Aviat Husky. Specifications. Photo

Aviat Husky is a light single-engine aircraft produced in the United States from 1987 to the present.

Aviat Husky photo

Design work aircraft Aviat Husky began in the first half of the 80s, while American aircraft designers tried to create a multi-purpose aircraft designed both for carrying passengers and for transporting small cargo, training future pilots, etc., however, ultimately the design The Aviat Husky aircraft has undergone a number of changes, as a result of which the intended purpose of this aircraft has significantly shrunk.

The Aviat Husky aircraft can only accommodate one passenger and a pilot, and the aircraft is designed to cover distances of up to 1,270 kilometers, which is quite acceptable given the limited use of this aircraft. In addition, subsequently, with the advent of modified versions, the Aviat Husky aircraft was able to cover distances of up to 1,450 kilometers, which satisfied customers even more, and is one of the reasons why this aircraft continues to be produced to this day.

Aviat Husky photo

Among other things, the Aviat Husky aircraft is distinguished by a high degree of reliability - at the moment, only one emergency incident is known that ended in the crash of an aircraft of this model, which occurred in 1989.

As power plant Aviat Husky aircraft use piston aircraft engines. The basic version of the aircraft was equipped with a four-cylinder Lycoming 0-360-A1P aircraft engine with a power of 180 hp, which allowed the aircraft to accelerate to a maximum speed of 192 km/h. Subsequently, the power plants underwent a number of significant changes, and the aircraft could already take on board a larger load, while its maximum flight speed increased to 248 km/h.

Aviat Husky cabin

Over the entire period of production, which has been ongoing for more than 25 years, American aircraft designers have presented 6 different versions of this model, differing mainly flight performance characteristics and minor changes in external design.

  • Aviat Husky A-1– basic production version;
  • Aviat Husky A-1A– modification of 1998, which has an increased maximum take-off weight and a reinforced fuselage structure;
  • Aviat Husky A-1B- an improved version that can be equipped with a Lycoming IO-360-A1D6 engine with 200 hp. (a power plant with a capacity of 180 hp is optionally used);
  • Aviat Husky A-1B-160 Pup– modification without flaps (have been installed since 2005). Equipped with a Lycoming 0-320-D2A power plant with a power of 160 hp, which led to a slight reduction in the cost of the aircraft and attracted more customers;
  • Aviat Husky A-1C-180– 2007 version, equipped with a Lycoming 0-360-A1P engine (180 hp), and with an increased maximum take-off weight. Among other things, aircraft designers made some minor changes to the external design.
  • Aviat Husky A-1C-200– a modified version, which is an analogue of the previous modification, except for the presence of a more powerful power plant (200 hp).

Technical characteristics of Aviat Husky.

  • Crew: 1 person;
  • Passenger capacity: 1 person;
  • Aircraft length: 6.88 m (Depending on modification);
  • Wingspan: 10.82 m (Depending on modification);
  • Aircraft height: 1.98 m;
  • Empty weight: 578 kg. (Depending on modification);
  • Payload: 420 kg. (Depending on modification);
  • Maximum take-off weight: 998 kg. (Depending on modification);
  • Cruising speed: 225 km/h. (Depending on modification);
  • Maximum flight speed: 233 km/h. (Depending on modification);
  • Maximum flight range: 1270 km. (Depending on modification);
  • Maximum flight altitude: 6100 m;
  • Aircraft engine type: piston;
  • Powerplant: Lycoming O-360-A1P (Depending on version);
  • Power 180 hp (Depending on modification).

The incident occurred on February 13 at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California, NBC News reports.

That day, Harrison personally flew his two-seater Husky light aircraft.

The artist was at the controls of his Husky two-seater light aircraft. Air traffic controllers directed him to land on runway 20-L, but Ford headed toward the taxiway. As a result, his plane passed directly over an American Airlines Boeing 737.

At that moment there were 110 passengers and six crew members on the plane.

A few minutes after the incident, Flight 1546 to Dallas took off safely.

In a recording of Ford's conversations with air traffic controllers, he can be heard asking them: "Was this plane supposed to be under me?"

Air traffic controllers pointed out to him that he had violated Federal safety regulations. civil aviation USA (FAA) is an actor.

The department said that air traffic controllers gave the pilot the correct instructions, which he misunderstood. The FAA has launched an investigation into the incident, which could result in a wide range of measures - from a written warning to the deprivation of 74-year-old Ford's pilot's license.

The 74-year-old actor has a pilot's license and has been flying for many years. However, in 2015, he was involved in an accident on a vintage World War II plane, a Ryan PT-22 Recruit, which had engine problems. Then the actor ended up in the hospital with head injuries.

Aviat Husky is one of the very few aircraft of this class developed in recent decades. Generally speaking, this is the only light aircraft put into production in the United States in the 80s of the last century, when US small aircraft manufacturers were in deep crisis.

Husky's designers were inspired by the legendary Piper Super Cub, and set out to create a machine that a Super Cub pilot could see and say, "That's exactly what I want a Super Cub to be like!" Although the two aircraft are very similar in design appearance, each of them has its own characteristics, and therefore the debate about which is better does not subside to this day.

Although the Husky is typically equipped with a 180 HP engine, customers can also choose between a 160 HP or 200 HP engine. Just like the Super Cub, the Husky can be equipped with floats, skis or special oversized wheels for flying from soft or uneven ground.

Even though the Husky was designed with computers, its design is very similar to the Super Cub, which appeared in 1949. The body is welded from steel pipes and almost completely, with the exception of the rear part, covered with Dacron. In addition, the leading edge of the wing is metal.

Husky is rightfully considered an off-road vehicle of the sky - it is widely used where many other aircraft of this class simply cannot survive the first takeoff and landing from an unprepared runway. Since the Husky is a high-wing aircraft, it offers excellent ground visibility, resulting in it being widely used for the most various types air patrol.

Unusually high for two-seater aircraft The payload at full fuel is combined with a wide range of allowable alignments, which allows the aircraft to be easily loaded with a wide variety of combinations of pilot, passenger, cargo in the trunk and fuel in the tank.

Another unusually high parameter for a relatively small plane– engine power, providing a fairly serious rate of climb, which is extremely useful when flying in mountainous areas.

However, even with such a powerful engine, it was possible to achieve a very good flight range. It is unlikely that the Husky will be used for maximum-range flights - sitting in a relatively small cabin for more than 6 hours is not very comfortable, but additional fuel will be very useful if you need to fly to a remote place in the tundra, where you definitely won’t be able to refuel.

Basic data
Model (type) A-1C
Name Husky
Manufacturer Aviat Aircraft Inc
Country of Origin USA
Crew 1
Passengers 1
Flight characteristics
Maximum speed 233 km/h
Cruising speed 210 km/h
Maximum certified flight altitude 6100 m
Maximum flight range 1200 km
Run length 88 m
Run length 121 m
Weight characteristics
Maximum take-off weight 998 kg
400 kg
280 kg
Length 6.88 m
Wingspan 10.82 m
Height 2.26 m
Cabin width 0.68 m
Cabin height 1.20 m
Quantity 1
Model Lycoming 0-360-A1P
Type Piston
Maximum power, l/s 180
Fuel Aviation gasoline
Fuel tank capacity 189 l
Permitted types of flights and other restrictions
Night flights Yes
Flying in icing conditions No
Additional Information
Russian type certificate No
Estimated cost in Russia, new USD 375,000
Products webpage

Airplane HUSKY A-1C-180, 2009.
Manufactured by Aviat Aircraft, Inc., Afton, NY. Wyoming, USA.
Purchased directly from the manufacturer.

Description of the aircraft:

Model-HUSKY A-1C-180;
Year of release – 2009;
Number of seats – 2 (tandem arrangement);
Design - Upper wing with struts, tractor propeller with opposed piston engine located in front of the fuselage, classic stabilizer, differentially deflected ailerons.
Manual (lever) flap control (from 0° to 30°), control stick (paired), elevator trimmer, tricycle wheeled landing gear (Taildragger) with a self-orienting tail support that automatically adjusts to the neutral position.
The main chassis has rubber-cord shock absorption and is equipped with hydraulic disc brakes.

Engine: LYCOMING O-360-A1P 180 hp at 2700 rpm, 4-cylinder, opposed, carburetor.
Recommended fuel – 100LL aviation gasoline.
Constant speed propeller HARTZELL HC-C2YR-1N/N7605, 2 blades, composite, variable pitch.
The total flight time of the glider is 316 hours.
Engine operating time 316 hours.
The operating time of the propeller is 316 hours.
The total volume of the tank is 200 liters.

Main parameters:

Wingspan: 10.85 meters (35’6 in)
Aircraft length: 6.92 meters (22’7 in)
Wing area: 17 m2 (183 ft2)
Maximum take-off weight: 1020 kg (2250 lbs)
Empty weight: 578 kg (1275 lbs)
Payload: 419 kg (925 lbs)
Luggage compartment volume in the cabin/permissible cargo weight: 0.3 m3/23 kg
Luggage compartment volume behind the cabin/permissible cargo weight: 0.25 m3/14 kg
Wing load: 59 kg/m2
Fuel capacity: 50 gal (200 lit.)
Top speed: 233 km/h (145 mph)
Cruise speed at 75% power: 225 km/h (140 mph)
Cruise speed at 50% power: 209 km/h (130 mph)
Stall speed with flaps extended without engine thrust: 85 km/h (53 mph)
Stall speed with flaps extended and engine thrust: 69 km/h (43 mph)
Landing speed: 93 km/h (58 mph)
Speed ​​with flaps extended: 129 km/h (80 mph)
Takeoff distance with flaps fully extended: 61 m (200 ft)
Rate of climb: 7.6 m/sec (1500 feet/min)
Landing distance with flaps fully extended: 106 m (350 ft)
Service ceiling: 6100 m (20000 ft)
Fuel consumption at 55% power: 29 l/h (7.7 gal/hour)
Flight range at 55% power: 1287 km (800 miles) (6 hours)

Flight equipment:

Speed ​​indicator
Turn and slip indicator
Attitude horizon
Electronic watch: DAVTRON M800
Electronic outdoor air thermometer JPI.
Audio panel – Garmin GMA 340;
Radio/navigation NAV/COM/GPS – Garmin GNS 430;
Radio COM – Garmin SL 40
MFI indicator VOR/LOC//GS/GPS Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) Garmin GI-106A
Emergency radio beacon ELT Kannad 406 AF-Compact;
GPS Navigator – Garmin GNS 430;
Engine computer - Engine Monitoring System Dynon EMS D-10;
Responder – Transponder Garmin GTX 327; encoder
Magnetic compass with backlight.

Additional equipment installed on the aircraft:

Thermal imager: Infrared camera) Forward Vision EVS-100 installed on the right wing plane.,
Indication in the cockpit is a folding monitor mounted on the visor of the instrument panel.

Red/white flood lights for the instrument panel.
External individual lighting of devices.
LDPE with heating.
Sound alarm for critical angle of attack.
Vacuum system with an indicator to ensure the operation of the gyro-compass and attitude indicator.
External lighting: LED taxi and landing lights – 4 pcs. with signal function of pulsating light (RECOGNITION LIGHT), formation light on the rudder, navigation lights and gas-discharge strobes on the wing tips.
Engine computer - Engine Monitoring System Dynon EMS D-10.
The engine and aircraft systems are equipped with: fuel consumption sensor, cylinder head temperature sensors CHT - 4 pcs., exhaust gas temperature EGT - 4 pcs., fuel pressure, oil pressure, oil temperature, engine speed, boost pressure, air temperature at the carburetor inlet , outside air temperature, voltammeter, local time, UTC time, timers, accounting and engine operating hours.
HOBBS engine hour meter.
Seat belts with inertial reels and manual adjustment.
TANIS PREHEATHER engine preheating system, electric, 220V, thermocouples installed on each cylinder head – 4 pcs. and on the engine oil pan.
The aircraft fuselage frame is equipped with brackets for installing amphibious or conventional floats.
The main landing gear and tail gear are universal and are designed to accommodate wheels and fixed or retractable skis.
The engine exhaust system is equipped with a heat exchanger and a valve for regulating cabin heating. An air supply tunnel is installed on the floor of the front cabin to heat the cabin with the ability to adjust and change the direction of air flow.
Blowing through the windshield to extract air for heating the cabin.
The following are installed on the dashboard: audio input and 12V power connector.
Pre-fill syringe for the intake chambers of the 1st, 2nd and 4th cylinders to start the engine.
Light signaling panel: generator failures, low voltage in the network, intensive changes in engine operating parameters in a short period of time, low oil pressure in the engine.
There is an organizer pocket on the left trim panel in the cabin.
Additionally, the cabin and door wings have been insulated.
Hydraulic brake system controlled by the first and second pilot pedals.
Sliding windows on the left side of the glazing of the first and second pilot's cabin.
Fire hydrant.


Glider and empennage made of chromansil tubes and covered with synthetic fabric and removable duralumin panels.
The wing planes have spars, a transverse, longitudinal frame and a profile forehead made of duralumin, diagonal steel braces, and the planes are covered with synthetic fabric.
Aluminum fuel tanks are located one in each plane of the wing and have a total volume of 200 liters.
The RV control wiring is rigid, made of chromansil tubes.
Wiring for control of ailerons, flaps, launch vehicle and trimmer is cable.
The chairs are upholstered in gray genuine leather with embroidery. The back of the front seat has a pocket.
Main landing gear wheels: AIR TRAC 8.50-6 6 PLY – 2 pcs. with chrome wheel caps.
Tailwheel: tubeless ALASKAN BUSHWHEEL 11x5x4


Cabin glazing cover.
Winter cover for the engine hood.
PVD cover.
Plugs for hood air intakes.
Oil cooler shade for use in the cold season.
Additional equipment available and not installed on the aircraft:
Tubeless wheels with wheel and brake discs, for the main landing gear installed on the aircraft, ALASKAN BUSHWHEEL 29x13x6 for operating the aircraft in hard-to-reach unprepared places (very little used).
Retractable skis (new), for the main landing gear installed on the aircraft, manufactured by AERO SKI MFG. CO. Model R2800. 2010 release.
Fixed ski, for the tail landing gear installed on the aircraft, (new), manufactured by AERO SKI MFG. CO. Model T3000. 2011 release.

Location – Leningrad region.
Hangar storage.
Condition - PERFECT!
Operated only with 100LL fuel and after running in with AEROSHELL 15W-50 semi-synthetic oil.
Assembled and serviced at an authorized representative office in Russia.
Inspection - at the airfield in the Leningrad region. Anytime.
A test flight is possible if there is real interest.
Transfer to any point in the Russian Federation by agreement.
Contacts - send all questions in PM, tel. +79219536698 Taras.
Cost 14.5 million rubles.


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