How to get from Riga to Jurmala. How to quickly get from Riga to Jurmala using different types of transport. Is it possible to get to Jurmala from Riga by bicycle?

A trip to the south, to the sea and sun, for many is not just entertainment, but a vital necessity, because in fact only here you can enjoy truly warm days, big amount solar ultraviolet radiation, breathe in the healing sea ​​air, rich in iodine and healthy salts, taste natural vegetables and fruits literally from the garden or tree. Due to this beneficial effect on people’s health, rest on sea ​​resorts Black and Azov seas always in great demand.

It is worth considering that the most popular months for holidays - July and August - are not as good as it might seem at first glance. At this time in southern regions There is often extreme heat, up to +35, +40 degrees, which is difficult for visitors from northern regions. Prices for housing, food and all services on the coast are at their highest at this time. The number of people and cars is off the charts, and vacation is already losing its original meaning. The ideal time to travel to the sea is May, June, September and October. During these months, you can truly comfortably spend time at the resort without overpaying. Yes, it is possible that on some days you will not be able to swim in the sea, but you will be able to devote more time active recreation and excursions.

And even in winter it is quite possible to go on vacation to the sea, because large resort towns (

You can get from Riga to Jurmala in 20-40 minutes by train or minibus for 1.4 €. There are only 25 km between Riga and Jurmala, which can be covered by renting a bicycle. The motor ship Riga-Jurmala also plies.

Minibus Riga - Jurmala

The schedule of buses and minibuses can be viewed. All of them pass through Jurmala. If you are going from the bus station by bus, then select the starting station Rigas SAO, if from the railway station Rigas MTS, final Lielupe or Dubulti. Fare from 1€.

Opposite the railway station (Rigas MTS) in Riga, several minibuses depart to Jurmala. During the season they run every 10-20 minutes, out of season and on weekdays much less frequently. Minibuses also depart to Jurmala from the bus station. You can pay directly in the minibus; tell the driver the final station, the price of the ticket depends on this.

Train from Riga to Jurmala

The train is the easiest way to get to Jurmala. The railway station is located next to the bus station and therefore, no matter how you arrive in Riga, it will not be difficult for you to find the railway station and go to Jurmala.

Tickets can be purchased at the box office; just name the final station. The only problem that may arise here is... There is no Jurmala station. Jurmala stretches along the coast and therefore there are several stations along its entire length. Here are the main stops:

  • Lielupe— the first stop is in Jurmala, as soon as you cross the big bridge.
  • Dzintari- near concert hall Dzintari, where events such as KVN And New wave.
  • Majori- the very center of Jurmala, from here you can walk along the central Jomas street and see almost all the sights of Jurmala. It's mostly tourists who walk here if they're not on the beach; at the end of the street there is the well-known Globe.
  • Dubulti- next stop after Majori, it's worth going here if you want to see Lutheran Church. You don’t have to go further if you are only interested in a walk around Jurmala and the sea itself.

Train schedule Riga - Jurmala - Riga

Train schedule from Riga to Jurmala you can look, select the starting point Riga, and the final one for example Tukums(this is the final stop of trains traveling towards Jurmala), but it is better to enter Dubulti if you don't go further.

Departure time: Electric trains depart every 25-30 minutes, from 6 am to 24 pm.

Fare: from 1.05 € to 1.4 € (1.05 € is the cost of tickets out of season and not during rush hour), if you buy round-trip tickets it will be cheaper. Tickets can be bought from the ticket inspector on the train, but they are more expensive. Tickets are valid until the end of the day for any train to the final station indicated on it. Tickets on the train are checked and punched by the controller.

How to take the right train? We look at the board showing all the trains with their final destination. Tukums, Sloka or Dubulti. These will be all the trains passing through Jurmala and all the stops listed above.

Excerpt from the Riga-Jurmala timetable

Speedboat Riga-Jurmala

The New Way boat is more tourist entertainment than transport, because travel time is several hours. Cost 20-30€. Departure from Riga from the pier opposite the Riga Castle, in Jurmala from the pier Majori(Maori). The ship sails only in summer tourist season from May 1 to September 30.

Jurmala is very close to the capital of Latvia - Riga, so getting there will not be difficult.

Typically, travelers get to Riga (this can be done by bus, train or plane), and there they transfer to suitable transport going to Jurmala. There's more than enough of the latter.

If you come to Riga by train, then it will be most convenient to transfer to train to Jurmala. Typically, the train arrives at Central station(Centrala Stacija), located right in the city center. After leaving the carriage (if you arrived by train from Moscow or St. Petersburg), you just need to go down the stairs from the platform to the ticket office and buy a ticket. True, you don’t just need to name it when purchasing locality, but a specific station (there are about fourteen of them in Jurmala). After purchasing a ticket, you will need to walk along a long corridor, starting not far from the ticket office, to the platform with an indication of the final Jurmala stations (DUBULTI, SLOKA or TUKUMS), and then load into the carriage and enjoy the road and the surrounding scenery for about 30 minutes. The ticket is inexpensive, and in extreme cases you can buy it even on the train from the conductor, although it will cost a little more there. Electric trains run very often, about every 30-40 minutes (from 5:50 am to 11:40 pm), so even if you don’t have time for one, you can leave for another very soon. In addition, not so long ago the station building was reconstructed and a shopping center was harmoniously attached to it, where you can while away the waiting time wandering around the shops or sitting in a cafe.

A fairly convenient and, most importantly, quick way to get to Jurmala can be a trip by minibus. Ending station minibus taxis located near railway station and located in it shopping center(it’s called “ORIGO,” by the way), or rather, almost the opposite. From there you can get not only to Jurmala, but also to other areas of Riga. Minibuses run very often, every 5-10 minutes (this is in the summer, of course), and they get to their destination quite quickly (on average, the journey takes about 25 minutes). If we talk about the numbers of minibuses going to Jurmala, then these are No. 7023 (Riga-Sloka), No. 7021 (Riga-Dubulti) and No. 7020 (Riga-Jaunkemeri). They also walk throughout the day, from 6 a.m. to midnight.

Regarding the trip to on the bus, then this may not be the most the best option, since mostly buses going to Jurmala are transit and make too few stops along the way. And given total length resort, you may be faced with the fact that having arrived at the desired stop, you will have to walk for a long time or get there by other transport.

The situation is a little more complicated if you get to Riga by airplane . The airport, although located between the center of Riga and Jurmala, is not directly connected to the latter transport links, which can cause a number of difficulties. In this case, you will either have to go to the center of Riga and get to final destination using the above methods, or immediately take a taxi. It will cost about 15 - 30 lats and will take about 15 minutes.

The most unusual, but interesting way to get to Jurmala may be a trip by "water bus" - a pleasure boat making a mini-cruise from the 11 November embankment, located in the center of Riga, to Majori in Jurmala (with a stop at the Aquapark). True, we must pay tribute. Although the trip takes about 2 hours, many people prefer this method. After all, here you combine business with pleasure - a road with an exciting and romantic walk.

To get popular Baltic resort first you need to get to Riga. There will be no difficulties in covering the last 30 km. There are a lot of buses running from the city center to Jurmala, but most tourists prefer to get to the resort by taxi.

From Moscow to Riga you can get:

  • by train;
  • by plane;
  • by bus;
  • by car;

The bus and train stations are located in the city center. From here you will need to choose comfortable view transport and getting to Jurmala:

We're going by train

Runs between Moscow and Riga once a day night Train company "Latvijas Express". Tickets can be purchased at the railway station ticket office or online.

The train has three types of cars:

  • general;
  • reserved seat;
  • coupe;
  • luxury;
  • soft;

The journey time is about 16 hours, so it is better not to buy tickets for a general carriage.

We fly by plane

An airplane is the fastest and quite often the most cheap way get to Riga. But the cost of a taxi from Riga airport to Jurmala must be added to the price of the air ticket.

There are no budget taxi stands at Riga airport (the nearest one is a 10-minute walk), so if you plan to get there public transport, the car is better. The driver will arrive at your arrival signal and pick you up at the doors of the arrivals area.

We're going by bus

The bus is a faster and more economical, but less comfortable way to get to Riga from Moscow. The trip will take about 13 hours (3 hours less than by train).

We get there by our own car

There is a fee to enter Jurmala. Before the bridge to Jurmala, you need to turn right from the first lane to pay for the pass through the terminals.

You can get to Riga by car either directly from Russia or through Belarus.

The 920 km long M9 highway leads to the capital of Latvia. The journey takes about 12 hours, this time without stops. However, it should be taken into account that waiting at the border will add more than one hour to the duration of the trip.

The congestion at the Russian-Latvian border is quite high.

The queue at the border checkpoints located in the Vitebsk region of the Republic of Belarus is much shorter. The distance along the M1 highway increases by about 90 km, but you can get to Riga faster, since the total duration of the trip is reduced due to less time at the border. After Smolensk, you need to choose the route to Vitebsk, and when entering the territory of Belarus, choose the P20 or P21 highway.

If you decide to visit one of the most famous and outstanding tourist sites - Jurmala, then you will certainly have a question: “How to get to Jurmala on your own?”!

In this article we will answer the most basic questions that arise for those who want to visit Jurmala and independently get to the resort from. The following questions may arise:

How to travel to Jurmala?

Where to buy tickets?

How and where to find out the schedule?

How long does it take to get from Riga to Jurmala on your own?? We will answer them below.

What is the easiest way to get from Riga to Jurmala or, conversely, from Jurmala to Riga on your own?

To begin with, it should be noted that Jurmala is not the name of the station. Jurmala is the general name for resorts (villages) located on the Baltic coast of Latvia with clean and wide beaches famous for their white quartz sand. So you won’t find Jurmala station in transport schedules.

Jurmala consists of the following districts modern city, Priedaine, Lielupe, Bulduri, Dzintari, Majori, Dubulti, Valteri, Jaundubulti, Pumpuri, Melluzi, Asari, Vaivari, Sloka, Kauguri, Jaunkemeri and Kemeri.

The central village and central station, which is worth going to if you want to get to the very center of Jurmala, walk along one of the oldest streets of Jurmala - Jomas and see the legendary concert hall "Dzinatri" is Majori. It is to this station that you need to buy tickets.

The easiest and fastest way to get from Riga to Majori, or any other station in Jurmala, is by train. To be more precise, in our opinion it’s an electric train, and in Europe – trains long distance. Trains depart from Riga Railway Station (Riga-Pasazhieru). The station is located at: Riga, LV-1050, Latvia, in the very center of Riga, just a few minutes walk from the historical center, the so-called Old Town. The entrance to the station is from Stacijas Square, Gogol and Dzirnavu streets. The railway station in Riga is large, warm and comfortable, with shops, cafes, restaurants, and a museum.

Where to buy a train ticket from Riga to Jurmala and how much tickets cost

Train tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of the railway station building, both in advance and immediately before the train departs. Tickets are always available. If you are late for the train, you can jump on it and buy a ticket from the ticket inspector in the carriage, but the price will be more expensive. Controllers are always on the move.

You can also see ticket prices and train schedules on the official website of domestic railways: The schedule can also be found on the board in the railway station building. Electric trains run frequently, with several departures every hour. But it is better to check the schedule and ticket prices before the trip, they may change.

A one-way ticket from Riga to Jurmala costs 1.40 euros per person. If you buy in both directions at once, back and forth, the cost will be cheaper, but by a very small amount - a couple of euro cents. So, if you are going to Jurmala and do not know how long you will spend there, then it is better not to buy a return ticket in advance, but to buy it at the station ticket office upon return.

By the way! On trains, all stations are announced in advance, in Latvian, but it is quite clear, and/or they are displayed in electronic scoreboard in train carriages.

How to find out the train departure schedule to Jurmala and how long it will take to get from Riga to Jurmala on your own

As we wrote earlier, the schedule can be found in advance on the website or in the railway station buildings.

The distance from Riga to Jurmala (Majori) is about 23 kilometers. The journey takes 25-30 minutes.

On the way, as well as other ways to get to Jurmala

On the way to Jurmala, the views from the window are not the most picturesque

How else can you get to Jurmala

The train is the fastest, most affordable and most common way to get from Riga to Jurmala and back. But besides the train, there are other ways to get to Jurmala, we’ll tell you about them:

By bus to Jurmala

From Riga bus station (Riga, LV-1050, Latvia) there are several daily flights to Jurmala. Travel time is about an hour. The cost of one ticket is from 1.50 €. Here it should be taken into account that the length of Jurmala along the coast is 32 kilometers, and the bus makes only three stops at this distance. So if you choose a bus, decide in advance where it will be most convenient to get off.

The Riga-Jurmala bus schedule can be found at the bus station ticket offices.

By water by boat to Jurmala

By bike to Jurmala

Not fast, not easy, but so exciting. Having a bicycle, you can also rent it in Riga; you can get to Jurmala in just over an hour, if you are not a professional racer.

The road by bicycle will be very convenient. A bicycle route runs through the Riga districts to Jurmala. Many tourists and local residents choose this type of transport.

By car or taxi to Jurmala

The simplest and quick way to get from Riga to Jurmala is to use a taxi. The trip will take about 20 minutes and cost approximately 37 €. You can order a taxi/transfer on the website in advance. At any time of the day, at the airport or near the hotel, a driver will be waiting for you.


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