Reserving train tickets. Everything about booking train tickets from Russian Railways without prepayment. Booking a train ticket by phone

Reservation of an electronic railway ticket is carried out by the manager of Aerotour CJSC in accordance with the requirements of Russian Railways OJSC.

Travel on trains and carriages of third-party carriers is NOT processed:


1. Conditions for booking an electronic railway ticket

Travel documents (tickets) if available free seats The following can be booked in the Express system:

  • no later than in 3 hours before the train departs from the passenger boarding station;
  • not earlier than in 45 days before the train departs from the points of formation or train turnover;
  • not earlier than in 3 days before the train departs from the intermediate station.

One application can include no more than 4 tickets indicating the personal data of 4 passengers.

Booking of electronic railway tickets is carried out for trains traveling on internal routes within the territory Russian Federation and international communication with the CIS countries (Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Moldova), Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia.

The passenger is solely and fully responsible for compliance with all immigration regulations of the countries from, to and through which rail transportation is carried out.

Travel documents (tickets) are issued at the “full” and “child” fares.

Only one child without a seat can be carried per adult passenger seat. If one adult is carrying two children under 5 years of age, then it is necessary to request one child seat for them.

Passenger travel child ticket Unaccompanied adults are not allowed.

The child's age is determined on the day the trip begins.

ATTENTION! In case of crossing the border of the Russian Federation, if the person accompanying the child is not his parent, the passenger must have with him a notarized consent of the parents.

According to the rules of JSC Russian Railways issuing electronic tickets for group trips (a group is considered to be more than 9 nine people traveling on the same route, on the same date, on the same train) – not implemented!

2. Booking an electronic railway ticket.

To book an electronic train ticket, the CUSTOMER sends a request to the manager of Aerotour CJSC by fax or E-mail, or makes a reservation independently using . In the case of an oral application, Aerotour CJSC is not responsible for the correct execution of transportation and other documents, as well as for the compliance of the services provided with those requested by the Customer.

To book a ticket you must provide passport details and full name of the passenger. If the passenger's last name or identification document number does not correspond to the last name or number indicated in the presented travel document (ticket), passengers are not allowed to board the train.

The specifics of placing an order are clarified by the manager of Aerotour CJSC when booking an electronic train ticket.

When carrying out the registration procedure electronic ticket time is provided for the passenger to make a final decision and confirm the reservation up to 3 hours in carriages with an unregulated tariff (SV, luxury carriages, compartment and high speed trains carriages with seats), while excluding the 45th reservation date and if there are less than 5 days before the train’s departure.

Reservations for trains with less than 5 days left before departure and on the 45th date must be confirmed within 15 minutes.

Reservation of travel documents for reserved seat carriages is carried out with the included amount for linen.

Attention! After confirmation of the order, the travel document is considered issued and is subject to payment. Any changes are not possible. Only ticket refunds are available in accordance with the established procedure (with financial losses) and the release of a new one!

Having completed the procedure for booking an electronic railway ticket, the manager of Aerotour CJSC confirms the reservation and sends the CUSTOMER an order form or informs the order number (14 digits) by which the passenger can place travel documents(tickets) at the box office of JSC Russian Railways, TTS (Self-Service Transaction Terminal) or at the Electronic Ticket registration desk.

The order form is not a travel document (ticket) and does not grant the right to travel. The issued electronic ticket must be exchanged for a ticket on Russian Railways form.

Attention! Without an order form or order number (14 digits), a travel document (ticket) cannot be issued.

If the order form is lost or the passenger has forgotten the order number, he needs to contact the manager of Aerotour CJSC, who will find the required order and provide its number or, if necessary, re-print the form with order information.

3. Payment for the order.

Booking of electronic railway tickets of Aerotour JSC is carried out only after preliminary transfer by the CUSTOMER Money to the bank account of Aerotour CJSC for payment in the amount of at least 100% of the cost of the service.

Payment for the order is carried out by debiting funds from the CUSTOMER's account.

4. Obtaining travel documents (tickets)

To board the train and make the trip, you must issue the purchased electronic ticket as a ticket on the form of JSC Russian Railways or go through electronic registration On the train.

Issuance of travel documents (tickets) is carried out only on the territory of the Russian Federation at any ticket office of JSC Russian Railways equipped with an Express system terminal, at the Electronic Ticket registration counters and at TTS machines before the train departs or within 12 hours after the train departs from passenger boarding station. Registration is carried out on the basis of the order form or order number (14 digits), to one of the passengers using an identification document specified in the order form ( the order is completed COMPLETELY, partial printing of travel documents from one order is not made), or to an authorized person on the basis of a notarized power of attorney (copy). A notarized power of attorney (copy) is given to the ticket cashier.

All travel documents (tickets) specified in the order form must be issued at the same time; partial registration is not allowed.

When exchanging an order form for a ticket on a Russian Railways form, canceling the order, changing or replacing personal data of passengers when issuing paper tickets is not allowed.

Placing an order for the purchase and receipt of travel documents (tickets) at the ticket office of JSC Russian Railways and at the “Electronic Ticket” registration counters is not carried out during the technological break of the “Express” system from 3 hours 30 minutes. until 4:00 a.m. by Moscow time.

ATTENTION! Printout on TTS machines free children's tickets NOT PRODUCED!

When using the Electronic Check-in service, boarding and travel on the train is carried out upon presentation to the conductor of the carriage of a document certifying the identity of the passenger specified in the order for the purchase of tickets; the presence of a properly issued travel document (ticket) is not required

5. Boarding the carriage

  • To board the carriage, you must have the original ticket on Russian Railways JSC letterhead and an identification document of the passenger.
  • Printing a copy of an electronic ticket is not a document or a basis for boarding the carriage.
  • The passenger is obliged to comply with passport, administrative, customs and other rules both in relation to himself and in relation to the inspection of his hand luggage and luggage. If the passenger's last name or identification document number does not match the last name or number indicated in the presented travel document (ticket), the passenger is not allowed to board the train. In this case, the fare is not refunded.
  • Travel documents (tickets) are not transferable to other persons and are valid only upon presentation of appropriate documents identifying the passenger. Resale of travel documents (tickets) is not permitted.

To avoid misunderstandings and prevent being late for the train, we recommend obtaining a travel document (ticket) in advance at the Russian Railways ticket office, or at the Electronic Ticket check-in counter, or using a self-service terminal.

6. Refund of travel documents (tickets) and funds due

Return of unused train tickets and funds due are regulated by the Rules for the return of travel documents of JSC Russian Railways.

Refunds of electronic tickets are carried out as follows:

A) If a passenger refuses to travel before receiving a travel document (ticket) on the strict reporting form of JSC Russian Railways the passenger contacts the manager of Aerotour CJSC who informs the passenger about the rules and deadlines for returning travel documents.

Refunds can be made through the system no later than 30 minutes before the train departs!

Refunds are made by Aerotour JSC to the CUSTOMER's account after receiving them from Russian Railways JSC.

Attention! If several travel documents (tickets) were reserved in one order, then only the entire order can be returned. Partial refunds are not possible.

B) The passenger has the opportunity to make a standard return printed travel document on JSC Russian Railways letterhead at any return desk of JSC Russian Railways according to the established rules for return in cash. In this case, no refund of funds from Aerotour JSC will be made to the CUSTOMER’s account.

The service fee of Aerotour CJSC, collected when issuing an electronic travel document (ticket), is not refundable.

7. Electronic train registration

Electronic registration for a train is the passenger’s consent to travel on the train, in accordance with the paid order, without issuing a travel document (ticket) at the ticket office of Russian Railways JSC or using a self-service terminal.

Electronic registration gives the passenger the right to travel on the train using the identification document specified in the order.

The service of electronic registration of passengers is possible at the request of the CUSTOMER when placing an order for issuing an electronic ticket by the manager of Aerotour CJSC no later than 2 hours before the departure of the listed trains from the indicated stations during the opening hours of the Aerotour CJSC sales offices from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Moscow time:

  • for trains on the route Moscow-St. Petersburg-Moscow (No. 55/56, 23/24, 3/4, 159/160, 165/166), Moscow-Gorky-Moscow (No. 61/62, 119/120 ), Moscow-Kazan-Moscow (No. 49/50);
  • from stations:
    • Moscow-passenger Oktyabrskaya (Leningradsky railway station, Moscow),
    • St. Petersburg Main (Moskovsky railway station, St. Petersburg),
    • Moscow-passenger Kurskaya (Kursky railway station, Moscow),
    • Gorky-Moskovsky (train station) Nizhny Novgorod),
    • Moscow-passenger Kazanskaya (Kazansky railway station, Moscow),
    • Kazan-passenger (Kazan station).

When performing electronic registration, the following is not carried out:

  • changing the terms of the contract of carriage concluded when placing an order for the purchase of a ticket (cancellation of the trip, stopping and terminating the trip along the route);
  • renewal of the validity period of the contract of carriage in the event of a passenger being late for the train.

Electronic registration is carried out:

  • simultaneously for all passengers specified in the order. Individual the person placing the order represents all passengers of the order, and therefore all passengers of the order are considered informed about the conditions of boarding and travel on the train;
  • only when registering travel from the station of the beginning of the train route, including direct or trailer cars traveling from the station of the beginning of the train route (car);

Boarding a passenger on a train with electronic check-in is carried out upon presentation to the carriage conductor of a document proving the identity of the passenger specified in the order for the purchase of tickets.

  • When boarding the train, carry an order form with travel information;
  • do not use the electronic train registration service if there is a need to present a travel document (ticket) as a reporting document (business trip, reimbursement of expenses, etc.);
  • take into account the required time for transfers when traveling different types transport.

If a passenger refuses to travel with electronic registration it is necessary no later than 1 hour before the train departure to issue a travel document (ticket) at the ticket office of JSC Russian Railways or through a self-service terminal and return it in due course.

Attention! If this condition is not met, the passenger will not be able to issue a travel document (ticket) and, therefore, hand it over to the ticket office of Russian Railways to return the money.

If it is necessary to obtain a travel document (ticket), a passenger who has traveled using the Electronic Registration service may, within 6 months after the train departs from the passenger boarding station, submit a personal application to the relevant division of Russian Railways. The address of the unit can be obtained from the manager of Aerotour CJSC.

  1. Features of the provision of electronic passenger registration services. To a passenger who has undergone electronic registration and has not issued a travel document at the ticket office of Russian Railways, check-in counters of UFS LLC or through the TTS no later than one hour before train departure, refund sums of money.
  2. not produced
  3. If a passenger who ordered a ticket with electronic registration is late for the train and did not cancel it by issuing a travel document of the established form, no refund will be made for unused travel documents.
  4. Re-issuance of travel for a passenger who has issued an electronic ticket with electronic registration without a travel document of the established form is not carried out.

In the event of a trip interruption or stopover by a passenger who does not have a travel document of the established form, the validity period of the electronic ticket will not be extended.

If it is impossible (due to illness, accident) to obtain a travel document (ticket) at the ticket office of JSC Russian Railways, the passenger can send a personal statement indicating the order number, travel details, supporting documents, for transfer in case of positive consideration of the application, the funds due .

  • the passenger carries with him a child under 5 years of age without occupying a separate seat, since it is necessary to issue a travel document (ticket) for him at the ticket office of JSC Russian Railways with presentation of a travel document (ticket) for an adult passenger;
  • It is necessary to send luggage in a baggage car, since its transportation is issued upon presentation of a travel document (ticket).

Travelers planning to travel by train almost always try to book a train ticket in advance. This decision seems reasonable, especially considering the dynamic pricing program carried out by Russian Railways. According to it, the more days left before the travel time, the cheaper the tickets are. At the same time, you can secure a seat on a Russian Railways train by using services that cooperate directly with the country’s main carrier.

The second obvious advantage, because of which many seek to book a ticket for the Russian Railways train, the official website of which requires separate registration, is that boarding passes it will be quite easy to submit without leaving home if plans suddenly change.

How to book train tickets online?

To begin with, you can check the availability of seats and departure dates of trains. To do this, it is not necessary to first spend time registering. Just use the convenient search: enter the point of departure and destination.

Did you see that you can book a train ticket that suits all parameters?

Then what awaits you is a fairly simple and accessible procedure even for those who have never encountered this process before, the procedure for choosing a place and paying for it. To do this you need to register with personal account our website via email. After this, enter your passport details and confirm your reservation via SMS. At the same time, if you purchase seats for several passengers, it will be enough to enter the passport details of only one person, for whom all the others will be registered.

We remind you that you can do all this no earlier than at the ticket office - 90-45 days before the trip, depending on the route.

Is it possible to book a ticket for the Russian Railways train?

This question is often of interest to those who prefer to make travel decisions at the last minute. If you decide to book a ticket for a Russian Railways train, the company's official website will give you about 15 minutes to think, during which you can pay for the booked ticket by card or using other electronic payment systems. In this case, after 15 minutes, tickets are canceled automatically and the seats you booked become available to other users.

For those who wondered how the site functions, we tried to describe the most important nuances related to his work. Let's hope that this review will open up new opportunities for you to travel comfortably around our country and near abroad(including European countries).

For those tourists who prefer to travel around Russia, the pressing question is how to book a train ticket. In our country, Russian Railways is a monopolist, and therefore there are specific features of booking train tickets. Surely people who spend their holidays at Russian resorts from year to year, namely Black Sea coast, know that during the summer season there is a shortage of ticket purchases. There are several reasons for this state of affairs.

Firstly, when traveling by rail, people have the opportunity to purchase tickets for reserved seat carriages. The cost of such tickets is much lower than air travel. Secondly, on railway There are discounts for children, they are quite significant and amount to 40% of the ticket price. Children under 5 years old can travel for free, provided they sleep in the same place as their parent. Therefore, if people go with their whole family to resorts Krasnodar region, they have the opportunity to save a certain amount of money by traveling by train.

Also, some people simply like to travel by train, or there is a fear of flying on an airplane. As an option, a family of 4 people can buy a coupe, then the trip will take place in comfortable conditions, without strangers. Some people, on the contrary, will enjoy spending time with a travel companion.

Features of booking train tickets

There are several options foron one's own. One of them is booking a train ticket without paying. Before starting the procedure, you should know that ticket sales begin 60 days before the desired departure date. Booking without payment looks like ordering tickets and redeeming them within 24 hours. To redeem a travel document, you will need to go to the railway ticket office. If tickets are not redeemed, then the reservation is cancelled.

How to book a train ticket by phone

It is possible to order a ticket by phone. A single number is presented on the Russian Railways website; it is free for all regions of the Russian Federation. When booking by phone, the operator will ask for directions, passport details and email. Next, you will receive a letter by mail that you will need to print out, and you should come with it to the box office to redeem your ticket. You will also need a passport to purchase a ticket. Payment can be made both in cash and in non-cash form.

How to book a train ticket online

There is another way to purchase tickets. This is an online booking. Book a train ticket can be done on intermediary websites, or directly on the official website of Russian Railways. Payment can be made using bank card, or buy a ticket at railway ticket office, the same as when booking by phone.

What does the cost of a train ticket consist of?

There are several parameters that make up the cost of a train ticket.

  1. First of all, the ticket price is influenced by which carriage the passenger will travel in. There are 3 main types of carriages. These are reserved seat, coupe and SV. Ticket to econom-class train the cheapest, then next in price is the coupe and the most expensive class of travel is SV.
  2. The ticket price depends on the type of train. Namely, the train can be branded or ordinary. Branded train It differs from the usual train in the condition of the cars; they are new. And the presence of air conditioning.
  3. There are also fast and regular trains. Accordingly, a ticket for Express train costs more.
  4. Passing trains also go in different directions. Tickets for them are cheaper.

Book train tickets online You can, in a relaxed home environment, take your time and find the most suitable ticket for the price and type of train. To search for a ticket, you can use special search engines. Currently there are a large number of them. Some providers of this service can deliver tickets to your home or office.

When planning a trip to Europe, you can book train tickets online. To do this, you should go to the website of the railway of the country you need and carry out all the necessary actions related to the reservation. Therefore, through the Internet you can not only book a Russian Railways train ticket, but also the railways of foreign countries.

Prices and reservation of train tickets online - search, registration in any city around the clock.

To find out all the benefits of traveling by train, as well as find out everything about online train tickets - availability, cost, schedule, reservation - you don’t need to go to the station, use the online booking system.

Traveling by rail is one of the most romantic and interesting. Who doesn’t like to look out the window at cities, forests, and lakes running past? Who will be left indifferent by leisurely conversations with fellow travelers, gatherings near a table under the rhythmic sound of wheels?

In addition to the romantic ones, there is also a much more prosaic reason for choosing the train as a means of transportation - the lower price compared to air tickets. Traveling by train is much less expensive than traveling by plane - plus it's an ideal choice for those who are afraid of flying.

You can find and book train tickets using our website. Buying tickets online will not take much of your time and will not require any effort - almost everything will be done for you by a convenient booking system. You can easily find the most accurate schedule of all trains and the best price ticket for the date you need and for any type of carriage. You can find out all the information about booking train tickets - availability, cost, train schedule and time you will spend on the way.

reserved seat, sleeping car, compartment carriage or general - the choice is limited solely by your wishes, since with us you can purchase absolutely any train tickets online.

Railway tickets online - profitable!

You can purchase both electronic and paper tickets. Booking train tickets online guarantees you the availability of seats in the carriage even during the height of the summer holidays, when it is almost impossible to purchase the tickets you need.

So, for example, you decided to order train tickets to St. Petersburg online. What do you need for this? Computer, Internet, documents and our booking system. First, you need to select the details of your trip - date, number of seats and class of carriage. After this, you select the type of carriage, location and price of train tickets, and proceed to make your reservation.

You fill out a form in which you enter your personal data, carefully check that it is filled out correctly - it will be impossible to change the data later - and only after that do you proceed to pay for the issued train tickets. You can do this in any one of the following ways - Webmoney, Yandex money or cash through payment systems.

If you choose a plastic card as a means of payment, then during the payment procedure and ordering a ticket online you will need to register it in the system. This action is completely safe and does not give anyone the right to access your card.

Within about fifteen minutes after making payment for your railway ticket reservation, a confirmation of your order will be sent to the specified email - the text of the letter will contain the 14-digit number required to receive the ticket and your trip details. After completing all the necessary simple steps, if necessary, you can contact the ticket office of JSC FPC or JSC Russian Railways, where, based on these data, you will be issued a ticket. You can do this at a time that is convenient for you, but no later than 15 minutes before the departure of the train for which you bought a ticket. And for many destinations it is enough to simply show the conductor your passport or the document for which the train ticket was booked.

Advantages of booking train tickets online:

  • Possibility of ordering and purchasing at any time of the day, without weekends or breaks.
  • Saves time, there is no need to go somewhere looking for cash registers and waiting in lines.
  • Many ways to pay for your booked train ticket.
  • Possibility of electronic registration for the train.

If for some reason it is more convenient for you to purchase paper ticket, then we have reservations for train tickets of this format on our website. The only difference between this method of purchasing train tickets is that in this case only one type of payment is provided - with cash. This can be done by arriving at the company’s office, or using a courier.

So, once again about the reasons for choosing online booking of train tickets. There are several of them:

  • Firstly, you don’t have to go somewhere and wait in line at the cash register.
  • Secondly, you will be absolutely sure that the trip will take place exactly at the time for which you planned it and not an hour later.
  • And, perhaps, the main advantage is the opportunity to save your TIME!

In addition, convenient online booking Railway tickets imply another possibility - electronic registration for the train. In this case, to board the train you will only need a document to confirm the identity of the person in whose name the ticket is issued, which will need to be presented to the train conductor.

We wish you a pleasant journey, wonderful travel companions and a great holiday!

Russian Railways rules allow you to purchase train tickets long distance 45 days before the travel date, for some trains - 60 days. At the Bilet123 agency you can leave a request for early booking of tickets more than 60 days in advance.

When does it become necessary to book train tickets early?

Early booking of train tickets is a popular and relevant service for several reasons:

  • During the holiday season, there is often a shortage of tickets. On popular destinations they can be sold out literally 15 minutes after the sale opens. Of course, the most profitable and convenient offers end first. Service early booking allows the operator of the White Bridge company to buy travel documents immediately after the opening of sales.
  • Russian Railways has switched to dynamic pricing. This means a system in which the closer the train's departure date and the fewer empty seats there are, the higher the ticket price. The early booking service means that the passenger is guaranteed to be able to buy a ticket at the lowest price. Not to mention that he will get the best seats.
  • Thanks to the early booking service for railway tickets, you have the opportunity to plan your trip in advance without worrying about not having time to buy a ticket. Our operators will contact you the day before the opening of sales to remind you about the purchase, and then carry it out. From our clients we need passport data of passengers and information about the date of travel, route and class of travel.

How does early booking work?

Presented on our website convenient form ordering tickets. Here you can choose optimal route and date of travel. If ticket sales are not yet open, the system automatically prompts you to submit an early booking request. Here you can select the desired train, class and number of seats. If you have found a suitable train, the system will prompt you to enter your passport details. After completing the application, our operator will contact you to confirm the order and clarify the details. The day before the opening of sales, the operator will contact you again to remind you and clarify whether your plans have changed. If all these issues are agreed upon, we will buy booked tickets at the moment of opening of sales and we send a courier to a place and time convenient for you.

You can use the early booking service for railway tickets absolutely free. This is much more convenient than all other methods of purchasing train tickets!


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