How to make a dog bed and choose a suitable place for it? Booking airplane seats through a mobile application

When the opportunity arises to make a well, there is no need to rush. First, follow a number of steps to make it not only useful, but also easy to use. Here you need to calculate everything so that you don’t end up throwing money away.

After the location of the aquifer has been determined, it is necessary to take into account:

  • soil type;
  • plants;
  • land relief;
  • surface waters;
  • possible sources of pollution;
  • free access to the structure.

To do this you will need geological documentation, topographic maps and so on. It is also worth using the services of subsurface experts.

If there are working wells or wells nearby, it is necessary to place a new one as far away as possible. Such actions will retain water in both.

The soil type of the aquifer will indicate the approximate amount of water. Examine the soil for graininess and you will find out everything. The higher it is, the more productive the formation will be.

It is not recommended to drill a well where sandy and pebble soils are almost on the surface (about three meters). This is because all the water used will quickly seep out and contaminate the aquifer. As a result, you will not be able to drink well water.

The easiest way to determine the most water-bearing place is plants. This is especially evident during periods of drought. After all, where there is water, the plants are always greener.

As for planning, you need to mark on the map all the objects that are located nearby. This allows you to choose the most appropriate place.

Where is the right place to drill a water well?

Quantity and quality of water from wells.

The amount of water can be determined in several ways:

  1. Pump all the water from the well into a measuring container, and then note the maximum filling level of the source. It is also worth recording the time it takes for the water to return to the source. After this, the flow rate is calculated: divide the amount of liquid that was pumped out by the time of maximum filling of the source.
  2. Dynamic level can also be measured. A special pump is lowered into the well, which turns off when it reaches the bottom. The mark at which the fall height stabilizes will be the desired value. The specific liquid quantity is calculated by dividing the pump efficiency by the difference between the statistical and dynamic levels. Using the obtained figures, you can find out the flow rate: multiply the height of the water column by the last indicator obtained.

If after calculations the flow rate is small, then this means that the workers did not cope with their work, or the place is unsuitable. In any case, you will need to create a new source.

As for water quality, the deeper the source, the higher it is - a very common misconception. The composition of the water depends on the level of ecology of the area, as well as on the aquifer itself. It may be that the pipes are poorly connected to each other and this leads to water contamination. The latter can be filled with chemicals, nitrates and other dangerous substances. Such a liquid can penetrate to a depth of more than seven hundred meters.

In most cases, the well is located away from factories and factories. She is periodically sent for tests to protect herself. These rules apply to any well.

Promburvod's staff consists of specialists with extensive experience.

The accumulated experience in the field of well drilling allows our specialists to perform work efficiently, in short time, in compliance with all norms and standards.

Victoria Solup |

08/10/2015 | 1875

Victoria Solup 08/10/2015 1875

Any dog, even a decorative breed, should have its own place in the house where it will rest. To make your pet feel comfortable, make him a soft bed and place him in a comfortable place.

I have a fairly large dog of the Labrador Retriever breed, and not a single pet store could find a bed that would accommodate my pet. That's why I bought a children's ottoman for my pet. The dog was incredibly happy about this and now does not get off his sofa.

But you don’t have to pamper your pet the way I do. For example, a small and medium-sized dog will need a small soft bed, which you can easily make with your own hands. I offer 2 options on how to make sleeping area

for the dog.

1. Sunbed from a suitcase

  • You will need:
  • old suitcase;
  • short furniture legs;
  • pillow;
  • 2 boards;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws and nuts;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;

Using a screwdriver, unscrew all the screws in the suitcase that connect both parts and set the top part (lid) aside. You won't need it.

Measure the length of the inside of the suitcase and mark it on two narrow wooden boards. Install nuts along the edges. Turn the suitcase over and make 4 holes in each corner at the same level as the nuts in the boards. In addition, note that the diameter of the holes must match the diameter of the screws.

Screw the screws into the furniture legs with one side, and into the suitcase and board with the other.

This is what the structure should look like from the inside.

Now put a pillow there. It should fit freely in a suitcase.

The lounger is ready!

2. Bed made from an old sweater for a small dog

1. Sunbed from a suitcase

  • old sweater;
  • a small pillow (it should fit in a sweater);
  • long scarf or towels;
  • scissors;
  • threads with a needle.

Any sweater will do: with or without buttons. The main thing is that it is slightly larger than the size of the dog. If you are using a garment with buttons, the first step is to remove them and sew them (either by machine or by hand) where the buttons came undone.

Place a pillow in your sweater and a scarf or soft towels- into the sleeves. Then sew up the bottom of the sweater, and sew the sleeves together along the holes. If the sleeves are not long enough, you can sew a piece of any fabric between them to match the sweater.

Shape the bed so that the sleeves become the sides that frame the pillow, and sew up the top of the sweater (at the neckline).

The sleeves can be sewn to the base so that the structure does not fall apart.

Where to arrange a sleeping place for a dog?

After you have made the bed, you need to place it in such a place in the house that the dog can rest comfortably. That is, there should be no drafts, noise or other irritants. At the same time, it should be convenient for the dog to observe all family members. Therefore, you should not place the lounger in the farthest corner of the house.

Many people believe that a dog's sleeping area should be located in the hallway. This is not always the right decision. If there are many residents in the apartment, they will interfere with the dog’s rest, because each family member, moving from room to room or to the kitchen, will disturb the dog several times a day. Therefore, it is better to organize a place for it away from human paths.

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and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was accepted freely and of its own free will, and applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and/or its affiliates, including all persons included in the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM service") can obtain information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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Publication date: 12/01/2016

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Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

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LLC "Insales Rus"

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InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

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Any entrepreneur who opens his own business sooner or later faces the problem of choosing a place to locate a retail outlet.

How to find a “golden mine”?

There are no trifles in this matter. If you want good sales, be responsible when choosing a location. Finding an acceptable option is quite possible; you just need to adhere to the correct algorithm for searching and selecting points of sale.

1. Choosing a shopping center

Before exploring places in a shopping center, you need to choose the shopping center itself. Many young businessmen really do not attach importance to this, but in vain.

After all, you can get a very cool place in a “dead” shopping center, where you will simply lose money. Do not rush to agree to the first offer from the shopping center.
Compare several complexes. To do this, collect all the information about them: floor plan indicating free space, level of traffic, cost per square meter and everything else they are ready to tell. Only by comparing several accommodation options will you be able to make an intelligent choice, rather than a choice based on emotions.

2. Patency

To prevent your “island” from becoming uninhabited, pay attention, first of all, to traffic.

Traffic is the number of people who will pass by your outlet. Become a traffic trap.

“It’s better to spend a week analyzing than to get a place on the first day and be burned out in a month.”

At the same time, you shouldn’t just chase the traffic of a retail outlet; perhaps 95% purposefully go to the hypermarket on the ground floor, and people simply don’t pay attention to anything other than the purpose of their visit.

It is also possible that you simply will not be able to process the client flow and will encounter negativity from customers, which will certainly affect your work.

Be careful and try to track how people behave.

3. Location

No matter how much we would like to stand right in front of the entrance, unfortunately (or fortunately), this is not always possible, because the shopping center has its own vision of the location retail space. But don't be alarmed. Obtain from the shopping center a plan for the placement of retail outlets indicating free space, in other words, a plan for a possible location. In the document you will find a layout of the premises and dimensions for points of sale. With the help of a plan, you can choose the most suitable location for your island.

The number of floors and the location of the island are also important. The most accessible points are on the 1st floor and on the one where there is a cinema or food court. And yes, pay attention to the entrances to shopping mall. If they are all located on the ground floor, it makes sense to look for accommodation there. All the islands “Wow! Dessert".

The escalator reduces the flow by half. That is, if you are at 5, and people go to eat at 4, then the traffic will drop by half. People are lazy enough to make unnecessary movements, so you shouldn’t count on the entire flow from the 1st floor. But not all shopping centers are the same, there are also strange options, it is necessary to test.

4.Measurement technology

How can you determine if a place is suitable? Sit down with a cup of coffee near the point and watch it for a couple of hours. Distribute this time by an hour in the afternoon and evening. During this time, count the number of people passing by. Ideally there should be 500 people per hour. Keep in mind that you need to cut off the non-target audience; at a minimum, almost all of them are elderly people. We don't take them into account.

The number of your sales depends on how your island is located, up to 100% of your profit.

Updated: 09/16/2019

Question “How to book seats on an airplane” Many travelers are interested, because this opportunity provides an excellent chance to make their trip more comfortable. This is due to the fact that not all seats on airplanes meet the requirements that a particular air passenger places on them. Below we describe all the options that allow you to book exactly those seats in the aircraft cabin that, in your opinion, will provide the maximum level of comfort during the flight.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

Detailed information about what kind of seats there are on airplanes, the advantages and disadvantages of such seats for various categories of passengers can be found on the page. Having determined, based on the available information, which option is most preferable to you, you can choose one of three options, each of which is likely to allow you to book the seat on the plane that suits you best.

Selecting a seat during check-in

The classic way of choosing a place, which was the only possible one before the opportunity arose. The idea is to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in for your flight, to be one of the first to go to the counter and ask an airline employee (usually girls) for the seat you want to get. Sometimes the check-in desks themselves are interested in your preferences in this regard, but it is better not to risk it and, without hesitation, immediately tell us about the seats where you would like to sit during the flight. In most cases, your wishes will be fulfilled and you will get the place you asked for without any problems. For example, near the window at the front of the plane or near the aisle at the rear of the cabin.

The easiest way to book seats is as described, provided that you are flying alone or as a couple. It’s more difficult for three or four people to choose seats nearby, but it’s possible: again, provided that you arrive for registration early, before everyone else best places already dismantled. If you are flying two or three people, I advise you to approach the check-in counter together and present all your passports at once (if you approach one by one, someone else may well take the seat on the plane next to the first passenger, having booked it at another check-in counter or online).

As I already wrote, usually, if there are free seats, airline workers at the check-in counter meet passengers halfway and provide them with the desired seats, however, in order to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, I advise you to be polite and smile. In other words, try to win someone over with your personal charm. But it’s better not to give a bribe, because now airlines often control their employees in this regard, and no one wants to lose their job because of an extra 500 rubles (that’s how much they used to put in their passport to book the right seat).

A few years ago, it was early check-in that I used most often and usually got the desired seat. However, due to the development of the system electronic registration and online purchases of air tickets, there are ways that provide a greater guarantee of getting your preferred seat on the plane.

Reserving a seat on an airplane when purchasing a ticket

In the case when you purchase a plane ticket on the official website of the airline, even before payment you will be offered a diagram of the plane with the notes marked on it free seats. Of course, the earlier you purchase your ticket before departure, the convenient places there will be more, so in a situation where there are several weeks left before the flight, airline websites often no longer have designated empty seats at the window (the most interesting thing is that later, when choosing a seat at the check-in counter, they “appear”).

So, right on the airline’s website you can select seats for all parts of your trip at once. For example, purchasing air tickets departing from Moscow on special offers from airlines from Persian Gulf(Emirates, Etihad or Qatar), with the help of which it is often possible, you have the opportunity to pre-book seats on four planes at once. For example, Moscow-Dubai, Dubai-Bangkok, Bangkok-Dubai and Dubai-Moscow. Later, during the check-in process, just tell the airline employee (just in case) that your seats have already been selected when purchasing air tickets.

However, in addition to the advantages of this method, there are also some disadvantages. For example, some airlines, when purchasing a ticket, do not allow you to choose seats located near emergency exits, where there is more legroom, preferring to give these seats to tall and well-tracked passengers only at the check-in counter. Therefore, if you want to book exactly these seats in the aircraft cabin, you will still have to contact the check-in counter.

Additionally, some airlines charge extra for the ability to select your seat on the airline's website. For example, British Airways prices a similar service from $16 to $32 for choosing a seat in economy class for medium and long-haul flights, respectively. When choosing a seat in business class, you will have to pay almost $100 (IMHO, a waste of money, because all seats in this class have increased comfort and are located only at the front of the aircraft).

Increasingly, online air tickets at the best prices can be purchased not on the official websites of airlines, but using a special service (the search form is located above) that searches 728 airlines at once, including low-cost airlines. As a result, in the process of purchasing air tickets, you have to deal with intermediaries - special agencies. As a rule, this does not increase the cost of the air ticket (and sometimes makes it cheaper), it just eliminates the possibility of choosing your own seat on the plane. The best way out in this situation is to write in the notes about your requirements regarding the selection of seats during the process of applying for a ticket on the agency’s website or inform the agent about this by phone.

Booking seats on an airplane with online check-in

More and more people do not use the classic check-in for a flight, which I wrote about above, but the more convenient, in some cases, online check-in. To do this, you can use either special online check-in counters at the airport where you are flying from (pictured above), or you can perform such registration and select a seat directly on the airline’s website. This opportunity usually appears one day before the departure of your plane or another period of time depending on the policy of the airline you choose. For example, Etihad allows this procedure to be done 24 hours before departure and blocks this opportunity two hours before the aircraft takes off according to the approved schedule.

On the one hand, the advantage of the latter method is obvious: there is no need to come to the airport several hours before departure and stand in line to register there. You can arrive an hour before departure and immediately go through the necessary procedures (passport and customs control). Just don't forget at home or at work boarding passes with selected seats, which must be printed upon completion of the online registration procedure.

However, there are also disadvantages: online check-in with some airlines is not possible for passengers with small children, for passengers with luggage and for passengers carrying animals on the plane. On the other hand, some airlines, on the contrary, provide bonuses for online registration. For example, Etihad allows you to increase the maximum baggage weight by 7 kg (though not for all airports and Minsk is not included in this list). By the way, in any case, I recommend arriving at the airport early, because if online check-in with baggage is allowed by your airline, this same baggage will still have to be weighed and checked in at a special counter, so it’s better not to be late, because nerve cells are poorly restored.

At the end of the article there is one more helpful advice: before online check-in on an airplane with a choice of seats, familiarize yourself in advance with the layout of these seats directly in the model and modification of the aircraft that is declared for your flight (usually such information is provided in a printout of your electronic air ticket). As a rule, similar diagrams (on which rows and seats are numbered, emergency and regular exits are indicated, the location of galleys and toilets) are available on the websites of all major airlines.

Booking airline seats through a mobile application

In our time, when information technology is rapidly developing, and most people can no longer imagine their lives without the daily use of smartphones, it would be wrong not to mention another way to check in for a flight and select a seat on the plane . We are talking about using mobile applications from airlines. Most popular airlines have such branded applications: Aeroflot and S7 in Russia, Ukrainian UIA, Middle Eastern Emirates and Etihad, etc. You can download such applications for Android and iOS directly on airline websites, and their use is not limited only to check-in for a flight and booking seats in the cabin.

Today, mobile applications from airlines offer almost a full range of basic and related services: searching and purchasing air tickets, obtaining insurance, online check-in for a flight, providing information on the status of all flights in real time, delays in departure and arrival, services at the airport, accrual bonus miles and how to use them. Therefore, having such an application on your smartphone (especially if you travel more than once a year) can be very useful. Applications do not take up much disk space, which is also convenient, because you probably want to bring back as much as possible from your trip. big photo and video.

Aeroflot mobile application - allows you to select seats in the aircraft cabin

The only caveat is that, as in the case of purchasing air tickets on the official websites of airlines, when using a proprietary application for this, the price turns out to be higher than when purchasing from intermediaries. Therefore, if you want to save money, it is better to use branded airline mobile applications not to purchase air tickets, but to search for dates with minimum fares, and only then check these dates in the metasearch. I constantly use Aviasales and over the entire time I have been using it I have probably already saved money on a free flight to Thailand. By the way, this metasearch also has, by installing it on your smartphone, you will always have access to air tickets at minimal prices, which include all taxes and fees (at the top of the page you can select a device (iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone smartphones or tablets using the link) ).

Unsuccessful seat reservation

If for any reason you were unable to book a seat on the plane that you think was comfortable (you didn’t have time to online registration, you forgot to warn the airline employee at the counter or she didn’t meet you halfway), then all is not lost. After boarding is completed, when the flight attendant announces this (“Boarding is complete” or “Boarding is over”), you can take a more comfortable seat on the plane, if there is one in sight. You can ask the flight attendant about this, or even better, warn the latter that you would like to change your seat immediately upon boarding and politely ask her to find such a seat for you if possible.

Another possible option is to immediately take a comfortable free place: It is quite possible that no one will sit on it. In the end, you will always have time to take your “rightful” place. Thus, there are several ways to reserve seats on the plane according to your preferences. Use them wisely and all your future flights will be pleasant and comfortable. I wish you pleasant air travel and soft landings!

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