Order for the appointment of financially responsible persons. Order sample

30.03.2018, 16:00

The safety of an enterprise’s property can be ensured not only by organizing a video surveillance system and hiring security guards, but also through forms of financial liability under the terms of a cooperation agreement between the employer and hired personnel. To do this, an order is issued to appoint financially responsible persons (by the way, the sample template can be modified).

Introductory information

An employee may have monetary obligations to the company if the damage was caused through his fault.

At the same time, it is not allowed to be held liable individual in cases where the damage is a consequence of natural loss, wear and tear, or the influence of factors to which the employee has nothing to do. If an order appointing a financially responsible person is issued and the guilt of the person mentioned in it is proven, then this employee is obliged to compensate the company for damages. This provision also applies to property that is not owned by the organization, but is a leased asset.

General information about financial liability

General requirements for the safety of property apply to the head of the company. He is responsible for the condition of the enterprise’s property assets and their actual availability along with other categories of personnel. If an order was issued to hold the employee financially liable and his guilt was proven, then part of the damage is subject to compensation within one wages.

An exception to the damages limitation rule is provided for several positions. Their list is approved by law. For example, a cashier must be responsible for the safety of those entrusted to him Money and strict reporting forms in full. To do this, an order is issued to impose financial liability (a sample is given below), the basis of which is an agreement on full financial liability (signed by the cashier and the employer).

Property liability can be divided into types:

  • individual;
  • collective.

In the first case, it is necessary to conclude a bilateral agreement on liability, in the second - a collective agreement. Before a collective agreement is signed, an order on financial responsibility is issued. The manager’s order is an integral attribute of the agreement establishing a certain type of property liability of personnel.

Making an order

There is no unified order form. To draw up management instructions on interaction with financially responsible officials, a template developed by the office management service or the company’s personnel department is used. When an order is drawn up for a financially responsible person, the sample should have the following structure:

  • enterprise identification;
  • indication of the name of the document type;
  • the date and place of registration of the form is indicated;
  • the purpose of the order text is recorded;
  • a standard preamble that sets out the purpose of the order and its legislative basis;
  • the order approving financially responsible persons includes information about employees to whom financial liability standards will be applied;
  • After the list of responsible employees, data on the property to which the appointed specialists are assigned is provided.

The document is considered valid if it contains the phrase “I order”, the persons responsible for executing the order are approved, the signature of the manager and its transcript are indicated. The form is certified by a seal. At the final stage, all persons mentioned in the order are familiarized with the text of the document for signature. Next, you can download a sample order for the appointment of a financially responsible person in 2018.

A change of appointed responsible persons can be carried out upon dismissal of employees, personnel reshuffles, or redistribution of labor functions. In all cases, it is required to issue an order from the manager to make changes to the composition of financially responsible officials. Another form of documents when working with employees who are entrusted with property assets is an order to bring to financial liability, a sample of which should contain information:

  • about the amount of damage;
  • intentionality of the employee’s unauthorized actions;
  • mentions of misconduct (disclosure of classified information, damage to property while intoxicated).

In order to establish successful operation of the company and establish a clear procedure for resolving organizational issues, it is important to delimit the areas of responsibility of employees, while complying with current legislation. Responsible employees are appointed in various areas of the organization. Such an appointment is formalized by order of the head - an order. We will provide samples and describe the basic rules for drawing up such documents.

In what areas of the organization's activities are responsible persons appointed?

The most common type of responsibility is material responsibility, in which an employee or group of employees is appointed who are personally responsible for valuables, money and property of the company.

It is important that an employee can only be responsible for the property and valuables of the organization on the basis of a written agreement on full financial responsibility. The employee must agree to take on such a responsibility, so an order alone is not enough to impose financial liability. Financial responsibility of individual employees (deputy manager, chief accountant) according to Art. 243 Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be stated directly in the employment contract. When including conditions on such responsibility in a written contract with an employee, it is not necessary to issue an additional order, but the employer can do this if supporting the agreement with an order is convenient for him when conducting document flow.

Financial responsibility is far from the only case when a manager issues an order to appoint a responsible person. Specific employees are also responsible for:

  • labor protection and compliance with safety regulations (only an employee who has completed safety training, passed the exam and received the necessary certificate, and also has the necessary electrical safety clearance group is allowed to perform control);
  • fire safety;
  • use of sources of increased danger;
  • conducting personnel records;
  • working time tracking;
  • advanced training and retraining of employees;
  • turnover of especially valuable items;
  • turnover of currency and securities;
  • and so on.

The types of responsibility assigned to employees by management orders depend on the specifics of the activities of a particular enterprise.

Form of order to appoint a responsible person and rules for filling it out

The order to appoint a responsible person does not have an officially established form. It is compiled arbitrarily, but in compliance with the rules applicable to all primary documents. These rules are established by law dated 06.12.2011 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ. The form must contain:

  • name of the organization, basic information about it, city of location;
  • date and document number;
  • Full name of the general director or the person authorized to issue orders;
  • preamble, which indicates the brief purpose of issuing the order and contains a link to the legal norm on the basis of which it was issued (for example, a link to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the essence of the order;
  • manager's signature;
  • signatures of employees in respect of whom the order was drawn up, confirming their familiarization with the document.

The head of the organization signs the form - CEO.

Sample order for the appointment of a financially responsible person

Let us give an example of an order appointing a responsible person in the field of control of material assets. The list of positions with whose employees it is possible to conclude written agreements on full individual financial responsibility for shortages of entrusted property is given in Appendix No. 1 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated December 31, 2002 N 85. Without an agreement on full financial responsibility or the inclusion of a provision on financial responsibility in the employment contract, the order has no legal force. A template for such a document may look like this (you can download a sample below):

The completed document looks like this:

Sample order for the appointment of responsible persons

With one order, the manager can assign responsibility for the storage of material assets to a group of people at once. It is important that according to Art. 245 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, without a written agreement on full collective financial responsibility, which is concluded between the employer and all members of the team, the document cannot have legal force. Let's give an example:

To appoint those responsible for office work (for example, for keeping track of working hours), a document can be issued that also affects a group of persons at once. Appointments that do not relate to financial responsibility do not provide for additional agreements with employees. An example of such an order.

The order to appoint a person responsible is one of the most important documents, issued by the manager during the production activities of this enterprise. Its creation is directly related to the organization of normal operation of the company and serves as one of the ways to solve specific production problems.

Purpose of the document

As you know, any order is a special legal act, which is based on an order from management, mandatory for execution by a certain official. This document is intended to address the operational and major challenges facing this organization. In this sense, the “Order on the appointment of a person in charge” is especially important. With its help, it is possible to organize the work of the enterprise in a certain direction, by attracting individual specialists.

The purpose of creating this document is to increase the responsibility of specific employees to solve generally important production problems. An order to appoint a person in charge belongs to the category Depending on the specific field of activity, it may relate to the following issues:

  • material liability;
  • fire safety;
  • retraining and advanced training;
  • occupational safety and health;
  • turnover of expensive materials and valuables;
  • use of existing sources of increased danger in production;
  • turnover of securities.

In addition to the manager, the authority in which the employee works also has the authority to appoint a specific responsible person.

Order structure

The order to appoint a person in charge is drawn up in any form. There is no single unified form for this document. In principle, it is compiled in a similar way to and includes standard subsections that contain certain information:

  1. "A cap". At the top of the form is the full name of the company, its form of responsibility and logo. The place, date, title and registration number of the document are also recorded here.
  2. "Preamble". It is a description of the essence of the document and the purposes for which it was created. The information is presented concisely, literally in a few phrases. In addition, the preamble may contain a list of individual regulations that served as the basis for the publication of this document. The subsection ends with the word “I order.”
  3. "Body". It sets out the contents of the order and specifically identifies the employee who is assigned the corresponding duties and the one who will perform this work in his absence.
  4. “Conclusion” represents the signature of the manager and familiarization of this order with the responsible persons.

When issuing this document, it is necessary to clearly indicate the moment at which it comes into force. In some cases, the range of assigned responsibilities requires the conclusion of an additional agreement to the employment agreement with the employee. All this must be noted in the order and completed before the appointed date.

Assigning responsibility for industrial safety

As an example, we can consider a sample order appointing a person responsible for compliance, for example, with fire safety at an enterprise. Such a document has standard subsections and is drawn up on a blank A4 sheet or letterhead.

When drawing it up, it is necessary to rely on the relevant laws and regulations (Law “On Fire Safety”, “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety”, as well as other departmental documents and the enterprise itself). The main text of such an order should consist of three parts:

  1. Ascertaining. It usually begins with the words “to ensure” or “in connection with the conduct.”
  2. Administrative. Its text sets out the essence of the issue. First, a document is approved on the basis of which the selected person will conduct his work. The next paragraph after the word “appoint” indicates the employee who will do this.
  3. List of attached documents.

The second part must certainly list the following responsibilities of the selected candidate:

  • conducting briefings with employees;
  • maintaining relevant logs;
  • checking the condition of workplaces.

The order is signed by the manager and brought to the attention of the relevant employee.

About reporting

While fulfilling their functional responsibilities, company employees periodically report to the appropriate authorities for the work performed. To streamline this activity, it is necessary to issue an order. It will help increase the responsibility of individual employees for the work assigned to them.

The sample for reporting, as a rule, has a standard form and consists mainly of three points:

  1. Appointment of specific responsible persons. This part can be issued in the form of a separate application, which lists the basic information (name of the reporting form, information about the place and timing of its submission, information about the performer).
  2. Assigning responsibilities to the main specialists of the enterprise, who must ensure that their subordinates complete the tasks assigned to them.
  3. Indication of the person who will monitor the appropriate implementation of this order.

All employees mentioned in the document must be familiarized with it personally (against signature).

Publish order appointing a responsible person The general director of the enterprise, as well as the head of any structural unit - division, department, has the right to issue. To issue an order for the appointment of a responsible employee Relevant administrative documentation is being prepared: orders, decisions, job descriptions, which include a description of the duties of employees and the responsibilities that will follow in the event of their failure to comply. It is worth emphasizing that, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, some of the administrative documents accompanying the order to appoint a responsible person may require the participation of trade unions. This especially applies to acts defining social guarantees and the rights of responsible persons.

Order to appoint a person in charge The employee must be issued in relation to officials who are responsible for safe work at work and labor protection, electrical facilities and operation of facilities with a high degree of danger.

In order to consider the features of the design of this administrative document, let us turn to a sample order for the appointment of a responsible person.

First of all, the employee who is subject to the order to appoint a responsible person must familiarize himself with the job description. Upon completion, endorse it. Only after this can you begin to draw up the document in accordance with sample order for the appointment of a responsible employee. Even though the document is free-form, it must follow a certain structure.

So, when registering order for the appointment of a responsible employee in the header of the document it is necessary to indicate the organizational and legal form of the enterprise and its name, the type of administrative document - order. The sample order for the appointment of a responsible employee indicates that in the header of the document it is also necessary to leave space for writing registration number, dates and places of compilation.

At the beginning of the order for the appointment of a responsible employee, it is necessary to state the reasons for drawing up the document, as well as links to articles of the Labor Code and other regulatory documents.

The text of the order must indicate who is responsible and for what, as well as indicate who will replace the official during his absence. The documents that need to be followed in the work should also be reflected in order on the appointment of a responsible employee.

In the final part of the work on drawing up the order, it is endorsed by the general director.

You can visit the websites of the relevant organizations.

You need to understand that the matter is not limited to one order to appoint a responsible employee. In order to appoint an employee as the person responsible for labor protection, electrical safety, and so on, he must undergo special training and receive a certificate, which is a rather expensive process.

These are the features of compiling order to appoint a responsible person.

If the company does not have one or another important position, these responsibilities should be entrusted to one of the employees. We will tell you how to prepare an order for the appointment of responsible persons so that it does not cause claims from the State Tax Inspectorate.

From the article you will learn:

Appointment of a responsible person: sample order

In the process of development of an organization, it may have new tasks and needs that are not satisfied by the personnel available to the company. However, in such a situation it is not always necessary to hire a new employee: it is quite possible that one of the existing employees will successfully cope with the problems that arise. So, if there is no corresponding service or occupational safety specialist on staff, then under certain conditions, in particular, if the number of employees does not exceed 50 people, the employer can assign the corresponding responsibilities to another employee of the organization (part three of Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This is possible with the consent of the employee. The requirements for the necessary competence (education, work experience, training) of the person in charge must be determined by the employer himself.

Note! The necessary responsibilities can be distributed among several employees, for example, heads of structural divisions of the organization.

The procedure for appointing a responsible person allows you to fill the personnel needs of the organization without creating an additional position. In addition, in some cases it will help not only solve the company’s current problems, but also avoid problems when conducting an inspection by specialists state labor inspectorate- for example, if we are talking about the position of the person responsible for labor protection. In this case, the inspectors will be satisfied that the organization has an order to appoint a responsible person whose responsibilities include ensuring the required level of labor safety at the enterprise. Having decided on a specific candidate, it is necessary to issue an order appointing a person in charge.

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Responsibilities of the employer when appointing a responsible person

As the employee’s workload increases, the issue of additional payment. Depending on the number of new responsibilities of the employee, they can be reflected in the order, changes can be made to the job description, or a contract can be concluded. additional agreement to the employment contract(Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letter of Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6).

When determining the responsibilities of the person responsible for a particular block of work, you can be guided by the same regulations as when developing job description specialist, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities. We will bring specific example determining the list of job responsibilities when appointing a responsible person.

As a rule, the appointment of a responsible person presupposes the need for such an employee to acquire additional skills and knowledge in the area of ​​​​work tasks entrusted to him. In this regard, it is advisable to send the selected employee to special training, which will allow him to quickly get up to speed and effectively understand the new field of activity for him (Procedure approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29). After studying, it is necessary to organize a procedure for testing the acquired knowledge, according to the results of which, in case of successful certification, this employee will be able to perform the duties of a person responsible for the block of tasks entrusted to him, along with his main job.

Functions of the responsible person

An order to appoint a responsible person is issued if the employer has a need to assign additional functions to an employee, which he will perform in parallel with his main job. At the same time, since we are talking about assigning additional responsibilities to him, their scope is usually limited to a few specific tasks that allow him to effectively cope with his main job. Such responsibilities may include registration work records, issuing wages, monitoring security labor protection to the enterprise and other similar functions.

An example of an order for the appointment of a responsible person will be required to appoint any employee to perform the duties of a cashier for payment of wages in organizations that do not have a cashier on staff, or in divisions of the organization located at a territorial distance from the head office (workshops, warehouses).

Order to appoint a responsible person

Employees who are responsible for solving certain issues in the company, for example, labor protection or fire safety, are appointed by order of the head of the organization (part 3 of article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 12 of the Fire Safety Standards, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007. No. 645). As a rule, these are employees who bear similar responsibilities in their line of work. In this case, the order usually indicates the position of the responsible employee.

Reissue of an order when transferring a responsible person to another position

Sometimes a situation arises in a company that an employee who, by a special order, was appointed responsible for a particular job function, is transferred to another position. For example, this may affect the person responsible for labor protection, fire safety and so on. In such a situation, in order to avoid misunderstandings and controversial situations, experienced personnel service employees recommend reissuing this order. However, in some cases this can be avoided: it is clearly stated when it is not necessary to reissue the order to appoint a responsible person.

Frequency of re-issuance of an order for an enterprise on the appointment of responsible persons

Labor legislation does not provide for the annual reissue of an order for the enterprise on the appointment of responsible persons. The responsible person fulfills these duties until the corresponding order is canceled or the employment relationship is terminated (Articles 8, 57, 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, there is no need to annually reissue an order appointing a person responsible for performing a particular labor function.

Transfer of authority of the responsible person to another employee

The duties of the sick performer are assigned to another employee by order. We recommend that the Instructions for the Organization's Office Work or other local regulations provide for the procedure for transferring instructions to other executors if the main executor is absent - business trip, vacation, illness.


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