Belovezhskaya Pushcha how to get there. Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus. Prices, photos, reviews, how to get to the reserve. Sightseeing tour of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

IN last years The development of eco-tourism is becoming increasingly popular, and travel enthusiasts are flocking to reserved corners nature to relax in the fresh air. Fans of healthy recreation, as well as tourists interested in history, can fulfill their plans on a trip to the reserve, which is a symbol of the Republic of Belarus.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a huge forest area located on the territory of two countries - Poland and Belarus, where a lot of species of plants and animals are preserved in the natural environment, the most famous and famous of which is the bison.

General information

In the old days, relict forests spread throughout Europe, but a changing climate, economic development, and the construction of cities destroyed most of them, leaving only small areas untouched. The Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nature Reserve is located on the border between Poland and Belarus, and on both sides of it, the territory, occupying more than 150 thousand hectares, is protected, which does not interfere with visits by tourists and researchers.

Remains a mystery
The administrative center of the reserve is located 60 km from Brest and 20 km from the regional center of Kamenets in the village of Kamenyuki, which has all the infrastructure necessary for the comfort of vacationers: hotels, cafes and excursion services. On the territory of the reserve there are hotels of different levels of service and different price categories, a branded restaurant of the same name and private cafes famous for dishes of national Belarusian cuisine and hunting delicacies.

Group bus excursions accompanied by guides, as well as individual walking, cycling and horseback riding trips are carried out to wonderful corners of nature along paved routes of varying degrees of difficulty.

To preserve relict forests and their unique inhabitants, Belovezhskaya Pushcha is divided into protected zones. Only employees and researchers are allowed into the protected area in order to preserve the pristine ecosystem intact. Tourists are allowed access to regulated use areas only if accompanied by guides. IN recreational areas You can freely take walks and organize public events, but you must pay to enter; you can purchase several types of tickets at the box office. Farm areas are intended for the accommodation and convenience of travelers and vacationers; they can spend the night and eat there.

Historical data

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nature Reserve in the Republic of Belarus is one of the oldest in the world. The Ipatiev Chronicle mentions the existence of virgin forests in these places in 983. In those days, the spring flood flooded the entire surrounding area, turning it into a huge sea, in the middle of which stood a forest that served as salvation for animals from the flood. Abundance natural resources, creating favorable conditions for life, brought hunters and fishermen to these places. The tribes that lived here in ancient times are now reminiscent of ancient burials and remnants of ancient legends.

The territory of the reserve changed citizenship many times, moving from one power to another, but it always served as a hunting ground for the rulers of states. In the 12th century, Vladimir Monomakh hunted bison, aurochs and red deer here; later Lithuanian princes hunted here, and Jagiello managed to stockpile provisions in the Pushcha for the hundred-thousand-strong army that took part in the Battle of Grunwald. Polish kings turned hunting in the reserve into luxurious entertainment and court celebrations.

At the same time, they began to develop the natural treasures of the region, and from the end of the 16th century, they began to cut down the forest. However, they soon issued a law on the protection of royal hunting grounds and the protection of bison, and at the same time established a list of persons who were allowed to hunt in the reserve. Under Catherine II, Belovezhskaya Pushcha became part of Russia, and she allowed the shooting of any animals there except bison, which caused a decrease in the number of individuals and the complete extermination of bears and beavers. In addition, Catherine, who was the trustee of science, allowed bison to be shot for all European museums.

Russian emperors gave away part of the reserved lands to their favorites. The fire on the eve of the Patriotic War and Napoleon's invasion caused enormous damage to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. At the end of the 19th century, the territory of the reserve became the property of the royal family as a result of an exchange for Oryol and Simbirsk lands, which was supposed to help preserve the bison population, and in fact improve the conduct of the royal hunt.

During the First World War, when the reserve was captured by German troops, irreparable damage was caused to it; valuable centuries-old trees were cut down there. However, European bison, exterminated everywhere, survived as a species only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In 1939 it passed to the territory of the Soviet Union and received the status of a nature reserve, and in 1992 it was included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

What to do in Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

For lovers of nature, fauna and flora, there is always something to do here. We offer you to get acquainted with the main places and events in the reserve that are definitely worth visiting and seeing.

A trip to the Museum of Ancient Life and Ancient Technologies is carried out on comfortable buses throughout the colossal forestry complex, preserved for many centuries in its original form and included in the World Heritage catalog. During the excursion, buses make stops for a more detailed acquaintance with some objects. The guide says:

  • about the features of the centuries-old forest and its inhabitants;
  • about the remarkable history of the reserve;
  • about adventures and funny incidents while hunting;
  • about precedents with animals;
  • about episodes from the life of nature.

The guide shows:

  • unique landscapes and bodies of water;
  • six-century oak and 350-year-old pine;
  • a swelling on the oak bark in the form of a bison's head;
  • beaver dams;
  • historical sites;
  • the only evergreen vine in Europe that climbs tree trunks.

At the Museum of Folk Life, everyone is interested in lifestyle items and things that played a huge role in the life of rural residents in the century before last, their daily life, customs and heritage. During master classes, vacationers get acquainted with the professional intricacies of various folk crafts. In the nearby Khutorok cafe, tourists are attracted by a special Pushcha meal, as well as a demonstration of the process of making moonshine, for which Belovezhskaya Pushcha has long been famous, with tasting.

The residence of Father Frost is the most famous brand in Belarus, visited by thousands of vacationers every year. There, craftsmen - wood carvers - created a unique fairy-tale atmosphere by hand, which became a continuation of the forest magic, naturally inscribed in its style. The estate was opened on New Year's Eve 2004 - in 2 weeks. A team of skilled designers led by the famous carver A.L. Oil completed this extraordinary project - many wooden sculptures, buildings and fences, decorated with intricate original carvings.


Holidays in Belarus: clean lakes and numerous sanatoriums

There are quite a few residences of Father Frost in the world today, but this is one of the most delightful and spectacular. It is located on almost 15 hectares. Sculptures fairy-tale heroes and a magnificently decorated Christmas tree with garlands of colored lights delight young travelers, and the smoke curling over the roof of the house and the abundance of flowers and greenery in the summer highlight its realism.

Santa Claus himself receives visitors to his estate all year round, reads messages received from children and writes answers to them, and also keeps order in his domain. And for each season he has a special set of clothes, completely different from what we are used to: the Belarusian grandfather is dressed in a snow-white antique zhupan, embroidered with silver patterns. His granddaughter Snegurochka comes to celebrate the New Year, but in the spring she leaves for the north. Our Baba Yaga’s sister, Kargota, also takes part in the show.

Tourists who have visited the Snow Maiden's Teremok, the Wonderful Mill that turns nasty tricks into dust, each of which has its own legend or tradition, can conceive dreams and ask Santa Claus to fulfill them.

In the cozy “Dzed Maroz's Hut”, equipped under trees and awnings, you are treated to pancakes and national cuisine.

The main goal of the reserve is not to entertain vacationers, but to maintain the ecological system. Vegetable world Belovezhskaya Pushcha amazes with its diversity; here you can see natural environment about 25 species of trees, most of which are included in the Red Book: white fir, sessile oak and others. Their average age is approaching a century, but you can find:

  • giant trees, measuring one and a half meters in girth;
  • oak trees that have been growing for six centuries;
  • ash trees planted more than three centuries ago;
  • spreading two-hundred-year-old spruce trees.

The sites with our smaller brothers are located on 20 hectares not far from the Museum of Nature, a tour of them takes 1-2 hours. Guests National Park have the opportunity to consider:

  • bison filled with greatness and dignity;
  • stately deer and roe deer;
  • cautious lynxes;
  • distrustful and calculating wolves and bears;
  • birds of prey, including long-eared eagle owls.

In addition to the indigenous inhabitants, the sites house individual animals that were brought from other countries.

Before a tour of the centuries-old forest, it is useful to first visit the most popular Museum of Nature in the Brest region to get an idea of ​​the protected species of animals and plants. It began its work in 1963, and its exhibition was compiled for 70 years.

On the ground floor of the modern environmental education center, which is one of the prestigious institutions of this profile, you can see stuffed animals living in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The exhibition on the second floor is represented by plants, birds, butterflies and mushrooms that make up the wealth of the reserve. The museum halls reproduce the initial moments of the formation of the Belovezhsky forests and extinct species of animals, as well as the seasonal characteristics of nature.

The exhibitions are based on reality, reflecting the diversity of the forest resources of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The exhibits give the impression of being in a primeval forest, the effect is enhanced by the sounds of nature - the noise of the forest, rain, bird chirping, echoes of animal roars. The diorama of the forest landscape in the background serves to expand the boundaries of the image. Stuffed animals are very artistically included in compositions compiled by real designers. The figure of a wolf is placed near a real den, a roe deer is shown with its cub in a pasture.

Tour costs

It is best to start your trip to the reserve from Brest, from where express buses run twice a day. You need to travel by your own transport, following the signs in the direction of Kamenets, and then to the village of Kamenyuki. There are direct flights from Minsk, where you can book a special tour to National Park, however, the distance of 340 km makes the journey much more expensive due to the cost of gasoline.

At the ticket office, entrance to the reserve's property costs 1 Belarusian ruble (only local currency is accepted). Along with the ticket you will receive a map with walking paths marked on it. In order to avoid accidentally entering Polish territory or Polish border guards, it is recommended not to move away from the established routes. For the equivalent of 100 Russian rubles per hour, you can use a rental bicycle. A separate fee is required for visiting the Museum of Nature, enclosures with animals and the Residence of Father Frost, for a sightseeing tour bus tour in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, which will cost 210 rubles.

Local climatic conditions approximately correspond to Russian ones, and the nature in the reserve is wonderful at any time of the year. In summer and spring, with long daylight hours, you can see more. During the winter season, excursions with children to the Residence of Father Frost will remain in memory for a lifetime. A ticket for adults there costs about 300 rubles, it includes the price of the spectacle and a surprise from Santa Claus for the child. The cost of entry to the Museum of Nature is 2.5 Belarusian rubles (90 Russian), and for children it is 2 times less. The price of an adult ticket to the animal enclosure is 2 Belarusian rubles, a child ticket is 1.

Tourists while visiting the reserve can find shelter in the Kamenyuki Hotel, located in the village, and in the new hotel building near the very entrance to the Museum of Nature. Three hotel buildings have rooms of different categories. The cost of living in the village is significantly lower than in the reserve. Tourists who came to own car, prefer to stay in Kamenets, where prices are much lower. But renting a cottage for several people will cost a pretty penny.

On the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha you can perfectly satisfy your hunger in the restaurant of the same name and several branded cafes offering travelers dishes of Belarusian national cuisine.

Perhaps only the lazy do not know that Belarus and Poland share a unique nature reserve - Belovezhskaya Pushcha .

How to spend a walking weekend in Belovezhskaya Pushcha - read in our guide to action (and relaxation, of course, too). We drove like independent tourists from Minsk to Belovezhskaya Pushcha (specifically, to the village of Kamenyuki, Kamenets district), spent the night in the estate "Belovezhskoye Estate", we rode bicycles along the routes in the Pushcha and share useful information.

How to get to Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

So, the first step is to plan the route. If you are traveling to personal car, then enter Kamenyuki into your navigator, exit onto the Brest highway, and from Brest along the P83 highway move in the direction of Kamenets. You can stop by Brest, visit the Brest Hero Fortress, or just take a walk along Sovetskaya Street. Be sure to go to the market (located behind the bus station) and buy fresh meat and fish products - you can use them to prepare an excellent dinner and barbecue in the evening.

If you are traveling on your own, then book a train to Brest and be sure to buy tickets in advance for a bus or minibus from Brest to Belovezhskaya Pushcha! This destination is very popular, so places run out very quickly. On the way back from Kamenyuki, it is better to immediately take the bus and drive 1 km to the Pushcha in order to be guaranteed to leave from there :) We attach the schedule of buses and minibuses from Kamenyuki to Brest (current as of the date of writing):

Where to stay overnight in Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

Step two - carefully choose accommodation, because there are many options for spending the night in the Pushcha. There are both state hotels directly in the Pushcha, and private agricultural estates in the Pushcha and its surroundings. In any case, choose the option that suits you best in terms of distance, comfort and price.

  • We stopped at agroestate "Belovezhskoe estate" in Kamenyuki and were pleased because, firstly, the estate is located near the Pushcha, secondly, the estate has all the necessary conditions for comfortable accommodation (up to 20 people), and thirdly, the surroundings, furnishings and design of the rooms are surprisingly pleasant.

In reality everything turned out to be even better than in the photographs, so you can safely choose this option for holidays in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and we recommend it to both couples and families with children! By the way, it was in this estate that the owner Leonid restored the unique “Belovezhskaya vat”, which was carefully heated for guests.

How much does it cost to enter the Pushcha, which route to choose and what to see?

Step three - visiting the Pushcha and choosing vehicle and a walking route.

  • Official website of Belovezhskaya Pushcha-, where you can read the history of the park, learn more about the inhabitants and ecosystem.

So, you are there, in front of the entrance to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. You can get acquainted with the price list in advance on the Pushcha website. Everything, of course, will depend on what you choose - walking tour, cycling route, nature museum, visiting open-air cages, etc.

Some prices for services in Belovezhskaya Pushcha:

  • Entrance ticket to the Nature Museum: 3.00 rub. adult and 2.00 rub. children's
  • Excursion to the estate of Father Frost: 8.50 rub. adult and 7.00 rub. children's
  • Visit to the enclosures: 2.50 rub. adult and 1.5 rub. children's
  • Bicycle rental for 4 hours: 15.00 rub.
  • Entrance ticket if you have your own bike: 7.00 rub. (this includes visits to enclosures).

There are cycling routes to choose from - from simple and short to complex and long. But it is worth noting that the quality of the road and road surface in Belovezhskaya Pushcha is very pleasing. Riding a bike here is comfortable and easy.

We recommend without hesitation choose one of 7 cycling routes and feel free to go and get acquainted with unique objects - swamps, ancient oaks, black alder oak forests, giant oaks, etc.

Of course, photographs will not convey the atmosphere, cleanliness of the air, smells and colors of the Pushcha, but it’s worth going there at least once. And not only walk hiking trails, but also off untrodden routes...

It’s rare that a resident of the post-Soviet space has not heard about Belovezhskaya Pushcha at least once in their life. The imagination pictures thousand-year-old dense oak forests, all kinds of animals encountered at every step, and, of course, bison - shaggy giants, the embodiment of strength and majesty. They are also a symbol of this forest, since they can only be seen in this unique place. I, as a resident of the Brest region, treat this place as beautiful park, where you can take a walk, escaping from the bustle and noise of the city, fortunately it is not so far from Brest - only 65 km.

I really love this forest area, in which centuries-old plants and trees have been preserved, not spoiled by man. The reserve has a huge variety of flora and fauna, dotted with lakes and various reservoirs everywhere. It is also a UNESCO heritage site and the largest forest in Central Europe.

If you decide to see such a wonderful place with your own eyes and want to get maximum advice on how to do it, then you have come to the right place.

So, I’ll try to tell you why thousands of tourists come here and how to become one of them?

How to get to Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The Pushcha is located on the territory of the Brest and Grodno regions; it occupies an area of ​​152 square meters. km. The main entrance and starting point of all excursions is located near the village of Kamenyuki, Brest region. Living in Brest, I usually got there by car, as it was fast and convenient.

By car

From Brest you can take the P83 highway to the village of Kamenyuki - 65 km.
There are two options from Minsk.

  • along the M1 highway until the turn onto the P21 road towards the town of Slonim,
  • then go to the village of Kamenets,
  • along the M1 highway until the turn to Zhabinka along the P7 highway,
  • then go to the village of Kamenets,
  • further along P83 to the village of Kamenyuki. The length of the route is 380 km.

P.S. Don’t be lazy to make a stop in Kamenets and visit Belaya Vezha.

By public transport

  • You can get from Brest by bus - every one and a half hours from 07:00 to 17:15; The last flight back will be at 18:40. The fare is 40,000 BYR (~$2). All information on tickets can be found.
  • From Minsk the easiest way to get to Brest is by train or bus, and then as described in the previous paragraph. Personally, I prefer trains - they run more often and get you to your destination faster. Prices - from 50,000 BYR to 150,000 BYR (~ 3-5 $). The schedule and cost can be found.

Excursions to Belovezhskaya Pushcha

If you don't want to waste time on development independent route, but choose to visit Pushcha as part of organized excursion, then I advise you to visit specialized sites.

There you will find tours from Minsk, Brest or at any time convenient for you.

Cost of entrance tickets to Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Prices for visiting the main sites are as follows:

  • Sightseeing tour around the reserve with a visit to the museum of folk crafts – 100,000 BYR (~$5).
  • Entrance ticket to the enclosures is 25,000 BYR (~$1.5).
  • Individual excursion for Pushcha – 150,000 BYR (~$8).

What to see

So, what can the Pushcha offer you besides magnificent nature? What to do and see here?

Museum of Nature

When entering the Pushcha, the first thing you come across is the natural museum. Although I am not a zoologist, I really like him. Among the exhibits are many species of animals, birds, butterflies, as well as a hall with interesting photos. To experience all the diversity of the animal world, I recommend visiting this museum, because, unfortunately, the likelihood of meeting them all directly on a walk through the reserve is very low.

Cost of visit:

  • 30,000 BYR adult (~$1.5),
  • 20,000 BYR for children (~$1).

Audio guide rental – 35,000 BYR (~$2).

Enclosures with animals

The next point on the route through the Pushcha are enclosures with animals. Unfortunately, the “expectation-reality” rule applies here. When I went to the Pushcha for the first time, my imagination imagined that I would walk along a narrow forest path, and around me calm and free animals in their natural habitat would appear here and there, that somewhere in a clearing I would see a family of bison, and A couple of deer will gallop alongside them.

However, everything turned out to be completely different. The animals live in enclosures, which are essentially a large zoo in the forest. And although they are kept in large and spacious cages, they are still cages. I’m not a fan of zoos, I feel sorry for the animals that were caught and exhibited for people’s amusement, so to be honest, I was a little sad.

But, to justify the holders of the reserve, I will say that all the inhabitants are in good conditions: they are always full, they are fed the right food, therefore visitors are forbidden to treat them with brought food. So, please, don’t try to do a “good deed” and feed a hungry bison, what if your treat later gives him a stomach ache?

In the Pushcha you can see a variety of animals, from bison and deer to ostriches. In total there are 52 species of mammals.

How to get around Belovezhskaya Pushcha

I really like to walk, that’s why I choose this method of transportation in the Pushcha. If you want to drive along it by car, you need to obtain special permission in advance. To each his own, but it seems to me that in such a pure natural place With beautiful views and the delicious air is better to take a walk or ride a bike.

You can come with your own bike and pay for a specific route or ride along free places. If you don’t have your own, it doesn’t matter: you can rent a bike right at the entrance to the reserve. But keep in mind that during peak season there may not be enough for everyone.

Prices for routes (bike rental included)

The reserve offers several routes to choose from - they are of different durations and, so to speak, with different levels of difficulty. The cost including bicycle rental is as follows:

  • Route " big Adventure”, 4 hours: adult – 150,000 BYR (~8$), with a child seat – 180,000 BYR (~9$).
  • Route “Animal Crossing”, 2.5 hours: adult – 120,000 BYR (~6$), with a child seat – 145,000 BYR (~7$).
  • Route “Forest Secrets”, 3 hours: adult – 130,000 BYR (~6.5$), with a child seat – 155,000 BYR (~8$).
  • Route “Tsarskaya Polyana”, 1.5 hours: adult – 90,000 BYR (~4.5$), with a child seat – 110,000 BYR (~5$).
  • Route “Reserved Oak Forest”, 1.5 hours: adult – 100,000 BYR (~5$), with a child seat – 120,000 BYR (~6$).
  • Route “Lake Ring”, 2 hours: adult – 100,000 BYR (~5$), with a child seat – 120,000 BYR (~6$).

The cost of any route on your own bike is 70,000 BYR (~$4).

Rental services

You can rent not only bicycles:

  • Roller skates 20,000 BYR (~$1) per hour.
  • Bicycle 10,000 BYR (~0.5$) per hour.
  • Hire of walking poles 10,000 BYR (~$0.5) per hour.

Residence of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Who among us did not believe in Santa Claus? By visiting his residence in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, you can plunge into a childhood dream and visit a fairy tale. I myself visited Santa Claus 2 times - the first time as a young schoolgirl, and the second time as a student. Let me tell you, the impressions were almost the same, it’s clear that the child inside never leaves us :)

Certainly, best time to visit Grandfather - winter, when knee-deep snow falls and frost draws patterns on the glass. Then you especially feel that magic takes place in our everyday life, no matter how much we resist it. However, you can visit the home of Santa Claus in the summer. The residence is located:

  • house of Santa Claus,
  • Tower of the Snow Maiden,
  • Skarbnitsa,
  • Magic mill,
  • glade 12 months and much more.

IN different time Every year, holidays are held here - Meeting of Mother Winter, New Year's Eve, Kolyada, Maslenitsa and Kupala.

Excursion cost on the estate of Father Frost - 85,000 BYR (~$4) for adults, 70,000 BYR (~$3.5) for children.

Hotels in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

To be honest, I have never stayed overnight in the Pushcha; usually one whole day is enough to explore the reserve. However, if you want to spend more time in this oasis of peace and quiet, then all conditions are created here.

Hotel“Kamenyuki” has rooms both in the Pushcha itself and outside its fence - in the village of the same name, literally 1 km from its entrance. In the reserve itself, prices are, of course, higher. The cost varies from 220,000 BYR (~$10) per adult in Kamenyuki (in the Pushcha the minimum cost is 440,000 BYR (~20$)) to 1,500,000 BYR (~75$) in a luxury room. More detailed information can be found on the Internet.

Opening hours of tourist sites

Operating hours of Belovezhskaya Pushcha facilities:

  • Box office: 9.00 - 18.00.
  • Bicycle rental: 9.00 - 19.00.
  • Museum of Nature: 9.00 - 18.00.
  • Residence of Father Frost: 9.00 - 18.00.


I hope I have provided you with all the necessary information and you will soon become a new visitor to this unique place. After all, what, if not nature, can calm us down and give valuable advice. Enjoy your travels!

Sections: Belarus

We were in the Pushcha last year at the end of April and had no problems finding accommodation (we booked the day before the trip). But April is still counting low season. Prices for services and accommodation are available on the national park website. We were very pleased with the trip and would like to repeat it this spring.
In Brest, in addition to the fortress, you can see the museum of railway equipment, the Berestye museum, and take a walk around the center. Near the forest, 40 km from Brest in Kamenets, there is a defense watchtower called Belaya Vezha.

We never regretted spending the night in the Pushcha itself. All infrastructure is nearby - swimming pool, cafe, rental, sauna, enclosures. And what an air.. We only stayed for a couple of nights, so the family budget didn’t blow up the holiday. And in April, accommodation prices are slightly lower than in May. If you go with a big group, probably private sector will cost less.
Since you will have 4-5 days for the trip and will be without a car, it is worth trying to stay two nights in the Pushcha, and one or two nights in Brest. If you spend all your time in the Pushcha, a young couple without children may find it a bit boring. We didn’t need anything more than a break from the bustle of the city. Again, depending on the weather...

To Belaya Vezha by bike? In the Pushcha itself, the cycling routes are much more interesting, and if you have a visa, you can ride to Poland. And to Kamenets it is better to take a bus.

The “young couple” is not so young, its component is especially strong) The silence and sounds/smells of the forest are exactly what you need! Moreover, there is a bicycle rental, which means you definitely won’t be bored) And - by the way, about bicycles. As I understand it, the models there are t.s. "civilian", cheap? Somewhere there was information that it seems that you can find mountain ones, you just need to know the places... And as for cycling routes in the Pushcha itself - have you ridden? really interesting?

There are mountain bikes, teenage bikes, and ladies' bikes with baskets. The condition is different, we need to choose better - last year we bought it just in time for the season new transport, for the first time there were options with child seats, which we were incredibly happy about.
There are several cycling routes, my child and I rode along the “Tsarskaya Polyana” route, and my husband mastered
"Great Journey" (the longest and most interesting). I liked it, you can read more in the review. This year, judging by the information on the national park’s website, the rental system has changed - then there was an hourly payment for renting a bicycle plus a symbolic amount for a booklet, now the price list indicates the price for a cycling route.

As I understand it, the models there are t.s. "civilian", cheap? Somewhere there was information that it seems that you can find mountain ones, you just need to know the places... And as for cycling routes in the Pushcha itself - have you ridden? really interesting?

I'll note it here too. We rode almost all the cycling routes (except for one, the largest, we saw it on a bus excursion) that were available at the time of November 2014, we really liked it, but sometimes it was still scary, or rather uneasy, since we were almost alone and traces, sorry, fresh waste of wild boars was met. You can read more about the routes with photos in my review, if interested.

To be honest, I envy you a little. I just can’t find such cycling routes in Russia. This is not the first time I’ve asked here: “People, give us your appearances and passwords for something similar in Russia, please)))”

Thank you very much, I will definitely read the review.
“Almost alone” is almost good)) It’s better when you are COMPLETELY alone (and this is, IMHO, the most natural state of people in the forest/taiga/forest, for which they go there) :)
I can’t tell you about Russian cycling routes, because I’m not from the Russian Federation. Well, in Ukraine we create our own cycling routes))

Yes, but I worded it wrong. on some routes we were completely alone, and all around us there was a forest, a forest, bird voices, and the hotel was several kilometers away)))

And what funny little pigs there were in the enclosures, my husband and I hung out there the longest, it seemed to me that it took us more than a loaf of bread for them alone)))


Is it possible, according to local laws, to ride bicycles off the asphalt and ride through the forest itself? Otherwise, I somehow don’t really like this road skating :)

Is it possible, according to local laws, to ride bicycles off the asphalt and ride through the forest itself? Otherwise, I somehow don’t really like this road skating :)

There are different routes. Including in some of them, some of them are not on asphalt, but on a dirt road, and in some, in general, in a place where it was difficult for us to turn the pedals in November because of the foliage)))
These are all bike paths.

But here my husband really regretted that he didn’t take skates with him and didn’t buy a long board then)

I think that from the moment we vacationed there, we have already opened new routes.
Yes, if you have Schengen, you can drive across the Polish border, the number of routes is thus increasing. Although I read it somewhere. that in the BP for some period they are allowed to cross the border without Schengen. But this information needs to be verified.

It turns out I read your review a long time ago. He was partly the reason for planning this trip)

Thank you. This is exactly what motivates me to write reviews after trips, I’m very pleased, I didn’t waste my time)))
I, too, have had it so many times that after some review I went on a trip)
I love this site)))

Tick ​​activity is reported annually (there are also cases of encephalitis, etc.), but each year activity begins at a different period and not in all regions of the Republic of Belarus

and in some and generally in a place where it was difficult for us to turn the pedals

Off-road is what you need) So let’s hit him, dear one, with a motor rally))

This is exactly what motivates me to write reviews after trips, I’m very pleased, I didn’t waste my time in vain))) Among the animals in the enclosures we saw 2 bears. In small cells. LIVING ON CONCRETE. Locals, with whom I had a chance to communicate, were in the know. Their attitude towards the fact of keeping clubfoot animals in this manner was the same: blatant atrocity towards animals on the part of man. I consider it a crime. Can not be so. You should be jailed for such an approach to business. And many Belarusians agree with me.
If anyone has questions about recent impressions, please ask.

Help plan the May Brest (Belovezhskaya Pushcha) + Minsk or vice versa?

Two adults and a 7 year old son. I am in a position where I think it will be difficult to walk a lot. Perhaps there will be another family with us. We're going by car
4.05-10.05, we want a couple of days in Minsk and the rest in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and Brest

1. Firstly, we can’t decide which is better - May 9 in Brest or Minsk?
2. Secondly, should I go to Brest from the Pushcha or rent accommodation in Brest for one night?

In general, is it really possible to see something in Brest on May 9, or is it better and more comfortable to see everything before May 9?

How to buy tickets, do I need to book them?
Arriving in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, contact ticket offices, which are located in the parking lot to the right of the main entrance to Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

You can purchase at the box office entry tickets for visiting:

  • Museum of Nature (ticket price: 3 rubles for children (from 6 to 14 years old), 4 rubles for adults).
  • Enclosures with wild animals (ticket price: 2 rubles for children (from 6 to 14 years old), 3 rubles for adults).
  • Sightseeing tour with visit (ticket price: 6 rubles for children (from 1 year to 18 years), 10 rubles for adults).
  • Estate of Father Frost (bus tour, ticket price: 9 rubles for children (from 1 year to 14 years), 10 rubles for adults).

The Museum of Nature and enclosures with wild animals are located three hundred meters from the ticket office, open from 9.00 to 18.00. It is recommended to visit the enclosures before 16.00 (during daylight hours).
For a sightseeing bus tour with a visit to the Museum of Folk Life and Ancient Technologies, buses depart daily according to the following schedule: 11.00 and 14.00 for a group of more than 10 people.

Buses run daily to the Estate of Father Frost on the schedule: 11.00, 13.30 and 16.00. From December 10 on weekends and holidays buses to Santa Claus will depart every hour.

For those wishing to stay in Belovezhskaya Pushcha for several days, we offer accommodation in our hotels:

We are always glad to see you in Belovezhskaya Pushcha!

How to visit Belovezhskaya Pushcha during the New Year holidays?
(for legal entities)

What can you visit, what is the duration of the excursion and the cost of tickets?

GPU NP "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" offers the following excursions:

  • Museum of Nature Duration – 30 min. (Ticket cost: 3 rubles for children (from 6 to 14 years old), 4 rubles for adults, 20 rubles costs excursion service around the museum for a group of 10 to 50 people).
  • Enclosures with wild animals Duration – 1 hour. Ticket price: 2 rubles. children (from 6 to 14 years), 3 rub. adult.
  • Sightseeing tour with a visit to the Museum of Folk Life and Ancient Technologies Duration - 2-2.5 hours. Ticket price: 6 rubles. children (from 1 year to 18 years), 10 rub. adult. Having a microphone on your bus is a must!!!
  • Estate of Father Frost Duration – 2 hours. Ticket price: 9 rubles. children (from 1 year to 14 years), 10 rub. adult.

How to book an excursion, is prepayment required?

First you need to agree on the date and time of arrival by email [email protected] or by phone +375 1631 56 398 (for faster processing of your applications, it is better to contact by email).

After agreeing on the date and time, you must send your application by email [email protected] or send by fax +375 1631 56 398 (for faster processing of your applications, it is best to contact by email). Download the application for excursion services.

The application can be submitted either in cash or by bank transfer. Payment in cash is made on the day of the visit. When paying by bank transfer, you must make 100% prepayment before visiting the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park.

What is the procedure for visiting, what should the group leader do upon arrival in Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

Upon arrival in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the group leader must go to the ticket office (window for servicing tourist groups).

  • If your organization paid for excursions by bank transfer, the accompanying person must present to the cashier a copy of the payment order and a power of attorney for excursion services, after which the cashier issues a receipt and gives it to the group leader. With the receipt received, the group will visit tourist sites.
  • When paying in cash The group leader must have the entire amount in advance, with which he must go to the cashier and purchase the required number of tickets.

After receiving the receipt or tickets, the group leader needs to approach the dispatcher, introduce himself and give the name of the organization he represents. The dispatcher will tell the accompanying person how to visit the excursion sites. The dispatcher has the right to change the order of visiting excursion objects (i.e. the order of visiting excursion objects may not be the same as you indicated in the application).

Where to feed a group, how to book lunch, what is the average cost of lunch?


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