Castel del Monte on the map. Castle del Monte. Calendar and sundial

Castel del Monte. Apulia.

Those. The castle on the mountain was built in the 13th century by Emperor Frederick II.
This is one of the most mysterious castles in the world, full of secrets and symbols.
The church of Santa Maria del Monte once stood here, of which not a trace remains. In 1240, Frederick II ordered the construction of a castle on this hill. The Emperor died in 1250, i.e. Only 10 years were allotted for the construction of the grandiose castle.
It is unknown who the architect was, according to whose design the massive structure was erected, and its purpose is also unknown.
Frederick II was on friendly terms with the Teutonic Grand Master Hermann von Salz. Some literary sources say that the emperor himself reached the highest circles of initiation and even presided over the “round table” in 1228, where representatives of all knightly orders, both Christian and Muslim, gathered.
The construction of the castle was clearly not without the influence of the Templars and is a philosophical construction, a material embodiment of mathematical, astronomical and esoteric knowledge.
The castle has a clear connection with the number 8.
The plan is octagonal, located on two floors.

Castel del Monte. Apulia.

The octagon is a symbolic figure, a transitional state between the square – a symbol of the earth and the circle – a symbol of the sky.
The corners of the octagon are surrounded by turrets, also with eight sides, similar to those built by the Templars.
The eight trapezoidal rooms on the first floor are identical to the eight rooms on the second floor; the turrets rotate counterclockwise spiral staircases(although in other buildings of that time all stairs were built clockwise).

Castel del Monte. Apulia.

Almost all rooms have connecting doors and create the impression of an endless labyrinth.
The castle has no bedrooms, no living rooms, no kitchen, no servants' quarters.

Castel del Monte. Apulia.

In the courtyard there was an octagonal fountain or pool carved from a single piece of marble. According to the plan, the fountain symbolized the Holy Grail and served for the “Tears of the Lord” ritual, i.e. the rite of “baptism in wisdom” practiced by the Templars. Under the fountain there was a huge cistern for collecting rainwater, and it also received water from five other cisterns located under five of the eight towers. The tanks were combined into a hydraulic system and used for sewage. This is one of the oldest examples of medieval sewerage that has survived to this day.
Interior details continue the theme of eights: 8 four-leaf flowers on the right cornice of the tympanum of the portal and 8 of the same on the left; 8 leaves on the capitals of all columns; 8 leaves on the vault key. In different rooms there are decorations made of 8 sunflower leaves, 8 acanthus leaves or fig leaves.
The number 8 is special. It is a symbol of infinity and a mediator between heaven and earth.
If you follow this version, then it is not a castle at all, but a temple of secret knowledge with the main entrance, similar to a church portal and turned east to meet the rising sun.
The position of the sun generally plays an important role in the design of the castle, so at noon on the day of the autumnal equinox, the walls of the courtyard cast a shadow exactly equal to the length of the courtyard, and on the days of the winter and summer solstices, ideal rectangles appear, outlining the walls of the castle so that the castle itself is exactly in the center .
The picture is completed by two lions sitting on columns at the entrance and looking at the horizon at the points where the sun rises on the summer and winter solstice.
If you don’t get carried away with the esoteric version, you can remember that Frederick II was a great fan of falconry and even wrote a book with his own illustrations dedicated to ornithology and bird hunting, the first scientific work in this area during the Middle Ages.
The Emperor loved to hunt in these places, and Castel del Monte could have been a hunting castle, which was also used for special events. For example, the wedding of his daughter Violanta with the Count of Caserta Riccardo Sanseverino.

Castel del Monte. Apulia.

It remained abandoned for many centuries. In 1876, the castle was bought by the state, it was restored and put in order. In 1996, it was included in the UNESCO list world heritage.
And now everyone can admire the castle, similar in shape to the crown in which Frederick II was crowned and located in an absolutely strategically disadvantageous position among open space.

There are many on the planet beautiful places, enjoying increased attention from tourists. The south of Italy is known throughout the world for its extraordinary architecture, and the eastern region of Puglia is no exception. Many buildings are of interest not only because of their original designs. Buildings, the purpose of which remains a big mystery to posterity, become the subject of discussion among tourists and the object of many years of research by scientists.

Bari: attractions of the Middle Ages

The capital of the region is famous for its religious monuments. Nicholas with the myrrh-streaming relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Church of St. Sabinus - the main attractions ancient city. Around Bari there are medieval historical monuments, which tourists from all over the world come to admire.

The most famous building is the Castel del Monte, called the most mysterious building in Europe. The regular octagon, literally imbued with symbolism, excites the minds of specialists.

The conflicting identity of the castle owner

To understand architectural features capital structure, it is necessary to get to know its owner - an ambiguous person who evokes different feelings among historians.

The controversial personality of Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen has given rise to many controversies and opinions. It is known that his cruelty and thirst for power knew no bounds. For his lack of religious feelings, he was excommunicated from the church, which did not prevent him from winning the Crusade.

The emperor who returned Jerusalem to the Christian world was considered a very educated man. The surviving ancient document describes the decree of Frederick II on the start of large-scale construction of a castle near the monastery of Santa Maria del Monte. Work began on the high hill at the beginning of 1240, lasting about ten years.

The fate of the historical monument

It is believed that the emperor himself took part in the development of the grandiose project of Castel del Monte, but no documentary evidence of his residence in his brainchild was found. After the death of the crowned lady, the castle was inherited by her sons, but after some time it was abandoned and served as a shelter for local shepherds. After repeated acts of vandalism in 1876, it was taken under state protection.

There is a legend that says that the powerful emperor did not die in 1250, but simply hid from the whole world, planning to reform the church and establish peace on earth.

Riddles that don't yet have answers

Not all scientists agree on the start date of the construction of Castel del Monte. There are known to be serious financial difficulties in 1239, due to which the construction of other fortresses in the empire was suspended. This is one of the first mysteries that experts are still working on to this day.

The second, concerning the true purpose of the monumental structure, torments all historical researchers. Exists official version, according to which the building was originally built as a residence for the emperor who loved falconry. However, the spiral staircases inside the castle twist to the left, counterclockwise, in a completely different direction than was customary. In the huge room there is not even a hint of rooms for supplies, servants, stables, and the interior decoration is too luxurious for a hunting lodge.

Castle or something else?

Situated on a high hill, the octagon with towers at the corners is unlike other castles. It does not have the required drawbridge, rampart or moat, and the main entrance is designed in the form of a portal of a Gothic temple facing east.

The architectural creation, which is a two-story structure with a flat roof, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999.

The symbolism of the eight

The octagonal plan of the building, located in the city of Bari, whose sights are known throughout the world, made the building famous. Despite the fact that the building looks intimidating, it was never a defensive structure. Eight trapezoidal rooms on the ground floor, not intended for receiving guests, and the same number of rooms on the second, corner turrets with eight sides are full of surprises. The symbolic number is repeated in architectural details huge amount once.

The courtyard once housed a marble pool, symbolizing the Holy Grail. Needless to say, it also had an octagonal shape. And underneath there were water tanks, combined into a special hydraulic system - the oldest sewer system of the Middle Ages.

The interior of Castel del Monte is surprising: all its details continue the theme of the figure eight - the symbolic figure of infinity, considered the transition from earth to heaven.

Calendar and sundial

Main feature historical monument is its ability to tell time. The first floor is a kind of calendar, counting down time. Each room on the second floor receives direct sunlight twice a day throughout the year (for rooms on the first floor this is only true in summer), turning the structure into a giant sundial.

At noon on the autumnal equinox, the massive walls of the castle cast a shadow that is equal to the length of the courtyard. Gradually it lengthens until it “contains” the entire structure.

A place for occult rituals?

The kingdom of geometry, numerology, and all kinds of secret signs most likely served as a meeting place for communities conducting occult rituals, or as an astronomical observatory in which alchemy was practiced. Frederick II's retinue included the famous astrologer and magician Michele Scoto, whose name was mentioned by Dante in his work, describing the hell of sorcerers.

The construction of Castel del Monte was not without the influence of the Templars. The stone crown of Apulia, as the mysterious masterpiece of world architecture is also called, was the material embodiment of esoteric, astronomical and mathematical knowledge.

Citadel of Secret Knowledge

The national monument is adored by tourists who admire the original stone work, which has no analogues. Travelers coming to the south of Italy certainly visit the legendary castle, the image of which is minted by the country's government on small coins. The majestic building is in no hurry to give away all its secrets, but it is all the more interesting to look into the citadel of secret knowledge.

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    The Castel del Monte castle is called the “Crown of Apulia” and is considered one of the most mysterious buildings not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. Within these walls, 8 centuries ago, amazing, mystical and possibly terrible things happened, about which much is still unknown.

    Castel del Monte (or castle on the mountain) is located in Italy, in the region of Apulia. Its construction was started by order of Frederick II, presumably in 1240. Interestingly, just a year earlier, the financial condition of Spain was so deplorable that Frederick II stopped the construction of several military fortresses. But not Castel del Monte.

    A little history

    The history of the castle is full of mysterious and unknown things - and even has its own mystical number. The octagonal shape of the building and pool, 8 towers along the edges, 8 halls on the lower floor and 8 on the upper floor. The number 8 can be found countless times in architectural details: in leaves on columns, patterns on vaults. By the way, the magic of the number 8 also spread to the owner of the castle, Frederick II, although only after his death. When, for the restoration of the cathedral in Palermo, they opened the tomb of the king, who died in 1250 (add the numbers), a mysterious ring with an emerald was discovered on his hand, surrounded by gold petals, of which there were... of course, 8.

    What to see

    From a distance, Nagorny Castle appears round, but if you come closer, its unusual shape becomes visible. Castel del Monte is built in the form of a regular octagon with towers at the corners. In the courtyard there was a pool of the same shape, carved from a single piece of stone - a symbol of the Holy Grail.

    Castel del Monte stands alone on a secluded hill, climbing to the roof you can enjoy panoramic view to the sea from the stone terrace.

    It is still unknown for sure why this castle was built. Of course, there is an official version - Frederick II, who was fond of falconry, wanted to use it as a hunting lodge, but it is surprising that Castel del Monte does not have quarters for servants, a separate kitchen, or stables. In a word, everything that definitely should be in a royal hunting residence.

    But the castle has many fireplaces, too small for cooking, but suitable for alchemical experiments. Spiral staircases twisted not to the right, as the tradition of that time required, but to the left. Communicating doors that allow you to pass almost the entire castle unnoticed, moving from one room to another. There is also a legend about a secret tunnel almost 18 km long leading to the Ducale di Andria castle.

    Practical information

    Address: Apulia, Auto Strada Statale, 170 Dir. Website (in English).

    You can get there by bus number 6 from Andria (only in the summer season from May to September) or by private car - there is a parking lot near the castle.

    Opening hours: from October 1 to March 31 - from 9:00 to 18:30 (ticket sales until 18:00), from April 1 to September 30 - from 10:15 to 19:45 (ticket sales until 19:15) . The castle is closed from December 25 to January 2. Opening hours on other days holidays will appear on the website.

    Tour cost: adults - 5 EUR, students (18-25 years old) - 2.50 EUR. Audio guide - 3.50 EUR.


    The unique medieval Castel del Monte is the most famous of the many castles built in 13th century Italy by Frederick II. He was engaged in strengthening the Adriatic coast from invasion. The castle on the mountain began to be built at the beginning of the century, shortly after the emperor returned to the kingdom of Sicily from Germany. Frederick strengthened the northern coastal regions of Sicily. Traces of his reign can be traced on the Adriatic and the Ionian coast. In Apulia he built from scratch or restored fortresses on Mount Gargano, Monte Sant'Angelo, Fiorentino in Lucera, Melfi, Bari, Barletta, Gioia del Colle and other places. Some of them were in areas previously fortified by the Norman founders of the Kingdom of Sicily. In total, counting the islands of Sicily, Calabria and Apulia, Frederick built or restored about two dozen fortresses during his reign.

    Unique medieval castle on the mountain is widely known outside of Italy due to its unique octagonal shape. This is one of the most mysterious buildings commissioned by Frederick II. The castle, where perhaps the emperor never lived, but where, paradoxically, the imagination depicts his presence, appears before the eye at an altitude of 540 meters above sea level. The A16 Bari-Canosa highway leads to Castel del Monte, from which you turn onto the Andria-Barletta highway after 18 kilometers and the main attraction of Puglia will appear before your eyes. The full name of the castle is Santa Maria del Monte. It was named after the church, an earlier structure now lost.

    History of Castel del Monte

    Construction of the castle began in 1240 and ended in 1249. There is not enough information about its original purpose. Most likely it was not conceived as a fortress. There are no typical defensive structures, such as ditches, drawbridges, or underground passages, which would allow us to confirm the hypothesis of a defensive purpose. However, the walls of both the external and internal perimeters are striking in their thickness of two and a half meters. There is some evidence that the castle was built on the site of an earlier Norman fortress. In any case, its location on the mountain, next to the Roman Via Trajan, leading from Benevento to Brindisi, filled a gap in the grand chain of castles and fortresses built by Frederick. And its location at the top of the only high hill on a huge flat plain undoubtedly gives it a dominant significance.

    Architectural features of the castle

    From an architectural point of view, the castle is one of the first examples gothic style in Apulia. This, however, is a special Gothic. The entire structure is octagonal. The castle is built in the shape of an octagon with a diagonal of 56 meters, with octagonal towers attached to each corner. The courtyard is also an octagon. The entrance is framed by a magnificent arched portal. The main gate, supported by lions, faces the sea to the east. Between the outer towers are Gothic windows framed by elegant pink marble columns with capitals. The window above the main entrance is wider than on the other sides and is framed with patterns. There are eight large rooms on each of the two floors of the castle. Columns of red marble with Corinthian capitals are located in the corners of the rooms, supporting vaulted ceilings decorated with tracery. Wide marble steps lead to the windows. In some places fragments of the original mosaic floor have been preserved.

    The mystery of the shape of the castle's foundation is continuously interpreted by all sorts of esoteric, astrological and geometric theories. Numerology and magical-mystical symbolism of the “eight” in Castel del Monte haunt lovers of supernatural theories. The number 8 has secular, religious and mythological meanings.

    Possible symbolism in the octagonal architecture of the castle:

    • inverted infinity symbol;
    • the unification of divine infinity and human mortality;
    • element of the Fibonacci number sequence;
    • symbol of harmony;
    • number of divine justice;
    • 8 angels carrying the arsh in Islam;
    • number of compass directions;
    • musical interval octave;
    • Buddhist wheel of life with eight spokes dhamma chakra;
    • magical celestial number;
    • the great eight from Egyptian Ogdoad mythology;

    Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen

    The figure of the castle's founder is amazing. As the grandson of Frederick I Barbarossa, who drowned in 1190 during his third crusade in Palestine, the son of Henry VI and his wife Constance, Frederick became king of Sicily at the age of 4. He had plenty of time to master absolute monarchy on his way to rule the Holy Roman Empire. Having been officially married four times and having connections on the side, he left at least 20 descendants to the world. He was not a typical ruler: he spoke six languages ​​fluently, including Arabic, in which he read the Koran, showed an interest in medicine, understood philosophy, wrote poetry and revered science.

    Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor)

    The Byzantines and Normans before him left magnificent ecclesiastical architecture in Apulia, and Frederick II added to this the cathedral of Altamura. However, his real weakness was the construction of castles, some of which were used as hunting lodges. He built about 200 fortresses in southern Italy and Sicily, some of which were so large that they looked more like palaces.

    Abandoned without proper care since the eighteenth century, the castle was devastated, stripped of marble and furniture, and to top it all off, it served at various times as a refuge for shepherds, bandits and refugees. In 1876, without waiting for final destruction, the Italian government bought it. Restoration work was carried out in parallel with proper scientific research, from 1928 until the eighties of the last century. For its uniqueness, UNESCO included Castel del Monte in the list of World Heritage Sites in 1996. The castle was honored to be located on the Italian Euro-cent.

    Lock operating mode

    Open: from 9:00 to 18:30 - October 1 to March 31, from 10:15 to 19:45 - from April 1 to September 30. Closed to visitors from December 25 to May 2. Excursions cost 2.5 euros (for students) and 5 euros (for adults).

    The majestic Castel del Monte is one of the most famous attractions in the Italian region of Puglia. Moreover, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this is one of the most mysterious castles in the world.

    Unlike others mystical places, the amazing castle is not hidden from prying eyes behind mountains and forests. On the contrary, it is noticeable from afar. You are driving along the freeway and you see, there he is, a handsome man, towering at the top of the hill. And it doesn’t matter that the name of the building translates as “castle on the mountain”; only those who have never seen real mountains in their life can take the name Castel del Monte literally. It was built as a castle on the very spot where the Maria del Monte monastery was located until the thirteenth century, hence the first name of the structure, which few people remember today - castrum Sancta Maria de Monte.

    In the photo: view of Castel del Monte

    Today the crowd of people visiting Castel del Monte never stops. Thank you very much for this magical world cinema and the Italian director Matteo Garrone in particular, because it was in the unusual halls of this monumental structure that he settled the characters - a king who raised a flea, and a princess whom an eccentric father married to an cannibal. Interestingly, until the twentieth century the castle was abandoned, and shepherds spent the night there. Today architectural structure is under the care of UNESCO, as a result, it was washed and put in order, but the interior decoration of the halls was not preserved - Matteo Garrone also had to hastily fill the space of the premises with props brought to the castle.

    In the photo: filming of the film “Scary Tales”

    Garrone chose Castel del Monte for the film adaptation of the tales of the Neapolitan Giambattista Basile for a reason, because this place is mysterious to the point of impossibility. Although Castel del Monte, located 16 kilometers from the city of Andria, bears the honorary title of one of the most famous medieval castles in the world, it is not essentially a castle.

    Still from the film "Penny Dreadful", the princess and the king on the roof of the castle

    The point is that in understanding normal person During the Middle Ages, a castle could only be built for one of two purposes. The first goal, which is also the main one, is defense and control of the area. In this case, one or another lord built a small fortress, usually on the top of a mountain, which helped repel enemy attacks, and at the same time generally influence the situation in the region. The second task is a fortified place to live. Sometimes castles grew to the size of cities, for example, and their powerful walls again made it possible to hold back hordes of enemies.

    But Castel del Monte is not intended for defense at all. Where are the fortress walls and the moat with water? Where are any decent defensive fortifications? This place also seems unsuitable for living. Of course, Walter Scott wrote in his “Ivanhoe” that the concept of “comfort” did not exist in the Middle Ages, but this castle, even by medieval standards, is far from the home of a self-respecting lord. It’s good that all the halls inside are connected to each other, but, most importantly, there is no space for a stable and there is no kitchen. So, most of all, the castle looks like a kind of ancient art object, built for the sake of an idea; such houses are sometimes designed by modern architects who have received absolute carte blanche to realize their creative ideas, coupled with an unlimited budget.

    This association is very appropriate if you know who built Castel del Monte. The castle on the mountain was built by Emperor Frederick II Staufen himself, a legendary figure in all respects. He not only managed to win the title of Holy Roman Emperor from his competitors and lead the Sixth Crusade, but was also considered one of the most educated people of his time. He knew Greek, Latin and Arabic, founded a university in Naples, where not only Christians, but also Jews and Arabs taught, and this, by the way, was the height of tolerance by medieval standards. In general, Frederick II was very far from Christian prejudices; here are illustrative examples: the emperor insisted that doctors study anatomy on corpses, and Frederick also warmly treated Fibonacci and even organized mathematical tournaments.

    In the photo: engraving of Frederick II

    The emperor also had a penchant for writing: an essay on falconry is credited to his pen, and at his court he created the Sicilian school of poetry. At the same time, like all progressive people of his time, Frederick II was a fan of a wide variety of mystical teachings and studied astronomy and astrology. The emperor’s personal life was also interesting; he earned the reputation of Bluebeard, since he was married four times, although his last marriage with his constant mistress Bianca Lancia was never recognized by the church. Frederick II sired a great many children - 20 legitimate ones, but for obvious reasons no one scrupulously counted the bastards.

    Frederick II built Castel del Monte from 1240 to 1250, that is, in the last decade of his life. The name of the architect is unknown, but many historians, not without reason, believe that it was the emperor himself - the resulting design was very intricate. The fact is that, like many medieval mystics, Frederick was obsessed with the number eight, which symbolizes infinity, and it can be traced constantly in the structure of the castle.

    It’s worth starting with the fact that the castle, when viewed from above, is a regular octagon, and an octagonal tower is erected at each corner of the structure. The shape of the castle's courtyard also follows the octagon. The castle has only two floors, the roof is flat, and the main entrance to Castel del Monte faces strictly east, because, as they believed in the Middle Ages, the good news came to us from the east.

    In the photo: windows overlooking the castle courtyard

    Each floor of the castle has 8 rooms, all of them connected to each other, so you can easily walk around the perimeter of Castel del Monte. The rooms are made in the shape of trapezoids, and windows are cut into the walls. Toilets, wardrobes and spiral staircases are located in the corner turrets. By the way, the stairs in the castle are a different story - usually in all castles they are “twisted” to the right, since this is optimal for the defense of the object, but in Castel del Monte they, on the contrary, are “twisted” to the left, that is, the way they do nature, because mollusk shells or snail shells are twisted to the left.

    In the photo: stairs in Castel del Monte

    All rooms of the castle are absolutely identical, the rooms differ from each other only in the location of the doors and the number of windows. The decorative elements are again dominated by the number eight: on the capitals of the columns there are eight leaves, on the bas-reliefs in the rooms there are eight leaves or clover flowers.

    Another interesting thing is that direct rays of sunlight fall into the windows of the second floor twice a day (with the first floor this rule only works in summer period), so many assume that the mysterious castle is nothing more than a huge sundial, and at the same time an astronomical instrument. In addition, twice a year during the summer and winter solstice, sunlight is evenly distributed among all rooms on the first floor. This, of course, is also no coincidence, so many historians suggest that the first floor of Castel del Monte is a kind of analogue of the solar calendar.

    Here you could calm down, but here’s another interesting reason for reflection - twice a year, on April 8 and October 8, the sun’s rays pass through the windows of the castle into the courtyard in such a way that they fall strictly on that part of the wall where in the time of Frederick II, a certain bas-relief was carved, now lost. Well, to make things even more complicated, it’s worth remembering that October in the thirteenth century was considered the eighth month of the year.

    Frederick II died before finishing the construction of the castle - the building of Castel del Monte was completed, but the interior decoration was not completed. After the death of the emperor, there were legends in Europe that Frederick did not die, but disappeared in an unknown direction in order to reform the church and establish universal brotherhood and peace. There is a certain symbolism in this, because the octagon, repeated in the structure of Castel del Monte, in the Middle Ages symbolized the transition from the world of the living to the kingdom of the dead, and at the same time the unity of heaven and earth.

    Everything is very simple here - the square was considered a symbol of the earth, the circle was a symbol of the sky, and the octagon was an intermediate figure, denoting both unity and transition. However, scientists who are far from mystical believe that the repeated use of the octagon is simply a reference to the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, because Frederick II saw the dome over the cornerstone during his crusade.

    Biblical symbolism is also encrypted in Castel del Monte. The fact is that the castle has exactly five water tanks and five fireplaces, many associate this with the phrase of the Baptist John from the Gospel of Luke: “I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who comes after me is stronger than I; I am not worthy to carry His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” So, it is easy to assume that Castel del Monte was for Frederick II an analogue of a temple, erected according to his personal design, and this fully corresponds to the ambitions of the emperor.

    By the way, this hypothesis is confirmed by another interesting detail. If you look closely at the entrance to the castle, you will notice a giant letter F encrypted there. If the tomb of Frederick II were inside, associations with pyramids would be inevitable, but Castel del Monte seems like a kind of personal portal of the emperor, built according to his plan and in his honor. At least, when you stand in the courtyard of the castle and, raising your head, look at the sky, imprisoned in the octagon of powerful walls made of limestone, a feeling of belonging to the medieval magical tradition arises even in the most inveterate materialists. And this place has a special energy, in the style of those “Scary Tales” by Matteo Garrone.

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    Yulia Malkova- Yulia Malkova - founder of the website project. In the past, he was the editor-in-chief of the Internet project and the editor-in-chief of the website. I talk about travel for my own pleasure and the pleasure of my readers. If you are a representative of hotels or a tourism office, but we do not know each other, you can contact me by email: [email protected]


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