Cable car to Ai-Petri how to get from Yalta. Cable car to Mount Ai-Petri. What to consider when visiting

There are corners of the Crimean peninsula that literally attract travelers and have become its permanent symbols. Over the years, they have acquired all sorts of stories - both scary and romantic, and as a result, staying there gives you the opportunity to experience many different impressions at once. Such a place is Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea. Photos of this hill are often decorated with various souvenirs.

Where is the high ground in Crimea?

Strictly speaking, it does not rise above Miskhor, but rather above and. But it is from the first that you can get to its top directly - using a cable car. Of the major resorts, Yalta is the closest: Ai-Petri is part of the territory.

Do you want to plunge into the real ice world? Read the material about.

Ai-Petri on the map of Crimea

Protected steep slopes of the symbolic mountain

In fact, Ai-Petri is not just one peak, but a whole mountain complex, which also includes the Ai-Petri yayla (plateau) with an area of ​​about 300 square meters. km. It is an extinct volcano, severely destroyed by time; the influence of centuries owes the mountain to its famous “teeth” - sharp rocks up to 80 m high near the top. They give Ai-Petri a very recognizable look. Since 1947, the battlements have been officially considered a natural monument.

It is not the highest on the peninsula, but still quite high. The height above sea level of the peak Bedene-Kyr (“Quail Mountain”), considered main peak massif, is 1234 m. But the Roka hill is higher - 1346 m. ​​The peak of Ai-Petri is considered the most foggy place in Crimea; clouds often “spend the night” here. At the same time, this is the windiest corner of the peninsula, which should be taken into account when planning an excursion.

Ai-Petri in the legends of Crimea

The name of the massif is often associated with the medieval monastery of St. Peter (the name is translated from Greek exactly like that), the remains of whose buildings are still preserved at the top.
But there is another legend that tells the story of the peculiar Crimean Romeo and Juliet. The beginning is like Shakespeare's: two lovers whose parents forbade them to be together. The young man and the girl decided to commit suicide in order to be reunited in the next world, and climbed the mountain to throw themselves off the cliffs.

And then the development of the plot took a different path. It turned out that the convenient platform at the top was very small and there was no way two people could fit on it; they would have to jump one at a time. The young man, as befits a man, stepped into the abyss first and crashed on the rocks. And the girl, seeing that death was not as romantic as she thought, changed her mind. The guy from the legend, naturally, was called Peter, and the name of the mountain is explained as an imitation of the cry of a girl who saw the suicide of her loved one. Since then, men in Christian countries have always tried to let the ladies go first...

Walk to Ai-Petri - an excursion with character

Reviews from tourists clearly indicate that Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea can give an unforgettable experience, but at the same time it requires fairly strong nerves. As you know, not everyone can boast of such. When going on a trip, it is better to take warm clothes with you,
since in the mountains it is, in principle, cooler than below, and the winds and fogs of Ai-Petri have already been mentioned

Second necessary thing- camera. From the top there are stunning views of the massif, forests and Yalta, so photos from Ai-Petri will be the pearl of any collection. You can take pictures at the top with interesting animals or riding a camel. But what it’s better not to take are hats and umbrellas: the Ai-Petri rocks are literally strewn with them, and it’s impossible to get something “stolen” by the wind.

Part of the excursion to the top can be a kind of record holder for unsupported distance of movement. The “trams” of the road have very large windows, which allows you to start admiring the scenery already along the way. A fear of heights can become a limitation - those suffering from it cannot withstand such a road.

What else is attractive about the symbol of Crimea?

From the height of the plateau you can see Yalta in all its glory and excellent panoramas of the mountainous Crimea, including. You can even spot the famous one. The views from Ai-Petri are considered to be perhaps the most beautiful on the peninsula. The excursion also includes a walk through the forest, where the rare Steven maple and Crimean pine grow (the wind made many trees look like Japanese bonsais - squat,
powerful and clumsy), and the opportunity to get to the “mergs” and look at the resort from.

For lovers thrills there is an attraction here - between two “teeth”. The new product is popular, but you should move everywhere with caution - mountains don’t like jokes. Although on hiking trails handrails have been installed, their strength is limited - this is due to the protected status of the territory, therefore, it is better not to rely on them, but on your own prudence.

There are also routes organized on the mountain for climbing groups, with varying degrees of difficulty. On the Ai-Petri plateau there will be no problems with relaxing and having a snack - there are plenty of all kinds of cafes and kebab houses here, and for a wide variety of tastes and budgets. It’s not difficult to buy and, moreover, experienced tourists argue that prices at the top are preferable to those at the bottom.

How to get to Ai-Petri?

When organizing such an excursion, the critical question is how to get there. Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea is quite difficult to reach. Most quick way– cable car from Miskhor. Travel prices are quite high, but the trip takes only 20 minutes.

You can also get there by minibus from Yalta or by private car. By own car you need to drive along the highway. But you need to know that the road is a continuous “serpentine”, so the conditions are extreme for an unprepared driver, and passengers can also get nervous. According to the map, the path will be taken like this.

Most often, this question arises among visiting pilots, although locals may not know all the options. Let's look at the pros and cons of each method. Let's figure out which one to give preference in different situations. Let's get started.

Method No. 1. In your car

The ascent to the Ai-Petri plateau by car takes about 40 minutes.

We drive along the Sevastopol highway to the Uzbekistan sanatorium. There we will see a fork and a sign to Ai-Petri. Continue along the serpentine road to the village of Okhotniche.


  • You don't depend on anyone.
  • You drive from your home directly to the starting point, at the right time.


  • The car will need to be lowered down the mountain somehow. If you have flown far away, this becomes a problem. The solution is to invite a familiar driver (friend, relative) who will lower the car.
  • Driving on a mountain road requires a certain amount of experience from the driver.

Option: ask to ride in the car with another pilot who has a seat.

Method number 2. By taxi

An ideal option for everyone, but expensive.

In addition to the classic taxi call, you can order a transfer to Ai-Petri on the Internet. Now in in social networks There are a great many groups providing this service. They are not difficult to find through a search:

Method number 3. Book a car (more like a minibus) together with a group of pilots


  • It's much cheaper to chip in.
  • You will arrive directly at the starting point and at the optimal, pre-agreed time.


  • Organizational difficulties. Someone needs to look for both a driver and pilots, negotiate a price, make a lot of phone calls (or, alternatively, correspond on the Internet). Quite troublesome.

Method number 4. By minibus

Minibuses to Ai-Petri depart from the Yalta bus station. These are not regular buses, but private minibuses. At the time of writing, the fare is 350 rubles. But it can change. Usually minibuses loudly call to everyone in the area of ​​the lower platform of the bus station, finding them is not difficult.


  • You are not tied to the car left on the mountain.
  • No need to bother organizing a transfer.
  • Significantly cheaper than a taxi.


  • Schedule dependent.
  • You will have to walk to the starting point from the stop.
  • The driver and other passengers may not like your backpack.

Method No. 5. Hiking from the sanatorium "Uzbekistan"

One of the favorite methods of Yalta pilots.

Getting to the Uzbekistan sanatorium stop is not difficult: a lot of people come here regular buses. Vote above the fork.

Option: Drive your car to the cemetery (it’s a little higher up the serpentine road). And from here you can catch a ride and leave the car below. Yalta pilots do this quite often. In any case, the problem of driving the car down the mountain disappears.


  • Cheap. Typically, drivers charge a nominal fee.
  • Easy to implement. There is no need to negotiate or call anyone in advance.
  • No headaches from driving the car down the mountain.
  • You travel at a time convenient for you, not according to a schedule.

N disadvantages:

  • Sometimes no one picks up for a long time (this happens extremely rarely).

Method number 6. On the cable car

Not exactly from Yalta, but nonetheless. The lower station of the cable car is located in the village of Miskhor.

Contacts and work schedule from the page cable car "Miskhor-Ai-Petri" on LemonPages (


  • Cheaper than a taxi.
  • Beautiful. Although you can admire the same views from a paraglider.


  • From Yalta you must first go to Miskhor
  • Schedule dependent
  • It's still quite a walk to the starting point

UPD: Information from the official website: the cable car is closed for maintenance work. Approximately until April 20.

There are three ways to be on one of the most famous mountain peaks Crimea: by minibus, cable car and on foot.

By minibus

Minibuses run from the Yalta bus station. These are not regular routes, but finding the right minibus will not be difficult. Drivers will find you themselves, and if they don’t find you, then you will definitely hear them. The fare is 350 rubles, travel time is about 40 minutes. The road to Ai-Petri runs along a picturesque mountain serpentine. By the way, it was on this track that one of the rally races of the European championship took place, before the introduction of sanctions.

The minibus will take you to the eastern market, next to which there is a cable station and the famous Ai-Petri battlements. But you will have to fight off the local Tatars for a long time, who will invite you to eat. You can also return back to Yalta by minibus, but the fare will be 300 rubles.

I like this option least of all, because the road along the mountain serpentine gets very motion sick, and then it takes me a long time to get away from the trip, but if you don’t know the terrain well, then this option is the simplest and most reliable.

Cable car

You can also get to the top of Ai-Petri using , which is located in lower Miskhor, it is about 30 minutes drive from Yalta. The fare is 350 rubles, the ascent time is about 12 minutes. Cable car will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions, but only if the weather is clear. If Ai-Petri is covered by clouds, then from the cable car cabin you will not see anything except fog.

Therefore, take the weather into account when planning your trip. To enjoy panoramic views and see the coast, the weather must be clear and cloudless. Only in this case will you fully experience all the beauty of nature and the acute sensation of height that Ai-Petri gives to tourists.

On foot

Well, the best way to climb Ai-Petri is, of course, on foot. Only after reaching Ai-Petri on foot can you proudly say that you have conquered this peak.

Hiking will give you a lot of positive emotions, and as you climb to the top, your gaze will open to such landscapes that you will not want to take your eyes off, you will come to places that you will want to return to again. Depending on the route you choose, you will be able to swim in the icy waters of mountain rivers and drink the purest spring water.

In addition to all this, such hikes will strengthen your health and physical fitness, and you will also be able to breathe mountain-forest air, which, together with physical activity, has a healing effect on the body.

For me, the best and most interesting option is hiking, but for this you need to know the routes of the trails and their names. The mountains do not tolerate being taken lightly, and accidents are not uncommon here, so hiking must be taken very seriously and responsibly. Options walking routes to climb Ai-Petri you can

Or you can go on one of the hikes along the picturesque trails with us. We organize such trips. You can familiarize yourself with route options and prices .

Closer to us, the Iograph spur departs from the Main Mountain Range. Its continuation within the boundaries of Yalta is Darsan Hill, the watershed of the Vodopadnaya (Uchan-Su) and Bystraya (Derekoyki) river valleys. While walking around Yalta, you crossed these rivers more than once.

Right under our feet is the cone-shaped Mount Mogabi, along which we drove while climbing Ai-Petri. Its peak is almost 400 m below the Shishko rock. For some reason, many people think that Mogabi is dormant volcano; Obviously, this idea is suggested by its regular cone-shaped shape. In reality, it is a remnant of a mountain range, of which there are quite a few on the South Coast. Mogabi hides from us that part of the coast where Livadia and Oreanda are located. To the west of this mountain there is a view of the Miskhor resort area. Cape Ai-Todor with the Swallow's Nest is visible from behind the Mogabi slope.

At your feet below Ai-Petri lies Alupka, and if you look closely you can even see the Vorontsov Palace and Park. And even further east lies our favorite resort, Simeiz, headed by Mount Koshka and the Diva Rock.

Turning to the north, you will see Mount Bedene-Kyr with white domes in the distance - this is military base. Well, below you you can see the upper station of the Ai-Petri cable car, an oriental bazaar, and countless cafes with oriental cuisine...

But we are more interested in the panorama of the sunny southern coast, which attracts attention for a long time... But then a small cloud covered the sun for a minute, and everything immediately changed: otherwise shadows from the mountains lay, the sea became green, the bright colors dimmed. The panorama is the same, but you see it completely different...

From Ai-Petri you can watch a magnificent picture of the sunrise. But usually an excursion to Ai-Petri is designed for one day, and you can only see the sunset on Ai-Petri... And to completely complete the picture of Crimean mountains also visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, better in the excursion program New Crimean Switzerland - this is exclusive.

About the Ai-Petri teeth and the red flag

In the summer of 1950 in Yalta local history museum Nikolai Pavlovich Antsiferov came - a researcher at the Moscow literary museum. He said that in 1907, as a young man, together with his friend, he climbed to the battlements of Ai-Petri and on one of these battlements he saw the remains of the inscription “Down with Tsarism,” riddled with bullet holes. The young people took pictures of her. After 43 years, Nikolai Pavlovich found an interesting photograph and was now donating it to the museum.

Several years passed until the museum staff managed to find out the origin of this amazing inscription. And it was like this. On the autumn morning of 1905, a scarlet banner fluttered at the top of Ai-Petri, and under it everyone saw the inscription “Down with Tsarism.” This was the time when the first Russian revolution was on the rise. And here, in “blessed Taurida,” so far from the working centers of Russia, next to the Tsar’s summer dacha in Livadia, the ghost of revolution also appeared. The police did not find anyone willing to climb the rock to tear down the banner. Then they decided... to shoot the banner and the seditious words carved on the stone. A machine gun platoon went to Ai-Petri. The flag pole, beveled by the burst, fell, but did not fall into the abyss: the red banner caught on the crevices of the rock. Again and again the lead rain poured down on him and tore him to shreds. They carefully knocked out every centimeter of the inscription on the rock with bullets. But for a long time the fragments of the banner remained red in the crevices of the Ai-Petrin spire, for a long time it was still possible to distinguish the inscription...

Who climbed to the top of the battlement, managed to strengthen the banner in one night and make an inscription, each letter of which was the height of a man?

After a lengthy search, museum workers managed to find one of the participants in this bold demonstration. In 1957, they met him in Moscow: A. A. Teodorovich worked as an employee of the Institute of Medicinal Plants. Here's what he said.

One day, a small group of Swedish tourists appeared on the South Coast and spoke Russian surprisingly well. In Miskhor they found a guide who! led them to the foot of the battlements. Having cut several steps into the rock and attached a hanging cradle, the “Swedes” set up a red banner and made an inscription.

The guide of this dangerous expedition was a mason from Miskhor I.D. Ananyev (died in 1947), and the “Swedes” turned out to be members of the RSDLP(b), who emigrated abroad and came to Russia illegally in 1905...

Mount Ai-Petri, one of the most visited and famous attractions Crimean peninsula. The beauty of these mountain landscapes It's hard to describe in words. Is it possible for an artist with a brush in his hands to do this? Well, at worst, a good photographer. Better yet, come here and experience all the charm and breathtaking views for yourself.
The name of Mount Ai-Petri is translated as Saint Peter. Before the conquest of Crimea by the Tatars, it was located on the mountain christian temple St. Peter, the mountain and plateau were named after him.

Tourists flocked here en masse at the end of the 19th century, after the section of the road connecting the village of Sokolinoe and Yalta, through Mount Ai-Petri, was completed. The road was completed in 1894 and connected southern and central Crimea. As a consequence - two major cities Yalta and Bakhchisaray received direct message. Construction stone road practically took about 30 years, and is still one of the most complex engineering projects in Crimea.

Sights of Mount Ai-Petri:

How to get to Ai-Petri by car

If you decide to get to Mount Ai-Petri by car, you should get to the Ai-Petri plateau, and from there to the Ai-Petri cable station. It is from here that the ascent to the very peak of the mountain begins - to its teeth.
A pedestrian road leads to the Ai-Petri battlements from the cable station. The duration of the route is about 30 minutes, without large differences in altitude. The cost of walking up to the battlements is 100 rubles. Payment is at the entrance to the trail.

Peak of Ai-Petri

The top of Mount Ai-Petri It is the Prongs that are considered, their height from base to top is 1234 meters. In addition to the Zubtsov beautiful views, there are two extreme entertainments that can tickle your nerves, but are absolutely safe. All safety rules and almost every element are observed extreme entertainment has two levels of insurance.

The most interesting, to my taste, is the suspended road between the battlements. Walking through it really tickles your nerves; under your feet, through the cracks, you can see a huge gap, with sharp rocks and tree tops. After taking the cable car to Ai-Petri, you can safely add yourself to the category of extreme sports enthusiasts. The price of the walk is 500 rubles. The average duration of the transition is 10-15 minutes.
If you decide to go for a walk, it is best to do it in pairs, one walks along the path, the other takes photos and videos from the end point of the route, and then switches. This is how you will get more successful pictures as a memory.
Although this is a little longer in terms of time than going one after another, you can save a little time by taking the queue for the first person and immediately taking the queue for the second. In order for the first one to pass, and the second one to take a photo and get back in line in time, you should leave a gap of 6-7 people between people.

The second extreme route is a descent to the cable car station, on a suspended cable. The descent is very fast and fun, the cost of the descent is 1000 rubles. The safety of the route is also at the highest level. Both extreme attraction open from April to September inclusive.

Having descended from the battlements, you find yourself on the busiest part of the plateau, the market and a large number of cafes, canteens and restaurants. The food on the plateau is mainly Tatar: pilaf, pasties, lagman, lamb shashlik, etc. Also, if you want, you can find European cuisine. Prices in establishments Catering really different. Therefore, if you take a walk and look around a little, you can choose a menu and price tag that is acceptable to you. Due to the large number of tourists, the food is almost always fresh and tasty, but quite greasy, although the choice of dishes is quite large and everyone can find something acceptable for themselves. Almost all cafes and restaurants offer wine tasting. Almost all wine is either homemade or purchased at Crimean wineries. In most establishments the wine is of rather low quality, with big amount dyes. Therefore, if you want a high-quality drink, ask that they bring you wine bottled at the factory, with an excise stamp. This option will be the best for your body.

A little below the gazebo of the winds is the Uchan-Su Waterfall, it is the highest Crimean waterfall and one of the most high waterfalls on the territory of Europe. Literally translated from Turkic, the name translates as “Flying water”. The height of Uchan-Su is about 99 meters, the maximum peak activity of the waterfall occurs in the spring, from early March to mid-April. In summer, Wuchang-Su turns into a relatively small stream, but this does not prevent it from looking graceful and attractive. More details

In addition to all the attractions of Ai-Petri described above, I should also point out one of the most beautiful mountain roads Shtangeevskaya trail. The trail originates just below the Uchan-Su waterfall, but the most convenient way is to go up to the waterfall, from there walk 120 meters up the road and you will see a large sign - the Shtangeevskaya trail, with a description of the route. The route of the Shtangeevskaya trail passes over the Uchan-Su waterfall (you can approach the waterfall) along the picturesque valleys of Ai-Petri and gradually the Shtangeevskaya trail turns into the Botkinskaya trail and smoothly descends through coniferous forests to Yalta, namely to the Fairy Tale Zoo. The average walking time along the Shtangeevskaya and Botkin trails is 4-6 hours. The entire route is marked with colored markers, making it very difficult to lose your way. You will meet people along the entire route; the trails are very popular and well-trodden by thousands of tourists.

Climbing the Ai-Petri plateau on a cable car, you have a choice of how to go back down. You can go down the same way you went up, but in the summer, the queues are very long and you can stand in them for several hours. Therefore, the options are to go down by bus or minibus. But it should be taken into account that the driver is directly interested in getting down quickly and getting up quickly. Their earnings directly depend on this. In general, this is also a kind of extreme walk. But despite this, all drivers make sure to stop at the Silver Arbor and the Wuchang-Su waterfall.

How to plan a visit to Ai-Petri

Planning a route to visit Ai-Petri by car - in my opinion, it is better to start with a visit to the Grand Canyon, the entrance fee is 100 rubles. You can also be offered a guide - from 1000 rubles. The guys are very funny, but essentially they are practically useless. It is very difficult to lose your way. There are only two paths along which people ply all the time, even in winter. The walk takes about 2-3 hours along with a swim in the Bath of Youth.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is located at the very beginning of the ascent to Mount Ai-Petri, from the side of the city of Bakhchisarai. If you are eating with South Bank Crimea - you have several options: go around Ai-Petri, through Sevastopol, then turn onto Bakhchisarai, and before it go to Ai-Petri. Or climb through the Ai-Petri plateau to the top of Ai-Petri, cross the entire plateau and go down to the foot from Bakhchisarai. From Yalta to the Grand Canyon it takes about 2 hours, if you go around it it will be about the same

Next after the visit Grand Canyon you need to climb the plateau again, walk to the battlements, and go down to eat in a cafe. After the cafe, you can choose a horseback ride or a visit to the Three-Eyes Cave. On average, a horse ride costs from 800 rubles. at one o'clock. You will also be offered an ATV ride and other entertainment; the cost is approximately the same everywhere.

Descending from Ai-Petri towards Yalta. The first stop on your way will be the Silver Gazebo. Visit - 100 rubles. Then the waterfall is a little lower about 15-17 km, the Uchan-Su waterfall. Also 100 rubles.
The entire walk is designed with departure from Yalta at 9:00 for the whole day; if you follow the proposed route, then by 20:00-21:00 you will be back in Yalta again.

If you are planning to visit Ai-Petri, then you need to pay attention to comfortable shoes, sneakers or sneakers, take warm clothes, because the temperature difference between Yalta and Ai-Petri can be up to 10 -15 C and be sure to take water with you. If you get motion sickness along serpentine roads, you can take anti-motion sickness pills at the pharmacy. Their cost is very low, and the effect is quite good.

Winter on Ai-Petri life doesn't stop. IN winter time The Ai-Petri cap is usually covered with snow from January to February. And on this basis they were born winter views sports: skiing, boarding and sledding. Almost all winter trails in Crimea are located on the Ai-Petrensky plateau. The most popular routes are 25,26, 27 kilometers, laboratory. All routes are located almost in the middle of the plateau; you can reach them along the Yalta-Bakhchisarai road. There is only one road and it is impossible to miss. Only in winter it is cleared of snow. In winter, the climb up the mountain is generally only open to vehicles with all-wheel drive and wearing winter tires. During snowfalls, the passage to Ai-Petri is partially closed for a short time from Yalta and Bakhchisarai.
If you are planning a vacation to Crimea, no matter what time of year, be sure to visit Mount Ai-Petri, it is one of the most beautiful.

Ai-Petri and its attractions on the map of Crimea


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