Avatar mountains china zhangjiajie national park.

Survival It is unknown how quickly the beauty of Zhangjiajie would have been revealed to the world if not for James Cameron's film Avatar. Its action takes place on the fictional celestial body Pandora. And, although the filming was not carried out in China, it is believed that the landscapes national park

"Zhangjiajie" inspired the famous director. And it seems that this is the oldest protected area in China (since 1982), it’s easy to get here from any big airport

- but if I hadn’t seen the movie Avatar (and after it the park received the unofficial name “Avatar Park”), I’m afraid I wouldn’t even have found it when planning a trip and filming in the People’s Republic of China. The park is, of course, not quite Pandora

with its flying rocks, overgrown vines and waterfalls, as well as dragons. But if you mentally turn the picture of what you saw 180 degrees, the similarity becomes obvious. Any tourist arriving in the park has a choice - to walk along the lower paths among the 400-meter vertical pillars, lifting his head in amazement, or climb mountain range

using the 360-meter Bailong elevator. Then you can ride the bus a little more and look at the same pillars from above. There are many interesting places in the park: for example, caves or authentic villages, but inside even the highest caves it is not very convenient to photograph with a drone, so we limited ourselves to photographing the rocks. Zhangjiajie is part of mountain system Wulingyuan, recognized as a site in 1992 natural heritage UNESCO, and “Avatar Park” itself is included in the number of geoparks under the protection of this organization. The distances there are impressive; its different sections are often not even connected to each other. But each has some kind of highlight: rocks different heights

and forms, pagodas, pavilions, rivers, streams, arches and bridges. Paths from the hills lead down; walking along this one will take half a day. We had no idea how huge Zhangjiajie is. In the three days that I planned for filming, we were able to visit probably 30 percent of its territory. .

But, unfortunately, we were not able to visit another popular mountain - Tianmen Shan. A cable car leads to its top, which is called the “road to heaven”: on some sections it rises upward at an angle of 70°, crashing straight into the clouds. The journey to an altitude of 1519 meters takes about 40 minutes, and due to the pressure difference, passengers often have blocked ears, and the temperature in the cabin drops sharply. You can go down the mountain by bus along the serpentine road, which has exactly 99 turns.

Local residents believe that this hill is connected to the sky and has supernatural powers. In the 20th century, four times a waterfall 1,500 meters high unexpectedly and inexplicably collapsed from the top of the mountain. The streams of water fell for 15 minutes, and then just as suddenly disappeared. There are also rumors that countless treasures are hidden in the mountain. No one has found them yet, but the indisputable “treasure” of the “Heavenly Gate” is the giant cave of the same name, which appeared in 263 as a result of the collapse rock. With a height of 131.5 meters, a width of 57 meters and a length of 60 meters, it is among the largest in the world.

Any viewer of his famous film can see Pandora from James Cameron’s point of view, and you can look at it from a bird’s eye view and make sure that earthly landscapes are in no way inferior in beauty to cosmic ones in AirPano panoramas.

Want to see the floating Avatar Mountains with your own eyes? Then go to China's Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. The amazing rocks of this unique park have become real prototypes of the world famous “floating Hallelujah Mountains”. We can talk about this park endlessly. The beauty and uniqueness of nature is simply incredible. Mountains, streams and parks calm, inspire, delight and make you think about the eternal. No photographs can convey all the splendor and grandeur of this place.

Read also about other places in Zhangjiajie:

Formation of mountains

The world-famous Zhangjiajie Park, or more specifically the wider Wulingyuan Scenic Area, is the first Chinese park to receive UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

As a result of the weathering of sandstones and limestones, as well as the erosion of soil, about 3,000 peaks and cliffs of the most bizarre shapes were formed. The mountains are covered with dense vegetation and are separated by deep gorges with rivers, lakes and waterfalls. These distinctive mountain formations are a distinctive feature of the Chinese landscape, depicted in numerous ancient paintings.

Geography of Zhangjiajie Park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, known as “Avatar Park”, is located in the northwest of Hunan Province in China and is part of the huge Wulingyuan Nature Reserve(Wulingyuan Scenic Area). The nearest airport and train station are located in Zhangjiajie (张家界市). However, The park is located 50 km from Zhangjiajie city, so staying in city hotels to visit the park is not recommended. Near the park there is the town of Wulingyuan, also known as Zhangjiajie Village, with all the necessary infrastructure, including hotels and restaurants.

In China it is always difficult with names. They are duplicated and nested inside each other like nesting dolls. I will try to explain a little about the situation with parks near Zhangjiajie.

Wulingyuan Nature Reserve(Wulingyuan Scenic Area, 武陵源) consists of four parts:

  • Zhangjiajie National Park(Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, 张家界国家森林公园),
  • Mount Tianji| Tianzi Mountain Natural Resource Reserve, 天子山,
  • Yangjiajie Region(Yuanjiajie Scenic Area, 袁家界),
  • Suosi Valley(Suoxiyu Natural Resource Reserve, 索溪峪).

The Zhangjiajie Park ticket allows you to enter all of the above areas.

However, there are attractions in Wulingyuan Scenic Area that require separate tickets:

  • Yellow Dragon Cave (黄龙洞) – 100 RMB
  • Cave of the Dragon King Longwang Dong (龙王洞) – 81 RMB
  • Baofang Artificial Lake – 98 RMB
  • Museums, river rafting, etc.

Also near the city of Zhangjiajie there is (Tianmenshan National Forest Park, 天门山森林区). It is located in a completely different direction from Zhangjiajie and is not included in the Wulingyuan Nature Reserve. This is absolutely beautiful, majestic and unique place. With a completely different atmosphere from Zhangjiajie Park.

Main areas of Zhangjiajie Park


View from the elevator of 100 dragons

The most picturesque, but crowded with tourists area of ​​the park. In this zone are located (the same one that is the main attraction of the entire park and renamed the “Avatar Mountains” in honor of the well-known film), The First Bridge under Heaven(natural bridge between two rocks), Lost Souls Platform, Bailong Elevator(the world's tallest elevator).

Bailong Elevator - the world's tallest elevator

Bailong Glass Elevator | Hundred Dragon Elevator

Hundred Dragons Elevatorhighest outdoor lift in the world. It takes tourists to the top of a 330-meter sheer slope in the heart of Zhangjiajie Park. A ride in the glass elevator will give you stunning views of the plain. The main thing is to get closer to the window, because 50 people can fit in a booth, and not everyone will be able to enjoy the beauty opening from above.

Avatar Hallelujah Mountain

1080 meter mountain The Southern Sky Column was renamed Avatar Hallelujah Mountain in honor of the landmark film Avatar. The mountain is located in the Yuanjiajie region.

Natural Bridge No. 1 (The First Bridge under Heaven)

Natural Bridge No. 1 (The First Bridge under Heaven | Tianxia Diyi Qiao) or “Bridge over Heaven” is a kind of unique natural creation in the world. At an altitude of 357 meters it connects the peaks of two rocks. Its length is 50 meters, width – 4 meters, thickness – 5 meters. This is the highest natural bridge in the world.

Tianzishan | Mountain of the Son of Heaven | Emperor's Mountain (Tianzi Mountain)

Forest of rocks | Stone Peaks Forest

The most important advantage of this area is its height. The height of 1182 meters gives a great opportunity to see the famous mountains in the clouds. Here the mountains really seem to float. The area is popular with photographers. In this area you can see Dian Jiang Tai, Yubi Feng, Ten-Li Gallery.

Emperor's Pavilion | Tianzi Pavilion

Ten Li Gallery | Ten-Li Gallery

Yellow Stone Village

Five Finger Peak | Five Fingers Peak

The area is just north of the Golden Whip stream. In this part of the park there is the famous Five-Fingers Peak. The area is equally scenic but less popular than Yuanjiajie. Many people go to the main observation deck, which offers views of Five-Fingers Peak on foot, without using the expensive lifts.

Yangjiajie Scenic Area

This area for real researchers. Here you will have to walk not along paved paths, but along dangerous and slippery paths. No infrastructure, but also no tourists or queues. Real nature.

Laowuchang Area

One of the most “wild” areas of the park. You will have to walk on dirt paths. But this is the best area for photographers. Rice fields are located here Paddies in the Sky and Spirit Soldiers' Gathering'.

Golden Whip Stream

A pleasant walk along a beautiful stream surrounded by incredible mountains is the park's most popular route. The path is quite long - 7 km, but not at all difficult. Everything is fine, except that there are always a lot of people here.

How much does a ticket to Zhangjiajie cost?

The park ticket costs 248 R.M.B. for 4 days or 298 RMB for a week. Prices for students, seniors and children are 160 RMB and 193 RMB respectively. Children under 1.2 meters tall are free. The price is far from low, but it's definitely worth it! You won't regret a penny.

The ticket price includes all the areas listed above and observation decks, as well as all movements by bus within the park. However, trips on cable cars, trams and elevators require a separate fee.

Prices for ski lifts and trams:

  • Bailong Glass Elevator | 100 dragon elevator (Bailong elevator) - 72 RMB.
  • Tianzishan Cable Car - 67 RMB one way / 134 RMB round trip.
  • Huangshi Zhai Cable Car (Yellow Stone Village Cable Car) - 65 RMB one way / 118 RMB round trip.
  • Tram in the Ten Li Gorge (Tenli Gallery’s Mini Train) - 38 RMB one way / 52 RMB round trip.

Main entrances to the park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park has two main entrances. The park ticket allows you to visit all the attractions located inside.

  • Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Gate (on map A): southwest entrance, convenient if you want to follow the Gold Whip Stream.
  • Wulingyuan Gate (on map B) : Closest to hotels in Wulingyuan Town. It provides convenient access to Bailong Elevator, Tianzi Mountain Cable Way and Ten-Li Gallery Train.

How long does it take to visit the park?

We only had 3 days to do everything about everything, and even during the Chinese holidays. We walked quite a lot and in one and a half days we managed to see all the interesting things in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. We went to the Yellow Dragon Cave for half a day, and on the last day we saw Tianmenshan National Forest Park.

When is the best time to visit Zhangjiajie Park?

  • Avoid Chinese holidays(May 1-3, October 1-7) and the Chinese holiday period (July and August). There will be not just a lot of tourists, but an awful lot. You may have to stand in line for hours at the lifts.
  • It's very cold in winter, and in February, the park may be closed for reconstruction.
  • From April to June good time but high humidity and a high probability of rain and fog. But if this doesn’t scare you (and I advise you not to be afraid of a little rain), then this is a great time.
  • From May to October high season. Accordingly, prices are higher, and on average there are more tourists.
  • September and October best time to visit the park. It's still quite warm, but it's already low season, and therefore there are no queues and prices do not bite.

Where to stop to eat?

The restaurants in the park are small and very authentic. The most European place is McDonald's on Tianzi Mountain. But on every corner there are street vendors with sausages, stinky tofu, fruit, water and other snacks. Everything is quite expensive and not particularly tasty. So I recommend taking sandwiches, nuts or fruits with you. You can eat well in the town of Wulingyuan or near attractions outside the park, such as Yellow Dragon Cave.

Hotels in Zhangjiajie

I recommend staying in Wulingyuan Town, also called Zhangjiajie Village, or inside Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. You definitely shouldn't stop in the city of Zhangjiajie, because it is located quite far (50 km or an hour's drive) from the park.

Hotels in Wulingyuan Town

Walking distance to the entrance to the park. You can come early in the morning and return late in the evening. The infrastructure of the village is much better than inside the park. Restaurants, shops, everything is there. Hotel level from hostels to 5 stars.

  • Marvelous a beautiful hotel with bright, fully equipped rooms, a swimming pool, a terrace with mountain views. And all this from $30.
  • 3*, the best combination of price and quality and the highest rating of 9.6! Prices are below $30.
  • Hotels inside Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

    Hotels inside Zhangjiajie Park do not differ in comfort and quality. But you don’t need to stand in queues at the entrance and you can arrive at the most interesting places, and also watch sunrises and sunsets in the park. In terms of infrastructure, you will have to rely on the hotel and what you brought with you.

    How to get to the Avatar Mountains?

    Getting to the famous Avatar Park is not at all difficult:

    1. Fly to Hunan Airport. Planes fly to Zhangjiajie from any large city China.
    2. Take a taxi or bus to the park or hotel.

    I recommend a taxi, since the journey is not close, taxis in China are not expensive, and there are always plenty of cars near the airport. The price to get to the park and to the village of Wulingyuan will be about 300 RMB, but in fact they can get you there for 100 (these prices are offered to the Chinese). They don't like to turn on the meters, especially at night, so bargain furiously.

    If you want to get there to the park by bus then go to bus station(Near train station and McDonald's). You need a bus that goes to the main entrance to the park. The stop is called Wulingyuan Menpiaozhan (武陵源门票站). The fare costs 12 yuan, the controller takes money during the trip.

    The entrance to the park is marked by a huge pagoda, it can be seen from afar.

    • Queues. There are a lot of Chinese. And during the holidays there are even more of them. You can spend 2-4 hours (as we did on May 1) in line for an elevator or an hour in line for a bus. That's why more walks, less transport.
    • Get to the park early. It's better to sleep early in the evening. The bulk of tourists arrive after 10, and the park opens at 7.
    • If you are traveling on your own, then learn the most important phrases in Chinese better. In China, almost no one speaks English.
    • Must be able to pronounce the hotel name and address, taxi drivers often cannot read and do not always know the area well.
    • Cash money (yuan, of course) will save you always and everywhere. Currency and Visa, Master Card may not be accepted. Don’t be surprised, China uses its own banking system.
    • If you take map park at the entrance, choose English-Chinese. It is most similar to the truth.

    basic information

    • Place: Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (张家界国家森林公园).
    • Nearest city: Zhangjiajie, Hunan province, China.
    • Location: Wulingyuan Scenic Area (武陵源).
    • Size: 48 sq. km
    • Ticket price: 248 / 298 RMB
    • Opening hours: 7.00-18.00
    • Time for inspection: 2-4 days
    • Number of visitors: a lot of
    • Best time to visit: September, October.
    • A must visit: Yuanjiajie, Yellow Stone Village, Tianzi Mountain areas.
    • We were in Park: May 1-2, 2014
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    The photos I want to show are from Zhangjiajie City in Hunan Province, namely the so-called Avatar Mountains. I heard about the highest elevator in the world, which takes you up the mountain and offers a very beautiful view from there. So I went without any preparation - what, where, and how? As always, I don’t know where I’m going, and I like it, then the impressions of the trip seem stronger, more impressive and more emotional to me. So this time I went to look at the elevator and the beautiful view from the mountain, and ended up in a fantastic place - the Avatar Mountains. On the day I climbed the mountains, the weather was beautiful and sunny.

    Entrance to the park costs 158 yuan and allows you to visit the park for two days.

    First on foot, then the cable car and again on foot, walking and walking, the queue for the cable car is five kilometers long, and here I am in the cabin, together with the Chinese, going up, we swim between the rocks, the view is simply amazing.

    The cabins are designed for 6 people, if the “people” are small, then it is possible for eight of them.

    The place is not in great demand among European tourists; in all this time I have met at most two or three Europeans, and not Russians either.

    That’s why I think the Chinese looked at me with interest and surprise, probably the same way I look at the mountains.

    With every turn, more and more breathtaking panoramas opened up.

    The mountainous region is famous for its quartzite rocks, up to 800 meters high. The most high peaks Wulingyuan reaches an altitude of more than 3 km above sea level.

    Throughout the journey, my attention was attracted not only by the beautiful views of the mountains, but also by the girls dressed in bright national costumes.

    You could take a photo with them for 10 yuan.

    It was convenient to walk, there were smooth and neat paths along the rock with exits to observation platforms.

    The mountains are a picturesque sight: huge pillars of stone above the tropical forest.

    I met them at one of the observation platforms.

    The baby was scared, but the mother was very pleased when I photographed them.

    My wife called this photo “Dad, don’t leave.” -)

    Mountain flower.

    Tall, horizontally flat rocks. There are observation platforms located above a cliff with a glass bottom.

    Almost the entire route is along these steps, and you can also rest on them.

    For those who are tired, they could relax while enjoying the views from " minibus".-) But it's not cheap.

    Taxi park -).

    At transshipment points, sale of souvenirs and beautiful pictures with picturesque views of Pandora.

    There you can have something to eat or drink tea, coffee and continue on your way, there is little time, but there are so many interesting things ahead.

    Leaving the reserve in the evening, a flock of wild monkeys swooped in and one of them took away my banana, which I wanted to eat, and this happened to everyone who had something edible in their hands. And then one of the monkeys starts screaming, its whole flock runs away, and in the distance I saw a man running, he ran up, shot at them with a slingshot into the jungle and ran on. The monkeys instantly appeared and continued their go-stop mayhem.

    Well, how can you not give the banana to such people, although they don’t ask or ask, but take it away.

    Fruits are more expensive for tourists than for the Chinese, I asked a passerby on the fingers to buy me apples and bananas, it turned out to be four times cheaper.

    Market, the seller fell asleep.

    Like in a fairy tale, Masha and the Bear.

    All along the way, pumps were sold on trays, I couldn’t understand what they were for, then I realized...

    In the evening, returning to the hotel, I couldn’t help but have dinner at a cafe that served very unusual dishes, and I made an original order - frogs.

    Looking ahead, I’ll say that the next day I ordered 20 frogs, only a different species, which they killed in front of me, throwing them on the ground, not a very pleasant sight, but they tasted no worse than chicken, and I ate them all.

    The next day the weather was a little let down and it started to rain. It was windy and cloudy, but that didn't stop me from taking a bus to the world's tallest elevator. The elevator is transparent, made of glass, the floor is ordinary, not transparent, when you go up, you can see all the beauty, if you want to see something, if possible, you should go in first and stand next to the glass wall, the latter will only see the backs of their heads and listen to enthusiastic gasps. Part of the climb passes through a shaft inside the rock, then a beautiful view suddenly opens up. Elevator ride to the top, height 326m, ascent time 1m.58s. It was not possible to take a photo of the elevator from the outside, since it was raining heavily, and all attempts were unsuccessful, I just had to wipe the water off my camera and lens.

    I was even lucky with the fog, it feels like hanging mountains Pandora.

    Fog vapors slowly float, sometimes covering, sometimes briefly revealing the peaks of the peaks.

    On this day, the rain did not interfere; its drops fell far down and disappeared from my sight, only emphasizing the height and splendor of the mountains.

    The mountains are covered with moss - they are actually trees.

    The dragon flies off the cliff onto the rock, the Chinese did their best, everything reminds of the film.

    When I got to famous mountain Hallelujah, I was already soaked through (my camera was saved by the umbrella I took from the hotel), and I didn’t expect that I might not be so lucky. The mountain was completely covered in fog, and nothing was visible at all.

    After about 10 minutes, my joy knew no bounds, the fog began to dissipate and Hallelujah appeared before me in all its glory, probably so that I could take a picture of it, and quickly hid in the fog as it appeared.

    The fences along the path were covered with locks so that I got the impression that there are not 1.5 billion Chinese, but 6 billion - the inhabitants of planet Earth.

    The locks are in the shape of a heart; lovers especially come here to fasten their lock.

    Passing from one rock to another, this huge stone arch is a natural bridge.

    On the right side of the rock, they attached a banner with the inscription.

    After looking at the mountains that were in the filming of Avatar, I went to the funicular to go down and move to another part of the reserve by bus. I was lucky, I stood in a three-kilometer queue, which was still shorter than when I went up.

    The cabins fell into the fog, as if into an abyss.

    To be continued in - Planet Pandora from Avatar is real!

    Zhangjiajie (zhangjiajie national forest park) is a huge park area in the southwest of China (Hunan Province). The breathtaking geo-park with an area of ​​479 square kilometers has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. A unique corner of China’s nature, the pearl of the Wulingshan mountain system, is called Zhangjiajie Avatar Park (China) in tourist guides and brochures. Some episodes of the famous film were filmed here.

    Main attraction national reserve- rock masses (weathered sand and quartz pillars) soaring towards the sun and floating in the clouds.

    China's Zhangjiajie National Park is open to visitors all year round. Experts recommend exploring the protected area from September to November.

    Interesting! Mountain autumn gives tourists comfortable temperatures, the absence of low clouds and annoying rainy drizzle.

    In winter, some of the routes in the park are closed; snowfalls and fogs clearly spoil panoramic views, walking “through the beauty” is cold. The only good reason to visit in winter is the reduction in entrance fees.

    Spring and early summer flood the region with rain. Thick clouds and fogs envelop the valley, creating the effect of rocky spurs “floating in the sky.”

    To “quickly” get acquainted with the beauties recognized by UNESCO, to visit all the places of worship and significant observation points of the geo-reserve and adjacent territories, a traveler will need at least a week.

    Zhangjiajie National Park how to get there?

    To experience the beauty of a natural location, you need to be in Zhangjiajie (this is the most convenient way to get to the natural area).

    By plane

    • from Beijing: $130;
    • from Shanghai: $115;
    • from Guangzhou: 80 dollars.

    From the air harbor to the center of the settlement there is a shuttle bus, the taxi is running.


    For sedate and leisurely tourists, the best choice would be Railway. Mass to destination railway routes. The trip from Beijing lasts 26 hours, the price of a reserved seat train ticket is $60.

    Zhangjiajie Station is located in a strategically positioned location: the center, nearby (in walking distance):

    • airport;
    • launch pad cable car to Tianmen Rock;
    • bus station.

    By bus

    When getting to Zhangjiajie, you can also take a bus. It's long and uncomfortable. Tourist guides recommend this type of communication when traveling from nearby cities (Changsha, Fenghuang).

    Where is the park?

    The starting zones of the national reserve are small villages with hostels, hotels, and restaurants at the entrance to the park. There, travelers “take a breath,” have a snack, and solve the problems of accommodation and overnight stay. There are three official entrances to the territory:

    • the “start” closest to the city is located thirty kilometers away (the village of Zhangjiajie);
    • intrans in the Wulingyuan area;
    • the most remote entrance to the observation area at Mount Tianzi.

    Accommodation options

    Zhangjiajie offers travelers an excellent choice of hotels, but once you stay in the city, you will have to spend time every day on the road to the walking and observation areas. Cost of daily accommodation in a luxury room in a central city hotel: 869 yuan (including breakfast).

    By choosing a guesthouse in the starting village or a hostel inside the park, you can save a lot of money and personal time. The living conditions and the service provided are spartan (real interruptions in water, electricity, Wi-Fi).

    Work schedule and issue price

    Park areas are hospitably open:

    • in summer from 6:30 (7:00) to 19:00;
    • in winter from 7:30 to 17:00;

    Entry price

    There are two variations:

    • for four days: 245 yuan;
    • for a week: 298.

    The following are listed separately:

    • Bailong: 72 yuan;
    • cable car to Tianzi: 67;
    • Funicular to Huangshizhai: 70;
    • cable car to Yangjiajie: 76;
    • pleasure narrow-gauge railway: 38.

    Included in price basic ticket includes use of buses within the park.

    Local travel tips

    The main tourist slogan of the forest park is: “He who gets up early, the (tourist) God provides!” Early rises and visits to base locations will protect “early travelers” from tiring waiting and jostling in queues. The languor before loading into the coveted Bailong elevator (in the “high” season) can last up to four hours!

    Long hiking treks require appropriate footwear and sports equipment. Expert guides recommend: to the top by funicular / down on foot.

    Interesting! Absolutely all guidebooks and reference books about the protected area warn tourists about the aggressiveness of the monkeys there.

    Do not tease monkeys / ensure the safety of valuables.

    The following items will be appropriate for walking equipment: map, guide, Chinese phrasebook, cash, drinking water, packed rations. Prices for food in the park are mercilessly raised.

    Object top of the national park

    Zhangjiajie National Park (China) is conventionally divided into four platform zones. In addition to funiculars and ski lifts, there are several operating in the “UNESCO heritage” bus routes: purple cars ply in the valleys, funny beige cars transport travelers along the tops of mountain ranges.

    Each viewing area is individual, exotically beautiful and stunningly picturesque.

    Chinese Pandora: Yuanjiajie

    The northwestern part of the park, the Yuanjiajie space, is the most visited area of ​​the geo-reserve. It is these landscapes that are compared to the peaks of the film “Avatar”.

    The 3500 Steps panoramic route, in addition to long stepped ascents and breathtaking descents, includes a lot of well-equipped observation platforms and points for photography.

    You can get to the top of Yuanjiajie by the famous “transparent lift” Bailong.

    This area is famous Sky Bridge"and the majestic rock mass, which has recently been called "Hallelujah".

    Creator and designer of the “transparent passage”: engineer Dotan. The budget for “Cloud Transition” is 3.5 million US dollars. Transit length: 430 meters. The transparent viaduct can support 800 people at a time.

    The most beautiful place in the park is the unforgettable Avatar Hallelujah. The rock was originally called Jiankunzhu, which means Southern Heavenly Pillar.


    Yangjiajie Zone is the youngest tourist area nature reserve. This is northeast Zhangjiajie. The observation platform connects the Xiangzhi waterway, the Longquan and Baihou valleys.

    The real pearl of Yangjiajie is the breathtaking waterfall “Dragon Waterfall”.


    The mountain range is in contact with the Suosi tract, the central park area Zhangjiajie and Sanzhi region. Tianji is the pearl of Wulingyuan. The peak of the rock formation hovers at 1262.5 meters (Kunlun), and nadir has an indicator of 534 meters above sea level (Shilan).

    Tianji Park Reserve is a pristine natural area with protected forests and reservoirs of crystal clear water.

    Interesting! The population of the province loves the saying: “He who has not climbed Tianji has not known beauty.”

    In the west of the platform, the so-called “Western Sea” stretches freely. It is a valley dotted with rock formations covered with green jungle. This part of the park is also called the "forest ocean" or "picket fence".

    Valley of the “Heavenly Abode” - a gorge with steep cliffs around.

    Bottom part mystical place shrouded in clouds. The descent down is difficult and time-consuming; a narrow staircase-path leads there.

    The absolute highlight of the tourist route in the Tianzi zone is the Emperor's Retreat Pagoda.

    Whip Canyon

    The canyon of the Golden Knut stream is the easiest walking area. No stairs, no abysses, no cable cars: the tourist route runs along a flat valley, along a quiet, shady water stream.

    A real communion with nature: the hubbub of birds, the murmur of water, fantastic mountains and emerald greenery.


    Huangshizhai means "village" yellow stone"or "yellow village". The Huangshizhai rocks are spread over seventeen park hectares. " Stone village" - a horizontal "patch" at an altitude of 1100 meters.

    Overcoming mountain trail three kilometers long, it takes two hours and requires good physical fitness. Along the way, tourists will be pleased with equipped observation platforms with romantic Chinese names:

    You can get to the top by cable car, which is served by a bus from Laomuwan.

    There is a restaurant in the “Yellow Stone Village” (at the top of the mountain) where you can have a good meal.

    Surrounding areas worth visiting

    In addition to Zhangjiajie Park, Hunan Province offers tourists a lot of beauty, attractions and exotic natural areas.

    Tianmen Peak

    Tianmen skyscraper and the same name natural Park spread out on the far outskirts of Zhangjiajie. Within walking distance is the starting point of the world's longest funicular, which takes thirsty people to the top of the mountain. Extreme tourists get to the reserve on foot, along the famous serpentine path “99 bends”.

    The real highlight of the mountain reserve is the Buddhist pantheon from the Ming Dynasty. The Heaven's Gate Temple is hidden in a rock cave.

    The temple occupies ten thousand square meters. To get to the arch, you need to overcome a difficult climb of 999 steps.

    An alternative response to the famous glass bridge and the center of attraction for extreme sports fans and adrenaline junkies all over the world is the “cloud trail” along the edge of the cliff.

    The cost of the park excursion (including the cable car or bus transportation along the winding route) is 258 yuan. For a fashion show along a transparent section of the route you will have to pay an additional 5-10 yuan.

    Fenghuang Museum Settlement

    Fenghuang is located on the water (a city on stilts) and attracts tourists with the atmosphere of the Celestial Empire. Fragile buildings, openwork bridges, winding, shady nooks and fishing nets drying in the sun.

    At night, everything is illuminated by the lights of paper lanterns, which gives the city style and solidity.

    From Zhangjiajie to Fenghuang the journey is 240 km (five hours of jolting on the bus). There is a fee for visiting the city-museum: 148 yuan.


    The Baofeng water body is a man-made object formed during the construction of a dam. Located high in the gorge, the purest water reservoir is surrounded by emerald forested slopes.

    From Wulingyuan village to the site world heritage You can get there by taxi (10-15 yuan) or walk (a leisurely forty-minute walk).

    An entrance ticket will cost an adult traveler 96 yuan (includes a swim on the lake with songs and national costumes rowers). Locals call the lake surface “ a piece of paradise hectic world."


    Near the village of Wulingyuan there is the “Golden Dragon Hole”. A river flows through the entire cave with meanders framed by illuminated stalactites.

    It's easy to get there by bus or taxi for 20 yuan. Price: 100 yuan (with boat, underground walk).

    What else is the national natural park famous for?

    Zhangjiajie invites tourists unearthly beauty, surreal reliefs and landscapes.

    The real “diamonds” of the national reserve are:

    • flying quartzite rocks over 800 meters high;
    • forested peaks reaching 3000 meters above sea level;
    • caves, ponds, plant and animal world;
    • well-functioning tourism infrastructure(elevators, funiculars, walking and car routes).

    China generously gifts travelers with wealth and amazing natural beauty.


    Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (zhāngjiājiè) is the pride and natural attraction of the country. Feelings from a trip, walks, excursions, contact with virgin nature They will be remembered for a long time and will be called on the road more than once.

    The unusually beautiful flying mountains located on the planet Pandora in the film Avatar are not an invention of the directors. Are located floating mountains in china, being part of Zhangjiajie National Park, and are called Wulingyuan. The rocks bewitch and amaze at first sight, so when going to the Celestial Empire, it’s worth going to Hunan Province for a few days, where the park is located. Excellent conditions for accommodation, food and leisure are created here for visitors. In addition to the mountains, there is the opportunity to see many other natural attractions.

    National treasure of China

    Zhangjiajie Park is a unique business card countries where he visits every year great amount tourists, the number of which increased after the release of the film "Avatar". Touch the unique nature, fauna, listen to many mysterious, mystical stories and legends - that's what I offer flying mountains in china to all visitors. Some objects on the territory of this protected area are protected by UNESCO, and the park itself is recognized as a national treasure of the Celestial Empire. Its residents are proud unusual beauties, which are breathtaking, and they say that numerous secrets and riddles are associated with mountains and rocks. Their emergence and spread are facilitated by incredible landscapes, lush greenery, picturesque rocks, which cause a soaring effect. This unique phenomenon is due to the fact that Mountain peaks go into the sky, getting lost there between the clouds. The rocks are covered with greenery, which complements the feeling of weightlessness.

    A little history

    The area where the park is located is also known under another name - Yangjiajie, i.e. lands of Yang. According to ancient legends, there was once a war between clans near the mountains. The representative of the Yang Dynasty set up his military camp right at the base of Mount Tianzi. The confrontation lasted for several decades and never ended. Therefore, the descendants of the clan began to gradually develop this territory, moving further and further from the location of the military camp. Archaeologists and scientists have confirmed this legend by constantly finding graves and burial places of members of the Yang clan.

    Creation of the park

    There is a park where the film “Avatar” was filmed in the northwestern part of the country, not far from the city of the same name. The area is full of wonders and natural attractions. Neighboring Zhangjiajie Park are the equally famous geological parks of Yangjiajie, Tanzishan and Xiuxiyu.

    Zhangjiajie is the oldest park in China, created in 1982. Its territory is huge and is almost 13 thousand square kilometers, on which there are mountains, forests, other vegetation, and a huge number of animals. In 1992, it was taken under UNESCO protection as part of Wulingyuan. Nine years later, the park received the status of the Sandstone Peaks National Forest Geopark (by decision of the relevant Chinese ministry). It is also part of the Global Network of Geological Parks protected by UNESCO.

    Natural and animal world

    Decoration Zhangjiajie Park, China, the place where the films were filmed Avatar" and "Monster Hunt" are Mt. In fact, these are rocky pillar peaks, created from quartz and sandstone, and turned into a real miracle of nature under the influence of erosion and weathering. The total number of unusual rocks is more than 3 thousand, and about one thousand are 200 meters high. The highest peak is Mount Dupeng, which reaches 1,890 meters into the sky.

    The peaks of the rocks are lost high in the clouds, and then abruptly give way to very dense forests. This is the habitat of a huge number of animals, birds, reptiles, and insects. You can also see quite rare relict plants, which include mahogany and gingko.

    The climate in the park is humid and warm, although this does not create suffocating heat. People who cannot stand cold or very hot weather can feel comfortable here. In the warm season average temperature air temperature is +27 degrees Celsius, and in winter it drops to +4-5.

    The entire territory of the park is divided into 6 natural zones, the largest of which are Tianji Mountains, attracting tourists to China. This area is famous for very thick clouds, constant fog and a mysterious atmosphere.


    You can walk around the park without getting tired, because you never know what awaits around every turn. It’s not only the mountains that take your breath away, but also the richness of the animal world, as well as a large number of monuments.

    The Yellow Dragon Cave is created from karst formations, has a height of 140 meters, and is therefore considered one of the largest in the world. It is distinguished by a beautiful interior design of a natural character. The cave contains many unique natural attractions - waterfalls, rivers, pools. All this creates the feeling that you are in the palace of a fairy-tale Dragon.

    The Buddhist Temple of Heaven's Gate has been known since the Ming Dynasty, which contributed to the transformation of this place into a center of pilgrimage. The temple occupies a huge area, which is equal to 10 thousand square meters. The temple is located in a cave that dates back to 263 AD. as a result of the breaking off of a huge stone from the Tianmen rock. The length of the cave-temple is 60 meters, the width reaches 57 meters, and the height is 131.5 m. The Chinese call the temple the Magic Cave of Western Hunan, since the place is imbued with a mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. This is due to the fact that the cave, located at a great height above the ground, seems to be shrouded in clouds, which are very thick above the mountain. Therefore, tourists, entering the cave, feel that they are in heaven, or are somewhere nearby.

    It was not by chance that the temple appeared in this place. According to ancient chronicles, the mountain is connected with the sky, therefore it has enormous strength and energy. In addition, it influences people, their destinies, lives, and is capable of doing miracles. In historical documents you can find many facts that various mysterious events and phenomena took place in the cave.

    The height of Tianmen Mountain is 1518 m, and is considered the central attraction of the park. All tourists who are not afraid to travel the longest cable car in the world strive to climb to the top. Its length is almost 7.5 kilometers, and it passes through such picturesque panoramas of mountains, mountains, and forests that it will take your breath away. And the closer the cabin gets to the top, the more it seems that you are falling into the arms of the clouds. The mountain is always shrouded in fog and mist, which very rarely clears. From generation to generation, local residents pass on legends that before very important events, water begins to pour from the top.

    Next door to Zhajiajie Park is an equally stunning park called Yanqiajie. There are a huge number of amazing and scenic spots, including the Baihur, Longquan valleys, and the Xiangzhi Mountains.

    History of the Tianji Mountains

    These rocks are worth talking about separately. According to historical records in chronicles and other documents, at the foot of Tianji Mountains, China, in the Middle Ages, farmers rebelled. They were led by a leader named Xiang Dakun, who styled himself the son of heaven. Such an unusual nickname was associated with the ambitions of the peasant, as well as the characteristics of the area where the mountains are located. There are more than two thousand stone pillars here, which, like rods, connect heaven and earth. The average height of the rock ranges from 1 thousand meters to 1250 meters. They were formed more than three thousand years ago. One part of the mountains is represented by quartz rocks, and the second by limestone. Despite ancient history, the area has not been studied and is practically unexplored. Once upon a time there were tropical forests, about which small areas and trees remained. Between the mountains there are very ancient caves, rock arches, impenetrable forests where no one has ever been.

    Tourist services

    You can walk around the park for several days, especially since admission ticket valid for two days. You can buy it for 245 yuan, directly from central entrance V Zhangjiajie National Park in China. To save a little money, you can purchase a weekly pass, and such a ticket is not very expensive - about 300 Chinese yuan. There are significant discounts available for students who present their student ID. The most Better conditions for visitors. In particular, they have a wonderful opportunity to see the mountains from a bird's eye view and then walk around them on the ground. There is an elevator leading to one of the peaks, so you can climb the mountain directly on it.

    The park has several tourist routes allowing you to see all the sights. But it’s difficult to do this in 2 days, so guides recommend using the cable car to see all the flying mountains. You should definitely walk along the natural bridges that go across the mountains, as well as go down into the valleys of rivers, waterfalls, and visit caves. Tourists do not have to worry about their own safety: fences are installed everywhere, there are safe stairs for movement, special paths and signs to help you navigate the park.

    The entrance fee includes bus transportation according to routes, Separately you need to pay for the lift, use of the escalator, elevator, ride on tourist train. Travel between attractions free buses, which reach a certain stop. Here you can change to another bus and continue your trip. You can also travel by other means of transport - cable cars(two closed and one open), funicular.

    For those who want to see pristine nature, they will have to go deeper into the remote areas of the park. The main attractions are nearby. It won’t take long to get to them - everything is within reach, you just need to buy a ticket and enter the park. In other cases, you need to cover considerable distances, so you need to choose comfortable shoes, clothes for the trip, and put things in backpacks. In addition, you need to go to the deep areas of the park either with a guide or along a pre-designed route so as not to get lost.

    It is also worth considering the organizational aspects of the trip to the floating rocks:

    • Book accommodation in advance, given the many national holidays that exist in China;
    • Prepare for the fact that a huge number of Chinese come to the Wulingyuan rocks, so it is always crowded, and in some places there is a significant crowd of people;
    • Buy or download a map of the park and surrounding area, purchase a compass, raincoats and raincoats;
    • It is better to start your walks in the morning to see more interesting things. And in the morning there are fewer people than in the afternoon and evening hours. It is dangerous to wander around after seven in the evening, because... The park area is not illuminated.
    • Think about how you can get to Zhangjiajie from the Chinese capital.

    You can get to the park from the city of the same name by taxi or bus, which come here regularly. You can enter the protected area through two entrances - the north-eastern one, where the Wulingyuan Mountains are located, and through the southern one - Zhangjiajie. You need to start your journey from the first entrance, since there is a glass elevator that takes you up to the tops of the rocks and observation platforms.

    Housing and food

    Experienced tourists advise staying in two villages – Zhangjiajie or Wulingyuan (the names here are all very original, so it’s worth considering that the park, city and village have the same name). Renting comfortable housing here is not a problem, the only negative and quite significant is that in the morning there is a queue at the entrance. And you will have to stand in it before entering the park.

    You can also live in Zhangjiajie, where there are several types of housing:

    • Guesthouse;
    • Hostel;
    • Hotel.

    The quality of the rooms is somewhat lower than in the villages, and walking is only allowed when the buses start running.

    A budget accommodation option is to stay with local residents, ready to provide a bed in a room for several people for 40 yuan per day. You can choose the option for single occupancy, but the cost will increase accordingly.

    You can eat in restaurants, local cafes, McDonald's. It is worth considering that the cuisine of this province is quite unique - it is based on mushrooms that have medicinal properties, and a large number of hot seasonings. In addition to traditional Hunan cuisine, you can try dishes from other regions of the country.

    There are no restaurants or cafes in the park, but flat cakes, fried potatoes, fish, and chestnuts are sold everywhere. Everything is fresh and prepared in the presence of tourists.

    It is better to buy water in the city or in villages, since it is much cheaper here than in the park.


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