Who issues the VPD? Instructions for registration of transportation according to military transportation documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. When a serviceman is entitled to VPD

Memo to School cadets and their parents on the use, storage and handling of high-pressure equipment

Military transport documents (VPD)- strict reporting documents.

Upon returning to the School, within three days they are required to submit a report on their use in the prescribed form.

1. Parental responsibilities

1.1. Agree with the school administration the destinations to which VDP will be issued for travel to and from the vacation destination. Vacation destination means: place of residence (stay) or place of work of parents.

In some cases, upon the written application of the parents and the decision of the head of the School, the VPD can be issued for travel to another destination of the vacation destination and back, for example, to the place of residence of a grandmother (grandfather), or a place of rest (treatment).

VPD are issued:

From: Schools (Tyumen) - to one of the vacation destinations.

Back: from one of the vacation spots - to Tyumen (School).

1.2. Purchase passenger tickets using the VPD at the ticket offices of transport organizations.

1.3.Keep unused VPD and hand them over to the school (through your son, a cadet of the School) upon returning from vacation.

By rail - in reserved seat carriages any category of train;

By air - by plane in economy (lower) class cabins;

By road - in buses, and in their absence - in soft buses.

3. Using VPD

3.1. Registration of military travel documents, travel, and payments for unused military travel documents are carried out in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001. No. 200 and the rules for the carriage of passengers in force on the relevant modes of transport.

3.2.Documents to be submitted upon return from vacation:

Vacation ticket with appropriate notes on stay at vacation destinations (when taking a vacation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, marks are not made at the vacation centers);

Certificate of stay in a sanatorium, rest home (if the VDP was issued for travel to a place of rest (treatment) in a sanatorium or rest home);

Passenger tickets received via VPD at ticket offices of transport organizations

Receipts for additional payments, documents confirming actual expenses associated with the use of bedding, travel in carriages increased comfort, payment of additional fees established for transport.

4. Compensation for travel expenses to and from your vacation destination

Compensation for actual (documented) travel costs to and from the vacation destination is provided in the following cases:

a) VPD were not used, and passenger tickets were purchased using personal funds;

b) additional payments and expenses have been made in accordance with clause 3.2, paragraph 4 of the Memo.

Compensation is made after the receipt of funds allocated for these purposes from the budget of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation upon an application (in the prescribed form) of a School cadet addressed to the head of the School.

The following are attached to the application:

Vacation ticket with appropriate notes on stay at vacation destinations;

Unused VPDs (in this case, a written application from the parents addressed to the head of the school is attached with a request for compensation for travel costs, explaining the reasons for not using the VPD);

Passenger tickets purchased with personal funds at ticket offices of transport organizations (when following by air A boarding pass is given along with the ticket);

Documents on additional payments, documents confirming actual expenses associated with the use of bedding, travel in luxury cars, and payment of additional fees established for transport.

5. Features of compensation payments

5.1.In case of issuing an electronic passenger ticket, the following must be submitted:

Railway transport - boarding (on the travel document form) and control coupons electronic ticket, fiscal receipt, or other payment document confirming the fact of payment;

Air transport - route/receipt of an electronic passenger ticket (issued on a passenger ticket approved as a strict reporting form), original boarding pass, fiscal receipt, or other payment document confirming the fact of payment.

5.2. In case of purchasing tickets for travel in a category different from the one allowed for payment (see clause 2 of the Memo), a certificate of the established form from the transport organization that sells travel documents on the date of travel about the cost of travel in a reserved seat carriage of railway transport is presented, in the economy class cabin of the aircraft;

5.3. The following additional fees and travel expenses are subject to compensation:

Passenger ticket issuance fee (usually a K-95 miscellaneous fee receipt);

Expenses for travel to the place of vacation and back, if the point to which the flight instructions were issued was a transfer point and not a vacation point (passenger tickets for travel not higher than the permitted travel category are presented - as a rule, railway and auto);

Expenses for travel on the Aeroexpress to the airport and back at the “standard” fare.

5.4.The following travel documents are not subject to compensation payments:

Damaged, wrinkled, difficult to read;

Not from Tyumen (School) to one of the vacation destinations (except for travel with a transfer);

From one of the vacation destinations to another destination, and not to the city of Tyumen (University) (except for travel with a transfer);

Purchased with personal money cash passenger tickets, if previously tickets under the VPD were issued, but were not handed over in the established manner in ticket office or return desk (a document confirming the return of tickets must be submitted);

From a point of departure to a destination other than those indicated on the vacation ticket, or in the absence of marks of stay at the destination.


1. When issuing train tickets for travel by a School cadet during the period winter holidays it is necessary to use the benefit provided by Russian Railways JSC to schoolchildren, students of cadet and Suvorov schools in the autumn-winter period (50% discount on long-distance and commuter service). The discount is provided only for travel within the territory of the Russian Federation. When issuing a ticket and boarding a carriage, schoolchildren over 14 years of age must present a certificate from a secondary school, and students of cadet and Suvorov military schools must present a certificate of entitlement to benefits. To issue a ticket taking into account the school discount, when placing an order, you need to check the “school student” box next to the passenger’s last name, then, as soon as the ticket mask is displayed on the screen, the cost of the order will decrease;

2. VPD to the place of vacation and back, located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, is issued only if the parents of the School cadet are serving there, and a certificate from the place of service of the parents is attached to the application of the School cadet for registration of VPD.

3. The phrases “up to 5 years” and “up to 10 years” should be understood as follows: on the date of departure of the train, the child was under 5 and 10 years old, respectively.

The fact is that upon dismissal, conscripts are given NOT tickets and NOT money for travel, but a VPD (Military Transportation Document). The main thing is that they are properly designed.

The military transportation document - VPD is issued to everyone. The main thing is to understand that if a young man is transferred to the reserve from military service, returning home, he will have a route to home with transfers. Then he will need several VPDs - exactly as many as the number of transplants. Otherwise, he will have to pay for the transfer at his own expense.

Military transportation documents are issued in accordance with the following categories of travel - to military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription: by rail— in reserved seat carriages of any train category; by sea transport— in category IV cabins of transport line ships; river transport— in places of III category of transport line vessels; by air - by plane in economy (lower) class cabins; by road - in buses, and in their absence - in soft buses; If, if there is a railway connection, the transportation was carried out by another mode of transport (except for air), the costs may be reimbursed, but not higher than the cost of transportation by rail.

But the question is that often airlines do not sell tickets according to the air ticket.

And if, in the presence of a railway connection, transportation was carried out by another mode of transport (except for air), expenses are reimbursed no higher than the cost of transportation by rail. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2000 N 354 On the procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, as well as their personal property" (as amended on August 8, 2003, 14 December 2004, December 1, 2008, May 18, 2011)

It turns out that plane tickets will not necessarily be allocated. And this does not depend on the distance, but rather depends on the location of the unit, where the service takes place or where the soldier himself lives.

I served near my home. I was not given any VPD at all. I arrived at the military man.

But some of my friends served in Kamchatka Islands, with which communication is only by plane. That's how we got there - first by helicopter, then by train.

Air traffic control for a conscript plane

2. Military transportation documents are issued to military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families (close relatives) who have the right to travel and transport personal property by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) public transport .

Issuance and use of military transportation documents issued for travel and transportation of personal property (p

Military personnel who have graduated from military educational institutions of higher professional education, as well as members of their families, are issued military transportation documents for the transportation of personal property from the location educational institution, or, at the request of the specified military personnel, from the place of residence of the family or parents of the serviceman to the new place of military service of the serviceman.

Air traffic control for a conscript plane

As mentioned above, VPDs are not issued if the serviceman and his family go on annual leave. In this case, a different system applies travel compensation. And it applies only to military personnel performing military service under contract in the regions Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions, including remote ones, and on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, as well as outside the Russian Federation. Together with the serviceman, only one member of his family is entitled to compensation.

VPD for a military personnel on an airplane

When leaving military service due to conscription, a serviceman must have a list of documents with him. Among them: military ID, service record card, prescription, military transportation documents (VDP), certificate of service in northern regions so that this is included in the work experience, a professional psychological selection card, a reference from the unit commander with the obligatory date and order number, signature and seal of the commander.

A military transportation document, or VDP, is a certificate with the help of which military personnel, without wondering whether it is possible to buy an air ticket using a military ID, and their family can fly by plane or travel by train to the place of further service specified in the certificate. This certificate is issued by the Department transport support Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to buy an air ticket using a military ID?

If a military man receives a ticket to travel to hometown upon dismissal from the army, such a benefit is provided on a one-time basis. For further travel you will have to purchase air tickets on a general basis. You can easily find out all the points and questions about the procedure for using VFD from the managers of the company where you buy your flight.

Soldier's mom

Transportation at the expense of the Ministry of Defense is provided to “citizens discharged from military service.” That is, it’s clear that civilians, not military personnel, will go home after being removed from the lists of the military unit. From which it follows that the road to the place of residence is not included in the service life.

Forum for mutual legal assistance of military personnel

Read paragraph 57 of the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 “ Family members military personnel may use military transport documents for travel to and from the vacation destination and the expired year in the first quarter of the next year when traveling together with a military personnel in the case when, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for military service *(14), the main or additional leave for the past year is granted to a serviceman in the first quarter of the next year.”

VPD-military transportation documents and everything about them

Lost and damaged (torn, burnt, wet, etc.) travel documents (tickets) for long-distance and local trains are not renewed if their restoration or identification cannot be carried out by the railway, and the money paid for them is not returned. Restoration of lost and damaged travel documents (tickets) is carried out only for travel documents (tickets) issued for travel from and to […]

We are waiting for sons

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2000 N 354 “On the procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, as well as their personal property”, as well as the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 8 June 2000 N 300 “On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2000 N 354 “On the procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, as well as their personal property."

Money for unused VPD

In relation to the essence of your question, I can explain the following. In accordance with the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel”, Article 20. Travel by transport. Postal items.1. Military personnel have the right to travel free of charge: by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) on business trips, in connection with transfer to a new place of military service, to places of use of additional leave (only military personnel undergoing military service on conscription ), rehabilitation leaves, for treatment and back, to the chosen place of residence upon discharge from military service. (as amended by Federal Laws dated November 8, 2011 N 309-FZ, dated November 4, 2014 N 342-FZ). In accordance with clause 1.1 of Art. 20 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (hereinafter referred to as the Law),

VPD for conscripts

When transferring military personnel to continue treatment from one military medical institution to another or from a military medical institution to a civilian medical institution, military transportation documents for travel are issued by the military medical institution on the basis of the conclusion of the military medical (medical) commission.

Air traffic control for a conscript plane

Form 1 requirements are issued for travel in a direct direct connection, and in the absence of a direct connection - with the least number of transfers in accordance with the signs passenger routes V the shortest message, which are developed and distributed to military units by the heads of the military communications service of military districts and fleets. In the absence of a direct connection, Form 1 requirements are issued for each section of the route.

Instructions for registration of transportation according to military transportation documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

5.10. It is permissible to apply a transfer tariff if the corresponding points of departure and destination are indicated in the VPD. HA TPAHC F EPHERS X HA P A P A L E N X HA OCHOBAH II O D H O TPE B OBAH IA OF F OPM LA ETC I TONLY K O D H BIL ET . O F OPM L EH I E TPAHC F EPHO Y P EPEBO Z K I P O D B U M TPE B O BAH IA M B O D HOM BIL ETE Z A P P E S EHO .

Buy a plane ticket

A military transportation document, or VDP, is a certificate with the help of which military personnel, without wondering whether it is possible to buy an air ticket using a military ID, and their family can fly by plane or travel by train to the place of further service specified in the certificate.


VPD to a conscript soldier.

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All soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who are discharged from military service due to conscription are issued military transportation documents only for a reserved seat carriage of a train of any category. Military transportation documents for such an expensive mode of transport as an airplane can be issued only to those demobilized who need to arrive in populated areas that do not have railway connections. In our country such settlements are, for example, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and some others. Those discharged from military service must be sent to the military commissariats at their place of residence to the place where they were registered for military service. An exception to these rules are those dismissed whose families have changed their place of residence, and this fact is documented. When leaving military service due to conscription, a serviceman must have a list of documents with him. Among them: a military ID card, a service record card, an order, military transportation documents (VDP), a certificate of service in the northern regions so that this is counted as work experience, a professional psychological selection card, a reference from the unit commander with the obligatory date and order number , signature and seal of the commander. Availability necessary documents, as well as the correctness of the filling in for conscripts discharged from military service, must be checked by the chiefs of staff of military units no later than ten days before dismissal. In addition, before dismissal, military personnel must be explained their rights and benefits, which are provided for them by Russian regulatory documents. They should also be paid a one-time allowance in the amount of two salaries for their military position. And for orphans in the amount of five salaries for military positions. Military personnel must receive military transportation documents forty-five days before the date of discharge. The purchase of tickets to the destination is made by the unit commander. Purchased tickets must be turned in to the combat unit in order for them to be issued. Tickets are issued to discharged military personnel on the day of discharge one to four hours before the departure of the train or plane. Transportation of soldiers to the train station or airport is carried out centrally. It is better for military personnel to check the destination when receiving military transportation documents in hand, since errors are possible and must be corrected on the spot. Read more: www.domotvetov.ru/sh_l/27302/#ixzz3J6DcGUOI

VPD-military transportation documents and everything about them. http://vpde.ru/

VPD for a conscripted soldier on an airplane

In accordance with Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 N 200 “On approval of the Guidelines for the preparation, use, storage and handling of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” 36. Military transportation documents are issued in accordance with the following categories of travel: d) military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription: by rail - in reserved seat carriages of any category of train; by sea transport - in cabins of category IV ships of transport lines; river transport - in places of category III vessels of transport lines; by air transport - airplanes in economy (lower) class cabins; by road - in buses, and in their absence - in soft buses; 39. Citizens of the Russian Federation conscripted or entering voluntarily (under contract) for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens in the reserve called up for military training, military transportation documents are issued for travel: from place of residence to place the location of the military unit where they are sent to conclude a contract for military service, and back to their place of residence if the contract is not concluded; to the place of military service, military training; to the place of residence upon completion of military service on conscription and military training.

Updated 11/08/2016 at 09:44 Evgeniy-Berezniki

VPD - Military transportation documents

Being a military serviceman in the Russian Federation is often prestigious, because it is provided for them great amount benefits that are compensation for military service.

In addition, in the course of their professional activities, military personnel risk their health, and some even their lives. There are several options for allocating such energy resources and costs.

For example, this is an offer of free travel not only to the military personnel themselves, but also to members of their families. The state compensates either the cost of the ticket or is travel document, in which military members of his family can use almost any type of transport a certain number of times a year.

In this article we will find out what the procedure for issuing a VPD is, what law it is regulated by, and most importantly, what are the nuances of obtaining it.

What does VPD mean?

The term VPD refers to military transportation documents.

They will be issued free of charge to every serviceman of the Russian army, who serve in the armed forces.

These documents can be used to travel on various types of transport within the territory of the Russian Federation.

When can these military transport documents be used?

  • When traveling on the next annual vacation, which is provided to military personnel.
  • When traveling on a business trip.
  • When moving from one duty station to another.
  • If a serviceman is sent on rehabilitation leave after being wounded, he is paid for travel to the place of rehabilitation.
  • If a serviceman needs treatment, he is also provided with travel there and back, and also pays for the travel of accompanying persons.

How is VFA provided for family members?

Not only the military personnel themselves, but also their family members can count on travel. These are close relatives who are also entitled free movement within the territory of the Russian Federation. Who does military law classify as close relatives?

  1. This is the wife. However, if a serviceman divorces his wife, then at the same time she loses the right to free movement throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Children who have reached adulthood and continue to study in higher educational institutions.
  3. Children under 18 years of age.
  4. Children who are studying in the scientific field and have not exceeded the age of 23 years.
  5. Disabled children, as well as adult disabled children.
  6. People who are dependent on a military member.
  7. Also, payment for travel will be made in relation to relatives of a serviceman who is on this moment is serving under a contract.

Travel and baggage allowances

A soldier does not travel light. As a rule, he has personal belongings that take up a lot of space. This is especially true for all military personnel who have just completed their military service and are moving to a permanent place of residence.

Transportation of personal belongings is carried out at the expense of the state, but only if their weight does not exceed 20 tons.

Baggage on the territory of the Russian Federation can only travel in a special railway container. However, if for some reason loading into a railway container is not possible, road transport can be used.

However, if the move will be carried out not within the territory of the Russian Federation, but abroad, then financial compensation There is no baggage allowance for travel. If travel abroad is carried out on a diplomatic mission, then reimbursement of the cost of travel is possible.

Who has the right to use VPD

The state takes care of military personnel, since the entire Russian army and order in the country depend on them. Therefore, a special procedure has been regulated, which provides for the emergence of the right to free travel.

Military personnel who have already retired can also count on state assistance. They are provided with compensation for travel once a year using military transportation documents to places of recreation, sanatoriums, and treatment.

Compensation is due not only to officers, captains, generals, but also to warrant officers and midshipmen.

The right to receive free movement within the territory of Russia is also granted to the families of persons who have been transferred to the reserve. Also, this applies not only to officers, but also to warrant officers and midshipmen.

How to apply

In order to obtain the right of free travel, you must follow the following steps:

The serviceman must make sure that he has already taken the oath, which means he is a full defender of the fatherland. Young people who are just starting their military service, but have not yet waited for the oath procedure cannot draw up such documents.

In order for the right of free travel to be issued to them, it is necessary to divide all the documents. So, you need to contact your superiors in advance with a request for registration. The superiors give the soldier several forms and a questionnaire to fill out, which must be completed within the allotted amount of time.

Upon completion of the requirements, all documents are submitted to the company leaders. As soon as the documents are reviewed, the serviceman is issued a certificate indicating whether he can count on the right to free travel or not.

Where to go

Many military personnel are confused and do not know where to go in order to obtain the right to free travel throughout Russia.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the procedure for granting the right to VPD. The soldier must contact his command directly. At the same time, it does not matter where he serves. College cadets who are studying in their final years even have the right to VPD. However, the command must be warned in advance, and only in this case you will not receive a refusal.


The serviceman is responsible for the correct selection of documents. He must independently draw up a report indicating the reason for receiving free travel rights. For example, his family lives in another part of the Russian Federation, and he wants to be able to travel for free several times a year.

After the commander has familiarized himself with all the documents, orders will be issued for the company, which contains instructions for issuing the airborne forces. The time frame for drawing up documents cannot exceed 3 calendar months.

What could be the reasons for refusal?

  • refusal to young people who have not yet taken the oath, but at the same time want to get the opportunity to travel for free.
  • no need to move anywhere.
  • use of VPD is possible only within the time limits specified in the vacation ticket.

To purchase an air ticket and board a flight, a passport confirming the identity of the passenger is required. Military personnel who temporarily do not have this document with them can use a military ID or VPD when flying on airliners.

In this article we will look at how to purchase an air ticket using a military ID and a military ID, registration rules, and what to do if a ticket is lost or returned.

What is VPD for military personnel

VPD is a military transportation document that gives military personnel of the Russian army the right to travel on all types public transport across the territory of the Russian Federation.

Purposes of travel using VPD for free travel:

  1. Business trip.
  2. Travel to another city to a new duty station.
  3. Leave for military personnel (annually).
  4. To undergo treatment or rehabilitation. If long-term treatment in a hospital is planned, a military man can fly or travel there and back for free, accompanied by 1-2 people at the expense of the state.

Close relatives of a serviceman: wife, children, dependents can also take advantage of the right to free travel on the air traffic route.

Are contract soldiers and conscripts given a flight license for an airplane?

Air permits for conscript soldiers are issued only if it is not possible to travel to another city by ground transport. Using this document, a route with transfers can be planned, which involves flying to the nearest city where there is a railway station, and then taking a train to your destination.

Military personnel serving under contract in regions with unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as in remote territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, have the right to free air travel once a year in two directions - back and forth across the territory of Russia.

How long does the air force operate on an airplane?

The validity period of the VPD is 3 months from the date of issue of the document. This period is provided for issuing an air ticket.

How to buy a plane ticket using VPD

Military personnel, conscripts and contract soldiers can buy a ticket using the VPD, receiving compensation for the money spent on travel, as well as the right to purchase a ticket at preferential rates.

Conditions for purchasing air tickets via VPD:

  • You can buy a ticket no earlier than 90 days before departure;
  • When issuing a ticket, the VPD is provided in the original; the document must be filled out in Russian and have all the necessary stamps and signatures.

Which airlines sell tickets using VPD?

Not all airlines sell air tickets. In Russia, several carriers accept such a document for issuing an air ticket. Among them Ural Airlines, S7, Nordstar, Red Wings, UTair.

Other useful articles on the topic:

Book and buy air tickets via VPD online

Military personnel can purchase plane tickets using air travel only at stationary airport ticket offices, as well as at air carrier offices. Unfortunately, it is not possible to purchase or book tickets for VPD online.

What to do if there are no tickets for the VPD

Before issuing a ticket, a serviceman needs to check with company representatives to see if there are seats on the plane in the chosen direction for air travel.

Airlines provide a limited number of seats for military personnel on each flight. If there is no flight on the scheduled date or free tickets, a serviceman can change the departure date or buy a plane ticket for cash.

How to exchange or return a ticket purchased using VPD

Special conditions are provided for the return and exchange of air tickets purchased using the VFD.

Conditions for exchanging and returning tickets:

  1. You can return your ticket no later than 24 hours before the flight departs.
  2. Refunds are subject to certain fees.
  3. If the ticket is returned within the last 24 hours before departure, carrier fees + penalties of up to 25% of the total price will apply.
  4. Tickets can be exchanged and returned according to the VPD without deduction of fees and fines only for forced reasons, proven by documents.

After returning the ticket at the airport ticket office, the serviceman receives a certificate, which must be submitted to the headquarters where the air travel document was received.

What to do if your VPD ticket is not used or lost

Military personnel are required to provide the used military travel document for reporting within three days. If the VPD ticket was lost, proceedings will follow to establish the circumstances. A soldier who does not return a travel document will be held accountable.

A serviceman who has lost his air ticket can also contact the airline to restore the document by writing a personal statement indicating the direction of the flight, flight number and departure date. You will have to pay for the airline ticket restoration service according to the carrier’s tariffs.

Is it possible to buy an air ticket using a military ID?

By order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military personnel undergoing military service can purchase air tickets by providing a military ticket for all types of transport, including airplanes. This document fully identifies the passenger and gives the right to fly to the chosen destination.

Using VPD you can buy plane tickets at an economy class fare. If the passenger was unable to purchase a ticket for desired date according to the VPD, he can purchase a ticket for cash, without compensation for the funds spent. The serviceman is required to hand over the unused VPD for reporting to the headquarters where this document was received.

Advice from lawyers:

1. The air ticket has been issued for the plane, there are no tickets, is it possible to buy an important train? What should be done?

1.1. It is forbidden. Due to the fact that transportation documents are serviced only by those airlines that have entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and their number is constantly changing, before issuing a flight document for the chosen route, it is necessary to clarify the possibility of using a flight document for such a flight and only then submit a report for the issuance of transportation documents .

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Not really

2. Is it possible to get a ticket for the Lastochka train St. Petersburg to Pskov using the military VPD?

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2.1. If it exceeds the cost of a reserved seat for the same destination, you may have to pay extra.

3. Can I travel on the high-speed train in a train compartment? Or is it only available for reserved seats?

Did the answer help you?

3.1. You can choose for yourself. A compartment car is acceptable.

4. Is it possible to buy a train ticket on the high-pressure route in the north-west carriage.
4.1. Depends on the rank.

36. Military transportation documents are issued in accordance with the following categories of travel:

A) senior officers:

By rail - in soft carriages with double compartments (SV) of any train category;

By sea - in cabins of category I ships of transport lines;

River transport - in luxury cabins of transport line ships;

By air - by plane in economy (lower) class cabins;

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By road - in soft buses.

5. Is it possible to buy one-way air tickets for a plane and take it back by train?
5.1. YES, of course you can use military transport documents according to your option

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6. I was given a ticket for the train, can I pay the difference and fly by plane?

6.1. It depends what you mean. The airline generally has no obligation to obtain VPD for the train in payment of part of the cost of the plane ticket.

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7. Does the VPD apply to fast electric trains with seats?

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8. I missed the train on VPD tickets, what should I do?

8.1. Contact the military commandant.

Did the answer help you?

9. I bought a ticket on the air route and missed the train, can I change the ticket?

9.1. Only if they change it.

Did the answer help you?

10. How to buy a train ticket via the Internet using VPD.

10.1. What is VPD?

Did the answer help you?

10.2. According to the VPD, you cannot buy a ticket via the Internet.


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11. Please how can I change the view from plane to train?

11.1. Your question is not asked correctly. In this regard, it is not possible to answer it.

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12. I have a train ticket, can I exchange it for an air ticket and where can I do it?

12.1. No, it won’t work. Air only if you’re going to Magadan.

Did the answer help you?

13. Is it possible for a military pensioner to purchase a train ticket for the Moscow Simferopol train to the place of treatment and back?

13.1. Yes, of course it is possible. There are no obstacles.

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Consultation on your issue

Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. Please, my son serves in the Moscow region, we are from the Crimea, Armyansk, soon the DMB issued a VPD for the train, the question is the following, direct message There is no railway transport, can he purchase a plane ticket on his own and receive compensation for air travel by railway transport from the military registration and enlistment office? Thank you.

14.1. So contact the military registration and enlistment office regarding this issue. They will probably be able to compensate for part of the fare. A reserved seat will be cheaper.
You need to get a certificate from the railway station about the cost of your travel ticket.

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15. What if the ticket was taken using a military ticket? and missed the train due to a flight delay. I had to buy a ticket at my own expense.

15.1. Write a claim to the airline due to the fault of which the flight was delayed. In the event that the delay in departure occurred due to the fault of the carrier - the airline, they are obliged to reimburse you for the costs incurred to purchase a train ticket. At the same time, you can write a statement about the airline’s actions to the transport prosecutor’s office at the place of registration of the airline or to UGAN NOTB Rostransnadzor (state aviation supervision). If the carrier is at fault, she will be held administratively liable under Art. 14.1.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

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16. I am a conscript soldier, leaving on December 1, 9811 km from home. They don’t give air permits for the plane, because... can be reached by train. If I buy a plane ticket with my own money and don’t use the air ticket, will it be possible to get at least part of the money back for the plane?

16.1. Agree on issuing a plane ticket, because, unfortunately, you will not be able to return or compensate for part of the money.

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17. I am retiring from military service at the end of November, I am serving in Khabarovsk myself from Volgograd, the air permit is only provided for the train, is it possible to provide it to the ticket office and purchase a plane ticket with an additional payment? (at least save some money)

17.1. There is a certain established order that they follow. As they say - on the train, then on the train. Of course, you have the right to contact management with this question, but I think there will be a refusal.

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18. My husband bought a train ticket in advance (on the air route), on 08/29/2017. A week later I went to the same ticket office to get a ticket back (for the same train). He explained that he had a ticket for August 29 and asked for a ticket for September 15 (return). They sold it to him only on 11.09, he saw that the date on the ticket was 15.08. He went to the box office at his place of stay and bought a ticket for September 15 in cash. Is it possible to collect money from the ticket office (which incorrectly indicated the month on the ticket) for the purchased ticket?

18.1. You now need to submit a written claim about this. Describe the whole situation. They will check in their database when the ticket was punched. All the best.

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19.1. You must apply for reimbursement of flight costs. They will refuse to collect it in court. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2000 N 354 (as amended on December 29, 2016) “On the procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, as well as their personal property.”

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20. I purchased an air ticket for the train with a reserved seat because there was no compartment. Today I saw that there are seats in a compartment on the same train. Is it possible to exchange a ticket for a reserved seat carriage with a ticket for a compartment carriage of the same train? Thank you in advance.

20.1. You can, but then you will lose money, since you need to hand over old ticket, but the full price will not be refunded. In this case, it is better for you to contact the boss on the train and pay extra for a seat in the compartment.

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21. My conscript friend is serving in the army, demobilization is coming soon. He cannot get there by train, as there are no places for the next three days. Will he get his money back for the road trip if he gets there on his own?!

21.1. Unfortunately, the money will not be returned, since this kind of compensation is not provided for by law, so you will have to leave a little later, when there are places available.

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21.2. In this case, no, it is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in this circumstance. Your friend will have to wait

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22. I serve in the Republic of Crimea, conscript. All my comrades who flew with me to serve in Crimea are given air travel on the plane (in other units), but in mine they don’t let me, they say no more than 3000 km. They say you can get to Krasnodar by bus at your own expense and then take a train along the highway.

23. The serviceman received a military permit from the Ministry of Defense for the train, he was credited with a day in addition to his vacation for the trip, he flew by plane in order to extend his vacation for the time given to him for the trip, what will be the punishment for this act?

23.1. In this case, the serviceman must arrive at the unit earlier by the number of shortened travel days. In the event that a serviceman arrives at the unit at the time specified in the vacation pay, then further liability will depend on the number of days by which the vacation was increased: more than 10 days - criminal liability under Art. 337 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, less than 10 - disciplinary for a gross disciplinary offense up to and including dismissal. Currently, investigative authorities qualify such actions as evasion of military service duties by deception and initiate criminal cases under Art. 339 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, regardless of the duration of failure to appear.

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24. I have access to the train. Will they pay for my plane flight if I buy an air ticket with my own money, but don’t use the ticket for the train?

24.1. If you have a train ticket, then the plane flight will not be paid for. Have a nice pleasant evening.

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25. I am a conscript soldier. They bought me an air ticket for the train. I'm going to fly by plane at my own expense. How do I get compensation for unused ticket?

25.1. There will be no compensation.
87. Unused military transportation documents, travel documents purchased using military transportation documents, as well as transport documents (waybills, luggage and cargo receipts, etc.), for which final payment should not be made upon arrival at the place of military service (work, residence) within three days they are handed over to the military unit and stored with copies of the relevant military transportation documents, on the basis of which travel and transport documents are issued. Travel and transport documents for which the final payment has been made are kept in the files of the financial authority of the military unit.

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26. I served in Severomorsk, I resigned from the service because I didn’t complete my probationary period, I was sent on leave for 10 days, but they didn’t issue me with a VPD, they said after my vacation, I spent my vacation, I came to the ship, they said that I was only on vacation for the train, and the distance to home is more than 4000 tons. . km. Is this legal and within what time frame must they provide the VPD?

26.1. Km. Is this legal and within what time frame should they provide the VPD?
VPD is provided on the day of dismissal from service. If you have not been issued one, then upon arrival home, present your travel document (reservation card) to the military registration and enlistment office and you will be paid.
We have positive experience.
Call, write, we will help, e-mail: [email protected]
tel.+7 923 597 77 00
Lawyer Konstantin Grakov, Abakan.

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27. The son is sent for rehabilitation to a military sanatorium in Crimea. From Volgograd to Krasnodar by train. From Krasnodar to Simferopol by bus. Will they accept VPD at the bus station in Krasnodar? And back in Simferopol to Krasnodar.

27.1. In accordance with this order, VPDs are now issued for travel:
military personnel on conscription to their place of duty and back, as well as on business trips, leave for personal reasons, sick leave, for treatment - in second-class carriages of any category of train or, in the absence of railway connections to the plane, in the economy class cabin, by sea transport in in 4th class cabins on the transport line or by bus.
For military personnel under contract (including officers), for treatment, business trips as part of the guard, escort of personnel or escort of secret documents, to a new place of service, upon dismissal - to the chosen place of residence. When moving in the service and upon dismissal, VDPs are also issued for family members + for the transportation of household items (20-ton container, or two five-ton and one three-ton).
Contract servicemen serving in remote areas have the right to receive air travel at the place of their main leave.
Military personnel under contract receive VPD for railway transport - compartment carriage. Airplanes, buses and sea/river transport, the category is almost the same as for conscript soldiers.
Well, regarding the issue of providing military personnel with senior officers (generals), this is all the same as for contract military personnel, only the category of carriages, aircraft, and cabins will be higher.

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27.2. Will they accept VPD at the bus station in Krasnodar? And back in Simferopol to Krasnodar.
? So far they have accepted without any problems. Why the fear? Not very clear. But if problems arise, they are resolved by the military commandant.

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Instructions for registration of transportation according to military transportation documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

1. This instruction determines the procedure for processing transportation under the air traffic conditions of the Moscow Region and the Ministry of Internal Affairs on regular flights, including code-share flights for which it is a marketing carrier with settlement code 555 on SPD and EB NSAV-TKP.

2. Definitions, terms, abbreviations

2.1. VPD – military transportation document (requirement);

2.2. MO – Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

2.3. MVD – Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

3. Passenger categories


List of documents


Military personnel and members of their families

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Military personnel and members of their families, department employees

VPD, identification card (military ID or passport)

4. Requirements for VPD

4.1. The VPD must be filled out in Russian, signed by an authorized official (indicating the full name) and certified with an official seal with the name of the relevant department with a legible, fully readable imprint.

4.2. All corrections made to the VPD must be made clearly and legibly, certified by the signature of the authorized official who issued the VPD and an official seal, or the stamp and signature of the military commandant with the name of the relevant department.

4.3. The validity period of the VPD of the Moscow Region, Ministry of Internal Affairs is three months from the date of issue (transportation is processed no more than 90 days before the departure date, the start of transportation must be within the validity period of the VPD).

4.4. In case of violation of the rules set out in paragraphs 4.1., 4.2., 4.3., 4.5. of this instruction, VPD are considered invalid and are not accepted for payment.

4.5. The VPD must indicate:

Names of cities or airports of departure and destination;

Type of transport – “airplane”, “on an airplane”, “by air transport”, etc. (VDP issued for travel by other modes of transport are not accepted for payment);

For military personnel, in the “Transport” line, military ranks, surnames and initials are indicated (for family members of military personnel - degree of relationship, surnames and initials, age or date of birth of children), when transporting military teams - military rank and surname of the head of the military team and its number;

The number of adult passengers and, separately, children is indicated in words (if a child under two years of age is included in the VPD as a paid passenger, then a ticket with a seat is issued for him);

Purpose of transportation: “to the place of duty”, “upon conscription”, “upon dismissal”, “vacation” (Ministry of Internal Affairs only on the territory of the Russian Federation, registration of transportation abroad according to the VPD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out only if in the column “purpose of transportation” it is indicated “ business trip"), etc.;

Date of issue – the date and year of issue are indicated in numbers, the month – in words.

5. The procedure for registering transportation under the airborne traffic conditions

5.1. Registration of transportation under the VPD is carried out in the offices of authorized agencies on SPD and EB NSAV-TKP forms.

5.2. Air tickets under the VPD are issued only for persons specified in the VPD, and strictly on the route specified in the VPD.

5.3. The original document is removed and attached to the sales report. The following information must be indicated on the front side of each VPD (in the upper right corner):

Number of the air ticket issued under the VPD, carrier code “SU”;

The amount required for payment (the applicable fare, taxes and fees are indicated separately) for each ticket;

The entry on the front side of the VPD is certified by the stamp of the dispatcher/validator of the authorized agent.

5.4. Air tickets are issued for the number of passengers specified in the VPD. If air tickets are issued for a smaller number of passengers, then an entry is made on the reverse side of the air ticket indicating that the passenger did not use the transportation.

5.5. The issuance of air tickets under the Air Force for children of military personnel is carried out in accordance with the rules of the applicable fare. The “Unaccompanied Children” service is not provided under the VPD.

5.6. Transportation must be processed:


Booking classes

Geography and terms of application of the tariff

Taxes and fees


B / M / H / K / V / T / Q / W / L


- when choosing a tariff, you must give preference to the lowest tariff OW (subject to availability);

Airport taxes and fees are indicated on the ticket with the KR payment form. There is no service charge (fee).

Ministry of Internal Affairs




- « World Wide "(only for air travel, where the column "purpose of transportation" indicates "business trip");

- when choosing a tariff, you must give preference to the lowest tariff OW (subject to availability);

- For patients on stretchers, standard rules apply.

5.7. It is prohibited to issue air tickets via air travel with an open departure date. Registration of round trip transportation (RT) on one ticket is prohibited. O D I N BL AHK B PD D O L EH COOTBETCTBOBAT O D HOM U BIL ET U HA KA RAILWAY OE PERSONS O, U KA Z AHHOE B B PD.

5.8. Seats are reserved by creating an individual reservation with a confirmed “HK” status in the booking classes specified in clause 5.6. of this instruction.

5.9. The main elements of the PNR are filled out in the standard way.

5.10. It is permissible to apply a transfer tariff if the corresponding points of departure and destination are indicated in the VPD. HA TPAHC F EPHERS X HA P A P A L E N X HA OCHOBAH I O D H O TPE B OBAH IA OF F OPM LA ETC I TONLY K O D I H BIL ET . O F OPM L EH I E TPAHC F EPHO Y P EPEBO Z K I P O D B U M TPE B O BAH IA M B O D HOM BIL ETE Z A P P E S EHO .

5.11. The following information is entered into the issued air ticket:

In the “endorsement/restrictions” column, you must indicate the following information (there should be no spaces when writing):

Number of identification document, which must begin with the letter “P” (passport, military ID, birth certificate for a child);

13-digit number of VPD MO, Ministry of Internal Affairs:

WPDMO - Russian Defense Ministry

WPDMWDA (letter “A” is required) – Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Date of birth of the child, which must begin with the letters DOB


In the “Tour Code” column you must indicate: “WPDMOGA 006” - for the Moscow Region, “MWDGA 010” - for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5.12. After registration electronic air ticket it is necessary to print out the itinerary/receipt in Russian (in which the VPD number must be indicated), certified with the stamp of the dispatcher/authorized agent validator and issued to the passenger.

5.13. Registration of transportation of military teams of the Ministry of Defense in the amount of 3 or more people on one airborne flight is carried out only on the basis of an application for the allocation of places in aircraft, provided by the military communications authorities of the Ministry of Defense and certified by the official seal and signature of an authorized person.

Reservations for groups of military personnel are made in accordance with the technology for booking group transportation in the “G” booking class.

Decor excess baggage is made on the basis of the VPD (form No. 2 - demand-invoice) according to current tariffs. If the actual weight of excess baggage is less than indicated in the air travel document, no money is paid to the passenger for the difference in weight. If the actual weight of baggage is greater than indicated in the VPD, then an additional payment will be charged to the passenger in cash.

6. Refund of air ticket, change of departure date

6.1. When issuing a refund of an air ticket, including “NS” (passenger no-show for a flight), the passenger is issued a certificate for centralized recalculation with the airline, which is certified by signature responsible person sales department. (a sample certificate is specified in clause 7 of these instructions)



Cash refunds to passengers for unused transportation are not made; The VPD is not returned to the passenger. There is no penalty for returning the passenger.

6.2. Voluntary rescheduling of the departure date should be carried out in accordance with the rules of the applied fare with the collection of fees (fines) from the passenger using the NAL form of payment.

6.3. Changing the transportation route at the request of a passenger is prohibited for all flight routes.

7. Sample certificate for issuing a refund of a ticket using VPD



for recalculation with _________ centralized procedure

Ministry of Defense or Ministry of Internal Affairs

Issued to a military passenger: ___________________________________________________

that he returned air ticket No. ______________________________ to the agency’s ticket office,

from the airport: ________________________________________________________________

to the airport: ________________________________________________________________

via airports: ______________________________________________________________

cost (tariff): __________ rub. ____ kop., issued according to military transportation

document series: ____________________________ No. ______________________________

Due to refusal to fly: at will, for health reasons or ___________________

(cross out what is not necessary) (other reasons)

military passenger at the airport: ________________________________________________

subject to centralized return _______ Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense or Ministry of Internal Affairs

(Suma in cuirsive)

for an unused section of the route: ______________________________________________

fine for refusal to transport: ___________________ rub. ________ kop.

Stamp (validator) of the agency, date of issue of the certificate and signature of the cashier: ________/_______/

I received the certificate and a copy of it

// (signature of a military passenger).

Additional cash payment in the amount (fine amount): _____________________________________


(in words)

Received: _____________________________________________________________________

(signature of a military passenger)


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