Booking transportation and services at the enterprise. Rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. XIV. Acceptance of cargo for transportation

Transportation of goods by air is carried out on the basis of an air carriage agreement. The conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods is confirmed by the preparation and issuance of an air waybill to the sender of the goods.

Booking - the agreed allocation of tonnage (quota) for a specific cargo on one or more flights from origin to destination.

The term tonnage (quota) means both the weight and volume of a cargo shipment.

To increase the volume of air transportation of goods by air transport, the fastest and highest quality passage of goods, and, consequently, reduce the delivery time of goods, a certain procedure is provided for registering the transportation of goods by advance reservation tonnage for each specific flight along the entire cargo route.

Booking freight transport is carried out in such a way as to ensure continuous and accurate accounting of available tonnage on each flight in strict accordance with the schedule and planned tonnage of passenger flights. The amount of tonnage (guaranteed cargo rate) to be sold is determined as the difference between the planned maximum commercial load of the aircraft for each flight and the standards for the sale of passenger tickets with a certain amount of reserved baggage and the postal limit. Cargo transportation is booked within the planned free tonnage, which is established for sections of the route of each flight by the departure airport.

To make a reservation, you must agree with the carrier on the following transportation:

1) currency in banknotes or coins, shares, bonds and other securities, credit and bank cards, jewelry, precious metals, precious or semi-precious stones, including industrial diamonds (hereinafter referred to as valuable cargo);

2) cargo with declared value;

3) items and substances subject to deterioration after a certain storage period or under unfavorable influence of temperature, humidity or other environmental conditions (hereinafter referred to as perishable cargo);

4) items or substances that are capable of creating a threat to health, safety, property or the environment and which are indicated in the list of dangerous goods or classified as dangerous goods in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation and legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as dangerous goods);

5) cargo whose weight per package exceeds eighty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy cargo);

6) cargo, the dimensions of one cargo piece of which exceed dimensions loading hatches and/or cargo compartments of passenger aircraft(hereinafter referred to as oversized cargo);

7) cargo whose weight of one cubic meter is less than one hundred and sixty-seven kilograms (hereinafter referred to as bulk cargo);

8) dogs, cats, birds and other small indoor (tamed) animals (hereinafter referred to as pets (birds));

9) animals, birds, insects, fish, etc. (hereinafter referred to as living creatures);

10) cargo requiring special conditions transportation;

11) human and animal remains.

The reservation is canceled without warning the passenger or shipper in the following cases:

If the shipper does not present the cargo for transportation within the period established by the carrier or authorized agent;

If the shipper presented the cargo with incorrectly executed documents necessary to fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country, to the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which it is carried out transportation, or the cargo does not meet the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and FAP No. 82 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2010 N 231)

When booking transportation with a transfer (transshipment) of a passenger, baggage, cargo at the airport specified in the transportation document, within twenty-four hours from one flight to another flight for further travel along the transportation route (hereinafter referred to as the transfer airport), the carrier or authorized agent is obliged provide a reservation and receive confirmation of the reservation at all areas of transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, including areas where transportation is carried out by other carriers, allowing the passenger to arrive at check-in at the established time to go through the established check-in procedures and check-in of baggage, pay excess and (or) other baggage subject to payment, undergoing inspection, reload baggage, cargo on another flight and fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country, on the territory from or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, as well as procedures for transferring cargo from one aircraft to another.

Flight formation type

The following types of formation are accepted (including for transfer cargo):

Reservation of part of the cargo cabin space (compartment) for a regular passenger or cargo flight (aircraft additional loading);

Formation of a batch of compatible cargo from different shippers for full use of the cargo cabin (compartment) of an aircraft on a regular or charter flight;

Exclusive use of the entire volume of the cargo compartment (compartment) by one shipper on a regular or charter flight.

The reservation is made by the reservation agent upon receipt of the following information from the sender:


Specific dispatch date or required delivery period;

Number of seats, cargo weight, dimensions;

Name of the cargo or contents of the cargo shipment;

Packaging type, largest overall size;

Additional information on a specific category of cargo and special conditions for transporting this cargo.

Reservations and sales of freight transportation are carried out through our own agencies, through representative offices at sales points, or through carrier agents for the sale of freight transportation when contacting customers directly, or by telephone.

A flight for cargo booking usually opens 14 days in advance and closes 2 days before the flight departure.

The agent books the tonnage for the date desired by the client, or offers the nearest date where there is free tonnage. Confirmation of cargo booking is carried out by the control center according to the existing and predicted passenger load. The reservation is considered preliminary until the shipper has paid for the transportation.

When transporting transfer cargo, confirmation of booking must be obtained for all sections of the cargo route (including sections operated by other carriers).

The fact of concluding a contract for transportation is considered completed after the air waybill is issued and signed by the carrier’s representative and the sender.

If the shipper has already paid for transportation, but for some reason wants or is forced to postpone the shipment of the cargo to a later date, he must declare his intention no later than two days before the date of the flight on which the cargo was originally planned to be sent. In any case, the sales agent will cancel the order according to standard procedures.

The carrier sells cargo transportation services on regular and charter flights. Sales are carried out at tariffs set by the carrier in accordance with IATA rules, legislation of the Russian Federation, instructions of the FAVT and the airline.

The deadline for making a deposit for transportation is indicated when confirming the booking and is usually limited to three days before flight departure. When booking cargo later than this period, a “time limit” is created in such a way that payment for transportation is made during the day on which the booking was made. If cargo is booked less than 12 hours before flight departure, payment must be made immediately after confirmation of the booking. Payment for cargo transportation is made both in cash and by bank transfer.

Pin on aircraft passenger seat and carrying capacity for the transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo for a specific flight and date (hereinafter referred to as booking) is a mandatory condition of transportation by air passenger, luggage, cargo.

When making reservations, automated reservation systems are usually used.

The reservation must be reflected in the carrier's reservation system. Information about the reservation made must be provided by the carrier or authorized agent to the passenger or shipper.

Reservation of a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger involves transportation of the passenger and his luggage on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made.

Reservation of carrying capacity for cargo involves transportation of cargo on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made, unless otherwise provided by the contract for air carriage of cargo.

Reservations are made within the time frame and in the manner established by the carrier.

Reservation of cargo capacity is made by the carrier or an authorized agent.

When booking cargo capacity, the shipper must provide the carrier or authorized agent with information about the data of the shipper and consignee, the name of the cargo, the expected date of shipment, the gross weight (hereinafter referred to as weight) and volume of the cargo, the dimensions of each piece of cargo, the number of pieces of cargo, conditions for handling the cargo , properties of the cargo requiring special conditions or precautions during its transportation, storage and handling.

Before booking cargo capacity, the carrier or authorized agent checks the cargo to determine whether the cargo or part thereof is classified as dangerous goods. Cargo inspection determines the possibility and conditions of transportation of dangerous goods.

When booking cargo capacity, the carrier or authorized agent:

provides the shipper with information about the aircraft schedule, tariffs and conditions for their application, the carrier’s rules, the terms of the contract for air transportation of cargo, the availability of free carrying capacity, tonnage, and other related information;

makes the selection optimal route and freight charges for transportation, taking into account tariffs and conditions of their application.

When booking by an authorized agent, the passenger or shipper is provided with information in accordance with the priority parameters of the conditions of transportation specified by the passenger, the shipper and/or the general conditions of transportation for each carrier.

The carrier and authorized agent do not have the right to transfer information received from the passenger or shipper to third parties, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Currencies in banknotes or coins, shares, bonds and other securities, credit and bank cards, jewelry, precious metals, precious or semi-precious stones, including industrial diamonds (hereinafter referred to as valuable cargo);

Cargo with declared value;

Items and substances subject to deterioration after a certain storage period or under adverse effects of temperature, humidity or other environmental conditions (hereinafter referred to as perishable cargo);

Items or substances that can pose a threat to health, safety, property or the environment and which are indicated in the list of dangerous goods or classified as dangerous goods in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as dangerous goods);

Cargo the weight of one cargo item exceeds eighty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy cargo);

Cargo, the dimensions of one cargo piece of which exceed the overall dimensions of the loading hatches and/or cargo compartments of passenger aircraft (hereinafter referred to as oversized cargo);

Cargo whose weight of one cubic meter is less than one hundred and sixty-seven kilograms (hereinafter referred to as bulk cargo);

Dogs, cats, birds and other small indoor (tamed) animals (hereinafter referred to as pets (birds);

Cargo requiring special transportation conditions;

Human and animal remains.

The reservation is canceled without warning the passenger or shipper in the following cases:

If the passenger does not pay for transportation within the time period established by the carrier or authorized agent and a ticket is not issued to him;

If the shipper does not present the cargo for transportation within the period established by the carrier or authorized agent;

If the shipper presented the cargo with incorrectly executed documents necessary to fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or the cargo does not meet the requirements established by regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and these Rules.

2.1.1. Securing a passenger seat and carrying capacity on the Airline's aircraft for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo for a specific flight and date (hereinafter referred to as booking) is a mandatory condition for transporting passengers, baggage, and cargo by air.

2.1.2. Reservations of a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger are made by the carrier or its authorized agent directly at the points of sale of transportation, or by telephone, e-mail, or independently through information systems.

2.1.3. When making reservations, automated reservation systems are used.

2.1.4. Reservation of carrying capacity is valid only if it is entered into the reservation system, made in accordance with the established Rules and does not contradict the terms of the contract of carriage. Information about the reservation made must be provided by the carrier or authorized agent to the passenger or shipper.

2.1.5. When booking, the passenger provides the necessary information about his personal data and, if available, special conditions transportation of passengers and luggage. If the passenger refuses to provide the information required for booking, the booking will not be made. When booking, the passenger can provide a telephone number or other method of contact to inform him.

2.1.6. When reserving a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger, the carrier or authorized agent:

  • provides the passenger with reliable and complete information about the aircraft schedule, the availability of free passenger seats and carrying capacity, tariffs and conditions for applying tariffs, including information about the conditions for the return (non-refund) of carriage fees paid for transportation, the carrier’s Rules, the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement, conditions of service on board the aircraft, type of aircraft, other related information.

2.1.7. When booking by an authorized agent, the passenger, shipper is provided with information in accordance with the priority parameters of transportation conditions and/or specified by the passenger, shipper general conditions transportation.

2.1.8. The carrier and authorized agent do not have the right to transfer information received from the passenger or shipper to third parties, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

2.1.9. To make a reservation, you must agree with the carrier on the following transportation:

  1. a passenger with a child under 2 years old;
  2. a child not accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, has acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen, who will be transported under the supervision of the carrier;
  3. seriously ill passenger;
  4. patient on a stretcher;
  5. a blind passenger with a guide dog;
  6. a passenger whose ability to move when using air transport is limited and/or whose condition requires special attention during service (hereinafter referred to as a passenger with limited mobility);
  7. pets (birds);
  8. service dogs;
  9. a passenger with weapons and/or ammunition;
  10. excess baggage;
  11. oversized luggage;
  12. heavy luggage;
  13. baggage that must be transported only in the aircraft cabin;
  14. valuable cargo;
  15. perishable cargo;
  16. dangerous goods;
  17. heavy cargo;
  18. oversized cargo;
  19. bulk cargo;
  20. cargo requiring special transportation conditions;
  21. cargo, with declared value and livestock;
  22. human and animal remains.

2.1.10. The passenger can arrange for the carriage of baggage with a declared value. If there is any doubt about the correctness of the declared value, the Carrier or an authorized agent may require the baggage to be opened for inspection. The Passenger is obliged to provide the Carrier or an authorized agent with evidence of the declared value of the baggage (invoice, cash receipt, sales receipt or other document certifying the value). If opening is refused, there is no evidence of declared value, or there are disagreements in the valuation amount, baggage with declared value will not be accepted for transportation.

2.1.11. When booking a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger, the carrier or authorized agent has the right not to assign a specific seat to the passenger passenger seat in the cabin of an aircraft with the declared class of service. In this case, the number of the passenger seat allocated to the passenger is indicated when registering the passenger.

2.1.12. When booking transportation with a transfer (transshipment) of a passenger, baggage, cargo at the airport specified in the transportation document, within twenty-four hours from one flight to another flight for further travel along the transportation route (transfer airport), the carrier or authorized agent is obliged to ensure the reservation and receive confirmation of reservation on all sections of the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo, including on sections for which transportation is carried out by other carriers, allowing the passenger to arrive at check-in at the established time to go through the established check-in procedures and baggage check-in, payment of excess and (or ) other baggage subject to payment, undergoing inspection, reloading baggage, cargo onto another flight and fulfilling the requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country, on the territory from or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, as well as procedures for transferring cargo from one aircraft to another

2.1.13. If the passenger does not use the reserved passenger seat on any section of the transportation route, the passenger must inform the carrier of his intention to continue transportation on subsequent sections of the transportation route. If the passenger has not informed the carrier of his intention to continue transportation, the carrier has the right to cancel the reservation on each subsequent leg of the transportation route without notifying the passenger. A passenger’s refusal to be transported on any part of the carriage route is recognized as a change in the carriage route and is carried out in the manner prescribed for the passenger to change the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement.

2.1.14. The carrier has the right to cancel the capacity reservation without informing the passenger or the shipper in the following cases:

  • if the passenger does not pay for transportation within the period established by the Carrier and a ticket is not issued to him;
  • if the shipper did not present the cargo for transportation within the period established by the Carrier or authorized agent;
  • if the shipper presented the cargo with incorrectly executed documents necessary to fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, or the cargo does not meet the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

2.1.15. Reservations for a ticket issued with an open departure date are made subject to availability of passenger seats and free capacity on the Carrier's flight within the scope of the passenger air carriage agreement.

2.1.16. If a passenger holding a ticket with an open departure date requests to book transportation, and the carrier is unable to provide a passenger seat and capacity during the validity period of the contract, then the carrier or authorized agent must make a reservation on the next available flight. passenger seat and carrying capacity of the class of service that corresponds to the paid fare.

2.1.17. Reservation of a passenger seat and carrying capacity presupposes the transportation of the passenger and his baggage on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made.

2.1.18. Reservation of carrying capacity for cargo involves transportation of cargo on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made, unless otherwise provided by the contract for air carriage of cargo.

2.1.19. Reservations are made within the time frame and in the manner established by the Carrier, in accordance with the terms of the fare.

2.1.20. Reservation of cargo capacity is made by the Carrier or an authorized agent.

2.1.21. When booking cargo capacity, the shipper must provide the Carrier or authorized agent with information about the data of the shipper and consignee, the name of the cargo, the expected date of shipment, gross weight (hereinafter referred to as weight) and volume of cargo, the dimensions of each piece of cargo, the number of pieces of cargo, conditions of circulation with the cargo, the properties of the cargo requiring special conditions or precautions during its transportation, storage, and handling.

2.1.22. Before booking cargo capacity, the Carrier or an authorized agent checks the cargo to determine whether the cargo or part thereof is classified as dangerous goods. Cargo inspection determines the possibility and conditions of transportation of dangerous goods.

2.1.23. When booking cargo capacity, the carrier or authorized agent:

  • Provides the shipper with information about the aircraft schedule, tariffs and conditions for their application, the Carrier's Rules, the terms of the contract for air transportation of cargo, the availability of free carrying capacity, tonnage, and other related information;

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8. Securing a passenger seat and carrying capacity on an aircraft for the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo for a specific flight and date (hereinafter referred to as booking) is a mandatory condition for transporting passengers, baggage, and cargo by air.

9. When making reservations, as a rule, automated reservation systems are used.

10. The booking must be reflected in the carrier's booking system. Information about the reservation made must be provided by the carrier or authorized agent to the passenger or shipper.

11. Reservation of a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger involves transportation of the passenger and his baggage on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made.

Reservation of carrying capacity for cargo involves transportation of cargo on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made, unless otherwise provided by the contract for air carriage of cargo.

12. Reservations are made within the time frame and in the manner established by the carrier.

13. To make a reservation, a passenger can contact the carrier or an authorized agent directly at transportation sales points, either by phone, email, etc., or book a passenger seat and carrying capacity independently through information systems.

14. When booking, the passenger provides the necessary information about his personal data and, if available, about the special conditions for the carriage of passengers and baggage.

ConsultantPlus: note.

Disability and the presence of life restrictions cannot be grounds for a claim by the tour operator or travel agent and the carrier or the carrier's agent carrying out the booking, sale and registration transportation documents, from disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities, documents confirming the health status of such passengers in connection with their disability or disabilities (clause 3 of Article 106.1 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation of March 19, 1997 N 60-FZ).

If the passenger refuses to provide the information required for booking, the booking will not be made.

When booking, the passenger indicates a mobile phone number or another method of communication to inform him.

15. When booking a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger, the carrier or authorized agent:

provides the passenger with reliable and complete information about the schedule of aircraft of a given carrier, the availability of free passenger seats and carrying capacity on flights of a given carrier along the transportation route, tariffs and conditions for the application of tariffs, including information on the conditions for the return (non-refund) of freight paid for transportation, rules of this carrier, about the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement, the conditions of service on board the aircraft, the type of aircraft, the carrier that will actually carry out the transportation.

(see text in the previous edition)

15.1. When booking, an authorized agent has the right to provide the passenger with Additional services on the selection of the optimal transportation route, the carrier(s) carrying out transportation along the transportation route, and the freight charge for transportation, taking into account tariffs and conditions of their application.

16. When reserving a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger, the carrier or an authorized agent has the right not to assign to the passenger a specific passenger seat in the cabin of an aircraft with the declared class of service. In this case, the number of the passenger seat allocated to the passenger is indicated when registering the passenger.

17. Reservations for a ticket issued with an open departure date are made subject to availability of passenger seats and free capacity on the carrier’s flight within the scope of the passenger air carriage agreement.

18. If a passenger holding a ticket with an open departure date requests transportation, and the carrier is unable to provide a passenger seat and capacity during the validity period of the contract, then the carrier or an authorized agent must make a reservation for the next flight on which there is a free passenger seat and carrying capacity of the class of service that corresponds to the paid fare.

19. Reservation of cargo capacity is made by the carrier or an authorized agent.

20. When booking a carrying capacity, the shipper must provide the carrier or authorized agent with information about the data of the shipper and consignee, the name of the cargo, the expected date of shipment, the gross weight (hereinafter referred to as the weight) and volume of the cargo, the dimensions of each piece of cargo, the number of pieces of cargo, conditions of circulation with the cargo, the properties of the cargo requiring special conditions or precautions during its transportation, storage and handling.

21. Before booking cargo capacity, the carrier or an authorized agent checks the cargo to determine whether the cargo or part thereof is classified as dangerous goods. Cargo inspection determines the possibility and conditions of transportation of dangerous goods.

22. When booking cargo capacity, the carrier or authorized agent:

provides the shipper with information about the schedule of aircraft of this carrier, tariffs and conditions for their application, the rules of this carrier, the terms of the contract for air transportation of cargo, the availability of free carrying capacity, tonnage on flights of this carrier along the transportation route.

(see text in the previous edition)

22.1. When booking cargo capacity, an authorized agent has the right to provide the shipper with additional services for selecting the optimal transportation route, the carrier(s) carrying out transportation along the route, and the freight charge for transportation, taking into account tariffs and conditions of their application.

23. When booking by an authorized agent, the passenger or shipper is provided with information in accordance with the priority parameters of the conditions of transportation specified by the passenger, the shipper and/or the general conditions of transportation for each carrier.

24. The carrier and authorized agent do not have the right to transfer information received from the passenger or shipper to third parties, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

25. To make a reservation, you must agree with the carrier on the following transportation:

1) a passenger with a child under 2 years old;

2) a child not accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen, who will be transported under the supervision of the carrier;

(see text in the previous edition)

3) a seriously ill passenger;

4) a patient on a stretcher;

(see text in the previous edition)

6) a blind passenger with a guide dog;

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

8) a passenger whose ability to move when using air transport is limited and/or whose condition requires special attention during service (hereinafter referred to as a passenger with limited mobility);

9) a passenger with weapons and/or ammunition;

10) the luggage of a passenger when he enters into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which provides for a free baggage allowance in excess of the free baggage allowance established by the carrier, or the luggage of a passenger when he enters into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which does not provide for a free baggage allowance (hereinafter referred to as excess baggage);

(see text in the previous edition)

11) luggage, the dimensions of one piece of which when packed exceed two hundred three centimeters in the sum of three dimensions (hereinafter referred to as oversized luggage);

12) passenger baggage, the weight of one piece of which exceeds thirty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy baggage);

(see text in the previous edition)

13) baggage that must be transported only in the aircraft cabin;

14) currency in banknotes or coins, shares, bonds and other securities, credit and bank cards, jewelry, precious metals, precious or semi-precious stones, including industrial diamonds (hereinafter - valuable cargo);

15) cargo with declared value;

16) items and substances subject to deterioration after a certain storage period or under adverse effects of temperature, humidity or other environmental conditions (hereinafter referred to as perishable cargo);

17) items or substances that can pose a threat to health, safety, property or the environment and which are indicated in the list of dangerous goods or classified as dangerous goods in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as dangerous goods);

18) cargo whose weight per package exceeds eighty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy cargo);

19) cargo, the dimensions of one cargo piece of which exceed the overall dimensions of loading hatches and/or cargo compartments of passenger aircraft (hereinafter referred to as oversized cargo);

20) cargo whose weight of one cubic meter is less than one hundred and sixty-seven kilograms (hereinafter referred to as bulk cargo);

21) dogs, cats, birds and other small indoor (tamed) animals (hereinafter referred to as pets (birds)), service dogs of the canine service of federal executive authorities (hereinafter referred to as service dogs);


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