To whom and what does “Tourist assistance” owe. Charter of the Association “Association of Tour Operators in the Field of Outbound Tourism” Tourist Assistance From what means does the association provide assistance to tourists?

Approved by Protocol No. 1
from August 24, 2012
General meeting of founders
Association "Association of Tour Operators"
in the field of outbound tourism "TURPOMOCH"

Charter of the Association “Association of Tour Operators in the Sphere of Outbound Tourism “TURPOPOMOCH””

Moscow, 2012
1. General provisions
1.1. Association "Association of Tour Operators in the Field of Outbound Tourism "TURPOMOSHCH" (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") is a non-profit organization, which is an association that is based on the principle of membership of legal entities operating or planning to operate in the territory Russian Federation tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism, and acts to provide emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the law.
1.2. The association was created and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” dated January 1, 2001 N 132-FZ, other federal laws, and regulations on tourism activities, as well as this Charter and internal documents of the Association.
1.3. Full name of the Association in Russian:
Association “Association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism “TURPOPOMOCH”.
1.4. Abbreviated name: Association "TURPOMOCH".
1.5. Full name of the Association in English: Association of Tour Operators in outbound tourism “TourAssist”.
1.6. Abbreviated name of the Association English language– Association “TourAssist”.
1.7. Location of the Association: Russia,
1.8. The association is created without limiting the period of activity.

2. Subject and goals of the Association’s activities
2.1. The subject of the Association’s activities is the implementation of the following functions:
- ensuring, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the provision of emergency assistance to tourists in cases of impossibility of fulfillment, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the contract for the sale of a tourist product (including payment for transportation and (or) accommodation services);
- implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of the right to claim insurance payment or payment under a bank guarantee, as well as the right to claim against tour operators;
- accounting for contributions to the compensation fund based on the information contained in the register about the total amount of funds received by a tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism from the sale of a tourist product.
2.2. The purpose of creating the Association is to represent and protect the common property interests of the members of the Association related to the provision of emergency assistance to tourists; providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”.
2.3. The association has the right to carry out income-generating activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created and corresponds to the goals specified in this Charter.
2.4. The Association does not have the main purpose of its activities to generate profit and does not distribute the income received among the members of the Association, but uses it only for the purposes of the Association’s activities.

3. Legal status of the Association
3.1. The association acquires the status of a legal entity
from the moment of its state registration in the manner prescribed by law.
3.2. The procedure for the creation, operation, reorganization and liquidation of the Association is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation provided for in relation to associations (unions), taking into account the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities.
3.3. A non-profit organization acquires the status of a single all-Russian association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism based on a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.
3.4. The association owns separate property, which is accounted for on its independent balance sheet, and is liable for its obligations with property that can be foreclosed on according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.5. The Association is not responsible for the obligations of the state and its bodies, just as the latter are not responsible for the obligations of the Association.
3.6. The association has a seal with its full name, stamps, forms, means of visual identification, and also has the right to have a duly registered emblem.
3.7. To achieve the goals of its creation and ensure its activities, an association has the right to:
a) open and close the necessary accounts in banks and other credit institutions of the Russian Federation and outside its territory and manage their own funds;
b) on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, issue powers of attorney, conduct business in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts in the Russian Federation and in similar institutions abroad, with all rights and obligations belonging to the plaintiff, defendant or to a third party, enter into settlement agreements;
c) create branches and open representative offices, establish other non-profit organizations, join associations of organizations (unions, associations), create institutions, business companies and partnerships and participate in them;
d) create and use information resources and their technologies containing information about the activities of the Association;
e) develop rules of professional activity, mandatory for the Association and its members, regulating the procedure for the implementation by the Association and its members of functions related to the formation and use of the compensation fund. The specified rules of professional activity are approved by the authorized federal executive body.
f) interact with state authorities, local government, and other bodies and organizations, including international cooperation, on issues of protecting the interests of the Association related to the implementation of activities to provide emergency assistance to tourists;
3.8. In order to implement state social and tax policies, the association is responsible for the safety of its documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.); ensures the transfer for state storage of its documents of scientific and historical significance to the central archives of Moscow in accordance with the list of documents agreed with the Main Archival Department of the city of Moscow.

4. Members of the Association
4.1. The association is open to new members.
4.2. To become a member of the Association, a tour operator carrying out tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism, or entity who intends to join the Association, submits an application to the Association.
4.3. Requirements for membership in the Association are:
- payment of contributions to the compensation fund within the time limits established by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Article 4 of the Charter - the Federal Law) and in the amount determined in accordance with the Federal Law;
- registration in the manner prescribed by law as a legal entity on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- availability of financial support provided for by Federal Law.
4.4. The grounds for termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association are:
4.4.1. Statement by the tour operator on withdrawal from the membership of the Association in the event that the tour operator ceases activities in the field of outbound tourism;
4.4.2. Failure to pay contributions to the compensation fund within the time limits and amounts established by Federal Law;
4.4.3. Liquidation of a tour operator in accordance with Federal Law;
4.5. The establishment of other requirements for a tour operator's membership in the Association, as well as other grounds for termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association, is not permitted.
4.6. Upon termination of a tour operator's membership, contributions paid to the compensation fund are not refunded.
4.7. In the event of termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association, it notifies the authorized federal executive body of this in the form of an electronic document submitted in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.

5. Rights and obligations of members of the Association
5.1. A member of the Association has the right:
5.1.1. In accordance with the procedure established by this Charter, participate in the management of the Association with the right to vote;
5.1.2. Use the services of the Association free of charge;
5.1.3. Participate in the formation of the Association’s bodies in accordance with the provisions of this Charter;
5.1.4. Receive information about the activities of the Association;
5.1.5. Participate in the activities of committees, commissions, working and expert groups formed by the Association;
5.1.6. Send proposals for the agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the Association to the Supervisory Board of the Association;
5.1.7. At your own discretion, resign from the Association by submitting a written application to the Supervisory Board of the Association.
5.2. A member of the Association is obliged to:
5.2.1. Comply with the provisions of this Charter, the rules of professional activity, mandatory for the Association and its members and regulating the procedure for the implementation by the Association and its members of functions related to the formation and use of the compensation fund, as well as other acts of the Association, to comply with the decisions of the bodies of the Association;
5.2.2. Make established contributions to the compensation fund, contributions to finance expenses related to the current activities of the Association and other contributions established in accordance with clause 13.1 of this Charter, fulfill the obligations assumed in relation to the Association and members of the Association;
5.2.3. Contribute to the achievement of the goals of the Association;
5.2.4. Have financial support provided for by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation.”
5.2.5. Provide the Association with information about the address (location), email address. Inform the Association in a timely manner about changes in addresses.

6. Management bodies of the Association and control of its activities
6.1. The governing bodies of the Association are:
6.1.1. General meeting of members of the Association;
6.1.2. Supervisory Board of the Association;
6.1.3. Director.
6.2. The body for control of the financial and economic activities of the Association is the audit commission (auditor) of the Association.
6.3. In order to most fully take into account the interests of the members of the Association when developing decisions made by the Association, committees, commissions, as well as working and expert groups on certain issues of the activities of the Association may be formed from representatives of members of the Association and other persons.
6.4. The regulations on committees and commissions, working and expert groups of the Association, their personal composition and procedures are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Association.
6.5. Members of committees, commissions, working and expert groups carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.

7. General meeting of members of the Association
7.1. The General Meeting of Members of the Association is the supreme governing body of the Association.
7.2. The main function of the General Meeting of Members of the Association is to ensure that the Association adheres to the goals of its creation.
7.3. The competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Association includes resolving the following issues:
a) amendment of this Charter;
b) election of the Supervisory Board and early termination of powers of the Supervisory Board of the Association (members of the Supervisory Board);
c) election, upon the recommendation of the Supervisory Board, of the Director of the Association and early termination of his powers;
d) reorganization and liquidation of the Association;
e) approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet of the Association;
f) approval of documents regulating the activities of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board;
g) determination of the quantitative composition of the audit commission, election of members of the audit commission (auditor) of the Association and early termination of their powers;
h) other issues determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of this Charter.
7.4. The general meeting of members of the Association may be annual or extraordinary.
7.5. Annual General Meetings are convened by the Supervisory Board independently of other meetings no later than 6 (six) months after the end of the financial year.
7.6. Members of the Association are notified of the convening of the annual General Meeting no later than 20 (twenty) calendar days before the opening date of the meeting. The notices indicate the place, opening date, time and agenda of the meeting, the procedure for familiarizing members of the Association with information (materials) to be presented in preparation for the meeting. The notice is published on the Internet information and telecommunications network, on the Association’s website. The Association also sends this notice to email addresses in accordance with clause 5.2.5.
7.7. Issues proposed by the Supervisory Board, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Director, and members of the Association constituting more than 10 (ten) percent of their total number are submitted for consideration at the annual General Meeting.
7.8. The Supervisory Board has the right to approve the agenda of the General Meeting, including an extraordinary one, and also considers draft decisions on issues included in the agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
7.9. Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened:
a) at the request of the Supervisory Board;
b) at the request of members of the Association, constituting at least 10 (ten) percent of their total number;
c) at the request of the Director.
7.10. All General Meetings of members of the Association, regardless of the initiator of their convocation, are organized by the Supervisory Board or, on its behalf, by the Director of the Association. The initiator of convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members of the Association is obliged to send to the Supervisory Board a request to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members at least 40 (forty) days before the expected date of its holding, indicating the issues to be included in the preliminary agenda of the General Meeting.
7.11. An extraordinary meeting has the right to resolve any issues within the competence of the General Meeting of Members. The Supervisory Board, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Director of the Association have the right to present an opinion or express their own opinion on the issues considered by the extraordinary General Meeting.
7.12. The General Meeting is considered valid if more than 1/2 (half) of the members of the Association are present at it. During the work of the General Meeting, its participants are provided with materials (certificates, copies, projects, conclusions, etc.) necessary to resolve issues included in the agenda.
7.13. If there is no quorum for holding a General Meeting, a new General Meeting is held four weeks later, unless a different date has been announced by the Supervisory Board. Changing the agenda when holding a new General Meeting of Members of the Association is not allowed. If the Supervisory Board decides to set a different date for holding a new General Meeting of Members of the Association, a notice of holding this new General Meeting of Members of the Association is sent to members of the Association no later than 20 (twenty) calendar days before the date of its holding. Information about the date of the meeting is posted in the manner prescribed in clause 7.6. of this Charter.
7.14. Decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association are made:
a) on issues of reorganization and liquidation of the Association - 3/4 (three-quarters) votes (qualified majority) of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
b) on the issues specified in subparagraphs a) - c) of clause 7.3. of this Charter - 2/3 (two thirds) of the votes (qualified majority) of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
c) on other issues on the agenda, except for the issues provided for in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of this paragraph - by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting of Members of the Association, unless otherwise provided by law.
7.15. When voting at the General Meeting of Members of the Association, each member of the Association has one vote. Voting at the General Meeting of Members of the Association can be carried out by poll through ballots, the content and form of which are approved by the Supervisory Board.
7.16. A member of the Association has the right to participate in the work of the General Meeting of Members through his representative. A representative of a member of the Association at the General Meeting acts in accordance with powers based on regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

8. Supervisory Board of the Association
8.1. The Supervisory Board is a permanent collegial governing body of the Association. The Supervisory Board consists of 21 (twenty-one) members. The Supervisory Board of the Association is formed from members of the Association, it also includes: a representative of the authorized federal executive body (by agreement), the Director of the Association, independent members. The Supervisory Board operates on the basis of the Regulations “On the Supervisory Board”.
8.2. The number of members of the Association in the Supervisory Board cannot be less than 2/3 (two thirds) of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board.
8.3. No more than one representative from one member of the Association has the right to take part in the work of the Supervisory Board of the Association.
8.4. The formation of the Supervisory Board is carried out in accordance with the Regulations approved by the General Meeting of Members of the Association by a simple majority of votes.
8.5. The term of office of members of the Supervisory Board is two years.
8.6. If the next annual General Meeting of members of the Association, at which the issue of electing members of the Supervisory Board should be considered, takes place after the expiration of the period for which the Supervisory Board was formed, then the term of office of the members of the Supervisory Council of the Association is considered extended until the date of this annual General meeting of members Associations.
8.7. The Supervisory Board coordinates and provides general management of all activities of the Association in the period between General Meetings of the Association members. The Supervisory Board of the Association is accountable to the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
8.8. The competence of the Supervisory Board includes consideration and decision-making on issues related to the implementation by the Association and members of the Association of activities in order to provide emergency assistance to tourists provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as on all other issues of the activities of the Association that are not within the competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Association and the executive body of the Association.
8.9. The Supervisory Board has the following powers:
a) submits a candidate for the position of Director for consideration by the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
b) convenes the General Meeting of Members of the Association, organizes the General Meeting of Members of the Association or entrusts its holding to the Director, submits for approval the agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, preliminary considers all issues submitted to the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
c) agrees, for sending to the authorized state body, the rules of professional activity, mandatory for the Association and its members, regulating the procedure for the implementation by it and its members of functions related to the formation of a compensation fund, ensuring the implementation of the main goals and functions of the Association, with the exception of approval (approval) of acts , the adoption of which is within the competence of the general meeting of members of the Association;
d) approves the procedure for maintaining the register of members of the Association;
e) approves the terms of the employment agreement (contract) with the Director, the structure and number of staff of the Association;
f) approves the list of banks and credit organizations recommended for servicing the Association’s accounts and meeting the selection criteria of credit organizations for placement of the compensation fund, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
g) in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, develops rules of professional activity that are mandatory for the Association and its members, regulating the procedure for the implementation by the Association and its members of functions related to the formation and use of the compensation fund. The specified rules of professional activity are approved by the authorized federal executive body;
h) in the absence of payments from the compensation fund for the previous year, applies to the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of reducing the amount of the contribution to the compensation fund of the Association for the next financial year;
i) approves the annual plan for investing temporarily available funds of the Association, meeting the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
j) makes a decision on admitting new members to the Association;
k) approves the financial plan (budget) of the Association and makes changes to it;
l) makes decisions on opening and closing branches (representative offices) of the Association, approves regulations on them;
m) approves the independent audit organization and the terms of the contract with it;
o) upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, approves candidates and dismisses the heads of branches (representative offices) of the Association;
o) forms committees and commissions in certain areas of the Association’s activities, forms working and expert groups, approves regulations on their activities and personnel;
p) determines the main activities for the implementation of priority areas of activity of the Association;
c) makes decisions on the participation of the Association in other organizations;
r) coordinates issues of interaction between the Association and state authorities and local governments, public organizations;
s) coordinates the activities of the Association in the field of international cooperation;
t) has other powers determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the provisions of this Charter and other internal acts adopted by the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
8.10. A meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Association is convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board or a group of members of the Supervisory Board in an amount of no less than 1/4 (one quarter) of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board, and is held as necessary, but at least once every three months.
8.11. Decisions of the Supervisory Board are made by a qualified majority of 2/3 (two thirds) of votes from the total number of members of the Supervisory Board present at the meeting of members of the Supervisory Board. Each member of the Supervisory Board has one vote when voting. Meetings of the Supervisory Board are valid if more than 1/2 (half) of the members of the Supervisory Board are present.
8.12. When making decisions by the Supervisory Board in the event of a tie of votes, the decisive voting right belongs to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association.
8.13. The decisions of the Supervisory Board of the Association, adopted by it in accordance with this Charter, which do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and correspond to the goals of creating the Association, are binding on all members of the Association, as well as the Director of the Association.
8.14. Decisions of the Supervisory Board concerning members of the Association are brought to the attention of these members by publication on the official website of the Association on the Internet and (or) sending to the email addresses of members of the Association contained in the register of members of the Association.
8.15. Members of the Supervisory Board carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.
8.16. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is elected by the Supervisory Board by a simple majority of votes from the Supervisory Board.
8.17. The rights and duties of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board are determined in accordance with this Charter.

9. Director
9.1. The Director of the Association is the sole executive body of the Association, elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Association for a period of two years and acts in accordance with this Charter, decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, and the Supervisory Board of the Association.
9.2. The Director of the Association has the following powers:
a) carries out operational and current management of the affairs of the Association for the execution of decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, the Supervisory Board of the Association;
b) disposes of property, including funds of the Association, in accordance with the provisions approved by the Supervisory Board of the Association;
c) concludes transactions (agreements, including labor agreements, agreements, contracts) on behalf of the Association, carries out business transactions;
d) issues orders and gives instructions (instructions) mandatory for execution by all employees of the Association;
e) performs other actions as a body of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;
f) hires and fires employees of the Association in accordance with current legislation;
g) encourages distinguished employees and imposes disciplinary sanctions;
h) acts on behalf of the Association without a power of attorney, including representing its interests on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
i) opens and closes bank accounts, organizes accounting and reporting in the Association in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Association;
j) has other powers determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the provisions of this Charter and other internal acts adopted by the Supervisory Board of the Association and the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
9.3. The Director of the Association is accountable to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board of the Association and the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
9.4. The Director of the Association has the right to issue powers of attorney in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The terms of the employment agreement (contract) with the Director of the Association are determined by the Supervisory Board. The employment agreement (contract) with the Director of the Association on behalf of the Association is signed by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board on behalf of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.

10. Conflict of interest
10.1. Issues of conflict of interests of the Association and interested parties, as well as issues of liability of the latter, are determined in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

11. Control over the activities of the Association
11.1. The financial activities of the Association are subject to mandatory annual audits.
11.2. The audit organization and the terms of the agreement that the Association is obliged to conclude with it are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Association.
11.3. Control over the financial and economic activities of the Association is carried out by financial, tax and other bodies of state power and local self-government in the manner and within the limits of the rights of these bodies established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by the audit commission (auditor), elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Association for a period of one year, and an independent audit organization approved by the Supervisory Board.
11.4. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board, members of the Supervisory Board, the Director and his deputies, persons closely related to them, as well as persons receiving wages or any other permanent remuneration from them or from the Association cannot be members of the audit commission (auditor). .
11.5. The Audit Commission (auditor) conducts both scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Association. Scheduled inspections are carried out no more than once a year. Unscheduled inspections are carried out at the request of the Supervisory Board of the Association, or at the request of members of the Association, constituting at least thirty percent of the total number of members of the Association.
11.6. Employees of the Association are obliged to ensure that the audit commission (auditor) of the Association, the auditor of all necessary documents, materials and personal explanations in connection with the inspection. Inspections and audits should not disrupt the normal operation of the Association and its divisions.
11.7. The results of inspections are reported to the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
11.8. The annual report and annual balance sheet of the Association, after their approval in the manner prescribed by this Charter, are subject to posting on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

12. Branches and Representative Offices of the Association
12.1. The association may, in accordance with current legislation, create branches and open representative offices. The decision to create a branch or open a representative office is made by the Supervisory Board of the Association.
12.2. A branch of the Association is its separate subdivision, located outside the location of the Association and performing all or part of its functions, including the functions of representation.
12.3. The representative office of the Association is a separate division, which is located outside the location of the Association, represents the interests of the Association and protects them.
12.4. The management of the branch (representative office) is carried out by the director of the branch (representative office), who reports directly to the Director of the Association and acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Director of the Association.
12.5. The branch and representative office of the Association are not legal entities, are endowed with the property of the Association and act on the basis of the Regulations.

13. Property of the Association
13.1. The property of the Association is formed due to:
- property transferred to the Association by its founders in accordance with the constituent agreement of the association;
- contributions paid to the compensation fund;
- contributions to finance expenses related to the current activities of the Association;
- income received from the placement of funds from the compensation fund;
- funds received from the exercise of the right to claim insurance payment or payment under a bank guarantee established by federal legislation;
- voluntary contributions;
- other income from activities not prohibited by law or this Charter.
13.2. The property of the Association may be used exclusively for the purposes for which it was created.
13.3. To provide emergency assistance to tourists in the event of the impossibility of fulfilling, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under an agreement on the sale of a tourism product formed by tour operators - members of the Association, or to finance the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists, the Association creates a compensation fund in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation.
The Association finances the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists from the compensation fund, payments from the compensation fund in the manner established by decisions (decrees) of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The amount of payment from the compensation fund is determined based on the actual costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on tourism activities.
13.4. The compensation fund is a separate property owned by the Association.
13.5. The funds of the compensation fund are placed in its separate bank account, and separate records are kept for them. The funds of the compensation fund cannot be recovered for the obligations of the Association if such obligations are not related to financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with federal legislation.
13.6. To finance expenses related to the current activities of the Association, members of the Association pay contributions to it. The amount of contributions and the procedure for their payment are determined by the General Meeting of Participants of the Association when approving or changing the budget for the next financial year, taking into account the requirements of the legislation on tourism activities. Funds intended to finance expenses related to the activities of the Association are separated from the funds of the compensation fund. These funds are transferred to other bank accounts of the Association.
13.7. The procedure for transferring funds from the Association's compensation fund and the specifics of financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists during the liquidation of the Association are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
13.8. The placement of funds from the Association's compensation fund is permitted in rubles and (or) foreign currency in accounts or deposits with credit institutions. Requirements for the selection criteria of credit institutions in which the placement of funds from the compensation fund are allowed are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, which may determine additional objects for investing funds from the compensation fund, as well as requirements for investing funds in the relevant objects, and the conditions for their investment.
13.9. The compensation fund is formed from contributions from tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism, transferred in cash in the amounts established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities.
13.10. The specified contribution is subject to transfer to the compensation fund annually within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication or submission of financial statements, but no later than April 15 of the current year. Income received from the placement of funds from the compensation fund, and cash received from the exercise of the right to claim insurance payment or payment under a bank guarantee established by current legislation.
13.11. It is not permitted to relieve a member of the Association from the obligation to make contributions to the compensation fund, including by offsetting his claims to the Association.
13.12. A tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism, as well as a tour operator or legal entity that has not previously carried out tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism, upon joining the Association, pay a contribution to the compensation fund in the amount established by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”. Federation".
13.13. The procedure and conditions for financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists from the compensation fund are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
13.14. The amount of payment from the compensation fund is determined based on the actual costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with current legislation.
13.15. Expenditure of the compensation fund for purposes not provided for by the Federal Law, including the payment or return of contributions to members of the Association, is not permitted.
13.16. Termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association is not grounds for stopping the expenditure of funds for the purposes provided for by the Federal Law.
13.17. Within the limits of the amount of expenses incurred by the Association in accordance with the current legislation for the provision of emergency assistance to tourists, the right of the tourist to claim payment of insurance compensation under the tour operator’s liability insurance contract to the insurer or to pay sum of money under a bank guarantee.
13.18. The relations between the Association and the insurer or guarantor, determined by the current legislation, regarding the reimbursement of expenses of the compensation fund, by analogy, apply the rules established by the current legislation for the relationship between a tourist, another customer and the insurer or guarantor under an insurance contract or under a bank guarantee. The relevant provisions apply to the extent that otherwise is not provided for by current legislation and does not follow from the essence of such relations.
13.19. The amount of expenses incurred by the Association to provide emergency assistance to tourists not covered by financial security may be recovered by way of recourse upon the claim of the Association from the tour operator.

14. Accounting and reporting of the Association
14.1. Accounting and reporting in the Association are conducted in accordance with the rules established for non-profit organizations.
14.2. The procedure for internal office work in the Association and its divisions regarding accounting and reporting is determined by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
14.3. The financial year of the Association is considered from January 1 to December 31, including these dates. At the end financial year the annual balance sheet of the Association and other forms of financial statements are compiled in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
14.4. The association provides the authorized government bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and concluded agreements with the required information about its activities, and is responsible for the safety of financial, economic, personnel and other management documents.
14.5. Officials of the Association bear personal responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in reports and other information emanating from the Association.

15. The procedure for making changes to the Charter of the Association
15.1. Changes to this Charter may be made by decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
15.2. Amendments to this Charter are adopted by the General Meeting and are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. Reorganization and liquidation of the Association
16.1. The reorganization and liquidation of the Association is carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 “On Non-Profit Organizations”.
16.2. The transfer of funds from the Association's compensation fund and the specifics of financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists during the liquidation of the Association are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
16.3. The property of the Association remaining after liquidation is directed by decision of the liquidation commission to the purposes for which the Association was created.
16.4. Management documents, accounting books and other written materials remaining after the termination of the Association’s affairs are transferred to:
- in case of reorganization - to the legal successor;
- upon liquidation - to the state archives in accordance with the procedure established by law and in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.

17. Final provisions
17.1. Issues of creation and organization of the Association’s activities that are not reflected in this Charter are subject to regulation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
17.2. In addition to this Charter, the Association may have internal regulations and other acts that specify issues of the organization and functioning of the Association’s bodies and the interaction of the Association’s members. These acts cannot contradict this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism "Turpomosch"

Previously, we have repeatedly mentioned certain provisions of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in connection with associations of tour operators and travel agents. The increasing number of cases in recent years of tour operators violating their duties, as a result of which tourists find themselves in an extremely difficult financial situation, especially in the case of outbound tourism, has determined the legislator's attention to this issue. As a result legislative activity in 2011-2012 The most important amendments to the basic law on the fundamentals of tourism activities were developed and adopted, which significantly changed the status, goals and functions of the association of tour operators. Let's look at this in more detail.

First of all, we should dwell on part three of Art. 4.1 of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities, according to which tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism must also be members of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, operating in accordance with the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities. Thus, membership in the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism for tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism has been transformed from an opportunity into an absolute obligation. The importance of this norm is confirmed by its duplication in the city. 11 of the same law, which states that tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism are required to be members of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, created in accordance with the “Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities.” In addition, we emphasize that almost the entire Chapter V “Associations of tour operators and travel agents, associations of tourists” of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities is devoted to the issue under consideration.

According to Art. 11.1 of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities, the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism is a non-profit organization, representing a single all-Russian association, which is based on the principle of compulsory membership of legal entities carrying out tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism on the territory of the Russian Federation, and acts to provide emergency assistance tourists. The declared purpose of the activity of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism is specified in the text of the charter of the Association “Association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism “Turpomosch””. In particular, according to Art. 2. The subject and goals of the Association’s activities, the purpose of creating the Association is to represent and protect the common property interests of the Association’s members related to the provision of emergency assistance to tourists; providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation.”

At the same time, according to the charter, the activities of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism are determined by specific tasks. In addition, as noted on the official website of the Association, the “Tour Assistance” association is called upon to take care of every tourist who finds himself in a difficult situation due to the financial insolvency of the tour operator9.

The association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism is open to new members. To acquire the status of a member of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, the tour operator is required to pay a contribution to the compensation fund

within the time limits and in the amount established by Art. 11.4 of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities. The Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities also lists specific grounds for termination of a tour operator’s membership in the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, which include:

  • - a statement from the tour operator to withdraw from the membership of this association in the event that the tour operator ceases its activities in the field of outbound tourism;
  • - failure to pay contributions to the compensation fund within the time limits established by this Federal Law and in the amount determined in accordance with this Federal Law;
  • - liquidation of the tour operator in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the event of termination of a tour operator's membership in the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, the association notifies Rostourism about this in the form of an electronic document, in a certain manner.

The association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism performs the following functions:

  • - provided in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, provision of emergency assistance to tourists in cases of impossibility of fulfillment, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the contract for the sale of a tourist product;
  • - within the amount of expenses incurred by the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism to provide emergency assistance to the tourist, the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism exercises the right of the tourist to claim payment of insurance compensation under the tour operator’s liability insurance contract to the insurer or to pay a sum of money under a bank guarantee (Article 11.5 of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities);
  • - accounting of contributions to the compensation fund is carried out on the basis of the information contained in the RSSS on the total amount of funds received by a tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism from the sale of a tourist product.

The special social significance of “emergency assistance” predetermined the need for a special regulatory definition of the above procedure for providing emergency assistance to a tourist, tourists, or an organized group of tourists by a non-profit organization that has the status of an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism.

According to the “Rules for Emergency Assistance to Tourists,” emergency assistance is provided to a tourist who is in a country of temporary stay in cases of impossibility of fulfillment, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the contract for the sale of a tourism product. At the same time, the Rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation do not apply to cases of evacuation by decision of the President of the Russian Federation Russian tourists from the territory of a foreign state due to the emergence of a threat to the safety of their life and health.

The Rules emphasize that emergency assistance is provided to a tourist who has concluded or in respect of whom the customer has concluded an agreement on the sale of a tourism product with a tour operator that is a member of the association of tour operators, as well as with a travel agent acting on the basis of an agreement with the tour operator that formed the tourism product. In this case, emergency assistance is provided to the tourist in accordance with agreements concluded by the association of tour operators with third parties (their associations) providing individual transportation and (or) accommodation services and other services necessary to provide emergency assistance to the tourist.

According to clause 4 of the Rules, the provision of emergency assistance includes: a) transportation of a tourist to the end of the trip optimal route with the least amount of time at the discretion of the association of tourist operators (air transport, by rail, by car, by water transport); b) ensuring accommodation (temporary accommodation) of a tourist in a hotel or other accommodation facility for the period before the start of transportation to the end of the trip, if the period of forced waiting for transportation is more than 12 hours; c) delivery of a tourist from the location of a hotel or other accommodation facility in the country of temporary stay to the point where transportation begins to the place where the trip ends (transfer); d) organizing meals for tourists taking into account the physiological norms of human nutrition established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; e) ensuring the provision medical care in urgent and emergency forms, as well as legal assistance; f) ensuring luggage storage.

The association of tour operators provides emergency assistance to tourists free of charge based on the request of the tourist, and (or) another customer, and (or) a government body of the Russian Federation, and (or) a government body of a subject of the Russian Federation, and (or) a local government body, and (or ) tour operator and (or) travel agent in the manner prescribed by the Rules.

A tourist’s appeal can be sent to the association of tour operators in any way that allows the author of the appeal to be identified. At the same time, when considering a tourist’s appeal, the association of tour operators: checks the accuracy of the information set out in the tourist’s appeal, including establishing the circumstances of the impossibility of fulfillment, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the contract for the sale of a tourist product, as well as other circumstances necessary to make an informed decision on the provision of emergency assistance or refusal to provide it; requests, if necessary, from the author of the appeal, as well as from third parties providing individual services included in the tourism product, additional information and documents related to the essence of the tourist’s appeal.

The decision to provide emergency assistance to a tourist or to refuse to provide it is made by the association of tour operators no later than 24 hours from the moment the association of tour operators receives the eurysga’s request. Based on the results of consideration of the tourist’s appeal, the association of tour operators makes a written decision to provide emergency assistance or to refuse to provide emergency assistance. It should be emphasized here that the order Federal agency on tourism dated July 11, 2013 No. 204-Pr/13 approved the official form “Decision to provide emergency assistance to a tourist (tourists)” 42, which provides for the determination of specific grounds for providing emergency assistance to a tourist, or the absence of grounds for providing emergency assistance to a tourist, as well as specific solutions.

We emphasize that the Rules define an exhaustive list of conditions (refusal on grounds not provided for in the list of Rules is not allowed) for refusing to provide emergency assistance to a tourist: a) the tourist’s appeal does not contain the following information - last name, first name and patronymic of the tourist (tourists); address of the location of the tourist (tourists); number of the contract for the sale of a tourism product and the name of the tour operator (travel agent); Contact Information author of the appeal; circumstances (facts) indicating the impossibility of fulfillment, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the contract for the sale of a tourism product; b) the tourist’s appeal contains information that does not correspond to reality; c) in the event of evacuation by decision of the President of the Russian Federation of Russian tourists from the territory of a foreign state due to the emergence of a threat to the safety of their life and health; d) circumstances have been established indicating that there are no grounds for providing emergency assistance. Please note that the Rules provide for a judicial procedure for appealing a decision to provide emergency assistance or a refusal to provide emergency assistance.

The decision made is communicated by the association of tour operators to the author of the appeal immediately by all available means of communication. In this case, the association of tour operators is obliged to provide a certified copy of the decision to provide emergency assistance or to refuse to provide emergency assistance at the request of a tourist, and (or) another customer, and (or) a government agency of the Russian Federation, and (or) a government agency of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation , and (or) local government, and (or) tour operator, and (or) travel agent.

So, to finance the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists, the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism is creating a compensation fund.

The compensation fund is a separate property owned by an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism. The compensation fund is formed from contributions from tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism, transferred in cash in the amount of 0.1 percent of the volume of funds received by each tour operator from the sale of a tourist product in the field of outbound tourism, according to the financial statements at the end of the reporting year, but ns msnss than in size

100 thousand rubles. The specified contribution is subject to transfer to this compensation fund annually within 15 days from the date of publication or submission of financial statements, but not later than April 15 of the current year. Income received from the placement of funds from the compensation fund and funds received from the implementation by an association of tour operators of the right to claim an insurance payment or payment of a bank guarantee are also subject to enrollment in the compensation fund.

The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to reduce the amount of the contribution to the compensation fund of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism for the next financial year if there are no payments from the compensation fund for the previous year.

A tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism, as well as a tour operator or legal entity that has not previously carried out tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism, upon joining the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, pay a contribution to the compensation fund in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

The amount of payment from the compensation fund is determined based on the actual costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the previously stated norms of the Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities. If the amount of expenses incurred by an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism to provide emergency assistance to a tourist is not covered by financial security, it can be recovered by way of recourse upon the claim of an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism from the tour operator.

Taking into account the wide range of functions and the need to provide an apparatus, in order to finance the costs associated with the current activities of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, members of the association pay contributions to it in an amount proportional to the amount of money received by each tour operator from the sale of a tourist product in the field of outbound tourism, but not more than 0.05 percent of the volume of funds received by each tour operator from the sale of a tourist product in the field of outbound tourism, according to the financial statements at the end of the reporting year.

The annual report and annual balance sheet of an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism, after their approval by the general meeting of members of the association or a permanent collegial management body, if the constituent documents of the association include such approval within its competence, are subject to posting on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network "

  • See below.
  • URL:
  • It should be noted here that in 2014, npoeicr of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation was developed, regulating the procedure for transferring funds from the compensation fund of an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism and the specifics of financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists during the liquidation of an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism: “On approval of the Procedure for the transfer of funds compensation fund for the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism and the specifics of financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists during the liquidation of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism": draft Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation: (not signed as of 02/21/2014; prepared by the Ministry of Culture of Russia).URL: http: // of access: 12/21/2015). According to paragraphs 8-10 of the Project, upon liquidation of an association of tour operators, the funds of the compensation fund remaining after financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists, on the basis of a decision of the governing body of the association of tour operators authorized by the constituent documents, are transferred to a non-profit organization created in accordance with the Federal Law and received the status of an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism. If the transfer of funds from the compensation fund in accordance with the specified procedure is not possible, the management body of the association of tour operators authorized by the constituent documents makes a decision on the allocation of funds from the compensation fund for constituent and (or) charitable purposes. At the same time, the distribution of funds from the compensation fund between members of the association of tour operators is not allowed, and if the funds from the compensation fund are not directed to the specified purposes, they are turned into state revenue.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2013 No. 162: (as amended on November 7, 2015) “On approval of the Rules for providing emergency assistance to tourists and the Rules for financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists from the compensation fund” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2013.4 March (No. 9). Art. 958; Russian newspaper. 2013.6 March (No. 48).
  • It should be noted that in addition to the Law on the Fundamentals and the Charter of the Tourist Assistance Association, the financing rules were subject to regulatory regulation in special Rules for financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists from the compensation fund See: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2013 No. 162: (ed. dated 07.11.2015) “Approval of the Rules for providing emergency assistance to tourists and the Rules for financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists from the compensation fund” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2013. March 4 (No. 9). Art. 958 ;Russian newspaper. 2013. March 6 (No. 48).

Charter of the Association “Association of Tour Operators in the Sphere of Outbound Tourism “TURPOPOMOCH””

Approved by Protocol No. 1
from August 24, 2012
General meeting of founders
Association "Association of Tour Operators"
in the field of outbound tourism "TURPOMOCH"

Charter of the Association “Association of Tour Operators in the Sphere of Outbound Tourism “TURPOPOMOCH””

Moscow, 2012
1. General Provisions
1.1. The Association “Association of Tour Operators in the Field of Outbound Tourism “TURPOMOSHCH” (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) is a non-profit organization, which is an association that is based on the principle of membership of legal entities carrying out or planning to carry out tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism on the territory of the Russian Federation, and acts to provide emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the law.
1.2. The association was created and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1996 N 132-FZ, other federal laws, and regulations on tourism activities, as well as this Charter and internal documents of the Association.
1.3. Full name of the Association in Russian:
Association “Association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism “TURPOPOMOCH”.
1.4. Abbreviated name: Association "TURPOMOCH".
1.5. Full name of the Association in English: Association of Tour Operators in outbound tourism “TourAssist”.
1.6. The abbreviated name of the Association in English is Association “TourAssist”.
1.7. Location of the Association: Russia, 101000, Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 47.
1.8. The association is created without limiting the period of activity.

2. Subject and goals of the Association’s activities
2.1. The subject of the Association’s activities is the implementation of the following functions:
- ensuring, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the provision of emergency assistance to tourists in cases of impossibility of fulfillment, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the contract for the sale of a tourist product (including payment for transportation and (or) accommodation services);
- implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of the right to claim insurance payment or payment under a bank guarantee, as well as the right to claim against tour operators;
- accounting for contributions to the compensation fund based on the information contained in the register about the total amount of funds received by a tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism from the sale of a tourist product.
2.2. The purpose of creating the Association is to represent and protect the common property interests of the members of the Association related to the provision of emergency assistance to tourists; providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”.
2.3. The association has the right to carry out income-generating activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created and corresponds to the goals specified in this Charter.
2.4. The Association does not have the main purpose of its activities to generate profit and does not distribute the income received among the members of the Association, but uses it only for the purposes of the Association’s activities.

3. Legal status of the Association
3.1. The association acquires the status of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner prescribed by law.
3.2. The procedure for the creation, operation, reorganization and liquidation of the Association is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation provided for in relation to associations (unions), taking into account the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities.
3.3. A non-profit organization acquires the status of a single all-Russian association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism based on a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.
3.4. The association owns separate property, which is accounted for on its independent balance sheet, and is liable for its obligations with property that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on.
3.5. The Association is not responsible for the obligations of the state and its bodies, just as the latter are not responsible for the obligations of the Association.
3.6. The association has a seal with its full name, stamps, forms, means of visual identification, and also has the right to have a duly registered emblem.
3.7. To achieve the goals of its creation and ensure its activities, an association has the right to:
a) open and close the necessary accounts in banks and other credit institutions of the Russian Federation and outside its territory and manage their own funds;
b) on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, issue powers of attorney, conduct business in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts in the Russian Federation and in similar institutions abroad, with all rights and obligations belonging to the plaintiff, defendant or to a third party, enter into settlement agreements;
c) create branches and open representative offices, establish other non-profit organizations, join associations of organizations (unions, associations), create institutions, business companies and partnerships and participate in them;
d) create and use information resources and their technologies containing information about the activities of the Association;
e) develop rules of professional activity that are mandatory for the Association and its members, regulating the procedure for the implementation by the Association and its members of functions related to the formation and use of the compensation fund. The specified rules of professional activity are approved by the authorized federal executive body.
f) interact with state authorities, local government, and other bodies and organizations, including international cooperation, on issues of protecting the interests of the Association related to the implementation of activities to provide emergency assistance to tourists;
3.8. In order to implement state social and tax policies, the association is responsible for the safety of its documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.); ensures the transfer for state storage of its documents of scientific and historical significance to the central archives of Moscow in accordance with the list of documents agreed with the Main Archival Department of the city of Moscow.

4. Members of the Association
4.1. The association is open to new members.
4.2. To become a member of the Association, a tour operator carrying out tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism, or a legal entity that intends to join the Association, submits an application to the Association.
4.3. Requirements for membership in the Association are:
- payment of contributions to the compensation fund within the time limits established by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Article 4 of the Charter - the Federal Law) and in the amount determined in accordance with the Federal Law;
- registration in the manner prescribed by law as a legal entity on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- availability of financial support provided for by Federal Law.
4.4. The grounds for termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association are:
4.4.1. Statement by the tour operator on withdrawal from the membership of the Association in the event that the tour operator ceases activities in the field of outbound tourism;
4.4.2. Failure to pay contributions to the compensation fund within the time limits and amounts established by Federal Law;
4.4.3. Liquidation of a tour operator in accordance with Federal Law;
4.5. The establishment of other requirements for a tour operator's membership in the Association, as well as other grounds for termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association, is not permitted.
4.6. Upon termination of a tour operator's membership, contributions paid to the compensation fund are not refunded.
4.7. In the event of termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association, it notifies the authorized federal executive body of this in the form of an electronic document submitted in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.

5. Rights and obligations of members of the Association
5.1. A member of the Association has the right:
5.1.1. In accordance with the procedure established by this Charter, participate in the management of the Association with the right to vote;
5.1.2. Use the services of the Association free of charge;
5.1.3. Participate in the formation of the Association’s bodies in accordance with the provisions of this Charter;
5.1.4. Receive information about the activities of the Association;
5.1.5. Participate in the activities of committees, commissions, working and expert groups formed by the Association;
5.1.6. Send proposals for the agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the Association to the Supervisory Board of the Association;
5.1.7. At your own discretion, resign from the Association by submitting a written application to the Supervisory Board of the Association.
5.2. A member of the Association is obliged to:
5.2.1. Comply with the provisions of this Charter, the rules of professional activity, mandatory for the Association and its members and regulating the procedure for the implementation by the Association and its members of functions related to the formation and use of the compensation fund, as well as other acts of the Association, to comply with the decisions of the bodies of the Association;
5.2.2. Make established contributions to the compensation fund, contributions to finance expenses related to the current activities of the Association and other contributions established in accordance with clause 13.1 of this Charter, fulfill the obligations assumed in relation to the Association and members of the Association;
5.2.3. Contribute to the achievement of the goals of the Association;
5.2.4. Have financial support provided for by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation.”
5.2.5. Provide the Association with information about the address (location), email address. Inform the Association in a timely manner about changes in addresses.

6. Management bodies of the Association and control of its activities
6.1. The governing bodies of the Association are:
6.1.1. General meeting of members of the Association;
6.1.2. Supervisory Board of the Association;
6.1.3. Director.
6.2. The body for control of the financial and economic activities of the Association is the audit commission (auditor) of the Association.
6.3. In order to most fully take into account the interests of the members of the Association when developing decisions made by the Association, committees, commissions, as well as working and expert groups on certain issues of the activities of the Association may be formed from representatives of members of the Association and other persons.
6.4. The regulations on committees and commissions, working and expert groups of the Association, their personal composition and procedures are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Association.
6.5. Members of committees, commissions, working and expert groups carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.

7. General meeting of members of the Association
7.1. The General Meeting of Members of the Association is the supreme governing body of the Association.
7.2. The main function of the General Meeting of Members of the Association is to ensure that the Association adheres to the goals of its creation.
7.3. The competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Association includes resolving the following issues:
a) amendment of this Charter;
b) election of the Supervisory Board and early termination of powers of the Supervisory Board of the Association (members of the Supervisory Board);
c) election, upon the recommendation of the Supervisory Board, of the Director of the Association and early termination of his powers;
d) reorganization and liquidation of the Association;
e) approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet of the Association;
f) approval of documents regulating the activities of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board;
g) determination of the quantitative composition of the audit commission, election of members of the audit commission (auditor) of the Association and early termination of their powers;
h) other issues determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of this Charter.
7.4. The general meeting of members of the Association may be annual or extraordinary.
7.5. Annual General Meetings are convened by the Supervisory Board independently of other meetings no later than 6 (six) months after the end of the financial year.
7.6. Members of the Association are notified of the convening of the annual General Meeting no later than 20 (twenty) calendar days before the opening date of the meeting. The notices indicate the place, opening date, time and agenda of the meeting, the procedure for familiarizing members of the Association with information (materials) to be presented in preparation for the meeting. The notice is published on the Internet information and telecommunications network, on the Association’s website. The Association also sends this notice to email addresses in accordance with clause 5.2.5.
7.7. Issues proposed by the Supervisory Board, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Director, and members of the Association constituting more than 10 (ten) percent of their total number are submitted for consideration at the annual General Meeting.
7.8. The Supervisory Board has the right to approve the agenda of the General Meeting, including an extraordinary one, and also considers draft decisions on issues included in the agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
7.9. Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened:
a) at the request of the Supervisory Board;
b) at the request of members of the Association, constituting at least 10 (ten) percent of their total number;
c) at the request of the Director.
7.10. All General Meetings of members of the Association, regardless of the initiator of their convocation, are organized by the Supervisory Board or, on its behalf, by the Director of the Association. The initiator of convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members of the Association is obliged to send to the Supervisory Board a request to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members at least 40 (forty) days before the expected date of its holding, indicating the issues to be included in the preliminary agenda of the General Meeting.
7.11. An extraordinary meeting has the right to resolve any issues within the competence of the General Meeting of Members. The Supervisory Board, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Director of the Association have the right to present an opinion or express their own opinion on the issues considered by the extraordinary General Meeting.
7.12. The General Meeting is considered valid if more than 1/2 (half) of the members of the Association are present at it. During the work of the General Meeting, its participants are provided with materials (certificates, copies, projects, conclusions, etc.) necessary to resolve issues included in the agenda.
7.13. If there is no quorum for holding a General Meeting, a new General Meeting is held four weeks later, unless a different date has been announced by the Supervisory Board. Changing the agenda when holding a new General Meeting of Members of the Association is not allowed. If the Supervisory Board decides to set a different date for holding a new General Meeting of Members of the Association, a notice of holding this new General Meeting of Members of the Association is sent to members of the Association no later than 20 (twenty) calendar days before the date of its holding. Information about the date of the meeting is posted in the manner prescribed in clause 7.6. of this Charter.
7.14. Decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association are made:
a) on issues of reorganization and liquidation of the Association - 3/4 (three-quarters) votes (qualified majority) of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
b) on the issues specified in subparagraphs a) - c) of clause 7.3. of this Charter - 2/3 (two thirds) of the votes (qualified majority) of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
c) on other issues on the agenda, except for the issues provided for in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of this paragraph - by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting of Members of the Association, unless otherwise provided by law.
7.15. When voting at the General Meeting of Members of the Association, each member of the Association has one vote. Voting at the General Meeting of Members of the Association can be carried out by poll through ballots, the content and form of which are approved by the Supervisory Board.
7.16. A member of the Association has the right to participate in the work of the General Meeting of Members through his representative. A representative of a member of the Association at the General Meeting acts in accordance with powers based on regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

8. Supervisory Board of the Association
8.1. The Supervisory Board is a permanent collegial governing body of the Association. The Supervisory Board consists of 21 (twenty-one) members. The Supervisory Board of the Association is formed from members of the Association, it also includes: a representative of the authorized federal executive body (by agreement), the Director of the Association, independent members. The Supervisory Board operates on the basis of the Regulations “On the Supervisory Board”.
8.2. The number of members of the Association in the Supervisory Board cannot be less than 2/3 (two thirds) of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board.
8.3. No more than one representative from one member of the Association has the right to take part in the work of the Supervisory Board of the Association.
8.4. The formation of the Supervisory Board is carried out in accordance with the Regulations approved by the General Meeting of Members of the Association by a simple majority of votes.
8.5. The term of office of members of the Supervisory Board is two years.
8.6. If the next annual General Meeting of members of the Association, at which the issue of electing members of the Supervisory Board should be considered, takes place after the expiration of the period for which the Supervisory Board was formed, then the term of office of the members of the Supervisory Council of the Association is considered extended until the date of this annual General meeting of members Associations.
8.7. The Supervisory Board coordinates and provides general management of all activities of the Association in the period between General Meetings of the Association members. The Supervisory Board of the Association is accountable to the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
8.8. The competence of the Supervisory Board includes consideration and decision-making on issues related to the implementation by the Association and members of the Association of activities in order to provide emergency assistance to tourists provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as on all other issues of the activities of the Association that are not within the competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Association and the executive body of the Association.
8.9. The Supervisory Board has the following powers:
a) submits a candidate for the position of Director for consideration by the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
b) convenes the General Meeting of Members of the Association, organizes the General Meeting of Members of the Association or entrusts its holding to the Director, submits for approval the agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, preliminary considers all issues submitted to the General Meeting of Members of the Association;
c) agrees, for sending to the authorized state body, the rules of professional activity, mandatory for the Association and its members, regulating the procedure for the implementation by it and its members of functions related to the formation of a compensation fund, ensuring the implementation of the main goals and functions of the Association, with the exception of approval (approval) of acts , the adoption of which is within the competence of the general meeting of members of the Association;
d) approves the procedure for maintaining the register of members of the Association;
e) approves the terms of the employment agreement (contract) with the Director, the structure and number of staff of the Association;
f) approves the list of banks and credit organizations recommended for servicing the Association’s accounts and meeting the selection criteria of credit organizations for placement of the compensation fund, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
g) in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, develops rules of professional activity that are mandatory for the Association and its members, regulating the procedure for the implementation by the Association and its members of functions related to the formation and use of the compensation fund. The specified rules of professional activity are approved by the authorized federal executive body;
h) in the absence of payments from the compensation fund for the previous year, applies to the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of reducing the amount of the contribution to the compensation fund of the Association for the next financial year;
i) approves the annual plan for investing temporarily available funds of the Association, meeting the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
j) makes a decision on admitting new members to the Association;
k) approves the financial plan (budget) of the Association and makes changes to it;
l) makes decisions on opening and closing branches (representative offices) of the Association, approves regulations on them;
m) approves the independent audit organization and the terms of the contract with it;
o) upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, approves candidates and dismisses the heads of branches (representative offices) of the Association;
o) forms committees and commissions in certain areas of the Association’s activities, forms working and expert groups, approves regulations on their activities and personnel;
p) determines the main activities for the implementation of priority areas of activity of the Association;
c) makes decisions on the participation of the Association in other organizations;
r) coordinates issues of interaction of the Association with state authorities and local governments, public organizations;
s) coordinates the activities of the Association in the field of international cooperation;
t) has other powers determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the provisions of this Charter and other internal acts adopted by the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
8.10. A meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Association is convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board or a group of members of the Supervisory Board in an amount of no less than 1/4 (one quarter) of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board, and is held as necessary, but at least once every three months.
8.11. Decisions of the Supervisory Board are made by a qualified majority of 2/3 (two thirds) of votes from the total number of members of the Supervisory Board present at the meeting of members of the Supervisory Board. Each member of the Supervisory Board has one vote when voting. Meetings of the Supervisory Board are valid if more than 1/2 (half) of the members of the Supervisory Board are present.
8.12. When making decisions by the Supervisory Board in the event of a tie of votes, the decisive voting right belongs to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association.
8.13. The decisions of the Supervisory Board of the Association, adopted by it in accordance with this Charter, which do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and correspond to the goals of creating the Association, are binding on all members of the Association, as well as the Director of the Association.
8.14. Decisions of the Supervisory Board concerning members of the Association are brought to the attention of these members by publication on the official website of the Association on the Internet and (or) sending to the email addresses of members of the Association contained in the register of members of the Association.
8.15. Members of the Supervisory Board carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.
8.16. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is elected by the Supervisory Board by a simple majority of votes from the Supervisory Board.
8.17. The rights and duties of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board are determined in accordance with this Charter.

9. Director
9.1. The Director of the Association is the sole executive body of the Association, elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Association for a period of two years and acts in accordance with this Charter, decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, and the Supervisory Board of the Association.
9.2. The Director of the Association has the following powers:
a) carries out operational and current management of the affairs of the Association for the execution of decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association, the Supervisory Board of the Association;
b) disposes of property, including funds of the Association, in accordance with the provisions approved by the Supervisory Board of the Association;
c) concludes transactions (agreements, including labor agreements, agreements, contracts) on behalf of the Association, carries out business transactions;
d) issues orders and gives instructions (instructions) mandatory for execution by all employees of the Association;
e) performs other actions as a body of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;
f) hires and fires employees of the Association in accordance with current legislation;
g) encourages distinguished employees and imposes disciplinary sanctions;
h) acts on behalf of the Association without a power of attorney, including representing its interests on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
i) opens and closes bank accounts, organizes accounting and reporting in the Association in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Association;
j) has other powers determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the provisions of this Charter and other internal acts adopted by the Supervisory Board of the Association and the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
9.3. The Director of the Association is accountable to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board of the Association and the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
9.4. The Director of the Association has the right to issue powers of attorney in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The terms of the employment agreement (contract) with the Director of the Association are determined by the Supervisory Board. The employment agreement (contract) with the Director of the Association on behalf of the Association is signed by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board on behalf of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.

10. Conflict of interest
10.1. Issues of conflict of interests of the Association and interested parties, as well as issues of liability of the latter, are determined in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

11. Control over the activities of the Association
11.1. The financial activities of the Association are subject to mandatory annual audits.
11.2. The audit organization and the terms of the agreement that the Association is obliged to conclude with it are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Association.
11.3. Control over the financial and economic activities of the Association is carried out by financial, tax and other bodies of state power and local self-government in the manner and within the limits of the rights of these bodies established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by the audit commission (auditor), elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Association for a period of one year, and an independent audit organization approved by the Supervisory Board.
11.4. Members of the audit commission (auditor) cannot be the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, members of the Supervisory Board, the Director and his deputies, persons closely related to them, as well as persons receiving from them or from the Association wages or some other permanent remuneration.
11.5. The Audit Commission (auditor) conducts both scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Association. Scheduled inspections are carried out no more than once a year. Unscheduled inspections are carried out at the request of the Supervisory Board of the Association, or at the request of members of the Association, constituting at least thirty percent of the total number of members of the Association.
11.6. Employees of the Association are obliged to ensure that the audit commission (auditor) of the Association and the auditor are provided with all necessary documents, materials and personal explanations in connection with the audit. Inspections and audits should not disrupt the normal operation of the Association and its divisions.
11.7. The results of inspections are reported to the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
11.8. The annual report and annual balance sheet of the Association, after their approval in the manner prescribed by this Charter, are subject to posting on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

12. Branches and Representative Offices of the Association
12.1. The association may, in accordance with current legislation, create branches and open representative offices. The decision to create a branch or open a representative office is made by the Supervisory Board of the Association.
12.2. A branch of the Association is its separate subdivision, located outside the location of the Association and performing all or part of its functions, including the functions of representation.
12.3. The representative office of the Association is a separate division, which is located outside the location of the Association, represents the interests of the Association and protects them.
12.4. The management of the branch (representative office) is carried out by the director of the branch (representative office), who reports directly to the Director of the Association and acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Director of the Association.
12.5. The branch and representative office of the Association are not legal entities, are endowed with the property of the Association and act on the basis of the Regulations.

13. Property of the Association
13.1. The property of the Association is formed due to:
- property transferred to the Association by its founders in accordance with the constituent agreement of the association;
- contributions paid to the compensation fund;
- contributions to finance expenses related to the current activities of the Association;
- income received from the placement of funds from the compensation fund;
- funds received from the exercise of the right to claim insurance payment or payment under a bank guarantee established by federal legislation;
- voluntary contributions;
- other income from activities not prohibited by law or this Charter.
13.2. The property of the Association may be used exclusively for the purposes for which it was created.
13.3. To provide emergency assistance to tourists in the event of the impossibility of fulfilling, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under an agreement on the sale of a tourism product formed by tour operators - members of the Association, or to finance the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists, the Association creates a compensation fund in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation.
The Association finances the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists from the compensation fund, payments from the compensation fund in the manner established by decisions (decrees) of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The amount of payment from the compensation fund is determined based on the actual costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on tourism activities.
13.4. The compensation fund is a separate property owned by the Association.
13.5. The funds of the compensation fund are placed in its separate bank account, and separate records are kept for them. The funds of the compensation fund cannot be recovered for the obligations of the Association if such obligations are not related to financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with federal legislation.
13.6. To finance expenses related to the current activities of the Association, members of the Association pay contributions to it. The amount of contributions and the procedure for their payment are determined by the General Meeting of Participants of the Association when approving or changing the budget for the next financial year, taking into account the requirements of the legislation on tourism activities. Funds intended to finance expenses related to the activities of the Association are separated from the funds of the compensation fund. These funds are transferred to other bank accounts of the Association.
13.7. The procedure for transferring funds from the Association's compensation fund and the specifics of financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists during the liquidation of the Association are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
13.8. The placement of funds from the Association's compensation fund is permitted in rubles and (or) foreign currency in accounts or deposits with credit institutions. Requirements for the selection criteria of credit institutions in which the placement of funds from the compensation fund are allowed are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, which may determine additional objects for investing funds from the compensation fund, as well as requirements for investing funds in the relevant objects, and the conditions for their investment.
13.9. The compensation fund is formed from contributions from tour operators operating in the field of outbound tourism, transferred in cash in the amounts established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities.
13.10. The specified contribution is subject to transfer to the compensation fund annually within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication or submission of financial statements, but no later than April 15 of the current year. Income received from the placement of funds from the compensation fund, and funds received from the exercise of the right to claim insurance payment or payment under a bank guarantee established by current legislation, are also subject to enrollment in the compensation fund.
13.11. It is not permitted to relieve a member of the Association from the obligation to make contributions to the compensation fund, including by offsetting his claims to the Association.
13.12. A tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism, as well as a tour operator or legal entity that has not previously carried out tour operator activities in the field of outbound tourism, upon joining the Association, pay a contribution to the compensation fund in the amount established by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”. Federation".
13.13. The procedure and conditions for financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists from the compensation fund are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
13.14. The amount of payment from the compensation fund is determined based on the actual costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with current legislation.
13.15. Expenditure of the compensation fund for purposes not provided for by the Federal Law, including the payment or return of contributions to members of the Association, is not permitted.
13.16. Termination of a tour operator's membership in the Association is not grounds for stopping the expenditure of funds for the purposes provided for by the Federal Law.
13.17. Within the limits of the amount of expenses incurred by the Association in accordance with the current legislation for the provision of emergency assistance to tourists, the right of the tourist to claim payment of insurance compensation under the tour operator’s liability insurance contract to the insurer or to pay a sum of money under a bank guarantee is transferred to the Association.
13.18. The relations between the Association and the insurer or guarantor, determined by the current legislation, regarding the reimbursement of expenses of the compensation fund, by analogy, apply the rules established by the current legislation for the relationship between a tourist, another customer and the insurer or guarantor under an insurance contract or under a bank guarantee. The relevant provisions apply to the extent that otherwise is not provided for by current legislation and does not follow from the essence of such relations.
13.19. The amount of expenses incurred by the Association to provide emergency assistance to tourists not covered by financial security may be recovered by way of recourse upon the claim of the Association from the tour operator.

14. Accounting and reporting of the Association
14.1. Accounting and reporting in the Association are conducted in accordance with the rules established for non-profit organizations.
14.2. The procedure for internal office work in the Association and its divisions regarding accounting and reporting is determined by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
14.3. The financial year of the Association is considered from January 1 to December 31, including these dates. At the end of the financial year, the Association’s annual balance sheet and other forms of financial statements are drawn up in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
14.4. The association provides the authorized government bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and concluded agreements with the required information about its activities, and is responsible for the safety of financial, economic, personnel and other management documents.
14.5. Officials of the Association bear personal responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in reports and other information emanating from the Association.

15. The procedure for making changes to the Charter of the Association
15.1. Changes to this Charter may be made by decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Association.
15.2. Amendments to this Charter are adopted by the General Meeting and are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. Reorganization and liquidation of the Association
16.1. The reorganization and liquidation of the Association is carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”.
16.2. The transfer of funds from the Association's compensation fund and the specifics of financing the costs of providing emergency assistance to tourists during the liquidation of the Association are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
16.3. The property of the Association remaining after liquidation is directed by decision of the liquidation commission to the purposes for which the Association was created.
16.4. Management documents, accounting books and other written materials remaining after the termination of the Association’s affairs are transferred to:
- in case of reorganization - to the legal successor;
- upon liquidation - to the state archives in accordance with the procedure established by law and in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.

17. Final provisions
17.1. Issues of creation and organization of the Association’s activities that are not reflected in this Charter are subject to regulation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
17.2. In addition to this Charter, the Association may have internal regulations and other acts that specify issues of the organization and functioning of the Association’s bodies and the interaction of the Association’s members. These acts cannot contradict this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Moscow, June 11 - Vesti.Tourism, Vladislav Petrovich.“Tourism is a business, bankruptcies are inevitable in it, so everything must be done to protect tourists,” says the head of the Federal Tourism Agency, Alexander Radkov.

It was for this purpose that it was created, into which all tour operators involved in outbound tourism were supposed to join by June 1, 2013. 260 companies that did not join Turpomosch before June 1, 2013, by Rostourism from the unified federal register of tour operators.

Alexander Radkov spoke about the principles of the association’s work and who can count on the help of “Tourist Assistance” in an interview with the “Russia 24” channel.

Why was “Tourist Assistance” created?

Over the course of several recent years we witnessed major bankruptcies of tour operators - “Capital Tour”, “Lanta-tour Voyage” and others. At the time of bankruptcies, tourists were abroad, their hotels were not paid for - in fact, they became hostages of circumstances. Sometimes tourists had their passports and luggage taken away and were forced to pay for their accommodation again. “Tourist assistance” was created to prevent such situations from arising. the main objective associations - to return the tourist to his homeland if the tour operator cannot do this.

How does “Tour Assistance” help a tourist?

“Tour Assistance” provides a tourist who finds himself in an unforeseen situation due to the fault of the operator (refusal of check-in, forced additional payment, etc.) with hotel accommodation until the first opportunity to fly to Russia. The association also pays for air tickets and transfers to the airport from the hotel, ensures the safety of luggage, feeds tourists and, if necessary, provides medical assistance.

From what means does the association provide assistance to tourists?

A tour operator joining “Tour Pomosch” pays 0.1% of the company’s turnover to the association’s fund, but not less than 100 thousand rubles. Currently, about 180 million rubles have been collected for the Tourist Assistance Fund.

What to do if you need the services of “Tourist Assistance”?

The Rostourism website has telephone numbers and email addresses of the association. If some extraordinary event occurs, for example, a tourist is not checked into a hotel, in other words, the operator has not fulfilled his obligations, you must immediately in a convenient way contact “Tour Assistance”. Within 24 hours, the information from the tourist will be checked and he will receive the necessary assistance.

The sudden stop of the tour operator's activities led to the fact that hundreds of its clients ended up in Turkey on a bird's license. Some had to pay for their stay again under pressure from hoteliers, while others hastily bought return tickets. In this regard, many agencies have questions about what the association should have done in this situation. "Tourist assistance"?

“Tourist assistance” is not an ambulance

According to information on the website of Tourist Help, the main task of the association is to “provide emergency assistance to Russian tourists abroad who find themselves in emergency situation due to the financial insolvency of the tour operator.” For this, Tourpomosch has a powerful financial resource - a reserve fund, formed from the annual contributions of tour operators.

The concept of emergency assistance from the association of tour operators for outbound tourism according to industry Federal Law No. 132 includes: transportation of a tourist from the country of temporary residence to the end of transportation (payment for transportation services), payment for services for accommodating a tourist in a hotel for the period before the start of transportation, delivery tourist from the hotel to the airport (transfer).

However, during a live broadcast on, the lawyer noted that one should not expect “one-time” financial assistance from the organization - “Tour Pomosch” has regulations for providing support, which cannot be ignored. Before spending the reserve fund, the association must understand the reasons for the tourist’s request, check all the information, and only after that intervene in the relationship of the tour operator with the client and partners. Civil liability to tourists (obligations to them. – Red.) the organization does not, since it is not a party to the contract for the tourism product.

How does Tourist Assistance work?

Only those tourists who purchased a comprehensive tour (flight, accommodation, transfer) from a failed outbound tourism tour operator can apply for emergency assistance. Moreover, according to the visual diagram “The procedure for tourists affected by tour operators that have suspended their activities” on the “Tour Assistance” website, the possibility of evacuation is considered only for those tourists who cannot pay for their accommodation and return ticket on their own (all others can replenish the funds spent upon arrival by contacting the tour operator’s insurer.– Red.).

You can contact “Tourist Assistance” through a special application form on the organization’s website in the “Tourists” section. In addition to indicating the full name, location and reasons why the tour operator does not solve the problem, copies of the passport and contract must be attached to the application.

The decision to provide emergency assistance to a tourist or to refuse to provide it is made by the association of tour operators within 24 hours.

Why didn't they unseal the pod?

Using the example of Ted Travel, you can see what “Tour Assistance” does during these 24 hours. After the tour operator announced the suspension of activities, the association held a meeting chaired by the head Rostourism Oleg Safonov with the participation of airline representatives "Yakutia", which still has obligations to Ted Travel tourists. As a result of the meeting, a decision was made to evacuate all tourists in Turkey, regardless of their appeal or non-application to Tourist Assistance (there were no more than 20 applications in total. – Red.).

All further coordination work was undertaken by the association. In order to prevent tourists with vouchers from being evicted, the chairman of the supervisory board of Tourpomosch, the head of the Federal Agency for Tourism, Oleg Safonov, contacted the Ministry of Tourism of Turkey, which, in turn, turned to the hoteliers - the country’s guests are not to blame for the fact that the tour operator abruptly suspended its activities. The host company partially paid for the tourists’ accommodation Jazz Travel, which also assumed obligations to provide the transfer. As noted in “Tour Assistance”, she did this out of her “reputational interests”, because they stopped receiving funds from Ted Travel on August 2, but they still continued to accept tourists. To transport tourists who wanted to fly before the expiration of their trip, additional seats were used on board the Yakutia Airlines.

At the same time, the “Tour Assistance” reserve fund was not used. According to the head of the organization Alexandra Osaulenko, there was no such need.

“Legally, the airline had to provide flights for tourists back, since they had tickets. The fact that “Yakutia” did not receive payments from Ted Travel is already their personal relationship. We would only need to get involved financially if the carrier went bankrupt. In addition, at the first meeting, tour operators working in this direction confirmed the opportunity to “insure” the main carrier if such a need arises,” noted the head of the association of tour operators.

As for payment for hotels, according to the deputy head of the association, Sergei Golov, Rostourism and the Tourpomosch Association received letters from the governor of Antalya stating that work had been carried out with hoteliers on the issue of unlawful eviction of Russian tourists from hotels. As a result, the vast majority of tourists were able to continue their vacation without additional financial costs.

IN this moment there are almost 400 million rubles in the reserve fund, and in accordance with the decision of the last congress of members of the Tour Assistance Association, tour operators supported the need to recognize the fund as self-sufficient. The organization plans to consider the possibility of exempting tour operators from replenishing the fund from next year, but continue to increase it thanks to interest on deposits. Alexander Osaulenko emphasized that the Tourist Assistance Association operates exclusively in accordance with the existing legislation of the Russian Federation, and any attempts to go beyond the legislation are unacceptable. On the organization’s website, the regulatory documents outline all the principles of the Association’s actions in such situations. However, in the current situation, according to the head of Tourist Pomosch, it is necessary to provide additional clarification. In this regard, the Association promised to soon publish the legal basis for using the reserve fund.

To summarize, we note that “Tour Help” is an association of tour operators, which in an emergency situation acts as an anti-crisis center coordinating the interaction of authorities, tour operators and their foreign partners and carriers. Tourists should not expect financial assistance from it, since the payment mechanism is too complex. Lawyers recommend that citizens be aware of their risks when traveling to another country and try to have their own cash reserve in case of unforeseen situations.


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