List of Russian airlines. Major Russian airlines: rating. The best airlines in Russia: list, services and reviews Russian Aviation Company

01/14/2016 at 22:48 · Pavlofox · 68 570

Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight reliability and safety for 2018-2019

Safety during air travel is one of the most important factors. The reliability of an air carrier is determined by the absence of accidents during last years, passenger turnover, availability of EASA certification (European Agency aviation security) and membership in the international organizations IOSA and ICAO.

The domestic air carrier Transaero was one of the 20 world air leaders in terms of reliability and safety, and occupied the first position in the Russian ranking. But since October 2015, the company ceased operations due to bankruptcy. For this reason, Transaero is not included in the TOP 10.

Russia on flight reliability and safety was compiled according to EASA data for 2018-2019.

10. Russia | 63 aircraft

“” (ROSSIYA Airlines) - domestic air carrier opens top ten the most safe airlines of our country based on the results of last year. Rossiya is part of the Aeroflot group of companies. In 2018, Rossiya took fifth position in the ranking of the largest Russian airlines. In 2013, at the “Wings of Russia” ceremony, she was awarded the “Best Passenger Carrier in Regional Destinations” award. The fleet size includes 63 aircraft. The average age of aircraft is 13 years.

9. North wind | 30 aircraft

“” (Nordwind Airlines) – charter airline, created largest tour operator PegasTouristik. It operates flights to holiday destinations. In 2019, it entered the top 10 largest Russian air carriers. In terms of safety and reliability, Nordwind Airlines was not included in the top 100 in the world ranking, but was able to maintain its position in the top ten in the domestic ranking. The air fleet consists of 30 aircraft. The average age of air transport is 10.9 years.

8. Orenburg Airlines | 19 aircraft

"" (ORENAIR Airlines) is a subsidiary of Aeroflot. At the end of 2018, the air carrier was awarded the awards “Charter Passenger Carrier”, “Airline of the Year - Passenger Sympathy” - 1st place, “Airline of the Year - Passenger Carrier on Domestic Airlines” - 3rd place. The air fleet consists of 19 Boening 737-800 and Boening 777-200 aircraft. The average age of transport is 11 years.

7. Red Wings | 14 aircraft

“” (Red Wings Airlines) is a domestic air carrier that operates foreign-made aircraft. Air Park includes modern Airbus aircraft A320 and A321. Average age air transport 11.3 years.

6. Yamal | 37 aircraft

Aviation transport company (YAMAL Airlines) is the main air carrier in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen region. YAMAL Airlines passed IATA certification in 2013 ( International Association air transport), confirming its reliability and safety of flights. In 2018, the company won three awards: “Best Airline of the Year – Passenger Carrier on Domestic Routes”, “Airline of the Year – Helicopter Operator” and “Best Passenger Carrier on Regional Routes”. The air carrier was not included in the top hundred of the world safety rating, but took 6th place in the Russian rating. The fleet includes 37 aircraft, the average age of which is 11 years.

5. Globe | 23 aircraft

"" (Globus) is one of the youngest airlines, formed on the basis of the Siberia ships (S7 Airlines). The company places special emphasis on flight safety and reliability. To achieve this, the security system undergoes regular testing and is constantly improved. Globus cooperates with many travel agencies. Flights on tourist routes– the main activity of the air carrier. The Globus fleet consists of S7 Airlines aircraft and includes 23 Boeing 737 -800 and Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft - which arrived in the fall of 2018 and continue to arrive in 2019. The average age of aircraft is 8.9 years.

4. UTair | 65 aircraft

“” (UTair) is one of the largest Russian airlines, which is one of the five largest in terms of passenger traffic. Although UTair was not included in the hundred safest carriers in the world, it took an honorable fourth place in the domestic ranking. UTair was awarded in 2019 in the category “Best Passenger Carrier on Regional Routes.” Flight personnel regularly undergo advanced training. The aircraft fleet includes 65 airplanes and 145 helicopters. The average age of transport is 11.5 years.

3. Siberia | 100 aircraft

"Siberia"(S7 Airlines) is one of the three largest and safest airlines in Russia in 2018-2019. S7 Airlines has won competitions many times. In 2015, the air carrier received the National Geographic Traveler Awards 2015, winning in the “Best Russian Airline” category. Among the world's air carriers, Sibir took 94th place in the safety and reliability rating. The air fleet includes Airbus and Boeing aircraft, the total number of which is 100 units. The average service life of air transport is 10 years.

2. Ural Airlines | 45 aircraft

(Ural Airlines) is one of the leading Russian airlines in terms of reliability and safety. In 2018 Ural Airlines were awarded a triple award in the categories “Best Domestic Passenger Carrier Airline of the Year”, “Best International Scheduled Airline of the Year” and “E-Commerce Leader Airline of the Year”. By volume passenger transportation the company took 6th place among Russian air carriers. The average service life of the aircraft fleet is 12.5 years. Fleet size at this moment is 45 air units.

Ural Airlines has a gym, which is designed for training flight crews. Here pilots undergo training according to individual programs, improving their professional skills to improve safe flights. Gym, owned by the air carrier, is the only one in Russia. Only the best airlines in the world have such equipment, for example, Emirates, Lufthanza and others.

1. Aeroflot | 247 aircraft

(Aeroflot) – ranks first in safety and reliability among Russian air carriers. At the end of 2018, it took 35th position in air safety in the world ranking of the independent German agency Jacdec. Aeroflot has also been repeatedly recognized as the best airline in Eastern Europe. The fleet includes 247 aircraft. This is one of the youngest air parks in Europe and the world. The average age of aircraft is 4.1 years. During the Winter Olympic Games In 2014, Aeroflot became the official air carrier.

What else to see:

The history of Russian aviation goes back more than a hundred years. During this time, many airlines, both public and private, were created. In Russia, there are both low-cost airlines, the so-called low-cost airlines, and carriers performing scheduled and cargo transportation.

The pioneer in civil transportation is the air carrier Deruluft; it was an airline for transporting passengers, cargo, and mail. The company was founded in 1921. The company carried out the first flight to Königsberg, and later to Berlin. This is the very first official civil aviation carrier in Russia. Then many more new airlines appeared. The list of them was great. Later, the first major state air carrier, Aeroflot, appeared in the USSR, which still operates many international flights today.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a better, faster and more reliable method of transportation than air transport. This is not the cheapest, but it is the most popular method for travel, business trips and cargo transportation.

Today, the airline registry in the Russian Federation includes more than 100 carriers. Some are over 50 years old. It’s difficult to answer unequivocally which airline is better in Russia; every travel lover has their own. However, ratings compiled among Russian carriers.

Aeroflot is the leader in transportation.

Largest Russian airlines

List of airlines by number of passengers carried

In 2017, the number of passengers transported by Russian carriers exceeded 100 million people per year. This number is almost 20% higher than last year.

The rating of Russian airlines is headed by Aeroflot. If we take into account all subsidiary airlines, such as Pobeda, Rossiya, Aurora, then together they transported a little more than 50 million people. This is almost half of all passenger air traffic in the country.

Rossiya airlines, the list of which is extensive, are presented by the number of passengers transported according to data from the Federal Air Transport Agency.

  • Aeroflot. Transported 33 million passengers per year.

The increase in passenger traffic was 13.3%.

The airline is based at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. It was founded in 1923, and is one of the oldest not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world. Has a 4 star award from famous company Skytrax. Part of the SkyTeam alliance. It has a fleet of 233 aircraft, most of which are Airbus A320 and A321.

  • "Russia". 11.1 million people per year.

The increase in the number of passengers transported was more than 37% compared to the previous year.

It is a subsidiary carrier of the Aeroflot group of companies. Began its activities in 1992. Based at St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport and Moscow Vnukovo Airport. The fleet size is 64 vessels, the majority being Airbus A319s. The average age of the fleet is 13 years. The cost of the air ticket is in the middle price segment.

  • S7 Airlines. 9.9 million people transported.

The number of passengers transported over 12 months increased by 4.6%.

A private Russian carrier company, the airline's aircraft made its first flight in 1992. The base is located in Novosibirsk and operates flights from Tolmachevo Airport. In total there are 89 available aircraft, the most common are the Boeing 737 and Embraer E 170. The average age of the fleet is 10 years. Since 2010, it has been a member of the Oneworld alliance.

  • "Ural Airlines". 8 million people in 12 months.

The increase in passenger traffic was 24%.

Since 1993 it has been providing regular and charter flights. The representative office is located in Yekaterinburg, the main hub is Koltsovo Airport. It owns 45 aircraft, half of which are Airbus A320s. It is not a member of any alliance, but has a large number of agreements with various global airlines.

  • "UTair". 7.3 million people per year.

The company increased the number of people transported by 10%.

Part of the UTair group, it has a fleet of airplanes and helicopters for transporting passengers and cargo. Began operations in 1991. The office is in Surgut, the main hub is located at Vnukovo Airport, Moscow. The fleet consists of 65 aircraft and 151 helicopters. Operates flights to 64 destinations. The fleet is based on Boeing 737 vessels and Mi helicopters of various modifications.

  • "Victory". 4.6 million people in a year.

The number of people transported increased by 7%.

Founded in 2014, the Russian airline is based at Moscow's Vnukovo Airport. It was created to replace Dobrolet, which came under sanctions due to flights to Simferopol. Owns 18 ships flying to 25 destinations. The entire fleet consists of Boeing 737s, in modification 800. Not included in alliances.

Air carrier Pobeda. Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

  • "Globe". 4.3 million passengers in 12 months.

Passenger traffic increased by 18.5%.

The company belongs to the S7 group. Start date - 2008. The headquarters is located in the city of Ob, the main hub is Domodedovo Airport. It operates 19 Boeing 737 aircraft and flies to more than 20 destinations.

  • Azur Air. Carried 3.7 million passengers over the past 12 months.

The growth in the number of clients was 59.9%.

The airline cooperates with the tour operator Anex and transports passengers for tourism purposes. The carrier's aircraft first took to the skies in 2014. Owns a park of 21 units. Most of them are Boeing 757 models. In 2015, the company split from UTair and now operates independently.

  • "Nord Wind Air". 3.5 million people

The growth in passenger traffic is 98%.

The most progressive airline in terms of transporting the largest number of people, growth was almost 100% compared to the previous year. It was created in 2008. The fleet of aircraft is 24 units. Based at Sheremetyevo Airport. The average age of the fleet is 9 years.

  • "VIM-Avia". Transported 2.1 million passengers per year.

Increase in the number of clients by 3%.

The carrier began operating in 2003. Based at Domodedovo Airport. It has 20 vessels at its disposal, most of which are Boeing 777.

Airbus A319 from VIM-Avia.

  • "Yamal". 1.7 million people

Increase in the number of passengers by 23%.

Founded in 1997, the airline is based in Salekhard. It has 32 ships flying to 42 destinations. The fleet consists mainly of Sukhoi Superjet 100 and Bombardier CRJ200. The aircraft are on average 11 years old.

Influx of traffic by 75%.

The airline was founded in 1999. Located at Domodedovo Airport. Aviation Park includes 14 vessels. The main ones are Airbus A319 and A320. Average age of the fleet - 11.5 years old. He also owns Russian-made Tu-204 aircraft.

  • "Aurora". 1.5 million people

Increase in the number of people by 12%.

Part of the Aeroflot group. Created in 2013. Based in Vladivostok and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, operates flights mainly to Asian countries. The fleet includes 24 vehicles, mainly Airbus A319. The average age of aircraft is 12 years.

  • Royal Flight. 1.5 million people

The influx of people is 50%.

Located in Moscow, established in 1992. The company mainly performs charter flights to popular tourist cities. The fleet consists of 11 aircraft.

  • Nordstar. Carried 1.4 million passengers.

Air travel growth increased by 9%.

A subsidiary of the Norilsk Nickel group was founded in 2008. Located in Moscow, it operates flights from Domodedovo Airport. Owns 15 aircraft, most of which are Boeing 737s.

The best airlines in Russia in terms of quality of service

Aeroflot occupies the highest position in the list for a large number of indicators, including quality of service, among Russian airlines. The company has four stars out of five possible. Next on the list are S7 Airlines, Russia and UTair. There are no particular complaints about the quality of these carriers; it is at a good level.

The safest airlines in Russia 2018

Based on the research results, an airline safety rating was compiled.

The main criteria by which the assessment was made were the number of accidents and catastrophes, the general condition of the aircraft fleet and compliance with European safety standards. The research was conducted among the world's largest carriers. Based on the results, points were awarded, the closer to zero - the safer the flights with the chosen carrier. The list includes four Russian airlines.

  • The highest place among those represented in the Russian Federation was taken by Ural Airlines. They received a rating of 0.24 points;
  • S7 took second position due to the high age of the aircraft fleet; the majority of aircraft are approaching 20 years old;
  • Aeroflot scored 0.38 points and took third place among Russian carriers. The company's reputation was slightly damaged by several disasters in the 90s;
  • UTair took fourth position on the list.

Rating of state air carriers in Russia

To the list of state aviation companies Russian Federation includes Aeroflot and its subsidiaries: Pobeda, Rossiya, Aurora. The group of companies ranks first in the overall ranking in terms of the number of passengers transported. Aeroflot received a four-star award from Skytrax for quality of service, service on board and at airports.

Aeroflot office in London on Piccadilly Street.

List of the best charter airlines

  • Travelers respond best to a charter carrier called I-Fly. Although it has a fleet of only four aircraft, its quality of service and punctuality are especially noted;
  • Royal Flight has also been noted by customers as a suitable choice when traveling. We are especially pleased with the wide geography of flights: almost 40 destinations around the world. Works closely with the tour operator Coral Travel;
  • Azur Air working with tour operator Anex. It has more than 20 aircraft and a wide geography of flights around the world.

The vast number of airlines in Russia allows you to travel to almost anywhere globe for any purpose, from business trips to tourist flights to the most famous places. There are offers on the market to suit every budget. Low-cost carriers are becoming increasingly popular, allowing you to travel on a low budget. Passenger traffic is growing every year, which provides an incentive for carriers to develop both in terms of expanding their fleet and flight geography, and improving the quality of service. Russian aviation companies rank high in safety lists and service quality ratings.

Most aircraft flying in Russia are no older than their counterparts used abroad. However, 17.7% of the aircraft fleet are old aircraft, many of which have reached the end of their service life and have problems with parts. Another disadvantage of the domestic market is problems with service and supervision, which is why almost the entire Russian fleet is registered in third countries

Photo: Transport-Photo Images

It became biggest disaster in history Russian aviation. The day after the tragedy of the Kogalymavia (Metrojet) Airbus 321, which killed 224 people, Russian investigators opened two criminal cases under the articles “provision of services that do not meet safety requirements” and “violation of flight safety rules or preparation for them.” . Searches took place at the carrier's office, Domodedovo, and Samara airport, where the plane was refueling. State Duma deputies immediately came out in favor of banning the operation of aircraft over 15 years old (Airbus Kogalymavia was 18 years old) and revoking the licenses of carrier companies with a small number of aircraft. The head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Alexei Pushkov, said that it leads to plane crashes. Deputies put forward similar initiatives after the crash of a 23-year-old Boeing 737 in Kazan on October 17, 2013. Then, as now, the public ignored statements from airlines and industry experts who argued that an airplane is not a machine and 20 years of operation is not such a long time for it.

Both planes - Boeing in Kazan and Airbus over Sinai - according to the latest data, were operational. The Kazan disaster, as the commission of inquiry decided, was an Egyptian one - three weeks later it was recognized as a terrorist attack. Suspicions about the poor condition of aircraft flying in Russia, however, have not evaporated. RBC analyzed the aircraft fleet Russian companies, performing regular and charter passenger transportation, and found out whether the suspicions of its wear and tear were justified.

What we thought

The basis was the list of valid airworthiness certificates of the Federal Air Transport Agency as of October 22, 2015 (that is, aircraft that are allowed to fly in Russia), data from the official websites of carriers and Internet resources, and We excluded from the complete list small aviation (private jets), airplanes local airlines(practical range less than 1000 km, mainly An-2), helicopters, business jets, as well as all aircraft not used for passenger transport - for example, cargo and agricultural. The sample also did not include aircraft that are not used to transport passengers for commercial purposes: for example, the fleet of the Air Force, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the special detachment for transporting top officials (SLO Rossiya), as well as aircraft belonging to aircraft manufacturing plants. The lists we received with detailed information about each aircraft were sent to all operating airlines with a request to confirm the accuracy of the data we collected. All responses were taken into account in the analysis results.

Our statistics also included aircraft from the second largest Russian airline, Transaero. was accepted on October 1, and on October 26 the company lost its air operator certificate and ceased operations. The Transaero fleet is in the process of being returned to the lessors: several dozen cars can be received by Aeroflot, which received part of the airline’s routes, the rest will be sold on the market or written off. Taking into account the entire Transaero fleet in the sample (according to open data as of October, this is 122 aircraft), we were guided by the fact that most of it could go to other Russian operators, and the composition of the fleet reflects the economic model of the largest private Russian carrier.

What will happen to the huge fleet of Transaero, the second carrier after Aeroflot in terms of the number of aircraft (one of them is in the photo), is still unclear (Photo: TASS)

Which models do you choose?

The most popular family in Russia is the medium-haul Airbus 320 (A320, A319 and A321): 249 such aircraft are allowed to fly in the country. In second place with 203 aircraft is the family of medium-haul Boeing 737, the flights of which were recently asked to be suspended by the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC).

According to our data, there are only 130 long-haul aircraft in Russia, of which 76.6% are Boeing 747, 767 and 777 models.

There is no definition of a medium-haul aircraft in Russian legislation. In the world, it is customary to classify vehicles with a flight range of over 2.5 thousand km into this category. Long-range vehicles in Russia are considered to be those with a flight range of more than 8 thousand km.

Airbus became the leader among aircraft flying on medium-haul routes in Russia not so long ago. The Big Four companies - Aeroflot, S7, UTair, Transaero - divided their preferences in two in 2013, explains Andrei Kramarenko, a researcher at the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy at the Higher School of Economics. The first two chose Airbus, the second - Boeing. Now Transaero has stopped flying, and UTair has significantly reduced its fleet.

Two competing aircraft makers account for most of the world's aircraft fleets. According to the international organization Center for Aviation (CAPA, Australia) for April 2013, of all ships operated in the world, 39.7% are Boeing aircraft and 28.7% - Airbus. Russia is no exception. The aircraft of the two companies occupy 61.7% of the Russian fleet, 14.3% - other foreign aircraft (Embraer, Bombardier, De Havilland Canada, Let, ATR).

Domestic aircraft account for only 24% of the total fleet of Russian carriers. Moreover, for modern models - An-148, Tu-204, Tu-214 and Sukhoi Superjet - only 6.3%. The remaining 17.7% are old modifications of An, Tu and Yak, most of which flew in the USSR. “But the share of these cars in the volume of passenger traffic is less than 5%,” adds a professor at Moscow State Technical University civil aviation Alexander Fridland.

In terms of quantity, Sukhoi Superjet is the leader among modern Russian models: domestic airlines have 39 such aircraft. “The Sukhoi Superjet has a niche, but it is very narrow due to its size (capacity - up to 100 seats. - RBC),” says Friedland. According to him, for local and regional routes it is large, but on main routes with good passenger traffic it is inferior to economical cars by 150-200 seats. “His niche is mainline, but weak in flow directions,” the interlocutor believes.

The An-24 has not been produced since 1979, but there are still 67 such aircraft in the fleet of Russian companies (Photo: Transport-Photo Images)

Of the Soviet aircraft, the An-24 is the largest in the airline fleet - 67 aircraft. A turboprop passenger aircraft for short and medium-haul routes was developed by the Antonov Design Bureau (KB) in the late 1950s. Maximum capacity is up to 52 passengers. It is operated mainly by Russian regional companies (RBC considers such companies not to operate long-haul flights, flights through the capital's air hub and those not based in Moscow and St. Petersburg). “The An-24 is the only aircraft in the world of this class that lands on the ground, on compacted snow or ice,” recalls Oleg Smirnov, Honored Pilot of the USSR, President of the Air Transport Infrastructure Development Fund. — He flew all over airspace USSR and in the current conditions on Far North practically irreplaceable."

Now the An-24 continues to be used by companies based in the north: Polar Airlines, Yakutia, Chukotavia. For now, it is impossible to replace it en masse with foreign models. Firstly, planes of foreign brands that could land at airfields in these regions accommodate fewer passengers, explains Kramarenko. In addition, technical documentation for them is available at English language, which is not owned by all An-24 pilots and personnel. However, during 2012-2013, Yakutia leased five Bombardier Dash 8 aircraft with a capacity of 70 to 80 seats. Aeroflot's subsidiary, the Far Eastern airline Aurora, in addition to Bombardier, flies Canadian De Havilland Canada 6 Twin Otter. Most likely, in the coming years, all An-24s will be replaced by foreign aircraft, “because they will exhaust their service life and it will become extremely difficult and expensive to maintain their airworthiness,” predicts Dmitry Mirgorodsky, partner of the consulting company Concuros, former vice-president of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft. There is no replacement for them with domestic analogues.

The second most popular among Soviet aircraft is the Yak-42: there are 33 such aircraft in the fleet of Russian airlines. However, several of them are in storage: some are waiting for parts to be replaced, some will no longer fly into the air. The cars are part of the fleets of Gazpromavia, Grozny Avia, Izhavia, and Saratov Airlines. The latter company began flying Brazilian Embraer 190s two years ago.

How old are planes in Russia?

As the study showed, on average in Russia the age of foreign models is less than their service life, while our aircraft are often older. According to Andrey Sharypov, head of the civil aviation vessel certification department of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, for foreign aircraft it is about 40-60 thousand hours, that is, 30 years. For the Soviets it was less - about 20 years. The manufacturer can extend the service life individually for each vessel.

For example, the average age of the Boeing 737 Classic generation (modifications 300, 400, 500) in Russia is 20.2 years. Generations Boeing 737 Next Generation (modifications 600, 700, 800, 900) - 9.1 years. Modifications of Airbus 320 - 7.5 years, A319 - 11.9 years (see infographic). These figures are not significantly different from the world average. The Dutch airline KLM, according to, Boeing New Generation flies on average at the age of 9.3 years. The American low-cost airline Southwest Airlines, according to USA Today and the portal, is 9.7 years old. The Boeing 737 Classic aircraft (modifications 300, 400 and 500) of this airline are on average more than 22 years old.

As for Airbus, the A320 fleet of the German Germanwings is 23 years old. The American Delta, which flies with Aeroflot in the Skyteam alliance, has a lifespan of 20.7 years. Delta's A319 aircraft are 13.8 years old.

The oldest model of aircraft flying in Russia is the An-24. On average they are 42.1 years old. The average age of another Soviet aircraft still in operation, the Yak-42, is 24.7 years.

Soviet aircraft and modern Russian ones (with the exception of Sukhoi Superjet), unlike foreign ones, have problems with parts. Mass production of such machines has been stopped, so you have to order components individually, which costs several times more, says Sergei Koval, deputy head of the monitoring and authentication department of the Civil Aviation Research Institute. As a result, parts with forged documents are sometimes installed on Soviet cars. According to Koval’s estimates, up to 8% of illegal parts are now on the market, and from 2001 to 2015, 50 serious incidents occurred due to problems with parts (incidents with airplanes and helicopters are taken into account).

What happened to Soviet design bureaus

The Saratov Aviation Plant, which produced Yak aircraft, went bankrupt and was completely liquidated. The design bureaus that developed Soviet aircraft—Tupolev Design Bureau and Yakovlev Design Bureau (now part of the United Aircraft Corporation)—continue to exist mainly by supporting the remaining aircraft in service, Koval says. The Antonov Design Bureau (now the Antonov state enterprise) is located in Ukraine.

The age of the aircraft, according to professionals, does not affect its technical condition and airworthiness. “As a ship commander, I don’t ask: will you give me an old plane or will I fly on a new one? This doesn’t interest me at all,” explains Smirnov. The main thing is whether the aircraft underwent maintenance and repairs on time throughout its life. In addition, every part of the aircraft has its own resources. By that time, says Smirnov, “as the aircraft turns 17 years old, these parts can be replaced several times.”

The study found that 58.7% of aircraft in the Russian fleet had only one or two operators. And more than ten air carriers that have replaced each other have only 3% of boards in baggage. Moreover, in many cases, two of the same companies used aircraft in turns. This, for example, was the case with the Izhavia airline’s Yak-42: according to data from, if we take into account alternating carriers, it changed 20 operators in 28 and a half years. According to Smirnov, professionals are distrustful of an aircraft that has previously flown “in countries with high humidity, for example in Africa.” However, the lessor and the owner are obliged to put such a car in order. In this regard, for technical condition It is the lessor of the aircraft that is important, and not the previous operator, the expert believes.

As a rule, carriers abandon aircraft for economic reasons, and not because of the end of its life, according to a study by leasing company Avalon (offices in the USA, Ireland, Dubai, Singapore and China). In Russia, foreign and new domestic aircraft models cease to be used at the age of 20-23, says HSE researcher Kramarenko. Global figures, according to Avalon research, are similar.

Airline age preferences

Russian airlines with the oldest fleet use Soviet aircraft. Among carriers with ten or more aircraft, the oldest fleet—41.2 years—has the Turukhan company, part of the UTair group. It mainly operates custom flights, including for mining companies. But Turukhan also has regular transportation, therefore his aircraft were included in our study.

In total, there are 16 companies in Russia operating aircraft over 25 years old for regular and charter transportation (see table).

The youngest park is at Pobeda, a subsidiary of Aeroflot that recently started operating. Its sides are only a year old. Aeroflot’s average fleet age, according to RBC calculations, is 4.6 years. The planes of Transaero, which stopped flying, were on average 18.6 years old (the S7 fleet was 9.2 years old, and UTair was 14 years old). In 2005-2008, many Russian airlines, including the Big Four carriers, when fuel prices went up, massively renewed their fleet, preferring aircraft with lower fuel consumption. In particular, this explains the rather young fleet of foreign aircraft in Russia, notes Fridland.

On April 1, 2001, regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) came into force, establishing reduced engine noise levels for aircraft flying in Europe. Almost all Soviet and Russian planes of that time: Tu-134, Tu-154B, Tu-154M, Il-62, Il-86. Thus, airlines that actively flew to Europe and transited over European countries, were forced to replace old noisy cars with new imported ones.

Low-cost airline Pobeda is the youngest Russian air carrier with the youngest fleet. Their Boeing is only a year old on average (Photo: TASS)

Significant difference between the average age of aircraft different companies there are also abroad. According to a Bloomberg rating compiled in January 2013, the American Delta has an average age of 15.8 years, Southwest Airlines - 14.7, Aeromexico - 15.2, Lufthansa - 12.4, Air France - 11.5, Ryanair - five years.

Each company chooses for itself what is more cost-effective for it: a new or older aircraft, Mirgorodsky emphasizes. For example, purchasing a new Boeing 737-800 will cost approximately $48-55 million. The same ten-year-old model will already cost $16-18 million, says Alexander Kochetkov, head of the leasing company Gold"nsky Leasing. But old aircraft also require maintenance costs. Not all companies can afford to pay such sums at a time - they have to lease cars. In Russia, according to Ilyushin Finance Co. estimates, at least 80% of operating aircraft are leased.

This is exactly what the largest market player, Aeroflot, is doing, intending to enter the top 20 global air carriers by revenue and passenger traffic by 2025. For the sake of this goal, the airline has been not only increasing but also refreshing its fleet for several years, General Director Vitaly Savelyev has repeatedly said in his interviews. “It’s difficult to compete on the global market with an old aircraft,” Mirgorodsky explains the strategy. Aeroflot also gives older models to its subsidiaries - Aurora Airlines, Orenburg Airlines, Donavia, and Rossiya.

But many companies don’t even have enough money to lease new aircraft. Transaero, for example, dreamed of ousting a state-owned competitor due to expensive debt financing, as it itself admitted in its financial statements, was expanding its fleet with cheap foreign and new vehicles, Vedomosti wrote. After the devaluation of the ruble at the end of last year, leasing for Russian companies has become significantly more expensive, even for old aircraft (leasing payments are made in foreign currency. - RBC), adds Mirgorodsky. According to Kochetkov, leasing a new Boeing 737-800 costs an average of $4.2 million per year, and about $2 million for a ten-year one.

Summing up 2017 Federal agency Air Transport has published brief statistics on the work of civil aviation in the Russian Federation. The big picture for the participants rating of Russian airlines 2018 looks good. The air transportation market continues to develop, and almost all reliable Russian airlines included in the list demonstrated an average increase in the number of passengers and kilometers flown by 15%. At the same time, the weight of the top five airlines continues to grow. If in 2017 they occupied 67.4% of the total volume, then in 2018 it was already 85%.

Travel with a reliable tour operator: .

Read also:, the best airlines of the year according to Skytrax.

The rating of the largest airlines in Russia opens with Nordwind Airlines, aka “ North wind" Over the past year, the number of passengers amounted to 3.5 million people and increased by 95% compared to 2016. Passenger turnover also showed growth, increasing by 44%.

One of the largest charter carriers in Russia, which transported more than 2.2 million passengers in 2017, was called to the carpet by the Federal Air Transport Agency in the summer of 2016 due to constant long flight delays of up to several tens of hours. The carrier promised to take action. In case of inability to arrange regular flights to exact time the company faces restrictions on transportation.

Azur Air was a subsidiary of UTair, but two years ago it set out on its own. In 2017, the number of passengers of the company amounted to 3.6 million people, almost 2/3 more compared to 2016.

Globus is part of the S7 Group, being a subsidiary of the airline giant Siberia, which took second place in the ranking of the best airlines. 2017 turned out to be favorable for the company - the number of passengers increased by 20.2%, amounting to 4.1 million people.

The Aeroflot subsidiary, which took over the baton from Dobroleta, which died as a result of UES sanctions, is positioned as a budget company. Although the first tickets for the new airline's flights were sold only two years ago, it confidently entered the top 10 airlines in Russia.

The number of passengers in 2017 amounted to 4.3 million people, an increase of 5% compared to 2016. Despite its youth, Pobeda’s flights have already become surrounded by scandals. Users are dissatisfied with the policy of keeping silent about the real price of a flight, demands to pay for the opportunity for families to sit together, flight delays and cases when more tickets are sold for a flight than the number of seats.

In fifth place in the ranking of Russian airlines in 2018 are Ural Airlines, which transported 7.5 million people in 2017, demonstrating an increase of 25%. In the meantime, the company is demanding that the Federal Air Transport Agency pay for the transportation of WWII veterans to celebrate the anniversary of the Victory in 2015. The Federal Air Transport Agency rejected the application for payment, citing the fact that it did not contain the words “including VAT” and other points of the same importance.

The owner of the world's largest operating helicopter fleet appears to have recovered from the crisis of late 2014. In 2017, the number of passengers transported by this company amounted to 6.8 million people, an increase of 9.1% compared to 2016.

The second subsidiary of giant Aeroflot, which made it into the top ten of the 2018 Russian airline rankings, carried more than 10.6 million people last year, posting an impressive 41.5% growth in passenger numbers - the highest of any ranked airline. At the same time, passenger turnover increased by 55.3%.

In second place in the ranking of the largest airlines in Russia is Siberia, also known as S7 Airlines, which carries out transportation to 83 destinations both in Russia and abroad. Most of the latter, however, are served by partner airlines. In total, 9.3 million passengers were transported in 2017.

Russians continue to fly on Aeroflot planes. In 2017, the company transported more than 30.5 million people, surpassing Sibir, which took second place in the rating, by more than 3 times. It is not surprising, since Aeroflot is the largest and oldest Russian airline, which has been transporting passengers since 1923. Although the company was included in the black sanctions list of Ukraine, this does not prevent the increase in the number of transportations.

According to such criteria as the number of passengers and passenger turnover, the company recorded an increase of 12% over the past year. By the way, Aeroflot can also be called one of the safest airlines in Russia in 2018– not a single thing happened on her lines major plane crash, including, of course, subsidiaries and misfortunes caused by the actions of third parties. In the airline safety rating published in 2017 by the auditing company JACDEC, Aeroflot is in 37th place.

World Airlines Safety Ranking 2017 (JACDEC)

RankAirlineA countryCarrier codeSafety index
1 Cathay Pacific AirwaysChina,Hong-KongCX, CPA0,005
2 Air New ZealandNew ZealandNZ, ANZ0,007
3 Hainan Airlines ChinaHU,CHH0,009
4 Qatar Airways QatarQR, QTR0,009
5 K L MNetherlandsKL, KLM0,011
6 EVA AirTaiwanBR, EVA0,012
7 EmiratesUnited Arab EmiratesEK, UAE0,013
8 Etihad AirwaysUnited Arab EmiratesEY, ETD0,014
9 QANTASAustraliaQF, QFA0,015
10 Japan AirlinesJapanJL, JAL0,015
11 All Nippon Airways JapanN.H., A.N.A.0,016
12 LufthansaGermanyLH, DLH0,016
13 TAP PortugalPortugalTP, TAP0,017
14 Virgin Atlantic AirwaysUnited KingdomVS, VIR0,017
15 Delta Air LinesUSADL, DAL0,018
16 Air CanadaCanadaAC, ACA0,02
17 jetBlue AirwaysUSAB6, JBU0,02
18 Virgin AustraliaAustraliaVA, VOZ0,02
19 British AirwaysUnited KingdomB.A., B.A.W.0,023
20 Air BerlinGermanyAB, BER0,023
21 WestJet AirlinesCanadaW.S., W.J.A.0,023
22 Sichuan AirlinesChina3U, CSC0,028
23 Norwegian Air ShuttleNorwayDY,NAX 0,032
24 Shenzhen AirlinesChinaZH, CSZ0,032
25 IberiaSpainIB, IBE0,034
26 Jetstar AirwaysAustraliaJQ,JST0,036
27 Southwest AirlinesUSAW.N., S.W.A.0,037
28 EasyJetUnited KingdomU2, EZY0,037
29 AirAsiaMalaysiaAK, AXM0,043
30 Thomson AirwaysUnited KingdomBY, TOM0,047
31 United AirlinesUSAUA, UAL0,051
32 Singapore Airlines SingaporeSQ, SIA0,051
33 China Eastern AirlinesChinaMU, CES0,061
34 RyanairIrelandFR, RYR0,064
35 SwissSwitzerlandLX, SWR0,064
36 LATAM ChileChileLA, LAN0,095
37 AeroflotRussiaSU, AFL0,101
38 Jet AirwaysIndia9W,JAI0,109
39 AlitaliaItalyAZ, AZA0,113
40 Air IndiaIndiaAI, AIC0,115
58 Garuda IndonesiaIndonesiaGA, GIA0,77
59 Avianca ColombiaColombiaAV, AVA0,914
60 China AirlinesTaiwanCI, CAL0,977


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