The most popular resort in Mexico. The best beaches in Mexico: overview, features, interesting facts and reviews. Which resort is better

Visiting a country of picturesque natural landscapes, popular soap operas and tequila has become a dream for many. In the homeland of the Aztecs there is something to see and where to have a good time - the resorts of Mexico on the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific coast are very popular.

Resort towns of the Caribbean on the map

This modern resort s good developed infrastructure. There are a large number of hotels, bars and restaurants there. Cancun is surrounded by several national parks.

The locals are especially admired beaches. They are covered with white sand and are federal property. Entrance to the beaches is free. They are equipped with sun loungers, hammocks and sun loungers. The strip of beaches is conventionally divided into:

  • safe(no waves);
  • extreme(with waves).

The absence of waves on the beaches is explained by the fact that there is an island in their path Isla Mujeres.

The length of safe beaches is 10 km, and there are no undercurrents in these places.

The Cancun coastline is great for families with children. Among best safe beaches:

  1. Pearl. This is the most clean beach Cancun. It is equipped with everything you need and is located on the 2nd km of the Hotel Zone. On the beach there are cafes, restaurants and a relaxation area in the shade;
  2. lobster. The most visited and well-equipped beach of the resort. Located on the 5th km of Kukulkan Boulevard;
  3. Linda. Popular with fans active rest. Located next to entertainment center El Embarcadero and the Folk Art Museum;
  4. Turtle. The sea near this beach is turquoise. There is an indoor flea market on the beach.

The flight time from Moscow to Cancun on a direct flight is 13 hours. Near the resort is located one of the centers of Mayan civilization - Tulum. Swim in the depths with dolphins and see the beauty underwater world possible in national park Shel-Ha.

Island of Women

This place is located opposite the Cancun resort. The island is 8 km long and 700 meters wide. The main attraction of the resort is Cancun Underwater Museum. The island got its name because of the large number of statues of goddesses that were once located on it.

In the north of the island there are sandy beaches, and in the south there is a rocky, steep coast. You can get to the island by ferries, which depart from different piers and beaches from 1 to 9 km of Cancun.

All restaurants, shops and hotels on the island are located on the street, which is the only one at the resort.

Riviera Maya

From Cancun to Tulum along the Caribbean Sea stretches hundred-kilometer coastal strip, which was called the Riviera Maya. Along its entire length there are resorts that are very popular among European tourists. The most visited of them:

The best resorts on the Pacific Coast: where is the best place to relax?

The country's Pacific resorts represent it West Coast. Its length is several thousand kilometers. Many of the best resorts located in this part of Mexico are well known to Russians from numerous TV series that were popular in the 2000s.


Before the development of Cancun as a resort, Acapulco was considered tourist capital countries. This vacation spot is loved by politicians, stars of show business, cinema and theater. Here you can rent a luxury villa or apartment overlooking the ocean for your holiday.

Translated, the name of the resort means "a place where large reeds grow".

Extreme lovers entertain themselves in Acapulco with diving rocks of La Quebrada. Tourists interested in history will discover Fortress San Diego at the resort. It was built in the city in 1616. The city has many clubs, restaurants, a water park and a gorgeous botanical park.


One of largest ports on the Pacific Ocean. The resort is actively developing and should soon become the best in Mexico. More than 400 thousand people live in the city, whose main source of income is tourism.

The longest beaches in the country are located here. The beach is popular among surfers Playa Otas Altas. It is called the high wave beach.

The largest number of bars and restaurants can be found in the area of ​​the beaches of Kamenny Island.

Located near Mazatlan natural Park, called Crested Jay Sanctuary.


This resort area has 9 bays and 42 sandy beaches, large quantity these beaches are wild. They are all very clean.

This place is popular among local residents And Canadians. Most flights from foreign countries arrives here from Vancouver.

The resort is considered the most quiet and sunny place in Mexico. The city is located surrounded by amazingly picturesque hills and rocks. They come to its shores cruise ships, and also here they prepare the most delicious mojito in the country.

The main feature local hotels- fish restaurants. In order to stay at the Huatulco Hotel, you need to book rooms in advance.

You can do this using this search form. Enter city ​​name, check-in and check-out dates, and number of guests.

Los Cabos

The resort is famous for its white sandy beaches, virgin desert and rocky cliffs. There are 20 magnificent beaches on the coast. One of them, Palmia beach, is especially popular among photographers.

Most famous beach Los Cabos - Chileno. Next to him is amazing beauty reef. The beach is well equipped and has a well-developed infrastructure.

From June to December, turtles swim to the beaches of Los Cabos. They lay eggs in the sand and hatch their offspring.

Cabo San Lucas

The resort is considered the best on the peninsula. The water in the bays of Cabo San Lucas has amazing azure color. The city itself is like an American enclave in the country. Almost 90 foreign tourists arrive at the resort from English-speaking countries.

This is a modern resort with well-developed infrastructure. On its coast you can not only sunbathe, but also surf, sport fishing and diving.

Beach holiday in Mexico

According to existing legislation in Mexico, all beaches in the country belong to the state or hotels. Almost all of them are protected by reefs and are divided into three zones: Gulf Coast, Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

The best beaches - photos

All beaches are located in picturesque lagoons and bays. Some of them are completely protected from waves. Some of the best beaches in the country include:

Also among the best are the above-described snow-white Kanuna beaches. All of them are protected from waves and are perfect for families with children.

Nudist recreation areas

Finding a secluded beach in Mexico is not difficult. The best of them is the hotel beach Hidden Beach Resort . This is not just a beach, but a luxury nudist resort located an hour's drive from Cancun airport.

Initially, the Hidden Beach Resort Au Naturel Club 5* hotel was built as a place for intimate relaxation.

Hidden Beach is a member nudist recreation associations. Throughout the resort you can walk in costumes of Adam and Eve.

See review resort areas Mexico in this video:

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Mexico is a North American country. The diverse landscape, ancient buildings and beautiful beaches on the Pacific coast make it incredibly interesting for tourists. Today it is called the cradle of ancient civilizations of the New World. Let's take a closer look at where Mexico is located (on which continent) and what Interesting Facts we know about it.

General information about Mexico

This is a country that ranks 14th in the world in terms of area - it is 1,964,000 km². About 6,000 km² are occupied by islands, state-owned. Population - 127.5 million people. The capital of the state is Mexico City. It is the largest Hispanic city and financial center North America. We will describe where Mexico and its mainland are located in more detail in the next paragraph.

Country location

The country is part Latin America. This is the collective name for states scattered throughout the American soil, which use a group of Romance languages ​​(Spanish, Portuguese, French) as their main language.

North America is located in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. It includes the USA, Canada, Greenland, etc. This the only continent, all countries of which have access to the sea.

Mexico is located in the south of the continent called North America. The north of the country borders on US states such as California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. In the southeast, Mexico neighbors the Central American countries, namely Guatemala and Belize.

It occupies the widest part of the isthmus connecting South and North America.

The territory where Mexico is located is washed by the Pacific Ocean (in the west and south), Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (to the east).

Mexico is located on three lithospheric plates, but most of the country is located on the North American Plate, and only the California Peninsula lies on the Pacific Plate and the Cocos Plate.

This is the most seismically active area on the planet. Therefore, where Mexico is located, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common. Mexico is known for a unique volcanic system called the Transverse Volcanic Sierra. The most popular volcano is Popocatepetl. A beautiful legend is associated with this volcano, which was found among Aztec manuscripts.

The country is also characterized by mountainous terrain. Most of its territory is occupied by the Mexican Highlands, which contains several elevated mountain systems. The largest of them are the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Serra Madre Oriental.

Ancient civilizations in Mexico

Why is it called the cradle of ancient civilizations? Where Mexico is located today, ancient peoples once lived. Memories of them are preserved by buildings built in those centuries. The first people to live here were the Olmecs.

And 50 km from Mexico City in the 2nd century BC the city of Teotihuacan (“where the gods were born”) was built. The tribe that lived here was distinguished by a rich spiritual world, which was reflected in their mythology. The most revered god of the tribe was Teotihuacan - a god with the body of a snake covered with bird feathers. Scientists are still arguing about which ancient people built this city.

The Mayans and Aztecs lived and flourished here, and later the territory was captured by the Spanish conquistadors. The abundance of ancient buildings from different eras and cultures makes Mexico one of the most interesting countries peace. Mexicans are happy to show tourists the amazing sights of the country - ancient pyramids and ruins of cities built during the development of the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, an underground river, museums and cathedrals - there is definitely something to see here.

Population of Mexico

Today, the indigenous people of Mexico, the Indians, make up only 30% of the total population. 60% of the population are immigrants from Spain and Africa who consider themselves simply “Mexicans.”

Interesting fact! The country has a high rate of obesity. This is due to the fact that there are few fruits and vegetables on sale. Most of the population eats processed foods, washing them down with Coca-Cola.

In 2005, there were 3.7 children per woman. But today this figure is rapidly falling. The average life expectancy of Mexicans is 76 years.

The official language is Spanish, used by about 95% of the population. At the same time, 5% of residents use Indian dialects. The Indians speak 60 different languages, the most common of which are Mayan, Otobi, and Nahuatl.

Most of the believers are Catholics.

Television has shaped the image of Mexico as a very poor country where drug cartels are constantly at odds with each other. But in reality this is not the case at all. Every year more than 20 million foreign tourists come to this country to see unique monuments and pyramids of the Mayans and Aztecs, ancient Spanish forts, colonial palaces, try unforgettable Mexican cuisine, and, of course, relax at Mexican beach resorts, among which Acapulco and Cancun “shine.”

Geography Mexico

Mexico is located in the south of North America. Mexico borders the United States in the north, and Guatemala and Belize in the southeast. In the southeast the country is washed by the Caribbean Sea, in the east by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and in the south and west by the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Mexico includes several islands in the Pacific Ocean, including the Revilla Gijedo Island group and Guadalupe Island. total area this state, including the islands, is 1,972,550 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 4,353 km.

The Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental mountain ranges stretch from north to south through Mexico; they are located between the Mexican Highlands. Dominates in the south mountain system Sierra Madre South. The highest local peak is Mount Orizaba, whose height reaches 5,700 meters.

Mexico has quite high seismic activity. In addition, there are many volcanoes, some of which are still active (such as Colima and Paricutin).

The largest Mexican rivers are the Usumacinta (560 km), Grijalva (480 km), Papaloapan (534 km), and Coatzacoalcos (282 km).

Capital of Mexico

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. More than 9 million people now live in this city. Historians say that Mexico City was founded by the Aztec Indians in 1325.

Official language

There's one in Mexico official language– Spanish.


More than 82% of residents are Catholics, about 9% are Protestants.

State structure

According to the current Constitution, Mexico is a presidential republic in which the head of state is the President (he is elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years).

The bicameral Mexican parliament is called the Congress, it consists of the Senate (128 senators, elected for 6 years) and the Chamber of Deputies (500 deputies, elected for 3 years).

The main political parties are the Institutional Revolutionary Party, the National Action Party, the Democratic Revolution Party, the Green Party and the Labor Party.

Administratively, Mexico is divided into 31 states and one federal district with its center in Mexico City.

Climate and weather

The climate is tropical and temperate, depending on the region and altitude relative to sea level. On the Yucatan Peninsula average annual temperature air is +26-30C.

The rainy season lasts from May to October. The rest of the year it also rains, but much less frequently. In general, you can vacation in Mexico all year round, but it depends on the destinations where tourists want to go (some destinations are better to choose in certain months).

Average air temperature in Cancun (Caribbean coast):

  1. January – +23C
  2. February - +23C
  3. March - +25C
  4. April - +26C
  5. May - +27C
  6. June - +28C
  7. July - +28C
  8. August – +28C
  9. September - +28C
  10. October - +27C
  11. November - +25C
  12. December - +24C

Seas and oceans of Mexico

In the southeast the country is washed by the Caribbean Sea, and in the south and west by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. total length coastline– 9,330 km.

Average sea temperature off the coast of Cancun (Caribbean coast):

  1. January – +26С
  2. February - +26C
  3. March - +26C
  4. April - +27C
  5. May - +28C
  6. June - +29С
  7. July - +29C
  8. August – +29С
  9. September - +29C
  10. October - +29C
  11. November - +28C
  12. December - +27C

Rivers and lakes

Several rather large rivers flow through the territory of Mexico. big rivers– Usumacinta (560 km), Grijalva (480 km), Papaloapan (534 km), Coatzacoalcos (282 km). In the state of Guadalajara, at an altitude of 1524 meters above sea level, there is freshwater lake Chapala, with an area of ​​1,100 sq. km, the largest in this country.

History of Mexico

People settled in the territory of modern Mexico several thousand years ago. In the early centuries of our century, several Indian tribes lived there, including the famous Mayans, who created hieroglyphic writing, a calendar and the grandiose pyramids. Around the 12th century, the Aztecs appeared there.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors led by Hernandez de Cordoba, Juan de Grijalva and Hernan Cortez arrived in Mexico. After some time, Mexico became part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and remained a Spanish colony until 1821.

In 1823, after a long war of independence, the Republic of Mexico was proclaimed. Throughout the 19th century, bloody wars took place on the territory of this country, as a result of which the Mexican states of Texas ceded to the United States. New Mexican, Haute California.

The beginning of the 20th century was not without wars for Mexico. From 1910 to 1917, the civil war continued there. As a result, the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz was overthrown and a Constitution was adopted, guaranteeing the separation of church and state, agrarian reform, the creation of trade unions, etc.

Since the 1950s, Mexico, which has very large oil reserves, has experienced economic recovery. In the mid-1980s, oil prices fall and an economic and political crisis begins in Mexico. Now this country is still experiencing economic problems, but the situation is quite stable.


The culture of Mexico was formed on the basis of the traditions of the Indians, and then it was strongly influenced by the Spaniards. Every Mexican city or town has its own festival in honor of a saint.

At the end of February, Mexico City hosts a grandiose Carnival, which usually lasts 5 days. Throughout these 5 days, colorful processions with music and dancing take place through the streets of the Mexican capital.

On December 12, Mexico City and some other Mexican cities celebrate the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, with a lot of different events. On this day, colorful performances take place in the capital's Basilica de Guadalupe square.

September 16 marks the most revered national Mexican holiday - Independence Day.


Mexican cuisine is famous all over the world. The main foods are corn, beans, rice and vegetables. Important ingredients for preparing Mexican dishes are spices and hot chili peppers.

The diet of the Mayan Indians once upon a time consisted mainly of corn and some vegetables; spices, herbs and chilies were used in preparing dishes. After the Spaniards arrived in Mexico, the Indians' diet was replenished with animal meat and fish. Thanks to the fusion of the culinary traditions of the Indians and Spaniards, modern Mexican cuisine was formed.

In the south of the country, dishes are spicier than in the north. By the way, in the south, tourists are usually offered chicken as a meat dish, while beef is more common in the north. In general, each region or city has its own special dish - “cochinita pibil” (Yucatan) and “huevos rancheros” (Sonora).

We recommend that tourists first ask what a particular dish is made from, because... some of them may seem very exotic to Europeans. For example, you may be served “Chapulines” (fried grasshoppers) for lunch.

  1. "Guacamole" - sauce with fried tortilla pieces;
  2. “Tacos Tortillas” - tortillas with different fillings (most often meat filling);
  3. “Pozole” - chicken or pork soup with corn and spices;
  4. "Carnitas" - fried pork;
  5. “Chilaquiles” - fried potatoes with tomatoes;
  6. "Sopes" - a cornmeal patty with chicken, cheese and hot sauce;
  7. “Tostados” - tortilla with chicken, beans, tomatoes, onions, cream, cheese and hot sauce;
  8. "Huachinango" - perch;
  9. "Ceviche" - raw fish with lime juice (added to salad).
  10. Pollo Pibil is charcoal-braised chicken marinated in spices and wrapped in banana leaves.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are beer, tequila, tepache (made from pineapple), tuba (fermented coconut palm juice) and pulque (fermented agave juice with a strength of 5-8°).

Sights of Mexico

Mexico now has several thousand archaeological, historical and architectural sites. The most famous of them are, of course, the pyramids of the Mayans and Aztecs. But this country also has many medieval Spanish forts, churches and palaces. The top ten best Mexican attractions, in our opinion, include the following:

  • Pyramid of the Sun
  • Pyramid of the Moon
  • Pyramid at Cholula
  • Pyramids of Mitla and Monte Alban
  • Mayan city of Chichen Itza
  • Cathedral in Mexico City
  • Palace of Cortez in Mexico City
  • National Palace in Mexico City
  • Mayan city of Uxmal
  • Mayan city of Palenque

Cities and resorts

The most big cities– Tijuana, Puebla, Ecatepec de Morelos, Leon, Ciudad Juarez, Monterrey, Zapopan, and, of course, Mexico City.

Tourists come to Mexico mainly for beach holiday, although there are, of course, many historical attractions left over from the pre-Columbian era. The most popular Mexican beach resorts are Acapulco, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Cozumel, Los Cabos, Mazatlan, Costa Maya and Zihuatanejo. Acapulco and Cancun are extremely popular among foreigners.

The best Mexican beaches, in our opinion, include the following:

  1. Cancun
  2. Playa del Carmen
  3. Puerto Vallarta
  4. Los Cabos
  5. Tulum
  6. Mazatlan
  7. Cozumel
  8. Huatulco


Souvenirs in Mexico (“reminder”) are probably best purchased at roadside stands and rural markets. Tourists buy ceramics, a Piñata toy (an ancient Aztec game), dresses, blouses, blankets and carpets in this country. self made, leather goods (purses, wallets, belts, sandals), silver and coral items, cigars, chocolate, vanilla, various Mexican sauces, and, of course, tequila.

Office hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00
Some banks are also open on Sundays.

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 09:30-20:00
Supermarkets in Mexico City are open 7 days a week, with some operating 24 hours a day.


Ukrainians need a visa to visit Mexico.


Mexico is an independent country in the southern part of North America, located at the widest part of the isthmus south of the US border, connecting two continents: North and South America. Area - 1.97 million km 2 (13th place in the world), population - 121 million people, density - 62 people/km 2. Capital - Mexico City, big cities— Guadalajara, Puebla, Ecatepec de Morelos.

Geographical characteristics

Mexico is located in the territory east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, it includes part of the Yucatan Peninsula (12% of the country), the country occupies most of Central America. The country's area is 1.97 million km2, including 6 thousand km2 of island territories of the Pacific Ocean (Guadeloupe and Revilla-Gijedo), islands in the Gulf of Mexico and California, and the Caribbean Sea. The northern border with the United States has a length of 3141 km, Mexico's southern neighbors are Guatemala and Belize (the length of the border is 871 km and 251 km, respectively).


The northern and central parts of the country lie within the Mexican Highlands, which in the north turns into the Great Plains plateau in the United States. In the east it stretches from north to south mountain range Sierra Madre Oriental Eastern, in the west in the same direction - Sierra Madre Occidental, this is a continuation Rocky Mountains, mostly located in the USA. In the center, the ridges of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt, collectively called the Sierra Nevada, stretch from east to west. These are located here Mountain peaks like the stratovolcanoes of Orizaba (5.7 thousand m, highest point countries) and Nevado de Toluca (4.6 thousand m), the active volcano Popocatepetl (5.4 thousand m). The flat surfaces account for only a third of the country, the largest on the Yucatan Peninsula and the flat lowlands are located mainly in strips along the coast of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico...

Rivers and lakes

More than 150 river streams flow through Mexico, most of them belong to the Pacific Ocean, 1/3 flows into the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The largest river in Mexico, the Rio Bravo del Note (3034 km), originates in the USA and is called the Rio Grande there. It moistens the driest Mexican lands; the border with the United States runs along its bed in the north of the country. Most of the rivers originating in the Sierra Madre Occidental are lost in the arid zone and disappear. Main river center of Mexico - Lerma, flows into the freshwater Lake Chapala (area 1.1 thousand km 2, location - 45 km from the city of Guadalajara in the southwest of the country), carrying its waters from it to the Pacific Ocean under the name Rio Grande de Santiago. Other large rivers- Balsas, Grijalva, Usumacinta, Conchos (the only tributary of the Rio Bravo del Note)...

Ocean, bay and sea surrounding Mexico

The western part of Mexico is washed by the Gulf of California of the Pacific Ocean, the eastern part by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean...

Plants and animals of Mexico

Diversity climatic conditions on the territory of the country determine the diversity of flora and fauna. In northern Mexico, in arid areas, a large number of cacti, agave, yucca, mesquite trees grow, wolves, coyotes, a large number of rattlesnakes and lizards live here. In hot tropical zones, dense tropical vegetation grows, represented by palm trees, rubber plants, and olive trees. On the slopes of the mountains oaks, pines and spruces grow, bears, pumas, ocelots, and jaguars are found. On the coasts of the oceans live seals, turtles, many birds...

Climate of Mexico

The territory of Mexico lies in two climatic zones, its Northern part in the subtropical climate zone, the rest of the country is in the tropical climate.

Most of the northern territories bordering the United States, from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf Coast, and central areas the countries are in arid conditions (precipitation amount is about 250-300 mm per year), in the south there is more precipitation, the amount reaches up to 600 mm in Mexico City, the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the lands of Yucatan receive a sufficient amount of precipitation (up to 2000 mm). The rainy season lasts from May to October, and powerful tropical cyclones often occur here.

The country's climatic conditions largely depend on the altitude above sea level and vary depending on this factor. The coastal plains, 900 meters above sea level, have a humid and hot climate (temperatures from +19 °C to +49 °C), this is the so-called hot zone. At an altitude of 900 to 1800 m there is a temperate zone with temperatures of +17 °C, +21 °C, higher is the cold region, it is quite cool here - about +16 °C...


Natural resources of Mexico

Mexico has significant reserves of fuel and energy resources such as oil (the fourth largest producer of crude oil in the world), natural gas, and coking coal. Also, large reserves of iron ore, non-ferrous and precious metal ores are concentrated here, Mexico has 1st place in the world in the production and export of silver, fluorspar, the country is the world's main exporter of mercury, antimony, cadmium, zinc, manganese...

Mexico is one of the developed industrial-agrarian countries with the most developed economy among the countries of Latin America. The leading sectors of its industry are mining, energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry and oil refining, food and light industries.

Crop farming is the leading industry in Mexico Agriculture. The main crops grown are wheat, corn, soybeans, rice, beans, coffee, fruits, tomatoes, cotton...


Peoples of Mexico

The culture of the Mexican people is a mixture of Spanish culture and the pre-Columbian culture of ancient Indian tribes (Aztecs, Mayans). The customs, traditions and beliefs of Catholic Europe coexist peacefully with the culture of the ancient Indian civilization. In the artistic art of Mexico, the most popular and famous have become frescoes, unique wall paintings, the development of which was greatly influenced by the architecture and art of the Aztecs and Mayans. Such famous Mexican artists as Diego Rivera and David Siqueiros worked in the fresco technique. The famous surrealist artist Frida Kahlo comes from Mexico...

As in any Catholic country, Mexico celebrates a very large number of religious holidays, the largest of which are Christmas and Easter; almost every village has its own patron saints, in whose honor they organize local holidays with songs, dances, carnival processions. One of the most amazing Mexican holidays, in which the beliefs and traditions of the ancient peoples of Mexico and their descendants are closely intertwined, is the Day of the Dead (November 1-2). This unique purely Mexican holiday is dedicated to the memory of deceased people, it shows that death should be treated lightly and without fear. It does without tears and lamentations, on the contrary, it is one of the most fun days of the year, when, after the traditional visit to the graves of their ancestors, people forget about their sorrows, wear bright carnival costumes, eat sweet skulls made from sugar icing and entertain themselves and others with entertaining figures toy skeletons, which are the main characters of this holiday.

I saw the good, the bad, the incomprehensible, and the beautiful in Mexico. The wonders of nature here merge with a difficult criminal situation, poverty and low level education, but I decided to focus only on the good during the trip. is a very colorful country, most of which is simply dangerous for travel. Nevertheless, snow-white beaches Cancun, the colonial architecture of Guanajato, Mexico City - one of the largest cities in the world, Mayan pyramids and surfing on the Pacific Ocean lure tourists here every year.

I would like to say that Mexico is an ideal country for a holiday, but it is not. The disadvantages that are present here drive Mexico to the bottom of the list of resort countries; it is easily inferior to prosperous Turkey, European Spain, atmospheric Italy, vibrant Greece, amazing Australia, but it can still help you expand your horizons.

But still, you shouldn’t expect comfort and civilization from Mexico. European country, American service, like in Miami, or Italian hospitality. Mexico – controversial, sometimes dusty and dangerous, sometimes fantastic beautiful country, requiring some caution from tourists.

Beach holiday

It’s also worth a look here in large format Mexican tour, because visa-free stay is given for a whole six months! Also, if Quintana Roo is not suitable for you due to low waves, it is better to go to the Pacific coast.

So, here you can not only relax on the beach, but also ride on fairly high waves. It is best to choose a city for a stop, and then from there explore various surfing spots that may be to your liking. People come here for “wild Mexico” big waves Pacific Ocean or just escape from everyday life.

Best time It's summer to come here. At this time of year it is hot, fun and full of tourists. True, in this part of the country you can find less developed beaches and resort towns with less developed infrastructure than in Quintana Roo.

California is bright and noisy, parties and bars

The peninsula belongs to Mexico and is divided into two parts - in the northern part, right next to the border, there is the city of Tijuana, where Americans come when they plan to drink much more alcohol than usual over the next week.

Alcohol in Mexico is much cheaper than in Mexico. People go to Tijuana simply for cheap alcohol, noisy fun, nightclubs and bars. The season here starts on July 1 and lasts until about August 30, since most tourists are students.

In the southern part there is the resort of Cabo (Cabo San Lucas), popular among Americans, which is also famous for its noisy parties, nightclubs and bars open until the morning.

IN expensive hotels Cabo hosts weddings, here you can spot Hollywood stars on vacation, couples who came for an anniversary or Honeymoon. Compared to Tijuana, Cabo is elite resort. The season in southern California begins on June 1 and ends around November 1, with sea water warmest in August and September.

Historical regions

Mexico also has tourist regions focusing on history and architecture. One of them dates back to the ancient Indian pyramids, the other to the era of the colonial Spanish power.

Yucatan - Mayan pyramids

Climb the pyramid, watch the sunrise in a hammock in the camp in front of it, have breakfast with authentic Mayan cuisine and immerse yourself in the atmosphere ancient world, which has come down through millennia, can be found in Yucatan.

The Yucatan Peninsula is famous not only beach resorts in the Quintana Roo region, but also the sights of the Mayan era - pyramids, religious buildings, ancient buildings and cities.

It is in the Yucatan that Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Calakmul, Izamal, Acanseh, Bolonchen de Rejon are located. The Mayan city can also be conditionally attributed to this region. In general, people go to Yucatan for history and mysticism. Best time to visit of this region– winter, since at this time of year the heat subsides and long excursions become less tiring.

Guanajato - Colonial Empire

An amazing atmosphere awaits you in the small towns of central Mexico. Here, surprisingly, this country resembles the old quarters of cities in Europe.

But don't be surprised by the romantic narrow streets and traditional, well-preserved buildings in this part of the country. This region has been specially restored for tourists and shows Mexico as it could be, and not what it actually is.

In the Guanajato region there are two very interesting cities- the eponymous Guanajato and San Miguel for those who want to visit Mexico for the colonial atmosphere, architecture, Catholic churches and the special mood of the dark ages.

This area is located 250 km northwest of Mexico City and is not very popular among Europeans. Most tourists here are Mexicans and Americans. People come here for the medieval atmosphere, narrow streets and authentic culture. Best season The best time to visit this region is winter, also due to the fact that it is not so hot at this time of year.

Vacation with children

For Europeans, it is preferable to organize a holiday with children in Cancun. Usually there are direct flights here without transfers or with one transfer, for example, in New York. However, in general it remains one of the unfavorable places to holiday with children. For the most part, Mexicans themselves, as well as Americans, use these resorts simply due to the lack of opportunity to fly to Europe for the weekend, Disneyland Paris, to the beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean or to sunny Turkey.

Despite the presence of a large number of fun places for families with children in the Quintana Roo region (, Tulum), I would not recommend flying here with children (even teenagers), because you can always give preference to a more civilized society and cleaner places.

And the beaches in Mexico are dirty enough that, in principle, children are not allowed to play on the sand, building sand castles, and the number of diseases and incidents intestinal infections suggests that children here are very, very vulnerable.

Dangerous and non-tourist areas

Some areas in central Mexico are strongly discouraged by the Ministry of Tourism for foreigners to visit. At the same time, mind you, for any purposes, including tourism. Below is a map where these areas are marked in red and orange. First of all, they are famous for increased drug trafficking; there are numerous cases of child abduction, slave trade, clashes between armed gangs and cartels right on the streets, in ordinary areas.

Besides, there is no pleasant beach holiday in Veracruz (huge sea ​​port, dirty water), Mazatlan (drug trafficking), Puerto Vallarta (drug trafficking, gang violence, theft) for foreigners. Visit these regions only at your own risk.


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