Africa is all about Lake Victoria. Natural resources and dangers of Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Victoria pollution

Lake Victoria is a vast natural pond with fresh water - the largest lake in area on the African continent. It is rich in flora, fauna and many species of exotic animals.

The local population calls it "Nyanza", which literally means " big water" The world map shows that the lake is located in the eastern part of Africa and is included in the territory of three states: Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.

Lake Victoria is located in eastern Africa along the equator. Tourists are attracted by various types of flowers and fish, as well as unique nature reserves. Visitors will not be left indifferent by the beautiful natural landscapes. Lake Victoria is a great place for professional fishermen, but it is a dangerous activity.

After all, there is a possibility that fishermen could become prey, since the lake is rife with crocodiles. Thanks to this, hunting tours for extreme sports enthusiasts have been created. Some animal species are on the verge of extinction due to frequent hunting activities.

Many tourists are attracted by the unique nature reserves that are formed around the lake. You can see their location on the map. Lake Victoria has endemic species of animals and plants. Its waters are home to a special species of lang fish, which, according to scientists, lived here about three hundred million years ago. It is impossible to find lang fish anywhere in the world.

Among the reserves there is a particularly famous park; its area is inhabited by more than half a thousand species of birds. The park is located on Rubondo Island. The island provides an opportunity for scientists to study different species of animals in the natural environment. There is a chance of meeting the Sitatunga antelope in the park.

Most visitors want to visit the island to meet the unique beauty of the animal. The antelope is attracted to lakes and marshy areas. Only walking is allowed in the park; driving is prohibited, in order to preserve nature.

Saanane Island is located in Tanzania, it is the smallest national park in this city. Also Mgingo Island, which is popular for fishing.

You can get to Lake Victoria by plane to the airport in the city of Mwanza or by train. Next, it is better to get to the lake shore by car or taxi. This will add up to about half an hour's drive.

It is advisable to visit National parks from November to March. During this period, on the islands of the southwestern part the climate becomes humid, and tropical downpours begin. Thanks to this, the area acquires beautiful wildflowers and more than 30 species of orchids.

Origin of Lake Victoria and its name

Until 1920, the lake was called Victoria Nyanza. The lake was then named by an English traveler in honor of Queen Victoria. Due to the fact that the lake borders three states, it goes by several names. In 1960, there were proposals by countries to give the lake one name. But there was no final decision.

Study and development of Lake Victoria

The lake was discovered by the English traveler John Henning Speke. It was he who gave the name to the lake. The development of the lake took place on July 30, 1858. John Speke suggested that the reservoir originates from the Nile. After Henry Stanley's expedition returned, John Speke's claim was confirmed.

History of Lake Victoria

According to scientists, the reservoir arose due to the formation of the Eduard and Albert depressions. Their location was in the fault zone in eastern Africa. This happened in the middle of the Anthropocene period. The place where the watercourse originated was facing east, on a plateau trough. Formed large body of water, the volume of which was considered enormous.

Physiographic characteristics of Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria is read as a relict lake. The shores of the lake are swampy, heavily indented, low and flat. Victoria has wonderful sandy beaches. For example, the shores of Saanane Island are mostly rocky, but there are also gently sloping areas. Around the lake there are savannas, to the north-west of the coast there is an equatorial forest with a humid climate.

Depth of Lake Victoria

In some places, the transparency of the lake can reach up to 8 m. Thanks to the large number of islands and bays, a variety of underwater landscapes are created: sandy soils, rocky screes. Lake Victoria exceeds its size Sea of ​​Azov, which is why it is often called the sea.

During periods of strong hurricanes, bays and bays provide shelter for ships. According to scientific research, it is believed that Lake Victoria had large area than today. At that time, the lake covered the entire area of ​​Uganda. His East Coast had a border with Lake Rudolph. It is not uncommon for the water level on Lake Victoria to fluctuate.

A large amount of water rise was noted in 1961-1964. The length of the coastline is more than 7000 km. The height above sea level is 1134 m. The area of ​​the lake is more than 68 thousand km2. The most great depth The reservoir is 80 m long. The length is more than 300 km and the width is more than 200 km. The average depth of the lake is 40 m.

Lake Victoria is significantly different on the world map; it is larger in area than most lakes. The lake has numerous islands, the largest of which are the islands of Kome, Ukerewe, and Mansome.


The climate is equatorial-tropical. There are two rainy seasons a year. Due to the large amount of water in the lake, the climate is moderated within a radius of about 80 km. There is a decrease in air dryness and temperature.

Seasons are distinguished by the amount of precipitation. There are periods of heavy rainfall in the summer, leading to flooding, and in the winter there is less rainfall. Within a month in winter period There may be no precipitation.

In summer, about 1700 ml can be poured out almost every day. precipitation. This often happens during the tropical rainy season. In April and May, precipitation occurs more often - these are especially rainy months.

In one month, Lake Victoria receives approximately 250 ml of water. The air temperature very rarely drops below +26 °C. The water temperature of the upper layer can heat up to +24 °C. As a rule, there is no frost or snow in this area.

Hurricanes and tornadoes are possible, so the lake is considered one of the most dangerous places in the world. In addition, the territory of Lake Victoria has a large number of poisonous insects. Due to the hot climate, a large volume of water evaporates, but there is no shallow water body.

The enormous evaporation is offset by tropical rainfall. The climate is very changeable; hot weather can be replaced by cold and wet wind within a day. This is due to the fact that the lake is located above sea level.

Precipitation in millimeters from 1956 to 1978:

Flora and fauna

Reeds, papyrus, and banana palms are often found on the coast. The most common plants are: acacia, mimosa, cypress.

Lake Victoria on the world map has picturesque islands. Hippos, flamingos, and Venetian cranes live here. This is where some species of fish are found that can live in an aquarium. There are more than 300 thousand species of aquatic inhabitants in the lake, of which species are known that do not live anywhere else.

The lake is inhabited by fireback, crimson, and representatives of the cichlid family. They differ in one feature - when danger approaches, the fry tend to hide in the female’s mouth. When the danger has passed, they swim out. The lake is home to an unusual species of fish called protoptera.

The fish is distinguished by the fact that it can breathe not only with gills, but also with lungs. The island is home to various species of exotic butterflies. A variety of venomous snakes can be seen here, so it is advisable to have a guide.

In the Rubondo Nature Reserve you can find green monkeys, hippopotamuses, porcupines, rhinoceroses, elephants, chimpanzees, mongooses, and giraffes. A variety of birds decorate the lake shores in a variety of bright colors.

Varieties of birds can be found here: storks, eagles, cormorants, royal kingfishers, ibises. New species of fish appear in the lake. About 5 species were found that differ in their color.

The lake is home to Nile perch, which can reach up to 1 m in length. The presence of hippopotamuses in the lake sometimes leads to the death of people. The weight of the animal varies from 1.5 to 4 tons, so it can easily overturn a boat.

Flowing rivers

The rivers that flow into the lake bring about 18% of the water.

Some rivers flowing into Lake Victoria and their characteristics:

  1. The Kagera River is the main river that flows into the reservoir from the east, its length is more than 30 km.
  2. Nzoia is about 250 km long, located in Kenya, and is an important natural resource, has many waterfalls.

Ecological state

The ecological state of Lake Victoria is in great danger. This is happening due to the rapid cutting down of trees along the entire coast. In addition, the population along the coast is increasing. Due to global warming, the amount of precipitation is decreasing - this is another reason for the reduction in the volume of water in the lake.

Due to the fact that the shores of Lake Victoria are gradually populated by people, the environment is suffering

More than 40% of the fish disappears, because the enterprises drain dirty water, as well as sewage water from local settlements. The bottom of the lake is polluted with various wastes and chemicals. During periods of heavy rain, some of the fertilizer is washed off from the fields and pollutes Victoria. To increase the number of fish, Nile perch was introduced into the reservoir, then many fish in the lake disappeared.

This damage was enormous and largely irreparable. In addition, water lilies brought to Africa harmed the lake and their inhabitants. Water lilies are very resilient and have strong reproduction.

In 1990, the fish population in the lake greatly decreased, due to water lilies that absorb large amounts of oxygen. Also, their antennae block the inflow and outflow of water, and this complicates navigation.

During the 20th century, the level of phosphorus in Lake Victoria doubled due to the proliferation of Nile perch, as well as overcrowding and deforestation. Perhaps this is what led to the emergence of cyanobacteria, which causes the destruction of fish.

The Owen Falls dam allowed the water level to rise to 3 m. Environmentalists warn that within 60 years all aquatic life may die due to the entry of harmful chemicals into the reservoir. Participate in the conservation of the reservoir local residents, as well as some organizations. Experts recommend reducing fishing and chemical pollution of the lake.

How Lake Victoria is used

The majority of the local population grows coffee, bamboo and cotton. There are several ports on the coast of the lake, and shipping is active. Residents of Africa use the fresh water of Lake Victoria. There is good development here water transport, organized major ports.

Near Africa there is a large deposit of gold and diamonds. Nile perch is well purchased for the European population, at an expensive price. The local population is engaged in fishing; fish processing takes place in factories near the coast of Lake Victoria.

Recreational resources of Lake Victoria

Thanks to the construction of a power plant on the shore and basin of the lake, the lake's hydro resources are visible. The leakage of Lake Victoria occurs in a village located in the city of Uganda. About 12 thousand years ago, the White Nile was located in this area.

This section of the river has broken through a dam from rocks and rocks. In 1952, a power plant was created. Engineers have improved this natural dam and reservoir. In 2002, a second power plant was established. According to research by hydrologists, it was revealed that a large leak of water through power plants led to a huge change in the water level in the reservoir.

  1. Lake Victoria has the bulk of fresh water. It is considered one of the largest freshwater bodies of water on the entire planet.
  2. According to geologists, it is believed that the lake dried up several times.
  3. More than 34 million live around the lake. The area of ​​Lake Victoria is comparable to the territory of Ireland.
  4. The history of Victoria begins about 400 thousand years ago.
  5. Due to the lake being infected with schistomatosis, swimming in it is prohibited.
  6. There is a fly on the shore of the lake that infects people with sleeping sickness.
  7. In this area it is possible to become infected with yellow fever or malaria.
  8. Lake Victoria has more than 2000 islands.

Despite the deteriorating ecology and reduction in heavy rains, the lake preserves unique species of animals. A visit to this place will allow you to enjoy the picturesque nature and meet rare ichthyofauna. On the world map you can see all the rivers flowing into Lake Victoria. Some of them have beautiful waterfalls.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

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Travel to Lake Victoria:

Continent Africa is a territory that is associated with the world's largest desert. This is the Sahara Desert. The climate here is such that it is almost impossible to imagine sailing on ferries in the very heart of Africa. But there is a lake - Lake Victoria, which accomplishes all this. That is, the continent of Lake Victoria is Africa. Lake Victoria is the third largest lake in the world and the largest on the continent of Africa.

The location of Lake Victoria is Northern part East African plateau. Lake Victoria has an area of ​​68,800 km2. The maximum depth of the lake is 80 m. It has a very rugged coastline. Currently, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda are the states that own the lake. The length of Lake Victoria is 400 km.

The lake was named after the Queen of England - Victoria. John Henning Speke is the man who discovered it.
The climate of the lake is considered equatorial. The highest temperature here reaches 35 °C. And as is typical for Africa, summer is the cold season. So, the coldest month in this area is July. The warmest days are observed from October to the end of February. Precipitation is uneven. In some places it’s up to 1000 mm per year, and in others it’s 2000 mm. Spring is a time of storms. It also rains at this time.

Animal world Lake Victoria is very diverse. For example, the fish that are found here belong to the cichlid family. The most common ones are Balti and Nile perches. The shores of Lake Victoria are home to various species of birds. Some of them are flamingos.

Since the lake is surrounded by mountainous terrain, there are accordingly a lot of plants. The basis of all vegetation is made up of deciduous forests and savannas. Tall grasses and rare trees grow here. The crowns of such trees are shaped like an umbrella. Sometimes there are swamps. Papyrus grows in the swamps. It is worth noting that papyrus grows not only in the coastal part, but also in the water of Lake Victoria itself.

There is a plant here that poses a great threat to other representatives of the lake. Water hyacinth is a plant that lives on the surface of water and reproduces at a very high speed. The danger is that the water is covered with a kind of carpet and the rays of the sun do not enter the water. As a result, many living organisms in Lake Victoria die.

Bantu are the inhabitants of Lake Victoria. The population here is growing at a rapid rate. Other inhabitants include the Nilotes tribe. The Sese Islands are home to the Basese tribe. The Basese differ from all the tribes of the lake in their culture and language. Life here depends on fishing and farming.

VICTORIA, Victoria Nyanza, lake in East Africa, the second largest (after Lake Superior) among the world’s freshwater lakes, turned into a reservoir with the world’s largest useful volume (204.8 km 3); in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. The area of ​​the lake is 68.9 thousand km2, length 320 km, width up to 275 km, volume 2700 km3, depth up to 92 m. The length of the coastline is over 3450 km. Tanzania owns 49% of the water area and 33% of the coastline of the southern part of the lake, Uganda - 45 and 50% of the northwestern part, respectively, Kenya - 6 and 17% of the northeastern part of the lake.

The Victoria Basin, one of the “Great Lakes” of Africa, is located in a gentle tectonic trough of the crystalline basement in the eastern part of the African Platform. It arose in the middle of the Quaternary period simultaneously with the formation of narrow lake basins Albert and Edward during the formation of the western branch of the East African Rift System, which disrupted the previous flow into the Congo Basin. The new drainage system was turned east, towards the tectonic trough, where a vast reservoir was formed, the area of ​​which increased during pluvial eras. The flow of water from this reservoir formed the bed of the Victoria Nile River, which was directed during the formation of the Kabarega Falls into Lake Albert, and from it north into the Nile River. Victoria and located north of the lake Kyoga - relics of an ancient continental reservoir.

The modern coastline (at an altitude of 1134 m) is very rugged. Northern, Eastern and southern coast low-lying, sandy, with many bays (the largest are Vinam, Speke), the western coast is more elevated and leveled. There are over 3000 islands in the water area with total area about 6 thousand km 2, the largest are Ukereve, Rubondo, Kome, Sese Islands. 17 rivers flow into Victoria, the most water-bearing is the Kagera River (considered the source of the Nile - one of the longest rivers in the world). After the construction of the Owen Falls hydroelectric complex on the Victoria Nile River in 1954 with a dam height of 31 m and a hydroelectric power station, due to flow regulation, the water level in Victoria began to slowly rise. By the beginning of 1965, it became 3 m above the long-term average level, the area of ​​the lake reservoir reached 76 thousand km 2.

In the incoming part of Victoria's water balance, the share of rainwater is 82-87%, runoff from the catchment area is 13-18%, in the outgoing part - evaporation from the surface of the reservoir is 76-83%, and the flow of lake water mass is 17-24%. The small share of river waters in the lake’s nutrition is a consequence small area catchment (190 thousand km 2). Due to low flow rates, the average residence time of water in Victoria is about 25 years.

Victoria is located in the equatorial belt. On the shores of Winam Bay in Kisumu (Kenya) average annual temperature air temperature is 23.1°C, precipitation is about 1300 mm per year. Victoria is characterized by severe storms caused by hurricane-force winds during tropical thunderstorms. The water level changes dramatically depending on the layer of precipitation, the water content of floods on tributaries and storm surges. The average long-term range of intra-annual level fluctuations is 0.5 m.

The surface layer of the lake water mass, almost uniform in temperature (23-25.8 ° C), has a thickness of 30-40 m. With strong south-eastern winds and the greatest cooling of the surface (usually in June - July), mixing spreads to the bottom, providing annual convective - dynamic circulation of the entire water column. The salinity of Victoria's waters is low (88 mg/l). Below is the average long-term chemical composition of the lake waters (mg/l): HCO - 3 56.1; SO 2- 4 2.3; Cl - 3.9; Ca 2+ 5.6; Mg 2+ 2.6; Na + 10.4; K+3.8; SiO 2 3.0.

According to observations, in coastal zone Kenya has a high oxygen content in the surface trophogenic layer - up to 8-14 mg/l (100-180% saturation in calm periods) - with depth it decreases to 4-7 (50-80%) at a horizon of 10 m and to 1-4 mg /l - at a horizon of 40 m. In the shallow and storm-protected Vinam Bay, an equally low O 2 content was noted at a depth of 10 m, near the bottom. This is due to the negative impact of contaminated domestic wastewater from the city of Kisumu and other settlements, as well as agricultural runoff in the river basins flowing into the bay. Water transparency is low, it varies from 0.2 m in February with a water turbidity of 12-22 mg/l to 1.5 m in September (<10 мг/л). С 1930-х годов прозрачность уменьшилась более чем в 5 раз. В заливе Винам иногда наблюдается цветение воды. Подобные очаги антропогенного эвтрофирования в целом мезотрофной экосистемы Виктории наблюдаются и на других участках прибрежной зоны. Средняя скорость озёрного илонакопления 0,5-1 мм/год.

The transformation of the lake into a reservoir caused minor changes in the natural conditions and economy of the sparsely populated coast. The level rise did not exceed 1.4 m above the highest level of the lake. Victoria continues to boast pristine beauty and diverse flora and fauna. Macrophytes are dominated by papyrus and hornwort, providing shelter for fry. Phytoplankton is represented by diatoms (melosira, fragillaria, cyclotella), green algae (pediastrum, stagedesmus), dinophytes (glenodinium), cyanobacteria (lingbia, spirulina, anabena). There are numerous crocodiles in the waters. The main commercial fish are Nile perch, introduced in 1978, and tilapia. Protected areas are located mainly on the islands, for example, Rubondo National Park (relict tropical vegetation; inhabited by elephants, rhinoceroses, giraffes, oryxes, sitatunga forest antelopes, hippopotamuses, fat-bodied animals, chimpanzees, green monkeys, porcupines, mongooses, pythons, mambas, cobras; birds are numerous). To preserve Victoria's unique aquatic ecosystem, the Lake Victoria Fisheries Convention was adopted in 1994. Used as a source of water supply, for recreation (sailing). Fishing, shipping. The main ports are Mwanza, Bukoba (Tanzania), Entebbe (Uganda), Kisumu (Kenya). Discovered in 1858 by J. H. Speke, named after the Queen of Great Britain.

Lit.: Data book of world lake environments. Otsu, 1988. Vol. 1; Report on lake Victoria environmental management project. S. 1., 1995; Yin H., Nicholson S.E. The water balance of Lake Victoria // Hydrological Sciences Journal. 1998. Vol. 43(5); Nikanorov A. M. Hydrochemistry. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 2001.

M. D. Ananicheva, K. K. Edelshtein.

Our planet is amazingly picturesque and diverse. It captivates travelers with its wonderful reservoirs, mighty rocks, and spacious plains. In Africa and the USA there is a wonderful lake - Victoria. If we consider the first area, it occupies three large stretches of land: Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. It covers each of the regions and in total is 68 thousand square kilometers. Its width is 275 km, and its depth is no more than 80 meters. The lake was first found and explored in 1858 by traveler Speke. He decided to name his discovery himself and notify the authorities about it. As you know, the lake began to be called Victoria (in honor of the English queen). It is considered highland, as it is located in a tectonic trough, and is also located at an altitude of 1134 m above sea level.

Interesting information

Lake Victoria has long been considered a sea. All this is due to the enormous size and depth of the waters. It occupies the third position in size among freshwater lakes and has the shape of a giant irregular oval. The length is 350 km, and the width is on average 200 km. Sometimes there are wetlands, less often - crystal clear ones. Along the perimeter there are rocks that drop off sharply and create the impression of a giant shield. Lake Victoria is full of headlands, bays and peninsulas. They connect perfectly, flow into each other and create indescribable landscapes. Ships that cross the lake usually hide in bays during storms and bad weather. The climate here is very unique; it has been formed over many years. It can be swelteringly hot one day and damp and cold the next. Gusts of wind always shake the waters, even huge rocks and capes are not able to protect against this. By the way, the lake was recognized as one of the most dangerous in the world.

Lake in the USA

Lake Victoria (USA) is located east of Michigan. It was discovered by the French and is replete with islands. Its area is 59,600 square kilometers and its depth is 229 meters. According to legend, many ships sank and are stored in the lake. It is perfect for snorkeling and diving and attracts thousands of tourists every year. In the freshwater body of water, among all the islands, Manitoulin is considered the main and largest.

Lake in Africa

It should be noted that Lake Victoria (Africa) has nothing in common with the American one. Its area is 68 thousand square kilometers, depth - 80 meters. It is navigable, has a large variety of fish, and its coastline crosses the equator. The only similarity with the US lake is the presence of various islands. It flows into the Kager River and fills the depression between the eastern and western sides of the Great Gorge valley. Thanks to partial rains, the water is constantly replenished and enriched with essential microelements. The lake is home to crocodiles and lang fish (a rare species that lived about 300 years ago). She is able to breathe and trap air in her gills, like in her lungs. Such water inhabitants are considered very rare and at the same time the pride of local residents. Lake Victoria in Africa is the second largest in the world, compared to other freshwater lakes.

Lake Victoria, the world's second largest freshwater lake after the Great Lakes, is at risk of extinction, scientists have warned. The area of ​​the lake is divided between three countries: Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Fishermen call Lake Victoria "Nalubale", meaning "lake of the gods", and believe that its resources are endless.

However, scientists claim that the reality is completely different. Overfishing and water pollution have significantly impacted the lakes. A fisherman from Uganda said that the fish catch had decreased last year:

“My name is Kawesi Edi and I have been fishing in Lake Victoria for 10 years. Lately the catch is very small, and life is hard... Today you can catch about 10 kg of fish, but before it was from 100 to 500 kg.”

Since the 1980s, Lake Victoria's biodiversity has declined by 50%, especially for fish. More and more fertilizers and pesticides are getting into the waters of the lake, which are washed away from agricultural lands by rain. This led to active growth of algae, which in turn reduced the amount of oxygen for fish.

Lake Victoria is inhabited by water hyacinth. The plant grows quickly, forming a carpet of sorts on the surface of the water that impedes boat traffic and clogs part of the Owen Falls Dam. Water hyacinth uses oxygen in the water and blocks sunlight from entering. Fish and aquatic plants such as plankton cannot live without oxygen or sun. Therefore, the spread of water hyacinth also needs to be controlled. One way is to constantly clear the lake by hand, or “set” weevils on the hyacinth. Additionally, perch farming has led to the extinction of hundreds of cichlid species. Many of which are endemic and found nowhere else in the world. Perch are known to quickly deplete the population of smaller lake fish.

Deforestation of neighboring regions, construction, and global warming also threaten the ecosystem of Lake Victoria. Experts emphasize the need for more efforts to reduce pressure on the lake from overfishing, industrial pollution, eutrophication and sedimentation, and preserve the lake's ecosystem for future generations.

Interesting facts about Lake Victoria

  • Lake Victoria's water surface area is 68,800 square kilometers, making it the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world.
  • The maximum depth of Lake Victoria does not exceed 84 meters, and the average depth is 40 meters.
  • Lake Victoria is located in the western part of Africa's Great Rift Valley. The lake was formed 400,000 years ago by the uplift of a block of the earth's crust, which blocked the movement of rivers from the east.
  • Over the course of its four hundred thousand-year history, the lake completely dried up three times.
  • Until the 20th century, Lake Victoria was considered the source of the White Nile, the longest tributary of the famous Nile River. However, in 1937, German explorer Burkhard Waldecker explored the lake basin and determined that the source of the White Nile was the Kagera River.
  • Lake Victoria has more than 3,000 islands.


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