Sights of Dalat: excursion to the most interesting places in French Vietnam. Free admission

If you are planning a trip to Dalat on your own and not as part of organized excursion(and I advise visiting this city only in this way), then this article is just for you :) Today I will tell you about the sights of Dalat and the surrounding area and what you can see in Dalat in 2-3 days.

Attractions of Dalat

1. Xuan Huong Lake

An artificial lake in the city center was formed in 1919 after the construction of a dam. Area near Xuan Huong Lake favorite place recreation for tourists and local residents. You can ride on swan-shaped catamarans on the lake. Such walks at sunset are especially romantic.

Swan rental cost: 60,000 VND for 1 hour.

Artificial lake in Dalat and mini Ephel Tower :)
One of the entertainments in the city is swan rides on the lake.
Swans on the lake in Dalat
These are the evening rides on the lake. Romantic :)

2. Catholic Church

The current Catholic church in the center of Dalat was built in the 30s of the last century. Previously, there was a convent there.

Divine services on weekdays at: 5:15 and 17:15

Divine services on Sundays at: 5:15, 7:00, 8:30, 16:00, 18:00

Catholic Church in Dalat. There are quite a lot of Catholics in Vietnam, and especially in Da Lat.
Catholic Church in Dalat

3. Crazy House

Crazy House or madhouse is an operating hotel with a very unusual architecture. You can stay at the hotel for the night (it’s easy to book a room) or just come for an excursion. Crazy House is a very popular attraction of Dalat among Russian-speaking tourists: this hotel-museum is included in the program of all excursions from.

Museum opening hours: 8:30 – 19:00.

Cost of visit: 40,000 dong.

Crazy House or Hang Nga Villa is both a museum and an operating hotel
Views from the top of Crazy House towards Dalat

4. Bao Dai's Summer Palace

Summer Palace last emperor of Vietnam. The palace was built in the 30s of the last century, made in the French style, now the palace houses a museum in which the interior of the emperor’s life has been completely preserved. You can learn about how the Vietnamese Emperor Bao Dai lived.

Museum opening hours: 7:00 – 11:00 and 13:30 – 16:00.

Price: 20,000 dong.

5. Flower Garden (Dalat Flower Park)

Big park – botanical garden, which was founded by French colonialists in 1966. Several times a year, colorful festivals are held in the flower park. The rest of the time the flower park great place for walks: here you can enjoy numerous flowers, interestingly designed flower beds, and even buy seeds and seedlings of exotic plants.

Park opening hours: 7:30 – 16:00.

Cost of visit: 30,000 dong.

Flower garden in Dalat
Flowers and seeds for sale

6. Golden Buddha

Golden Buddha statue on Mt.

Golden Buddha statue in Dalat

7. Da Lat train station

Dalat railway station was considered one of the most beautiful in Indochina. It was built in 1938 by a French architect. Antique railway connected Dalat with the town of Tap Cham (84 km), but during the war the railway was damaged and closed. In 1991, part of the railway road was restored - about 7 km. Nowadays a retro tourist train runs along this section of the route, connecting Dalat with the village of Trai Mat. This village is home to the beautiful Linh Phuoc Pagoda.

There is an old steam locomotive on the platform, and in one of the old carriages there is a cafe where you can drink a cup of delicious Vietnamese coffee.

Timetable tourist train from Dalat: 7:45, 9:50, 11:55, 14:00, 16:05. Travel time is 30 minutes one way and 30 minutes the train waits for passengers in the village while they explore the pagoda.

Old railway station, and now a landmark of Dalat :)
At Dalat train station. Vintage retro train. There is a cafe in one of the carriages

8. Central Da Lat market

The Central Market can be called another colorful attraction of Dalat. The market is large, trade has developed both in the building and on the streets adjacent to it. It is near the market that the entire tourist life of the city is in full swing. In the evening, several streets near the market become pedestrian, along which a large evening market with food and souvenirs is laid out. Sort of in Vietnamese :)

Even if you don’t plan to buy anything at the market, still stop by the central market to feel the atmosphere of Dalat, and maybe you won’t be able to resist the candied berries and local wine, or the strawberries and mulberries and buy a lot of Dalat “delicacies” :)

Area near central market. The market itself is located in a building, but trade takes place on all the streets adjacent to it
At the Dalat market: dried fruits, sweets, nuts, wine... yum-yum :)
On the roar of Dalat

A small waterfall 2 km from the central lake. Nearby is a cozy and deserted park with benches and flower beds.

Cost of visit: 20,000 dong

10. Cable car in Dalat

The cable car connects Dalat and the active Chuc Lak Thien Vien monastery. The lower cable car station is located almost next to the bus station, about 3.5 km from the city center. A fascinating walk in a cable car cabin over a pine forest and vegetable gardens will last 10-15 minutes one way.

Cable car opening hours: 7:30 – 11:30 and 13:30 – 17:00.

Cable car fare: 50,000 VND one way and 70,000 VND two way.

The cable car is one of the attractions of Dalat
We arrive at the upper cable car station

Attractions around Dalat

The main attractions of Dalat are not in the city itself, but a few kilometers away. You can explore the sights of the surrounding area of ​​Dalat at:

  • Rented bike (rent ~ 100,000 VND per day + gasoline)
  • By taxi
  • Hire an easy diver (a bike driver who will not only take you around the sights of Dalat, but will also help you make optimal route, will tell you something useful and interesting).

This is a fairly new operating Buddhist monastery. Located in very beautiful place: in the mountains, in pine forest on the shore big lake. The best way to get to Thien Vien Monastery is by cable car.

Cost of visit: for free.

Thien Vien Chuk Lak Monastery in Da Lat

2. Prenn Park and Waterfall

Very popular among Russian-speaking tourists amusement park next to the Prenn waterfall. Here you can not only see a cute, but very small waterfall, but also ride elephants, ostriches, visit an orchid garden and a mini zoo, and even try Luwak coffee!

Park opening hours: 7:00 – 17:00.

Cost of visit: 30,000 VND for entrance to the park, other entertainment costs extra.

Beautiful and well-kept Prenn Park

3. Datanla Falls

A very beautiful three-level waterfall just 5.5 km from Dalat. Popular place, both among Russian-speaking and Vietnamese tourists. But for some reason all the tourists crowd near the first level of the waterfall, few people know that you can go down below - first in the cable car cabin, and then on the elevator (yes, on the elevator in the jungle!) and explore the second and third levels of the Datanla Falls almost completely alone.

Another great thing about the Datanla waterfall is that you can go down to it on an electric sled (or, as they are called in Vietnam, an alpine sled). Be sure to take a ride - just a lot of fun!

Opening hours: 7:00 – 17:00.

Cost of visit: 20,000 dong. Additionally, travel on electric sleighs, funiculars, and elevators is paid.

Datanla waterfall in Dalat
Descent to the waterfall on an electric sled. Unforgettable experience! I definitely recommend everyone to take a ride!

4. Elephant Falls

The most powerful waterfall in the vicinity of Dalat. Located 40 km from the city. The place is not popular with tourists; only a few Vietnamese couples come here, so you can enjoy the Elephant Falls almost completely alone. But first you need to overcome a difficult descent along dilapidated steps in the jungle.

Cost of visit: 20,000 dong.

Very powerful Elephant Falls

5. Pongur Falls

Pongur waterfall is the farthest, but also the most beautiful waterfall in the vicinity of Dalat. It looks especially impressive during the rainy season. If you wish, you can walk barefoot along the cascades of the waterfall and swim under the streams of water. There is a large park near the waterfall.

Cost of visit: 10,000 dong.

Pongur Falls

6. Mount Langbiang

Mount Langbiang is the most high mountain in the vicinity of Dalat. Located on one of the peaks of Mount Langbiang, at an altitude of 1950 observation deck with amazing views of the surrounding area of ​​Dalat. You can climb the mountain on foot (for hiking enthusiasts) or drive up in a UAZ for an additional fee.

Cost of visit: 20,000 dong.

View of the surrounding area of ​​Dalat from Langbiang Mountain
At the top of Lang Biang Mountain

7. Golden Valley Park

The huge Golden Valley Park is located in a pine forest, on the shore of a lake, 15 km from Dalat. A place for leisurely walks and unity with nature. On weekdays the park is empty; on weekends, noisy Vietnamese tourists like to come to Golden Valley.

Cost of visit: 20,000 dong.

Golden Valley Park near Dalat
Among the roses in the Golden Valley

8. Park Valley of Love

A beautiful park 6 km from the city center. Well-groomed flower beds, numerous figures of animals, hearts, many places for photography - this is a place for leisurely romantic walks and enjoying nature.

Cost of visit: 40,000 dong.

Valley of Love Park in Dalat

A very beautiful pagoda 8 km from the center of Dalat. This is the tallest pagoda in southern Vietnam, built in the 50s of the last century. The pagoda is decorated with pieces of porcelain, which makes it look very unusual. You can get to Linh Phuoc Pagoda by retro train.

Cost of visit : for free.

10. Coffee plantations

Coffee plantations near Dalat
This is how coffee grows

What to see in Dalat and the surrounding area in 2-3 days

Above I talked about the main attractions of Dalat, and now I will summarize what you can see in Dalat in 2-3 days. First I will tell you what we visited in the city and its surroundings, but I will clarify that we spent in Dalat 5 full days and two in half 🙂 were in no hurry, got in late, relaxed in a cafe, sometimes worked in the evenings, i.e. We didn’t lead a completely tourist life :)

Day 1 (after 14:00): flower garden, coffee break in a cafe on the lake shore, Crazy House, walk through the market, dinner.

Day 2 (from 10:30): walk around the city to the lower cable car station, ride up the cable car, Chuk Lak Thien Vien Monastery, descent to the lake. From the lake we walked to the Datanla waterfall. Visiting all three levels of the Datanla waterfall, riding an electric sleigh, a mini cable car and an elevator 🙂 Snack and coffee in a cafe near the waterfall. We returned to the city by taxi, walked around the market and went to the hotel to relax. In the evening, a promenade along Walking Street, dinner at a restaurant.

Day 3 (from 12:00): renting a bike, visiting Langbiang Mountain, visiting Golden Valley Park, Big C store, relaxing at the hotel, dinner at a restaurant and walking around the evening city.

Day 4 (it started very early, at 9 am 🙂): Elephant Falls, Pongur Falls, Prenn Park and Falls, Dalat Railway Station. At 16:00 we were already relaxing at the hotel.

Day 5: a day of idleness - we slept, I walked around the city, drank coffee in numerous coffee shops, rode swans on the lake at sunset, had dinner in a restaurant, bought sweets and drank wine on the balcony of the room.

Day 6 (until 13:00): walk around the city, market, buying tea and coffee.

This is how our holiday in Dalat was spent in “light” mode – I liked it :)

Leisurely walks around Dalat
Coffee stops at numerous cafes
Romantic dinners in a restaurant by candlelight

If you are in Vietnam on vacation and you can’t count every day, then I recommend the following route for sightseeing in Dalat and the surrounding area:

Day 1: Pongur Falls – Prenn Falls – Datanla Falls – Chuk Lak Thien Vien Monastery – cable car– walks around the city (if time is limited, Prenn can be excluded).

Day 2: Mount Langbiang (only if the weather is clear, otherwise you won’t see anything from the mountain) – Golden Valley Park – Crazy House

Day 3: Railway station and a trip on a retro train to Linh Phuoc Pagoda – Flower Garden – purchasing souvenirs

By the way, if you arrive in Dalat by plane (or depart from it) and plan to get to the city by taxi, then you can see the Elephant Falls on the way from (to) the airport.

You can buy flights to Dalat.

And it’s easy to choose and book a hotel here (select and compare offers in different booking systems):

Attractions of Dalat on the map

The map shows the sights of Dalat and other useful places (cafes, shops, markets, etc.). Click on the menu icon in the top left corner

It is an attractive tourist country. There is also a coastline, with resorts that allow you to enjoy warm sea waves and good weather almost throughout the year, and many attractions that allow you to create an exciting excursion program.

Where is it located and what sea is it washed by?

Geographically Vietnam applies To Southeast Asia and is located on the Indochina Peninsula. In the West the country borders with Cambodia and Laos, in the North with China.

The Vietnamese coast extends along the eastern and southern parts of the country and is washed by South China Sea, Thailand and Tonkin gulfs.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

These resorts are located in the south of the country and specialize in beach holidays. At the same time, in Mui Ne, Russian-speaking tourists, as a rule, feel more comfortable, since the Russian diaspora has settled there, many representatives of the Russian-speaking population have own business, there are a lot of signs in Russian on the streets.

Nha Trang

This resort is one of most popular and at the same time, like Mui Ne, it is filled with a significant amount of Russian-language service. Many Russians have their own restaurants, excursion bureaus and other companies that work in the field of tourism and recreation.

Nha Trang offers opportunities for a wide variety of recreation. Wellness services are developed here, but there is also a lot of entertainment, including the famous Vietnamese diving.


Is high mountain resort , which is located in the central part of Vietnam. Both Vietnamese and foreigners relax here. Moreover, the resort has a certain claim to elitism:

  • many golf courses;
  • cozy parks and forests;
  • boat trips.

Dalat has magnificent nature, many waterfalls and coniferous forests. Excellent conditions for a relaxing holiday.

Phu Quoc and other islands

Phu Quoc- a magnificent resort island, where a large safari park was recently created. In addition, there is a lot of entertainment and a great beach holiday.

Con Dao Island– relatively new tourist destination, but worthy of attention. There's great ecotourism there. In addition to its magnificent beaches, Con Dao offers:

  • reserve;
  • fishing;
  • observation of exotic animals.

If you find yourself near Halong Bay, you can treat yourself to island visits Cat Ba and Tuan Chau. They offer wellness services and entertainment combined with beach holiday.

Mountain resorts

These resorts should be noted because of the presence of mineral springs there.

There are many useful sources in Vietnam mineral water, but there are relatively few resorts nearby.

Of course, the weather there is not ideal for holidays all year round, but here are the conditions for have a good rest quite optimal.

Located near Hanoi Ba Vi– a resort with a national park. There you can enjoy:

  • mud baths;
  • bathing in hot water;
  • healing sessions of traditional medicine.

Not far from Ho Chi Minh City is the city of Vung Tau, whose territory includes Binh Chau resort. The resort is actively developing, offering hot mineral springs and quality service.

Beaches and coast

Beaches in the south The countries are suitable for resort holidays almost throughout the whole year. In autumn the rainy season begins there, but warm days are still observed.

Most resorts have access to the sea with a water temperature of at least twenty degrees, meaning you can always swim.

North less favorable weather conditions in winter period. It really gets cold there (by Vietnamese standards) and swimming in winter is not possible.

Sights of the country

The authentic Vietnam is not only resort holiday, but also abundance.

This country has many territories where buildings of ancient civilizations and many natural beauties remain.

Besides this it should be noted Remnants of the colonial era, many of the houses in Vietnam are from the era when the French ruled the country.

For people from northern countries, they are attractive exotic entertainment:

  1. reserves with crocodiles and other rare animals;
  2. elephant riding;
  3. national parks;
  4. fishing;
  5. snake restaurants.

There are absolutely original excursion options such as visiting guerrilla tunnels left over from the Vietnam War. Ha Long Bay is considered one of the most beautiful spaces on the planet.

Hanoi abounds architectural structures different times: from the era of the development of Buddhism to the grandiose buildings of the times of communism. Da Nang attracts Marble mountains and pagodas. Famous statue Tourists can see the reclining Buddha watch in Phan Thiet.

In general, a lot of attractions are concentrated in the relatively small territory of Vietnam.

Regardless of which part of the country you go to, you can do something interesting for yourself cultural program.

International airports

Now the territory of the country includes nine international airports , but only valid until four regular flights From Russia. The largest is Tan Son Nhat, which is located in Ho Chi Minh City. Not far from the capital(45 kilometers from Hanoi) is Noi Bai Airport, which attracts tourists with its architecture in the style of a classic Vietnamese pagoda.

If you need to fly to Dalang, it has its own airport three kilometers from the city. Khanh Hoa Province uses Cam Ranh, which is located in Nha Trang.

Tourists who are interested in resort holidays most often used Tan Son Nhat Airport, which is closest to others popular resorts. In the future, this airport will be used for domestic flights, and “resort tourists” will be served by Long Thanh Airport.

Three points on the map of Vietnam (Nha Trang-Dalat-Mui Ne) that will be of interest to any tourist and traveler:

Here is a detailed map of Dalat with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

What country is Dalat in?

Dalat is located in Vietnam. This is wonderful beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Dalat coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

Interactive map Dalat with attractions and others tourist sites- an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see the city plan, as well as detailed map highways with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you will be able to virtual walk according to Dalat. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

Dalat is the city of a thousand flowers, eternal love, beautiful waterfalls and crazy houses. The place was once chosen by French colonialists, who, escaping the southern heat, moved higher and higher into the mountains. People come here to admire coniferous forests and unusual monasteries, get lost in flower parks and unusual labyrinths, eat strawberries and get in touch with the local culture. If you are going to Dalat and are looking for what to see in 2 days, then this publication will come in handy.

How to navigate

Even though Dalat small town, its attractions are located at a decent distance from each other, and some are even beyond its borders. Therefore, for the convenience of moving between the attractions of Dalat, it is better to rent a moped or hire a driver for the whole day.

The cost of renting a moped is approximately 120,000 VND (±$5) per day, and you can rent it on almost every corner, even in guesthouses or small hotels. But it is necessary to take into account that at almost all attractions you will have to pay 2000 - 5000 dong for parking.

If you are not considering a two-wheeled mode of transport, then you can find a driver and agree with him to take you for a whole day to the places you want to visit. The price will vary from 700,000 dong (±$30), depending on the route.

Well, remember that for short trips you can use the Grab application (similar to Uber); in fact, we used it to get from the Dalat bus station to the guesthouse, where we immediately rented a bike.

I am writing the sights of Dalat in the order in which we visited them in 2 days.

What to see in Dalat on day 1

Valley of Love

Cost of visit: 100,000 VND. Parking: 3,000 VND.

Dalat Railway Station

Despite the fact that the station no longer serves a primary function, this place is a magnet for tourists. The railway station was built by the French in 1932 and was considered the most beautiful in all of Indochina. Nowadays people come here to admire the locomotives of the last century and take a photo against the backdrop of the main station building. From here you can take the retro tourist train to the village of Traimat, where the bottle pagoda is located.

The train departs 5 times a day: at 7.45, at 9.50, at 11.55, at 14.00 and at 16.05. The journey to Traimat is 30 minutes.

Cost of visiting the railway station: 10,000 VND. Fare on the vintage train: 120,000 VND. Parking near the railway station: 3,000 VND.

Wan Han Pagoda and Golden Buddha Statue

Another on-duty attraction that is usually visited along the way. The height of the statue is 24 meters; Buddha holds a lotus flower in his right hand. Near the pagoda you can find a statue of a reclining Buddha, as well as sculptures of dragons and various mythical creatures. On the territory of the temple there is a sculpture workshop where statues of various shapes are cast from concrete. You can also make a donation here. At the same time, in honor of people who made large donations, marble benches are made, on which the name and city of the person who showed generosity is engraved. There are the most Russian names and cities here.

Xuan Huong lake

The lake, formed by the construction of a dam in 1919, rather serves as a guide that you are somewhere near the central part of Dalat. The lake is nothing special, but in the evening you can walk around or rent a swan and ride on the lake itself, the rental cost will be 70,000 dong.

Bar 100 roofs (100 Roofs Cafe) or Maze bar (ex. Duong Len Trang)

Why is a bar included in the list of Dalat attractions? Because this is truly a cool attraction that you will not find anywhere else in the world. You will come across a Buddha statue and waterfalls, but there is definitely no bar like this. The bar occupies a huge area and consists of many labyrinths that intertwine with each other. come here better in the evening when electronic music is playing.

What to see in Dalat on day 2

Da Lat Flower Garden

A large botanical garden in the center of Dalat, divided into several thematic sectors, on which florists worked masterfully, creating entire works of art in the form of lush flower beds and flower sculptures. Here you will find a huge bottle of French province Bordeaux, Dutch windmill, Mexican cacti and many other floral arrangements. This is a great place for leisurely romantic walks without leaving the center of Dalat.

Cost of visit: 40,000 VND. There is paid parking.

Linh Phuoc Pagoda

Visiting is free, but parking is paid. In principle, if you don’t reach the pagoda 150-200 meters, you can leave the bike for free.

Truc Lam Monastery and cable car (Truc Lam Dalat)

An active Buddhist monastery located in the highlands surrounded by lakes and pine forests. An amazing place to heal your nerves. The best way to get to the monastery is by cable car, but there is also access for transport.

By the way, if you came to Dalat by bus, then keep in mind that the cable car is located next to (10 minutes walk) the Dalat bus station, so if you come light and are not tired from the trip, you can immediately start sightseeing from the monastery.

Visiting is free. Paid parking nearby.

Crazy House, Hang Nga Guesthouse

Crazy house is probably the main one business card Dalat from the general list of attractions. It is both a hotel and a tourist attraction. Each excursion program necessarily includes a visit to this place. And it’s not surprising, because the madhouse in Dalat is one of the ten strangest buildings in the world. In addition, many TV shows with travel themes constantly include this place in their plots.

Cost of visit: 10,000 VND. Parking fee: VND 5,000.

Datanla waterfall

Cost of visiting, descending and ascending on an electric sleigh: 150,000 VND.

How long does it take to get to Dalat?

Of course, you need to go to Dalat overnight, preferably for several days; one day here is not enough. The best option would be to make an initial stop here in order to endure acclimatization as comfortably as possible. If you have been to Bali, you can compare this combination with Ubud. Many Russian tour operators do combined tours Nha Trang + Phan Thiet, but it seems to me that they are missing the opportunity to make a unique program: Nha Trang + Dalat + Phan Thiet. Just look at the map and you will immediately understand how perfectly this route fits together.

I wish everyone to immerse themselves in this charming city.

Read more about guest house Hang Nga read in.

Dalat Flower Park

A huge park in the city of Dalat, you can get here either on foot or by taxi (from the city center approximately 40−50 thousand dong). This botanical park was founded by French colonialists in 1966. There are so many plants here!

There are also greenhouses on site where you can buy your favorite specimens. By the way, only in one city in Vietnam - Da Lat - you can buy bulbs of all kinds of orchids (you can take them home with you in your luggage), in other cities only sprouts of these unusual flowers are sold, which Russian customs prohibits from being imported into the Russian Federation.

All photos from the Flower Park in Dalat:

Entrance fee to Flower Prak - 30 thousand dong ($1.3).

And not far from the Garden of Flowers you can see this unusual Catholic church, which, from afar, is a trip to a Buddhist pagoda:

We saw the top of the “pagoda” from a hill in the flower garden and decided to look at it, it turned out that it was a Catholic church

Where is the flower garden in Dalat on the map:

Linh Son Pagoda (in the center of Da Lat)

A small pagoda located directly in the city, so you can even visit it on foot. The pagoda itself is unremarkable; inside there is a statue of Buddha and a bell. But its territory is beautiful, there are many sculptures, a quiet garden and a view from the hill onto the streets.

All photos of Lin Son Pagoda in Da Lat:

Linh Son Pagoda on the map of Dalat (how to get to the pagoda from the city center):

Prenn Park and waterfalls

The second most popular (after the park with electric sleighs and cable cars) place to visit in Dalat. The park is famous not only for its waterfall (which, by the way, is very modest), but also for elephant and ostrich rides. The park is beautiful and large, it’s nice to take a walk here. You can also, for a fee, dress up in national costumes and take pictures against the background beautiful nature, which is what we did.

Entry to Prenn Park costs 30,000 dong ($1.3).

Read the article about Prenn waterfalls.

Datanla Park and Waterfalls (cable car and electric sled)

Datanla Park and Waterfalls are located just 5.5 km from Dalat. The park is famous for its electric sleigh (as on) and cable car. This mandatory place visiting absolutely all tourists coming to Dalat, so there are always crowds of people here. Read a more detailed story about our visit to Datanla Park.

Our photos from Datanla Park in Dalat:

How to get to Datanla Falls from Dalat on the map:

A magnificent hotel with a huge park area and a pond near Datanla Park:

Pongur waterfall in Dalat

The most beautiful and unusual waterfall in the vicinity of Dalat! And the most beautiful waterfall we have ever seen. Of course, we visited it at a good time and it was full of water. During the dry season, the impression may be spoiled.
The waterfall is located far away, 50 km from the city, but it is worth a visit!

For a more detailed story about Pongur Falls and other photos and a map, see.

Linh Phuoc Pagoda

The pagoda is famous for the fact that many different fragments were used in its decoration. In the main building (a bell tower of 7 floors), you can climb to the top floor and see the surroundings of Dalat from above:

How to get to Linh Phuoc Pagoda from Dalat using the map:

Truc Lam Pagoda

It's close to the Datanla Waterfalls, so it makes sense to combine a visit to these Dalat attractions. Entrance to the territory is free.
This pagoda struck us with its tranquility. Here you want to sit on the parapet and spend several hours in contemplation. The atmosphere is complemented by wind chimes hanging on all the trees and buildings.


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