Snorkeling in Phuket. Where, when and how. Where are the good beaches in Vietnam? An interesting bottom, colorful corals and small, oddly shaped reefs gather many different inhabitants of the underwater world.

Phuket is often called the pearl Andaman Sea. And in the vicinity of Phuket there are many smaller islands. Many of which are considered some of the world's best diving sites.

And now I will reveal one secret. You can enjoy the underwater world of the Andaman Sea without going somewhere far from the island.

But the truth is not for everyone, for this you need to know right places. And so that all this would bring pleasure and not irritate, it is advisable to sort out the equipment a little more in advance. This is what we will talk about. Snorkeling – where, when and how.

Snorkeling is the little brother. Swimming with a mask, snorkel and sometimes fins. This small set of equipment allows you to swim for a long time in the water in a semi-submerged state and spend hours exploring the mysterious underwater world. You can easily purchase all this equipment not far from the beach or hotel at any dive center or even minimarket. Depending on the quality, the cost of a mask with a snorkel varies from 600 to 3000 baht. The higher the price, the better the quality. It is better to approach the choice of mask more carefully. I currently have three masks at home and unfortunately only one of them suits me. Actually, this is my first article about snorkeling in Phuket. There will be several of them. And in this article I will describe one of the places in Phuket where you can have good snorkeling and where there is something to see. And in the next article we will talk about equipment and how to choose it correctly.

Remember before this I wrote about Kata Beach in Phuket? So one of the places for snorkeling is located there, in the southernmost part of the beach. Those. If you look towards the sea, then on the left. You will see a small rocky outcrop. If you stand next to this ledge you will see a large stone in the water. And about 10-15 meters away there will be another stone. Sometimes it can be seen from the sea, sometimes not - it depends on the tide. There is some coral on this rock and some living creatures gather there from time to time. But more interesting are the corals on the left side, five to seven meters from the shore if you swim to the left behind the rocky ledge. You can see a lot of interesting things there.

An interesting bottom, colorful corals and small, oddly shaped reefs gather many different inhabitants of the underwater world.

It will be easier to navigate using the diagram that I drew (I apologize for the quality of the homemade diagram).

Unfortunately, snorkeling is not always possible in the vicinity of Phuket. There are big waves at sea, especially on east coast this is where the most pleasant beaches and main hotels are located. It is especially dangerous to swim when big waves near rocks of stones. And besides, the waves lift a lot of sand from the bottom, the water becomes cloudy and almost nothing is visible. The same situation occurs after rain. Usually, on the day when it rains and the day after, the water a few meters from the shore is cloudy, diving is useless - you can’t see anything (This doesn’t happen with diving - different depths. You can dive in the rain).

In the next article I will write in more detail about equipment, what is needed and why. And how to choose it correctly.

P/S. in general it would be nice to collect detailed descriptions main snorkeling spots in Phuket. Write about interesting places where did you snorkel?

We lived in Vietnam for quite a long time, visited many beaches, and I’ll be happy to tell you about some of the most beautiful ones! If you stay in the city of Nha Trang, then do not limit yourself to swimming on the city beach, as you will not see the real one! Rent a motorbike and go outside the city! The road to the beach itself is an excellent reason to go there; you will see all the color and beauty of Vietnamese nature and its inhabitants! Huge majestic mountains under the green edge of trees, indescribable beauty! Drive about an hour towards the north, about 50 km from Nha Trang. There are very few tourists on the beach, only guests of the White Sand Doclet Resort. Snow-white sand, turquoise water, it really is paradise! You can rent sun loungers and eat in a cafe on the seashore. If you go to this beach, you are guaranteed great emotions and complete relaxation!

I also want to talk about Jungle Beach. The name speaks for itself, it really is a jungle! Nobody knows about this beach except local Russians and foreigners. It takes just over an hour to get there, also in the north direction. Before you opens a large sandy beach for several kilometers, unforgettable views, bamboo bungalows, hidden in the shade of palm trees and heavenly colored water! Be sure to take a ride around mountain road near the beach, there is something to see and photograph! Seascapes, fishing villages, huge rocks, you will be captivated by the beauty of nature!

Well, if you can’t get out of the city of Nha Trang, then go to the beach, which is located in the An Vien area. An area with many European standard villas. There is a small private beach. To be surprised, go there at night! Take a swim in the water and you will be able to observe glowing little plankton underwater, a very mesmerizing sight! You float, and luminous waves emit from you, you can feel like a fairy or a wizard!

Below is our translation of an article in which you can get acquainted with 25 islands where the best snorkeling and freediving in the world (according to the authors). See where you have already dived and where you only dream of going. Our eyes widen, and our souls ask to go, because... So far we have only visited two of them :)

No. 25: Plaza Sur, Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos holds many wonders, but few are as beautiful as the sea lions.

You need to take a boat from the town of Puerto Ayora on the main island of Santa Cruz to Plaza Sur. This place is home to thousands of sea lions. If you dive into shallow water, you will create a sensation among the young individuals, who will immediately swim closer to examine you. Adults will be more cautious: mothers will stand back to watch over the babies, and males may even growl in warning if you get too close. If you stay at a safe distance, you can consider yourself part of a party where playful creatures perform acrobatic feats in your honor! :)

No. 24: Uepi, Solomon Islands

Uepi Island resort on the edge of Morovo Lagoon on Solomon Islands is one of the few places in the world where you can swim with one of the most incredible marine life - the Nautilus Pompilius. This cephalopod is known for its stunning shell, which is highly prized by collectors, but the creature itself is even more fascinating. Just like the 400-million-year-old fossils, Nautilus pompilius lives at a depth of 250 to 300 meters, where it rests until sunset. In the evening he rises to a depth of 180 meters for cleaning. Over the course of long hours, hotel staff carefully raise it from the depths. Plan to be on the reef at first light to see the water pulsing through the siphon as this surreal creature dances around the coral. After this, the staff lowers the nautilus back to depth, where it is released.

No. 23: Bimini, Bahamas

To increase your chances of a chance encounter with dolphins, remember this tip from the lovely folks at Bimini Undersea Adventures: the more calmly you swim, circling around and acting like a fish, the more likely you are to eventually encounter a curious dolphin's eye. For the first time, random encounters with dolphins began to be organized 15 years ago, and the enthusiasm has not waned since then. Summer is the best time to find Atlantic spotted dolphins in the coastal waters of Bimini due to calm seas. But the company recruits groups of 6 people throughout the year. Meetings, of course, are not guaranteed, since it is not us, but the dolphins who decide when to meet with us and for how long.

No. 22: Maldives

Looking for luxury with snorkeling? You can stay at Poseidon Undersea Resorts and feel like you are diving in the comfort of your own room. Or visit Veligandu Island Resort, a tiny island on the edge of an atoll 25 kilometers west of international airport in Male. When you step off the plane, you will be greeted by an endless blue landscape of houses on stilts and beautiful beaches. Grab your gear and go explore the huge natural aquarium that begins as soon as the sand runs out. The waters here are calm and the atoll reef is teeming with some of the most amazing fish species from the Indian Ocean.

No. 21: New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Restorff Island, 10 miles off New Britain north of Papua New Guinea, is a place where you can encounter creatures you've never seen before. Spiny sea devils, triggerfish and other strange creatures live in the shallow waters and reef walls surrounding the island.

No. 20: Rurutu, Tahiti

From August to October, southern humpback whales come to the waters of the Tahiti Islands to mate and leave their young. Rurutu (an island 350 miles southwest of Tahiti) is one of their favorite stops. Raie Manta Club is the only company that organizes diving and snorkeling with whales on the island. From the very beginning of the journey, the scientist on board will tell you about the whales. As usual in such cases, sightings of these amazing animals are not guaranteed. When the boat approaches a single whale or a school and you descend into water with visibility of at least 30 meters, it may seem as if you are floating in the air. Snorkelers cannot get close to the whales, but sometimes they are curious and rise to the surface themselves. It is better to book such a trip in advance.

No. 19: Les Medes Islands, Spain

You couldn't even think that Spain - worthy place for snorkeling. Don't tell it to the tiny Mediterranean town of L'Estartit on the main Costa Brava island, which boasts a dozen dive shops. They'll probably tell you that the famous Les Medes archipelago (less than a mile offshore) boasts the richest marine life in the Mediterranean. reservation wildlife includes 7 uninhabited islands and dozens of rocky reefs where sightings of schools of stingrays, barracudas, eels and octopuses are commonplace. Travel to protected water Les Medes are held all year round.

No. 18: Fernando de Noroha, Brazil

An often overlooked National Marine Sanctuary lies just south of the equator in Atlantic Ocean 338 miles from the Brazilian coast. This site is a World Heritage Site and a limited number of visitors can come here each day. You can book a trip from the port of Santo Antonio on the main island that gives the entire archipelago its name, and visit the Baia de Golfinhos (Dolphin Coast). It is home to hundreds of dolphins, who often perform their magical leaps for tourist boats. Next, head to Baia Do Sancho for snorkeling where you'll have close encounters with massive sea turtles. From August to December the sea is calmest.

No. 17: Corn Islands, Nicaragua

To this day, the Caribbean is a secluded, secluded place, ideal for snorkeling if you know what and where to look. Big Corn Island in Nicaragua offers encounters with angelfish, southern stingrays, green moray eels...

No. 16: Menjangan, Bali

Menjangan has long been famous among divers. We love this place very much and have written about it. The island is part of West Bali National Park, which means a ban on catching fish and animals. The shallow waters of the island are a paradise for marine life. At a depth of 20 meters, huge formations of mushroom corals emerge in the most incredible shapes to catch the all-important sunlight. The sea in this area is calm throughout the year, but the best time to visit is from April to November, when visibility reaches 30 meters. Trips to the island can be booked in the town of Pamuteran, which is located in eastern Bali.

No. 15: Sipadan, Borneo

This entire island in northeast Borneo is surrounded by hard corals that suddenly drop down to a depth of almost 600 meters. Such a sharp cliff allows thousands of colorful tropical creatures to appear simultaneously in one place. Near Sipadan, both those who live in shallow waters and large creatures such as barracudas, sharks, large sea ​​urchins and sea turtles. To protect this natural wonder, there have been no resorts on the island since 2005. Tourists are brought here from neighboring islands Mabul and Kapalay. You can also come from Semporna, which is located in Borneo. The island is the most amazing place for divers, but snorkelers will not be bored here either.

No. 14: Lord Howe Island, Australia

The world's southernmost coral reef is home to more than 490 different species of marine life from tropical and temperate latitudes. A limited number of guests are allowed to visit Lord Howe Islands each day. Here you can catch a feeling of complete isolation. The best snorkeling sites in this UNESCO World Heritage site are in the calm, shallow waters of the wide lagoon off the island's western shore.

Although the island is named after the cackling seagulls that are often found on this tiny islet 11 miles from big land, Placencia, Laughing Bird Caye is the best place to meet underwater inhabitants. The local reef was simultaneously given the status national park And World Heritage As a result, there is a pristine ecosystem with soft and hard corals and schools of angelfish and clownfish darting in front of your mask. Several Placencia-based operators take small groups to these remote locations. The ranger station is open daily and they will be happy to explain interesting features ecosystems.

No. 12: Stingray City, Grand Cayman

Get up close and personal with the Caribbean's friendliest stingrays in Stingray Town, Cayman. This reef shoal near North Sound was once a place where fishermen cleaned their traps, which then attracted stingrays. These graceful winged vacuum cleaners will hover and pull squid bait from your fingers. This activity can get a little crazy when they hit you while waiting to feed, but it's completely safe and fun. Think of them as puppies with flippers. Most resorts and dive shops in Grand Cayman offer daily trips to this location.

No. 11: Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands

While Jost Van Dyke is known for its snow-white beach and the Soggy Dollar Bar with the best crazy cocktails, the eastern end of the island attracts eagle rays, trachinotus, tarpon, ocean triggerfish and other big fish. All these joys come in addition to the postcard Creole wrasse and parrotfish :)

No. 10: Raja Ampat, Indonesia

This region of the Indonesian archipelago has become world famous for its incredible bio-diversity of coral reefs. Most of the islands in the Massoula area are so sheltered from harsh ocean conditions that exotic soft corals of all colors from fiery orange to light lavender and hot pink can be found just feet below the surface. Ichthyologists (people who study fish) last counted 1,704 different species in Raja Ampat. Until recently, the only way to explore this region was on a diving safari from Sorong to Papua New Guinea. Misool Eco Resort promises that you will see the most beautiful underwater places in the world just steps from your bungalow.

No. 9: Culebra, Puerto Rico

Few travelers make it to Culebra, 25 miles from Puerto Rico. Even fewer make it to Flamenco Beach - best place on the island for encounters with hawksbill turtles, squid and angelfish among the fingers of the reef.

#8: Catalina Island, California

Dive into the waters of Lover's Cave on Santa Catalina Island. Just 22 miles from the shores Los Angeles you will be swept away by a forest of algae. Shafts of light dance and sway beneath a green canopy of kelp (a seagrass that can grow a foot a day). Bright orange garibaldis light up the stage with their neon orange presence.

№ 7:

Dominica is home to 9 active volcanoes. Experience geothermal activity by snorkeling around the effervescent Champagne Reef, which is located on the west side of the island near the town of Soufriere. The waters of the springs, enriched with sulfur, are sent by currents to the waters of the Caribbean Ocean. This sea not only tickles with bubbles of seltzer water bubbling from the reef. Reef valves also attract unusual critters, ranging from gurnards to Caribbean reef squid. The reef is accessible from the shore, but you can also rent a boat.

No. 6: Maui, Hawaii

A few miles south of Lahaina, a snorkeling beach on Maui is found at Papalaua Wayside Park. A wonderful beach stretches along the shore, covered with trees. At the eastern end, the unusually named Coral Garden, hundreds of coral heads catch the sun's rays in clear sapphire water. Bright yellow butterflyfish abound in the coral labyrinth. Lazy Greens sea ​​turtles can often be found here too. Always keep an eye out for Humuhumu Nukunuku Apua'a, a dynamic Hawaiian triggerfish whose name is as funny as it is difficult to track down. It is better to snorkel here in the mornings when the wind is calmer.

No. 5: Dry Tortugas, Florida

From Key West, you can take a seaplane (the 70-mile distance can be covered in 40 minutes), and when you land, you can explore the snorkeling wonderland of Dry Tortuga National Park. The reefs of the national park are perhaps the least visited in the States. This is probably why they are home to a huge variety of fish species. Caribbean and living corals. When you get out of the water, you can enjoy not only beautiful beaches, but also by studying the ruins of Fort Jefferson, which was built in 1846.

No. 4: Bonaire

Follow veteran cave explorer Hank Sanders into one of Bonaire's more than 200 caves to learn how changing sea levels create limestone caves, often hidden in arid lands with tiny entrances. There you can find stunning fossilized corals, and fresh water pools filled with stalactites and stalagmites - truly a place for adventurous snorkeling :) To get in and out of the cave you will need good shoes and a minimum level of physical fitness.

No. 3: Bly Waters, Fiji

Fiji's most beautiful reefs are located in a remote region called Bligh Waters (halfway between the most large islands Viti Levu and Vanua Levu). Here, incredible seamounts rise hundreds of feet from the ocean floor, ending at the water's surface and creating oases of marine life. Prepare to be amazed by colorful trails of soft corals, schools of rainbow fish and a macrocosm of multi-colored invertebrates that constantly compete for your attention. The site is located quite far from the coast, there are strong currents, so good water skills are required.

No. 2: Islas de la Bahia,Gonduras

Still think size doesn't matter? Then you probably haven’t snorkeled with the most big fish in the sea - with a whale shark. Measuring over 40 feet in length, these huge animals look intimidating. In fact, they are completely harmless and feed only on plankton and the smallest inhabitants of the sea. When this slow-motion monster rises to the surface, grab your gear and jump into the water. You can swim very close while it eats. Best time for meetings with a whale shark here from February to May, but, of course, there are no guarantees.

№ 1: Big Island, Hawaii


For lovers active rest in general, and to fans of snorkeling in particular, dedicated!

Swimming with a mask, snorkel and fins, or as it is also called “Snorkeling,” is confidently gaining popularity among tourists. Of course, this is the most accessible beach activities. Moreover, residents of the post-Soviet space prefer to fly on vacation to warm countries, and warm waters are home to a large number of different marine life. But everyone wants to look at strange fish and corals.

If you have never snorkeled before... FeelGood will tell you how and where to join this educational type of recreation.

What will you need? A mask and snorkel are the most important equipment for snorkeling. Regarding fins: you can swim without them. But with them you can swim and dive faster.

Preparing for the first voyage.

1.First practice breathing through the tube. Breathe only through your mouth. Smooth, relaxed.

2.Learn to put on a mask. Masks often fog up. Before putting it on, you need to rinse it in the water in which you will swim. This way it will reach ambient temperature and you will avoid it quickly fogging up.

How to start admiring the underwater world: Lie down on the surface of the water and try breathing through the snorkel. Having gotten used to it a little, start swimming. Slowly move your fins, don’t hit the water with them, don’t rush. Otherwise, you will scare away the fish and get tired quickly. The first “swim” should not be too long. But each subsequent one can be made longer.


Where to go for snorkeling?

The cheapest and most picturesque option. Egypt

Almost everyone Egyptian hotel(especially in Sharm El-Sheikh or Dahab) there is “its own” small coral reef. This means that any vacationer will be able to admire the beauty of the Red Sea. He came down from the pontoon - and there it was, a reef - alive, colorful, with billions of colorful fish circling around it. Sailing a little further into the depths, you can see an even more exciting and dynamic world.


Far from civilization. Thailand

An interesting part of Thailand for snorkeling is located between two seas - the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. There are many places to snorkel in Thailand, but most of them are outside the popular and popular ones. tourist places. These are places near the islands of Tao, Chang, Similan, Surin, Nyangan, Kradan, and many other islands. There are snorkeling spots in Phuket, but according to eyewitnesses, all the beauty there is located outside the hotel beaches in wild places, where it is not always possible to get to. Lanta Island is interesting for its small number of tourists and clean water, but the sea is shallow, and snorkeling right next to the island is not very good good.


Not a fishy place. Greece (Crete)

The south and west of this beautiful island are good for snorkeling. Just remember that underwater Crete is not at all similar to the landscapes of Egypt, the Maldives or other places with warm tropical seas. There are no corals or their inhabitants here. Instead, there are abundant thickets of algae and rare spongy structures on the stones. The fish are mostly shy and modestly colored. But the seaweed swaying on the waves and the pristine clear water create such a unique landscape that it is simply breathtaking.

Good beaches for snorkeling: Elafonissi Beach in the southwest of the island, Ballos Bay in the northwest of the island and the beaches of Karakas Beach, Amoudi Beach, Plakias and Agios Pavlos in the south of the island.


Luxury option. Maldives

The coastal waters of the Maldives are truly abundant incredible amount various representatives underwater world.

Where can you snorkel in the Maldives? Not far from the coast, a beautiful sandy lagoon begins, and then a flat reef bottom stretches, abutting the steep slopes of coral reefs. Its slopes are an ideal place for snorkeling. This reef is quite interesting even on its own. It has many ledges, terraces and caves. Here it is also possible to trace changes in marine and coral flora depending on the level of change in depth. The reefs are home to small fish, although quite often much larger representatives of the underwater world come here in search of food. In the channels that connect the ocean and the lagoon, beautiful spongy corals live, scurrying large groups reef fish.

We bet you've already thought about dropping everything and taking a leisurely, relaxing holiday somewhere closer to the sea. It’s a great idea, but we know that your restless nature will prevail over fatigue and after just a day of “seal” rest your soul will ask for some kind of activity. The best option in such a situation: buy or rent a mask, snorkel, fins and go explore underwater life. In the latest issue of the column, we figure out where and how to snorkel, and also come to the conclusion that snorkeling can become your personal discovery in 2016. Please note: the creation of this section was made possible thanks to friendly support - a profitable payment card, which was created specifically for active travelers.

Why is it a must to try snorkeling?

Snorkeling is extremely exciting. A minute to adjust the snorkel and find a comfortable position in the water - and you forget about everything and plunge into another world. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to forget that for your own safety you should not touch anything with your hands.

No preparation needed. This activity has no contraindications for health or physical endurance.

You don't need to know how to swim to do this. To snorkel, you don’t even need to know how to properly float on the water - a life jacket does not in the least interfere with monitoring underwater life.

Snorkeling costs almost nothing. An entry-level mask and snorkel will cost you €15-20, and you can spend the same amount on simple fins. An organized swim with included equipment will rarely cost more than €30.

7 places for successful snorkeling

L'Ile de Riou, Marseille, France

This secluded beach was recognized as the best for snorkeling and diving not only by the editors of 34travel, but also by the main organization in France that trains divers (Fédération Française d'Etude et de Sport Sous-Marin). small beach The center of the national park can only be reached by boat from Marseille, and therefore you will feel truly secluded here. Needless to say, you can observe rich and untouched underwater life on site. Now the location is used as the starting point for diving expeditions around the archipelago. Interestingly, in 1950 they found at the bottom great amount ancient Roman amphorae and jugs - if you go with a group, they even promise to show some of them.

Studying the bottom of the sea must be combined with studying the main port and heart of Provence - Marseille. Narrow streets leading to a huge port, the most delicious bouillabaisse (naturally, because it was invented right here), basilicas and cultural centers- We are the perfect plan for you. When traveling around France: in addition to the fact that for every purchase using PayOkay, a return of 1.5% is credited to your balance, the card allows you not to think about whether you have changed enough currency to take with you. The fact is that the exchange rate for payments in foreign currency using a card is the most favorable - you can pay PayOkay for everything with a clear conscience.

Equipment. Usually included in tours. Book or check with the Tourist Center of Marseille - they will help you with the finished trip and with ways to get to national park on one's own.

How to get there? You can fly to Marseille from Vilnius on Ryanair - with a transfer in Brussels or Rome. One-way tickets cost around €100 in summer.

Isola Rossa, Sardinia, Italy

The beaches around this pretty little town are famous for their picturesque red cliffs - in fact, this is where the name of the place comes from. And although there is plenty here sandy beaches, the water remains perfectly clear, and the number of people with masks is not annoying. Moray eels are easily found in this area, and the fish and corals are as colorful as those in the Caribbean. The former fishing village itself is just a few streets, two pleasant beaches in the town itself (Longa and La Marinedda) and another one half an hour away. Isola Rossa has two main diving centers where you can rent a mask and snorkel.

Equipment. Rent professional equipment from one of the diving centers (especially if you want to dive one day trip to the Maddalena archipelago) or buy the basic version right on the spot - it will cost you € 25-30.

How to get there? The plan is this: from Warsaw you fly to Milan on Wizz Air, and then transfer to Ryanair to the main city of Sardinia - Cagliari. From there you will have an unforgettable 6-hour journey (first by train to Sassari station, and then only by bus).

Illes Medes, Costa Brava, Spain

The Medes Islands are a marine reserve in Catalonia (since 1983), on the very border with France. It is precisely because of the conservation status and the fact that there are many rocks here that water skiers do not bother fish or snorkelers. The fish here are small, but of all possible colors. Of the larger ones you will see guppies and even barracudas. The main thing is, don’t touch anyone with your hands! You can only get to the islands in an organized manner. In the northern part of the beach in the town of L'Estartit, you will find many companies that offer snorkeling and diving tours. There you can also buy a ticket for a boat with a transparent bottom - if you are reluctant to get into the water yourself.

Equipment. Will be issued on the spot. You can bring your own, of course, but this will not affect the price. A tour with delivery and one hour of pure sailing will cost € 27. For example,.

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