Car routes in the Carpathians. The best routes in the Carpathians. Church of the Holy Spirit, Rock Church, Dovbush Rocks

Honeymoon trip by car in Transcarpathia: Ternopil, churches, rocks, waterfall, cave, climb to Hoverla, beautiful nature and photographs.


The day after the wedding, June 26, my husband and I went to Honeymoon. We planned the trip thoroughly: we spent about a month planning the route (down to the names of the routes and gas stations), reading about all the attractions of the Carpathians and choosing the best ones for ourselves, looking for where to stop and eat.

Climbing Goverla and spending the night at Lake Nesamovity were also included - this was the “cherry” of the trip. Such a well-thought-out plan only played into our hands, especially when our “nafiger” was naughty and tried to lead us in the wrong direction.

Kyiv - Ternopil

Day one, June 26. So, things are collected, the route is drawn up, the car is filled to capacity - go ahead!

The first thing you feel when you drive 100 km from Kyiv is the air! It is different, intoxicating, viscous, rich in the aroma of greens and herbs. You can just “drink” it! It is at such moments that you understand the meaning of the phrase “a breath of clean air.”

The starting point of our journey was the “fine” city of Ternopil. The road to it ran through picturesque fields and forests, endless green alleys and neat cities. We arrived there at 8-9 pm. First of all, we went to the main square to look at huge lake and a park. Shopping centers, no restaurants, no monuments, only nature. There are street musicians playing at every turn, a lot of attractions for children, and dance floors. You can happily stroll along the embankment and enjoy the sunset.

Main square of the city

Yacht against sunset background

Lovers Island

After a walk around the lake, we decided to go to a picturesque place to refresh ourselves. Air is air, but no one canceled worldly food. We highly recommend the “Fine Misto” restaurant, located next to the main square. There are a lot of people there, but there is enough space for everyone. Live music, warm atmosphere, and the cuisine will amaze lovers of national cuisine. "Pan's potato pancake" still makes my mouth water. Be careful - the portions are large and Transcarpathian dishes are addictive!

Having paid tribute to the good cuisine, we went to check into our hostel - "Fine Misto"! Just as Ternopil was dubbed “faine”, so everything there is “faine”. The hostel is cozy and inexpensive: a room for 4 cost us 200 UAH/night. Fortunately, no one moved in with us, and we slept in comfort and silence.

Kitchen in the hostel

Our bedroom

Church of the Holy Spirit, Rock Church, Dovbush Rocks

Day two, June 27. After breakfast at the hostel, we moved further to the village of Guklyvy, Volovets district. There is an ancient wooden Church of the Holy Spirit. We really wanted to look at the unusual painting inside it. However, we were unlucky - the church was closed, Monday is a day off. We walked around the church territory and touched ancient (dating back to the 18th century) burial grounds.

We moved further - to the village of Rozgirche. Near it there is an unusual Rock Church. It's better to get there on foot. We drove towards Skole and stopped opposite the turn sign for Nizhnyaya Stinava. We went in the opposite direction from the sign, towards the village of Rozgirche. It was necessary to walk across the bridge over the river, along the gas pipes, further along the road to the village itself.

There they asked the locals how to get to the church. They explained how to get to the outskirts of the village, and there it was just a stone’s throw away. Immediately behind the village there will be a path up the mountain, which led us to the church.

Road over the bridge

Inside the church

Up the steps

View from above of the valley

This ancient rock church has been little studied and is not very popular among tourists. But in vain! This unique monument sacred construction dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries. The church is located on a hill with an amazing view of the nature of the Carpathians and the Opir River.

The last point for this day was the Dovbush Rocks near the village of Trukhanov. On the outskirts of the village there is a forestry area, where we left the car and walked along the path to the rocks. Light rain was falling, the sky was overcast and hanging low - weather typical of the Carpathians. The only thing marring the descent and ascent to the rocks was the dirt underfoot.

The rocks themselves are impressive - harsh, monumental blocks shrouded in fog. Having climbed the stone steps to the top, we froze at the sight of the pristine beauty of nature around. Century-old pines, tops of rocks resembling someone’s faces, caps of clouds - you feel so small among these giants. These rocks are a favorite place for young climbers to train; their camp was located right behind the rocks.

View from the cliffs

Way back

We spent the night in the forestry. They wanted to put up a tent in the yard, but the forester invited us to spend the night in the house (he himself lived in another house). It turns out, the first wedding night among the forest and rocks! The forester didn’t even take money from us for overnight accommodation. We thanked him as best we could - in the morning we cleaned the whole house.

Forestry and our machine

Skole, Shipot waterfall, Synevyr lake

Day three - June 28. After having breakfast in the forestry and thanking the hospitable host, we moved to the city of Skole to look at the Church of Saints Paraskeva-Panteleimon. But we had no luck with churches - they were closed because it was Constitution Day. And I really wanted to see its unusual wooden iconostasis... Well, we walked around the territory of the church and moved on.

The next destination is the Shipot waterfall near the village of Pylypets. It is better to see it once than to read or hear it 100 times. The spectacle is incredible, a rapid stream of water encased in rocks. We climbed the stairs to the top of the waterfall - the feeling of the power and indomitability of the water was breathtaking.

There were so many tourists that we had to stand in line for photos. On the way to the waterfall there are sheds where food is cooked on fire: you can taste Transcarpathian wine and buy souvenirs. We bought magnets from every place on our trip.

I was also struck by the unusual color of the large hog that greets tourists on the path to the waterfall. He brazenly approaches and demands a tasty treat.

The impudent hog wants some treats

Then we moved to Lake Synevyr to the village of Synevyrskaya Polyana. Leaving the car at a special parking lot for tourists, we walked up the asphalt road. The lake is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.

This is truly a miracle of nature, deep blue in the shape of a heart. I was struck by the ringing silence and the feeling of sleeping power. It seemed as if you would throw a pebble into the lake or shout loudly and it would wake up. We even spoke in whispers.


It was getting dark and we needed to find accommodation for the night. We decided to put up a tent near the river, although there were many offers of overnight accommodation in hotels and private estates in the village. The first time I fell asleep to the sounds of the forest and the sound of water right under my feet.

Overnight at Synevyr

Milk Stone, road to Hoverla

Day four, June 29. The cows woke us up with their bells and melodious mooing. We got ready and went to the village of Velikaya Uholka - there is a cave called Milk Stone.

The road to this village became synonymous for us with the worst roads. The distance that we usually covered in 1.5 hours was covered in 3.5 hours. The speed was about 20 km per hour, there were potholes and pits at every step.

Tired of such shaking and taffy, we arrived in the village. We left the car at the forestry and bought entry tickets to the reserve (60 UAH for two) and moved up. What we paid the money for is still a mystery to me. The path to the mountain was covered in fallen trees, there were no clear signs, everything was covered in leaves and mud. We climbed for about an hour. It's good that it didn't rain.

Road to the cave

Cave Milk stone- a miracle from karst. It is small, only 92 meters, but very unusual. The walls are milky white due to the limestone. If you illuminate them with multi-colored lanterns, you get the feeling that you are in a cave of wonders and that a secret door to gnomes or trolls is about to open into its depths. I want to explore every corner of it.

Cave entrance

Milk Stone Cave

Unfortunately, the charm of the cave did not brighten up the fact that we had to go back almost half the way along these “wonderful” roads to go to Solotvino. We planned to be there for lunch, but we were only there at 8 pm. We quickly ate and left.

Ahead of us lay 100 km to the foot of Goverla. It was a real sprint race mountain serpentine where there are no lights, there is only the direction of the road. Others helped the car driving in front of us - “if they entered the turn, then we will enter too!”

We arrived near Goverla at the Zaroslyak sanatorium at 12 at night. Near the base there is a forest where tourists set up tents, take water from a spring, and cook food over a fire. There is also a toilet. But this is during the day, and at night?! Have you ever pitched a tent in pitch darkness? As soon as the flashlight turned off, you couldn’t even see your hands. But we installed it and immediately went to bed. Tomorrow we have an ascent!

Climbing to Goverla, Lake Nesamovitoe

Day five, June 30. We woke up early, quickly had breakfast and began to rise. You can climb Hoverla in two ways - steep and gentle. For novice tourists (like me) the second one is recommended. You will get tired less and see more. There are many people on this path, but everyone gives way and tries to help. The ascent took about 3 hours.

We were very lucky with the weather - it was warm, airy clouds, and a light breeze. This allowed us to calmly climb and enjoy the view from the top. And what coffee at the top of Hoverla!

Hooray! We've arrived!

After enjoying the view from the mountain and having a little rest, we walked through 4 mountains to Lake Nesamovity. My husband had a dream to spend the night there. Will be done! We got there at a leisurely pace in about 3 hours. Along the way, we didn’t get tired of admiring the stunning landscapes of the Carpathians and absorbing all this beauty!

View of our base

View from the top

The beauty of Carpathian nature

We reached the lake in the evening. Despite the sun, it was very cold. We quickly set up a tent, ate and sat admiring the stars. They are huge, bright, and you just want to reach them with your hand. The sensations were the same as on Synevyr - the presence of a huge sleeping force.

Nesamovitoe is a lake of suicides and a “controller” of weather in the entire region. If you throw a stone there or stir up the water, the weather will worsen. You need to behave quietly and respectfully. We lit incense sticks for the spirits of the lake, asked for the secret and thanked for the shelter. Near the lake there is a spring, places for making a fire and bushes.

View of the lake from above

Road to Chernivtsi, kolyba "Babai"

Day six, July 1. We woke up early, thanked the spirits and went to the base. We descended 7 km through the mountains and along forest paths. The sun was warm, the breeze caressed the skin, the forest filled the air with fresh and spicy aromas.

Way back through the forest

and water...

Near the base there is a small market with Transcarpathian souvenirs and wine. After buying souvenirs and having a little rest, we moved on. They wanted to climb Mount Scripture Stone, but there was little time, it was a long way to climb, and there were a lot of snakes there. We decided not to risk it and headed for Chernivtsi.

On the way we stopped for lunch at the Babai kolyba outside the village of Yavoriv. A very colorful place: wooden decor, excellent service, amazing cuisine. There I tried trout for the first time - a divine dish at a ridiculous price, only 30 UAH per fish. I note that in Yaremche the same fish cost us 130 UAH.

We arrived in Chernivtsi in the evening. The city is very cozy, sincere, intimate. A beautiful main street, ancient buildings decorated with stucco, the aroma of coffee and pastries is in the air. We tried the famous ice cream - balls of various colors and flavors in an unusual waffle cup. We didn’t get to the university; it was already closed. Next time there will be a reason to come!

Take a ride through the streets of Chernivtsi

Acid ice cream

There were problems with accommodation for the night. All normal hostel rooms were occupied, offering only beds for 8-12 local numbers. We decided to go to the station, where we rented a rest room - two separate beds with a clean bed and a window overlooking the track. The trains stopped running at 11 pm and there was silence until 7 am. The room cost us 220 UAH per night and another 20 UAH per shower (per person).

Khotin and Kamenets-Podolsky

Day seven, July 2. From Chernivtsi we went to Khotyn and Kamenets-Podolsky, and from there to Kyiv.

The weather gave us suffocating heat, our shoulders simply burned. We didn’t like Khotyn: just the fortress and the landscape, nothing more. The car was parked in front of the entrance to the territory so as not to pay 25 UAH for parking.

But Kamenets-Podolsky impressed us. We've covered everything secret passages, climbed all the towers, visited all the museums, even learned to shoot with a bow. We bought a special document with a real wax seal about our stay in this wonderful city. After lunch at a cafe, we headed to Kyiv via Vinnitsa. We were at home around one in the morning, tired, burned out, but terribly happy.

Fortress towers

City view

Secret passages

Learning to shoot

Our certificate

    Think over the route in advance and in great detail so that you don’t have to worry about using the navigator later.

    Ask locals where to spend the night, where to eat, and how to get there more easily. They will always give you advice; the people there are very friendly and helpful.

    Be careful on the roads. Locals drive without rules, the roads are almost not lit, potholes are not visible, be careful when turning.

    We drove about 2000 km, spent about 3500 UAH on gasoline (at 14.45 per liter). They took food with them and cooked it on a burner. If you had lunch at a cafe, it cost 140-160 UAH (two first courses, two main courses and dessert). The portions are very large.

    Sunscreen and a hat are a must - even with the gentle sun in the mountains it is very easy to burn and get sunstroke. Drink plenty of water. There are plenty of springs there. The water is very tasty!

Rymar Tatyana Vladimirovna.

Why do people go to the mountains? In the mountains, everyone finds their own justification, some want to escape from their wife, some from the bustle of the city and people, and others, on the contrary, in search of loneliness and peace. At any time of the year, the mountains are beautiful and attractive, they are mysterious and photogenic.

What could be better than waking up early in the morning on the top of a mountain, and, jumping out of a warm sleeping bag, quickly walk to the very edge in order to have time to take a breath of morning, invigorating air and photograph the sunrise. This is the “stupid” happiness of a photographer.
In fact, I'm in front of mountain landscapes, like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor, I can express all my love and awe only through photographs. I would like to present to you a small selection of the summer Carpathians, which I have collected over the past couple of years.

My acquaintance with the Carpathians began in 2007, when I purchased my first SLR camera.

I noticed an interesting point - the most incredible landscapes and views open not from the highest point, but directly from the ridges and passes.

Some of the most difficult routes are found in the wild Gorgans.

Paved trails on the ridge.

The Central Gorgans are somewhat reminiscent of photographs of mountain deserts - huge stones, rocks, zherps, dust and the wind that blows in different directions. If you rise higher, you can see thermal contrasts and currents of hot air, and from the top you can see a huge valley of small mountains.

Carpathian black raven (kruk).

A little statistical information: mountain system The Carpathians begin near Bratislava and end in the southeast of Romania. Length Carpathian Mountains about 1500 km. The Carpathians are divided into three parts - Western, Eastern and Southern. The Western ones are located on the territory of Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and partly Hungary, the Southern Carpathians are located on the territory of Romania, and the Eastern ones are located on the territory of Ukraine.

The Carpathians are deservedly considered the most environmentally friendly region in Ukraine. Crystal clear and transparent lakes, seething mountain rivers, waterfalls, smoky mountain peaks, clean and intoxicating fresh air, healing herbs and plants. In this corner of wild and untouched nature, unique ancient forests still grow.

In the background is the Marmarosh massif - the peaks of Petros and Pop Ivan.

Polonynas are dome-shaped treeless plateaus, smoothed by the advance of the glacier, which left longitudinal ribbed outcrops and small basins on their slopes.

Lake Brebeneskul.

Delicious lingonberry (non-GMO).

Blueberry, in our region there is even a festival dedicated to it and a monument erected.

Just some 300 million years ago, the waves of the Tethys Ocean splashed here.

Shipot Waterfall. Annual meeting place hippies (our local Woodstock ).

Pyramids on top, made by those who have reached the highest point.

Slow, grueling climb.

And this is a photo from my first trip to the mountains.

Schopenhauer said: “The most common type of pride is national pride. Every person living on the planet feels a sense of pride in their Motherland.” I would replace the word “Motherland” with “Carpathians”.

Gorgan stones, which are millions, millions of years old.

The Gorgan peaks are famous for their steep ascents and descents, slippery rocks and zherep.

Crystal clear Mountain Lake Synevir.

Due to the high humidity in the Carpathians, the peaks are often covered in fog and it seems as if you are walking above the clouds.

Paragliders have chosen the Carpathian peaks. Every year there is a competition here " Carpathian Cup » on paragliding.

Sunset over Bear Gorge.

Tourists on the Borzhavsky ridge.

Lake Brebeneskul is a lake of glacial origin, located at an altitude of 1801m above sea level (Chernogora ridge).

Exit to the Marmaroshsky ridge.

Part of the Borzhavsky ridge to the peak of Stoi.

Traverse trail.

The classic peak of the Gorgan ridge is stones and zherep (thorny bushes, mountain pine).

Pine cone. Widely used for the preparation of medicinal preparations.

Gorgansky ridge. The height of the local mountains ranges from 1400 meters to 1800 meters, the highest point of Gorgan is Mount Bolshaya Syvulya (1836 m).

Cobweb on flowers.

Early morning. View from Mount Ozernaya.

The highest point of the Ukrainian Carpathians is Mount Hoverla, 2061 meters above sea level.

View from Mount Velikiy Verkh (Borzhava Range).

View of Mount Stoy (Borzhavsky Range).

The Svidovets ridge is considered the heart of Europe.

Gorgan landscapes.

High in the mountains, a boy asks his Georgian grandfather:
- Grandfather, how old are you?
- A hundred pEsyat vosEm...
- Do you drink and smoke?!
- Of course!!! Otherwise, I’ll never die like that.


Every time I go through the entire route and leave the Carpathian mountains, I know that I will come back here again and again, including in my next lives. Friends, another photo report about the winter Carpathians awaits you.

Do you consider yourself a connoisseur of natural beauty, dream of climbing to the most high peak Ukrainian Carpathians - Mount Hoverla, do you want to visit the holy places of Ukraine? Our journey begins in the Khmelnitsky region from the once powerful and harsh Medzhybizh castle, continues along Ternopil, where you will see the village of Rukomysh, where there is a cave sacred complex, and ends in Ivano-Frankivsk region, where several tourist sites are offered for inspection: the Bukovel recreation center, Mount Goverla, the ancient church in Yaremche, the Hutsul village of Sheshory and the village of Mikulchin. Have a nice trip!

Discover new towns and villages, unique natural places, mysterious sacred places are better, without rushing, without focusing on excursion group, giving everyone tourist site as much time as he deserves. Therefore, it is best to make individual route and move around it in your own or rented car. Another advantage of using such transport is that, when going on a trip to uninhabited, untouched areas, you will not depend on irregular flights of local buses.
We offer you a route to the most interesting places in three Ukrainian regions, compiled and personally verified by experienced travelers.

Medzhibozh - Rurikovich fortress

We start our journey from ancient castle, which is located in the small village of Medzhybizh, several tens of kilometers from the city of Khmelnitsky. The castle was built next to the Southern Bug River by order of the prince from the Rurik family - Svyatoslav. This happened in 1146 - long before the Mongol-Tatar invasion, however, the fortress with thick walls, narrow loophole windows, residential buildings and many outbuildings was intended to protect local residents from various troubles and for some time resisted the attacks of invaders from the East. The luck of the defenders of the Medzhybizh fortress ended in 1240, when the Mongols ordered it to be razed from the face of the earth. Only more than a hundred years after the victory of Prince Olgerd, the restoration of the fortress began. The family of princes Koryatovich is engaged in reconstruction.

The castle fell into the hands of infidels once again in its history - in 1671, when the Poles handed it over to the Turks on a voluntary basis. They managed to build a mosque on the territory of Medzhybizh, began to settle in, and decorated the palace chambers in oriental style. This went on for 27 years, after which the castle again began to belong to Christians - the Sinyavsky family, the Czartoryski princes, and finally, the Russian emperors.

Currently working in the castle local history museum. As a result of a tour of the castle, you can see the Church of St. Nicholas, which is located right in the courtyard of the fortress, three towers: Officer, Knight and North - and the palace complex itself, built in the Renaissance style. To renew interest in the castle, the historical festival “Ancient Medzhybizh” is held annually on its territory.

Miracles of Rukomysh

A small village in the Ternopil region Rukomysh is not very famous among fans beautiful scenery and ancient temples. And completely in vain! However, thanks to its low “promotion” among visiting tourists, the atmosphere of holiness and miracle remains here.

People have loved this area since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered a settlement near Rukomysh that belongs to the Trypillian culture. Or rather, what was left of him. But modern pilgrims and travelers come to these Amazing places not to stare at ancient ruins. They are attracted by caves in the travertine rocks, next to which this village appeared. In one of these caves during the times of Kievan Rus, monks from the Kiev Pechersk Lavra founded the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. And next to the cave on the rock you can see the miraculous face of Christ, created by nature itself. It is clearly visible when viewed from below, from a certain angle. According to researcher B. Voznitsky, there was once a wooden altar at this place, the presence of which is evidenced by small depressions in the rock.
In the vicinity of the temple, hermits lived for a long time in several caves.

Other wonders of Rukomysh include the Church of St. Onuphrius, which was built much later - in 1768. The main shrine of the church is the sculpture of the patron saint of the temple, which was made by the “Galician Michelangelo” - I. Pinzel. Statues of this master decorate only the richest and most famous cathedrals of Western Ukraine.

Pilgrims who come to Rukomysh do not miss the opportunity to go through the procession of the Cross and visit several local chapels, as well as take a bath in a spring with healing water, which can be found under a 300-year-old maple tree.

Tourist complex Bukovel: summer activities

People come to the fastest growing resort in Ukraine, Bukovel, not only in the winter season, but also in the summer. Bukovel was built as ski resort, but the presence of thermal springs, as well as virgin nature around and excellent infrastructure, which should not stand idle in anticipation of cold weather, has led to the fact that Bukovel is becoming more and more popular place holidays at any time of the year.

This resort is located in close proximity to five mountains (Dovga, Bukovel, Bulchinekha, Babiy Pohar, Chernaya Kleva), therefore, by staying here, travelers have an amazing opportunity to go along one of the tourist walking or cycling routes laid out in their vicinity.

At the resort itself you can see a lake with thermal water, which is constantly heated, so that guests staying in four- or five-star chalets (and there are simply no others here) are pleased to receive water treatments on open air. In addition, you can go fishing to the lake where trout is found, visit many interesting places in the vicinity of Bukovel on a tour, and climb Hoverla.

Legendary Hoverla

On the border of two Ukrainian regions - Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk, next to the Romanian border is the Chornohora massif - one of the mountain ranges of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Its highest peak, and also its most high mountain Ukraine is considered to be Hoverla. This is the Romanian name, which translated means “difficult to achieve elevation.”

Climbing the 2061-meter-high mountain is within the capabilities of any athletic person. From the top there is an excellent panorama of the nearby mountains. They say that from Goverla in clear weather you can even see the territory of Romania.
At the foot of this mountain there is a 30-meter cascade of waterfalls - the source of the Prut River. Hoverla and Prut, according to local legend, are considered separated lovers who are always close, but cannot reunite.

Hutsul Church in Yaremche

The Church of St. Elijah is located on the territory of a monastery in a very picturesque place. It is surrounded by mountains covered with dense forest, which perfectly set off the elegance of the multi-tiered building. It was built not so long ago - in 1937. The local Hutsul woodcarver and architect I. Yavorsky worked on it. Like numerous houses in these places, built in the Carpathian style, it was made without the use of nails.

After the Second World War, the activities of any clergy on the territory of Galicia were prohibited. The monastery was closed, the monks were released on all four sides, and they wanted to destroy the Elias Church. But believers did not touch the shrine, thus preserving it for posterity. Worship services there were resumed only in 1990.
The church is worth visiting for its beautiful interiors and stunning carved iconostasis.

Ethnic village Sheshory

Along the fast mountain river Pistynka stretches for 9 km the Hutsul village of Sheshory, famous for its unique Carpathian architecture, as well as numerous cascades amazing beauty. The most popular waterfalls are Bolshoy and Maly Guk. Maly Guk can be found a little above the local bridge. It falls from a height of 2 meters. But the Big Hook falls from 5 meters and looks simply incredible in the rays of the sun silvering its water. Next to the last waterfall there is a source of crystal clear mineral water.

The water in the Pistynka River is warm, which prompts some particularly curious tourists to swim in it. The ethnic village of Shoshary offers its guests, in addition to natural beauty, also a visit to various workshops, where household items and jewelry are created in front of visitors. This village carefully adheres to ancient customs. Local residents are happy to talk about them, show their houses, show off richly embroidered clothes and musical instruments. A trip to the village of Sheshory is an opportunity to get to know Hutsul traditions better.

Mykulychyn - Mykuly's possessions

You can end your trip to Western Ukraine in the village of Mykulychyn. This is a rich village that appeared in the Carpathians in the 13th century by order of Prince Galitsky. Several houses built near the Prut River were supposed to serve as an outpost guarding the borders of the prince’s possessions. Command over this post was given to a certain Mikula, who became the sovereign owner of the village that received his name. Now it is a large village, covering an area of ​​44 sq. km. and located on the territory of the Carpathian Nature Reserve.

What awaits the many tourists arriving in Mykulychyn? Unique, virgin nature, the cleanest air, permeated with the smell of pine, silence and tranquility, which are not found in major cities. Carpathian meadows, picturesque waterfalls and high mountains- this is what Mikulchin offers its guests.

It is from here that you can go to walking trip along the Gorgany ridge. The most high point This system is called Sivulya. Its height is 1836 m. Other attractions of Gorgan include the huge Synevyr Lake and Manyavsky Waterfall.

Do you have a free weekend and are you planning to spend it in an ecologically clean region of Ukraine, in the Ukrainian Carpathians? Do you want to get acquainted with the traditions and way of life of the local people, breathe in the heady mountain air and just have a great rest? Are you planning to travel by car? Then this article is for you.

The Ukrainian Carpathians joyfully welcome their tourists at any time of the year. Arriving in the Carpathians, you will be enchanted by the beauty of the local landscapes, as if you were in a fairy tale - high mountains, fast mountain rivers, “dark” forests and beautiful waterfalls. Once you get to this region, you will love it forever and will return here again and again.

So, you have arrived in the Carpathians. The best place to stay is in Yaremche, there is a large selection of accommodation at affordable prices, and in the evening there is somewhere to go for a walk, unlike the rest settlements. After all, Yaremche is a city, tourist centre Ivano-Frankivsk region. Having rented accommodation in Yaremche, have a good rest, three days of an intense excursion program await you!

Day 1. Route called " Golden ring Hutsul region" Yaremche - Kolomyia - Kosiv - Sheshory - Pistyn - Krivorivnya - Verkhovyna - Vorokhta.

This excursion route will introduce you to the life, traditions and rituals of such ethnographic groups as the “Hutsuls”, will give you the opportunity to appreciate all the beauty of the high mountain regions of the Carpathians and even plunge into childhood by visiting St. Nicholas.

First stop Kolomyia. An ancient small town in the Austro-Hungarian style, the first mention of it dates back to 1241. In Kolomyia there are two very interesting museum, which should be visited by every tourist who comes here. The Pysanka Museum is built in the shape of an egg and contains a collection of 10 thousand exhibits of painted Pysanka eggs from different parts of Ukraine.

“Museum of Folk Art of the Hutsul Region and Pokuttya” - it contains a collection of exhibits telling about the life of the inhabitants of the Carpathian region - household items, clothing, jewelry, weapons, the folk art of the inhabitants of the Hutsul Region is widely represented - weaving, forging, wood carving. Another place that you need to visit while in Kolomyia is the Impreza Tsukernya. It is located near the Pysanka Museum, on Teatralnaya Street, 40. You have definitely never seen such a quantity of baked goods, all kinds of cakes, strudels and pies. And it’s impossible to describe the taste of these sweets!

We stop at Sheshory. This is a picturesque village along the mountain river Pistynka, but this is not what Sheshory is famous for. The main attraction is the Silver Falls. Beautiful, cascading, in which you can swim (so don’t forget to take a swimsuit with you if you come here in the summer).

Further on our way there appears a small village called Pistyn. In the center of this village there is the real estate of St. Nicholas, the Ukrainian Father Frost, whom children love so much. A neat Carpathian house in which St. Nicholas’s office is located, his mail (all the letters received from the children are stored here), a bedroom, a museum room and much more interesting things. Various people guard the estate fairy-tale heroes, made from wood by folk craftsmen. Be sure to come visit Nikolaychik and you will have great fun! Even adults here rejoice like children and involuntarily begin to believe in miracles.

The next short stop is in Krivorivna. The Ivan Frank Memorial Museum is located here.

Verkhovyna is a beautiful mountain village in the Carpathians. The main attraction of Verkhovyna is the museum in memory of Roman Kumlyk. This museum was opened in 2000 in the Kumlykov family home. The owner of the house, Roman Kumlyk, had been collecting household items and ancient Hutsul clothing for more than thirty years, but his pride was his collection of musical instruments. He knew how to play all musical instruments. After his death, his work is continued by his daughter Natalya, who during the excursion talks about the life of the Hutsuls, about rituals, sings songs and plays various instruments. Be sure to visit!

And the very last stop is Vorokhta, it is considered the center of alpine skiing. There are four jumps with artificial turf on which you can train all year round. This is where teams are trained to alpine skiing, ski jumping and biotlon. Stop, take a couple of photos and relax - there are still 2 busy days ahead!

Day 2 Route: Guk waterfall – Bukovel

Not far from Yaremche, along the Rakhiv - Ivano-Frankivsk highway, between the villages of Mykulychyn and Tatariv there is a valley of the Zhenets River, there is one of the most tall waterfalls Carpathian – Zhenetsky Huk. The height of the water fall is 15 meters. It's very spectacular!

Next, transfer to the village of Palyanitsa, where the Bukovel ski resort is located. There is something to do there at any time of the year. Take a chairlift to the top of Mount Bukovel, enjoy the panorama of the Carpathian Mountains, look into the "Kolyba", try local cuisine, take a walk around the resort. If you come here during the hot season, you can soak up the sun and swim in one of the Bukovel lakes.

Day 3 Route Yaremche – Manyava

On the last day of your stay in the Carpathians, I advise you to explore Yaremche. Take a walk through the souvenir market, buy souvenirs as a keepsake of this wonderful region. Take a photo near the Proboy waterfall. If you are full of energy to walk further, take a walk along the Dovbush trail, created in memory of the legendary rebel leader Oleks Dovbush.

We are moving to Manyava. There is one spiritual place that you can visit - Manyavsky Skete. It's ancient monastery, which is also called “Carpathian Athos”. On the territory of the monastery there is a complex of wooden and stone architectural structures. A path leads from the monastery to the mountain - this is the exit to the “Blessed Stone”, which is a place of prayer and it cleanses various negativity and defilement. A spring gushes out from under a stone; the water in this spring is considered sacred. Let's take a walk, gain strength and hit the road! Time to go home!

This is the route for a three-day trip to the Carpathians. We hope it will help you get acquainted with this beautiful region.

Report on a car trip from Minsk to Transcarpathia. Sights, vacation spots, local cuisine, travel tips and photographs.


Transcarpathia is rich in attractions and beautiful views, especially in spring and summer. National cuisine and one can only envy the hospitality. We have only good memories of the trip.

The route laid out in advance was interesting:

  1. Minsk.
  2. Village Sol.
  3. Uzhgorod.
  4. Mukachevo.
  5. Thermal springs.
  6. Lviv.


We left Minsk in the evening on April 27. The first destination is the village of Sol. We booked a house here, located in the mountains. According to preliminary calculations, they were supposed to arrive the next day at 11:00.

Behind us were Kobrin, Kovel, Novovolynsk, Ivano-Frankovo, Turka, and finally the village of Sol appeared in the distance. We drove at night, so we crossed the border quickly. There were practically no stops, not counting short stops at gas stations and coffee breaks. By morning it began to get brighter, and the sleep vanished as if by chance - beautiful views began to open up before us. The further we drove, the higher the mountains became.

Natural beauty to discover

We didn’t take the highway because Yandex.Navigator indicated a shorter route - through the mountains. A little advice: always check the route in advance so that you don’t have to hobble along rough roads later.

The ride was good at first, but then we climbed a mountain. Driving along serpentine and broken roads is another challenge - we covered 10 kilometers in 1.5 hours.

We passed a checkpoint in the mountains where our passports were checked. We asked what altitude we were at now. It turned out that this is only 1000 meters above sea level, further - higher.

We stopped periodically to take beautiful photos.

After 5 hours of driving along the serpentine road, tired and hungry, we reached the village of Sol, where they were already waiting for us. The area is unsightly, but this is exactly what you need after the city - mountains, fresh air, calm atmosphere. We booked the cottage on Booking, so there were no problems with check-in. There were only a few shops nearby - ordinary, rural ones. The owners of the house offered a delicious dinner - barbecue, potatoes, salads and homemade tincture. For two nights, a family of 4 paid about $85.

Unveiled beauty

That evening we decided not to go anywhere, but to have a good rest. We went to the mountains for a while, then went to bed. The next day promised to be eventful.

Sights and castles of Uzhgorod

In the morning we went to Uzhgorod - a place where sakura was already blooming. By the way, throughout the entire trip we used Yandex.Navigator. We downloaded the maps in advance, since there was no connection upon arrival. On the way we stopped at Nevitsky Castle, which is located on the mountain. In another way it is called “Castle of Brides”. After all, as one legend says, it was a fortress for brides, a place where they could find protection. Entrance there is free. The view from the mountain was magnificent.

The castle is located in the village of Kamenitsa. You can get there along the H13 highway to your destination. Then you will have to walk uphill for about 15 minutes. However, it's worth it: from the walls of the ruined castle you can see beautiful view. By the way, there are few tourists in this place, so you can freely walk around the area.

Next we went to Uzhgorod - a quiet and calm town. It was cloudy that day, but the weather did not spoil the impression of the trip. Uzhgorod is located on the Uzh River, from which it received its name. It has quite a rich history: it is considered the oldest city Ukraine. There are castles, temples and other attractions here. By the way, small sculptures are scattered throughout the city. They say that whoever finds each of them will be happy for the rest of his life.

We visited Uzhgorod Castle, a city fortress that was built at the end of the 9th century. This is the place with rich history. During the Great Patriotic War, a local history museum was opened here.

Entrance to the castle is inexpensive - about 20 hryvnia. There are also discounts for children and students (with student cards).

There weren't many people, since we didn't come to tourist season. I was very pleased that there were no queues. We went to an exhibition, entry to which turned out to be cheap. We looked at all the crowns of the world, it was quite interesting.

We went to Krestovozdvizhensky Cathedral. There was a wedding ceremony that day. The cathedral is valuable architectural structure city, located on a hill in the very center of Uzhgorod.

We walked along the linden alley, the length of which is as much as 2 kilometers. We walked around Uzhgorod itself, we especially remember Korzo Street - there is a interesting monument lamplighter

Monument to the lamplighter on the building

We tried the local cuisine and at the same time learned interesting feature Transcarpathia. Borscht is not cooked here, because bograch is considered a traditional dish. I liked it even more: rich, spicy, even has some special taste. If you come here, be sure to try bograch.

The atmosphere, the music, the waiters in traditional costumes, the interior - everything was wonderful. As for the shops, their prices are low: even in the city center, on the main street, you can buy beautiful and high-quality things for almost nothing. There are coffee shops at almost every step in the city, and the drinks they serve are excellent - be sure to try it.

We can’t help but mention the sakura, which we so wanted to see. Unfortunately, it had already faded, so it was necessary to come to Uzhgorod earlier - somewhere around April 20-23. We got here later, but still found beautiful streets strewn with pink petals. In addition, magnolia with its large colorful buds began to bloom in many local residents' plots.

At the end of the day, tired but happy, we returned to the mountains.

Mukachevo and thermal springs

Palanok Castle is located in Mukachevo on the mountain. It attracts thousands of tourists with its interesting history and excellent location. We got here pretty quickly. It is not necessary to walk up the mountain - there is a parking lot near the castle, which we found out about after we climbed it ourselves. Along the way, we often met local merchants who offered gingerbread, souvenirs, and wine.

There were more tourists in the castle than in Uzhgorod, despite the weather. The view from the mountain is incredible.

The architecture of the castle is amazing

Mukachevo were not for long. Went to thermal springs called "Kosino". I, like a true Susanin, decided that we needed to go to the village of Kosino. Don’t repeat my mistakes: the thermal waters are located in a completely different direction - in the village of Koson.

Having wound in circles, we finally arrived at our destination and, happy, ran to swim. The water is hot, it's cool outside. You could even swim in red wine or aromatic coffee. There is also a special tap that does water massage.

You can go to real royal saunas and baths - there was a Roman, Hungarian, eucalyptus bath, salt fox hole, hammam, herbal sauna. They ran from one to the other.

We continued our journey

Sights of Lviv

The next point is Lviv. On the way, we stopped at a local cafe to regain strength and eat well, because there was still another 5 hours of driving ahead.

Opening marvelous spaces

We stopped in such a wonderful place. We ordered delicious food and listened live music and enjoyed the atmosphere.

The road to Lviv was beautiful - the beauty of nature amazed us.

Endless fields and mountains

In the evening we arrived at a motel, which is located near Lviv, and decided to relax.

The next morning we went to Lviv. In the evening, before leaving, I was looking for interesting places which were necessary to visit.

The first thing we did upon arrival was drive around the still sleepy city. The area is small but cozy. There is a feeling of being back home. At the same time, there were so many interesting things here that one day was not enough for a full excursion.

Lively and crowded city of Lviv

First we went to the coffee shop "Kava zi Lvova" and enjoyed aromatic coffee with cherry pie. Very cozy place.

Walking around the city, every now and then we came across tour guides. We decided that we didn’t want to spend one single day aimlessly, so we took a tour of the city, cathedrals and dungeons of Lviv.

Incredible cathedral architecture

By lunchtime the guide was already waiting for us. We listened to the history of the city, even wandered into the dungeon. Without noticing it, we walked around half of Lviv.

The excursions were conducted in Ukrainian, but you could also ask for them in Russian. We, Belarusians, understand Ukrainian well (besides, in Lviv it is understandable, compared to the local dialects of Transcarpathia), so we did not feel any discomfort.

We visited the famous “Drunken Cherry”, which is located in the very center of the city. We purchased aromatic cherry tincture. The peculiarity of the bar is that before you buy a product, you can try it. Rumor has it that this is a place for single people. Perhaps this is true: it’s quite possible to meet someone over a glass of liquor.

The most original thing in the bar is a chandelier made from bottles of liquor.

Original chandelier made from bottles

The prices were a pleasant surprise. On this day we still managed to climb to the observation deck of the Town Hall. Spiral staircase was so long that at the end of the journey we already felt slightly dizzy. Entrance was paid: 20 hryvnia. The view from the observation deck was very beautiful.

We visited the Bernardine Church and Monastery, Lviv Opera theatre, Assumption Church. Unfortunately, it was not possible to go to the castle on the mountain. We decided that we would come back here again in the summer.


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