Rio de Janeiro excursions in Russian. What is worth seeing in Rio de Janeiro? Tropical islands. Full day tour

All popular excursions are collected in one place. Below is a list best excursions and surrounding areas, which will allow you to get to know the city and see all the unique sights.

We offer a variety of excursions to choose from. Bus and walking, for the whole day or for several hours, outdoor or museum excursions.

From $350 per group

Duration: 8 hours

Full day in Rio de Janeiro with lunch

Full day for 8 hours. From the hotel we go to the main attraction of the city - famous statue Christ. We climb to the statue itself (to a height of 710 meters) by funicular train, which was built by Don Pedro II, or by car. The statue's position offers a 360-degree view. You will see almost all of Rio de Janeiro. Then Sugar Loaf awaits us. Why sugar? The guide will tell you about this. You will need to climb the mountain cable car. There is a high chance of meeting wild monkeys here. We descend the mountain and head to the historical center of the city. Its very heart is Praça XV. Once upon a time, this is where it all began. Here you will see the oldest streets of the city, cathedrals, churches and the state legislature. From here we will take a high-speed ferry and ride along Guanabara Bay to the satellite city of Niteroi. The ferry offers magnificent views of the South and Central zones of Rio and the ancient fort. And literally 10 meters above us, planes of local airlines will take off and land. By the way, only we include a ferry ride in this excursion. And at no additional cost. Back to Rio? Now we are waiting for the Maracanã stadium, the Sambadrome, city beaches, a museum of precious stones, and, of course, lunch at a Brazilian surrascaria restaurant. After all, flying to Rio and not trying Brazilian meat is simply blasphemy.

From $281 per group

Duration: 6 hours

Full day in Rio de Janeiro without lunch

The most complete and best tour of Rio in our opinion - Full day for 6 hours. From the hotel we go to the main attraction of the city - the famous Statue of Christ. We climb to the statue itself (to a height of 710 meters) by funicular train, which was built by Don Pedro II, or by car. The statue's position offers a 360-degree view. You will see almost all of Rio de Janeiro. Then Sugar Loaf awaits us. Why sugar? The guide will tell you about this. You will need to climb the mountain by cable car. There is a high chance of meeting wild monkeys here. We descend the mountain and head to the historical center of the city. Its very heart is Praça XV. Once upon a time, this is where it all began. Here you will see the oldest streets of the city, cathedrals, churches and the state legislature. From here we will take a high-speed ferry and ride along Guanabara Bay to the satellite city of Niteroi. The ferry offers magnificent views of the South and Central zones of Rio and the ancient fort. And literally 10 meters above us, planes of local airlines will take off and land. By the way, only we include a ferry ride in this excursion. And at no additional cost. Back to Rio? Now we are waiting for the Maracanã stadium, the Sambadrome, city beaches and the museum of precious stones.

From $150 per group

Duration: 4 hours

Inspection tour to Rio de Janeiro for 4 hours

The half-day tour is a shortened version of the full Rio tour. We will visit the Christ Statue OR Sugarloaf (your choice). We will also walk around the center of Rio, explore the Maracanã stadium, the Sambadrome, the Cathedral, the beaches of the city and National Park Tijuca with its famous waterfall.

From $295 per group

Duration: 3 hours

Night Rio (Carnival show)

Rio, like any other Big city, never sleep. There are a lot of clubs, bars and restaurants here. But before you go to them. We recommend that you visit one interesting show. It is just for those who did not have time for the main Brazilian holiday - Carnival. The Plataforma folklore show will help you showcase the diversity of Brazilian culture. You will see samba, capoeira, forro, candomblé and other Brazilian dances. And at the end of the show, the famous carnival costumes will appear before you in all their glory, costing from $3,000 and weighing up to 35 kilograms. After the show, you can go to another popular place - Rio Scenarium. Live music, real fun, Brazilian style. And all this in what was once an antique store. That is, you will not only have fun, but also get acquainted with the household items of ancient Brazilians :)

From $115 per person

Duration: 4 hours

Favelas of Rio de Janeiro

RIDDLE - No windows, no doors. The room is full of people. GUESS - Brazilian favelas. The reason for the formation of favelas can be considered the “Golden Law” signed by Princess Isabel. Having freed Brazil from slavery, the princess did not think about what she would do with all the former slaves. Meanwhile, the slaves (or rather, already free citizens) unanimously left the plantations and went to great lengths. The crime rate is rising, the economy is falling, Agriculture ordered to live long. To somehow get out of the situation, the Brazilian government invites emigrants from Europe. In all the ports of the country there are signs with the inscription: “When you set foot on this land, you become citizens of Brazil.” Land was sold for pennies and even given away for free, as long as people worked on it. The issue regarding former slaves also needed to be resolved. Not all of them became bandits. Therefore, it was decided to bring them from the North-West of the country to Rio de Janeiro. The capital was being built and needed labor. Not far from Rio, a barracks-type town was built, called the “City of God” (Cidade de Deus). This is where the new arrivals were settled. Over time, the town grew. And not always in a legal way. Poor people from other parts of the country flocked to Rio hoping to find work. Land squatting has become commonplace in the Northern Zone of the city. At that time, the government was busy developing the city and did not attach much importance to the settlers. This subsequently became a big problem - called favelas. The word “favela” itself comes from the name of the tree - fava. The fruits of the tree hang from the branches in clusters. In the same way, the houses of the slums first appeared on the hill, and then scattered down from it to the foot. Romantic name, but not a romantic mood at all. Labyrinths of narrow streets. Not even streets, more like stairs. It's very easy to get lost here. An ideal haven for someone who sells drugs and weapons. The favela is criminal...Very soon the first gangster group appeared in the “City of God”. It was called the Red Team and still exists today. Over time, new gangs appeared in other favelas. An endless war has begun. Between gangs (for spheres of influence), between gangs and the police... Multimillion-dollar drug trafficking allows you to buy any power. Eventually the favelas became a state within a state. With your own life and your own laws. Simple, but effective. For any offense it was due the death penalty. Already in our time, a kind of “frontal place” has appeared - microondas (microwave). The execution process is simple. The offender is put on tires, doused with gasoline and set on fire. Spectacular and instructive. Usually such punishment occurs for “shitting” where he lives. For example, he robbed residents of his own favela or surrounding areas. Those who suffer from such a life are primarily those who live in these slums. Not bandits, of course. Ordinary hard workers who serve you in hotels, restaurants, taxis and so on. People who are essentially not guilty of anything and do not have to be afraid of a stray bullet that will fly out of nowhere. They are the first to support the modern government's policy of pacification of the favelas. It started in 2007. Year of the Pan American Games in Rio. To protect the city from crime, the government began almost military operations in many favelas. First of all, the Southern Zone. In 2010, they managed to recapture a significant part of the city from the bandits and establish police peacekeeping posts inside the slums. Well-organized gangs responded to such actions in a well-organized manner. Several police helicopters were shot down and police cars and buses were set on fire. But at the same time, as always, the civilian population also suffered. In various areas of the city (even those far from the war zone), bandits set fire to parked cars and robbed shops and passers-by. The worst thing was arson regular buses with passengers. The bus stopped, was doused with gasoline and set on fire. Those who tried to jump out of it were shot. The city hall asked for help from the military and tanks were brought into Rio de Janeiro. The police operation turned into a war. People lost wives, children, friends. But there is simply no other way out. The city's mayor's office should have been concerned about this problem a century earlier, and not now, when 12 million people live in it and it needs to be prepared for the Football World Cup and the Olympic Games. In any case, better late than never. After all, the problem is not so much in the games, but in the quality of life in the city. It will not be possible to get rid of favelas in one fell swoop. It is necessary to purposefully and constantly clear slums of bandits. The favela is social. What are drug-free favelas? Ordinary areas of the city. All the necessary infrastructure is present here - water supply, electricity, television and the Internet. There are shops and bank branches, metro and bus routes . Nowadays it is easier to be poor and live in a favela than to be rich in the South Zone. I'll explain why. First, you don't pay many taxes and deductions. On the contrary, you receive subsidies from the government. For example, water and sewerage services are free. Of course, in a hot country with high humidity it is cheaper to provide free water than to get rid of epidemics that arise in such a climate “once or twice.” Many slum dwellers do not pay for electricity. It is much easier to run a cable from a neighbor's house or street lighting than to pay 300 reais a month. In the picture you see a typical solution to the “lighting” issue. The “TV-phone-Internet” issue is also resolved. Many companies provide three-in-one packages. All you have to do is purchase the package and share it with your neighbors. Illegal? Certainly. But 300 reais per month for 10 houses is 30 reais per house. So much for the savings. With the world on a thread, as they say. And so it is in everything. Another illustrative example. If your children study in a municipal school, you not only do not pay for them, but also receive social benefits for each child. If only I could go to school. Now do you understand why we put a riddle about a cucumber at the beginning of this chapter? The cucumber would be in Russia. Here it is a typical favela house. Windows and doors are not needed. The climate allows it. There can be from 8 to 15 children in one family. After all, this is income. By the way, I have already met Brazilians with the names Oitavo and Nono (Eighth and Ninth). Apparently the parents were simply tired of naming their offspring and decided to number them. It is convenient, again, to keep a ledger: “Child Nono19042006. Unemployment benefits +130 reais, school +240 reais, father in prison +86 reais, stole on the beach +800 reais.” Regarding the last two points of this accounting. The option “Father in prison” is quite real. If your husband is put behind bars (no matter what), your children will receive a new benefit. The breadwinner, they say, cannot provide for the family. Many “breadwinners” do this. Stole, drank, went to jail. The “Beach” option is a kind of unique training program for “breadwinners”. From the age of eight, children have weapons. Cold or hot - it doesn't matter. They have it. Why study or work if there are many tourists around who do not listen to the advice of guides or this book and walk around in all their diamonds? Tourists, being robbed, contact the tourist police. But how can the police help you if the little tomboy, having torn off your chain, ran away into the labyrinths of the favelas? That's why they are tomboys, to rip off things. For several consecutive terms, representatives of the Workers' Party have won presidential elections. Why? The answer is simple. Elections are mandatory in Brazil. The Workers' Party promises Brazilians various social guarantees and payments. They all come from the taxes of the middle and upper classes (Classes A and B). The more the government promises the poor, the more they like it. The less fortunate it is for the wealthier class, which is forced to pay for these promises out of their own pockets. For example, a new tax on street lighting was introduced in Rio. It applied only to residents of the Southern zone. In order to provide lighting to the residents of the North. Any patience comes to an end and the “southerners” took to the streets demanding to stop such exploitation and force the government to think about jobs for the “northerners”, and not about additional benefits for those who are used to living “for free”. As a result, the tax was abolished, which the residents of the favelas did not like very much. The class struggle in bourgeois society continues. And as before, the “working class” wins. Those who want to take everything away, divide it and “ new world build." Favelas exist in every country in the world. They differ only in their appearance. For example, in Russia they are not so noticeable. After all, all the houses were built the same way architectural solution. And in one “five-story building” both rich people and lazy people can live. You won't see this from the outside. But, instead of flying to Brazil, one day stop by some remote Russian village. You will see the same favela, only with windows and doors. It's cold, gentlemen. The climate obliges. One of my clients said: “Roman, but if you demolish all the favelas from the face of Rio de Janeiro, it will never be so colorful and unforgettable. It will not be a City of Contrasts, but only a City of Miracles.” And on this I completely agree with her. Such contradictions! From 03/04/2012 to 03/28/2012 the excursion is not available.

From $292 per group

Duration: 6 hours

Paqueta, Rio's secret treasure

Paqueta Island can rightfully be considered the secret tourist treasure of Rio de Janeiro. It is not one of the places listed as “must-see” in guidebooks. However, those who find the time and energy to deviate from the obligatory traditional route “Mount Corcovado with the Statue of Christ - Sugarloaf Cliff - Copacabana embankment” do not regret the time spent.

Time is the very key that unlocks the delights of the island, hidden in the depths of Guanabara Bay. Because time flows in a special way on Packet, giving the island and its inhabitants the privilege of living in the unhurried rhythm of the beginning of the last century.

There are no more than three thousand permanent residents on the island. But what a life this is! After the heavy traffic jams of a rushing metropolis, you will need a lot of effort to adapt to the unhurried rhythms of the Packet. Private motor transport is prohibited here, so natives and visitors use cab drivers who are ready to take you anywhere for a very reasonable fee. Fortunately the island is not that big.

You can also use a bicycle - your own or rented right there. If you don’t want to pedal, wait for the local slow minibus (like everyone else on the island) to arrive, which everyone affectionately calls “car.” A “wagon” is a small tractor that pulls two passenger carriages. The tractor driver is not in a hurry, he is usually in a philosophical and contemplative mood and calmly perceives overtaking horse-drawn carts.

On the island, only the fire station, police station and local hospital have cars. The privilege of using the gifts of civilization in the form of the internal combustion engine was also “knocked out” for themselves by garbage collectors and the owners of a couple of cargo taxis.

The roads and streets in Paqueta are not paved. Out of principle. Even the area in front of the pier is not paved. Although this is the busiest place on the island. Here you can find a cab drivers' exchange and most of the restaurants, of which, by the way, there are many on the island.

True, numerous island catering establishments spend most of the week in a sleepy slumber; only on weekends is life in full swing there, and all the tables are occupied by tourists who have sailed from Rio de Janeiro by ferry.

The Sunday holiday program on the Package is usually simple: ferry - beach - restaurant - ferry. Young people still definitely go to the “lover’s stone”. This stone is not a stone at all, but a decent-height rock on sandy beach. Its top became sloping due to the wind and time. According to legend, if you successfully throw a pebble picked up on the beach onto a rock (so that it doesn’t roll off the top), then your betrothed will “get a hold of your heart” forever.

There is also a songbird cemetery on the island. There, canaries, goldfinches, lovebirds and other feathered inhabitants find their final refuge, whose destiny was to live and die in captivity, even if they literally lived happily ever after in captivity. The sight of the graves of the feathered singers evokes conflicting feelings, but leaves no one indifferent.

And on the island there is a huge, immensely thick baobab tree. Next to it there is a copper plate with an inscription on behalf of this very baobab: “Whoever respects and loves me will have seven years of life added to him, whoever dares to offend will lose seven years of life.” The warning works, I must say, without fail. Everyone immediately falls in love with their green friend, the baobab tree, just in case.

There are many charming corners in Paqueta, where well-kept villas, most of them built at the beginning of the last century, are hidden in tropical vegetation. Living here or having a dacha is very prestigious. It is no coincidence that this place has long been chosen by wealthy representatives of bohemia.

At the same time, all the inhabitants of the island lost in time: both the owners of luxury villas and local cab drivers - continue to consider themselves residents of Rio de Janeiro. How else?

After all, the business center of the city from Paqueta is only half an hour on a high-speed “rocket” or an hour on a leisurely ferry. For that matter, most Rio de Janeiro residents spend much more time on the subway and buses every day.

From 03/04/2012 to 03/28/2012 the excursion is not available.

From $151 per person

Duration: 8 hours

Tropical islands. Full day tour

Full day excursion to tropical islands with lunch. After all, Rio is a city by the ocean, the beaches there are urban, and this excursion is taken to feel like you are in the tropical zone of the Earth.
The tropics as tourists understand them: snow-white sand, palm trees, an almost uninhabited island, a picnic, a snorkel, a mask, fins, colorful fish - a break from the metropolis.

The bus picks up tourists at the hotel and takes them 70 km from the city through the favelas (still picturesque, albeit poor areas where ordinary people live, the so-called “patchwork” quilt of the city) to the boat station. Next - sailing on a yacht in the bay. Landing on one of the uninhabited islands. There is the same understanding of the tropics. Continue to the next island, where guests will find a hotel with a restaurant where they will have lunch. Next is a luxurious beach. Return on a yacht to the boat station, where a bus awaits, which returns tourists by another road to the hotel, so as not to cloud the tourist’s gaze with poor areas, as well as to explore other landscapes of the suburbs of Rio.

From 03/04/2012 to 03/28/2012 the excursion is not available.

From $350 per group

Duration: 6 hours

Sugarloaf and Christ Statue

Meeting at the hotel with tourists. We will go first of all to see the Statue of Christ CORCOVADO, which is located at an altitude of 710 meters above sea level, from there you will have a 360 degree view and you will see how beautiful the city of Rio de Janeiro really is... descending from there we will head to Cathedral Then we will walk through the center of the city, where we will see the most beautiful part of the center of Cinelandia, this is the municipal theater, the national library, the Museum of Fine Arts... Then we will go towards Sakharnaya Godova and climb the funicular.

From $200 per group

Duration: 4 hours

Rio is a city of contrasts!!!

The purpose of the excursion is to show the life of the city's inhabitants from different sides in order to get the most complete picture of Rio de Janeiro.

During the tour we will visit one of the largest favelas (slums) of the city to see the life of ordinary, low-income residents of Rio (Cariocas). The excursion is completely safe!

Then we will go to the most prestigious areas of Rio, where successful and famous people cities. You will see how closely intertwined luxury and poverty are:)

From $350 per group

Duration: 6 hours

Christ Statue and City Tour (sightseeing tour)

We will go to Mount Corcovado, to the main attraction of the city - the famous Statue of Christ the Savior. From the position of the statue there is a 360 degree view of the metropolis and its surroundings...

After the descent we will head to the historical center of the city with its subtle colonial style Portuguese buildings. We will visit the famous staircase Selaron, the slopes of Santa Teresa, the cultural center of the city - Cinelandia, the arches of the Lapa district, where artists, musicians and poets gather in cozy bars in the evenings...

From $450 per group

Duration: 8 hours

Main attractions of Rio de Janeiro

The excursion lasting 8 hours includes visits to the main attractions of Rio: the Statue of Christ the Savior, the Sugarloaf, the historical center of the city, the famous Maracanã stadium, the Carnival venue - the Sambadrome, the Cathedral of St. Sebastian, the monastery of San Bento, the Selaron stairs, the aqueduct arches in the Lapa area, the slopes of Santa Teresa, Flamengo Park, Lake Rodrigo de Freita, as well as the famous beaches of the city.

From $350 per group

Duration: 8 hours

Rio de Janeiro in one day

I invite you to get acquainted with the city of Rio de Janeiro and learn a lot about Brazil through a special interesting excursion program for 1 full day. During our trip you will see most of the attractions of the most visited city in Brazil.

You will see one of the seven new wonders of the world - the Statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado, the famous beaches, Sugar Loaf Mountain, the Lapa area with the Selaron stairs and the arches of the Carioca Aqueduct, Cinelandia Square with the Municipal Theater and the National Library, the historical center with old churches and palaces , the Santa Teresa district and the famous Sambadromo, where the largest and most colorful carnival on the planet takes place every year.

The offer has been prepared specifically for those who want to see and learn about the city and the country in one day maximum and at the same time save money. During the time you spend with your guide, you will get to know not only history and architecture, but also immerse yourself in culture, art, politics, economics and the daily life of an ordinary Brazilian.

The excursion is individual in an economy class car with air conditioning.

From $350 per group

Duration: 8 hours

Imperial City of Petropolis

We invite you to get acquainted with imperial city Petropolis, located 75 kilometers from Rio de Janeiro. This city was built by a German military architect in the mid-19th century, commissioned by the Brazilian Emperor Don Pedro II, as a country residence, where the emperor spent more than 6 months a year, thanks to the mountain cool climate on hot summer days.

Our path to the city of Petropolis passes through the picturesque mountain road. Magnificent forests will open before you mountain landscapes. In the historical center of the city you will see and visit: the Imperial Museum, the Crystal Palace, the Cathedral, the Palace of Presidents, the House of the Seven Errors, the Yellow Palace, the Santos Dumont House Museum, the Bohemia Brewery Museum and several observation platforms. Here you will get acquainted not only with the history of the city itself, but also with the history of imperial Brazil.

From $300 per group

Duration: 6 hours

Seven wonders of Niteroi

Near the city of Rio de Janeiro, on the other side of the bay, there is a small satellite city - Niteroi. We start our trip from your hotel, through the historical center of the city, cross the bay on one of the longest bridges in the world, walk along the road of the famous Brazilian architect, visit mezes and military fortresses. We will see the picturesque landscapes of the city from the city park and take a ride along the beautiful deserted beaches of Niteroi.

From $198 per group

Duration: 4 hours

Historical Rio

The tour that I offer you is one of the most most interesting tours according to Rio. The historical center of the city is where the city began to grow in the middle of the 16th century. Here you will see many historical buildings and churches, feel the spirit of old Rio, stroll along a shopping alley reminiscent of old Portugal. Why Portugal? After all, it was the Portuguese who settled here more than 400 years ago. The heart of the city’s cultural life is also located here - the Cultural Center of the Bank of Brazil, where you will be lucky enough to see interesting national and foreign exhibitions

From the Cultural Center of the Bank of Brazil we go to an amazing building that makes every tourist in Rio de Janeiro wonder - what's inside this building? Cathedral of Saint Sebastian. This impressive modern-style Catholic church building, almost 90 meters high, resembles the Mayan pyramids, deserves your attention.

From $99 per group

Duration: 4 hours

Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro

The most beautiful part of Rio de Janeiro - lush tropical vegetation, shady alleys, fountains and small lakes. The Botanical Garden presents a variety of flora from different climatic zones Brazil, thanks to the fact that they were able to recreate natural weather for growing plants from different regions. A favorite vacation spot for Cariocas (residents of Rio) and tourists, where you can walk and admire the beautiful nature. The botanical garden was founded by Joao Barbosa Rodriguez at the beginning of the 19th century and consists of many beautiful alleys intersecting in the center, unusual statues and monuments, small lakes and fountains, a huge variety of flora from all over the world and simply an amazing place where you can relax and unwind. More than 7 thousand species of plants from different parts of the world are represented here, including wild orchids. Grows in "Pedro Gordillo Alley" national symbol Brazil - Pau-brasil tree. The tall imperial palm trees are very impressive. On Lake Freya Leandro,” named after the first director of the Botanical Garden, the most beautiful water lilies of Victoria Region float. If you want to experience the atmosphere of the Amazon tropical forests, then you definitely need to visit here. You will see monkeys, large lizards and exotic birds. Giant palm trees, a variety of beautiful orchids, little monkeys that you can feed from your hands! You will be lucky enough to see a possum and a squirrel! The Botanical Garden in Rio is a place where you can walk and just enjoy the wonderful nature. It is a piece of paradise where you will forget that you are in a metropolis.... And you will want to come back here again and again.

From $37 per group

Duration: 6 hours

Royal Petropolis

Petropolis is located high in the mountains, shrouded in fog, 60 km from Rio de Janeiro. The last king of Brazil, Don Pedro II, built on these lands in 1830 summer palace to be able to transfer my sick daughter here from hot Rio de Janeiro. Deposed from the throne and expelled from his homeland, the last Emperor of Brazil died in Paris in 1891 at the age of 77. After the death of Crown Princess Isabella, the ashes of the Monarch will return to Brazil, and in 1922 they will be buried with appropriate honors in the Cathedral of Petropolis. In this city, where the news of a military coup and dethronement found him, he will find his last refuge in this world. The Imperial Palace, now a museum, houses a unique collection of decorative arts, furniture, ancient books, beautiful statues of saints and the golden imperial crown, adorned with numerous diamonds and pearls, which was traditionally placed on kings at coronation. After the overthrow of the Monarchy in Brazil, not a single citizen of this country was awarded the highest Imperial Order of Russia - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle. The city still preserves the spirit and architecture of German settlers - houses with pointed roofs and attics, high windows.

Are you in Rio de Janeiro for only 1 day? Then this excursion is for you!

We will visit with you the Statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado - the symbol of Rio de Janeiro, Sugar Loaf - the second most popular observation deck this is extraordinary beautiful city, the famous Selaron stairs, the Cathedral of St. Sebastian - the patron saint of Rio de Janeiro. You will see the oldest streets, new areas, famous beaches, expensive mansions next to slums! During the 8-hour excursion, I will show you this city of contrasts, tell you the history of Brazil, how Brazil lives now, and answer all your questions.

From $250 per group

Duration: 6 hours

Sightseeing tour of Rio de Janeiro by car (6 hours)

From the hotel we will go with you to an altitude of 710 meters above sea level to the main symbol of Rio de Janeiro - the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado, visit the famous Selaron stairs, the Cathedral of St. Sebastian - the patron saint of Rio de Janeiro, and walk through the most ancient streets, we will drive through new areas and famous beaches. You will see this city of contrasts with your own eyes, where expensive mansions coexist with slums!

The excursion is carried out by car or minibus (accommodating up to 14 people).

Sugar Loaf is a mountain 396 meters high. It is shaped like a lump of sugar, hence its name. Its sides are steep, so you can only climb the mountain by cable car. It's always cool at the top of the mountain. There is only an observation deck here. The cost of visiting the mountain along with a funicular ride is 53 reais (17 euros) for adults, for children 6-12 years old - 26 reais (8 euros), up to 6 - free. The attraction is open from 8am to 8pm every day. The climb to the top includes three stops: Vermelha Beach, Mount Urca and the summit of Sugarloaf Mountain. There are shops and cafes at all stops. Information about them, rules of conduct on the funicular English language can be read here -

The cathedral was built in 1954 in Art Nouveau style. The style is so modern that, without knowing what kind of building it is, it is very difficult to guess that it is a cathedral. It is shaped like a cone with many small windows for ventilation. The outside of the cathedral is not decorated; it is gray in color and rather resembles a huge blast furnace. Inside, as in any Catholic church, there are benches, an altar, and a crucifix. On the walls are four huge stained glass windows with images of saints. The cathedral is open to visitors every day from 7 am to 6 pm. Here you can see the schedule of masses - Entrance to the cathedral is free.

The Selaron Staircase is one of the “informal” attractions of Rio - the creation of a Chilean sculptor. He decorated the 250-step staircase with colored tiles and various images. In the evenings it gets especially crowded here. The stairs lead to the Santa Teresa Monastery in the center of Rio. Jorge Selaron himself died in 2013 on the steps of his stairs.


A good opportunity to meet animals and flora Brazil for those who are not going to the Amazon jungle. The area of ​​the zoo is 14 hectares, it was built more than a hundred years ago in park area palace complex of Quinta da Boa Vista. The zoo has about 350 species of animals, birds and reptiles. It is also interesting for its architecture. The monumental gate at the entrance is a gift from the English Duke, the amphitheater, boulevards, and an abundance of greenery make the park unlike the others. The zoo is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During school holidays until 14:00, after this time there are excursions for schoolchildren. The ticket price for an adult is 6 reals (2 euros), for children and students - 3 reals (1 euro). The zoo has "lots and lots of wild monkeys" and has the largest collection of monkeys in the country.

Construction of the complex was started in the 19th century by a wealthy Portuguese. It was originally a mansion overlooking the bay. Later it was received as a gift by the Portuguese King João VI, by whose decree a palace was built and a park was laid out. After Brazil gained independence, the Quinta da Boa Vista complex came into the possession of the Brazilian emperors. Currently, on the territory of the complex there is National Museum(open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.), park and zoo. You can view the museum's exhibitions here

Rio de Janeiro is a city of contrasts; next to rich houses and skyscrapers, poor neighborhoods - slums or favelas - quietly coexist. Many tourists are interested in life in this part of Rio. You should not go to favelas without accompanying persons. Moreover, in Rio there are many agencies offering such excursions. Depending on the length of time, such an excursion costs from 70 reais (22 euros) for three hours. The most popular favela is Rocinha, at the foot of the statue of Christ the Redeemer. This is one of the oldest and safest favelas in Rio. The guide takes tourists through the streets, schools, and nurseries. On one of the roofs of the houses there is an observation deck from where you can look at a completely different Rio. You can also look at the favelas from above, using the cable car over the Complexo de Alemao area. The length of the road is 3456 meters, 152 cabins travel along it. This is the longest urban cable car in the world. Moreover, it is also the cheapest. The cost of the trip is 1 real (30 euro cents). Cable car operating schedule - weekdays: 06:00 - 21:00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 08:00 - 20:00. The journey from the first to the last station lasts 16 minutes.


During the Olympic Games, the slums (favelas) of Rio de Janeiro are controlled not by regular police, but by the Special Police Operations Battalion (BOPE). Members of this elite unit fight organized crime, trying to rid the favelas of drug traffickers and other criminal elements. BOPE's tough measures have been repeatedly challenged public organizations, but there seems to be no other way to eradicate crime in the slums of Rio de Janeiro.

A member of the BOPE battalion patrols the roof of a school while on duty in the Rocinha slum.

An aerial view of the Rocinha slum, one of the many favelas in Rio de Janeiro.

The elite military police unit BOPE entered the troubled Complexo da Mare, one of the largest favelas in Rio.

A BOPE officer reads notes - allegedly from drug dealers - that list amounts paid to people who tipped off criminals about police presence.

A BOPE officer walks past a bullet-strewn wall during one of his operations.

A guy reads a newspaper as BOPE takes up positions during a raid on the Mangueira slums.

The elderly woman encountered BOPE members along the way, who were searching houses for weapons and drugs.

BOPE officers carry weapons and use tactics not available to regular police officers.

The close proximity of houses in favelas makes the work of BOPE officers difficult. Given that the gangs and armed groups in the favelas are very well organized, BOPE officers undergo intensive training.

A BOPE officer listens for sounds outside a door while canvassing the area.

A BOPE member caught a young couple sleeping while searching the home for weapons and drugs.

By wearing a skull emblem, BOPE brings terror to the criminals operating in the favelas.

A BOPE officer searches a man in a favela. The battalion not only fights organized crime, but also carries out a peace mission in communities, organizing community meetings and sporting events.

Night raids can be a boon or a bane for BOPE officers. Often, criminals who have radar equipment know about the upcoming raid even before the special forces enter the favela.

Their motto “Victory over Death” is not only a testament to their determination, but also a confirmation of the fact that even the slightest mistake can cost them their lives.

A BOPE officer getting shot while on patrol is a common occurrence. Given the dangerous environment in the slums, even cameramen documenting the battalion's work could easily find themselves in the middle of a firefight.

BOPE officers gain valuable experience ahead of upcoming Olympic Games by simulating crime scenarios, one of which is shown in the photograph: the action takes place on a train near the Maracanã stadium.

Ensuring a peaceful life in each favela and its many nooks and crannies is tedious work, especially when you have to wear a full uniform.

BOPE members take positions on the roof of a school in the Rocinha slum.

Every BOPE officer receives additional urban and jungle combat training. They even host mixed martial arts workshops with famous fighters like Anderson Silva.

Fog thickens around the statue of Christ the Redeemer, under which the Cantagalu favela is located. The Olympics begin next month, and only time will tell what fruit the Brazilian special forces' peacekeeping efforts will bear.

Rio de Janeiro... The dream of Ostap Bender, as well as tramps and romantics from all over the world. A unique city - a dream, inhabited by both the poor and the rich, both criminals and movie stars. Rio is located on the shores of Guanabara Bay, which the Portuguese colonists first considered to be the mouth of the river, as a result of which the city received its name, literally meaning “January River” - after all, this event occurred on January 1, 1502.

Let’s see what you can do in the “City of God”, because it has many attractions - Rio was the capital of Brazil until 1960, and now it can offer the visiting tourist a lot of interesting things.

In the first place is the symbol of the city and the symbol of the state, the statue of Christ the Redeemer, recognizable throughout the world. Its height is 38 meters (excluding the height of the pedestal), and its arm span is 28. Mount Corcovado, on which the statue is located, offers a breathtaking view of the city. The statue was made in France, then assembled and installed in Rio in 1931. They are lifted here using railway, which was built by the Swiss back in 1884. You can also get there by car – on the highway. On this moment You can go up to the observation deck using an escalator.

Sugarloaf Mountain is an equally recognizable symbol of the city. A wonderful landscape opens from its top; it will delight any photographer. You can get here directly from the city, or rather from Praça General Tiburciu. Along the way you will make three stops – the town of Praia vermelha, which means “red beach”, Mount Urca, and the top of Sugar Loaf. The ride on the cable car is breathtaking - the height is quite decent, and the cabin is transparent, so thrill guaranteed.

Rio de Janeiro is famous for its Carnival, a celebration that attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the planet. And the main colorful action of this Carnival takes place on the Sambodrome - the street where all those who come try to get to. Here the chic and brilliance, the brightness of the costumes and the spirit of competition between various samba schools reach their maximum strength.

Rio de Janeiro itself is surrounded by tropical greenery, but it offers tourists a visit to the botanical garden, which contains great amount samples of tropical jungle flora - more than seven thousand species in total! They mainly grow in the wild jungle of the Amazon basin. Here in the city botanical garden, you can get acquainted with them in comfortable conditions and without the risk of being bitten by some Amazonian living creature.

Center of Rio de Janeiro. A walk through the central part of the city will allow you to get acquainted with the colonial style of architecture of a bygone era. Visit the chic Confeitaria Colombo, decorated with Italian marble and wooden carvings. There are also a large number of Catholic churches here, pleasing the eye with their beauty.

The Maracana football stadium is one of the largest in the world. It rightfully received the nickname of a miracle of sports architecture. Once it could accommodate up to two hundred thousand fans and was the largest in the world, but after reconstruction it will accommodate 82 thousand. Football is a second religion for the people of Brazil, and soon the country that gave the world Pele will host the World Cup. And the final of this action will be held at the Maracanã stadium.

Copacabana Beach is famous both in Brazil and throughout the world. Many residents of Rio de Janeiro and visiting tourists relax here. The beach consists of white sand and stretches for four kilometers, the infrastructure is designed to provide comfortable stay. In order to meet New Year in Copacabana, tourists from all over the planet gather here.

Ipanema Beach is a meeting and relaxation place for movie stars and simply wealthy individuals - the elite of not only Rio, but also Hollywood gather here. This beach is not as crowded as Copacabana - the lucky ones in this world are, of course, a minority. Real estate in the area of ​​this beach is very expensive.

The Museum of Carmen Miranda, or the “Brazilian Bombshell”, or “Little Celebrity”, as she was respectively nicknamed in the USA and Brazil, will introduce you to the life story of this film actress and singer, who gained enormous popularity and fame and influenced cultural life Brazil in the 60s of the last century. Her personal belongings - jewelry and clothing items - are collected here. In total, the number of exhibits exceeds three and a half thousand.

National historical Museum will allow you to plunge into the historical past of Brazil and the whole Latin America. In order to understand the culture of the people inhabiting these countries, it is necessary to know the basis of their history. Here, in this most important cultural center country, on an area of ​​twenty thousand square meters, about three hundred thousand exhibits are collected! The museum's library contains books and manuscripts preserved from the 15th century; awards and jewelry that once belonged to monarchs and other famous personalities, collections of coins, weapons, paintings and household items... Here you will not only recharge yourself with positive emotions exotic country, but also the knowledge necessary for a thorough acquaintance with it.

Rio de Janeiro is a city where everyone will find their own fairy tale. But remember that, no matter how attractive Rio is, you should not neglect safety rules, because the crime rate in the city is quite high.

Good luck on your journey!

  • Vidigal by motorcycle taxi, sunset, music and caipirinha

    Favela Vidigal is a place that offers an unforgettable view of the sunset in Rio de Janeiro.

    If you really want to know what Rio is like, to see the “other side of the coin”, you should definitely go up to the “roof” of the Vidigal favela!


There is no way to fit all the best, the most beautiful, the most interesting in this city into a tour of Rio de Janeiro if it lasts less than three hours. Even experienced guides in Rio de Janeiro will tell you that three hours is not enough. It would be nice to devote a full day to exploring Rio - that is, at least twice as much. The point is not least that Rio is located on the hills by the sea, and a walk along it takes much more time than it might seem at first glance: there are uphill walks, funicular rides, and, if desired, a ferry journey. So it turns out that in a few hours in Rio de Janeiro you will barely have time to stand at the statue of Christ the Savior, admire the Sugarloaf, walk along the narrow streets of the historical center, go to the beach and, perhaps, ride along the bay with the breeze and with amazing views of the bays of Rio. True, there are some advantages here: sightseeing tour According to this city, it does not fall into the category of low diversity.

Paqueta Island is a charming, secluded place, strikingly different in spirit from the metropolis that bustles just nearby.

After such a busy day, each traveler can choose what interests him most and turn his attention to more focused tours. For example, traveling through the favelas of Rio - very peculiar isolated areas, half-slums, half-ghettos, havens for not very law-abiding citizens of Rio is not very Brazilian origin. Such “non-glossy” excursions around Rio de Janeiro may not be very pleasant in some places, but they allow tourists to get an idea of ​​the true face of Rio - the one that hides in the shadow of the outstretched arms of the photogenic Christ.

On the other hand, trips around Guanabara Bay are some of the most enjoyable excursions you can have in Rio. Even just taking a ferry ride, admiring the seven arcs with which the city cuts into the sea, is already worth any money. But you can also go, for example, to the island of Paqueta - a charming secluded place, strikingly different in spirit from the metropolis that is bustling very close by. There are no cars, no asphalt, no noise; but there is a giant baobab tree, a songbird cemetery, lovers' rock and numerous idyllic landscapes. And, of course, the beach.

Those interested can also go to uninhabited islands- for the sake of the beach. Prices for such tours are higher, but for a full day (including lunch), the island is yours alone.


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