Amazing natural monuments. The most interesting cities in Russia: rating, attractions. Sea of ​​Stars, Maldives

Nature creates amazing and delightful places. Their beauty can attract the attention of tourists no less than interesting man-made attractions. We will tell you about such creations of nature in this top 10 natural attractions of Russia.

10 Oymyakon Valley

This place is located in Yakutia, on the left bank of the Indigirka River. This valley is one of the “Poles of Cold” of the Earth. It is often called the harshest place on the planet where people constantly live. The village of Oymyakon is accustomed to incredibly low temperatures. The average temperature in July is only 14.9 degrees Celsius, while the average temperature in January is minus 46.4 degrees Celsius. This place is a world of frost and snow.

9 Orda Cave

IN Perm region, on the left bank of the Kungur River, on the outskirts of the village of Orda, there is an entrance to a cave called Orda. The cave appeared in gypsum and anhydrite of Permian age. It is divided into underwater and “dry” parts. The length of the underwater part is 4600 meters, and the “dry” part is 300 meters. Orda Cave is the longest flooded cave in Russia. Among the gypsum caves of the planet, Ordinskaya Cave ranks 21st in length.

8 Kungur Ice Cave

In the Perm region, 100 km from Perm, on the right bank of the Sylva River there is the village of Filippovka, located on the outskirts of the city of Kungur. It is there that one of the most famous attractions of the Urals and Siberia lurks: the Kungur Ice Cave. Together with Ice Mountain, it is a historical and natural complex of regional significance. The Kungur Ice Cave is one of the largest karst caves in the European part of Russia. It ranks seventh in length among the gypsum caves in the world. The length of the cave is approximately 5,700 meters (1.5 kilometers are accessible to tourists). The Kungur Ice Cave has 58 grottoes, 70 lakes, 146 “organ pipes” - high shafts that rise almost to the surface.

7 Putorana Plateau

In the north-west of the Central Siberian Plateau is mountain range, where the Putorana plateau is located. The maximum height of the plateau is 1701 meters. The Putorana Plateau occupies over 250,000 square kilometers. There are many beautiful places on the plateau.

6 Altai Mountains

The Altai Mountains, also called simply Altai, are located in southern Siberia and Central Asia. Altai consists of mid-mountain and high-mountain ridges, which are separated by river valleys, as well as intermountain and intramountain basins, which reach quite large sizes.

5 Lena Pillars

On the banks of the Lena River, in the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia, 104 km from the city of Pokrovsk, there is an interesting geological formation called Lena Pillars and a natural park with exactly the same name. Lena Pillars are rocks stretched upward that border the banks of the Lena River for many kilometers.

4 Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka

In Kamchatka, in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve, there is one of the largest geyser fields on the planet and the only geyser field in Eurasia. The Valley of Geysers occupies approximately 6 square kilometers in the canyon of the Geysern River. This area contains incredibly high biodiversity. Natural conditions and microclimate have a high contrast. The Valley of Geysers has many hot springs, mud pots, thermal areas, lakes, waterfalls and, of course, numerous geyser outlets.

3 Manpupuner

Manpupuner - this place is also called Weathering Pillars, Mansi Boobies or Bolvano-iz - a geological monument. It is located in the Troitsko-Pechora region of the Komi Republic, in the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve, on Mount Man-Pupu-ner. The geological monument is located in the interfluve of the Ilych and Pechora rivers. Its stone pillars have bizarre shapes. A visit to this geological monument must be coordinated with the administration of the reserve.

1 Lake Baikal

On South Eastern Siberia There is a lake of tectonic origin called Baikal. It is the most deep lake among the lakes of our planet. Lake Baikal is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water.

Having visited any of the above places, you will admire the beauty of nature, which created such wonderful sights.

Russia is a great and diverse country, its vastness is amazing. There is everything here: from delightful architectural monuments to all kinds of natural attractions, stretching from the Baltic to Pacific Ocean. What can you see in Russia, what are the most interesting and unusual places that attract tourists from all over the world?

Moscow and St. Petersburg, Siberia, Dolny East, Volga region, Krasnodar region, the Russian North, the Caucasus and the Urals are the most famous regions where the most famous ones are concentrated.

A selection of the best sites in Russia will help you get to know the history and culture of the country, which ranks first in the world in terms of territory.

Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin is perhaps the main attraction of Moscow. This architectural and artistic ensemble is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The unique museum complex includes museum-cathedrals, the Patriarchal Chambers of the 17th century, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the Armory Chamber - a museum-treasury.

The Kremlin museums display unique exhibits. Among them are royal carriages, icons, weapons and armor, state regalia and much more. The residence of the President of Russia is located on the territory of the Kremlin.

Visit to the Moscow Kremlin paid, ticket price 500 RUB, children under 16 years old - free.

If you stay in the city for more than a day, you should take care of overnight accommodation. .

Red Square

Red Square is located in the very center of Moscow and is the heart of Russia. There are unique attractions here. What is the Lenin Mausoleum with a solemn guard, Execution Place, Kazan Cathedral worth.

The square is the main place for ceremonial parades. This is one of the main attractions of Moscow.

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The area of ​​the square is not intended for cars, it is a pedestrian zone.

Tretyakov Gallery

The most famous Art Museum Moscow - Tretyakov Gallery. The museum's collection includes more than 100 thousand works of art. Here is the world's largest collection of Russian visual arts. The museum was founded in 1856 by merchant P. M. Tretyakov. The facade of the museum building is made according to the sketches of the artist Vasnetsov.

Entrance ticket: 400 RUB.

Kizhi Island

Kizhi Museum-Reserve open air included in the list of the most visited attractions in Russia. 89 unique monuments of wooden architecture are collected here: ancient houses, chapels, mills, churches, barns and other buildings.

The most famous building of the museum is the Church of the Transfiguration, 1714. Its height is 37 meters, it is decorated with 22 domes of different sizes, descending to the ground. And this entire structure was made without a single nail.

Kizhi Pogost is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The island is located on Lake Onega, 68 km from the capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk.

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Motor ships run to the island, the cost of a two-way trip is 2750 RUB, departure from Petrozavodsk.

Saint Sophie Cathedral

The Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod is rightfully considered the most outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture. He is only a few years younger than Sophia of Kyiv, it was she who served as the prototype of the Novgorod shrine. The construction of the temple was carried out by the Novgorod prince Vladimir, the son of Yaroslav the Wise.

The cross of the central dome of the cathedral is crowned with a figure of a dove - a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and while he is there, the city is under his protection.

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The cathedral is located on the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin, entrance to the temple free.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

The St. Isaac's Cathedral Museum-Monument in St. Petersburg is one of the best cathedrals in Europe, and is also one of the main attractions of Russia.

Famous masters of the mid-19th century worked on the interior decoration of the cathedral, including Karl Bryullov, Fyodor Bruni, Vasily Shebuev, Ivan Vitali. Of particular interest are the mosaic paintings, there are about 60 of them. The stained glass windows are no less beautiful - their area is about 28.5 sq.m.

It is possible to climb the colonnade of the cathedral dome, from a height of 43 meters it opens beautiful view to the city.

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Comprehensive ticket to the cathedral and to the colonnade - 400 RUB.

For an overnight stay in St. Petersburg you can use.

Curonian Spit

The Curonian Spit National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is located on the Baltic coast. The nature of the spit is diverse and unique; there are deserts and meadows covered with moss and lichen, pine and deciduous forests, swamps and moving dunes.

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The length of the spit is 98 km, the width ranges from 400 to 3800 meters.

One-time pass to visit the park: 250 RUB.

Peterhof Museum-Reserve

Another unique attraction of St. Petersburg. The Peterhof State Museum-Reserve is a palace complex with fountains, gardens and parks. The amazingly beautiful palace and park complex is most famous for its fountains; there are more than 150 of them.

The complex consists of Upper Garden, palace and Lower Park. One of the main attractions is the Grand Cascade, in the center of which is the figure of Samson tearing the jaws of a lion.

Another decoration of the park - White Nights, they last from mid-May to almost mid-July. The museum is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is also recognized as one of the wonders of Russia.

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Peterhof is located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, 30 km from St. Petersburg.

Museum admission fee: from 70 to 520 RUB.

Kazan Kremlin

The Kazan Kremlin is the main attraction of Kazan. On the territory of the museum-reserve, Tatar and Russian architecture coexist - this is the Annunciation Cathedral and the main mosque of Kazan Kul Shalif, the Governor's House and the leaning tower of Syuyumbike.

The Kremlin is the official residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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Entrance to the Kremlin territory free. The fee is charged only for visiting museums: from 150 to 250 RUB.

There are a lot of accommodation options in Kazan. .

Sochi Arboretum

The Sochi Arboretum is a monument of landscape gardening art; it houses a unique collection of subtropical plants brought from different parts of the planet. The rose garden is especially popular.

Works in the park cable car, you can look at all this splendor from a bird's eye view. In 2012, the park celebrated its 120th anniversary.

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Admission ticket: 250 RUB.

Lake Teletskoye

The amazingly beautiful Lake Teletskoye is the pearl of Altai. This is one of the deepest lakes on the planet with the purest water and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Local peoples consider the lake sacred. The incredible beauty of these places is mesmerizing; the waterfalls are especially interesting - the most visited is Korbu, its height is 12.5 meters. The entire right bank is part of the Altai Nature Reserve.

Steller Arch

Steller Arch - unique monument nature Kamchatka region. It is a symbol of the Komandorsky Biosphere Reserve, located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean between Poludennaya and Gladkovskaya bays. The height of the arch is 20.6 m, formed as a result of natural erosion of the rock.

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Named after its discoverer, the traveler Georg Wilhelm Steller.

Novgorod child

The Novgorod Kremlin (Detinets) is the oldest Kremlin in Russia, its age has exceeded 970 years. It was included in the list of the best attractions in Russia.

On the territory of the Kremlin there is the most ancient temple Russia - St. Sophia Cathedral, the Vladychnaya (Faceted) Chamber, the monument to the 1000th anniversary of Russia, the Church of St. Andrew Stratelates and other buildings. The total area of ​​the Kremlin is 12.1 hectares.

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The Novgorod Kremlin is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Entry price: 190 RUB.

Kungur Ice Cave

Kungur Ice Cave - the largest karst cave Russia, it ranks seventh in the ranking of the longest gypsum caves in the world. Its length is 5600 meters, there are up to fifty grottoes and more than 60 lakes.

The air temperature in some grottoes does not rise above zero degrees. The approximate age of the cave is 10-12 thousand years, located in the Urals in the Perm region. The length of the route equipped for tourists is 1500 meters.

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Price entrance tickets : from 600 to 1000 RUB.


Dombay is one of the oldest ski resorts in Russia. It is located at the foot of the Main Caucasus Range at an altitude of 1620 meters in the valley.

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Beautiful nature and enough developed infrastructure attracts many tourists, the season lasts from November to May.

Boxwood Falls

The picturesque Boxwood Falls attract many tourists every year. The waterfalls are located on the Eastern Dagomys River, surrounded by relict forests. The river flows through the gorge, forming cascade waterfalls. Near each of them there are depressions with clear water in which you can swim.

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The most high waterfalls reach a height of 5 meters. The waterfalls are located a few kilometers from Sochi, near the village of Baranovka.

Diamond quarry "Mir"

Yakutia is home to one of the world's largest diamond quarries, Mir. The giant crater, 525 meters deep, is literally mesmerizing, and the quarry is especially impressive from a bird's eye view.

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Diamonds have been mined here for more than 50 years, the largest was found in 1981 - 324.5 carats. In 2001, development was stopped and the quarry was mothballed.

Krasnoyarsk pillars

The Krasnoyarsk Pillars Nature Reserve is located in the spurs of the Eastern Sayan Mountains on the right bank of the Yenisei. Local rocks resemble pillars; they are narrow and high: from 60 to 600 m. In total, there are about a hundred pillars made of gray-pink granite, most of them have their own names.

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The approximate age of the pillars is from 450 to 600 million years.


Mount Elbrus is the most famous and highest peak in Russia. Its height is 5642 meters and is part of the Caucasus Range.

You can reach the top by cable car to a level of 2950 meters, from here an amazing panorama of the Caucasus opens.

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This is a great place for ski lovers; there are slopes of various difficulty levels.

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Travel site TripAdvisor has compiled a list of popular attractions around the world according to tourists, from the impressive Burj Khalifa to the stunning Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

The most famous landmarks in the world

When going on a trip to various countries, tourists think in advance about the route and what attractions are worth visiting.

Below in the article will be a list of attractions that are the most popular, according to TripAdvisor.

The navigable Panama Canal is located in the state of Panama. It consists of two man-made lakes and locks.

The Petronas Towers are located in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Symbol of Australia - Opera theatre in Sydney

An ancient Mayan city located on the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula

The oldest temple is Wat Pho. To see it, you need to go to Thailand to the city of Bangkok

Memorial complexes and ancient temples

Complex in New York (USA) - National Memorial dedicated to the victims of the series of terrorist attacks committed on September 11

Khalifa Tower, or Burj Khalifa (skyscraper) in the city of Dubai, UAE

The President Lincoln Memorial is located in Washington DC.

Great Chinese Wall, Mutianyu area with magnificent mountain scenery

Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. It was built back in the Middle Ages and was called Prague.

Golden Gate Suspension Bridge, California

Hagia Sophia (currently a museum), Istanbul, Türkiye

Alhambra Palace, Granada, Southern Spain. Today it is a museum of Islamic art

Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Catholic Church in Paris

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in the northern capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg

Who hasn't dreamed of flying to France and admiring the beauty of Paris from the Eiffel Tower?

Prison Island

Alcatraz Island in California. Currently a museum, but there were times when this island served as a prison for dangerous criminals. It was impossible to escape from there.

Milanese Cathedral in Italy

The Catholic Basilica of St. Peter is located in the Vatican

Grand Mosque named after Sheikh Zayed in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Taj Mahal in India - mosque-mausoleum

The city of Machu Picchu in modern Peru

The largest temple complex Angkorvoat is located in Cambodia

Brazil is famous for its aromatic coffee, football and the Christ the Redeemer statue towering over Rio de Janeiro.

Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona, ​​Spain

Where to go first is up to you.

Russia is an incredible country. This is not even a country, but a whole world, which has everything - from architectural masterpieces and a huge number of museums, to a wide variety of natural attractions - mountain lakes, geysers, glaciers and much more. It is incomprehensible how all this survived throughout the history of the largest country in the world, rich in wars and uprisings.

Russians are quite strange people - they are proud of their history, but at the same time they can write a word from three letters. They are delighted with the nature of their homeland, but they are too lazy to clean up the empty bottles after the picnic. Nevertheless, this is a great people with a difficult fate and attitude to life, which no philosophical concept can explain.

Foreigners go to Russia to check whether Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Pushkin wrote about it, and to see with their own eyes attractions this unique country. Here short excursion according to the main ones.

1. Trans-Siberian Railway

Part of the world's longest railway, the historic section of the Trans-Siberian Railway stretches from Miass (a city in the Urals) to Vladivostok along the border with China and North Korea. It was this that Tsar Alexander III began to build in 1891, and his son Nicholas II completed what he started. 1916 The length of the oldest part of the Trans-Siberian Railway is more than 7,000 km, and the total length of the railway track connecting Moscow with Vladivostok is 9,288 km.

Most travelers use the train for overnight accommodation; there are first, second and third class sleeping accommodations, the most expensive compartments have separate showers and toilets.

2. Elbrus

Mount Elbrus, 5642 meters high, belongs to the Caucasus Range, located in southern Russia. Elbrus is included in the Seven Summits - the highest mountains located on different continents of the planet. This is the most high mountain Russia, and thousands of beginner and experienced climbers come here every year.

Previously, Elbrus was a volcano, but not a single eruption was recorded, so it is believed that it is extinct forever. The 3800 meter mark can be reached by cable car, which is very convenient. At an altitude of 4130 meters, there used to be the Shelter of Eleven hotel, which burned down in 1998, and a new building is now under construction.

3. Valley of Geysers

Russian Far East- amazingly beautiful and unusual place. There are a lot of unique natural attractions here, one of which is the Valley of Geysers on the Kamchatka Peninsula - the second largest geyser field in the world.

The valley was discovered by Russian scientist Tatyana Ustinova in 1941, and since then many tourists and researchers have been coming here. The valley is included in the reserve, so there are certain rules for organizing excursions. The most convenient way to get to the Valley is by helicopter, but it is very expensive, so it is better to rent a helicopter with a company.

In 2007, a landslide descended into the Valley, after which it was flooded, but in 2013 a new landslide destroyed the natural dam, and the geysers began to flow again, and there were even more of them.

4. Kizhi Island

This is one of the main attractions of the Republic of Karelia, located in the North-West region of Russia, bordering Finland and washed by the waters White Sea. Since the 13th century, Karelians have lived here - a Finno-Ugric people who found themselves at the crossroads of the cultures of the West and the East.

Kizhi Island is a real open-air museum; you will not find anything like the local wooden churches anywhere else in the world. The 37-meter Church of the Transfiguration with its 22 domes is especially beautiful. The church was founded at the beginning of the 18th century and is entirely built of wood. In addition to it, there are wooden peasant houses, windmills, bell towers and barns. There are very few indigenous local residents, but they carefully preserve their traditions - they weave various crafts from birch bark, do embroidery, sew national clothes, knit lace and sing folk songs.

5. Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

Incredibly beautiful church - main temple Novgorod, a very ancient Russian settlement. The cathedral, in turn, is the oldest surviving church built by the Slavs, completed in 1050. The Hagia Sophia Cathedral is located on the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin, the height of the church is almost 40 meters.

The temple is crowned with five domes; several ancient Orthodox shrines are kept here, for example, the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”, which, according to legend, saved Novgorod from an attack by one of the princes in 1170. His army besieged the city, and when the residents realized that they could not fight back, they began to offer prayers to the Lord. On the third night of the siege, Archbishop John heard a voice commanding him to take this icon out of the cathedral, and he followed the will of God. When one of the arrows of the besiegers hit the icon, tears flowed from the eyes of the Most Holy Theotokos, after which the army of the besiegers threw down their weapons and ran away.

6. Lake Baikal

Traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway and not enjoying the views of Lake Baikal is simply stupid. This ancient lake is the cleanest and deepest freshwater body of water on the planet. It contains 20% of the world's fresh water reserves, and the depth of the lake reaches 1642 meters.

Baikal was formed about 25 million years ago, and currently it is one of the most famous and beautiful bodies of water in the world. The lake is very large, so many local residents they call it the sea, and another common nickname is the Pearl of Siberia. If you decide to spend a few days here, you can stay in one of the tourist centers or rent a house, and for a very reasonable fee, and lovers of exotic holidays can put up a tent in some picturesque place on the shore.

Please note that your impressions of Baikal will be incomplete without trying smoked Baikal omul - this is the most delicious fish in the world.

7. Suzdal

The city of Suzdal was previously the capital of one of the principalities Ancient Rus', and now it is part of the so-called Golden Ring of Russia - ancient cities in which beautiful examples of medieval Russian architecture have been preserved.

Each city of the Ring is unique in its own way, but Suzdal is just one big architectural masterpiece. There are many beautiful, surprisingly well-preserved cathedrals, churches and entire monasteries, and in the very heart of Suzdal is the famous Suzdal Kremlin. Unfortunately, its wooden towers were destroyed by fire in the 18th century, but the earthworks and several buildings still exist, so there is a lot to see.

Suzdal is like a huge open-air museum: walking along the streets, it’s easy to imagine that you are in the distant past.

8. Moscow Kremlin

To describe all the beauty of the unique buildings and relics of the Moscow Kremlin, there are not enough words even in the great and mighty Russian language. Located in the historical center of the capital of Russia, this architectural ensemble became a long time ago business card countries.

The first wooden fortifications appeared here in the 12th century, and under Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin became white stone - in the most important towers and fortifications, wood was replaced with white stone. By the way, the memory of this was preserved in the speech of the Russian people - Moscow is still sometimes called “white stone”, although the Kremlin was “repainted” red long ago: Ivan III the Great (by the way, the grandfather of the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible) ordered the best Italians to be sent from Europe architects, and they rebuilt the prince’s residence using baked bricks.

On an area of ​​27.5 hectares there are the Faceted Chamber (formerly it was the main ceremonial hall of the Kremlin), three cathedrals - the Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation, the Armory, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and many other architectural masterpieces.

The Kremlin museums allow you to plunge headlong into the richest Russian history - it will take a lot of time to go around all the exhibitions and look at all the exhibits.

The Moscow Kremlin still serves as the residence of the rulers of Russia: reception halls and the official office of the president are located here, and concerts and various ceremonies are held in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

9. Hermitage

The Hermitage in St. Petersburg is the main treasury of Russia, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Literally - because in the halls and storerooms of the museum there is a huge number of priceless paintings, jewelry, samples of sculpture and ceramics, you name it! Figuratively - because it reflects the culture and history of Russia and the whole world, this is a real book, or, rather, a whole collection of works, but instead of a dry description of beautiful masterpieces, you can see them with your own eyes, it’s a pity you can’t touch them.

The museum began in 1764 as a collection of paintings by Empress Catherine II the Great, who spent considerable sums on the acquisition of paintings by brilliant European artists. Most of the paintings hung in the halls of the famous Winter Palace(the favorite residence of the Russian emperors), which then received the name “Hermitage” (in French this means “secluded place, shelter”).

Initially, we couldn’t admire the masterpieces ordinary people- the museum was opened to the general public only in 1852. Anyone who has ever been to the Hermitage will remember it for the rest of their lives, because there is an absolutely incredible atmosphere here, the luxury and splendor of the palace halls will not leave anyone indifferent. Please note that for photo and video shooting you need to purchase a special ticket, and you can only take photos without a flash.

10. St. Basil's Cathedral

This unusual and amazingly beautiful temple is located in the center of Moscow, on Red Square. You will find a description of the cathedral in any tourist guide, but it’s better to see it with your own eyes, because it’s impossible to describe it in words. It looks like a huge fire burning in the heart of the Russian capital: when the bright Moscow sun plays on its multi-colored domes, it is an incomparable spectacle.

The cathedral was erected in 1555–1561 by order of Ivan IV the Terrible. According to legend, after construction was completed, the cruel Russian Tsar ordered the architects Barma and Postnik to be blinded so that they could no longer build anything equal to this temple in beauty and grandeur. The king achieved his goal - in no corner of the world there is anything similar to this architectural masterpiece.

11. Red Square

A walk along Red Square is the first thing everyone should do in the Russian capital foreign tourist. The main milestones of Russian history are associated with this place, as evidenced by historical monuments - Lobnoye Mesto, where Russian tsars executed troublemakers, criminals and rebels; a monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the people’s militia at the beginning of the 17th century to drive the Polish occupiers out of Moscow; Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and much more.

On Red Square, various events dedicated to public holidays, and military parades, from here on November 7, 1941, Soviet soldiers went straight to the front.

By the way, in the old days the word “red” meant “beautiful”, and if you see the square with your own eyes, you will understand why it was called that.

12. Derbent

The unique city of the Russian republic of Dagestan is not very popular among tourists, but it is worth visiting if only to walk along the streets of one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world.

Derbent is famous for its truly Caucasian hospitality and rich cultural traditions. Among the main cultural and historical attractions are the Derbent Wall, which is about 1.5 thousand years old, and Naryn-Kala, ancient fortress, which once faithfully served the defenders of the city. The oldest Muslim temple in Russia, the Juma Mosque, built in 733, is also located here.

Among the city's attractions, one cannot fail to mention Derbent cognac, which is made from Dagestan grapes. If you happen to get to Derbent, be sure to try it. Now it is the second largest city in Dagestan: the population is about 100 thousand inhabitants, most of whom are Lezgins, Azerbaijanis and Tabasarans.

13. Altai Mountains

If you think that the most beautiful mountains on Earth there are Alps, which means you have not been to Altai. This is the highest mountain system Siberia, on its territory the borders of Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan converge, and unlike European mountain resorts, not all the paths here have been trampled by the ubiquitous tourists.

IN Altai mountains powerful and deep-flowing Siberian rivers are born - the Ob, Irtysh and Yenisei, and in the stunningly beautiful valleys there are rare animals that you will not find anywhere else. There are many poachers here, whom the authorities are trying to fight, but so far not very successfully, mainly because officials themselves have more than once been seen exterminating unique representatives of the local fauna.

Since ancient times, distinctive tribes and peoples have lived in Altai, somewhat similar to the Indians: they worship gods in animal forms and practice pagan rituals.

Valley of Geysers in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve

Travelers who ask experienced tourists questions about what to visit in Russia that will be remembered by them for its magical natural beauty, receive the answer: “The Valley of Geysers, located in Kamchatka”! This place is considered one of. This volcanic canyon, two kilometers wide and four kilometers long, resembles a fantastic “city” of hundreds of geysers and hot springs. Hundreds of years ago there was a lake here, but under the influence of continuous processes occurring in the volcano, it almost completely disappeared, and fountains of boiling water filled its place. The Valley of Geysers was discovered literally on the eve of the 1941 war. Here, near the Geysernaya River, the Giant Geyser gushes with a fountain. Tourists who come to visit these sights of Russia can watch its work by climbing to a special observation deck on the right bank of the river. In a minute, the Giant throws up 30 tons of hot water, and the water column reaches the height of a nine-story building! Such a grandiose, truly fantastic spectacle is accompanied by a powerful roar. To the west of the Giant lies the Pearl Geyser, hidden at the bottom of a well and covered with geyserite, somewhat reminiscent of natural pearls.

5. Hermitage (St. Petersburg)

Hermitage building

The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg is a real treasure of the country and northern capital. Its construction began under Peter the Great. This historical monument, looking into the waters of the Neva like a mirror, since the 1920s it has become the most majestic and famous Russian museum - the Hermitage. Its unique collection owes its birth to the Empress Catherine II herself. The royal lady placed her first acquired paintings in the Northern Pavilion in 1764. The random collection of paintings acquired by Catherine consisted of works by Jordaens, Hals and Rembrandt. With this purchase, Catherine began collecting paintings, which almost grew into a collecting mania. The rooms and galleries located in the Small Hermitage were filled with works of art literally in geometric progression. Soon there was simply no room left for paintings. Then the Great Hermitage was built. Soon the empress acquired the library of Denis Diderot, and Diderot himself, as a token of gratitude, helped the empress buy paintings by famous masters. Today the museum houses thousands of works by Poussin, Van Dyck, Rubens, Titian, Raphael and other geniuses who lived in Europe in different centuries. More than five million tourists visit the museum every year.

Look Beautiful places Russia in this wonderful video!

6. Mamayev Kurgan (Volgograd)

Sculptures “Stand to the death” and “Motherland” on Mamayev Kurgan

Mamayev Kurgan, a hill rising not far from the Volga, has long been memorial place, connected, unfortunately, with the tragic events of the Patriotic War of 1941-1945. This monument to the memory of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad was opened in Volgograd in 1967. The remains of the soldiers who defended Stalingrad are buried on the hill. A statue of the Motherland, 86 meters high, was immediately installed. It can be seen several kilometers away to every traveler arriving in Volgograd. The sword in the hand of the statue weighs a total of 14 tons and reaches a height of 33 meters. The weight of the entire sculpture approaches 1,500 tons. They say that a large SUV can fit in the palm of the statue! Often, city guests going to this Russian landmark lay flowers at the foot of the Mamayev Kurgan and the Eternal Flame, honoring the memory of the victims of fascism. Guests of the city, pondering what to see in Russia and in Volgograd itself, should certainly admire the majestic ceremony of the changing of the guard, which takes place on Mamayev Kurgan every hour, starting from 9 a.m. to 19.00. In addition, travelers who book an excursion here will see weapons from the Second World War - multi-ton tanks and cannons.

7. Kazan Kremlin (Kazan)

View from the Ferris wheel of the Kazan Kremlin ensemble on the left bank of the Kazanka River Fendes

The Kazan Kremlin is the main decoration of the capital of Tatarstan. Its Spasskaya Tower, built in 1562, is the most recognizable building of an ancient architectural structure. Its main “sign” is its watch, and it has its own history. The first clock of the Kazan Kremlin was not a very ordinary mechanism that showed time. Their dial was constantly spinning, but the hand did not move! The modern clock, by which the entire Tatarstan now checks time, was installed only in 1963. Exhibitions, concerts and other entertainment events are constantly held on the territory of the Kremlin in Kazan. There are also cozy cafes with national Tatar cuisine. The most recognizable building in the Kremlin is the “leaning” Soyumbike Tower. Tourists looking for what to see in Russia and Kazan related to ancient history countries will definitely pay attention to the Mausoleum of the Kazan Khans. From the observation deck of the Kremlin there is a stunning, majestic view of the modern part of the city: the registry office, new houses, the Arena, the Palace of Farmers and the embankment. Tourists who want to take pictures in armor and shoot with a bow will be able to do this on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. The main decoration of the historical site is the elegant blue and white Kul Sharif Mosque, which can accommodate more than 2,000 people.

8. State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow)

Monument to Tretyakov P.M. in front of the Tretyakov Gallery

The Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery, founded in 1856, is a historical heritage of Russia. The gallery's exhibition is located in several buildings. More than 1,500,000 people come here every year to get acquainted with the well-known monuments of Russian art. Currently, the Tretyakov collection covers a large historical period from representatives of ancient Russian painting of the 11th century to the paintings of contemporaries. Every day the gallery is visited by students, elderly people, Muscovites and tourists who come to admire the sights of Russia. Here they admire the most famous works of art created by Ivanov, Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Surikov and other famous Russian artists. These paintings are the generally accepted standard of Russian art. Everyone will find the Mikhail Vrubel Hall here without any mistake. Its dim lighting and dark walls create an atmosphere that encourages a different perception of art. All the works of the artist, who is brilliant and a little strange in his painting style, exudes mystery and fabulousness.

9. Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi)

Sunny day in Krasnaya Polyana

Krasnaya Polyana - ski resort near Sochi (Adler). There are trails for extreme sports enthusiasts, professionals and amateurs. ski slopes and for beginners. Vacationers who want to photograph nearby attractions in Russia and Sochi can take the cable car up to the top and take some rare shots. Of course, more tourists come to Krasnaya Polyana in the winter season, but even in the summer, even those who decide to go here with kids will definitely find decent entertainment here. The same cable car, operating all year round, will appeal to both adults and their curious children who are already tired of beach holiday and frequent sea bathing. By purchasing a lift ticket, you can go up to the most high point, located in the mountains and relax in the “Vysota” bar, grabbing some mulled wine for yourself and natural juice for your child. There is also a mountain Olympic village built for the 2014 Olympics. Here you can stay in a hotel of any price category. In the summer, a must-have at the resort is to swim and sunbathe on the local beach, admiring the stunning views around the mountain.

10. Bolshoi Theater (Moscow)

The famous Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater

The building of the Bolshoi Theater is easily recognized by both avid theatergoers and people who are very far from anything related to art. It seems that the four horses decorating the grandiose architectural structure, will now soar upward. It is believed that the history of this temple of Melpomene began in 1776, when Prince Urusov received permission from Empress Catherine II to open a public theater in Moscow. But the building that Urusov built burned down before the opening, and he decided to sell the enterprise to the Englishman Michael Maddox, a mathematician from Oxford, who was invited to Russia to teach science to Tsarevich Pavel Romanov. And on December 30, 1780, the theater was inaugurated. It featured a hall with 1,000 seats, a spacious stage and a large orchestra pit. The first prima ballerina of the Bolshoi was the Frenchwoman Felicata Gullen-Sor. In 1918, Lenin demanded that the Bolshoi Theater be demolished immediately. He argued that opera is a bourgeois art that requires huge expenses and does not bring benefits. Surprisingly, it was Stalin who changed Lenin’s mind. In 1940, the Soviet government held a competition to give the theater a “Soviet working style.” However, in 2011 the Bolshoi was restored, giving it its original historical appearance and improving acoustics.

Sights of Russia: what else to visit in Russia

13. Architectural ensemble of Kizhi (Petrozavodsk)

Kizhi – a monument of wooden architecture

Any traveler thinking about what to visit in Russia and Karelia chooses a trip to Kizhi. You can get from Petrozavodsk to the Kizhi architectural ensemble in an hour and a half by boat. Now there is a museum of wooden architecture here. However, it might not have existed if the Spaso-Kizhi churchyard had not arisen here in the 15th century. At that time, a graveyard was not a cemetery, but a unit territorial division. There were 130 villages in Kizhi at that time. First, winter and summer churches were built, which later burned down in a fire. The architectural ensemble, familiar to many today, was built only in the 18th century. Construction began with the nine-domed Church of the Intercession. Its unique iconostasis has been preserved to this day. The most famous landmark of Russia in Kizhi is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Its 22 domes are depicted on numerous Russian souvenirs, dishes, and towels. They say that no nails were used in its construction, but this is not true. In total, the architectural ensemble consists of two churches and a large bell tower with 33 domes, symbolizing the number of years the Savior lived.

14. Novgorod Kremlin ( Velikiy Novgorod)

Towers of the Novgorod Kremlin

Novgorod – oldest city Russia, ancient craft and shopping mall, a link connecting Rus' with Europe. The city still invites guests to see its amazing sights. Among them is the Novgorod Kremlin or, as it was originally called, “detinets”. This stone structure on the banks of the Volkhov was built by Prince Yaroslavl in the 11th century. It was first mentioned in the chronicles of 1044. But those original buildings have not survived. Later, the Kremlin was rebuilt and expanded several times. Today the length of its walls is close to one and a half kilometers. Now there are 9 towers preserved in the Kremlin. The highest of them is Kokui. Behind the fortress walls there are various architectural monuments. St. Sophia Cathedral, near which all the townspeople used to gather for a meeting, the Chamber of Facets and the St. Sophia Belfry, which today attract curious tourists and people interested in the history of Russian architecture and the state as a whole. The territory of the Novgorod Kremlin – favorite place recreation for Novgorod residents and guests ancient city. Everything here is suitable for relaxation: cafes, playgrounds for children, carved benches. Thematic exhibitions dedicated to various events are regularly organized inside the Kremlin. Russian history. From the observation deck you can take panoramic shots of the city.

15. Kungur Cave (Kungur, Perm region)

Ice kingdom of Kungur cave

Avid travelers looking for the most unusual and even mystical things to see in Russia should definitely go down to Kungur cave. She is beautiful, and great, and truly magical. The first tourists, including kings, came here in the 19th century. Today this place is the most famous Ural miracle. Up to 100,000 people visit it annually. In just a few hours, moving through the cave passages, tourists see winter, autumn, and spring. But there is never summer in the cave. The temperature here does not rise above +5⁰ + 8⁰ C, so even the Urals themselves, who decided to admire the stalactites, stalagmites and underground lakes at their leisure, often shiver here from the cold, forgetting to put on a warm jacket and hat before descending. The most beautiful hall of the cave, mesmerizing with its snow-white shine, is the Diamond Grotto, so named because of its many years of icing. Even if the temperature outside is +30⁰ C, snow flowers bloom on the walls of the grotto. Groups of tourists are not allowed to stay here for more than five minutes. The caretakers of the cave protect its microclimate and protect it from melting ice. The length of all the passages of the cave reaches six kilometers, along with fifty loopholes and grottoes, each of which has its own name and amazing story. Many halls are illuminated with multi-colored lights and look like unreal, fantastic palaces.

16. St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow)

St. Basil's Cathedral or Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Red Square

The status of the most recognizable landmark of Moscow, in addition to the well-known Kremlin, should be assigned to St. Basil's Cathedral - even with a fleeting glance, its colorful domes evoke associations with the Russian capital. The origins of the cathedral go back to the 16th century, when, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a religious building grew up on the site of the ancient Church of the Life-Giving Trinity. The creation of the cathedral was based on the idea of ​​​​Heavenly Jerusalem - the tented bell tower, around which eight chapters are located, resembles an eight-pointed star from above, similar to Bethlehem. And if the façade of the cathedral impresses with its splendor and abundance of flowers, the interior of the inner hall surprises with the simplicity of its decoration. Here, in the twilight, a completely different spirit reigns - the spirit of remembrance and meek prayers. While the first floor is occupied by the main church hall, on the second tier there is an ensemble of 9 churches united by galleries.

17. Museum-reserve “Tsarskoe Selo” (Pushkin, St. Petersburg)

Catherine Park with the palace in golden autumn in the Tsarskoe Selo museum-reserve in St. Petersburg

The great heritage of the city of Pushkin is the museum the Tsarskoye Selo nature reserve with its Catherine Palace, which is an excellent example of Russian architecture. The entire complex is an important monument of landscape gardening art of the 18th-20th centuries, which was significantly damaged as a result of the events of the Great Patriotic War, but was later completely restored. Museum complex consists of gardens, parks, small thematic museums and a central facility - Catherine Palace, a magnificent baroque structure in beautiful azure and white tones with an abundance of gilded elements. The splendor of the palace interior is especially evident in its Throne Room, sparkling with gilded decoration and impressive artistic ceiling paintings. The richness and cozy color of the Amber Room, the combination of snow-white walls and gold are impressive Front suite, the grandeur and vastness of the Hermitage pavilion.

18. Golden Ring of Russia (cities of North-Eastern Rus')

Picturesque panoramic view of Suzdal - part of the Golden Ring of Russia
Wooden Church of the Savior in the Kostroma Museum of Wooden Architecture of the Golden Ring of Russia

Famous a tourist route, which turned 50 years old in 2017, has already become a classic of tourism in Russia. It leads through the oldest Russian cities, where every historical place, each museum and cathedral keeps its centuries-old history. All moments of the formation of Old Russian architecture are revealed in the process of traveling through eight Old Russian cities, located on the map so that if you connect them with a single line, it looks like a closed ring - hence the name of the route. Majestic white-stone churches of the 12th-13th centuries, medieval tent-roofed buildings, creations of famous architectural schools, interesting exhibits from ancient museums, where wood carvings, products of talented jewelers and lacemakers, enamel painting, lacquer miniatures and much, much more will allow you to see with your own eyes a rich tour " Golden ring Russia."

19. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (Nizhny Novgorod)

Chkalov Stairs and St. George Tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin in Nizhny Novgorod

At the confluence of the great Russian rivers, the Volga and Oka, a brick fortress rises majestically - a fortification structure from the 16th century. The origins of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin date back to the distant 13th century, when a Russian prince founded a city here and surrounded it with fortifications. And only 3 centuries later an important fortification post made of red brick and white limestone was erected. The total length of the Kremlin walls is about 2 km, these walls have 13 battle towers, and the role of the main gate is played by the Dmitrievskaya Tower, which has become one of the symbols of Nizhny Novgorod. The second important tower is located in the south-eastern extremity - this is the St. George Tower, next to which is Minin and Pozharsky Square with a monument to Chkalov, as well as Observation deck, from which the huge 560-step Chkalov Staircase leads down.

20. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1.5 km from Bogolyubov)

The white stone Church of the Intercession on the Nerl on the territory of Bogolyubovsky Meadow, 1.5 km from the village of Bogolyubovo

Another of the monuments of ancient Russian architecture is located in the Russian outback, one and a half kilometers from the village of Bogolyubovo. On a clear day against the background of a blue sky, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is especially beautiful - the gentle beauty of its facade, the combination of the piercing blue of the domes with its snow-white walls are impressive. The church, which became one of the symbols of Russia, was built in the 12th century in just one summer, not far from the residence of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. It was consecrated in memory of the events that took place in Constantinople in the 10th century during the siege of the city by the Saracens. There is a belief that in those difficult times the inhabitants of the city gathered in churches and prayed for the salvation of the city, and the holy fool Andrew noticed how in the crowd of worshipers, on bended knees, the Mother of God herself offered up her prayers, after which she approached the throne and took off the veil from her head. , extended it over all people and granted salvation.

The cruiser Aurora is a legendary warship moored at the embankment in St. Petersburg

Mentioning the sights of St. Petersburg , One cannot fail to mention one of the most symbolic monuments of the northern capital - the cruiser Aurora. The armored cruiser, created to strengthen the navy in the process of geopolitical rivalry with England, was named after the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn. It was built at the very end of the 19th century and experienced a number of significant events of the 20th century: it took part in the battles of the Japanese War, the First World War, was involved in the storming of the Winter Palace and in the defense of Kronstadt. The ship was regularly shelled by enemy artillery, but still survived to this day. Today, there is a museum on board the cruiser dedicated to the ship’s participation in significant historical events, as well as a ship’s temple, restored in post-Soviet times.

22. Manpupuner (Komi Republic)

Manpupuner or Weathering Pillars on the territory of the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve in the Komi Republic

Amazing natural formations in the form of weathered pillars can be seen in the Troitsko-Pechora region of Komi. Unusual name of these creations - Manpupuner - translated from the Mansi language means “ Malaya Gora idols." Once upon a time, millions of years ago, this place was dominated by Ural Mountains, but over time the wind and water destroyed rock. In some places, the stones turned out to be so strong that erosion could not cope with them - this is how a plateau with bizarre rocky pillars, which are also called outcrops, was formed. There are seven such sculptures in total on the plateau; they rise in the middle of the plain, have a height of 30 to 42 meters and an unusual shape, from different angles resembling either the figure of a giant or the head of a horse - in a word, there is room for the imagination to run wild.

23. Volcanoes of Kamchatka (Kamchatka)

Area of ​​the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky with the Koryaksky volcano in the background at dawn

Russia is great and vast, and if the sights of central Russia are concentrated in cities adjacent to the capital, and getting to know them does not take much time, then to visit others you will have to travel to the opposite tip of the continent. Thus, it is worth dedicating a separate trip to exploring the beautiful natural creations of the Kamchatka Peninsula - this region is so rich. It abounds with waterfalls, hot springs, beaches and bays, and, of course, the true symbol of Kamchatka is its numerous volcanoes. There are few places on earth where you can find so many volcanoes on so many small area, and with them unique landscapes, so excursions to Kamchatka are, first of all, rafting mountain rivers, climbing dormant volcanoes, skiing from snow-covered slopes, therapeutic swimming in thermal springs, acquaintance with the ancient culture of the indigenous northern peoples and much, much more.

24. Lena Pillars (Yakutia)

Lena pillars on the banks of the Lena River in Yakutia

In the Republic of Yakutia, on the banks of the large Siberian Lena River, there is an amazing stone ridge about 80 kilometers long. The cliffs, in some places reaching a height of 200 meters, were formed from ancient limestones, and their formation began about 500 million years ago. These formations have a bizarre striped “color” and an unusual elongated shape, and today a national park. Since ancient times, this place was considered sacred - only shamans and elders were allowed to talk with spirits. From a scientific point of view, the pillars are an example of ancient formations of sedimentary rocks - once upon a time there was a sea in their place, and the material for the formation of future rocks was the bone remains of sea inhabitants. Over time, the sea dried up, and weathering processes led to the formation of unusual natural creations.

25. Kul Sharif Mosque (Kazan)

View from the Manege building to the Kul Sharif mosque in the Kazan Kremlin

The main mosque of Tatarstan and the symbol of the entire Tatar people is the Kul Sharif mosque in Kazan - a place of Muslim worship, weddings, photo sessions for tourists, and simply a corner of authentic beauty and peace. It is worth noting that the modern building is not a historical structure; it was erected quite recently on the site of the original Kul Sharif mosque that once existed here. The original structure was destroyed back in the 16th century by the troops of the Russian Tsar Grozny, and only from 1996 to 2005 work began on the active restoration of the mosque at this site, and the opening itself was timed to coincide with the millennium of the Tatar capital. The modern building is built of white marble and has eight tall towers- minarets. Inside you can visit prayer halls, an Islamic museum, and especially for foreign visitors there are even special balconies from where you can watch the service.

26. Swallow's Nest (Crimea)

Lock bird home on a cliff above Yalta Bay on the southern coast of Crimea
Amazing aerial view South Bank Crimea with a castle over the abyss on a sunny day

Any quiz on the sights of Crimea is not complete without mentioning, perhaps, famous monument peninsula - a magnificent castle literally hanging on the edge of a cliff above the sea. Of course, this is the well-known “Swallow’s Nest” - the smallest castle in the world, located at the tip of the southern Cape Ai-Todor, at an altitude of 40 meters above sea level. The castle itself was built back in 1912 by order of a German baron, who wanted to see a castle in this beautiful place that would remind him of the architectural masterpieces of his distant homeland. During the Soviet years, more than one film was shot in the vicinity of the castle, from the 70s until 2011 there was a restaurant within its walls, and today here you can visit the museum, examine the interior and exterior of the building, and admire the view from the steep cliff.

27. Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station (Yenisei river)

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named after P. S. Neporozhniy on the Yenisei River

In addition to the classic sights, there are other interesting places in Russia that clearly demonstrate the enormity of human labor and the genius of engineering. These include the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station dam, a hydraulic structure impressive in scale and complexity. In terms of generated power, this hydroelectric power station ranks first among similar structures in Russia and seventh in the whole world. The dam has a huge height - 245 meters, and blocks the waters of one of the country's greatest rivers - the Yenisei. Not only the size of the hydroelectric power station is impressive - perhaps the most striking sight is the incredible power of the spillway, because in just one second more than 13 thousand cubic meters of water can be discharged through special compartments.

28. Shikhany in Bashkiria (Bashkir Cis-Urals)

Shikhan Tratau is an isolated hill (single mountain) in the Bashkir Cis-Urals

Few people know that in Bashkiria you can find ancient coral reefs that lay at the bottom of the Ural Sea millions of years ago. Shihany - mountains that witnessed natural processes, taking place in those time immemorial. These unique geological formations were essentially huge coral reefs, which, after the ancient sea dried up, became home to many land plants and animals. In modern times, Shikhany represents a certain benefit for industry - a number of building materials are produced from multi-ton limestone deposits. Therefore on this moment Of the four shihans, in fact, only three remain: Yuraktau, Kushtau and Toratau. H fourth Shikhan Shakhtau, alas, almost all of it went to be processed by a Bashkir industrial enterprise.

29. Elbrus (Caucasus)

Elbrus is the highest peak of Russia in the North Caucasus

The highest peak in Russia is 5,642 meters, and it belongs to the system Caucasus Mountains. This is Mount Elbrus at the junction of two republics - Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian. The characteristic double-headed shape of Elbrus has made the mountain a unique, recognizable symbol North Caucasus. Today it fascinates and attracts the attention of both climbers seeking to conquer high peaks, as well as travelers who come to the foot to feel all the greatness and power of the stone giant. An interesting fact is that these two peaks are of volcanic origin - they were formed on a volcanic base and essentially represent two independent volcano. According to existing data, last eruption happened here about 2 thousand years ago. The highest is the western peak, the eastern one is 21 meters lower, and the two peaks are separated by a saddle, the height of which is approximately 300 meters lower than the mountain peaks.

30. Plesetsk Cosmodrome (Mirny)

Launch pad Soyuz rockets at the Plesetsk cosmodrome

While exploring the sights of the world, it is worth paying attention to some objects of world significance in Russia - such as the Plesetsk cosmodrome, which played a crucial role in the development of astronautics. For example, until 2018 it ranked first in the world in the number of space launches and launched vehicles. The cosmodrome is located in the Plesetsk district of the Arkhangelsk region and occupies a huge area - more than 1,700 square meters. kilometers. Independent visits are prohibited, and excursion entry into the territory of the cosmodrome is carried out through a checkpoint, where strict control is carried out, due to the secrecy of the objects located here. On site you can visit the Historical and Memorial Museum, which is especially interesting for its realistic dioramas demonstrating rocket launches.

31. Trans-Siberian Railway

VL 85-022 with a container train on the Utulik-Slyudyanka section on the coast of Lake Baikal Sorovas

The Great Siberian Road, today called the Trans-Siberian Railway, surpasses all others in scale railway lines peace. The length of the highway is almost 10 thousand kilometers, it passes through 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and its the main task consists of connecting the European region of the country, its main (Moscow) and northern capital (St. Petersburg) with the most important Far Eastern and Eastern Siberian cities of Russia. The construction of the great Trans-Siberian Railway began back in 1891, after the emperor issued a decree on the foundation of the “Great Siberian Road”, and lasted for almost a quarter of a century. The starting point of construction was a place near Vladivostok - Kuperovskaya Pad, it was here that Tsarevich Nicholas, future Tsar Nicholas II, personally transported the first wheelbarrow of land to the future road surface.

32. Golden Mountains of Altai (Siberia)

Landscape of the state biosphere nature reserve Golden Mountains of Altai

While the most popular historical attractions are concentrated in the European part of Russia, its Asian part is a land of magnificent, pristine nature, wild spaces with a contrasting climate and sometimes very diverse nature. For example, Central Asia and Siberia are separated by the picturesque natural complex- Golden Mountains of Altai, recognized as a world heritage site. Gorny Altai is a real piggy bank natural resources: on an area of ​​1.64 million hectares, the Altai Biosphere Reserve, Katunsky nature reserve, natural parks"Belukha" and "Ukok Quiet Zone". There are few places in the world with such contrasting landscapes - all natural Central Asian zones converge in this region: steppes, deserts, forest-steppes, mountain taiga, mixed forests, alpine and subalpine meadows. The pearl of Altai is the deep-water Lake Teletskoye, called the younger brother of Lake Baikal.

Jean & Nathalie

Mentioning attractions Crimean peninsula, one cannot fail to mention the luxurious monument of Crimean Tatar architecture - the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai. In ancient sources, the palace is mentioned as the khan's residence, the construction of which was completed by 1551. The main task of the craftsmen who worked on the construction of the palace was to embody in the building the Muslim idea of ​​an earthly paradise, and as a result of their work, not just a palace, but a miniature city grew up, which became the center of the cultural, spiritual and political life of the Crimean Tatar state. In the 20th century, within the walls of the palace was opened National Museum, and since 1979, the palace, as a result of labor-intensive restoration, acquired the role of a monument of Crimean architecture. The palace territory is still rich in greenery and fountains today; all buildings have an authentic façade with characteristic ornate paintings.

34. Naval St. Nicholas Cathedral (Kronstadt)

View from Anchor Square to the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Kronstadt Florstein

At the very beginning of the 20th century, by decree of Tsar Nicholas II, the largest naval cathedral of the times of the Russian Empire, Nikolsky, was erected in the fortified city of Kronstadt. Today, this beautiful monumental building in the neo-Byzantine style is the main naval temple of the Russian Federation and serves as a branch of the Central Naval Museum. Inside, the temple has a rich decoration with a lot of painted ornaments, an abundance of gilding, where a lot of attention is paid to the maritime theme, because the cathedral was originally conceived as a monument to the dead sailors. In the hall of the temple you can see black memorial plaques made of marble, in the altar there are the same white ones: on the black ones the names of naval officers who died in battle are listed, on the white ones - the names of the clergy who died at sea. In the square of the cathedral there is an old garden in which 32 oak trees were planted by the Russian Tsar and his entourage with his own hands.

Inner hall of Narzan gallery AlixSaz
Interior of the Narzan Gallery in Kislovodsk Laura bera

If we mention the natural attractions of Russia, the presentation will not be complete without such riches that are not only pleasing to the eye, but also have a beneficial effect on human health. A very successful synthesis of useful natural gifts and skillful architectural craftsmanship is the Narzan Gallery, located in the very heart of Kislovodsk. A Narzan spring was discovered here at the beginning of the 18th century; healing properties its waters, and a century later a well was built. During these same years, treatment with Narzan waters also became widespread. So, on the site of the spring, by order of Prince Vorontsov in 1858, a beautiful Gothic structure made of yellow stone was erected, intended for the recreation of holidaymakers who drank the life-giving water. The luxurious and spacious gallery has retained its original appearance to this day, having undergone only minor changes in the interior.


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