What does an e-ticket look like? How to use electronic plane tickets: step-by-step instructions, practical tips and tricks. Actions in case of loss of an electronic itinerary receipt

One of the ways airline passengers can save money is to purchase an electronic ticket instead of a paper one. This service is provided Russian airlines included in international association air transport. The pioneers were Aeroflot, Transaero, Vladivostok Air, S7, Volga-Dnepr.

Advantages of an electronic ticket

Electronic travel documents are becoming increasingly popular because... have a number of advantages over paper counterparts. In order to purchase the classic version of a travel coupon, you need to go to the ticket office, which requires a lot of time.

Order a ticket

Electronic ticket on an airplane has significant advantages compared to its paper counterpart.

  • It cannot be lost or damaged. You don't need to take it to the airport at all. Passenger information is stored in the airline's database.
  • The electronic analogue cannot be stolen or counterfeited, which is a guarantee of safety for the passenger.
  • You can make a purchase without leaving your home, at any time of the day.
  • The cost of an electronic document is cheaper than a regular document, and it takes much less time to complete and purchase it.
  • To place an order you only need a passport, credit card and access to the Internet.
  • You can buy an itinerary receipt for yourself and, knowing their passport details, friends and relatives with whom you plan to travel.
  • The passenger can check in luggage online.
  • The ticket can be returned.

List of airlines

Note: Today there are about a hundred websites where you can buy a ticket. Resources make selections based on the passenger’s request. This primarily concerns price and travel time.

However, you should remember that there are fly-by-night companies on the World Wide Web, so it’s safer to buy travel documents on the airline’s website. List of main Russian carriers:

  • Aeroflot - www.aeroflot.ru
  • VIM-Avia - aviakompaniya.com
  • Pobeda - pobeda.aero
  • Russia - rossiya-airlines.com
  • North wind - nordwindairlines.ru
  • Ural Airlines - www.uralairlines.ru
  • Utair - utair.ru
  • AZUR air - azurair.com
  • S7 Airlines - www.s7.ru

Purchasing tickets online

By purchasing tickets on airline websites, you can save additional money. The cheapest tickets are offered for flights departing on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Buying a ticket online

The passenger must select the flight date, destination, and flight. You also need to fill out a special form. It is important to check your details carefully; a mistake may result in the passenger not being allowed on the flight. Those who do not want to deal with the purchase themselves can use the services of special agencies involved in issuing electronic tickets.

After registration and payment, you can print out a paper form, but this is not a mandatory requirement for registering for an aircraft. Passenger information is entered into a single electronic database. At the airport you will only need your passport.

Pay attention! After purchasing a ticket, it is recommended to check your email regularly. Firstly, a PDF file will come there itinerary receipt. If there is no email after 24 hours, it is recommended to check your spam folder. Secondly, you may receive information about a change or transfer to another flight time. If the carrier's changes do not suit the passenger, the ticket can be returned for the full price.

What does an e-ticket look like?

An air ticket is essentially a contract of carriage between an individual and an airline. Airlines and ticketing agencies do not have a uniform itinerary receipt form. An organization can issue a document of its own sample.

However, there is mandatory information that will be included on any receipt:

  • First name, last name, number and series of the passenger’s passport;
  • departure date and time;
  • flight number;
  • name of the carrier company;
  • reservation code in the international online system and company database;
  • flight time;
  • airplane model;
  • the name of the airport from where the plane takes off and the name of the air harbor where it will land;
  • 13-digit route document number.

Route receipt

The document is similar to its paper counterpart. A similar receipt will be issued at the ticket office. The usual blue books are a thing of the past. The cashier prepares an itinerary receipt, prints it in A4 format and, for the convenience of the passenger, packs it in a file or airline envelope.

Using an e-ticket is very simple. It does not require printing or registration via the Internet. For a citizen who has received an electronic itinerary receipt, to register for an aircraft using an electronic ticket, it is enough to take a passport to the airport.

How to register plane tickets online

Important! You need to remember that at the airport, check-in for a plane using an electronic ticket, as with regular tickets, closes 45 minutes before the start of the aircraft. You can obtain your boarding document in the usual way at the check-in counter by presenting your passport or printed ticket.

With such registration, the passenger receives a traditional paper boarding pass. It goes through special control at the entrance to the sterile area and then presents the document when boarding the aircraft. Often the process is delayed. To save time, citizens with an electronic ticket can register for a flight online using their ticket number.

It is easy to register on the official portal of the carrier company. You need to select the “Check-in for flight” link and enter the itinerary receipt or reservation number. In the English layout, you must enter your last name (as it is indicated on the ticket) and click the “Register” link. If necessary, check the boxes for the names of the registered passengers and the selected flight.

Upon completion of the check-in procedure, a seat in the aircraft cabin will be assigned automatically. If you want to choose a different location, you need to click the “change” link. On the plane diagram, the seats that are already occupied are colored in color, and the empty ones are colored in white.

Pay attention! The landing document can be downloaded as a PDF file, or received by email or SMS. Having an electronic ticket, a citizen can board the plane.

Even with a printed paper boarding pass or an electronic boarding pass downloaded to your phone, you must arrive at the airport well before check-in to go through the formalities. Drop off your luggage at a special “Baggage Reception” counter (Domodedovo) or at the general check-in counter (at other airports). And go to the pre-flight control and boarding area.

The terminal building has equipment that allows you to read boarding passes from mobile phone screens. This is another step towards passengers, allowing them to save time.

Barcode reader

If necessary, a paper copy of the ticket can be printed at the airport. There are special self-printing terminals located there. It is enough to bring the phone with the barcode to the reader.

Note: For regular customers of one airline, online ticket registration can be done through a mobile application, which allows you to issue a boarding document while being away from your computer.

After this, the passenger must go to the gate whose number is indicated on the boarding pass. In the security control area, a printed version or a code on the gadget screen is presented.

If a citizen has checked in for a flight, but forgot to print out his boarding document, at the airport he needs to contact the staff at the check-in counters, and they will print out the necessary document.

The world's largest airports use electronic boarding pass technology on domestic routes. The first to introduce such a system in Russia were Transavia and Vnukovo Airport.

Important! Passengers traveling by air for work purposes must retain their boarding passes. To pay travel allowances to the organization's accounting department, you need to provide a coupon and a printed itinerary receipt. A number of companies require that documents be canceled (stamped).


Can't commit electronic registration passengers of the following categories on the plane:

  • children, passengers with limited mobility, people with hearing and vision disabilities, people with disabilities or people connected to oxygen equipment;
  • passengers with animals;
  • citizens who have additional seats, including for luggage.

Actions in case of loss of an electronic itinerary receipt

The information in the ticket office database has reliable cryptographic protection; it cannot be lost. Accordingly, personal information about the passenger and his flight is protected. This makes it possible to print the itinerary receipt an unlimited number of times. Since we are talking about the loss of only a paper copy of an electronic document.

Terminals for printing electronic documents

In order to restore your travel document, you need to go to the official portal of the airline, enter your personal account and click the “Get itinerary receipt” button. Then the document must be sent for printing.

If you have problems accessing your personal account, you must contact support. The operator just needs to give the reservation number. This data is stored in an SMS message that was sent to your phone after placing an online order.

You can also find the itinerary receipt at the post office. The letter was sent after the purchase travel document. It is important to save correspondence and messages from the airline until the end of your trip.

Pay attention! Although printing the itinerary receipt is not a requirement, some foreign countries require a return ticket. This information is on the printed receipt, so it's best to take it with you.

How to return a route receipt

In Russian air legislation there is no concept of “ non-refundable ticket" Companies selling domestic flight tickets do not have legal grounds for not refunding funds. Existing rules regulate the same procedure for the sale and return of itinerary receipts purchased at ticket offices or via the Internet.

Federal passenger aviation regulations require a full refund of the flight cost if the flight is canceled due to the fault of the airline. Also, the passenger can receive the entire amount if they voluntarily cancel the trip, no later than twenty-four hours before the departure of the plane. If the decision to return the ticket comes later, you will have to pay a fine of 10% of the cost.

Each airline can develop its own standards for returning an itinerary receipt. They must not go against the Federal Passenger Regulations. The return procedure for intermediary agencies and carrier companies is no different.

Refund of air tickets

If you were planning to fly abroad, you may lose money if the passenger wants to cancel the trip. Foreign airlines have introduced non-refundable itinerary receipts for sale.

When purchasing a travel document on your own, you must carefully read all the documents offered by the airline before checking the box for your consent. When contacting an agency, a company employee must warn you about all the details.

Information about returns is available on the airline's website and independent agencies, so it's a good idea to read the rules before purchasing.

Despite the simplified procedure for processing documents for a flight, you will need to go through all stages of check-in for the flight at the airport building. Therefore, it is recommended to arrive at the airport no later than 2 hours before the aircraft takes off.

Purchasing electronic tickets is much easier cheaper than buying paper forms. This will lead to a reduction in the number of classic travel coupons in the near future. Already, more than 95% of passengers around the world choose the modern electronic purchasing option. This is also beneficial for the airlines themselves, which reduce costs for printing, delivery and storage of paper coupons.

Electronic plane tickets today are perhaps more popular than their paper counterparts. After all, now the purchase of airline tickets in most cases is carried out using bank card on the company website. It’s cheaper and more convenient – ​​you don’t have to go anywhere. Naturally, following such payments, a decision was made to send electronic itinerary receipts directly to the client’s email. But not everyone knows what to do with them next - how to use them, whether they need to be printed.

An electronic air ticket is a document in the form of a pdf file that comes as an attachment to a person’s email. An example of this can be seen on the Internet - here in the photo banks it is presented huge amount various options. But in general, except for the design, they are identical and contain the same information.

Electronic tickets contain:

  • Flight date and time: this information in an electronic document is presented in tabular form - located next to the flight number and data on departure and arrival airports
  • Its name is the name of the airline and a combination of letters and various numbers that indicate the direction
  • Departure point and destination - not only the names of the ports can be indicated here, but also their name in the form of a special code
  • Flight time
  • Number of allowed baggage
  • Service class
  • Reservation number - there are about 7 digits here that help check the activity of the itinerary receipt; this is necessary to make sure that the flight has not been canceled or rescheduled
  • The ticket number itself is a combination of 13 digits; all of them are important so that the authenticity of the document can be verified
  • Passenger's name and passport number

In the case of an electronic ticket, the key role is played by its number. After all, when conducting online registration, it is the number that will need to be entered in the specified field.

An electronic ticket is sent to your email immediately after payment is made. It may also appear in personal account on the airline’s website, if the user has one. And it can also be in your personal profile mobile application, if the user has again downloaded it and is using it.

How to check a ticket

Once you purchase a ticket, you should check it immediately so that there are no surprises later. There are only 2 ways that will allow you to quickly check:

  1. Through the carrier company's website
  2. Through the ticket booking program

In the first case, you need to select the “Search for reservation” section on the website. In the form that appears, enter the last name of the person traveling and enter the reservation code. The request will return all the necessary data.

In the second case, you need to check through the website of the company that performed the reserve. Today there are quite a lot of such companies. The electronic receipt usually indicates the information service that made the reservation. If so, you can use the phone help desk– it is also indicated on the ticket. To determine the validity of the ticket, you must use the reservation code and the passenger’s personal data.

In the second case, you can make changes to the ticket, for example, indicate preferences for meals on board, information about seat selection, etc.

It is important to remember that the itinerary receipt should arrive immediately after payment is made. If this does not happen within 24 hours, you must contact the carrier company to determine the reasons. In this case, the situation cannot be left to chance.

It is also worth understanding that an electronic ticket, just like a paper one, can be returned and exchanged. But within the terms determined by the air carrier and under the conditions that apply to the airline. Refunds will be made to the card from which the payment was made.

How to use

There should not be any special difficulties using an electronic ticket. In essence, it is only a notification document. It does not need to be printed, it does not need to be presented anywhere. You can work with it in two ways:

  1. Register using his number yourself online
  2. Go to the check-in counter on the day of departure with the passport indicated on the ticket

Alternatively, if you are an old-school person and are not used to doing without paper, you can print out this ticket. To do this, you need to have a special program installed on your computer that distinguishes between files in pdf format. If you don’t have it on your home device, you can ask for help at the nearest point where documents are printed. But if you don’t print it, nothing bad will happen.

Complete online registration

An electronic ticket is good for registering online. After all, this allows you to book yourself a place that is most suitable, and not get it on a residual basis.

Online check-in opens at different airlines differently. Some people launch it a day before the flight, some 30 hours before, some 50 hours before. We need to monitor this moment in order to be on time.

To carry out such registration using an electronic ticket, you need to open the official website of the air carrier and go to the section: online registration. Here you need to enter the ticket number in special fields - just copy it from the document from the mail and paste it into the appropriate field.

Then all the passenger data will automatically appear. All that remains is to follow the system prompts and move through the pages of the registration form. On the seat selection page, select a seat and confirm registration. In response, an electronic boarding pass will be sent.

You can print it out and, if you don’t have luggage to check in, you can immediately go straight to boarding at the airport. If you have luggage, you can also go to the check-in counter with a printed coupon and check in your bags, having first weighed them. Another option is to print a coupon at the registration desk - here you just need to say that registration has been completed and provide your passport. In addition, you can print out your boarding pass at the terminals, which are located in quite a large number in the airport building.

Every year the Internet brings more and more convenience to our lives, allowing us to make many purchases and carry out various operations without leaving home. And if a few years ago you had to go to the box office to purchase tickets, now they can be purchased online. However, many questions arise for those who buy an electronic plane ticket. How to use this service, and are there any differences from standard registration?

Online check-in system exists in almost all airlines. To do this, just go to the carrier’s website and select a convenient departure date. You can also make a purchase on the Internet using special services for searching for various offers from airline companies.

What does an electronic plane ticket look like?

Once you have decided on the date and time of departure, and have also made a choice in favor of a specific airline, you need to confirm and pay for your purchase. Usually payment is made using a bank card. After the money is debited from the card, you will receive a letter with an itinerary receipt to the email specified in the form. This receipt is an electronic ticket, a sample of which can be found. But it is worth noting that in each company receipts may differ from each other, since there is no single template.

After receiving the receipt, be sure to verify all entered data to avoid errors. If you notice an inaccuracy, contact the company by phone to resolve the issue.

The itinerary receipt must contain the following information:

  • time and date of departure;
  • flight number;
  • carrier name;
  • aircraft model;
  • flight duration;
  • place of departure and arrival;
  • your passport details;
  • ticket number;
  • in the international online system and company database.

No, this is completely optional, but you can do it if you wish. To check-in for a flight, it is enough to have your passport with you, since all the data about the completed purchase is already available in the air carrier’s database. And after presenting your passport, the airport employee will quickly find your ticket on the computer.

How to print an electronic plane ticket? It is worth considering that itinerary receipts are usually downloaded in pdf format; for this, Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer. After saving the file, print the receipt on a printer if you have one at home, or go to the nearest Internet cafe.

How to check an electronic plane ticket by number

Flying on an airplane is an exciting process, so it’s better to play it safe a few days before departure and check your electronic plane ticket reservation using the number. Since sometimes it happens that flights are canceled or rescheduled. You need to find your reservation code on the itinerary receipt; it consists of letters and numbers, usually 5-6 characters. Then go to the carrier’s website and find the “booking search” column. To check your e-ticket, enter your last name and the number indicated on the receipt. If everything is correct, you will see information about the upcoming flight.

Also in this section, you can make changes according to the passenger’s data, make an order for a regular or standard flight (this service is not provided on all flights), indicate your preferred seats, and also pay for a previously confirmed order.

As a rule, the ticket receipt indicates the name of the system in which your ticket was reserved. If you do not find such information, you can call the airline operator and clarify in which system you need to view the reservation code.

How to get a boarding pass when purchasing an electronic plane ticket

After purchasing your ticket online, you will be required to complete the boarding check-in process. There are two options here - come a couple of hours before departure to the check-in counter at the airport and stand in line, or go through the boarding procedure online. The second method is very convenient and allows you to independently choose a seat for the flight in the aircraft cabin. Online registration begins 24 hours before and ends 40-60 minutes before departure. How to do this?

Go to the carrier company’s website and find the box to enter the service you will need to enter your last name and reservation code, then a diagram will open with the ability to select a seat.

Unlike purchasing an electronic ticket, when checking in online, you will need a printed ticket. Having it in hand, you no longer need to go to the check-in desk; go straight to the boarding point.

If you were unable to print the ticket at home, you can do so at special self-check-in machines located at airports. If you have any questions about using the machine, you can contact the operating personnel for help.

In what cases can you not register online?

The online boarding procedure is very convenient and saves time. However, please note that there are some restrictions on this service. For example, at Aeroflot you cannot board online if the passenger is carrying:

  • weapon;
  • animals;
  • luggage in the cabin.

Also, the procedure is not possible when traveling with children under two years of age and if it is necessary to accompany the child if he is flying without his parents.

Restrictions are also imposed on codeshare flights and on some routes, detailed information can be obtained by calling the company. Please also note that you will need to check your luggage and undergo a security screening prior to departure.

It's been 10 years now, like everyone else major airlines electronic tickets have been introduced into circulation around the world. Today you can still buy a ticket at the box office, but the Internet has simplified the procedure, allowing you to save time and not worry about the safety of the document. What is an electronic plane ticket and what does the document look like?

An electronic ticket (from English e-ticket) is a printout with information about the flight and the passenger. The information is stored in the airline's database after the ticket is purchased, so loss/damage to paper does not count as loss of the document. It can be printed again.

The paper form is called an itinerary receipt. The passenger provides it on the day of departure as confirmation that the ticket was indeed issued. However, some airlines no longer require the provision of itinerary receipts; it is enough to show the smartphone screen with the purchased ticket.

What does an e-ticket look like?

An example of an itinerary receipt (electronic ticket). The ticket was purchased on the Kupibilet website.

Air carriers and airline ticketing agencies do not have any uniform standard for itinerary receipts. Each company has the right to use its own form.

Despite this, there is a list of mandatory information indicated on the ticket. This includes:

  • passport details of the passenger;
  • flight date and time;
  • flight number;
  • airline performing the transportation;
  • reservation code in the international online system and company database;
  • travel time;
  • airliner model;
  • place of departure;
  • destination;
  • airline ticket number consisting of 13 digits.

Typically, companies send an electronic form of the document within 24 hours to the client’s email. Agencies can send faster, within an hour, since they have purchased tickets and an agreement with the airline.

Do I need to print the ticket?

What to do with an electronic plane ticket? Many airlines do not require a printout; you just need to show your passport at the airport. All data about the completed purchase is stored in the airline’s database. Employees will find a ticket using passport data and invite the passenger onto the flight.

Some airlines require you to take an itinerary receipt for departure, while others advise you to print out your ticket just in case. Read below on how to print the document.

Advice! Before departure, check the air carrier's requirements: present only your passport or e-ticket at the check-in counter, among other things.

How to print a route receipt

Most often, airlines send itinerary receipts in PDF format. To print a document, follow these steps:

  1. Install Adobe Reader. It allows you to download, read and work with documents in PDF format;
  2. To download, move the cursor to the upper right corner, then click on the arrow image - the file will begin downloading. Save it to convenient place locations on PC;
  3. Open the document. Click on the printer icon on the right and printing will begin.

If you don’t have a printer, you can print your e-ticket at a copy center or internet café.

How to check an e-ticket

The procedure is required to ensure the authenticity of the purchased ticket and to avoid unexpected incidents when landing at the airport. Any error in the data may result in the passenger being removed from the flight. There are several ways to check your issued ticket.

On the airline's website

To do this, go to the company's website. In the reservation search section, a window will open with fields to fill in: code in the international online system and passenger’s full name. After entering the information, the site will show the flight details and whether the ticket was purchased. In particular, such a search system is supported by the website of the Aeroflot airline.

According to the ticket booking program

There are several leading ticket reservation companies. This includes:

  • Sabre;
  • Galileo;
  • Amadeus;
  • Sirena Travel;
  • Gabriel.

How to use the services? The passenger can find out the information by calling the helpline number indicated on the receipt. Another way is to look at the reserve system that the company uses and go to this website. The same actions are performed on the resource as with the air carrier: you need to enter the reservation code and last name.

  1. For Saber you should use virtuallythere.com. Select the "Check my route" section. A window will appear with fields for entering data about the name and reservation code. After filling out the form, click “view itinerary”. You may need to additionally indicate the email address that was specified when purchasing the ticket.
  2. Ticket reserved through Galileo - checked on viewtrip.com. A form will appear for filling out the code and personal data of the passenger. Next, click “booking information” and then go to the e-ticket section.
  3. Amadeus system - use the site aviazd.com. You must enter a six-digit code and last name in Latin.
  4. Sirena Travel - verified by the site myairlines.ru. Go to the website and click on “orders”, then “your order”. After which a standard form for filling out the code and name will appear.
  5. Gabriel is verified through the site s7.ru. To find out the accuracy of the data, click on the “Information” item, go to “S7 services” => “online services” => “booking management”. The last action is to click on the “Details” button. A reservation search will appear, after which you can enter your ticket details.
Healthy! In the flight information section, the passenger can make changes, add wishes about seats, dietary preferences, including children's, and make an additional payment.

In booking system services, the user can view detailed flight information, print it, and forward it. Sites are available 24 hours a day.

Rules for using the itinerary receipt

After purchasing a ticket, many passengers wonder what to do with an electronic plane ticket? Everything is quite simple. You can print it out and take it with you to the airport on the day of departure.

When registering, an employee will search your data in the database and find a ticket, after which he will register it. To do this, you just need to provide your passport. If several people with the same last name are flying, the employee may ask to see your printed sample of an electronic plane ticket. The request is due to the fact that in this situation it is easier to find a person by number.

Pay attention! Some airports require you to provide an itinerary receipt.

After check-in, passengers will be issued a boarding pass and baggage tags. Then you need to go through security and then go to the waiting room.

If errors are detected in the documents, the air carrier has the right to not allow the passenger to board the flight. In addition, the traveler can return a ticket with an error according to the general refund rules established by the company for passengers who voluntarily refuse a flight.

A printed itinerary receipt will be useful for those who have connecting flights or may forget their departure time. In the destination country passport control You can show a printed receipt to show that you have a return ticket.

Nowadays, electronic tickets are quite common and convenient. What does it look like e-ticket? It differs from the usual one only in that the basic information, namely the fare, passenger information and flight, as well as other necessary information is in electronic form. In the usual case, the same data will be drawn into the cell paper ticket. All electronic air tickets are entered into a single database and are recognized using a special number, which is unique for each one.

Advantages of an electronic ticket

What's better? e-ticket, the usual paper? Both parties, the airline and the passenger, benefit from an e-ticket. Passengers receive the following benefits when purchasing an e-ticket:
1. simplified procedure for purchasing tickets - agree, it’s easier to buy a ticket without leaving your home, that is, via the Internet. You purchase it yourself and there is no need to wait for it for a certain period.
2. There is no possibility of losing or forgetting a ticket - this is quite a good advantage for absent-minded people. All you need is to have your passport with you, and all other registration data is transferred automatically.
3. Easy check-in – you save time, since you don’t have to stand in a huge queue; all you need to purchase an e-ticket is to go through a simple check-in either via the Internet (by going to the airline’s website) or using self-check-in kiosks.
4. Saving on flights – Due to the fact that you do not use the airline’s ticket sales services, the cost of your ticket is significantly reduced.

What does an Aeroflot e-ticket look like?

Now about the benefits of the airline: The airline has reduced periods of revenue from tickets sold, and an undoubted advantage for the airline is that the number of personnel is reduced and there are no costs for consumables for the production of air tickets.

What does a Transaero itinerary receipt look like?

First of all, electronic air tickets Budget plan companies, so-called low cost, began to use it. For these airlines, e-ticket has become an opportunity to adhere to low prices, and support sales through the website.
On June 1, 2008, the Airline Association (IATA) forced all international companies switch to electronic tickets (e-ticket). This innovation was made in order to reduce costs.

What does an Orenburg Airlines e-ticket look like?

This initiative was taken up by airlines in Europe and America. In Russia, electronic tickets are on par with paper tickets. There is also the possibility of counting travel allowances, which is applied by the legislative framework.
Everyone wants to purchase or book the necessary ticket for a flight with the required airline. By issuing a ticket at the specified price, which makes it possible to forget about the worry that in the city it will not be possible to arrange a flight with the desired carrier.

Don't forget about


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