Fish bite calendar. Pike biting calendar throughout the year. Fisherman's calendar for February for the southern regions of Russia


A favorable period for fishing is the day when the new moon appears. A favorable period for fishing is the day when the new moon appears.

Such calendars are compiled based on the observations of our ancestors, which were formed over many years. For example, it was noticed that during the period of full moons or new moons, the bite noticeably decreases and is unstable and unpredictable. But on a waxing or waning moon, on the contrary, the catch increases significantly. This is only a small part of such observations, and therefore every time you go fishing, it is useful to look at the fisherman’s Lunar Calendar 2017 and make sure that you have chosen the right and successful day.

Don’t forget that the fish’s bite is also affected by the weather condition, the transparency of the water in the reservoir, the direction and speed of the wind, and atmospheric pressure.

Fisherman's calendar for August 2017

Fishermen by nature, as you know, are quite unusual people. There will also be more than enough superstitions. For example, there is fishing etiquette, customs and traditions. And there are countless numbers of signs - both based on real experience and analysis of facts, and obviously of a superstitious kind, based on who knows what.

Superstitions are perceived by many as a given - a life axiom, which, as we know, does not require proof. However, regardless of whether the fisherman believes in omens or not, information about such cause-and-effect relationships is necessarily stored in the depths of his consciousness. And as soon as the realization occurs that events are developing according to the scenario prescribed by some sign, a regiment of superstitious people arrives.

About chance and regularity

Often the first small thing caught and left becomes the only one in the catch or the largest. If this is not an alibi for your wife, let him go after his relatives.

The thinner the line, the larger the fish, so it is impossible to catch large fish.

You won’t get the next bite until you put the fish on the kukan, leaving it lying on the ground.

If it doesn’t bite, the surest way to activate the bite is to turn away and start having breakfast/lunch/dinner.

The fish always bites on the bait that you don’t have.

Any new piece of fishing equipment most often guarantees zero results.

No matter which direction you sail on a boat, the wind is always headwind.

The rougher and more reliable the tackle, the smaller size biting fish.

The amount of gear in your bag leaves less and less room for fish over time.

If it doesn’t bite today, it will bite tomorrow. If it doesn’t bite tomorrow, it will bite the day after tomorrow. If it still doesn’t bite, then you are exactly one day late for fishing.

If a man keeps a whole cabinet of spinning reels, then they replace him with a harem.

The waiting time for a bite is directly proportional to the unfavorable weather conditions.

A passion for fishing is like female alcoholism: you can understand that you are sick, but you cannot be cured!

What are the signs about fishing? In fact, there are a lot of them. Let's list some of them. We are sure that they will be useful not only to the fishermen themselves, but also to their loved ones, who to one degree or another are also “involved” in this hobby!

Folk signs about fishing

1. The best bite happens on a new moon on a day when the south wind blows. But pike and perch should be caught during the full moon.

2. The sun shines in your eyes while fishing - there will be a good bite.

3. When the hawthorn blossoms, it is best to catch carp.

4. You should prepare your gear on the day of fishing - this will ensure good luck for the fisherman.

5. If you spit on a worm before casting your fishing rod, expect a quick bite.

6. Meet a woman on the way to fishing - it’s easier to go back, it won’t do any good. The same will happen if you see a priest or monk.

7. Meeting a dwarf, a crazy person, or just a person with an ugly, repulsive appearance - to a successful outcome of fishing.

8. Accidentally step on a fishing rod or net - there will be no catch.

9. Looking back while biting means scaring away luck.

10. Until the fishing is over, the catch is not counted.

11. While fishing, you should not snack or eat fish dishes - this means bad luck. Squids are also not allowed with beer!

12. If a small fish is the first to be caught in the net, let it go. But before that, tell her to bring her relatives with her.

13. It’s rare that a fisherman goes on his fishery without taking a bottle of alcohol with him. But vodka or beer should not be drunk alone. Before casting a fishing rod, you need to splash a little alcohol into the water so that the merman will grow up and bring a lot of fish into the net.

14. If a ruff is the first to catch the bait, you need to reel in the gear and go home. Still, nothing good should be expected on this day. Large fish off the hook - same thing.

15. A stuffy morning means a good bite.

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The warmth of May is a catalyst for the awakening of all living nature and vegetation. Air and water temperatures are gradually increasing, which leads to increased activity in the behavior of many fish species. Every day in May it becomes warmer, and fishing is more exciting, which will please fans of both spinning fishing and those who support fishing with a standard float rod. Already from the first days of the month, aquatic vegetation, various reeds and reeds are rapidly developing. In search of food for food, the fish leave their wintering grounds and enter shallow water. Various kinds of beetles and insects that come to life in May become food for some species of fish that swim to the surface. These features contribute to a rapid increase in the activity of peaceful fish species. Well, for predators this period completely turns into a kind of utopia, since the shallow waters are simply teeming with many fry. Therefore, it is better to fish at shallow depths, not exceeding two meters. Of course, fishing in May turns into a pleasure, but you still can’t do without some nuances and peculiarities of fishing. It will help you understand everything fishing calendar for May 2017, and when choosing a favorable day for fishing, you should use lunar calendar.

The most popular types fish and their fishing in May

Pike. May is rightfully considered best month for fishermen who love to “hunt” this predator. Winter hibernation has greatly exhausted the pike, and it is in this month that it begins to renew expended strength at a phenomenal rate. At the beginning of the month it is better to choose rivers, and later go to closed reservoirs and lakes. The increased activity of pike allows you not to worry too much when choosing bait, because it will bite on almost everything. It is worth paying attention to spinners of various sizes, including rotating ones. Small specimens go well with crawlers and worms, but for larger specimens you will need live bait. Among the gear, bottom fishing rods and spinning rods are perfect, but this does not mean that ordinary float rods should be retired.

Perch. Included in the list of fish that are highly active in May. After the winter months, the weight of some individuals reaches an average of one kilogram and the chance of catching them is quite high. Most suitable place For fishing there will be an area near the shore with vegetation present. You can also learn about the presence of a perch visually by looking at the presence of a school of fry near the shore (if there are a lot of them, then there is no predator in the immediate radius). Among the baits, the best bait is medium-sized or smaller live bait, which is the fry, entrails and eyes of other fish. In the case of using artificial baits, wobblers and spinners, you need to adhere to the same principle, giving preference to average samples.

Burbot. Those who like to hunt for this type of fish need to hurry up because after May the burbot bite decreases sharply and significantly. Catch at least one fish in summer period very difficult, almost impossible. Burbot prefers to stay near the coast, on bottom changes, and in deeper areas. The bite directly depends on the air temperature; the higher it is, the level of bite drops noticeably. Among the gear, it is preferable to use a fishing rod equipped with a leash with a loop and hooks of different sizes. Among the baits, you should choose the crawler, the red worm. Sometimes burbot goes well on a frog, pieces of meat or other fish.

Zander. The angler's calendar predicts an increase in the pike perch bite in May. An increase in air temperature promotes the exit of pike perch from their wintering grounds and is the start of gaining strength. At this time, it lives in shallow water or in areas of reservoirs where the depth does not exceed 1-2 meters. For catching, live bait or artificial baits are used. The habits and eating preferences of pike perch suggest that it is better to choose medium-sized baits. However, there is a good chance of catching a large specimen, and here you can’t do without large wobblers and spinners.

Roach. In May, roach still continues to spawn. Nevertheless, this feature does not greatly affect the level of bite and productivity. For fishing, you need to choose shallow creeks and inlets, which are its favorite habitats. The character of the roach is quite capricious and changeable; the fish can often change its preferences. Before catching, stock up on several types of bait, including bloodworms, pearl barley, and small insects. Among the gear, a standard float rod is perfect.

Som. Depending on the climatic indicators of the region, May becomes a good period for catching catfish. As soon as the water temperature in the reservoirs exceeds 8-10 degrees, you can confidently set out to catch this fish. Leaving their places of occurrence, the catfish rises up and goes closer to the coastal zone in search of food. Catfish swim out mainly at night, so it is at this time of day that you need to go fishing. The catfish prefers animal bait, among which the best would be small fish, shellfish, frogs, etc. Among the gear, bottom equipment with strong fishing line stands out from competition.

Chub. In the last week of May you can have time to go catching chub. The fish is careful and strong, so you will have to try hard while fishing. For fishing, use a spinning rod equipped with a wobbler or a float rod with corn and peas as bait. Also, when using a spinning rod, small spoons are also suitable. Lives in creeks, below riffles, in calm areas of the reservoir.

Bream. Relatively warm May days become the reason for bream to emerge from their winter hiding places. In search of food, the fish gather in schools and are almost always on the move. Therefore, when choosing to catch this type of fish, it is necessary to choose areas of reservoirs with an average or low flow level. Bream is more active at night. Among the baits, maggots, bloodworms, and red worms perform well. During the bite, it is necessary to feed the bream, but do it in moderation, without overdoing it.

Crucian carp. The bite rate for crucian carp in May is at a good level, which often becomes a good bonus for fishermen. It is better to start fishing from the middle of the month, choosing coastal areas or bays with an abundant presence of snags and vegetation. Crucian carp loves warmer water, which is why it spends most of its time at a depth of up to one meter. A jig with a maggot or worm attached to a hook is perfect for fishing. Sometimes, in cooler weather climatic conditions, the capture can be carried out using bloodworms.

Carp. Fishing for carp is very similar to crucian carp. The fish are found mainly close to the shore, at shallow depths. Trying to replenish strength and gain weight as quickly as possible, carp hunt for nutritious food, so it is better to choose bloodworms, maggots or mollusks as bait. When the water temperature rises a little, you can use corn or bread crumbs. Carp is a fairly attentive and cautious fish. To catch it, you should take care to camouflage your gear, choosing duller (dark, green) colors of fishing line and hooks small sizes. You also need to behave as restrained and quietly as possible, otherwise there may be no catch at all.

Biting calendar for May

The fish bite in May is characterized by high rates. After hibernation and spawning, many fish change their location, leaving their previous habitats. Most move to deeper waters, where they spend the vast majority of their time in shallow water. This is easily explained, because at shallower depths the water temperature is several degrees higher, and the vegetation that appears becomes good food for most species of peaceful fish. Predatory representatives water world They don’t despise such places, because it’s easy to make money here big amount fry. The May fish feast allows you to turn fishing into pure pleasure, because the bite is simply magnificent.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for May

The Earth's permanent satellite creates a special gravity, which undoubtedly affects the tension of the planet's water fabric. Gravitational features create specific factors that influence the behavior of fish. These properties need to be taken into account when going fishing, and the Lunar calendar for May will help you with this.

We’ll talk about the influence of weather on fish biting a little later, while we describe the behavior of fish. So, if you are going fishing in September and expect to return home with a catch, then be sure to study the behavior of fish in the first autumn month so that your forecast of fish bite in September is justified. You can find out what kind of fish are biting in September in the fisherman’s calendar for September; information about what to fish for and where to look for fish will not be superfluous. So, by looking at the fisherman's calendar for September, you will find out that:

  • In September, ide, roach, rudd, dace, asp, chub, and ruff gradually disappear into the most deep places and gather in large flocks.
  • The fisherman’s calendar marks the beginning of the zhora of the pike following the fish, which is why catching pike in deep places with live bait almost from the bottom and with a spinner gives good results.
  • Chub bite at depth from the bottom, especially well if you use crayfish necks, cracklings, and eels as bait.
  • Roach and dace continue to peck until the frosts, to catch them, as the fisherman’s calendar for September advises, is best at the bottom using bloodworms and maggots.
  • In September, asp takes only from the bottom; bites on live bait will be especially frequent.
  • The ruff finally goes into deep holes with a muddy bottom and catches well on worms and bloodworms.
  • Perch also gathers in large schools in holes with a sandy bottom; the fisherman’s calendar for September recommends using fry and worms as bait, but you can also catch perch using a spoon.
  • In the first half of September, the catfish are hungry, but from the second half of the month the catfish stops pecking and lies down in the pits.
  • The fisherman's calendar for September notes that with the onset of active cooling and the arrival of bad weather, burbot begins to take hold.

The influence of weather on fish biting in September

In September, the weather especially affects the behavior of fish. The fisherman's calendar for September will tell you a few simple signs that will make fishing in September successful.

  • Successful periods for fishing in September will be when the weather remains stable for several days with calm and cloudy days; on such days you can count on a bite;
  • The fish bite in September increases if, after prolonged coolness, warm, windless weather sets in;
  • the fisherman's calendar notes that the fish bite in September is affected by significant changes in water level, which is very important for small rivers, where the bite is especially sensitive to external factors;
  • falling leaves cover the surface of the water in a dense layer and, as the fisherman’s calendar for September reports, in good weather Chub, ide, roach and other fish like to stand under them, which can be successfully caught with a float rod using a worm, jig or small spoon.

Fishing in September

All gear is good for fishing in September. Fishing in September will be good using spinning rods, mugs, and girders, and in deep places pike can be caught with vertical lures from a boat. In small rivers, fishing with jigs near the banks is interesting. The angler's calendar for September suggests that fishing during the day in September is more successful if you use bottom tackle. For long casts, rods without inertial reels are suitable. To fish for fry using a float rod, it is better to choose deep places and increase the depth of descent of the nozzle. The fisherman's calendar for September 2017 advises, if the weather on the lakes in September is favorable, to continue fishing for grasshoppers.

With float rods, as the fishing calendar advises, in September you can catch:

  • in rivers - asp for bleak at medium depths, mainly near bushes;
  • in lakes and ponds - roach is well caught on bloodworms, perch and small pike bite well on fry;
  • The bite of bream, silver crucian carp, roach and dace continues.

According to the fisherman’s calendar for September, using bottom fishing rods is successful:

  • fishing in the rivers for chub and ide with frogs in the first half of the night and early morning hours, and the chub also willingly takes gudgeon and chicken intestines;
  • On the rifts, from the second half of September, burbot begins to catch along with ide and chub; the fisherman’s calendar for September notes that burbot fishing is more effective on dark, stormy nights.

How to fish in September

The fisherman's calendar calls September the best month for catching predatory fish. With an increase in oxygen in the water, fish become more active: pike, perch, as well as chub, roach, asp. For those who have not been fishing for a long time, the fisherman’s calendar for September recommends refreshing their knowledge about the habits and methods of catching predatory fish. The fishing calendar for September 2017 advises what fish to catch in September.

Pike fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar notes an increase in the activity of predatory fish in September, so fishing for pike with a spinning rod will definitely end in a bite. Pike are especially active in September when the pressure is stable, partly cloudy and a light southerly breeze. Quiet, cloudy days are most favorable for pike fishing. Light, drizzling rain does not affect the pike bite. If the weather is warm, you can fish for pike at shallow depths; in cool weather, the pike goes to greater depth. In September, pike should be caught in places bordering on flooded snags and aquatic vegetation. In the second ten days, the autumn feeding of pike in deep places begins. They catch it with a spinning rod, with mugs, with a track and float rods. The best results are obtained by sheer trolling on winter spinners in deep, cluttered holes. The active bite of pike allows you to use a lot of baits: in September, pike bites on almost anything that even remotely resembles its food. At the end of September, when the water becomes too transparent, it is better to use wobblers.

Perch fishing in September

The angler's calendar suggests that the location of the perch in September depends on the migration of the fry. In calm weather, perch fishing will be more successful in shallow water, and in consistently cold weather, expect perch to bite in deep water. In September, perch continues to bite on red worms, leeches, and small baitfish. You can successfully catch perch with bloodworms, grasshoppers, dragonflies, perch eyes, or with a spinning rod on a small spoon with a metal leash. At this time, perch can be caught well with all spinning baits, provided that they are approximately the same size.

Fishing for pike perch in September

September, as the fishing calendar notes, is a great time for catching pike perch. In September, pike perch almost always stays near the bottom and feeds on exits, which often occur in the dark. The main methods of catching pike perch in September are jig-spinning, girder and bottom tackle. Use a fry or a worm as bait to catch pike perch; you can also catch pike perch using a spinning lure. Fishing for pike perch in September will be especially successful on a warm, fine day without sudden changes atmospheric pressure. Take note that the westerly wind affects the improvement of the pike perch bite in September. The fisherman's calendar notes that pike perch tend to gather in schools in mid-September and migrate to their wintering grounds.

Bream fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar for September notes that the bite of bream and carp practically stops by the end of the month. In warm weather, small bream and crucian carp continue to be caught on bloodworms and worms until the first ten days of the next month inclusive. However, in September, catching bream on a bottom can be successful if you use a small crawler or a bunch of worms as bait. Also a popular way of catching bream in September is feeder fishing. Lupine, pearl barley, dough and animal baits are used as bait for bream. The fisherman's calendar for September suggests that in reservoirs and large rivers You can try to catch bream in areas with an uneven bottom and an abundance of depressions or on riverbed edges. Fishing for bream using this method is more comfortable from a boat.

Catching catfish in September

Catfish actively hunt in the first half of September, gaining weight for winter, and therefore catching catfish will be successful using special bottom tackle and bait from chicken giblets, fresh fish or clotted blood. You can catch seasoned catfish using the hawkmoth larva in pits and pools. As the temperature drops, the catfish's activity noticeably decreases, and after the first frost, the catfish's bite stops completely.

Burbot fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar confirms that starting from September, burbot is caught very well on bottom fishing rods. if you use small frogs as bait. To catch burbot in September, use a frog bottom fishing rod with a sinker at the end of the line, it is better to use small single hooks. A live frog is impaled by piercing both of its lips with a hook from bottom to top. Fishing for burbot is good in September at night in calm weather with a lighted fire. You can also use ruffe, gudgeon, crawler, and meat as bait for catching burbot.

Dace fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar records that in September the dace again takes the worm, but from the bottom and in deeper places. The dace bite continues until frost. You can use steamed bread grains as bait for catching dace. After severe frosts, shortly before a river or lake freezes, all the dace goes into the deepest holes and stops being caught until early spring.

Fishing calendar for September 2017

Autumn fishing is especially good for predatory fish, but in September you can still count on a good catch of peaceful fish. Look at the angler's calendar for September to find out what kind of fish you can expect to bite in September. It’s easy to use the fish biting calendar in September; to find out what kind of fish will bite in September, look at the left column of the table - what kind of fish bites in September - and compare it with the second or third column, so you will know How do fish bite in September?. Please note that in the first half of September, it is predicted that bream, white bream and catfish will become hungry; bleak will experience a steady diet throughout the month, and in the second half of September, this will occur in pike, roach, ide and roach.

what kind of fish bites in September How do fish bite in September?

fish bite in September from 1 to 15

fish bite in September from 16 to 30
Chub (adult)
Chub (growing)
Elets (adult)
Dace (growing)
Ruff (adult)
Ruff (growing)
Crucian carp (adult)
Crucian carp (growing)
Rudd (adult)
Rudd (growing)
Bream (adult)
Burbot (adult)
Burbot (growing)
Perch (adult)
Perch (growing)
Roach (adult)
Roach (growing)
Bleak (adult)
Bleak (growing)
Pike (adult)
Pike (growing)
Ide (adult)

Decoding the color markers of the fisherman's calendar for September 2017

In May, spawning comes to an end for most representatives of aquatic fauna, with the exception of the most heat-loving species. At the beginning of the month, predators go through a period of post-spawning feeding, after which the bite gradually stabilizes. In May, fishing for perch, asp, pike perch, roach, ide and pike is already allowed, but it is better not to disturb catfish, silver bream, tench and saberfish - they are spawning. We offer you a fisherman's calendar for May 2017, compiled based on the dependence of fish behavior on the phases of the moon.

The full moon, which is the most unpredictable period for fishing, will fall on the 11th in May. At this time, the fry will behave with increased activity, and therefore larger baits will be more preferable for use. The new moon will occur on May 25, and for 5 days - two days before and two days after the formation of the new moon in the sky - the bite will be low.

Based on the fisherman’s lunar calendar, fishing for peaceful fish in May will be most successful from the 1st to the 4th, from the 15th to the 18th, the 30th and the 31st.

The roach will be especially active in the second half of the month, when the water reaches the ideal temperature. At this time, in addition to small mollusks and bloodworms, young algae appear in the diet of peaceful fish species, which increases the chances of successful fishing for plant baits. Often gets close to coastline or goes out into shallow waters, continuously searching for the warmest areas.

Carp, catfish and tench actively spawn in May, and catching them in most reservoirs is impossible according to. However, these restrictions do not apply to paid ponds, where fishing takes place according to the rules of the owners.

The river trophy giant, which has already spawned, becomes burbot. This representative actively feeds at night, and therefore you should not expect bites from it during the new moon.

The angler's lunar calendar for May 2017 recommends planning to catch predators from May 1 to 3, from May 13 to 15 and from May 28 to 31. During these intervals, the influence of the moon will be most positive on aquatic inhabitants, and due to favorable conditions for them, you can count on a good bite, and, consequently, a catch.

Post-spawning fattening lasts from several days to two weeks. Like other predatory fish, the fanged one prefers to settle in the cleanest areas of water bodies. Pike perch often goes out in search of food, and therefore gains weight very quickly. This fish is often found in shallow water, where it swims in pursuit of small fish.

The best fish bite in May will be observed on lakes with a small food supply, as well as on small rivers, where finding prey sites will not be difficult.

And the pike finally settled in the snags near the coastal vegetation. Experienced fishermen believe that the phases of the moon have greatest influence on behavior, and therefore it is better to organize fishing for it in the first or last quarter. It is quite difficult to make any predictions regarding the predator’s bite during the new moon, since it overlaps with its seasonal feeding.

When exposed to sunlight, they quickly warm up, algae begin to grow quickly, and the water becomes cloudy, which makes the work of fishermen much easier.

Let us recall that moon calendar The angler's weather forecast is only one part of the overall picture of fishing conditions, and you should never lose sight of the weather forecasts for several days before and after your planned fishing day.

We also present to your attention with more detailed advice on successful fishing.

The fisherman's lunar calendar is an excellent assistant for those who like to fish in rivers, lakes, ponds and other bodies of water.

Many people consider the Moon to be a mysterious, even magical planet. Its biorhythms are associated with the movement of water in reservoirs on Earth - the ebb and flow of the tides.

  • The moon affects the flow of sap in plants, as well as the life of fish.
  • Therefore, on some days anglers notice a good bite, while on others they come home without a catch.
  • Some people do not believe in astrological forecasts, which are also compiled in accordance with the movement of the Earth’s eternal satellite, while others at this time are studying planting garden crops, conceiving a child, hair removal, purchasing real estate and dental treatment, making their lives easier.
  • Every year and every month, astrologers compile lunar calendars, studying the movement of celestial bodies and their impact on our planet. Listen to their advice so that all earthly delights flow to you like a river.

Not only the biorhythms of living organisms on Earth, but also atmospheric pressure depend on the moon. Typhoons, cyclones - all this is the action of moist or, conversely, dry air. The humidity indicator depends on the water cycle in the seas and oceans, which is also influenced by the Moon.

Important: Astrology is a complex science, and to an ordinary person It is difficult to create a lunar calendar on your own.

Only specialists can determine favorable and unfavorable favorable days on the Moon for one or another process associated with humans, animals, fish or plants.

We offer a ready-made and complete lunar calendar for anglers and fish bites for 2019. Table with favorable and unfavorable periods for catch:

Period 2019 The period when a good catch is ensured Average fish activity There won't be any bite
January 7-13, 18-25 14,15, 26-29 1-6, 16, 17,30
February 4-9, 17-22 10-16 1-3, 23-28
March 5-10, 17-25 11-16, 26-29 1-4, 30-31
April 4-8, 12, 24-25 9, 11, 13-15, 17-23, 26-30 1-3, 10, 16
May 1-4, 23-25 6, 8-22, 26-30 5, 7, 31
June 4-16 17-28 1-3, 29-30
July 4-7, 14 -21 2, 3, 8-10, 12,13, 22-29, 31 1, 11, 30
August 1-4, 6, 9, 11-19, 22, 30, 31 5, 7-8, 20, 21, 23-24, 27-29 10, 26
September 1-7, 11-17 8-10, 18-20, 26-30 21-25
October 6, 9-13, 20 7, 8, 14, 16-19, 21-29 1-5, 15, 30
November 5, 7-12, 15, 17, 20 1-4, 13-14, 18, 19, 21-29 6, 16, 30
December 11-13 6-10, 14-29 1-5, 30

For ease of use of the lunar calendar for the year, we will list it by month. This will help you quickly find the right period and favorable days for biting.

Many fishermen try to predict upcoming fishing, taking into account the effects of various factors: air temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation. Also take into account the information from the lunar calendar to increase your catch.

It’s the last month of winter, and ice fishing enthusiasts are happy to go to the nearest, still frozen river to drill a hole with an ice drill and fish.

Everyone knows: At this time, the fisherman is required to be especially sensitive in order to detect a bite.

But it is also important to listen to the advice of astrologers who study the impact of the moon’s biorhythms on the behavior of fish.

Spring came. In March, the ice on reservoirs becomes thin. Even experienced fishermen find it difficult to fish at this time of year. But the lunar table forecasts will help highlight favorable days when the fish will come to your fishing rod on its own.

April - the ice has already melted. The fish become more active, and fishing becomes more interesting. However, you can still come home without a catch on unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar. The full moon is also not a good time for fishing.

Fishing in May is popular with both beginners and experienced fishermen. The air has warmed up, the water is also warm. A hungry fish greedily grabs any bait offered to it.

Advice: Pike fishing is active in May, but don’t forget to pay attention to the lunar table to be sure to catch a lot of different fish.

In June day longer than the night, the water becomes light. Therefore, fishing this month requires caution and camouflage on the part of the fisherman. But, if you know all the features of fishing in June, and also take into account the information from the lunar table, then you can get a good catch.

In July, the upper layers of the reservoir warm up and the fish bite poorly. But early in the morning, on cloudy days, and during favorable periods according to the lunar calendar, fishing will be excellent.

Advice: Choose deep-sea reservoirs with a sandy bottom for fishing. Fish early in the morning, when it is still dark and the moon appears in the upper water column.

This month, fishing is notable for the fact that you can catch both predatory and peaceful fish. The fish are actively feeding and go well with any bait. Changeable weather and blooming water can hinder the fisherman. But do not lose hope for a good catch, and listen to the advice of the lunar calendar.

Warm sunny days give way to rainy weather. But nothing will spoil fishing for those who like to go to the river and other bodies of water to catch their catch. As soon as the first cold weather appears, the fish go to deep places. Therefore, stock up on long fishing rods and study the lunar table so that your fishing time is not wasted.

Warm summer days will not return, the real cold is beginning. It is better to change the fishing rod to feeder-type gear, since the fish now gather in schools and “fall” into the pits. They go out to feed in groups, and you need to have extraordinary dexterity and a lunar calendar at hand in order to not go fishing in vain.

The days become short, and the rainy, chilly weather is replaced by the appearance of the first snow. The fish moves little due to the fact that the water is cold and sleeps peacefully at the bottom.

The water became clear in November and the fisherman needed camouflage so as not to spook the fish. The lunar table will help you choose good days for a fishing trip.

Winter is coming into force. Rivers and other fresh water bodies are covered with a layer of ice. Now it's time for ice fishing enthusiasts.

Stock up on warm clothing and choose a favorable day according to the advice of astrologers. This will help you withstand the December frost and come home with your catch.

Every month of the year has its own characteristics fishing. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances and study the lunar calendar, then you can show off your good catch to your friends. Happy fishing!


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