Kelimutu volcano and its colored crater lakes. Mount Kelimutu: Indonesia can be proud of a unique natural monument. Colored lakes of Kelimutu

Kelimutu Volcano is located in Indonesia on the island of Flores. Its height is 1639 meters. The last time there was an eruption was in 1968. It is part of the "Ring of Fire" of volcanoes surrounding Pacific Ocean. In the collapsed peaks of the volcano, they are also called calderas, and three colorful lakes of Kelimutu were formed. 1650 meters, this is exactly the figure they call when talking about the depth of lakes. The depth of the crater of the Kelimutu volcano is considered to be the same. See colorful lakes you can still be in the sky above the island of Flores. The lake, painted in a bright turquoise color, especially stands out against the backdrop of lush greenery. The waters of the other two lakes are red and green. But this is not the only feature of these unique volcanic lakes.

Colored lakes of Kelimutu volcano, Indonesia on Google Maps.

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From time to time the color of the water in the lakes changes. Local residents have many beliefs and legends associated with all these amazingly incomprehensible and mystical processes.

Thus, on Flores, all residents are confident that after death, the souls of the dead end up in one of the three lakes of Kelimutu.

The souls of those who lived a decent life and passed away at an old age fall into the lake, with the green color of the water. This lake is called the Lake of Old Men or Tivu-Ata-Mbupu.

The souls of the innocent dead go into the lake, the waters of which are painted bright turquoise. at a young age. It is called: Lake of Boys and Girls or Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai.

The waters of the third lake are colored red, and sometimes it turns dark brown. They become an eternal refuge for souls who during their lifetime showed themselves to be scoundrels and villains. Its name is appropriate: Lake of Evil Souls, sometimes Enchanted Lake or Tivu-Ata-Polo.

The last two lakes are separated from each other by a thin partition, which is the wall of the crater of the Kelimutu volcano. Residents of Flores are confident that this is no coincidence. According to their beliefs, a thin partition is a symbol of such a thin and fragile line between good and evil, between evil and innocence. Lake of the Old Men is located somewhat remotely and serves as a symbol of the knowledge and wisdom that comes with age.

Colored lakes of Kelimutu volcano, Indonesia. Photo.

And one more thing, the inhabitants of the island of Flores claim that when the living anger the souls of the dead with their unrighteous deeds, the water in the lakes changes its color. Recently, the color of the water on the Island of Boys and Girls has changed especially often. In 20 years - 12 times. In general, there is something to think about.

Scientists explain the phenomenon of multi-colored lakes in Kelimutu much more prosaically. There are many different minerals in the lake that change color when they change natural conditions and natural activity.

But both Flores residents and tourists prefer the ancient, mystical, almost fairy-tale version. After all, not only the colorful lakes, but also the whole nature here is imbued with peace, sublime silence and grandeur, which willy-nilly evoke mystical thoughts.

If you do not take into account the possibility of flying over the lakes by helicopter or plane, then the most best place, in order to see amazing beauty The multi-colored lake Kelimutu is the top of the volcano of the same name. Two hours of easy climbing and you are at the top.

We invite you to see with your own eyes the beauty of the colorful lakes of Kelimutu by viewing photos... or videos. Or better yet, both))) Enjoy watching.

The lakes of Kelimutu volcano are one of the most beautiful natural wonders. They attract many tourists to Flores Island and Kelimutu National Park. The peculiarity of the reservoirs is that the water in neighboring lakes is different in color. Moreover, the waters of one lake change color over time. Travelers are ready to endure the difficult path to the top of the volcano in order to admire the beautiful mountain landscapes, lush vegetation on the mountain slopes and amazing lakes in the crater of a majestic volcano.

Kelimutu Volcano

Kelimutu Volcano is part of the fiery Pacific ring of volcanoes. Its height is 1639 m above sea level. Sometimes it is active, although this is not accompanied by severe destruction. The last eruption occurred in 1968 in the form of plumes of yellow smoke, ash and a small release of magma. The maximum height of the emissions was 48 m. Since then, the volcano has been calm and there are signs of seismic and volcanic activity not observed nearby.

The National Park located near Kelimutu amazes with its beautiful nature and big amount living creatures. The area of ​​the park exceeds 4.5 hectares, on which there are many flowering vines, pines, and red trees. There are also casuarinas and edelweiss. Among the mountains you can find the entrance to picturesque caves. Among the fauna of the park, 19 species of endemics were discovered - animals that live only here.

These places are good for walking and relaxing in nature. Although at times, getting through dense thickets requires good physical preparation. Due to high humidity and constantly warm weather, the slopes up to the very top are covered with greenery.

Description and legends

The upper part of Kelimutu consists of bare rocks formed by hardened lava with three small depressions. Water accumulated in the depressions and lakes formed. Two of them are very close and separated by a narrow stone lintel. The third lake is 1.4 km away. Water gradually destroys rocky walls and washes minerals from their thickness. Some scientists are confident that there is a crack at the bottom through which volcanic gases penetrate to the surface.

Dying minerals vary in color and are found in the rock. Reaching the next mineral, the lake is colored again. That is, reservoirs not only differ in color from each other, periodically the color changes dramatically. The color is also affected by chemical reactions of substances with gases and acids that rise from the depths of the volcano. Iron, hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids can be detected in water samples.

The lakes are fed only during the rainy season, since they do not have underground sources. Moreover, their depth is very large; according to scientists, the crater goes down 1.5 km.

Local residents have given mystical properties to this inexplicable phenomenon, and the process of changing color is associated with changes in their lives or in the mood of spirits. Each lake received its own name and legend. It's not just tourists who climb to the top. Here you can also meet local residents who come to communicate with deceased ancestors or ask the gods for advice.

Lake of the Oldest and Wise Souls (Tiwu Ata Mbupu) is a place where the spirits of people who die in old age move. They lived a long life and gained the wisdom that comes with age. Therefore, the waters are painted in a deep dark color. The lake was brown, black or dark green. The reservoir is located away from the rest and has almost round shape with high rocky shores.

Lake Tiwu Ata Mbupu

Lake of Young Souls (Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai) is a haven for the spirits of boys and girls who left this world prematurely. This is one of two paired lakes, which is located on the left. Its water is lighter, it acquired milky, light green, turquoise and pinkish shades. The waters in the lake are the most changeable and change every 1-3 years. Near each body of water there is a sign with the main characteristics and dates of color change. The lake is surrounded high cliffs, they go down almost vertically.

Lake Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai

Across a narrow rocky partition from Lake Nua Muri Kooh Fai is Tiwu Ata Polo - the enchanted or lake of evildoers. It serves as the last refuge of villains and sinners. The narrow border symbolizes the temptation for young people to take the wrong path. Tivu-Ata-Polo often takes on a bloody or brown color.

Lake Tiwu Ata Polo

Excursions to the lakes

To admire beautiful views lakes and surrounding areas, you should go on an excursion very early. The best time is 4 am. Then, before dawn, you will be able to get to the observation deck and see the landscape in all its glory, as well as admire the unforgettable sunrise. A few hours after dawn, a thick fog rises over the reservoirs and persists until noon. Of course, you can arrive at the mountain in the afternoon, but the heat and high humidity make the trek on foot very tiring. And if you don’t have time to return before sunset, you’ll have to spend the night right here.

You can get to Kelimutu National Park by car. Also big ones come here tourist buses. Roads good quality, but narrow and winding. From the nearest village of Moni to the entrance to the park you will have to drive 12 km.

At the entrance you need to buy tickets and a filming permit ($1-2 per person). The entire territory of the park is accessible, and not just Kelimutu with its lakes. Highway ends up in a small area with souvenir shops and a parking lot. The rest of the journey must be done on foot. Monkeys constantly scurry among the sparse forest, and flocks of bright birds fly. In 15-20 minutes along a winding path you can reach the observation deck. It offers a picturesque view of all three lakes.

For safety reasons, metal fences have been installed, which tourists are not recommended to go beyond. Cases have been recorded of people tripping and sliding into lakes, disappearing forever into the depths of the volcano. Another reason to keep your distance is the toxic fog. In the immediate vicinity of lakes, the air is saturated with acidic fumes, which can lead to loss of consciousness. However, some people decide to take an extreme trip over the rocks.

To see the third lake closer, you need to walk along a special path and a small staircase. The observation deck offers a wonderful view. Up close, the crater surrounded by forests is not so picturesque.

How to get there?

You can get to Flores by water or air. There are two small airports on the island serving domestic flights. One of them is on south coast(Ende), and the other in the north (Maumere).

The transit point between Kelimutu National Park and other major cities in Flores is the village of Moli. It is located at the very foot of the mountain. The distance from Moli to Ende is 51 km, and to Maumere – 102 km. In 2-4 hours along a winding serpentine of narrow roads you can get to Moli and relax before the excursion.

Where to stay?

It’s better to come to Moli for a few days, because you can immediately overcome long way and it will be difficult to take a walk in the park. Fatigue occurs faster in hot weather and high humidity. The village has many small restaurants and hotels to comfortably spend a few days. One of the rooms can be rented from local residents. In July and August there is the greatest influx of tourists, so renting accommodation is more difficult.

February 28, 2014

Indonesia is the “land of a thousand islands”. How many fire-breathing volcanoes are there?! Some of them sleep, while others constantly disturb the inhabitants of the country.

The famous Kelimutu volcano is located on the island of Flores. Since 1968, this sleeping giant has shown no signs of volcanic activity. Kelimutu is an ancient one that has an amazing feature.

Bright spots on the top of the volcano

Kelimutu reaches an altitude of 1639 meters. On top of it after last eruption three craters of different shapes appeared, which over time were filled with water from atmospheric precipitation.

The bodies of water that are nearby change their color. Turquoise, red, brown, black, green – this is what the lakes look like at different periods of time!

Scientists speculate that the lakes change color from their contents due to a chemical reaction that occurs when various gases and minerals interact.

For example, the reaction between iron and hydrogen sulfide gas produces a brownish-red hue. As the levels of both hydrochloric and sulfuric acids increase, a rich green color appears.

The legend of the most unusual lakes in the world

Residents of the village of Moni, which lies very close to the foot of the volcano, believe that these reservoirs are the abode of the souls of deceased ancestors. If it means that souls are angry.

Lake Tiwu-Ata-Mbulu, located in the west of the volcano, is called the lake of old men. According to legend, it sheltered the noble souls of people who lived their lives with dignity, those who died in old age. “Lake of Old Men” is a symbol of faith, knowledge and wisdom that comes with age.

Two other strange chameleon lakes are located nearby. They are separated only by a thin partition - the crater wall. Residents of the island of Flores believe that this is a thin line separating good and evil.

The names of the lakes explain this idea. After all, one of these volcanic formations, Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Tai, which is called the lake of boys and girls, preserves the innocent, young souls of those who died very early.

Incredibly, over the last quarter of a century 12 times! the water in the lake changed its color. Behind the partition is the “lake of black, evil souls” Tivu-Ata-Polo, where the souls of sinners languish.

Miraculous transformations in the volcanic lakes of Kelimutu

It is impossible to know for sure what color of water will be in each of the lakes tomorrow. Now the “lake of old people” is black, the lake of “young souls” is green. The enchanted “lake of sinners” is currently brown.

Previously, these reservoirs were, respectively, white, turquoise and red. In 2010, Tivu Ata Mbulu was painted dark green, Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Tai a beautiful vibrant turquoise, and Lake Tivu Ata Polo a moss green hue.

How to get to the colored lakes in Indonesia

Thousands of travelers visit Indonesia during their holidays. National Park Kelimutu to see the chameleon lakes. The village of Moni can be reached from the towns of Ende (51 km) and Maumere (62 km). Further - car route. 40 minutes - and you are at the parking lot next to the foot of the volcano. Another half hour - and colored lakes will appear before you.

At the top there is a convenient observation deck from which guests of Indonesia can enjoy a fantastic landscape. Sunsets and sunrises give the lakes bright, rich colors. Late in the morning, thick fog thickens the atmosphere of secrets and mysteries in the area around the lakes.

Important: Beware of walking on volcanic rock outside designated paths. An experienced guide will help you plan your route. Remember that the surface of the stones on the slopes of the volcano is very slippery. Stay away from the lakes, as the fumes cause fainting.

Volcanoes of Indonesia, including the mysterious giant Kelimutu with colored lakes, are on the list of attractions of this island country. Natural objects National Park Kelimutu in Indonesia is protected by UNESCO.

Kelimutu and its colored lakes photo

They say that the souls of the dead live in the colorful reservoirs of Kelimutu. Elderly people found peace in the first lake, those who died young found peace in the second, and sinners languished in the third. And the foggy haze swirling in the mornings and the often changing color of chameleon ponds with intoxicating fumes seem to confirm this theory. Nevertheless, the colored lakes still attract tourists.

Dormant half a century ago, the Kelimutu volcano, Indonesia is located in the south small island Florence, between its largest cities Ende and Maumere, and is one of the volcanoes of the Pacific Ring of Fire, which includes more than three hundred active volcanoes(out of five hundred and forty known). Mount Kelimutu has a height of one and a half thousand meters above sea level, and the last eruption occurred more than half a century ago.

The mountain became famous thanks to its unique crater lakes, which have no analogues in the whole world. Kelimutu is the only mountain on Earth where from one point you can see as many as three multi-colored reservoirs, and where tourists come from all over the world.

The Kelimutu lakes are a kind of reservoir: since they are located in the crater of a volcano, they are almost not fed by groundwater, but are filled with numerous precipitations that fall abundantly here during the rainy season, which lasts from November to March. The climate on Florence Island in Indonesia is subcontinental maritime monsoon, and there is plenty of water at this time.

According to one theory, these lakes were formed during the last volcanic eruption in 1968, after which depressions appeared in the cooled lava (in this case, as many as three). These reservoirs are extremely deep - according to unconfirmed data, the depth of the crater exceeds 1.5 thousand meters (that is, the height of a volcano). Judging by the myths of the Lio tribe, it is likely that before the eruption there were also lakes of a similar type there.

The reservoirs are located quite deep below, the slopes of the volcano around them abruptly drop down, so getting close to them is practically impossible, and even deadly. So, a few years ago, a Danish tourist climbed over the fence to take a closer look at one of the reservoirs, slipped and fell down. His body was never found.

The color of reservoirs is extremely difficult to predict, therefore, when climbing Kelimuta, you can never tell what color they will be. Over the course of several years (with short periodicity), the same lake can be black, green, brown, white, bottle blue, turquoise, red. Although, of course, forecasts are made about exactly when the color may change.

For example, next to the reservoirs there is a table that indicates exactly when they changed their color, so you can try to make some calculations. But this is not always possible: you can come to look at this amazing natural phenomenon and see that two of the three lakes at that particular time turned out to be almost the same shade (a rare phenomenon here, but it does happen).

The best way to admire the lakes is from a specially equipped area, which is located at the top of the volcano. It is advisable to walk along the lakes along specially designed paths, and you must wear shoes with non-slip soles (volcanic stone is extremely slippery, and therefore walking on it is quite dangerous ). The fumes emanating from reservoirs can lead to fainting (unfortunately, there have been cases where tourists lost consciousness at the most inopportune moment - and fell down, which almost always ended in death for them).

It is advisable to come to this amazing place either early in the morning, at dawn, or during sunset. Here, such a time comes extremely quickly, and the lakes acquire extremely deep, bright and rich colors.

It is especially beautiful here at dawn, when the lakes are still shrouded in morning fog and give the landscape a touch of mystery and mysticism. The suddenly appearing Sun in the blink of an eye makes the sky extremely bright, itself transforming in a couple of seconds from a bright red disk into a dazzling white body.

It not only illuminates everything around, but also decisively disperses the fog swirling above the reservoirs, in some places it even forms a rainbow (in the shape of a complete oval).

It is not surprising that local aborigines believe that this is where the souls of dead people move, after which, having been purified, at dawn, according to one version, they rise to heaven. And color transitions, which often occur in bodies of water independently of each other (that is, lakes do not change color at the same time), only confirm their beliefs.

Legends of the Lio Tribe

According to their beliefs, the Kelimut Lakes are untouchable and taboo for local residents. The aborigines of the Lio tribe are convinced that the souls of deceased people find their peace in the reservoirs of Kelimutu. To this day, every year they organize special ceremonies with dances, etc., especially for these spirits.

  1. According to their beliefs, each body of water is intended for different categories of souls:
  2. Tivu-Ata-Mbupu. The “Lake of Old Men” is home to the souls of people who not only died in old age, but also lived them with dignity. It is located at some distance from other bodies of water, which symbolizes the wisdom that comes to a person only with age.
  3. Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Tai. This body of water is located between two other lakes. The souls of people who died at a young age settled here. Interestingly, it changes color most often - in a quarter of a century this happened more than twelve times. Its name is translated as “Lake of Young Souls.”

Tivu-Ata-Polo. Murderers, sinners, scoundrels and criminals, that is, those who lived their years unworthily and committed a lot of evil, settled forever in the “Enchanted Lake of Evil Spirits.” Moreover, it is noteworthy that it is separated from the central reservoir by a very narrow volcanic crater wall. Representatives of the Lio tribe are convinced that this symbolizes how thin and fragile the line between good and evil is.

Why the lakes in this amazing place constantly change color has not yet been fully studied. But there are versions, different and very interesting.

Version No. 1. Lio Tribe Theory

Local residents are sure that reservoirs change their color when souls are angry about something, so they must be appeased. For this purpose, they perform appropriate rituals on the top of Kelimutu. At the same time, the aborigines are convinced that their ancestors are answering them, since during the ceremonies (according to their belief) water boils in the reservoirs, and a blue fog appears over the surface.

Another theory of theirs says that a change in color signals the approach of major troubles (and not only for the island, but for all of Indonesia).

Version No. 2. Scientists' hypotheses

Scientists explain the phenomenon of this amazing place in their own way. They claim that bodies of water change their color depending on what kind of chemical reaction is in this moment occurs in the bowels of the earth and even from climatic conditions.

According to them, at the bottom of the lakes there are cracks through which volcanic gases rise, which, once in the reservoirs, enter into a chemical reaction with the minerals dissolved in it. In each lake, the minerals that are found on the bottom and walls of the volcano are different.

The presence of carbon dioxide contributes to the rise of deep waters to the surface of lakes, which are also enriched with minerals. The same process helps draw water down, which also affects the constant change in color of the lakes.

Lakes of Young Souls and Old Men

In the central reservoir (it is where the color change most often occurs) there is solfatara - when evaporations of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid and other substances are released from cracks in the walls and bottom of the crater.

The temperature of solfatara usually ranges from 100°C to 300°C, therefore it is a constantly smoking crack.

Once on the surface, hydrogen sulfide reacts with air and turns into sulfuric acid. In this reservoir, as well as in Lake Starikov, there is an extremely high concentration of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, which give them mainly green tones. Their shades change periodically - they can be bright green, turquoise, and dark green, deep blue, burgundy, white and black.

Lake of Evil Souls

Previously, the Lake of Evil Souls was a gorgeous, bright scarlet hue (it is quite possible that this is why it got its name). Now every year it becomes darker and darker. Now it has become almost black. This unusual color was caused by the high concentration of iron in the reservoir, as well as a higher level of acidity than in the reservoirs located near it. There are periods when it takes on more traditional lake colors, such as turquoise or green.

Trip to Flores

The island of Flores, Indonesia is worth visiting not only to look at the colorful lakes, but also at other attractions that are located quite compactly to each other: the island itself small sizes– about 350 km in length and 70 km in width.

For example, travelers from all over the world will be interested to know that on this island the skeleton of a very small man was found (he was called a hobbit), whose age exceeds 18 thousand years and belongs to “Homo sapiens”.

19 species of animals, characteristic only for this area, live here. To see them, you will have to climb into the impenetrable jungle, but on the way to the reservoirs you can often see small monkeys living on the island, and at the observation deck they even independently run out to people for handouts.

On the way to unique reservoirs, you can admire flowering trees, beautiful mountain views and landscapes. The colorful lakes of Kelimutu themselves are surrounded by a small jungle (4.5 hectares), in which mahogany, pine, and casuarina trees grow, and the grass cover is decorated with edelweiss. There is also a protected forest, waterfalls and caves with stalactites and stalagmites.

In short, if possible, it’s definitely worth visiting near Kelimutu, Indonesia. You shouldn’t put off your trip: although the volcano is considered extinct, there are, in principle, no guarantees that it will not wake up. And after the eruption, it is not a fact that the reservoirs will remain in the same place or will exist. Indeed, recently the activity of the Ring of Fire volcanoes has increased significantly.

An example of unusual nature design is multi-colored lakes. They are scattered all over the world and attract the attention of millions of tourists every year. Among all the amazing lakes of this kind, three lakes stand out, which rise to a height of over one and a half kilometers above sea level and stand apart.

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We are talking about the famous colorful lakes of Kelimutu in Indonesia. These are three crater lakes that are located on top of a now dormant volcano. The volcano is located on the island of Flores, which belongs to Indonesia. The last time the volcano made itself felt was back in 1968. Since then, scientists have not observed any alarming signs of seismic activity, so visiting the colorful lakes of Kelimutu is an absolutely safe undertaking. At the top of the volcano these legendary three lakes are located, the water in which can change the color of the water throughout the year from turquoise to red or even black.

In this regard, it will be interesting to learn about the legends that exist among the aborigines of the island. The indigenous inhabitants of the island firmly believed that these places were sacred and sacred, so desecrating them was a grave sin. The aborigines believed that the souls of their dead relatives rested in these colorful lakes. The color of the water in the lake changes when the living have angered the dead with something and they show their dissatisfaction in this way.

This legend, or rather beliefs, explain why bodies of water have such strange names in their original languages. The western reservoir has the unpronounceable name Tivu Ata Mbupu, which translates as “lake of old men”, and the other two are Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Tai and Tivu Ata Polo. The original names are translated differently. For example, the second lake is called both the “lake of the young” and the “lake of boys and girls.” And the last body of water has a slightly ominous and mysterious name: “enchanted lake”.


The first lake became, in a way, a refuge for people who lived to a respectable age and lived their lives with dignity and were respected among others. That is why this lake is at some distance from the other two, since true wisdom can only be comprehended over the years.

About the second body of water, which is called the “lake of boys and girls,” the following can be said: in this lake rest the souls of people who left this world when they were young. It is worth noting that the color of the water in this lake changes especially often, perhaps this indicates that youth is a very changeable time of life. And finally, the third lake, which has such an ominous name, became a haven, according to legend, for the souls of murderers and criminals.

Also curious is the fact that the last two lakes are in close proximity to each other and are separated only by a narrow crater wall. According to legend, this suggests that sometimes the line between what is right and what is false is very thin and easy to cross. An important reminder hidden in the crater lakes!

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These legends quite interestingly interpret and explain this amazing natural phenomenon. One might say that this explanation sounds rather ominous, but in fact these lakes inspire and inspire everyone who visits them. What do scientists say about this, who have been studying with interest for a long time the reasons for the unusual color of water in lakes?

Changing water color

At the moment, there is a completely logical explanation for this phenomenon: chemical reactions that occur in the lake water. Through various cracks, volcanic gases enter the lake water, which, together with various minerals, form a chemical reaction that affects the color of the water in the lakes. For example, when the elements iron and hydrogen sulfide react, the water turns red. The high concentration of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids explains the rich green color of the reservoir.

It is worth noting that scientists cannot fully explain this phenomenon, since over the past 20 years the color of the water in the lakes has changed a total of 12 times. If earlier the lake of “evil souls” or “enchanted lake” was a rich scarlet color, then over time it became darker and now it is almost black.

Observation platforms

Most beautiful view these amazing picturesque lakes open from special observation platforms, which are located at the very top of the Kelimutu volcano. Such sites have an advantageous location so that they offer a truly unforgettable view from the most favorable angles. In addition, the sites are specially equipped to prevent various incidents and accidents. Multi-colored lakes look most advantageous against the backdrop of the rising sun early in the morning or during a beautiful sunset in the evening. In the later morning, the lakes are shrouded in fog, which gives these places some mystery and enigma. At such moments it becomes clear why local residents These places are considered sacred.

Walking and viewing lakes from places not intended for this is not always safe, since the volcanic rock is quite slippery. In addition, the fumes that emanate from the surface of reservoirs can cause general weakness and fainting.

Tourist Information

It is worth noting that if you decide to visit these amazing places, you will be able to see not only the famous colorful lakes. Kelimutu volcano with its lakes is only a small part nature reserve, which is under the protection of UNESCO. The volcano is located in the middle of a picturesque jungle, which covers an area of ​​about 5 hectares. On the territory of this reserve, in the middle of the jungle, there are also caves with stalactites and waterfalls. So you can enjoy not only the contemplation of lakes of unusual color, but also see beautiful landscapes of the tropical forest.

Closest to the volcano Big City is located 60 km. This is the city of Ende, small in size, but quite complete, where tourists can find everything they need. Here tourists can find shelter, food, and necessary medicines. In close proximity to the volcano and its lakes there is a small farming village called Moli, which tourists often use as a transit point and a place to relax.

Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come to see these amazing places. And although there are colorful lakes in other places, here nature really did its best. Three lakes with completely different water colors are located relatively far from each other. One cannot even dream of such a thing. But you should hurry, because this one is unique natural monument can disappear at one moment and no longer surprises or excites the inhabitants of the planet. If the Kelimutu volcano begins to act again, then as a result of the eruption the lakes will disappear without a trace.

Indonesians are in awe of this amazing place and are doing everything possible to keep this place safe and sound for future generations. The image of these three lakes was on the 5 thousand rupee note at one time and was in some way a symbol of the whole country. These lakes deserve to be seen in person. Photos of lakes posted on the Internet cannot convey even a small fraction of the unimaginable beauty and splendor that can be seen in person. It is also impossible to feel the whole gamut of feelings when seeing these unique bodies of water with your own eyes. Photographs will not convey that atmosphere of mystery that evokes thoughts about something sublime and eternal.


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