What you need to take abroad on vacation. What you definitely need to take with you on a trip to the sea - a list of necessary things

To prevent your vacation from being ruined because you forgot something, you need to pack your things in advance. If you pack just before your flight abroad, this is exactly what will happen.

Before you go shopping to buy something new, you should clearly define what exactly you need.

To do this, you need to sit down and, slowly, thoughtfully make a correct list of everything you might need.

You should not include in this list your entire summer wardrobe that you wear in the city; you are unlikely to need it at sea.

Take a minimum of things with you and you won't have to wear yourself out with a heavy suitcase. Don’t take things “just in case,” and still, make sure you don’t lose sight of everything you need.

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Things to take on a trip

  1. First aid kit;
  2. Documentation;
  3. Personal hygiene products;
  4. Technique;
  5. Leisure items;
  6. Other supplies you may need.

What will be useful on the road?

First aid kit

At sea you may need medication.

It’s good if you manage to relax without them, but it’s still worth being on the safe side, especially if you’re flying with children. A change in climate, water, or just an occasional cold should not ruin your vacation.

You may need:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Febrifuge;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Band-Aid;
  • Ointments or creams against mosquitoes and other insects.


In addition to the documents that you will take directly on the plane (passport, insurance), you need to remember:

  • Return flight tickets;
  • Documents from the travel agency confirming the booking of accommodation;
  • Driver's license (just in case);
  • Parental permission to take the child out;
  • Cash and bank cards;
  • Photocopies of the most important documents;
  • Travel insurance.

Personal care products

Hygiene products can also be bought on the spot, but in order to immediately get yourself in order after the flight on the day of arrival, and not run headlong in search of soap or anything else in the shops, It’s better to take everything you need with you:

  • Fragrant soap;
  • Favorite shampoo;
  • Shower gel;
  • A washcloth or sponge;
  • Comb;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Toothbrushes;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Shaving accessories.

You should not take a lot of decorative cosmetics with you to the sea.

It is better to use decorative cosmetics as little as possible on vacation.

But if you can’t live without cosmetics, then take:

  • Powder;
  • Waterproof mascara;
  • Shadows;
  • Faint lipstick.

On the beach, a woman with bright makeup will look at least strange. Although, if you go to a night bar or restaurant, you can still spruce up your appearance a little.


You also don’t need to take a lot of equipment to sea. Give your electronic devices a break.

If having a laptop while on vacation is not a necessity for you, it is better to leave it at home.

  • Camera, video camera, of course, are necessary when traveling at sea. How else to capture Beautiful places, sights, yourself and your loved ones against the backdrop of this beauty?
  • Mobile phone– is also a necessary thing, you can’t do without it.
  • Phone charger and cameras


The amount of clothing will depend on several factors: where exactly you are going, what kind of clothes you will have The cultural program how long you will be at sea. But in any case there should not be a lot of it. Moreover, you will probably want to buy yourself some new product on the spot.

Clothes for men

Men are more practical in this regard; they take a minimum of things with them.

  • Clothes for the beach

The most important thing at sea is clothing for swimming. Take two swimming trunks, that will be enough.

  • Everyday things. Two shorts, a couple of T-shirts, a bright shirt, a light windbreaker and cotton jeans (in case it suddenly gets cold) - perhaps this set will be enough for your vacation, including evening walks. Underwear - two panties or swimming trunks.
  • Shoes. Take a pair of flip-flops, they are suitable for both the beach and walking. Just in case, you can also take light moccasins.
  • Other.

Don't forget to take everything you need for shaving if you don't want to turn into Robinson Crusoe during your vacation at sea.

Clothes for women

As a rule, when it comes to clothing, women are more whimsical and less practical than men. Sometimes it seems to them that literally everything will be useful.

You shouldn’t judge them too harshly, because they dress up solely to please men. And just a little bit to show off our new clothes in front of each other.

And yet you need to limit yourself to a minimum of outfits:

  • Swimming and beach wear. The main part of a woman's wardrobe at sea is swimsuits. Take two - open and closed, they don’t take up much space, but they will allow you to be different. A bright, stylish pareo will perfectly complement a beach outfit and serve as a “cover” from the sun’s rays. In addition, a pareo can also replace a sundress.
  • Casual wear. A pair of sundresses, a top, shorts or breeches is a sufficient set for walks, visiting cafes and excursions. Jeans and a light windbreaker are useful in cool weather.
  • Evening wear. You don't need an evening dress as such. After all, the same vacationers go to cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. Moreover, in an evening dress you will look out of place there. A bright sundress, shorts or a skirt with a fashionable light top are quite suitable for this purpose.

  • Underwear. A couple of sets of underwear will be enough for you. You can also grab a nightgown.
  • Shoes. You can also wear comfortable flip-flops for the beach while walking. For excursions, prepare shoes without heels. If you decide to show off in an evening dress, you will need sandals, preferably stiletto heels.
  • Hats. It all depends on your imagination and style.

As a headdress, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat, a bandana, a baseball cap, or you can use a beautiful silk scarf.

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Children's clothing

Every mother is absolutely sure that she knows exactly what clothes her child needs. This is true, but it is important not to overdo it.

Children don't need as many things as their mother might think.

Some tips for traveling couples with children:

  1. If you have infant , take him a casual set of clothes. There must be several panama hats, a sufficient number of swimming trunks, T-shirts, T-shirts, a tracksuit, and light shoes.
  2. You will also need diapers, pot and small Stroller(it’s better to take a folding one).

It is worth recalling that all clothing for children should be made from natural materials, preferably cotton. And no synthetics!

Children under 7 years old

Small children are big fidgets, they often get dirty, therefore, they will need a little more clothing.

  • 4-5 panties, the same number of T-shirts, shorts and T-shirts, a pair of panama hats, comfortable light pants and a windbreaker, slippers and sandals for shoes.

Children over 7 years old

If your child is over 7 years old, then you can use advice for adults to equip him for vacation.

Things for relaxation

If you have previously bought things necessary for the beach, such as an inflatable mattress, a children's circle, an umbrella, a pump, then it is better to take them with you so as not to buy them again.

Other accessories

  • A must-have accessory for a seaside holiday is sunglasses;
  • Earplugs;
  • Mask for sleep;
  • Writing pen;
  • Personal business cards;
  • Food for a snack;
  • Towels: for shower and beach;
  • A blanket, mat or mat to use while sunbathing on the beach.

Things you can do without

  • There is no need to take dishes with you. Utensils are available in most private apartments or hotel family rooms. Most likely, you will eat either at a hotel or in a cafe.
  • Decorations and jewelry.
  • You may not take some personal hygiene items.(soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo), because it doesn't cost a lot of money and you can buy a lot of it in the country where you plan to travel.
  • Slippers can also be found in many hotel rooms or purchased for pennies in local stores.

The preparations are over, finally the long-awaited flight... Sea, sun, beach... If you haven't forgotten anything, your trip to the sea will be pleasant and unforgettable!

Article contributed by Christina Endless.

Print out your completed packing list

You can receive and print a ready-made list of things for your trip from me by leaving your e-mail on the link page.

It’s convenient that by printing out this list of things, you can tick off what you’ve already packed in your suitcase

This article will help, first of all, novice tourists to make a list of the most necessary things for a trip. When going abroad, you need to pack your suitcase so that everything fits and nothing is forgotten. We will not consider a list of things for wild tourism; this article will contain tips for those who bought a ticket (tour) and are going on vacation abroad.

It would seem that what could be easier than packing your suitcase for the trip. But after a long period of “dancing” around your suitcase, you begin to understand that you will have to rent a separate plane for all your favorite things. So let's try to make a list of the most necessary things for the trip and try again to pack the suitcase.

How to pack a suitcase

There are many video tutorials on the Internet on how to place things in the most compact way and assemble a suitcase correctly. We will not repeat ourselves and will outline only the basic principles.

2. Don’t fill your suitcase to capacity - after all, on vacation you will definitely want to buy something - from souvenirs to clothes, food, and locally produced drinks. Therefore, when getting ready for a trip, leave room for what you will bring from your trip.

Read also: Prohibited souvenirs - what cannot be exported from which countries

The “stuffing” of your suitcase (bag, backpack) will be different depending on the type of vacation. Let's decide what to take with us to the beach and what to save for excursion trips, and what things you will need, regardless of the type of trip.

List of the most necessary things for a trip

On any trip you cannot do without such things as:

- international passport and others Required documents

— cards and money (travel checks)

— tickets, voucher and insurance

- first aid kit

— telephone and other gadgets and chargers for them. Before traveling abroad, you should top up your mobile account or buy a special SIM card for travel

— camera and/or video camera and charger for them

— personal hygiene products and cosmetics bag (for women)

— underwear and necessary (seasonal) clothing and shoes. Don't forget to take things in case of sudden weather changes


What things to take with you to the sea (to the beach)

Read about the features of holidays with children in our article How to relax at sea with a small child

What things should you take with you on the excursion?

  1. 2 pairs of comfortable seasonal shoes.
  2. A small pillow under the head, earplugs, an eye mask (sleep kit).
  3. Blanket (if you are traveling during the cold season).
  4. Wet disinfectant wipes.
  5. Plastic mug for coffee and tea.
  6. Money in small bills.
  7. A convenient handbag for documents, money and a mobile phone (on the belt or on the shoulder).
  8. A bottle of water.
  9. Raincoat (instead of an umbrella, which takes up too much space).
  10. Gadgets that will brighten up long journeys (player, tablet, PSP, e-reader, etc.)
  11. For self-guided tours You can arm yourself with a GPS or a smartphone with GPS and the necessary maps (you need to download them in advance).
  12. Threads, needle, pins, superglue - in case clothes or shoes are torn.

I always write a list before a trip so that I don’t forget anything I need and then kick myself for being forgetful and improvident. Most often, the set of the most important things is the same, only the clothes change depending on the season and the purpose of the trip.

Essentials for your trip:

Documentation: international passport and its copy, a copy of the Russian passport (if you are traveling abroad), digital copy your passports (scan the documents and send them to your email), driver’s license (if you rent a car).

Medical insurance. Insurance is required to be presented at the embassy when obtaining a visa. You also need to take insurance with you on your trip.

Tickets or printouts thereof. Although at the airport they do not ask to present air tickets, but only a passport, it is better to have a printed one with you route receipt. Read the article about how to buy cheap air tickets online.

Travel package, or a hotel reservation voucher if you are traveling independently.

Money. This can be money on a bank card or cash. If you store money only on a card, take cash with you on your trip, even preferably in small bills, to pay for travel on a bus or taxi if you get to the hotel on your own.

A reminder with the necessary telephone numbers: address and telephone number of the Russian embassy, ​​police and ambulance telephone numbers.

If you regularly take any pills, put them in the first aid kit first; the following medications will also help:

  • for colds (I take with me a couple of packets of Theraflu and lozenges for a sore throat),
  • from indigestion (many people overeat when traveling, or in large hotels the food may be stale),
  • painkillers (No-shpa or Tempalgin),
  • scratch treatment products (e.g. iodine bottles),
  • sunscreen if you are going to sunbathe,
  • sunburn treatment,
  • adhesive plaster,
  • earplugs (noisy neighbors may live nearby or there may be a club/disco nearby)

Personal hygiene products: washcloth, Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, razor, shaving foam, face and hand cream, wet wipes, cotton swabs, deodorant, comb, hair tie and soap (in case you need to wash something).

Camera and charger (or batteries). If the memory card is not large, then take a flash drive with you; you can go to any internet cafe and transfer photos to the flash drive and continue taking photographs.

Mobile phone and Charger. For some reason, many people remember about a phone charger at the last moment or completely forget about it.

Adapter for socket. In some countries, the plugs for the socket are different from the Russian ones, so always find out what type of socket at the hotel where you are staying. There are universal adapters that can be used in almost any country.

Guide and map. It is advisable to plan in advance what you need to visit and see.

Essential Conversational Phrases in a foreign language. Phrases may be useful to use in a restaurant, in a hotel, in case you need to contact the police or hospital.

Needle, thread and superglue in case anything breaks or comes off during the trip.

Pen to record important information.

Clothes and shoes. What you wear during your trip largely depends on where you are going and your goals. For example, if you are going to sunbathe on the seashore without leaving the hotel, then shorts, T-shirts, swimsuits, hats, flip-flops, and sunglasses will come in handy. If you have sightseeing tour and you intend to walk around the city a lot and see the sights, then shoes are important: sneakers or comfortable shoes. Even if you are going to warm countries, take warm clothes with you (socks, jacket, pants). Just in case, I take a raincoat with me, it is much lighter than an umbrella.

Every tourist often asks a simple and logical question about how to turn a long train trip into an exciting and tireless experience. It is also equally important for travelers to take everything they need so as not to deprive themselves of comfort and avoid any unpleasant situations. Most convenient way reduce the risk of problems - make detailed lists. After this, you should check how necessary each item included in them is for a particular trip.

The first list - the shortest - will include everything without which no trip would take place:

  • bank card;
  • tickets (if they are paper and not electronic);
  • internal passport (if necessary, this can be a foreign passport);
  • documents related to the purpose of the trip;
  • photocopies of passport and other important documents;
  • cash (small amount);
  • birth certificates of minor children (if they are traveling).

Without bank card You can get by on the train, but later it will become necessary.

Travel first aid kit

It is extremely important for travelers to avoid health problems while traveling. Therefore, a travel first aid kit must certainly consist of several items:

  • antipyretic,
  • painkillers,
  • antiallergic,
  • antimicrobial,
  • anti-colds.

When traveling, you should protect yourself from the consequences of accidents. Therefore, a travel first aid kit will be incomplete without a minimum of necessary drugs and items:

  • activated carbon;
  • antibiotics prescribed by your doctor;
  • cotton wool;
  • bactericidal patch;
  • bandage;
  • iodine;
  • ointments for wound healing;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

To avoid suffering from diarrhea, travelers will need one of the recommended medications: Festal, Loperamide, Mezim.

Dramamine will help with motion sickness.

Train wardrobe

Travel takes place both in the warm summer months and in the frosty winter. Therefore, from the recommended list of clothing you should take what is suitable for a specific season and category of train:

  • trousers - regular or sports;
  • turtleneck;
  • jeans - not made of too hard fabric;
  • sneakers or sneakers (inexpensive);
  • shoes (light);
  • shirt;
  • socks – replaceable;
  • sandals;
  • sweater;
  • slippers;
  • T-shirt;
  • flip-flops;
  • shorts.

Do not forget that the choice of wardrobe also depends on the gender, tastes and age of each individual passenger.

Set for technically advanced tourists

For many modern travelers any trip is impossible without gadgets and devices. Therefore, regardless of the season, the minimum set of items for this group of tourists includes:

  • Charger;
  • headphones;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • player;
  • smartphone or regular mobile phone.

"Road menu"

Not every tourist will undertake to give advice about food and drinks along the way. Everything here is too individual.

The “travel menu” should consist primarily of tasty and non-perishable products:

  • boiled eggs and potatoes;
  • coffee or tea bags;
  • mineral still water;
  • sliced ​​bread;
  • nuts;
  • sugar and salt (a little);
  • fresh vegetables and citrus fruits;
  • sweets (cookies, caramel, gingerbread);
  • dried fruits;
  • raw smoked sausage;
  • hard or processed cheese;
  • stews (if the duration is more than two days).

Self care kit

The train is not a beauty salon, and there is neither a bathroom nor a shower, but every passenger does not forget about the simplest cosmetic and hygiene products:

  • wet and paper napkins;
  • deodorant;
  • mirror;
  • toothpaste and brush;
  • a bar of soap;
  • handkerchief;
  • towel;
  • toilet paper;
  • hair brush.

Men certainly take with them everything they need for shaving, and girls and women take a whole range of cosmetics and products.

Leisure on the train

Modern gadgets give passengers an excellent opportunity to keep themselves busy while traveling by watching movies or playing games on a tablet, smartphone or laptop. And yet there are many tourists who prefer traditional activities:

  • games of checkers, cards, dominoes or chess;
  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • listening to your favorite radio stations and music using the player;
  • reading books, newspapers or magazines.

Individual comfort

Some passengers may be annoyed by noise in neighboring compartments or corridors. Due to hygiene reasons, not everyone decides to use bed linen and dishes on the train. Therefore, it is worth compiling a set of items for yourself that will help create comfortable conditions:

  • earplugs;
  • fork;
  • eye mask;
  • pillowcase;
  • garbage bags;
  • sheet;
  • jackknife;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • cup;
  • corkscrew.

For those who are afraid of falling from the top shelf, on branded trains Special seat belts are provided, but not always.

When traveling with children, parents should be prepared for inevitable inconveniences. Adults should be guided by the list of necessary items and things that will make the trip easier:

  • sketchbook;
  • baby food;
  • toys;
  • oilcloth;
  • diapers;
  • player;
  • diaper;
  • educational games;
  • collapsible pot or with lid;
  • pacifier;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • chocolate and sweets.

The list depends on the child’s gender, age, preferences, temperament and character.

Before setting off, a woman expecting a child should definitely consult with her gynecologist. Usually, during pregnancy before 18 and after 24 weeks, the doctor does not allow you to travel. The list of necessary items, food and everything else is not particularly different from the already mentioned lists. It just needs to be supplemented with a few documents:

  • an extract from an outpatient card;
  • health insurance policy.

It is also important to remember that only the bottom shelf is suitable for pregnant women. You should definitely walk along the corridor more often and under no circumstances lift heavy things on your own.

The more seriously and responsibly each train passenger approaches his future trip, the fewer problems await him on the journey.

Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 14 minutes


The most pressing question for anyone planning a vacation is what to take with them. After all, you need to take into account every little thing, including UV cream and a first aid kit, and also redo all your affairs so as not to worry about your beloved cat, cacti on the window and unpaid bills on vacation. So, what do you need to remember when going on vacation?

What to do before your trip - a list of important things to do before traveling

So that you don’t have to frantically call your neighbors and relatives as soon as you jump out of the train (descending the plane’s steps), remember in advance about your most important matters:

  • Settle all financial issues. This applies to paying bills, debts, loans, etc. Of course, if you have a computer and access to the network, you can, on occasion, pay bills from anywhere in the world, but it is better to do this in advance. You can also leave a statement with your housing office so that your rent can be recalculated due to your absence. Just don’t forget tickets, receipts and other evidence that you were not in the apartment.
  • Complete all your work tasks, if you don’t want to hear the voice of your superiors while lying on a sun lounger on the seashore.
  • Get your home in order(including washing clothes in a basket). So that when you return from vacation, you don’t have to clean up.
  • Check the refrigerator. It is better to give away all perishable products.
  • Make an agreement with relatives(friends or neighbors) so that one of them waters your flowers and feeds the cat. If you don’t have an agreement with anyone, you can buy a watering machine and take the cat to a hotel for animals or to stay with friends for a while.
  • Take care of protecting your apartment while you are away. The ideal option is an alarm system, but it would be nice to agree with your neighbors so that they keep an eye on your house and at the same time get your mail. Just in case, try not to talk too much about your departure (neither to friends, nor on social sites), close the windows tightly, and take the most valuable things and money for safekeeping with relatives or in a safe deposit box.
  • It is worth taking into account force majeure cases- flood, fire, etc. Therefore, leave the keys to the apartment to those neighbors you trust in this case.

Also don't forget:

  • Get vaccinated, if you are going to an exotic country.
  • Learn about safety precautions in this country. And at the same time about what can be imported and exported, and what is prohibited by law.
  • Check all electrical appliances, electricity, gas, water before leaving. You can even turn off the electricity completely if you want to play it safe.
  • Charge the phone, laptop, e-book.
  • Put money on your phone and inquire about roaming.
  • Get a manicure, pedicure, hair removal.
  • Place all documents in a bag(not under a heap of things at the bottom of the suitcase).
  • Leave your relatives with your coordinates.
  • Write down phone numbers of organizations, which you can contact in case of force majeure while on vacation.
  • Collect information about places, which you want to visit, and about places where it is better not to go.

Don’t forget to take documents and money on vacation - add everything you need to the list

Regarding documents, don't forget to make photocopies of them– There’s absolutely no point in carrying originals with you to the beach. But you can stick it on the folder with the originals (just in case) a sticker with your coordinates and a promise of reward to the finder.

In addition to your passport, do not forget:

  • The ticket itself and all the papers/directories from travel agencies.
  • Cash, plastic cards.
  • Insurance.
  • Doctor's prescriptions if you require special medications.
  • Train/plane tickets.
  • Driver license if available (in case you want to rent a car).
  • If your baby is traveling with you, his birth certificate with citizenship stamp and permission from the second parent.
  • Hotel reservation.

What medications to take on vacation - a travel first aid kit for all occasions

You can't do without a first aid kit on vacation. Of course, it’s good if it’s not needed, but it’s impossible to predict everything.

What should I put in it?

  • Adsorbents(enterosgel, act/coal, smecta, etc.).
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics.
  • Remedies for fever, colds, burns and allergies.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Anti-diarrhea medications, bloating.
  • Corn and regular plasters, iodine, bandages, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Itching relievers from insect bites.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Anti-nausea pills and laxatives.
  • Cardiovascular drugs.
  • Enzyme products(mezim, festal, etc.).

What to take on a trip - list of hygiene items and cosmetics

As for cosmetics, each girl is determined individually - what she might need on vacation. In addition to decorative cosmetics (preferably protecting against UV rays), you should not forget:

  • Disinfectants.
  • Products for feminine hygiene.
  • Napkins, cotton pads.
  • Special foot cream, which will relieve fatigue after excursion trips.
  • Perfume/deodorant, brush paste, shampoo, etc.
  • Thermal water.

Adding tech accessories and electronics to the list of what to take on a trip

In our time, we cannot do without technology. Therefore, do not forget:

  • Phone and its charger.
  • Camera (+ charging, + clean memory cards).
  • Laptop + charger.
  • Navigator.
  • Flashlight with batteries.
  • Electronic book.
  • Adapter for sockets.

List of things to do at sea - don’t forget to take beach accessories on vacation

For a holiday on the beach we fold separately:

  • Swimsuit (preferably 2) and flip-flops.
  • Panama hat and sunglasses.
  • Sunscreens.
  • Insect repellents.
  • Beach mat or air mattress.
  • Beach bag.
  • Things that will brighten up your beach holiday(crosswords, book, knitting, player, etc.).

What extra things to take on a trip?

Well, you may additionally need:

  • Comfortable shoes for excursions.
  • Clothes for every occasion(go out into the world, climb mountains, lie in bed in the room).
  • Dictionary/phrase book.
  • Umbrella.
  • An inflatable pillow for the road.
  • A small cosmetic bag for small items(tokens, batteries, etc.).
  • A bag for souvenirs/new items.

And most importantly, don’t forget to leave all your fatigue, problems and grievances at home. Just take it on vacation positive and good mood!


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