What is the smallest state in the world? Size matters: the world's smallest countries by area and population

There are 194 countries in the world, and when I think about each of them, we, as a rule, represent a large territory and a population of many millions. But some states are several times smaller in area than modern megacities. We've collected ten of the tiniest ones.

No. 10 Grenada: 344 km²

It is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea, located northwest of Trinidad and Tobago. Grenada is the world's largest producer of nutmeg, so it is not surprising that it is also called the “Spice Island”. From 1649 to 1763 it was a French colony. The strong influence of French tradition and culture in the country is still felt today - from architecture and art to cricket, which is the most popular view sports on the island.

No. 9 Malta: 316 km²

Malta is another tiny island state. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea. The three main islands of the Republic are Gozo (Gozo), Comino and the largest of them, Malta. The country has a population of approximately 450,000 inhabitants, making it one of the most populous countries in the world. Most tourists come to Malta for beach holiday, intriguing history and vibrant nightlife.

No. 8 Maldives: 300 km²

The smallest country in Asia in terms of area and population, the Maldives is nevertheless one of the most popular places holidays in Indian Ocean. Snow-white sandy beaches and crystal blue water gave the country a reputation as a paradise. Some 1,192 coral islands are scattered over an area of ​​90,000 km², making the Republic one of the most dispersed countries in the world. Although this has its own plus: there is always room for just the two of you.

Formerly part of the West Indies, these two islands in the Caribbean were among the first lands settled by Europeans and were major exporters of sugar for many centuries. Today, only colonial estates converted into hotels remind of the former plantations. Modern economics The country is built around tourism, agriculture and small manufacturing enterprises. St. Kitts and Nevis is home to fantastic dive sites and rich marine life.

No. 6 Liechtenstein: 160 km²

Liechtenstein is the only country in the world that lies entirely in the Alps. It is located between Switzerland and Austria. It is one of the richest countries with incredible low level unemployment (1.5%). True, getting to Liechtenstein is a little problematic, because there is not a single airport here. The closest one is in Zurich.

No. 5 San Marino: 61 km²

San Marino is an enclave: its territory is completely surrounded by Italian lands. The country claims to be the oldest sovereign state in the world. San Marino ranks third on the list of smallest countries in Europe and has a population of only 30,000 people, but boasts one of the highest GDP per capita and low unemployment rates.

No. 4 Tuvalu: 26 km²

Formerly known as Ellis, the state of Tuvalu is located in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia. Its population is about 10,000 inhabitants, and total length roads - only 8 km. It was once a British territory but became independent in 1978. Due to the fact that getting here is quite problematic, tourism in Tuvalu is underdeveloped, although the landscapes here are truly heavenly.

No. 3 Nauru: 21 km²

Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. It is located east of Australia. The country's economy suffered significantly when local phosphate mines were depleted. Unemployment reached 90%. The Republic is also known as home to the world's most obese people: 97% of men and 93% of women are obese or overweight.

No. 2 Monaco: 2 km²

Monaco is the epitome of luxury and wealth: it has the largest concentration of millionaires and billionaires in the world. Thanks to the luxurious casinos and wide choice exclusive services, the country has become a favorite holiday destination powerful of the world this. One of the most popular and spectacular events of the year is the Formula 1 Grand Prix, during which cars drive along ordinary city streets. With a population of over 36,000 inhabitants, Monaco is the most populous country in the world.

No. 1 Vatican: 0.44 km²

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. It is located in the Italian capital and is the center of the Catholic Church. It is not surprising that this is where the largest Christian church in the world - St. Peter's Cathedral. In addition, in the Vatican you can see valuable works of art from the Renaissance. The main source of income in the country is voluntary contributions from Catholics from all over the world (more than 1 billion people). The rest of the profit comes from the sale of postage stamps, tourist souvenirs and entrance tickets to museums.

In the school geography curriculum, unfortunately, interesting geographical facts our planet, and there are so many of them: colorful beaches or lakes, giant or smallest countries, highest or low points earth's surface and much more. That’s why many children, and then adults, have no desire to travel to see something interesting with their own eyes.

In this article you will learn about the 10 smallest countries in the whole world based on the area they occupy.

  1. Order of Malta. This is the smallest country in Europe and the whole world in terms of area - only 0.012 km² (these are two buildings in Rome). The Order of Malta is not recognized by all countries of the world as an independent full-fledged state, but all members of the order are considered its citizens (12.5 thousand people), it issues passports, has its own currency and stamps.

  2. . The most famous small country in the world, located, like the Order of Malta, in Rome. The Vatican's territory, less than one square kilometer (0.44 km²), is home to just 826 people, but 100 of them serve in the Swiss Guard, which protects its borders. It is the residence of the head of the Catholic Church, the Pope, and therefore, despite its small size, enjoys great political influence.

  3. Monaco. This small country in southern Europe it is the most densely populated among mini-countries: over 20 thousand people live here per 1 km². Monaco's only neighbor is France. The peculiarity of this country is that there are five times more visitors than the indigenous population.

  4. Gibraltar. Located on the southern side of the Iberian Peninsula, on a formidable rocky promontory connected to the mainland by a very narrow isthmus of sand. Although its history was very closely connected with Great Britain, it is now a completely independent state. The entire area of ​​this state is 6.5 km², with an average population density for Europe.

  5. Nauru. Nauru is the smallest island country in Oceania, located on the coral island of the same name in the western part Pacific Ocean, with an area of ​​21 km² and a population of slightly more than 9 thousand people. It is the only state in the world without an official capital.

  6. Tuvalu. This is a Pacific country located on 9 coral islands (atolls) with total area- 26 km², population – 10.5 thousand people. It is a very poor country that is at risk of disappearing due to rising water levels and coastal erosion.
  7. Pitcairn. Located on five islands of the Pacific Ocean, only one of which is inhabited, and is considered the country with the smallest population - only 48 people.

  8. . European state, located on the slope of Mount Titan and surrounded on all sides by Italy, with an area of ​​61 km² and a population of 32 thousand people. It is considered one of the oldest states in Europe.

  9. Liechtenstein. The area of ​​this mini-state with a population of 29 thousand people is 160 km². It is located between Switzerland and Austria, in the Alps. Liechtenstein is a highly developed industrial country engaged in the export of various products and with a high standard of living.

  10. Marshall Islands . This is an entire archipelago consisting of coral reefs and islets, with a total area of ​​180 km² and a population of 52 thousand people. Until 1986, it was a British colony, but is now an independent state, popular with tourists.

Having introduced you to the 10 smallest countries in the world, I would like to add that a big advantage of living in these countries is the government’s constant concern for its citizens.

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Can you boast that you have been to every corner of your country? Most of us, of course, will answer in the negative. The average person is more likely to not be able to visit every locality and area of ​​your country, especially if it occupies a fairly large territory. However, if you live in some dwarf state, you will not have such a problem. In fact, in order to travel around your entire country you will need no more than one day, and maybe just a couple of hours. For example, between breakfast and lunch you can take a walk and visit every corner of your state.

1) Vatican

The Vatican is a dwarf state located in one of the districts of Rome. It is a closed city-state with an area of ​​only approximately 44 hectares. The Vatican is not a very old country. The state was founded only in 1929 and is governed by the Bishop of Rome, known as the Pope. On the territory of the Vatican there are the most beautiful buildings in the world: St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, Apostolic Palace(residence of the Pope), several museums and many others most beautiful buildings. In addition, this tiny area also houses the Vatican Gardens, which cover about half of the country. About 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, but several thousand more Italians come here every day to work.

2) Monaco

Monaco is the second smallest country in the world and covers an area of ​​2.02 square kilometers. Thanks to the draining of the sea, the country's area has increased slightly over the past 20 years. The country is also the second smallest monarchical state. Monaco is located in Southwestern Europe on the coast Mediterranean Sea, on land it borders with France. Monaco is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a population of about 30 thousand people. Residents are mainly engaged in tourism, as many guests come here to gamble and enjoy a holiday by the sea.

3) Nauru

Located in Micronesia, in the South Pacific Ocean, Nauru is a dwarf island nation with an area of ​​only 21.3 square kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. The state gained independence in 1968, but the island has been home to Aboriginal people for at least 3,000 years. The first westerner to visit the island was John Fearn. He gave the island the name "Pleasant". Today the country's population is 9 thousand people, the state has no armed forces.

4) Tuvalu

Also located on the islands of the South Pacific Ocean, the dwarf nation of Tuvalu covers an area of ​​26 square kilometers. The country includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands were called the Ellis Islands and belonged to the British Crown. The islands were discovered in 1568 and were administered by Great Britain until the end of the 19th century. Tuvalu gained complete independence from the British only in 1978. Currently, the country's population is about 10.5 thousand people. Since there is practically no natural resources, Tuvalu lives on aid from other countries.

5) San Marino

Covering an area of ​​61 square kilometers, San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world. San Marino also has the smallest population of any member state of the European Council. San Marino is one of the oldest independent countries in the world. The founding date of this country is September 3, 301. The country's constitution dates back to 1600, making San Marino the second oldest constitutional republic in the world. San Marino is also one of the richest countries on the planet, with no debt and revenues exceeding budget expenditures.

6) Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a country surrounded on all sides by land, located in Europe. The country's area is 160.4 square kilometers and borders Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein may be one of the smallest countries on the planet, but it also ranks among the richest. It's developed here winter tourism, however, tourism is not the main source of income. Liechtenstein is a popular business center with more companies registered than residents.

7) Marshall Islands

Located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, the dwarf nation of the Marshall Islands is mainly composed of coral islands. The total area of ​​the country is 181 square kilometers, the population is 62 thousand people. This state gained independence from the United States only in 1986, but until now, US assistance has helped the economy of the Marshall Islands “keep afloat.” The country has virtually no natural resources and imports more goods than it exports. IN last years The Marshall Islands suffers from high energy costs.

8) Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers. It is the 8th largest dwarf country with a population of about 84 thousand people. The archipelago consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, and is located north of Madagascar. Seychelles has continuously developed thanks to the export of cinnamon, coconut and vanilla. Since the country gained independence in 1976, tourism has become its main source of income. The tourism industry currently employs about a third of the country's working population.

9) Maldives

Another island country Republic of Maldives, or simply the Maldives, is located in the Indian Ocean. In terms of area and population, the Maldives is the smallest Asian country. The total area is 298 square kilometers, and according to the 2010 census, 396,334 people live here. The state owns 1,192 islands, but only about 200 are inhabited. About a third of all Maldivians live in the country's capital, Male. Today, the main source of income for the residents of the Maldives is tourism; in the old days, the country developed thanks to the export of cowrie shellfish, dried tuna and coconut ropes.

10) Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf island state is located in the West Indies - on the islands Atlantic Ocean between Northern and South America. The state is located on 2 islands with a total area of ​​261 square kilometers. These islands were the first of the islands Caribbean Sea which were settled by Europeans. The state gained independence from Great Britain in 1983. This country is not only the smallest in area in the region of the Americas, but also has the smallest population of all countries in this part of the world - approximately 50 thousand people. Today, the country's main source of income is tourism. Also developed here Agriculture and offshore banking.

The most small state in the world (photos below) is the Vatican. It is the smallest on the planet both in terms of area occupied and in the number of citizens. It should be noted that in this case only officially recognized countries are taken into account. The residence of the Pope is located here, which is why this miniature city-power is considered the center of the entire Catholic world.

general description

The smallest state in the world by area occupies a territory whose size is only 0.45 km 2. It's in the heart Italian capital- Rome. The total length of the Vatican border is 3200 meters. The state is surrounded on all sides by high walls. On its territory there is its own post office, police station, train station, publishing house and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since the nineteenth century, it also had its own currency unit- the lira of the Papal State, however, after the introduction of the euro in Italy in 2002, this currency began to be used in the Vatican.

Short story

The country has been small throughout the history of its existence. In ancient times, no one lived on the territory of the modern Vatican. The point is that in Ancient Rome this place was considered holy. It began to be inhabited in 326, after the construction of the Basilica of Constantine over the supposed burial site of St. Peter. In the period from 752 to 1870, the smallest state in the world by population occupied an area of ​​​​about 41 km 2. At this time it was called the Papal States. The country was captured by a united Italian army in the mid-nineteenth century.

The current situation was resolved in 1929. It was then that the Lateran Treaty was signed, according to which the independence of the state was proclaimed, and Pope Pius XI in return recognized the Kingdom of Italy.


As noted above, the Vatican is the smallest state in the world in terms of population. About 850 people who are citizens of this country permanently live on its territory. All of them have the status of servants of the Holy See. Vatican citizenship can only be obtained in this way. Once this work is completed, it is instantly cancelled. Local army number one hundred people.

During the daytime, there are about three thousand hired workers in the country, who are mainly engaged in menial labor. They are not subjects of the Vatican and live outside it. The vast majority of these people are Italians.

Political system and language

Based on international law, the smallest state in the world is an absolute theocratic monarchy, governed by the Holy See. In other words, all executive, legislative and judicial power here is concentrated in the hands of the Pope, who is elected for life by the cardinals. He governs, in fact, only the Holy See, while the country is governed by the governor of the Pontifical Commission appointed by him.

All legislative acts issued by the Vatican come into force only after they are published in Italian and Latin. Thus, we can say that both of them have official status in the country. At the same time, work in any world language is allowed here, which is due to the presence of representatives of many nationalities among church ministers.

Financial policy

There are no industrial enterprises in the Vatican, and therefore the smallest state in the world receives almost all its financial income from investments, donations and tourism. This money is mainly used for ordinary expenses, including salaries, reconstruction of buildings, maintenance of the Holy See, and so on. The annual state budget of a country whose economy is of a planned type averages 310 million US dollars. At the same time, the state is known for the charitable activities of the pontiff. In particular, funds are allocated to support people affected by natural disasters, as well as to build churches in all corners of the planet.

Social politics

To ensure close contact and dialogue with Catholics, as well as disseminate the teachings of the Church, the Vatican has created its own television channel. It hosts live broadcasts of state celebrations and services of the Pope, and also produces documentaries. In addition, it has its own radio. It is available not only on shortwave AM and FM, but also via the Internet. Recently, the social policy pursued by the smallest state in the world has been criticized by parishioners. In particular, many of them do not like conservative teachings, which do not correspond to the realities of our time.

Tourist attraction

As previously noted, tourism is considered one of the main sources of income for the Vatican. This is not surprising, since millions of people come here every year who want to see the ancient architectural ensembles and world-famous works of art created by great masters. The most popular among them are the Cathedral and St. Peter's Square, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Museum and Library, as well as the gardens, which occupy most of the country.

The Vatican received the status of the official residence of the Pope back in 1377.

Any visitor to the country has the opportunity to use the local postal services, in particular, send memorable postcards with unique stamps to their relatives and friends anywhere in the world.

Local museums are the third most popular on Earth, behind only the Louvre and the British Museum.

There is no airport on Vatican territory. At the same time, the smallest state in the world can boast of having helipad, operating since 1976. From here the pontiff usually flies to Roman airports or to his residence Castel Gandolfo.

The country has its own railway with the station. Its length is 700 meters.

The Vatican is characterized by an extremely high crime rate. There is an average of one crime per year per local resident. As a rule, these are thefts. However, it should be taken into account that they are mainly committed by service personnel or tourists.

Marriages and children are almost never born in the state.

Literacy local residents is 100%.

Other tiny countries

As a rule, the smallest states in the world have very rich history and are highly attractive for tourists. Below, in descending order, are the five tiniest countries on the planet.

In fourth place on the list is the Pacific island country of Tuvalu. It gained its independence from England in 1978. The local population is about 10 thousand people. The country is located on 4 islands and 5 atolls with a total area of ​​26 km 2.

The third position belongs to Nauru - island state, located in the South Pacific Ocean. It has the status independent republic and is distinguished by the absence of a capital. The area of ​​Nauru is 21.3 km 2, and the population is about 9.5 thousand people.

Monaco ranks second in the “Smallest States in the World” ranking. The Principality borders France and is located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea. The area of ​​the country, which is home to about 36 thousand permanent residents, is 2.02 km 2 . Thanks to tax incentives, the capital of the richest people on Earth is attracted here. The capital has a similar name.

The world's smallest state is the Vatican, which was discussed in more detail earlier in this article.

There are quite a few countries on the planet that can fit, for example, on the territory of one district of Moscow. As a rule, such places are very interesting and exotic. Most of them are little known, but information about these countries is still available to readers of the “Smallest Countries in the World” rating.

In order not to be confused about where the country is located, and where the state or territory is located, you need to know: a territory is a community united by culture, land and history. If this community is isolated, even dependent, then it is already a country. But if it also has sovereignty, that is, political freedom to choose a state-legal organization, then you already have a state. So, which countries are the smallest?

Maldives, 298 sq. km

This is a state consisting of 2 thousand islands in the Indian Ocean. In 1965, the Maldives became independent from Great Britain.

181 thousand inhabitants who speak Maldivian and English languages, make a living from tourism.

Saint Kitts and Nevis, 269 sq. km

The Caribbean country is home to 41 thousand English-speaking people. In 1983, Saint Kitts and Nevis was recognized as independent.

Here money comes from the export of sugar, shellfish, electronics and light industrial goods.

Seychelles, 217 sq. km

Seychelles is the smallest country in Africa. Until 1976 it was subordinate to Great Britain.

After that, 69 thousand local residents became independent. They speak Creole, English and French. Residents have their main income from tourism.

Marshall Islands, 180 sq. km

The Pacific Marshall Islands are an archipelago of coral islets and reefs. The population of this small state is 52 thousand people.

Official language- English. Formally, the islands are subject to british crown, and this despite the fact that they became independent in 1986. The island produces copra, fish and phosphates. Recently, tourism has become an important source of revenue for the treasury.

Liechtenstein, 160 sq. km

This tiny state is located in the Alps, between Austria and Switzerland. About 29 thousand people live in the country. Liechtenstein lives by exporting food, selling postage stamps, microchips and dental instruments. At the same time, the state is a fairly developed industrial country with a high standard of living and an excellent system of financial services.

Liechtenstein's population consists mainly of Germans, Austrians and Swiss. A third of the total population are foreigners. Everyone speaks German, but there are several dialects in the territory.

San Marino, 61 sq. km

This small state is located on the slope of Mount Titan, in the center of Italy. About 28 thousand inhabitants live on 61 square kilometers of San Marino. And they all speak Italian.

Citizens are proud that their state is one of the most ancient in Europe. From ancient sources it is known that San Marino was formed in 301. The mason Marinus came to this land.

He was fleeing from the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who is known for his hatred of Christians. Marinus hid at an altitude of 701 meters on Mount Titan and created his own small Christian community. The then owner of this land, Felicissima, bequeathed her land to the community. At first the territory was called “Land of St. Marinus”, then it was renamed San Marino.

San Marino retained its physical independence thanks to its inconvenient natural location and poverty. Since the 17th century, the Constitution in the country, ruled by the Council of Sixty, has not changed.

San Marino is a small country in Europe

After the end of World War II, San Marino found itself on the list of the poorest countries in Europe. Now the country is visited annually by about three million tourists, so their money constitutes one of the main sources of income. Ceramics, wine, paints, chemicals, and building stone are exported from San Marino. Now, thanks to this, the inhabitants of this small country have become some of the richest in Europe.

Tuvalu, 26 sq. km

This state is located in the western Pacific Ocean on a chain of nine coral atolls. It has a population of only 10.5 thousand people.

Every year the island's territory becomes smaller and, perhaps, in a few decades, there will be nothing left of it - if the sea level rises. However, if this does not happen, then Tuvalu will still slowly but surely “go to the bottom.” The main problems in the state are coastal erosion and population growth.

Nauru, 21 sq. km

This dwarf state is located on the coral reef of the same name in the western Pacific Ocean. The island has no capital of its own; it is the only such republic on the planet. About 13 thousand residents live here.

In the 1970s, the indigenous people of Nauru were the richest people in the world. Everyone profited from phosphates. Local authorities employed 95 percent of citizens, and also provided the people with free education and medicine. However, not everyone appreciated this - high school only a third of all children attended.

Nauru Island is the smallest country in the Pacific Ocean

However, phosphates did not last forever, and 90 percent of the island became unproductive. All that remained were depleted mines. And this is not the only problem of a small state. Most local residents suffer from obesity. A too slow and sedentary lifestyle, a large amount of fatty foods and alcohol have taken their toll - 9 out of 10 have too many extra pounds. Moreover, almost half of Nauru's population has diabetes. As a result, the state has the most high level incidence of this disease in the world.

Monaco, 1.96 sq. km.

Monaco takes second place in the list of “Smallest Countries in the World”. The area of ​​this dwarf state is almost two square kilometers, and each has about 24 thousand inhabitants. For the last seven centuries, the Grimaldi family from Genoa has ruled here. Now the Prince rules together with the National Council.

One to five - this is the ratio of native Monaco residents to visitors. Why did this happen? Because for quite a long time there was no income tax in the country. Therefore, wealthy foreigners, businessmen and owners came here in droves. large companies. After lengthy debates with the French authorities, who were dissatisfied with the outflow of their wealthy entrepreneurs along with their capital to a neighboring state, an income tax was introduced in Monaco. However, this change did not affect the indigenous people.

The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, 0.44 square meters. km

This country may be small, but it is very powerful. The Vatican is an independent territory of the Holy See of the Catholic Church, before which a billion people on the planet bow. In essence, the Vatican is the residence of the head of the Catholic Church. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world

Italian and Latin are spoken in the Vatican. The country's economy is exceptional: it is the only non-profitable one in the world. The Vatican treasury comes from the pockets of Catholics around the world, that is, it is formed from donations, income from the sale of books, postage stamps and tourism. And one more important note: The Vatican does not collect taxes as a spiritual center.

In the ranking of the smallest countries in the world, there are many island states located close to the equator and having a very hot climate. We also invite you to read about the hottest countries in the world.
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