478 thousand), Estonia (1,285 thousand), Poland (929 thousand), Germany (918 thousand) and Georgia (802 thousand).

According to TourStat, in 2017 Türkiye is the leader in foreign trips of Russian tourists. For 9 months of 2017, the number of trips by Russians to Turkey amounted to more than 3.9 million, which is 8 times more than for 9 months of 2016.

Turkey (3.944 million trips, +717% compared to 9 months of 2016), China (1.478 million, +25%) and Georgia (802 thousand, +35%) showed the highest growth in the number of outbound tourist trips in 2017 in the first ten countries popular among Russian tourists.

Beach destinations in Southeast Asia: Thailand (706 thousand, +26%) and Vietnam (360 thousand, +27%), Caribbean: Dominican Republic(Dominican Republic) (165 thousand, +117%) and Cuba (53 thousand, +130%) and the Middle East: UAE (454 thousand, +41%) and Israel (256 thousand, +20%) showed the most high growth of outbound tourism from Russia over 9 months of 2017.

Outbound tourism from Russia in 2017 increased to the most popular European excursion, resort and beach destinations: Spain (794 thousand, +19%), Italy (713 thousand, +28%), France (368 thousand, +22% ), Czech Republic (358 thousand, +42%) and Austria (185 thousand +37%) based on the results of 9 months of the year.

Outbound tourism in CIS and former USSR in 2017 grew to Azerbaijan (567 thousand, +16%), Armenia (279 thousand, +32%) and Moldova (205 thousand, +28%) based on the results of 9 months of the year, as well as to Georgia (802 thousand ., +35%).

Outbound tourism from Russia to the Baltic countries (Baltic) in 2017 increased to Estonia (1,285 thousand, +15%) and Latvia (301 thousand, +12%), but decreased to Lithuania (501 thousand, -8%) based on the results of 9 months of the year.

outbound tourism in 2017 is presented below.

: The most popular foreign countries among Russian tourists in 2017 (by the number of outbound tourist trips for 9 months of 2017):

  1. Türkiye, 3,944 thousand (+717% from 483 thousand) *
  2. Abkhazia, 3.493 thousand (+1%)
  3. Finland, 2,481 thousand (+17%)
  4. Kazakhstan, 2.326 thousand (+3.5%)
  5. Ukraine, 1,706 thousand (+24%)
  6. China, 1,478 thousand (+25%)
  7. Estonia, 1,285 thousand (+14.5%)
  8. Poland, 929 thousand (+11%)
  9. Germany, 918 thousand (+19%)
  10. Georgia, 802 thousand (+35%)
  11. Spain, 794 thousand (+19%)
  12. Greece, 792 thousand (+10%)
  13. Cyprus, 738 thousand (+7%)
  14. Italy, 713 thousand (+28%)
  15. Thailand, 706 thousand (+26%)
  16. Azerbaijan, 567 thousand (+16%)
  17. Lithuania, 501 thousand (-8%)
  18. Bulgaria, 463 thousand (-11%)
  19. Tunisia, 458 thousand (-18%)
  20. UAE, 454 thousand (+41%)
  21. France, 368 thousand (+22%)
  22. Vietnam, 360 thousand (+37%)
  23. Czech Republic, 358 thousand (+42%)
  24. South Ossetia, 332 thousand (0%)
  25. Latvia, 301 thousand (+12%)
  26. Montenegro, 288 thousand (+8%)
  27. Armenia, 279 thousand (+32%)
  28. Israel, 256 thousand (+20%)
  29. Republic of Moldova, 205 thousand (+28%)
  30. Kyrgyzstan, 199 thousand (+15%)
  31. UK, 196 thousand (+23%)
  32. Austria, 185 thousand (+37%)
  33. USA, 182 thousand (+9%)
  34. Switzerland, 182 thousand (+5%)
  35. Republic of Korea, 169 thousand (+19%)
  36. Netherlands, 166 thousand (+30%)
  37. Dominican Republic, 165 thousand (+117%)
  38. India, 127 thousand (+49%)
  39. Uzbekistan, 93 thousand (+22%)
  40. Tajikistan, 91 thousand (+6%)
  41. Norway, 86 thousand (+13%)
  42. Hungary, 79 thousand (+13%)
  43. Mongolia, 68 thousand (+26%)
  44. Belgium, 65 thousand (+23%)
  45. Qatar, 57 thousand (+24%)
  46. Cuba, 53 thousand (+130%)
  47. Serbia, 58 thousand (0%)
  48. Croatia, 54 thousand (+4%)
  49. Japan, 49 thousand (+44%)
  50. Sweden, 43 thousand (+39%)
  51. Jordan, 36 thousand (+33%)
  52. Portugal, 32 thousand (+60%)
  53. Denmark, 25 thousand (-11%)
  54. Slovakia, 22 thousand (+6%)
  55. Maldives, 21 thousand (+24%)
  56. Singapore, 20 thousand (+5%)
  57. Morocco, 18 thousand (-36%)
  58. Slovenia, 15 thousand (+25%)
  59. Hong Kong, 13 thousand (-19%)
  60. Romania, 9 thousand
    Other countries, 99 thousand

* The change in the number of outbound tourist trips for 9 months of 2017 compared to 9 months of 2016 is indicated in brackets.


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