Russia, Yeisk city (Krasnodar region). Yeysk city, Krasnodar region - travel on the map. Best time to travel

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A resort city on the Azov coast of Russia, the fifth most populous city. Since its foundation it has been seaport. The city is located at the base of the Yeisk Spit, between the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary Sea of ​​Azov. The name of the city comes from the Yeya River, which flows into the Yeisk Estuary. Residents of the city of Yeysk are called by the Germans.

Back in 1777-1778, on the site of modern Yeisk, the so-called Khan town was built, which was supposed to become the reserve capital of the principality and the residence of Russia’s protege, the Crimean Khan Shagin-Girey. In 1783, at the walls of the Khan’s town, in the presence of the troops of Alexander Suvorov, a manifesto was read out on the annexation of Crimea, Taman and the Right Bank Kuban to Russia.

In 1847, the initiative to create a port city at the base of the Yeisk Spit was taken by the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army, Grigory Rasp. The idea was actively supported by the Viceroy of the Caucasus, His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov, the result of whose activities was the Decree of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas I of March 6, 1848 No. 22058 “On the opening of the Black Sea port city of Yeisk on the Sea of ​​Azov within the army”:

In order to teach the residents of the Stavropol province and the Black Sea troops new means for the successful and profitable sale abroad of works from Agriculture and thereby promote the development of all industries in this region, on the Sea of ​​​​Azov, near the so-called Yeisk Spit, open a port and establish a city, which will be called the port city of Yeisk.

The founding day of the city is considered to be August 19, 1848 (August 31, 1848 according to the new style). Pyotr Litevsky became the first temporary head of the city. In 1849, he was replaced by a permanent mayor, Prince Alexander Golitsyn.

On September 1, 1849, the consecration of the site for the construction of the Intercession House of Prayer took place, in which priest Art. Staroshcherbinovskaya archpriest Thomas Praga and Yeisk priest Pavel Yaroshevich. Already on October 1, 1950, construction was completed, and the prayer house was consecrated.

During the Crimean War of 1853-1856, Yeysk suffered greatly from shelling by the English squadron operating in the Sea of ​​Azov. The most tragic events for Yeisk unfolded on October 22-24, 1855, when the city was attacked by a naval landing under constant shelling. In general, during the war, every tenth house in Yeisk burned down.

In the second half of the 19th century, several educational institutions were opened in Yeisk (three-year district school, Kuban military gymnasium, Real sixth-grade school, Kseninskaya women's gymnasium, etc.), and most of the streets were paved. Since 1875, regular lighting has appeared in Yeisk.

Administratively, Yeisk was part of the Yeisk department of the Kuban region.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Yeysk turned into a major center international trade and becomes the cultural center of the South of Russia. In 1904, on the initiative of the city authorities, the reconstruction of the port was carried out, and in 1911, the Yeisk Railway Joint Stock Company, created on the initiative of the mayor V. Nenashev, opened a railway connection. Since 1912, the resort business has been developing in the city. Based on the reserves of hydrogen sulfide water and mud of Khan Lake discovered in the city, arose balneological resort, existing to this day.

During the First World War, the importance of Yeysk as an international port fell: mainly rear army transport passed through it.

After the October Revolution of 1917, power in Yeisk changed hands a total of six times. The Yeisk Peninsula had its own confrontation between “whites” and “reds”. The symbol of the Reds was the city of Yeisk. The Cossack villages of the Yeisk Peninsula performed under the white banner. Soviet power was first established in Yeisk on February 2, 1918. On the night of April 30 to May 1, a bloody assault on Yeisk by the White Guard Cossacks took place, which, however, was repulsed. The next attempt to capture Yeisk was carried out in early July, when during one night a White Guard landing party, numbering about 600 people, captured the seaport and several ships in the roadstead. However, the white movement was able to conquer Yeysk only a few days later - on July 12 (July 25, new style). The Bolsheviks regained the city in March 1920.

On May 5, 1920, the Yeisk Museum of History and Local Lore was created, which today is one of oldest museums Kuban. In 1921, the Yeisk sanatorium began to function. In the 1920s and 30s the city developed as industrial centre. During this time, the Molot (Poligrafmash plant), Selkhozzapchast (Machine Tool Plant) and others were built. Since the early 1930s, the naval pilot school has been relocated to Yeisk, training more than three hundred heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. In 1939, Yeysk became a city of regional subordination within Krasnodar region and the administrative center of the Yeisk region.

During the Great Patriotic War, Yeysk was constantly bombed by German aircraft. And on April 22, 1942, bombers dropped not bombs, but leaflets with the following content: “Don’t make pies, don’t knead dough. You won’t find a place on the 23rd.” The next day, on the day of Orthodox Easter, the bombing of the city was especially heavy. The occupation of the city lasted from August 1942 until early February 1943. At this time, the German Nazis carried out mass arrests and executions of Yeych residents. Particularly cruel was the extermination of 214 children from the orphanage in the gas chamber. During the occupation, as well as in the post-war years, the famous Russian wrestler I. M. Poddubny lived in the city, who died here in 1949.

After the end of the war in short time the railway station, seaport, social infrastructure facilities, main plants and factories were restored. Every year more and more vacationers came to Yeysk, especially in summer time. The warm waters of the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary, as well as healing mud, not inferior in its properties to the mud of the Dead Sea, attracted people from all over the country. In city parks of culture and recreation various attractions produced at the Yeisk Attraction plant were installed. There were concert venues, several cinemas, many cafes and restaurants in the city, several hotels operated, and the Yeysk sanatorium continued to develop. IN Soviet time The city was actively being built: new residential neighborhoods appeared, such as 2nd, 38th, Solnechny, and Military Town.

After “perestroika”, due to a serious crisis in the country, holidays in Yeisk lost their popularity and ceased to be widespread. The first impetus for the revival of Yeysk as a resort was given by Mayor L.V. Baklitsky, who came to power in 1996. And although his activities as head of the city are assessed very ambiguously, in general, Yeysk celebrated its 150th anniversary with dignity and again declared itself as a promising holiday destination in Russia.

On September 17, 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the city of Yeysk. At the meeting, which took place on the territory of the Yeisk Higher Military aviation school, Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and FSB Director Nikolai Patrushev were also present.

On May 27, 2007, a referendum was held, during which residents of Yeysk and Yeisk district voted to merge the two municipalities into one. In mid-August 2008, the city of Yeysk celebrated its 160th anniversary.

On December 19, 2008, the Council of the Yeisk urban settlement considered the issue of returning the name “Yeysk city” to the municipality. However, this initiative of Yeysk residents was supported only by deputies E. O. Lovyannikova, E. V. Mironenko and O. A. Ivashechkin, as a result of which the municipal entity continues to be called “Yeiskoe urban settlement.”

Yeysk is located at the northeastern end of the Yeisk Peninsula, at the base of the Yeisk Spit. The coast of the city is washed from the east by the waters of the Yeisk Estuary (the largest in the North Caucasus, with an area of ​​about 244 km²) and from the west by the waters of the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov. Three kilometers from the end of the Yeisk Spit is located island of the same name The Yeisk Spit, which looks like an atoll, that is, an island in the shape of a ring with a protected lagoon inside.

Yeysk is the northernmost city of the Krasnodar Territory; that is why the slogan became widespread “Kuban begins from Yeisk”. Relative to the regional center, the city of Krasnodar, Yeysk is located 247 km to the northwest, and relative to the capital of the Southern Federal District, the city of Rostov-on-Don, 172 km to the southwest.

Interesting fact: the distance from Yeisk to Moscow is exactly 1000 km, and to Tokyo - 8000 km (calculation error does not exceed 1%).

Yeysk is located in the same latitudes as the cities of Olympia, Zurich, Budapest, Tiraspol, Odessa, Kherson, Harbin, Dalnerechensk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.


Yeisk climate is temperate continental, with mild winters and hot summers. Average monthly air temperatures are similar to those typical for New York City. However, unlike the northeastern coast of the United States, the climate in Yeysk is characterized by less precipitation and the absence of frequent temperature changes.

Spring, as a rule, finally takes hold in the Yeisk region in mid-April, when the trees are covered with young leaves, and tulips, daffodils, lilacs and fruit trees bloom in city parks and gardens. And although the weather at this time can be quite changeable, in general it is favorable for walking in the fresh air. Already in May, sea water warms up to an average of +17.5 °C, which allows the swimming season to open. Winter comes to Yeysk quite late. The first snow does not appear until mid-December, so New Year most often it is snowless. average temperature January is −4 °C. Snow cover is never truly stable and rarely lasts more than two weeks at a time. However, frosts below −10 °C are not uncommon in Yeisk. In some years, the winter temperature is a short time dropped below −25 °C.

Summer in Yeisk is very warm and sunny, the average daily temperature in July is +24 °C, relative humidity is about 60%. Summer heat softened by sea breezes. Rainy days usually a little, and the precipitation itself occurs, as a rule, in the form of short showers and thunderstorms. The average sea water temperature in June is +22.2 °C, in July +24.9 °C, in August +23.7 °C.

The beginning of autumn in Yeysk is the so-called “velvet” season. The water temperature in September is +18.6 °C, which allows you to extend your vacation on the coast until the end of the month. Autumn in Yeysk is characterized by sunny, relatively warm, but windy weather. By October, city parks acquire green, golden and crimson tones at the same time. On some trees, green foliage lasts until the end of November, until the first night frosts.



Yeysk is included in the list historical places Russia. The first master plan of the city was approved by the founder of Yeisk, Prince M. S. Vorontsov in 1849. The project included a perpendicular perspective of 22 city streets, several squares, as well as a central avenue. In 1854-1856, Gostiny Dvor was built, which today is a monument of history and architecture. In 1890-1897, the square inside Gostiny Dvor, as well as the surrounding streets, was paved.

According to the decree of Emperor Nicholas I, all buildings in Yeisk were to be built exclusively according to the approved city plan.

IN architectural appearance in the city center you can discover all directions of Russian architecture of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. The merchant houses of that time are distinguished by their magnificent architecture: each of them is unique, beautiful and original in its own way. At the same time, all buildings are united by a variety of finishing details: laid out kokoshniks, porches, turrets, tents, towers, cornices of various designs, forged openwork porches. This trend in the architecture of the 19th century was called the pseudo-Russian style and was explained by the general fascination of both metropolitan and provincial circles with the “fashion for everything Russian” and the attraction to well-known, practice-tested building forms.

Modern Yeysk is a combination of architecture from three eras: Tsarist, Soviet and the late 1990s. A new architectural style is just beginning to be developed and will be implemented, first of all, during the construction of the new 39th and 40th microdistricts, the Taganrog embankment, and also the cottage village in Krasnoflotskoye. This activity is directly related to the names of the new leaders of Yeysk - Sergei Tulinov and Alexander Lashchenkov. Since the late 1990s, intensive, dense and rather unsystematic development has created certain problems even for local taxi drivers - houses are numbered in order of development.

City districts

The city of Yeysk is conventionally divided into several districts. The greatest interest for tourists and city guests is usually the Yeisk Spit, where most recreation centers, the main city beaches, as well as a yacht club and one of the city's amusement parks are concentrated. The city spit is adjacent to the port area, which includes the territory of the Yeisk seaport, a railway station, and several factories. The new master plan for Yeysk provides for the relocation of the seaport outside the city.

Further to the southwest begins Merchant Yeysk - the historical part of the city, the main development of which took place back in the 19th century. Conventionally, it is limited by the modern streets of Sergei Roman and Bohdan Khmelnitsky and is an ensemble of many strictly perpendicular streets that have preserved the appearance of a provincial southern port city to this day. The so-called City Center is separately distinguished - the territory adjacent to Gostiny Dvor and the central city market.

From the west the city is limited by the territory of the Yeisk airport. Adjacent to it is one of the most populous Yeisk microdistricts - the Military Town, which includes a residential area and the territory of the Yeisk Higher Military Aviation Institute. One of the main attractions of the city is located here - the Park named after Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny.

To the south of the historical part of the city are the urban industrial zone and the New residential area, which includes the 2nd and 38th microdistricts, the Solnechny microdistrict and the so-called “Field of Tears” - cottage village, named after the once famous Mexican television series “The Rich Also Cry”... These are the youngest districts of Yeysk. Further to the southeast is the village of Shirochanka, which is also geographically within the city limits. Finally, in the immediate vicinity of Yeisk there are the villages of Blizneyeysky, Krasnoflotsky and Aleksandrovka.

Parks and squares

Due to the large number of trees and shrubs, Yeysk can be considered one of the greenest cities in Kuban. The largest green area of ​​the city is the park named after Ivan Poddubny. One of the most complete collections of attractions in Russia is collected here. A large number of summer cafes, several fountains, and numerous alleys have made Poddubny Park a popular recreation spot for residents and guests of the city.

A 15-minute walk from Poddubny Park along Karl Marx Street is the second largest city park - named after Gorky. It is notable for its monuments and sculptures, there is a children's playground and cafe, as well as an Orthodox cathedral.

Next to the city palace of culture, there is Nikolsky Park ( former park Kalinina). This is the only round park in Yeisk.

The Primorsky Park is located near the Taganrog embankment. Its most comfortable part is located next to the Cossack Kuren, at one of the descents to the sea. Finally, it is worth highlighting the Pushkin Square, located in the city center, opposite shopping complex"Yeysk-Arcade". There are also small parks in the area railway station and the second microdistrict.


  • Yeisk Gostiny Dvor
  • The building of the Kseninsky women's gymnasium
  • Merchant Assembly building
  • The building of the Russian Bank for Foreign Trade
  • Railway station building
  • Houses of merchants Mukovnin, Lopata, Tokhov, Agababov, Lutsenko, Varvarov and others.
  • Monuments to M. S. Vorontsov, I. M. Poddubny, S. F. Bondarchuk, N. V. Mordyukova, T. T. Khryukin, M. Gorky, V. I. Lenin and others.
  • Giant image of Our Lady
  • In 1975, in memory of the exploits of the Yeisk Collective Farmer tank, a tank monument was symbolically erected at the exit from Yeisk.
  • In 1975, on May 8th Yeisk Spit a monument to the armored boat “Yeisky Patriot” was erected, built in Astrakhan during the war years with the money of Yeysk residents.
  • On August 16, 2003, on the 155th anniversary of the city of Yeisk, a monument to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was unveiled in the city park (the author of the monument is S. M. Isakov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).
  • On July 8, 2010, a monument to Peter and Fevronia of Murom (author - Anatoly Sknarin) was erected on the “Happy Childhood” alley in the park named after Ivan Poddubny.


In 2006, Yeysk was given the status of a resort city. At the beginning of 2007, Yeysk residents took the initiative to develop the Yeisk Peninsula as a resort of federal significance. In 2008, the Russian Government must approve a federal target program for the comprehensive development of the Russian coast of the Azov Sea, within the framework of which significant financial resources will be allocated to solve the infrastructure problems of Yeisk and the Yeisk region.

There are several boarding houses, many recreation centers, and a developed network of hotels in Yeysk. In 2007, more than 285 thousand people vacationed in Yeisk and the Yeisk region. In the urban planning plans for 2008-2010, a special place is given to the large-scale project for the development of the Taganrog embankment, within the framework of which an oceanarium, a new concert hall, a sanatorium and health complex with a mud bath, as well as many hotel and shopping complexes.

Beach holiday

Beach holidays are the most popular in Yeysk. Hot sunny summers, sandy shell beaches and shallow seas attract thousands of holidaymakers from all over Russia every year.

The main beaches (including the central city beach and the children's beach located opposite it) are concentrated on the Yeisk Spit. The Youth Beach, located at the end of the Yeisk Spit, is very interesting. Its distinctive feature is the underwater current observed from the Yeisk estuary, due to which the depth of the sea is maximum.

Particularly popular is the so-called Kamenka Beach, located south of the port. Mostly sandy on the north side, to the south the beach gradually turns into pebbles. The sea here is very shallow; during low tides, numerous shallows emerge to the surface, forming large sandy “islands.” The alternation of shallows and deeper sea ends only a few hundred meters from the shore.

There are also separate short beaches on the coast of the Yeisk Estuary in the area of ​​the second microdistrict.

Despite the great length coastline, Yeysk is experiencing a shortage of quality beach areas. This problem is especially acute during the peak holiday season, when the concentration of people on the main city beaches becomes very high.

Children's and family holidays

Industry is actively developing in Yeysk family vacation. There are numerous water attractions on the city beaches. In 2007, a dolphinarium was built on the Taganrog embankment. By the middle of the 2008 holiday season, a water park also appeared next to it. There are dozens of attractions in the area of ​​the central city beach and in I.M. Poddubny Park, including two viewing wheels, etc. "roller coaster". The city has several children's cafes (Penguin, Ficus, etc.), and two cinemas (Premier, Rodina).

Several children's summer camps are successfully operating, including: children's health camp "Eysk", "Druzhba", "Chaika", "Siverko", "Salyut". All 100% of tickets to holiday season 2008 were sold out before the start of spring.

Therapeutic holiday

40 km from Yeisk there is Khanskoe Lake, famous for its healing mud and a source of iodine-bromine and hydrogen sulfide mineral waters. In the Yeisk sanatorium, with their help, treatment is carried out that helps improve metabolic processes in the body, remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts, and also has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect and improves motor functions.


Yeysk is often called the “Russian surfing mecca.” The first windsurfing competitions were held at the Yeisk Yacht Club back in 1999. Since then, the number of participants and fans of this spectacular sport has grown steadily. In 2003, the first kitesurfing competitions were held. In May 2006, more than 150 athletes took part in the competition, the number of guests from all over Russia exceeded 1.5 thousand people. In 2009, the Yeisk Cup competition took place from May 1 to May 9.


Various types of active species recreation: tourism, horse riding, parachute jumping, hunting and fishing. Yeysk is one of the emerging and very promising yachting centers in Russia. Every year in early May, the sailing festival of cruising yachts “Sailing Spring in the City of Yeisk” takes place in the waters of Taganrog Bay.

For tourists

The main advantages of Yeisk include its relatively compact size, affordable housing prices, as well as the absence of excessive fuss, which has become a constant companion popular places recreation. The Sea of ​​Azov itself plays not the least role in such a positive image. Extraordinarily shallow and warm, it is ideal for those who go on holiday with babies who are just learning to swim.

History of Yeisk

Yeysk appeared on the map of Russia in 1848. The future port on Azov was built on the territory of the Khan’s town, the “spare” residence of the Crimean Khan Shahin-Girey. By the second half XIX century Yeysk has evolved from a provincial town into one of the largest cultural and commercial centers in the south of Russia. Thanks to the presence of the port, the city established trade relations with foreign countries, acquired a railway and slowly began to develop a new profitable industry - the resort business. The first vacationers began to appear on the Yeisk Spit already in 1912, but with the outbreak of World War II, the resort fell into disrepair without having time to develop properly.

It is worth noting that Yeisk has never been spared wars. Thus, during the Crimean campaign, most of the city buildings were destroyed by artillery salvoes of the English squadron. For a long time, the Whites and the Reds could not divide the port between themselves, and with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, German bombers began to pay increased attention to the city.

The revival of resort traditions in Yeisk began in the 50s of the last century. Several new residential neighborhoods were built in the city, the hotel base was expanded, not forgetting about entertainment venues and pioneer camps. As a result, a trickle of tourists flowed to the shores of Taganrog Bay again, having almost completely dried up with the beginning of perestroika. However, already in the mid-90s, the northernmost city of Kuban regained its title as a family resort, once again opening its beaches to all fans of a measured, budget holiday.

Best time to travel

The temperate continental climate zone, which includes Yeysk, is characterized by short snowless winters and long hot summers. Swimming season at the resort starts in May, when the water warms up to +17.5 °C. The summer months in this part of the Azov region delight vacationers with fine sunny days and warmth, combined with light refreshing breezes from the bay. The average water temperature in July is +24.9 °C. Precipitation in summer is rare, and if it does occur, it is in the form of short-term showers.

The optimal time for swimming in the Sea of ​​Azov is considered to be from July to August. You can also get your share of tanning in September, which is considered the “velvet season” in Yeisk. By this time the water has not yet had time to cool down (average temperature is +18.6 °C), and the intense summer heat is replaced by the mild warmth of the first autumn month. Between May and June there are noticeably fewer holidaymakers on the shores of Taganrog Bay, which attracts all those seeking relative solitude. In addition, rent a room or hotel room at this time you can significantly cheaper than in high season.

City districts

Yeysk is divided into 13 districts, of which the tourist fraternity identifies only a few, worthy of attention. The absolute champion in terms of attendance is the Yeisk Spit: a narrow cape separating the Yeisk Estuary and the Taganrog Bay, the main beach area of ​​the city, as well as the place of maximum concentration of all kinds of recreation centers, restaurants and cafes.

The path to the spit passes through the port area, whose name speaks for itself. By the way, the territory of this area contains not only a port, but also a railway station, as well as several industrial enterprises. The latter, of course, are completely “out of topic” here, but local authorities assure that in the foreseeable future all objects that are unreliable from an environmental point of view will leave the area.

The merchant city and part-time historical center of Yeysk has preserved some examples of urban development of the 19th century. It's nice to just stroll here, admiring old mansions and periodically looking into cute shops occupying historical buildings.

From Merchant Yeisk it’s a stone’s throw to the Taganrog embankment, popularly called Kamenka. This main city promenade is decorated in the traditional style of the Black Sea embankments: souvenir tents, pavilions of simple attractions, as well as endless rows of kebab houses and snack bars. The most densely populated area of ​​the resort - the Military Town - does not amaze the imagination with any fantastic landscapes, however, it is on its territory that one of the main Yeisk attractions - the park named after. Poddubny.

Entertainment and attractions of Yeysk

It would be unfair to say that apart from the beaches, tourists have absolutely nowhere to go at the resort. Yes, Yeysk is relatively small and slightly provincial and, nevertheless, no one has yet deprived it of the status of one of the richest cities in Kuban in terms of cultural and historical attractions.

You should begin your acquaintance with Yeysk from its center, where former merchant mansions of the 19th century are grouped. The center of attraction for all lovers of historical buildings is Gostiny Dvor, the exterior of which was copied by the architect from a similar building in St. Petersburg. Don’t miss the opportunity to look inside the ancient building and buy something tasty: the building still houses shopping arcades to this day. For aimless walks in the fresh air and gatherings in cafes, Sverdlova Street or Yeisk Arbat, as the townspeople themselves pompously call it, are suitable. For your information, in this part of the city you can still see sections of cobblestone pavement that have been preserved from tsarist times.

To look at Yeisk of the 19th century in more detail, buy a ticket to the Museum of History and Local Lore. Samsonov, which, according to his own guides, contains about 50,000 valuable exhibits. Fans of old-school painting are welcome in Yeisk art museum, whose exhibition can offer visitors very unusual paintings of the 17th-20th centuries. Be sure to stop by the “Lady in a Cap” by an unknown master and make sure that it is really a painting and not a photograph, as it might seem at first glance.

Portrait "Lady in a Cap"

Funds memorial museum Ivan Poddubny, located in the park of the same name, is much more modest, but it preserves some of the strongman’s personal belongings and even simple poems written by his hand. Here the tourist will be allowed to practice with sports equipment with which a wrestler trained more than 100 years ago, and will also be shown the Spartan furnishings of the home where the ex-champion spent last years life.

You can turn back time and plunge into the atmosphere of Cossack life in the museum under open air"Kubansky Khutor" (Morskoy village). It is best to visit the complex with children, as this ethnographic village is full of domestic animals that you are allowed to pet and feed. Well, adult visitors will enjoy a real Russian bathhouse, which is at the complete disposal of guests, Cossack kurens with amenities and gazebos for picnics.

For vacationers who are accustomed to bringing back photos from their vacations hugging monuments and sculptures, Yeysk also has plenty of places to roam. The most photographed place in the city is the intersection of Pobeda and Lenin streets, where the bronze Sergei Bondarchuk comfortably sits in a chair. Not far from the legendary director, on the same bronze porch, sits an equally famous resident of the city, Nonna Mordyukova. By the way, leaving Yeysk without taking a selfie with two of the greatest figures of Russian cinema is a grave mistake, because there are no monuments to Mordyukova and Bondarchuk in any other city!

Near the Central Beach, the armored boat “Yeisky Patriot” is on duty, built during the Great Patriotic War with the money of Yeysk residents, and at the end of the war, installed on a monolithic base as a monument glorifying the people’s feat in the victory over fascism. Opposite the park named after. Pushkin proudly saddled a barrel of beer, armed with a rifle and brother, a dashing Cossack. In the same park there is another monument, but not of a different plan: a mourning monument with a slab and a child’s figurine was erected in memory of the 214 Yeisk orphanages sent to gas chambers by SS executioners. In the area of ​​the city station, a bust of the city’s founder, Prince Vorontsov, sternly looks out at the arriving tourists. Walking along the Taganrog embankment, you can take a picture of yourself against the backdrop of one of the most delicious monuments in Yeisk - the monument to dumplings, the creation of which was financed by a local entrepreneur.

Tired of the sun and sea, tourists go in search of shade and coolness in Yeisk parks and squares, the most visited of which is still the park named after I. Poddubny. Tangled labyrinths of alleys, tiled paths, carousels from Soviet childhood (quite serviceable) and modern attractions, kiosks with souvenirs, cozy restaurants, and of course, a monument over the grave of the unforgettable Ivan Poddubny - these are the main identifying features of a particular place.

In the center of Yeisk, next to the city house of culture, there is a park named after. Gorky, in which, in addition to charming miniature bridges and a mini-zoo, you can find the Church of St. Michael the Archangel. Here you can ride a real pony, rent roller skates or get some nice souvenir. On the territory of the park, from the side market square, acts small swap meet, so adored by numismatists and collectors of all kinds of Soviet paraphernalia.

Nikolsky Park is a little simpler and, accordingly, quieter. The only entertainment available to visitors here are simple rides, ice cream and soda stands, and well-groomed paths. The main treasure of this green island is an old oak tree, planted, according to legend, by Count Vorontsov himself.

The resort will have its own amusements for children, mostly related to marine themes. For example, the Yeisk Dolphinarium offers interesting show programs, where dolphins and fur seals perform as performers. In the Shark Reef aquarium, on the Taganrog embankment, you can observe the habits of stingrays and reef sharks, and if you are lucky with the timing of your visit, you can also watch the process of their feeding. An excellent place for a family holiday is the Nemo outdoor water park, located near Kamenka beach.

If you have free time, it is worth paying attention to the outskirts of Yeisk. For example, you can take a ride to the Island of the Seven Winds (also known as Bird and Green Island), which was once part of the spit. During the season, a boat goes to this ring-shaped piece of land, so getting to it is not difficult at all. Among the main attractions of Bird Island are a lake with healing mud, which tourists love to use as masks, an abundance of birds and windy weather, creating ideal conditions for windsurfing. Another outstanding and useful place in all respects is Khanskoye Lake, located on the territory of the Yasensky nature reserve, which is 55 km from the resort. Swimming in its salty waters is especially recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, and the healing mud from the bottom of the reservoir can be applied to anyone - there are no contraindications and complete benefits. True, you will have to come to terms with the specific “fragrance” of natural medicine, which is too clearly reeking of hydrogen sulfide.

Beach holiday in Yeisk

A traveler arriving in Yeysk has two options for swimming: Taganrog Bay and Yeisk Estuary. At the same time, you don’t have to go far: both are closest neighbors, separated by the “needle” of the very spit on which the city’s beach infrastructure rests. The main feature of local beaches is a flat seabed and a vast (sometimes even too much) shallow water area. Thanks to this feature, the sun's rays perfectly warm the water column, which is especially noticeable on the estuary. By the way, while swimming in the Sea of ​​Azov, one involuntarily recalls an episode from the film “The Diamond Arm”, in which A. Mironov’s character wanders after a fisherman boy “through the water, like on dry land.” Sometimes you can move several hundred meters away from the shore, but still not find a place where you can fully swim without clinging to the bottom with your feet.

After resting on Black Sea coast The shade of water in the Sea of ​​Azov can cause slight disappointment: no blue and very conditional transparency. The entire aesthetic is spoiled by the healing silt, which rises up at the slightest movement and colors the water a characteristic muddy-greenish color. To put up with such a feature or urgently change the resort is everyone’s personal choice. However, we should not forget that this bottom suspension is very beneficial for the body, and many tourists go to Azov solely for its healing effect. For your information, the water in the bay is cleaner than in the estuary, but in windy weather, muddy masses rise from the bottom here too.

Local beaches are mostly sand and shells, so swimming slippers in Yeysk are rightfully considered the most justified purchase. Most holidaymakers prefer to bask on the Central Beach, which has access to the bay and estuary. The advantages of this place include its developed infrastructure. The beach is equipped with cabanas and water attractions, and nearby there are lines of souvenir stalls, snack bars and night discos. Like all replicated places, Central Beach Yeisk has only one drawback - in the high season it is too noisy and crowded.

The second most important place for swimming in the Taganrog Bay is Kamenka Beach, which can be reached by going down the staircase gangway located on the city embankment. The beach area is divided into pebble and shell. As for entertainment, everything here is more than worthy: volleyball, banana rides, trampolines and a bunch of other extreme and not so extreme attractions. Sunbathing in comfort is also not a problem: you can rent an umbrella or sun lounger at nearby beach equipment rental points. But catering outlets on Kamenka are in great short supply, so for a snack you will have to either go up to the embankment or settle for the assortment offered by the loud-voiced Yeisk hawkers.

Young holidaymakers can be met at the end of Kamenka, not far from the port. There is equipment for kids here private beach with the self-explanatory name “Melyaki”. A flat bottom, convenient access to the water, an abundance of small puddles after low tide and a sandy shore - even the most cursory examination of Melyakov gives the impression that nature created them specifically for “baking” Easter cakes and building sand castles.

Those who are annoyed by the noise and crowds of large beaches can be advised to go to less inhabited places, in particular, to a section of the coast near the Military Town (opposite Primorsky Lane and Nikolaevskaya Street) or wild beach Cliff (at the exit from Yeisk, landmark - the road leading to the village of Morskoy). Here you can have a picnic and go fishing in relative silence.

Swimming in the Yeisk Estuary is considered a privilege for young tourists, so the main contingent of vacationers on the local beaches are mothers with babies. The greatest excitement reigns in Children's beach: the sea here is shallow, and the water is warm and less salty than in the bay. You can have a snack after swimming in nearby cafes and fast food stalls. Required Attributes comfortable rest There are also places where you can get them – sun loungers, umbrellas, and sports equipment are available everywhere.

From more wild places on the estuary we can name the beach in the Vodnik microdistrict (there is no infrastructure as such), as well as a section of the coast that runs parallel to Limanskaya Street. Although during the season there are also plenty of holidaymakers here, so you will have to give up hopes of privacy.

Extreme sports enthusiasts and windsurfers would do well to visit Youth Beach, located at the end of the Yeisk Spit. The key characteristics of this piece of coast are the steep entrance to the sea and strong undercurrents, which are so popular with surfers and not at all pleasing to novice swimmers. But it’s better not to waste time on the beach near Nizhnesadovaya Street. Firstly, because this is not a beach at all in the usual sense, but an unkempt piece of coast with an extremely inconvenient entry into the sea. And secondly, because a busy highway runs parallel to it.

City's legends

In 2010, while looking at satellite images of Yeisk, the editor of a city newspaper noticed an unusual image in the stadium area flight school. The figure that appeared in the photograph resembled in its outline the appearance of the Virgin Mary, which the journalist was quick to tell the media about. The sensational statement was received ambiguously, especially since the authenticity could not be verified this fact It turned out to be difficult. So over time, the hype around the “discovery” died down, and the story itself became an urban legend. At the same time, the same satellite image that “opened the eyes” of the Yeisk journalist is still roaming the Internet.

Treatment in Yeysk

The natural resources of Yeisk are already an excellent medicine in themselves: air filled with iodine and magnesium, sea water and, finally, healing silt mud. But, if you need a professional approach to diagnosing and treating ailments, it’s worth getting a ticket to local sanatoriums. The main health resort located within the resort is the Yeisk sanatorium, which is essentially a balneo and mud bath. The institution specializes in diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as gynecological and urological problems. In addition, the material and technical base of the sanatorium allows it to accept small guests for treatment. The main elixirs used in Yeisk are the mud of Khan Lake and local mineral water used in baths. Family Resort“Cossack Beach” is located on the Dolgaya spit in the Yeisk region and is more reminiscent of a recreation center with a wide range of spa treatments than a classic sanatorium. However, you can also take a course of therapeutic massage, mud applications or take whirlpool baths here.

Sanatorium "Eysk"

Restaurants and cafes

The most popular food outlets at the resort are small cafes and canteens specializing in Russian and European cuisine. Relatively budget taverns in Yeisk include “Slivki-Olivki” and “Vareniky”. The food at “Izba”, “Eggplant” and “Cossack Kuren” is good, but the prices, according to reviews, are slightly too high.

If you need an establishment with a children's menu, try checking out the Park Cafe, but if you're looking for Italian fast food and Asian delights, it's better to go to Sushi Pizza. Shish kebab, kebab and pasties, which have become an integral gastronomic attribute Krasnodar resorts, it’s also easy to get here.

Gastro-bars are also gaining popularity in Yeysk, some of which boast their own mini-breweries. In particular, the Prozharka grill bar has made a reputation for juicy steaks and fiery theme parties, while the Am-bar pub lures its clientele with cold beer, Bavarian sausages and gigantic portions of pork knuckle.

Cafe "Friends"

Where to stay

The main types of housing that a holidaymaker can count on in Yeysk are family mini-hotels, guest houses, recreation centers and campsites. There are few classic hotels in the city. Prices directly depend on the location of the guesthouse, as well as the range of benefits available to guests of the establishment. In search of relatively cheap apartments, it is better to go to Shirochanka, New Residential Area and Military Town, that is, to areas relatively remote from the Yeisk Spit and the city center. With a certain amount of luck, you can find a modest room with a double bed, TV and air conditioning for only 700-1000 rubles. More advanced options with access to a kitchen, Wi-Fi, free parking and transfer will cost around 1500-2000 rubles.

In the guesthouses of Kupechesky Gorodok and Yeisk Spit, the prices are less attractive, but you can count on such pleasant bonuses as walking distance to the historical city center and beaches, so if you don’t want to waste time on the daily tedious promenades to the bay, it’s better to overpay slightly. The level of hotel service in Yeysk is predominantly two stars (“Tornado”, “Rest”). The only resort “three ruble”, the Babylon Hotel, can be called an establishment with a pretension. Besides private beach, the hotel can offer its guests an indoor pool, sauna, spa, as well as meals in the hotel restaurant.

What to bring with you

For global shopping, Yeysk is certainly not an option. But here you can stock up on inexpensive hand-made souvenirs, which are so nice to give to your friends upon returning from a trip. In most resort tents you can find inexhaustible deposits of all kinds of crafts, beads and bracelets made from shells. But keep in mind that as you get closer to the city beaches and embankment, the cost of such souvenirs increases exponentially. Among the tourists returning from the resort, you will definitely find several people carrying containers with miraculous sludge. If you don’t want to carry such an odorous load, you can limit yourself to a couple of bars of soap or cosmetic masks based on Yeisk mud. Among gastronomic souvenirs, the greatest demand in Yeysk is for Kuban honey and the products of the local brewery “Priazovskaya Bavaria”.


General information and history

Yeysk is located in the north of the Krasnodar Territory, on the coast of the Azov Sea, between the Yeisk Estuary and the Taganrog Bay, at the base of the Yeisk Spit. It is a seaport, a resort, the fifth most populous city in the region and the capital of the Yeisk region. The area of ​​the city is 143 km².

In 1777-78, on the site of the future Yeisk there was a Khan’s town, for which the role of the residence and reserve capital of the Russian protege of the Crimean Khan Shagin-Girey was envisaged. Five years later, a manifesto on the annexation of Taman, Crimea and the Right Bank Kuban to the Russian Empire was recorded at its walls. In 1848, at the proposal of the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army, Grigory Rasp, to build a port at the base of the Yeisk Spit, Yeisk was founded. During the Crimean War, the city was repeatedly shelled by the British stationed in the Azov Sea.

After its completion, every tenth building in Yeisk burned down. At the turn of the 20th century the city gained great importance in terms of international trade and cultural life South of Russia. In 1904, the port was reconstructed, and seven years later a military operation was carried out in Yeisk. Railway. In 1912, the city began to function as a resort, not only based on the sea, but also on therapeutic mud and hydrogen sulfide water. During the First World War the city lost its importance as an international port. The army was mainly supplied through it.

During the Civil War, the power of the Red and White armies changed six times in the city. Soviet power was finally established in Yeisk in the spring of 1920. In the 20-30s, in addition to the resort sector, industry also developed. A naval pilot school also began to function.

During the Second World War, Yeysk was occupied from August 1942 to February 1943. After the Victory, strategic buildings and infrastructure were restored. The number of holidaymakers began to increase from year to year. Enterprises focused on their recreation, as well as housing, were built. Due to the economic crisis caused by perestroika, Yeysk ceased to be a mass resort.

The revival of the city began in 1996, and it again began to be considered a promising recreational place.

Districts of Yeisk

Yeysk is officially divided into the following districts: Military Town, Yeisk Spit, Merchant City, New Residential Area, Port Zone, Industrial Zone, Taganrog Embankment and Shirochanka.

Population of Yeysk for 2018 and 2019. Number of residents of Yeysk

Data on the number of city residents are taken from the Federal State Statistics Service. The official website of the Rosstat service is

The data was also taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of EMISS

The website publishes data on the number of residents of Yeysk. The table shows the distribution of the number of residents of Yeysk by year; the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

Graph of population changes in Yeysk:

The population of Yeysk in 2015 was approximately 85.7 thousand people. “In order to teach the residents of the Stavropol province and the Black Sea troops new means for the successful and profitable sale abroad of the products of their agriculture and thereby promote the development of all industries in this region, on the Sea of ​​​​Azov, near the so-called Yeisk Spit, open a port and establish a city , which is called the port city of Yeysk."

On August 31 - September 1, 1848, the official opening of the city and port took place. In 1849, the general plan of the city was approved. The Viceroy of the Caucasus, Prince M.S., took an active part in the founding and development of the city. Vorontsov.

Since 1869, Yeisk has been the center of the Yeisk district, since 1888 - the center of the Yeisk department. Since 1932, the city has been designated as an independent administrative center, since 1939 - a city of regional subordination, since 2007 - the administrative center of the Yeisk district of the Krasnodar Territory.

Yeysk today

Today Yeysk is a dynamically developing resort and port city, located 247 km northwest of Krasnodar and 172 km southwest of Rostov-on-Don.

The city is the administrative center of the Yeisk district, which, according to the 2010 census, is home to 141,248 people. Of these, 97,176 people live in Yeisk.

The main directions of development of the city in recent years are the resort sector and the port complex. At the same time, Yeisk district is one of the largest agricultural areas of the region.

Resort and tourism

The favorable steppe climate, the flat, flat bottom of the Azov Sea and the favorable wind rose made Yeysk an ideal place for children, families and active recreation.

The swimming season in Yeysk lasts from May to September. In summer the air warms up to + 25-30 degrees. However, sea breezes soften the summer heat well. You can relax by the sea for almost five months, and sundial per year from 2300 to 2500.

In recent years, there has been active growth in development in Yeysk tourism infrastructure. The most noticeable changes affected the central part of the city and the Taganrog embankment. A water park, a dolphinarium, and an oceanarium are open in Yeisk. One of the most beautiful parks in Kuban - the park named after Ivan Poddubny - has been transformed.

Yeysk is also a unique mud and balneological seaside resort. Nature itself has given the Yeisk region exceptional possibilities for combining mineral waters and medicinal mud, which are high-quality mineral medicinal hydro-carbonate-sulfate, magnesium-calcium mud. In their properties and quality they are not inferior to medicinal ones. the dirt of the Dead the sea in Israel and the mud of Saxony.

The number of tourists coming to Yeysk is growing year by year. In 2011, more than 400 thousand people vacationed in the region. The Yeisk district administration plans to increase the number of vacationers to 1 million within 2-3 years.

Climate and geography

The city of Yeysk is located on the Yeisk Spit, washed by the waters of the Azov Sea, or more precisely, the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary. This is the most remote point in the north-west of the Krasnodar Territory.

The climate in the Yeisk region is moderate continental. The water masses of the Azov and Black Seas have a softening effect on it, due to which the climate in Yeysk is considered the most comfortable for humans, creates favorable conditions for improving people’s health and greatly increases efficiency resort holiday in Yeisk.


Yeysk is one of the few cities in Kuban that has managed to preserve its original architectural appearance. In terms of the number of historical and cultural monuments, the Yeisk district is in third place in the region - there are 613 monuments and memorials. 85 are historical monuments, 25 are monumental art, more than 330 are architectural monuments.

Famous people

Yeisk gave Russia dozens and hundreds of outstanding personalities. You can name such names as I.M. Poddubny, six-time world champion in classical wrestling. The first hero of the Soviet Union, military pilot A.V. Lyapidevsky, who took part in the rescue of Chelyuskin’s expedition. B.I. Thor is an artist, architect, Lenin Prize laureate, who designed the Kremlin Palace of Congresses and the Olympic sports complex. S.F. Bondarchuk is an outstanding actor and director, whose film “War and Peace” was the first among domestic ones to receive an Oscar cinematic award. People's Artist N.V. Mordyukova and many others.

One of popular resorts Kuban is the city of Yeysk, located on the shores of the Azov Sea, 170 km from Rostov-on-Don and 250 km from Krasnodar.

The city is located on the Yeisk Peninsula, washed on both sides by the sea. On the one hand, this is the Beisugsky estuary and the Sea of ​​Azov, on the other, the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk estuary, into which the Yeya River flows. Sand spits Yasenskaya, Yeiskaya, Kamyshevatskaya, Dolgaya extend from the peninsula into the sea.

Near the city there is Lake Khanskoye, whose sulfate mud is used in sanatorium treatment.

It is believed that from Yeisk, as the most northern city Krasnodar region, Kuban begins.


Glory southern resort Yeisk has created an excellent climate; one of its features is the absence of sudden temperature changes. Where the city of Yeysk is, the mild winter does not last long, snow usually falls for 1-2 weeks, but frosts do occur.

But summer begins in May and ends at the end of September. The average air temperature in May and September is +17, in the summer months +25. With an air humidity of 60%, this represents comfortable weather. In summer there are thunderstorms and a refreshing wind often blows.

In May they begin to swim, because... the water warms up to 18 degrees. In June-August, the water temperature off the coast is at least +23...+26. In September, the temperature of water and air becomes equal, it begins the Velvet season.


The city of Yeysk has a population of almost 83 thousand people; since 2011, the number of residents has been declining. More than half of the residents are able-bodied.

National composition of Yeychans:

  • Russians - 93%;
  • Ukrainians 3%;
  • Armenians 1%.

History of the city of Yeisk

A convenient port on the Yeisk Peninsula in the Middle Ages was often used by sailing Genoese traders, sheltering from the storms of the Sea of ​​​​Azov. A small town appeared at the end of the 18th century. as a residence for Khan Shan-Girey, supported by Russia. It was here that a manifesto was voiced in 1783, which secured the rights of the Russian Empire to Crimea and Kuban. In 1848, Prince M. Vorontsov supported the proposal of Ataman G. Rasp to build a port city.

In a couple of years, the city was thoroughly rebuilt, but soon suffered greatly during the Crimean War.

In the years Civil War Fierce battles took place for Yeysk; it was a symbol of the “red” power.

In the 30s, industry began to develop in Yeisk, a military pilot school appeared, from which about 300 Heroes of the Soviet Union emerged.

During the Second World War, Yeysk was occupied; restoration began immediately after the Nazis left in 1943.

Administrative structure

The urban area covers an area of ​​143 square meters. km, Yeisk district - almost 200 thousand hectares, the district includes 27 farms, towns and villages, as well as 4 villages.

There are educational institutions in the city:

  • Yeysk - city;
  • Shirochanka, Morskoy, Krasnoflotsky, Podbelsky, Blizneyeysky, Bolshelugsky and Beregovoy are settlements.

Architectural features

Yeysk was built according to the general plan, which was personally approved by Emperor Nicholas I. According to the plan, the streets were located perpendicular to each other. In the architectural appearance of the city center you can find all the styles that Russian architects used.

Houses of the city of Yeisk in central region represent unique examples of architectural art of the 19th-20th centuries; about 330 buildings are architectural monuments.

Townspeople remember the names of merchants - owners of mansions in which banks, pharmacies, shops, and hairdressers were located. Among the houses that attract attention are Gostiny Dvor, the Main Post Office, and the house of the district administration.

Some streets still have cobblestone paving. IN late XIX Art. The city authorities figured out how to pave the roads: all ships moored in the port had to bring stone as ballast, which was used for the road surface. The streets of the city of Yeisk allow you to get an idea of ​​the ancient appearance of the city; it is worth taking a walk along Sverdlov, R. Luxembourg, and the Taganrog embankment. Of interest is Shmidt Street, which has only an odd side, while the even side is in Mariupol, located across the strait.

Today, officially, there are several districts in Yeisk, including a military town, a port and industrial zone, the Solnechny microdistrict, New Massif, Shirochanka.

Urban economy

The city of Yeysk is developing as a resort, industrial, port, and also agricultural.

There are aircraft repair and shipbuilding factories. There are enterprises that produce amusement rides, machine tools, reinforced concrete products, bricks, and animal feed.

Yeisk has its own dairy, canning, fish, wine and bakery factories. The port and elevator serve ships.

Thirteen agricultural enterprises grow grapes, corn, sunflowers and grains.

Shops and markets

Shopping centers work throughout Yeysk every day. However, vacationers prefer to go to the markets for fresh vegetables and fruits; there are several of them in the city:

  • central;
  • military camp market;
  • wholesale and retail;
  • farmer's

Yeysk Schools

Educational institutions are located throughout Yeysk. There are city schools in all districts. There is a high percentage of graduates entering prestigious universities in the country. Educational institutions of various specializations are represented in Yeysk:

  • 12 municipal budgetary educational entities;
  • 1 evening;
  • 4 boarding schools, of which 3 are correctional, 1 is for orphans;
  • Cossack cadet corps, which is the largest in the Krasnodar region;
  • 1 gymnasium;
  • 2 art schools;
  • 2 Youth and Youth Football Schools;
  • Youth and Youth Sports School for children of the Olympic reserve.

The “Network City” system operates in educational institutions; in Yeisk, all schools are covered by it. Electronic journals and diaries are available to children, parents and teachers on a variety of mobile devices.

The “Network City” system in Yeysk allows you to control educational process, which leads to an increase in educational level.

The city offers training in 4 colleges, 2 vocational schools, as well as university branches.

On holiday in Yeysk

In Yeisk there are sanatoriums, boarding houses, many hotels, recreation centers, hotels and campsites; since 2006 the city has resort status.

To the city of Yeisk ( Krasnodar region) about 400 thousand people come on vacation every year. Main directions resort town:

  1. Yeysk is often chosen by families with children, because the warm, shallow sea with sandy beaches - perfect place to spend a holiday with the kids.
  2. Mineral water and therapeutic hydro-carbonate-sulfate and magnesium-calcium muds attract those who want to improve their health. The effectiveness of mud therapy in Yeisk is not inferior to foreign clinics.
  3. Climatic features The region is optimal for kitesurfing, windsurfing, and yachting. Kitesurfing competitions and a yacht festival are held annually in May.
  4. Horseback Riding, hiking, parachute jumping, fishing and hunting - all this can be done in Yeysk.

Yeisk beaches

Beach line stretches for 2.5 km along the western and eastern sides of the city, the beaches are divided into wild and comfortable. The well-maintained ones, which are located on the Yeisk Spit, have the infrastructure necessary for recreation. Wild ones are located along the railway line along the shore of the estuary.

The water in the sea is most often cloudy, but this is not mud, but a significant amount of silt impurities that are beneficial to health.

The best beaches in Yeysk:

Along the shore of the Yeisk Estuary there are both well-maintained and wild, including nudist, beaches. The bottom is usually shallow and covered with silt.


There are more than 600 monuments in the Yeisk region, among them:

  • monuments famous people whose life was connected with the city (N. Mordyukova, S. Bondarchuk, V. Vysotsky, Prince Vorontsov, A. Pushkin, etc.);
  • military-patriotic memorials (armored boat, tank, etc.);
  • religious.

There are museums in Yeysk:

  • historical and local history;
  • memorial I. Poddubny;
  • art.

In the city center there is a variety of entertainment that is interesting for both children and adults:

  • Shark Reef Oceanarium;
  • dolphinarium;
  • crocodile canyon;
  • water park "Nemo" from 15 water slides and 7 swimming pools;
  • Ice Palace"Snowflake";
  • child Center"Bingo-Bingo";
  • Premier cinema.

In the village of Morskoy there is an ethnographic complex “Kubansky Farm”.

In summer, excursions are organized to the Long Spit, where you can windsurf, kitesurf, fish, and the Island of the Seven Winds, inhabited by many birds.

City parks

The city of Yeysk is considered the greenest in the Krasnodar region. The largest and oldest is I. Poddubny Park, where there is a museum dedicated to him and the grave of the legendary wrestler is located.

The vast territory presents all types of attractions produced by the local factory. The 150-year-old park is wonderful place recreation, fountains, benches, playgrounds are located everywhere, alleys with elegant flower beds are laid out, concerts are held on summer stages.

Nearby there is a park named after. Gorky, decorated with small architectural forms, monuments, in the center of it is the St. Michael the Archangel Church. On the temple grounds there is a pond with swans and pens where poultry live.

Squares in the city of Yeysk are located in the center and on the outskirts.

Primorsky Park is located near the Taganrog embankment.

There is a round park in the city - Nikolsky, this one old park The city is famous for its spring.

Public transport

It is convenient to get around the city of Yeysk by car. minibus taxis. The fare is 15 rubles.

  • to city beach No. 2, 8;
  • to Kamenka beach No. 14, 7, 4;
  • to the park named after Poddubny No. 11, 7, 4, 1.

All routes pass through Central Market. 2 routes are served by city bus.

Transport services are also provided by taxis, the cost of a trip around the city is 50-150 rubles.

How to get to Yeysk

It’s convenient to get to the city of Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory) different types transport.

  1. Trains depart from the railway station to Moscow, St. Petersburg and daily trains to Starominskaya-Timashevsk.
  2. The bus station is located on the street. Kommunisticheskaya, 18. Every day buses make trips to the cities of Armavir, Belaya Kalitva, Geledzhik, Gukovo, Maykop, Novorossiysk, Novo- and Staroshcherbinovskaya, Pyatigorsk, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Taganrog, Tikhoretsk, Shabelskoye. 6 flights depart to Krasnodar every day.
  3. The most convenient way to travel to Yeysk is by car. From the M-4 highway outside Rostov-on-Don, you can turn onto R-268 and drive about 160 km.

The airport is under reconstruction, this moment used only for freight transport. Therefore, many vacationers choose a composite route: they fly to the airport of Krasnodar or Rostov-on-Don, then take a bus to Yeysk.


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